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    1. 全卷共8页,有七大题,71小题.全卷满分100分.考试时间100分钟.
    2. 请用2B铅笔将选择题的答案填涂在答题纸相应位置上,用0.5毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将
    3. 答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的《注意事项》,按规定答题。
    第一部分 听力部分(共15分)
    1. Wh is Jane's favurite writer?
    A. B. C.
    2. What prblem are the speakers talking abut?
    A. B. C.
    3. Which match will Le train fr?
    A. B. C.
    4. Why will Bruce spend mre time in Australia?
    A. B. C.
    5. Where was the pht mst prbably taken?
    A. B. C.
    6. Which wnder des Bb want t write abut?
    A. The Great Wall.B. Munt Huangshan.C. The Huku Waterfall.
    7. Why is he interested in it?
    A. Because f its size.B. Because f its beauty.C. Because f its histry.
    8. Hw can the smart windw help?
    A. It can clean the glass.B. It can tell the weather.C. It can pen and clse itself.
    9. When was it invented?
    A. In July.B. In September.C. In Nvember.
    10.What might be the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student.B. Mther and snC. Manager and custmer.
    第二部分 笔试部分(共85分)
    The Stry f Brighty the Burr
    There nce lived a grey burr called Brighty in the Grand Canyn. Over the years, this burr wn the hearts f lcal peple, turists and even the President f the US.
    Brighty first arrived at the 16 in 1892 with tw prspectrs(采矿者). On their way t the Suth Rim f the Canyn, the prspectrs 17 Brighty near the Clrad River by accident. Brighty was alne in the canyn, but surprisingly, he was 18 n mre heavy things t carry!
    Fr mnths, Brighty enjyed the freedm and the beautiful land. On a very ht day, he walked 19 the river t make himself cl and then swam t the Nrth Rim.
    At the Nrth Rim, Brighty ften visited a camp, and there he 20 . The caretakers at the camp, the Mckees, 21 treated him like part f the family and made his favurite flapjacks (烙饼) every day. Brighty helped them with their daily 22 . He pulled heavy bags f water up t the campgrund, many times a day!23 Brighty was busy, he still played with children visiting the camp. He always welcmed them and gave rides t them 24 .
    On ne special day, President Rsevelt visited the Nrth Rim and planned t create a park in the canyn. Sn 25 arrived and started their wrk. Whack! Whack! Whack! The unusual sunds caught Brighty's attentin. Feeling 26 , he went twards the sunds and culdn't believe his eyes. The men were busily building a bridge t cnnect the Nrth and Suth Rims. Immediately, the men made 27 help build the bridge with his strng back.
    At last, the bridge was 28 . President Rsevelt gave Brighty an hnur: he wuld be the first t walk ver the bridge because he was the ldest and mst 29 inhabitant (居民) f the Grand Canyn. Brighty lived in the canyn fr almst 30 years and died many years ag, but his stries 30 in the canyn.
    Every year, mre than 1.1 millin tns f plastics end up in the cean (海洋). It can take centuries fr the waste, such as plastic bttles and single-use bags, t break dwn. That seriusly harms wildlife living there. Are yu an ec-warrir(生态卫士)?Are yu ready t help save the cean frm plastic pllutin?
    We are stpping plastic pllutin that kills cean animals!
    31. In which activity will peple make a vide?
    A. Art Exhibitin.B. DIY Club.C. Trivia Night.D. Beach Clean.
    32. If Je wins in Trivia Night, what prize can he get?
    A. A clth bagB. An ec-friendly watch.C. A recycled umbrella.D. A china cup
    33. What is the study tur abut?
    A. Using the waste.B. Studying cean animals.C. Living by the sea.D. Fighting plastic pllutin
    When yu meet a strange Chinese character(汉字) what will yu d? Surely, the mst reliable way is t lk it up in Xinhua Dictinary.
    Since its birth in 1953, Xinhua Dictinary has been a must-have bk in schls acrss China. Mre than 567 millin cpies had been sld by 2016.S it was even recgnized by the Guinness Wrld Recrds as the "mst ppular dictinary" that year.
    Small as the dictinary is, it means a lt t China. The dictinary was given the name Xinhua by the chief editr Wei Jiangng, and it carried the hpe f a cuntry rebrn. In 1949,arund 80%f China's ppulatin wasn't able t get educatin (教育). It was Xinhua Dictinary that had reduced the number t 52% by 1964.T make it easier fr illiterate peple t understand, the earliest cpies had many pictures.
    Thanks t Xinhua Dictinary, many Chinese gt new chances in their life. M Yan, the 69-year-ld Nbel Laureate, nce mentined the dictinary in his speech. He said that he was lucky t have a cpy f the dictinary after drpping ut frm schl. He learned mst f Chinese characters frm it, and that helped him write nvels and enter a cllege later.
