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    这是一份内蒙古呼和浩特市2025届高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试题(Word版附答案),共11页。试卷主要包含了15 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    例: Excuse me, can yu tell me hw much the shirt is?
    A.£19.15 B.£9.18 C. £9.15
    1. Hw will the speakers g back t Lndn?
    A. By air. B. By train. C. By car.
    2. When will the speakers meet?
    A. On Mnday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday.
    3. What will the man d tnight?
    A. Attend a meeting. B. Stay at hme. C. G t a club.
    4. What will the weather be like this weekend?
    A. Snwy. B. Strmy. C. Fine.
    5. What is wrng with the man?
    A. His feet hurt.
    B. His shes dn't fit him.
    C. He missed a lng walk yesterday.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    6. Where is the accunting ffice?
    A. On the 4th flr. B. On the 5th flr. C. On the 6th flr.
    7. Where will the wman g first?
    A. The Thai restaurant.
    B. The accunting ffice.
    C. The shipping department.
    8. When is the man's flight leaving?
    A. Next Friday. B. Next Saturday. C. Next Sunday.
    9. Hw much will the man have t pay fr all tickets?
    A.$580. B.$1,160. C.$ 1,740.
    10. Hw lng will it take Jenny t write her paper altgether?
    A. Tw weeks. B. Three weeks. C. One week.
    11. Which part is the mst difficult fr Jenny?
    A. Writing the paper. B. Preparing an utline. C. Ding the research.
    12. What des Stan think Jenny shuld d?
    A. Cpy his utline.
    B. Make an utline befre writing.
    C. Use her utline frm last semester.
    13. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Driver and passenger.
    B. Club wner and custmer.
    C. Interviewer and interviewee.
    14. What can the guests d n the bus?
    A. Drive the bus. B. Have cld drinks. C. Ck fd.
    15. What are guests expected t d fr parties?
    A. Get dressed smartly.
    B. Bring their VIP cards.
    C. Bk clubs in advance.
    16. What des the man suggest guests d befre a fancy- dress party?
    A. Cntrl the number f peple.
    B. Infrm him f the bking time.
    C. Avid wearing jeans and sprts shes.
    17. Where des the speaker cme frm?
    A. Australia. B. England. C. America.
    18. What d English peple think f Americans?
    A. Self- centered. B. Humrus. C. Cl.
    19. What did the speaker like t d in the afternn in England?
    A. Have a cup f tea. B. Watch cmedy shws. C. Play with his friends.
    20. What did the speaker find amazing in England?
    A. The TV prgram. B. The tea shp. C. The ld buildings.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 阅读 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    21. What d peple f Mang and Lemn persnalities have in cmmn?
    A. They bth prefer private space and specific deadlines.
    B. They bth serve as gd ice- breakers f the wrkplace.
    C. They bth dislike being restricted by excessive rules.
    D. They bth need regular feedback and being mtivated.
    22. Wh prbably favrs the Banana Persnality?
    A. Jack, an innvative thinker wh is willing t face challenges.
    B. Adam, a brilliant planner wh always sticks t his daily rutines.
    C. Rbin, an pen- minded leader wh advcates the value f diversity.
    D. Nancy, a patient wrker wh priritizes harmnius relatinships.
    23. Where can the passage prbably be fund?
    A. In an academic paper. B. In a psychlgy magazine.
    C. In a bk review. D. In an entertainment bk.
    I arrived hme frm wrk, my mind racing. I was scheduled t perfrm an experiment using a price y piece f equipment, but I had spent the whle day wrrying abut the experiment which was n the tp f my agenda, and I amazingly lnged t shut ff my anxius thughts. S after dinner, I made a cup f ht chclate, stretched myself n my sfa, and pened a page. Almst instantly, my mind left behind the details f experimental design and stepped int a land f mnsters, magic dust, and man- like bears cmprising a wnderful wrld distinct frm my daily life. It was exactly what I needed.
