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    时量:100分钟 满分:100分
    = 1 \* ROMAN I.听力(共两节,满分20分) 略
    = 2 \* ROMAN II.阅读(共三节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共11小题;每小题2分,满分22分)
    Pigs are nt nly lvable in everyday life but als ppular in bks and mvies. Lk at the fllwing cartn characters. Are yu a fan f pigs?
    21. Where des Wilbur live?
    A. In a city.B. In a village.C. On a farm.
    22. Frm the passage, we can learn that in Peppa’s family there may be _______ pigs.
    A. threeB. fur C. five
    23. Which sentence is TRUE?
    A. It is always full f sadness in Peppa Pig’s huse.
    B. T kill Wilbur, Charltte writes praises fr him in her web.
    C. Althugh Piglet is small, he has a big heart.
    As an intangible cultural heritage inheritr(非物质文化遗产传承人) f the ilpaper umbrella in Fuyang in Hangzhu, Zhejiang Prvince, Wen Shishan has been making ilpaper umbrellas fr mre than 30 years. He has always tried his best t bring the art t life. He has made 10 wnderful umbrellas t celebrate the 19th Asian Games Hangzhu 2022, which has been put ff until Sep. 23, 2023. He hpes t prmte(推广) ilpaper umbrella culture during the Games.
    In fact, he did a lt mre t pass n the art. “We ften hld activities t attract yung peple. Fr example, we went t Xixi Wetland during the Natinal Day hliday t shw umbrellas,” Wen said. And he has been t Greece befre t prmte Chinese umbrella culture. They are very ppular amng verseas Chinese, and he hpes t g abrad fr mre exchanges in the future.
    Wen has als visited many great artists t study umbrella-making skills. After learning, he has created his wn style f making.
    “As the inheritr in Zhejiang Prvince, I have the duty(责任) t make ilpaper umbrella-making shine again. I hpe that ne day, it will becme a natinal gift. I believe that day must cme.” Wen said.
    24. What is the main idea f the passage?
    A. The Chinese ilpaper umbrella.
    B. The traditinal Chinese arts.
    C. The ilpaper umbrella and its artist.
    25. Which f the fllwing is right abut Wen?
    A. He tries his best t prmte ilpaper umbrellas.
    B. He’s been making ilpaper umbrellas fr 23 years.
    C. He has made 10 wnderful umbrellas fr the game in Beijing.
    26. Why did Wen Shishan g t Greece?
    A. T shw Chinese umbrellas.
    B. T prmte Chinese umbrella culture.
    C. T get mre exchanges in the future.
    27. In which part f a magazine can we read the text?
    A. Culture. B. News. C. Sprts.
    Fr American teenagers, ding a part-time jb is an imprtant part f grwing up. They can learn sme imprtant skills by ding a part-time jb. They can als make sme mney in this way. Many teenagers believe that making their wn mney brings them pride and freedm.
    American teenagers can d part-time jbs at the age f 14. On weekdays, they may g t wrk a few hurs a week after schl. They usually wrk fr lnger n weekends.
    In summer, American teenagers are excited if they find part-time jbs at camps, swimming pls and amusement parks. These jbs can bring them t much fun.
    Sme f the mst stressed(有压力的) jbs include teaching, nursing, and plice wrk. But these jbs can be useful fr their future. When they grw up, the students with wrk experience are mre likely(可能的) t succeed than thse withut wrk experience.
