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    新高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题07 阅读理解说明文、议论文(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)
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      新高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题07 阅读理解说明文、议论文(解析版).doc
    新高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题07 阅读理解说明文、议论文(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)01
    新高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题07 阅读理解说明文、议论文(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)02
    新高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题07 阅读理解说明文、议论文(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)03
    新高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题07 阅读理解说明文、议论文(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)01
    新高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题07 阅读理解说明文、议论文(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)02
    新高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题07 阅读理解说明文、议论文(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)03
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    新高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题07 阅读理解说明文、议论文(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份新高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题07 阅读理解说明文、议论文(2份打包,原卷版+解析版),文件包含新高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题07阅读理解说明文议论文原卷版doc、新高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题07阅读理解说明文议论文解析版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共106页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 【2021·全国甲卷,B】
    Prt Lympne Reserve, which runs a breeding (繁育) prgramme, has welcmed the arrival f a rare black rhin calf (犀牛幼崽). When the tiny creature arrived n January 31, she became the 40th black rhin t be brn at the reserve. And fficials at Prt Lympne were delighted with the new arrival, especially as black rhins are knwn fr being difficult t breed in captivity (圈养).
    Paul Beer, head f rhin sectin at Prt Lympne, said: “Obviusly we're all abslutely delighted t welcme anther calf t ur black rhin family. She's healthy, strng and already eager t play and explre. Her mther, Sli, is a first-time mum and she is ding a fantastic jb. It's still a little t cld fr them t g ut int the pen, but as sn as the weather warms up, I have n dubt that the little ne will be ut and abut explring and playing every day.”
    The adrable female calf is the secnd black rhin brn this year at the reserve, but it is t early t tell if the calves will make gd candidates t be returned t prtected areas f the wild. The first rhin t be brn at Prt Lympne arrived n January 5 t first-time mther Kisima and weighed abut 32kg. His mther, grandmther and great grandmther were all brn at the reserve and still live there.
    Accrding t the Wrld Wildlife Fund, the glbal black rhin ppulatin has drpped as lw as 5500, giving the rhins a “critically endangered” status.
    4. Which f the fllwing best describes the breeding prgramme?
    A. Cstly.B. Cntrversial.C. Ambitius.D. Successful.
    5. What des Paul Beer say abut the new-brn rhin?
    A. She lves staying with her mther.B. She dislikes utdr activities.
    C. She is in gd cnditinD. She is sensitive t heat.
    6. What similar experience d Sli and Kisima have?
    A. They had their first brn in January.B. They enjyed explring new places
    C. They lived with their grandmthers.D. They were brught t the reserve yung
    7. What can be inferred abut Prn Lympne Reserve?
    A. The rhin sectin will be pen t the public.
    B. It aims t cntrl the number f the animals.
    C. It will cntinue t wrk with the Wrld Wildlife Fund.
    D. Sme f its rhins may be sent t the prtected wild areas.
    2. 【2021·全国乙卷·A】
    The Biggest Stadiums in the Wrld
    Peple have been puring int stadiums since the days f ancient Greece. In arund 80 A.D., the Rmans built the Clsseum, which remains the wrld’s best knwn stadium and cntinues t infrm cntemprary design. Rme’s Clsseum was 157 feet tall and had 80 entrances, seating 50,000 peple. Hwever, that was small fry cmpared with the city’s Circus Maximus, which accmmdated arund 250,000 peple.
    These days, safety regulatins-nt t mentin the mdern sprts fan’s desire fr a gd view and cmfrtable seat—tend t keep stadium capacities(容量) slightly lwer. Even sccer fans tend t have a seat each; gne are the days f thusands standing t watch the match.
    Fr the biggest stadiums in the wrld, we have used data supplied by the Wrld Atlas list s far, which ranks them by their stated permanent capacity, as well as updated infrmatin frm fficial stadium websites.
    All these stadiums are still funtina1, still pen and still hsting the biggest events in wrld sprt.
    ·Rungrad 1st f May Stadium, Pyngyang Krea. Capacity: 150,000. Opened: May 1,1989.
