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    1. 本作业分作业和答题卡两部分,作业题共10页,六大题,满分120分,时间100分钟。
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    第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
    1. Where will a new schl be built?
    A. In a small twn. B. In a big spaceship. C. In uter space.
    2. What is the pssible relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Waiter and custmer. B. Guide and turist. C. Student and teacher.
    3. Hw will the girl spend the Mid-Autumn Festival?
    A. She will stay at hme. B. She will visit her father. C. She will visit several cities.
    4. What are the tw speakers talking abut?
    A. Hmeless children. B. Left-behind children(留守儿童). C. Disabled children.
    5. Wh is Mary's favrite teacher?
    A. Jim. B. Mr. Lee. C. Miss Chang.
    第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What des Jhn want t be when he grws up?
    A. An astrnaut. B. A ftball player. C. A teacher.
    7. What wuld Jhn like t d if he wants t be strnger?
    A. D mrning exercises. B. Play ftball every day. C. Have mre healthy fd.
    8. Why des Jenny lk sad?
    A. Because she failed the English test. B. Because she lst her English bk.
    C. Because her best friend went t anther schl.
    9. Hw many English classes are there n Saturday mrning at England Freign Language Schl?
    A. Only ne. B. Tw. C. Three.
    10. What can a rbt servant lk like?
    A. A cat. B. A rabbit. C. A mnkey.
    11. Which f the fllwing is right accrding t the passage?
    A. Every family will have a tiger. B. Sme peple might mve t Mars.
    C. Peple may live as lng as 100 years.
    12. If yu are rude, hw will the rbt servant feel?
    A. Sad. B. Excited. C. Angry.
    13. When was the cellphne develped?
    A. In 1973. B. In 1976. C. In 1979.
    14. Hw many things can we use a cellphne t rder?
    A. Tw. B. Three. C. Fur.
    15. What was the cellphne made f?
    A. Plastic and metal. B. Wd and glass. C. Cttn and silk.
    第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
    A B C D E
    16. ___________ 17. ___________ 18. ___________ 19. ___________ 20. ___________
    21. What items can be cllected?
    ① ② ③ ④
    A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ①③④ D. ②③④
    22. If yu want t dnate a cat, yu shuld send it t the cllectin venue ________.
    A. n 14th Octber B. n 21st Octber
    C. n 18th Nvember D. n 21st Nvember
    23. What shuld Jhn d if he wants t dnate his large fridge?
    A. Call at 6364 7589. B. Pay mney fr the drive.
    C. Email Jana's friend. D. Turn t the cmmunity.
    24. Accrding t the text, which f the fllwing is True?
    A. The club ften rganizes charity drives.
    B. Sme f the dnated items can be returned.
    C. The dnated items will be given t the disabled.
    D. The students are encuraged t jin in the activity.
    25. What is the main purpse f the text?
    A. T shw us the advantages t clear up the huse.
    B. T teach us the methds t cllect the things unwanted.
    C. T invite us t be vlunteers in Shepherd Children's Hme.
    D. T encurage us t take part in the charity activities.
    Have yu seen this meme(表情包) nline befre? The man in the meme is Michael Rsen, a famus British children's bk writer wh has written abut 140 bks. He's knwn as "nice granddad" in China.
    Michael Rsen was brn in Middlesex, the UK in 1946. His parents were bth teachers. Michael Rsen started writing pems abut peple he knew when he was twelve years ld. Michael Rsen is busy with the teaching f writing and the reading f literature(文学作品) in schls. He visits schls t encurage children with his lve fr bks and pems. He is ne f the first pets t make visits t schls arund the UK and the wrld. He is als ne f the first pets t write abut his wn childhd experiences and t write them in the language children actually use.
    Hwever, life hasn't always treated Rsen well. Eddie, his secnd sn, died at the age f 18. Rsen culdn't frget hw he felt. The death f his sn was the inspiratin fr Michael Rsen's Sad Bk. In March 2020, Rsen was sent t the hspital because f COVID-19. Later, Rsen recvered, but ne f his ears went deaf and he had t learn hw t stand up again, just like a kid.