    A favrite jb fr many teenagers is taking care f babies, they can start befre the age f 14. What they nly d is t stay in the huse and make sure the kids are OK. At the same time, they can d their hmewrk, watch TV, r talk n the phne with friends.
    It is imprtant t balance schl, hmewrk and a part-time jb. Many American teenagers agree t d a part-time jb and they value(珍视) their wrk experience and the skills frm the jb.
    28. The American teenagers d a part-time jb fr _______.
    A. talking with friends B. getting mney C. helping their families
    29. A stressed jb fr many teenagers is _______.
    A. wrking at a swimming pl
    B. helping teenagers with their hmewrk
    C. talking with freigners
    30. The underlined(划线的) wrd “balance” may mean “_______” in Chinese.
    A. 接受B. 标志C. 平衡
    31. What’s the passage mainly abut?
    A. Sme ppular part-time jbs amng American teenagers.
    B. Hw t make mre mney and learn mre skills.
    C. American teenagers and their part-time jbs.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    Dreams may make yu smart. 32. ___________. What is a dream exactly? 33. ___________. It tries t cnnect(连接) yur new experiences with the ld memries. As yur brain cnnects things, it turns them int a stry, and then yu get a dream.
    34. ___________. What has happened during the day may be painful. While yu are sleeping, hwever, the brain will replay the painful memries in a safe dream space. There the bad memries becme less painful, and yu will feel better after waking up.
    Dreams als seem t be able t help yu learn. This idea is supprted by a study. 35. ___________. They say a sweet dream might help yu get higher marks.
    Dreams may make yu mre creative, t. It was reprted that a famus sng writer came up with his best sng in a dream, and wrte it dwn as sn as he wke up. 36. ___________. In fact, the sngwriter spent a lt f time thinking abut the sng befre the dream. In a wrd, hard wrk matters mre fr creativity, thugh dreams als have a rle t play.
    第三节 (共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)
    Once a yung man was traveling by train. It was a lng and bring trip. The train was mving past many wildernesses(荒野). Mst f the passengers all lked ut f the windw quietly. When the train reached a bend(转弯处), it slwed dwn and then a cmmn huse came int the peple’s eyesight.
    It was s easy t find that everybdy n the train turned t “enjy” with eyes wide pen. The yung man was als interested in what he saw. Sme passengers even began t have a discussin abut it.
    On his return, the yung man gt ff the train at the nearest statin and fund the way t the huse. Its hst tld him that he was trubled by the nise f the train. He wuld like t sell the huse, but nbdy wuld buy it. S he had t stay there and stand the nise every day.
    Knwing that the yung man decided t spend 30,000 dllars n the huse. His act really surprised the hst. But the yung man thught it was a gd place fr advertisement(广告), because it was facing the railway bend. When the train mved slwly passed, the tired passengers wuld gt very interested in the huse.
    Then he began t telephne sme big cmpanies and tld them that the huse culd be used fr advertisement. At last, the Cca-Cla Cmpany tk it t put up their advertisement. T everyne’s surprise, the yung man gt 180,000 dllars mney fr a three-year rent(租金).
    This is a true stry. It tells us that bserving(观察) carefully is very imprtant t success. Many peple have gt new ideas frm it.
    37. Hw was the trip?