    Grwing up, I was virtually never a big fan f nvels. My classmates wuld be crazy abut the latest Harry Ptter bk, while my cpy sat cllecting dust n a shelf. Instead, I wuld chse t read thrugh the reference bks related t my disciplines fr better grades. After I started graduate schl, extracurricular reading didn't appeal t me at all but I spent mst f my time n campus digesting research papers and textbks and my mind culdn't handle prcessing fact- filled nnfictin bks at hme, t. S I knew that I needed t find a way t enjy reading again.
    T help me stick with it, I made a New Year’s reslutin: I wuld read tw fictin bks per mnth fr the entire year. The result was an almst instant app recitatin f fictin, alng with many unexpected results including nes that have benefited my schlwrk.
    What surprised me the mst was hw much I learned. Sme f the best bks I read were histrical fictinal stries happening in a realistic histrical setting. I learned abut life in different cuntries, as well as struggles peple there faced during difficult perids in their histries. The bks have helped me build sympathy and understanding, with an unexpected benefit: I've started t think mre deeply abut the diversity f issues in the scientific cm- munity and culd serve it, heart and sul.
    24. What did the authr d t wipe ut the anxiety?
    A. He drwned it in chclate.
    B. He cnducted an experiment.
    C. He escaped int a fantasy wrld.
    D. He slept n the sfa leisurely.
    25. What des the authr mean by the underlined part in paragraph 2?
    A. Reading nvels was a waste f time.
    B. Reading a gd bk was time well spent.
    C. He was t busy t take gd care f his bks.
    D. The Harry Ptter bk wasn't as gd as expected.
    26. Hw did the New Year 's reslutin benefit the authr?
    A. Mre sympathy went ut t him.
    B. He gained new insight int his academic discipline.
    C. He learned much abut religius diversity.
    D. His mral values were strengthened.
    27. What's the best title f the text?
    A. Reading: A Lifelng Hbby B. The Pwer f Research Papers
    C. The Benefits f Histry Reading D. Nvels: Lve at Secnd Sight
    Why d we find ugly animals s appealing? And what makes dd- lking creatures s cute?
    Evlutin plays a rle. Accrding t Austrian zlgist Knrad Lrenz, human attractin t childish features, such as big eyes, large heads and sft bdies, is an evlutinary adaptatin that helps ensure that adults care fr their ffspring, guaranteeing the survival f their species. Odd- lking animals such as blbfish, pugs, aye- ayes and bulldgs all share these infantile qualities that trigger an affectinate respnse amng humans and an natural instinct (本能) t nurture and prtect. And these infantile characteristics increase a persn's prtective behavir, attentin and willingness t care fr the individual and reduce the likelihd f aggressin twards an infant, says Marta Brgi, a researcher.
    Ugly animals ften have ther value--- sme, like the blbfish r the naked mle rat, live in extreme envirnments that they have adapted t in remarkable ways. Scientists are keen t study these animals t understand whether their bilgy might prvide fresh insights that culd lead t treatments fr human health cnditins such as cancer, heart disease and ther deadly diseases.
    There are ther culture- led factrs that als drive ur bsessin (痴迷) with ugly- cute animals.“ The ugly- cute thing is very fashinable,” says Rwena Packer, a lecturer f ani- mal behavir. This is partly driven by scial media, with many celebrities and influencers shwing ff pet pugs and French bulldgs n Instagram, she says.
    But there are sme serius welfare cncerns arund this trend. Vets are urging peple nt t chse a flat- faced dg breed(品种), because they suffer frm serius health prblems. Pugs and French bulldgs which have been selectively bred experience breathing difficulties, repeated skin infectins and eye diseases. S while ridiculus features such as bulging (隆起的) eyes and wrinkly faces may make us smile, we might want t recnsider ur bsessin with“ ugly- cute” pets.