    Hwever, fr Rsen, it was nt the end f the wrld. He turned the sad experience int writing. He wrte the bk Many Different Kinds f Lve and faced up t life with the mst imprtant thing—ptimistic(乐观的) spirit.
    26. When did Michael start writing pems?
    A. In 1946. B. In 1958. C. In 1964. D. In 2020.
    27. What kinds f rles des Michael have accrding t the passage?
    A. a writer, a father, a pet, a teacher B. a writer, a pet, a teacher, an actr
    C. a writer, a father, a pet, an actr D. a father, a pet, a teacher, an actr
    28. What can we knw abut Michael Rsen?
    A. He made visits t schls t sell his bks.
    B. He lst his eyesight because f COVID-19.
    C. He turned the sad experience int writing.
    D. His secnd sn died because f an accident.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “recvered” mean in Paragraph3?
    A. 康复 B. 隔离 C. 病危 D. 覆盖
    30. Accrding t the text, which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Michael?
    A. Helpful and careful. B. Creative and hnest.
    C. Strng-willed(意志坚强的) and psitive. D. Strict and negative.
    In ancient China, there were “fur treasures f the study”-the writing brush, ink, paper, and the inkstne(砚台). Amng all the inkstnes, the Chengni inkstne was ne f the mst famus and was widely lved.
    The Chengni inkstne first appeared during the Western Han Dynasty, but the skills f making it were lst during the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty. Thankfully, tday the traditinal skills have been revived(恢复) with the help f Lin Yngma and his sn Lin Ta.
    In 1984, Lin Yngma began wrking at the museum in Xinjiang, Shanxi Prvince. There he read sme bks abut the Xinjiang Chengni inkstne, and then decided t revive the lst skills.
    It was easier said than dne. It tk the father and sn tw years t find prper matterials t prduce the Chengni inkstne. That was just the first step. After failing many times, they finally succeeded in making tw Chengni inkstnes in 1991. Three years later, their Chengni inkstnes wn a gld prize at an exp(博览会) n China's famus inkstnes.
    But the father and sn did nt stp there. While imprving the skills f making the Chengni inkstne, they set up a wrkshp in the hpe f passing the skills n t yung peple. They als wrked with universities and clleges t make the Chengni inkstne mre ppular. At the same time, Lin Ta brught the inkstne prducts abrad and sld them t the furius.
    31. What d we knw abut the Chengni inkstne?
    A. It has quite a lng histry. B. It was ppular nly in Shanxi Prvince.
    C. It was nt famus. D. It first appeared during the Eastern Han Dynasty.
    32. When did Lin Yngma and Lin Ta win a gld prize?
    A. In 1984. B. In 1986. C. In 1991. D. In 1994.
    33. What's the purpse f Paragraph 4?
    A. T tell readers why t prduce the Chengni inkstne.
    B. T explain hw hard it was t revive the Chengni inkstne.
    C. T encurage readers t learn abut China's famus inkstnes.
    D. T help readers understand the imprtance f the Chengni inkstne.
    34. What is the best title fr the passage?
    A. Writing brush. B. Ink. C. Paper. D. Chengni Inkstne.
    35. Accrding t the last sentence, what will happen next?
    A. The Chengni inkstne became ppular in China.
    B. Lin Ta sld Chengni inkstne in China.
    C. The Chengni inkstne became ppular abrad.
    D. Lin Ta didn't make Chengni inkstne.
    The weather was very cld n Neptune(海王星). 36 They had furry(毛茸茸的)hands and feet.
    Bumbly was such a mnster n Neptune.
    37 They didn't play with each ther and they never smiled. Bumbly was sad abut that and he wanted t make a change.
    “What we need is sunshine!” Bumbly said.
    38 He put ice chairs inside. But the spaceship was nt able t fly because Bumbly had n fuel(燃料).
    One night, a cmet (彗星)passed by. “It might help us,” Bumbly thught. 39
    The light and heat frm the cmet warmed these ice mnsters. 40 “Thank yu fr jumping nt the cmet and bringing us sme sunshine!” said all the ther mnsters. After hearing their “Thanks”, Bumbly felt very prud f what he had dne.