    38. Why did the hst want t sell the huse?

    39. Did the yung man buy the huse?

    40. What can yu learn frm the stry?

    第一节 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    What is the mst ppular snack in summer? Prbably the ice llly(冰棍) is. 41 making it at hme yurself? It’s nt difficult.
    First, 42 fur t five ranges, and get as much juice as yu can. 43 a spn f sugar and sme milk t the juice. Dn’t put in 44 sugar. It’s nt gd fr yur teeth. Next, get yur ice llly mlds(模具) ready. If yu dn’t have 45 , yu can use a cup. Its 46 t buy sme mlds if yu ften make ice lllies.
    Then, pur the 47 int yur mlds. Dn’t fill the mlds t full, 48 water expands(膨胀) as it becmes ice. Finally, put the mlds in the fridge. Wait 49 least three hurs. Then yur ice lllies are ready. 50 them with yur family. Dn’t try t eat all f them yurself.
    41. A. Hw ften B. Hw muchC. Hw abut
    42. A. cut B. shake C. peel
    43. A. Add B. Jin C. Cver
    44. A. much t B. t much C. t many
    45. A. any B. sme C. all
    46. A. traditinal B. necessary C. pssible
    47. A. ice B. milk C. juice
    48. A. but B. sC. because
    49. A. t B. at C. fr
    50. A. Share B. Cut C. Send
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    D yu knw Stnehenge(巨石阵)? It’s ne f Britain’s mst famus histrical(历史上重要的) 51. _______ (place). Every year mre than 750,000 peple visited it. Peple like t g t this place as they want t see the sun 52. _______ (rise) n the lngest day f the year, especially 53. _______ June. Different peple have different ideas abut Stnehenge. Sme histrians believed Stnehenge was a temple(寺庙), 54. _______ histrian Paul Stker thinks this can’t be true because Stnehenge was built many centuries ag. Other peple believe the stnes were used t keep peple 55. _______ (health). N ne is sure what Stnehenge was used fr, but mst agree that the psitin f the stnes must be fr 56. _______ special purpse. Peple might build it 57. _______ (respect) ancestrs(祖先).
    Stnehenge was built 58. _______ (slw) ver a lng perid f time. Mst histrians believe it must be almst 5,000 years ld. The stnes are 59. _______ big and heavy that n ne 60. _______ (knw) hw it was built, but we d knw the builders must have been hard-wrking and great planners.
    第三节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    Sme children hpe t be a writer in the future. They want t write stries r bks fr peple t read. That’s gd! 61. Hwever, if yu want t be a writer, yu shuld be gd readers first befre yu are gd writers. Reading can help yu write better.
    62. 事实上,阅读在我们的日常生活中发挥着重要作用 and n ne can live withut bks. “If yu are ging t get anywhere in life, yu have t read a lt f bks.” Rald Dahl nce said. Peple always get what they want frm the bks. When peple ask Eln Musk, the funder f Space X, hw he learned t build rckets, he says, “I read bks.” What d yu want t learn frm bks? Maybe yu want t learn hw t paint, r speak a new language? Or yu want t knw hw t change yur life? N matter(无论) what it is, reading can help.
    63. First, reading is gd fr exercising yur mind. When yu are reading, yur brain is wrking and it becmes active. If we dn’t exercise ur minds t ften, they may nt give yu useful infrmatin when necessary.
    Reading can help yu imprve yur memry(记忆力), t. When yu are reading detective fictin(侦探小说), fr example, yu’ll find it hard t understand the stry if yu can’t remember all the details(细节), s it is gd exercise fr yur memry. 64. 你读得越多,你就会有更好的记忆力。
    What’s mre, reading makes yu mre cnfident(自信的), because reading can make yu mre knwledgeable(知识渊博的). 65. If yu read mre bks, yu will always have smething interesting t talk abut!
    = 4 \* ROMAN IV.书面表达(满分10分)
    66. 2023年快接近尾声,新的一年即将到来,在2024年,你有哪些新年的决心和计划呢?请就生活、学习、业余爱好等方面谈谈你的新年决心和计划,写一篇80词左右的短文。

    英语 参考答案
    Ⅰ.听力技能 略
    37. It was a lng and bring trip. / Lng and bring.
    38. Because he was trubled by the nise f the train.
    39. Yes (, he did).
    40. It tells us that bserving carefully is very imprtant t success.
    Ⅲ. 语言运用
    51. places52. rising53. in54. but
    55. healthy56. a57. t respect58. slwly
    59. s60. knws
    61. 然而,如果你想成为一名作家,你首先应该成为好读者。
    62. In fact, reading plays an imprtant rle in ur daily lives.
    63. 首先,阅读有益于锻炼你的心智。
    64. The mre yu read, the better yur memry will be.
    65. 如果你读更多的书,你总会有一些有趣的事情可以谈论!
    Wilbur in Charltte’s Web
    I live happily n a farm with lts f ther animals. My best friend is a spider. Her name is Charltte. Peple n the farm want t make me int fd! I am very scared. Charltte wants t help me. She writes praises(赞美) fr me in her web. Peple think it is amazing. I becme famus. Nbdy wants t kill me then.
    Peppa in Peppa Pig
    Hell! I’m Peppa. Many peple lve me. I have a lvely pink face and a little rund bdy. My favrite things are playing games, dressing up and jumping in muddy puddles(小水坑)! I live with my dad, mm and little brther Gerge. It is always full f laughter in ur huse!
    McDull in My Life as McDull
    Hi, I’m McDull. I’m a kindergarten student in Hng Kng. I’m a smart by, but my mm thinks I’m the best in the wrld. Mm is gd at cking and ding husewrk.
    Piglet in Winnie the Ph
    I’m Winnie’s friend Piglet. I’m quite small. I’m afraid f lts f things. But smetimes I can be very brave. I can help my friends when they are in truble. I may be small, but I have a big heart.
    A. S scientists advise yu nt t stay up all night studying, especially when an exam is cming
    B. This was discvered by scientists wh d research n dreams
    C. Scientists explain that during sleep time yur brain reviews yur experiences in the day
    D. Hwever, dreams alne can’t bring abut creativity
    E. Dreams may help yu deal with wrries and fears

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