    28. Why d peple like ugly animals accrding t Knrad Lrenz?
    A. Peple appreciate their effrts t survive.
    B. Peple are attracted by their baby- like lks.
    C. Peple appreciate their super adaptability.
    D. Peple are fnd f their fast respnse speed.
    29. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. What media are changing peple.
    B. Whether scial media is wrth believing.
    C. Hw public practices influence peple.
    D. Why celebrities shw ff their pet animals.
    30. What's the authr's attitude twards peple's lve fr ugly animals?
    A. Cautius. B. Supprtive.
    C. Indifferent. D. Oppsed.
    31. Hw des the authr mainly answer the questins raised in paragraph l?
    A. By referring t authritative evlutinary thery.
    B. By shwing sme examples f keeping pets.
    C. By bserving peple's behavir twards animals.
    D. By quting different researchers' findings.
    When we encunter a trublesme prblem, we ften gather a grup t brainstrm. Hwever, substantial evidence has shwn that when we generate ideas tgether, we fail t maximize cllective intelligence.
    T unearth the hidden ptential in teams, we' re better ff shifting t a prcess called“ brainwriting”. Yu start by asking grup members t write dwn what is ging n in their brains separately. Next, yu pl them and share them amng the grup withut telling the authrs. Then, each member evaluates them n his r her wn, nly after which d the team members cme tgether t select and imprve the mst prmising ptins. By develping and assessing ideas individually befre chsing and expanding n them, the team can sur- face and advance pssibilities that might nt get attentin therwise.
    An example f great brainwriting was in 2010 when 33 miners were trapped under- grund in Chile. Given the urgency f the situatin, the rescue team didn’t hld brainstrming sessins. Rather, they established a glbal brainwriting system t generate individual ideas. A 24- year- ld engineer came up with a tiny plastic telephne. This specialized tl ended up becming the nly means f cmmunicating with the miners, making it pssible t save them.
    Research by rganizatinal behavir schlar Anita Wlley and her clleagues helps t explain why this methd wrks. They find that the key t cllective intelligence is balanced participatin. In brainstrming meetings, it's t easy fr participatin t becme ne- sided in favr f the ludest vices. The brainwriting prcess ensures that all ideas are brught t the table and all vices are brught int cnversatin. The gal isn't t be the smartest per- sn in the rm. It's t make the rm smarter.
    Cllective intelligence begins with individual creativity, but it desn't end there. Individuals prduce a greater vlume and variety f nvel ideas when they wrk alne. That means they nt nly cme up with mre brilliant ideas than grups but als mre terrible ideas. Therefre, it takes cllective judgment t find the signal in the nise and bring ut the best ideas.
    32. What is special abut brainwriting cmpared with brainstrming?
    A. It highlights independent wrk. B. It encurages grup cperatin.
    C. It priritizes quality ver quantity. D. It prefers writing t ral exchanges.
    33. Why des the authr mentin the Chile mining accident in paragraph 3?
    A. T intrduce a tl develped during brainwriting.
    B. T praise a yung man with brainwriting technique.
    C. T explain the rle f brainwriting in cmmunicatin.
    D. T illustrate a successful applicatin f brainwriting.
    34. Hw des brainwriting prmte cllective intelligence accrding t paragraph 4?
    A. By blcking the ludest vices. B. By imprving individual wisdm.
    C. By allwing equal invlvement. D. By generating mre creative ideas.
    35. Which step f brainwriting des the authr stress in the last paragraph?
    A. Individual writing. B. Jint discussin.
    C. Persnal evaluatin. D. Grup sharing.
    第二节 七选五 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Tired f traditinal chlrinated(含氯的) pls? Cnsider a salt water pl, a ppular trend in recent years.
    A salt water pl is a type f swimming pl that uses a salt chlrine generatr t pr- duce its wn supply f chlrine. This means instead f manually adding harsh(刺激性的) chemicals t a pl, the generatr changes salt int chlrine and releases it int the water as needed. 36 They still cntain levels f chlrine and ther minerals, but the amunt is significantly lw.