    36. ___________ 37. ___________ 38. ___________ 39. ___________ 40. ___________
    Shrtly after I arrived in France, my phne was stlen.
    I was taking a trip by 41 . After knwing my phne was gne and I had missed the last train int the city, I 42 t spend the night at the train statin. The wrkers there were very kind, assuring (向……保证)me their cuntry was 43 Hwever, I still felt a little 44 and didn't want t take the bus in the dark.
    The next day, I arrived in Paris and reached the htel at 8 am. At the frnt desk, a man 45 my stry. Being 46 , he wanted t shw me that Paris was a great city. He gave me his phne number after nly 47 me fr 20 minutes. He tld me that 48 my visit t the Luvre the next day, I shuld call him s that he and his friend culd
    49 and shw me arund.
    His friend spke pr English, but was very 50 . They tk me t the best cultural places in Paris. They acted as my guides 51 I had n map. They prvided me with a lt f 52 that I wuld have never knwn if I had been n my wn—r n my phne!
    They even tk me t try traditinal French fd, like crepes, and didn't let me 53 anything. They were s kind and caring and we 54 became clse friends. It's safe t say that the 55 f the trip was nt s gd, but I had the best experience in Paris and wuld lve t g back!
    41. A. myself B. yurself C. herself D. himself
    42. A. wished B. frgt C. decided D. agreed
    43. A. safe B. beautiful C. rich D. large
    44. A. bred B. afraid C. srry D. shy
    45. A. changed B. shared C. read D. heard
    46. A. French B. Chinese C. German D. American
    47. A. knwing B. finding C. nticing D. teaching
    48. A. with B. thrugh C. till D. befre
    49. A. pint at me B. pick me up C. cheer n me D. lk fr me
    50. A. rude B. strng C. kind D. successful
    51. A. because B. and C. s D. but
    52. A. fd B. presents C. infrmatin D. chances
    53. A. talk abut B. pay fr C. write dwn D. ask fr
    54. A. gradually B. prperly C. widely D. carefully
    55. A. cst B. idea C. plan D. beginning
    第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
    Have yu ever heard f the term “white pllutin”? It is a kind f envirnmental prblem. The white clr usually 56 t smething clear and clean. Hwever, white pllutin is very 57 Because f single-use plastic tableware(餐具) and thin plastic bags, white pllutin is 58 mre and mre serius. They're easy t use and have already becme a 59 f ur daily life. When peple ask fr take-ut fd, it usually cmes with single-use plastic bxes. When peple g 60 , they can ften get plastic bags. Peple use t many plastic prducts because f their cnvenience(便利).
    White pllutin affects the 61 mainly in tw ways. On the ne hand, plastic waste can be seen 62 It makes cities, twns, hills, lakes. . . dirty. On the ther hand, plastic waste can stay fr 63 , resulting in sil pllutin and water pllutin.
    It can even cause many illnesses. What's 64 , animals might die after eating plastic rubbish by mistake n the land r in the water. And it's hard t 65 the prblem.
    Nw everyne shuld help reduce white pllutin and recycle plastic prducts.
    56. ___________ 57. ___________ 58. ___________ 59. ___________ 60. ___________
    61. ___________ 62. ___________ 63. ___________ 64. ___________ 65. ___________
    第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
    We are ready t graduate. S tday, I wuld like 66 express my thanks t all the peple wh have helped me.
    The peple whm I want t thank the mst 67 ur teachers. Yu have shared yur time, talent and knwledge with us. We smetimes made yu disappinted because 68 all kinds f mistakes we made, but yu have never given up n us.
    T ur parents, thank yu fr supprting us in mre ways. Yu always put 69 glass f milk at the bedside. Yu saw us t the dr r drve us t schl. Yu attended(出席) ur plays and sprting matches. Yu helped us all the time.
    T ur friends and classmates, I have learned a lt frm each ne f yu. Yu're the peple that helped 70 t get ver my truble. Yu always treated me with kindness and patience. Thanks fr yur understanding. I will always remember that.
    66. ___________ 67. ___________ 68. ___________ 69. ___________ 70. ___________
    A: Gd afternn. This is English Weekly. 71. ________________?