    This imprtant dictinary has als recrded the develpment f the language and sciety. It is revised (修订) every five t ten years. Recent cpies have included many new explanatins. The character“晒” (t dry smething in the sun),fr example, nw has a secnd meaning: t share. In a way, the dictinary hasn't just explained characters; it has reflected(反映) the way Chinese peple think.
    34. When did Xinhua Dictinary first cme ut?
    A. In 1949.B. In 1953.C. In 1964D. In 2016
    35. What des the underlined phrase “illiterate peple” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Peple wh are bad at maths.B. Peple wh can't draw r sing.
    C. Peple wh are t ld t see.D. Peple wh can't read r write.
    36. Why des the writer use the example f M Yan in Paragraph 4?
    A. T share a speech abut the dictinary.B. T ffer advice n using the dictinary
    C. T shw the influence f the dictinary.T explain the develpment f the dictinary.
    37. Which part f a magazine is the passage prbably taken frm?
    A. Nature.B. Peple.C. Culture.D. Business.
    In a nisy restaurant, yu can still hear yur friend's vice clearly. Yu talk happily withut paying attentin t thers' cnversatins. That's because selective(选择性的)attentin is helping yu.
    Selective attentin is an amazing ability in ur brain. It allws peple t chse and fcus n (专注于) smething in the envirnment. At the same time, it can filter ut (过滤) unnecessary infrmatin, s peple can fcus n ne cnversatin in a crwded place. But hw des selective attentin wrk? Researchers frm Clumbia University did an experiment t study it. The result shws that the brain is selective abut the sunds it hears. When a persn listens t smene talking, their brain waves(波)change t pick ut the features f the speaker's vice and filter ut ther vices.
    T further understand hw selective attentin wrks, the researchers studied tw parts f the brain's listening centre: Heschl’s gyrus(HG)and the superir tempral gyrus(STG). Infrmatin frm the ears reaches HG first, passes thrugh it and arrives at STG later. In the study, they fund the fllwing facts: in HG area, every vice is treated the same way. That is t say, HG desn't prefer ne vice r anther; But in STG area, it’s pssible t chse ne speaker's vice and make it luder. The whle prcess (过程) nly takes 150 millisecnds and it happens immediately t a listener. As a result, peple can fcus n ne vice when there are many ther cnversatins arund.
    “Tday's study is quite imprtant. We want t better understand hw the brain helps us t hear s well, as well as create technlgies that help peple,” said Dr. Mesgarani, the leader f the researchers. With the help f the finding, speech recgnitin technlgies have been imprved. The researchers have already develped a new kind f hearing aid that can help cllect infrmatin mre crrectly. It culd make ne speaker's vice luder ver anther. They als plan t study mre abut HG and STG activity in situatins that have mre speakers.
    38.What can selective attentin help peple d accrding t the passage?
    A. Chse where t talk.B. Hear mre in a cnversatin
    C. Frget unnecessary infrmatin.D. Fcus n ne vice in a nisy place.
    39.Which picture shws the prcess in the listening centre?
    A. B. C. D.
    40.What will the researchers mst prbably study in the future?
    A. Hw t imprve listeningB. Hw the listening centre wrks.
    C. Hw t make a better hearing aid.D. Hw HG and STG prtect each ther.
    41.What's the best title fr the passage?
    A. A Great Ability in BrainB. A New Study n Technlgies
    C. A Key t Reducing NiseD. A Way t Make Cnversatin
    It was late n Christmas Eve. Reyn, the wner f a watch repair shp, was preparing t clse the dr when he suddenly saw a yung man walking twards his shp. The man lked pale and serius in a thin jacket. Reyn nticed the hand f the man shaking uneasily in the right pcket f the jacket. "Maybe there's a pistl (手枪) in it, "Reyn's heart beat fast, but a vice inside him said, "Dn't be afraid."
    The man came clser and said in a lw vice, "Give me the mney. Right nw!" Reyn tk a deep breath and smiled, pinting t his ear and pretending (假装) that he was unable t hear anything. The man lked surprised.
    Fr a lng time, the tw peple just std face t face, in silence. Just then, Reyn nticed a watch n the man's wrist. It was an ld ne wrth n mre than 5 punds, but it was the mst valuable thing n him. The watch seemed t g wrng. An idea then came int his mind.
    He pinted t the man's watch and picked up the tl used fr repairing. “Des he want t help me repair the watch? “The man thught and suddenly became embarrassed. Lking at him, Reyn understd that the man had n chice but t ask fr mney n such an evening. Reyn began t feel srry fr him.
    The watch was cmmn, but at this mment it had great pwer-it kept the tw men in balance and gave Reyn time t find a way ut.