    What sets salt water pls apart frm their traditinal cunterparts? With traditinal chlrine pls, wners must mnitr and adjust chemical levels regularly t maintain prper balance--- t much r t little can cause majr prblems fr swimmers. 37 With a salt water system set up in the pl, ne desn't have t spend as much time testing and adjusting chemical levels. The generatr autmatically prduces enugh chlrine based n the pl's size. 38
    Have yu ever been in a traditinal chlrine pl and cme ut with red, irritated(刺痒的) skin r burning eyes? 39 Salt water pls, hwever, use a saltwater chlrinatin system that prduces natural chlrine t treat the water, which is kinder t the skin and eyes. Plus, minerals like magnesium and ptassium in salt water pls can benefit the skin.
    40 Salt water pls require fewer chemical additins and result in lwer chlrine by- prduct emissins. Since there's n need fr chemical strage, there's less risk f accidents r spills.
    A. It's like having an assistant manage the affairs while yu just enjy yurself!
    B. S ne desn't have t wrry abut the strng smell f chlrine.
    C. Yu'll leave a salt water pl feeling refreshed.
    D. It's n secret that chlrine can be harsh n the bdy.
    E. Switching t salt water pls is als ec- friendly.
    F. Hwever, salt water pls are nt cmpletely chemical- free.
    G. This can be quite exhausting and time- cnsuming.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    Have yu ever heard f and seen Canadian geese? D yu knw that they 41 fresh grass and seeds?
    Canadian geese have a gd 42 fr their pliteness. They always bw dwn t yu whenever yu walk by. Hwever, I have recently fund that they can smetimes be 43 t their peers, especially n ccasins when they quarrel fr fd—— yes, these 44 gentle- men d quarrel, just fr smething t eat.
    Yesterday I witnessed tw Canadian Geese arguing 45 fr a clump(草丛) f beautiful fresh grass. The clump was 46 right in the middle f them, while the tw were shuting nisily, stretching their necks as lng as they culd t lk aggressively at each ther. It's 47 t witness the“ implite” side f Canadian geese. Hence, I culdn’t help 48 my mrning walk, standing still t watch these“ gentlemen” quarreling. Interestingly, after a shrt while, a truck rared past their feast, disturbing their 49 cnversatin. The tw geese were equally 50 by the massive“ mnster”, thus giving up their cnversatin.
    Wuld they start quarreling again? I std still, 51 the ridiculus questin and waited. Beynd my expectatin, right after the truck's passing by, the tw geese immediately lst their 52 fr quarreling as if they had frgtten all abut what had happened. Even the tw turned arund and left the 53 in ppsite directins as if nthing had
    happened. They left nly me there, imagining what might have happened withut the 54 .
    They gt alng harmniusly again. Smetimes it's nt that bad t be 55 .
    41. A. draw n B. fcus n C. feed n D. try n
    42. A. desire B. reputatin C. affectin D. appetite
    43. A. generus B. faithful C. weird D. rude
    44. A. well- infrmed B. well- dressed C. well- behaved D. well- balanced
    45. A. fiercely B. blindly C. cautiusly D. gently
    46. A. deserted B. lcated C. fixed D. laid
    47. A. frequent B. rare C. cmmn D. cnstant
    48. A. restricting B. changing C. pausing D. speeding
    49. A. desperate B. simple C. serius D. disharmnius
    50. A. frightened B. annyed C. crashed D. injured
    51. A. finding ut B. dealing with C. lking int D. wndering abut
    52. A. passin B. reasn C. talent D. anxiety
    53. A. scene B. destinatin C. landscape D. park
    54. A. lker- n B. passer- by C. truck D. clump
    55. A. upset B. frgetful C. mean D. greedy
    第二节 语法填空 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The Han Dynasty was ne f the heydays in ancient China. Han has a histry 56 ( date) back thusands f years and the traditinal clthing f the Han peple is called Hanfu, 57 charm has als flurished fr centuries.