    B: Yes. I have sme prblems with my English.
    A: 72. ________________?
    B: First f all, my prnunciatin isn't gd.
    A: That's easy. Why nt read alud t practice it? It will imprve yur speaking.
    B: OK. 73. ________________. I will try it. And I want t imprve my listening.
    A: Listening t mre English tapes will help yu.
    B: 74. ________________?
    A: First. yu shuld try t guess the meaning f the new wrds. Then yu can lk them up in a dictinary if necessary.
    B: OK. I will d as yu say. Thank yu very much.
    A: 75. ________________. I hpe yu will imprve yur English sn.
    学校是作为学生的我们经常生活的地方,健康的学校生活是我们好好学习的基础。请以“Healthy Schl Life”为题,写一篇英语短文,倡导同学们爱护校园,健康快乐生活。
    Healthy Schl Life
    Students need t have a healthy schl life. _______________________________________________________
    一、1-5 AACBB 6-10 ABACC 11-15 BCABA 16-20 DEACB
    二、A) 21~25 CBADD B) 26~30 BACAC
    C) 31~35 ADBDC D) 36~40 BCDEA
    三、41~45 ACABD 46~50 AADBC 51~55 ACBAD
    56. refers 57. harmful 58. becming 59. part 60. shpping
    61. envirnment 62. everywhere 63. centuries 64. wrse 65. slve
    66. t 67. are 68. f 69. a 70. me
    五、71. Can/May I help yu ? /…
    72. What are the prblems? /What prblems d yu have? /…
    73. It’s a gd idea. /Reading is imprtant. /It’s a gd way t imprve my speaking. /…
    74. What abut new wrds? /Hw shuld I learn new wrds? /What shuld I d with the new wrds? /Hw can I deal with the new wrds? / …
    75. Yu’re welcme. /…
    六、One pssible versin:
    Healthy Schl Life
    Students need t have a healthy schl life. What can we d t make it? Here are sme tips t share with yu.
    First, it's ur duty t keep ur schl clean. Fr example, we can clean ur classrms every day, because a gd envirnment is helpful t ur study and health. Secnd, we shuld d sme sprts every day t keep healthy. We can play basketball r run fr half an hur every day. Third, we'd better learn t take gd care f urselves, such as washing hands in time and wearing masks when it is necessary. Last but nt least, we shuld get n well with ur classmates, which will make us enjy a happy and healthy schl life. I hpe these tips will wrk fr yu.
    (范文字数超标,目的是多提供一些表达思路及方法,仅供批阅时参考,切勿照搬!)Jalan Amy Charity Drive(慈善活动)
    electrnic appliances(电器)
    T many items at hme that yu have n use fr? Dnate(捐赠)them!
    Jalan Amy Cmmunity Club is rganizing a charity drive fr the first time t cllect yur unwanted items like electrnic appliances, tys, bks, etc, which are still in gd wrking cnditin.
    Dnated items will be given t the children f Shepherd Children's Hme and the elderly in St Mary Old Flks' Hme by 14th Nvember.
    Cllectin venue(场所): Pavilin at 12 Jalan Amy, S123456
    Date: 21st, Octber
    Time: 9 a. m. t 3 p. m.
    Fr thse with large r heavy items, yu may call Miss Jana at 6364 7589 by 14th Octber fr help.
    Fr mre infrmatin, please email Miss Jana @6364 7589.
    *All items dnated cannt be returned.
    *Everyne is encuraged t jin in this activity fr a gd cause.
    *We d nt accept mney dnatins.
    A. They smiled and played happily.
    B. A grup f ice mnsters(怪物) lived n it.
    C. Like the weather n Neptune, the mnsters themselves were cld.
    D. Bumbly tried t build a large spaceship t take the mnsters t the Sun.
    E. Then he jumped nt the cmet's light tail(尾巴) and flew quickly arund Neptune.
    part bad shp everywhere becme slve harmful refer envirnment century
    Healthy Schl Life
    keep ur schl clean
    d sprts
    lk after urselves well
    yur pinin. . .
    ? …

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