    Reyn started t repair the watch carefully and this actin wn the man's trust. His hand came ut f his pcket, and he even watched Reyn with interest.
    Hwever, Reyn purpsely left ut the last small part, s the watch still culdn't wrk. He put dwn the watch, shaking his head t shw that he culdn't repair it.
    Then he pinted t his “pawn(典当)shelf” full f clcks and watches. Reyn wrte a nte, explaining that he'd like t pay the man sme mney if he wanted t pawn the watch. Then he tk ut f100 and handed it t the man. The man lked at the mney thankfully. He knew that his watch wasn't wrth much.
    Three mnths later, Reyn received a remittance (汇款) f f100,tgether with a message frm the yung man: “ ▲ ”
    42. What happened between Reyn and the man at the beginning?
    A. The man clsed Reyn's shp.B. The man asked fr Reyn's mney.
    C. Reyn gave the man a thin jacket.D. Reyn lst hearing because f the man.
    43. Why did Reyn help the yung man repair the ld watch?
    A. Because he fund the watch valuable.B. Because he thught the man was pr.
    C. Because he hped t escape frm the trubleD. Because he needed t shw his excellent skills
    44. Hw did Reyn's feelings change in the stry?
    A. Afraid-calm-srry-happy.B. Angry-srry-relaxed-afraid.
    C. Afraid-srry-excited-calm.D. Angry-relaxed-happy-srry.
    45.What did the yung man prbably write in the message? (请用约40词▣答。)
    Jacksn和同学们参加了学校英语节主题为A Tribute(致物t Heres的活动,他的小组正在为自己心目中的英雄制作“英雄卡”,请你根据他们所整理的材料帮忙完成“英雄卡”的制作。
    A. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文
    B. 用小方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。
    pinin until including cnsider brave
    Last mnth, my family travelled t Peru, a cuntry in Suth America. We stayed there fr six days and enjyed 61 (we) very much.
    Our trip began with a visit t the suth f Peru. On the first day, we tk 62 bat tur n Lake Titicaca. The water was really clean and the lake was 63 (simple) beautiful. There we met the Urs peple. The Urs are the peple wh have lived n the lake fr 64 (hundred) f years.
    After that, we spent three days having fun in Cusc. It’s an ancient city with many sights. We went t ne f 65 (famus) squares in central Cusc. It was relaxing t walk arund. Then we drve t Rainbw Muntain. Befre we started, we put n cmfrtable shes. We als wre big 66 (hat) t keep away the strng sunlight. The muntain is clurful and I lved climbing it, 67 my mum didn't. She felt tired because it's t high.
    Lima, the capital f Peru, was ur last stp. We went there 68 bus. Lima is a wnderful place t shp. We bught many gifts fr ur friends. We 69 (try)sme lcal fd as well. It was different but delicius.
    70 a fantastic trip! We hpe t visit Peru again.
    71.2023年12月22日,春节被确定为联合国假日,“中国年”升级为“世界年”.为宜传春节,学校即将举行Spring Festival in My Heart'”摄影展.请从下列照片中推荐一张最能代表春节文化的照片,描述其内容,并结合你的春节经历阐述其意义,完成参展推荐词。
    I think the pht named ____________ is great. ________________________________________________________
    ___________________________________________________________________________________________________Skansen Museum
    The wrld's 11 pen-air museum
    See and d
    * Museum buildings
    12 , wrkshps etc.
    * Hliday celebratin
    * The z
    Wild animals
    Opening hurs
    Weekdays,10 am - 3 pm
    Weekends,8 am - 14
    Please nte
    15 near histrical huses.
    Dn't ride bikes.
    A. biggest
    B. busiest
    C. ldest
    A. Farmhuses
    B. Hspitals
    C. Libraries
    A. Christmas Market
    B. Winter Lights
    C. Fish Talk
    A. 3pm
    B. 4pm
    C. 5 pm
    A. Dn't shut
    B. Dn't take phts
    C. Dn't have picnics
    A. z
    B. camp
    C. canyn
    D. market
    A. hurt
    B. left
    C. chse
    D. fllwed
    A. mad
    B. bred
    C. prud
    D. happy
    A. near
    B. int
    C. acrss
    D. alng
    A. made friends
    B. made prgress
    C. made nises
    D. made mistakes
    A. hardly
    B. never
    C. always
    D. smetimes
    A. task
    B. habit
    C. lessn
    D. exercise
    A. If
    B. Since
    C. Because
    D. Thugh
    A. lazily
    B. rudely
    C. secretly
    D. warmly
    A. wrkers
    B. children
    C. visitrs
    D. parents
    A. hpeful
    B. relaxed
    C. cnfident
    D. surprised
    A. us
    B. me
    C. him
    D. them
    A. cleaned
    B. changed
    C. cmpleted
    D. discvered
    A. plite
    B. helpful
    C. interesting
    D. successful
    A. begin
    B. remain
    C. return
    D. finish
    Art Exhibitin
    DIY Club
    Trivia Night
    Beach Clean
    Fr Trivia Night
    Tp 10 ec-warrirs can
    win special clth bags.