    Hanfu is 58 imprtant carrier f Chinese civilizatin, with etiquette(礼仪) as its cre. Hanfu nt nly embdies the Chinese aesthetic taste, 59 reflects a unique meaning in etiquette, religin and culture. As lng as peple put n Hanfu, they shuld behave in accrdance with 60 the“ etiquette” system requires.
    Hanfu 61 ( cmpse) f yi chang, headgear, hairstyle, shes, etc. There are tw types f“ yi”. One is the kind with the separatin f the upper and the lwer garments, while the ther is the ne- piece kind that unites the upper and the lwer garments tgether. 62 is the decratin n the garments that represents the faith and custms in the Han culture. The
    Yin- Yang and all the subjects n earth 63 ( picture) n Hanfu prfundly reflect the Chinese ancients’ understanding f the universe and nature.
    In recent years, 64 peple’s enthusiasm fr traditinal culture grwing, wearing Hanfu in a trip r in a party has becme a new trend amng yung peple. The revival f Hanfu is a new explratin f the beauty f Chinese clthing by cntemprary peple, and als represents the new 65 ( recgnize) f the value f traditinal culture by the yunger generatin.
    第四部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    假定你是李华,毕业在即,你校英文报举办了以" An Unfrgettable Activity in High Schl"为主题的征文活动。请你写一篇英文短文投稿,分享一次难忘的校园活动。内容包括:
    An Unfrgettable Activity in High Schl

    第二节 (满分25分)
    The cuple, Ella and Ken, lived in a fancy cuntryside huse every summer tgether with their bys Jim and Dick, aged 7 and 11.
    The tw kids gt n well with each ther, unlike sme ther brthers wh wuld ften fight ver small things. They shared everything happening in their schl and exchanged their favurite tys and bks. Except fr ne thing, cleaning! One sunny mrning, Ella called ut t her children,“ Jim and Dick, it’s time t clean yur rm!” The kids sighed deeply. Cleaning their rm was always the last thing they wanted t d.
    Unhappy, Jim and Dick dragged their feet int their messy rm. Tys were thrwn randmly here and there n the flr, clthes were piled up n chairs, and bks were haphazardly(随意的) piled n the shelves. It was a ttal mess!
    Mm came in,“ Oh, Gd! Hw cme? We need t wrk tgether t clean it up.” Jim and Dick exchanged lks, clearly nt delighted with the task at hand. There were a few arguments between them, especially when it came t cleaning their rm.
    Mm, realizing their unwillingness, said t the kids, “A clean rm nt nly lks nice but als helps us arrange ur life in an rderly way. It's imprtant t take care f ur belngings and keep ur surrundings clean. ” The bys didn’t respnd, seemingly thinking abut smething.
    Their father happened t hear the cnversatin and decided t give them a hand. He came up with a gd idea. He said, “I knw that cleaning can be dull, but what if we change it int a fun cntest? The winner, wh can find the mst interesting item hidden in this messy rm, will decide what we have fr dessert tnight!”
    Their faces lighting up with excitement, they accepted their father's suggestin.
    1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    Curius abut what they wuld find, they tk immediate actin individually.

    The rm became less messy gradually.

    Which fruit persnality are yu?
    In the wrkplace, we have t be able t deal with peple wh aren't like us. N ne will change fr yu, s yu just have t respect their differences. When identifying persnality types, I like t talk in terms f fruit. Nbdy is just ne fruit, but we all have a preference. And we tend t emphasize ur tp tw, especially under pressure. Here are sme fruit persnalities and hw best t deal with them.
    Intrductin & amp Management
    Apple: Hard Cre
    Apple types are direct and dn’t suffer fls. They are fast, lgical thinkers wh lve t win and hate t lse cntrl. They’ll get a result at any cst, but see cnflict as sprt.