    Fr Beach Clean
    1st place: an ec-friendly watch
    2nd place: a recycled umbrella
    3rd place: a china cup
    Watch an Ec-Art exhibitin abut the artwrks made f cean plastics.
    Learn abut cean plastics and reuse them t make new things.
    Test yur knwledge f plastic waste and win a prize.
    Cllect plastics by the sea and make a vide t call n thers.
    Mre infrmatin:
    Twn f Oyster Bay
    Twn f Oyster Bay © 2023/All Rights Reserved
    Fact Bx: Di Dngdng
    In 2023—wn the gld medals bth in the lng jumpT11 and the men's100m T11 at Hangzhu Asian Paralympic Games
    In 2021—wn the gld medal in the lng jump T11 and the brnze medal in the men's 100m T11 at the Tky Paralympics Games
    In 2016—wn the silver medal in the men's 4×100m T11-13 in the Ri Paralympic Games
    In 2013—his ability was nticed
    In 1999—suffered frm an eye illness and later culdn't see anything
    At a yung age—started t lve running and jumping
    In 1993—was brn in Liayang. Lianing Prvince
    Interview Bx: Di Dngdng
    Di Dngdng
    "In the early days f my lng jump
    training. I felt as if there was a deep hle in frnt f me, and I was t afraid t jump frward. With practice ver the
    years, I vercame(克服)the fear,"
    Skllls: running. 46
    "In rder t prepare fr the Tky Games, I hardly went hme. Training culd be bring and difficult. I thught abut stpping it, but I didn't give up."
    Paralympic medals
    gld: 1 silver: 1 brnze: 1
    Asian Paralympic medals
    gld: 47
    "During thse hard mments, my family, teammates, guide and cach always encuraged me. I want t thank them, fr guiding me in the right directin and teaching me."
    By XING WEN In Hangzhu China Daily Glbal I
    Imprtant fact
    ◆Smething wrng with his 48 since he was 6
    Ability was nticed at the age f 20
    Entered several wrld cmpetitins
    Secrets t success
    ◆Years f 49
    ◆Great curage and 50
    ◆Help frm peple arund him
    Wrry abut living at schl
    Jan.15, 2024, 3:30 pm
    I will have t live at schl next mnth. As a student in the 51 (第七) grade, I'm a bit wrried because it's a new experience fr me. In my daily life, I depend 52 (主要地) n my parents. If I live at schl, I’m afraid that I may 53 (未能达到;失败) t lk after myself. Besides, I've never lived with 54 (任何人) else except my family. I knw little abut hw t live with thers. What are the 55 (规则) fr
    sharing a rm? Wait fr advice.
    Re: Wrry abut living at schl
    Jan.18, 2024, 8:30 am
    Hi, Sandy. Dn't wrry. Yu will becme much 56 after yu live at schl. Here is my advice.
    1. Learn t d sme husewrk frm nw n, 57 washing clthes and making the bed. These basic life skills are necessary fr yu.
    2. Keep quiet at bed time and remember t tidy up the rm. In my 58 , they are bth imprtant.
    3. Cmmunicate with yur rmmates when yu have prblems. It 59 t be a gd way t get n well with thers.
    Living at schl is nt bad at all. Yu will never knw 60 yu try. Cme n!
    My Favurite Visit
    Get Tgether
    1-5 CBBCA
    6-10 CACBA
    11-15 CABBC
    16-20 CBDBA
    21-25 CADDA
    26-30 DCCBB
    31-35 DADBD
    36-40 CCDDB
    41-44 ABCA
    45. I have fund a jb nw. Althugh I dn’t get much mney frm the jb, I can supprt myself. (要点1)Thank yu fr pawning my watch. Yu helped me get ut f truble and made me feel warm. (要点2)May gd peple live a happy life.
    四、任务型阅读(本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分)
    46-50 lng jump2 / tweyeshard wrk/practice/traininga strng will
    五 、词汇运用 (本题有 10小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 10 分)
    51-55 seventhmainlyfailanyne/anybdyrules
    56-60 braverincludingpininis cnsidereduntil
    六 、语法填空(本题有 10 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 10 分)
    61-65 urselvesasimplyhundredsthe mst famus
    66-70 hatsbutbytriedWhat
    七 、书面表达(本题有 1 小题, 共 15 分)


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