    1. Always stand up t them.
    2. Get t the pint.
    3. Dn't take it persnally.
    4. Watch and learn frm them.
    Mang: Juicy and Messy
    Mang types lve life and can't affrd t miss a minute. They lve variety because they tend t be easily distracted and naturally rule breakers.
    1. Talk big picture, avid details.
    2. Give them false deadlines.
    3. Dn't micr- manage.
    Lemn: Cncentrated
    Lemn types lve structure and
    rder. They are wrriers wh
    like security and predictability.
    They excel at sptting gap s in a
    plan. But t many rules can
    als be frustrating.
    1. Respect their need fr space.
    2. Dn't surprise them.
    3. Listen with respect.
    4. Shw yur pace.
    Banana: Sweet and Gentle
    Banana types enjy peace and shy away frm cnflicts. They are kind t react t thers' re-| quests. Hwever, when they are t accmmdating, they can be seen as indecisive.
    1. Dn't pressure them, mtivate.
    2. Create a psitive envirnment.
    3. Encurage regular feedback.
    4. Be nice t them.
    第一部分 听力
    1-5 BCBCA 6-10CBACB 11-15 ABCBA 16-20 BCAAC
    第二部分 阅读理解
    21—25 CDBCA 26—30 BDBCA 31—35 DADCB 36—40 FGADE
    第三部分 英语知识运用
    41---45 CBDCA 46—50 BBCDA 51—55 DAACB
    56.dating 57.whse 58.an 59.but 60.what
    61.is cmpsed 62. It 63.pictured 64. with 65.recgnitin
    An Unfrgettable Activity in High Schl
    My high schl has witnessed many clrful activities in the past 3 years, amng which the cming-f-age ceremny is especially unfrgettable.
    Present at the ceremny were all we students frm Grade 3, alng with ur parents and teachers. It kicked ff with an inspiring speech delivered by ur president, which cnveyed cngratulatins and anticipatins abut ur future. Then came a series f activities, ranging frm expressing gratitude t ur parents and teachers t making a prmise f being respnsible fr the adulthd. The highlight was when we walked thrugh the cming-f-age gate.
    The ceremny will be rted in my mind as a reminder that I shuld shulder my respnsibility as an adult.
    One pssible versin:
    Curius abut what they wuld find, they tk immediate actin individually. T their surprise, Jim discvered his favrite ty car that he had been searching fr weeks while Dick fund a missing clrful pencil buried under a pile f papers. The bys culdn’t cntain their excitement as they cntinued their search. As they explred the rm, they came acrss frgtten treasures, like a mdel plane, candies and cmic bks. Each discvery brught laughter and pleasure, making the cleaning mre enjyable than they had ever expected.
    The rm became less messy gradually. Ken saw his bys wrking tgether, helping each ther find hidden items, and laughing thrughut the explratin. After what seemed like hurs f searching and cleaning, the bys finally declared their search cmplete. The rm was nw tidy, and their treasures were prudly displayed. Mm entered the rm, amazed at the changes. Cnsidering their excellent perfrmance, Mm let the bys chse their favrite dessert fr the night tgether. Happily tasting their treats, they enjyed the victry that came frm wrking tgether and turning a bring task int a memrable explratin.

    内蒙古呼和浩特市2025届高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份内蒙古呼和浩特市2025届高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试题(Word版附答案),共11页。试卷主要包含了15 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2025届内蒙古呼和浩特市高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试卷: 这是一份2025届内蒙古呼和浩特市高三上学期第一次质量监测英语试卷,文件包含高三英语试卷docx、高三第一次质量检测英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    内蒙古呼和浩特市2023-2024学年高三上学期学业质量监测英语试题及答案: 这是一份内蒙古呼和浩特市2023-2024学年高三上学期学业质量监测英语试题及答案,共8页。试卷主要包含了作答时,将答案写在答题卡上等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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