    ·Michigan Stadium, Ann Arbr, Michigan, U. S. Capacity: 107,601. Opened: Octber 1, 1927.
    ·Beaver Stadium, State Cllege, Pennsylvania, U. S. Capacity: 106,572. Opened: September 17, 1960.
    ·Ohi Stadium, Clumbus, Ohi, U. S. Capacity: 104,944. Opened: Octber 7,1922.
    ·Kyle Field, Cllege Statin, Texas, U. S. Capacity: 102,512. Opened: September 24, 1927.
    21. Hw many peple culd the Circus Maximus hld?
    A. 104,944.B. 107,601.C. Abut 150,000.D. Abut 250,000.
    22. Of the fllwing stadiums, which is the ldest?
    A. Michigan Stadium.B. Beaver Stadium.C. Ohi Stadium.D. Kyle Field.
    23. What d the listed stadiums have in cmmn?
    A. They hst big games.B. They have becme turist attractins.
    C. They were built by Americans.D. They are favred by architects.
    3. 【2021·全国乙卷·B】
    When almst everyne has a mbile phne, why are mre than half f Australian hmes still paying fr a landline(座机)?
    These days yu’d be hard pressed t find anyne in Australia ver the age f 15 wh desn’t wn a mbile phne. In fact plenty f yunger kids have ne in their pcket. Practically everyne can make and receive calls anywhere, anytime.
    Still, 55 percent f Australians have a landline phne at hme and nly just ver a quarter (29%) rely nly n their smartphnes accrding t a survey (调查). Of thse Australians wh still have a landline, a third cncede that it’s nt really necessary and they’re keeping it as a security blanket — 19 percent say they never use it while a further 13 percent keep it in case f emergencies. I think my hme falls int that categry.
    Mre than half f Australian hmes are still chsing t stick with their hme phne. Age is naturally a factr(因素)— nly 58 percent f Generatin Ys still use landlines nw and then, cmpared t 84 percent f Baby Bmers wh’ve perhaps had the same hme number fr 50 years. Age isn’t the nly factr; I’d say it’s als t d with the makeup f yur husehld.
    Generatin Xers with yung families, like my wife and I, can still find it cnvenient t have a hme phne rather than prviding a mbile phne fr every family member. That said, t be hnest the nly peple wh ever ring ur hme phne are ur Baby Bmers parents, t the pint where we play a game and guess wh is calling befre we pick up the phne(using Caller ID wuld take the fun ut f it).
    Hw attached are yu t yur landline? Hw lng until they g the way f gas street lamps and mrning milk deliveries?
    24. What des paragraph 2 mainly tell us abut mbile phnes?
    A. Their target users.B. Their wide ppularity.
    C. Their majr functins.D. Their cmplex design.
    25. What des the underlined wrd “cncede” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Admit.B. Argue.
    C. Remember.D. Remark.
    26. What can we say abut Baby Bmers?
    A. They like smartphne games.B. They enjy guessing callers’ identity.
    C. They keep using landline phnes.D. They are attached t their family.
    27. What can be inferred abut the landline frm the last paragraph?
    A. It remains a family necessity.
    B. It will fall ut f use sme day.
    C. It may increase daily expenses.
    D. It is as imprtant as the gas light.
    4. 【2021·全国乙卷·C】
    Yu’ve heard that plastic is plluting the ceans — between 4.8 and 12.7 millin tnnes enter cean ecsystems every year. But des ne plastic straw r cup really make a difference? Artist Benjamin Vn Wng wants yu t knw that it des. He builds massive sculptures ut f plastic garbage, frcing viewers t re-examine their relatinship t single-use plastic prducts.
    At the beginning f the year, the artist built a piece called “Strawpcalypse,” a pair f 10-ft-tall plastic waves, frzen mid-crash. Made f 168,000 plastic straws cllected frm several vlunteer beach cleanups, the sculpture made its first appearance at the Estella Place shpping center in H Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
    Just 9% f glbal plastic waste is recycled. Plastic straws are by n means the biggest surce(来源)f plastic pllutin, but they’ve recently cme under fire because mst peple dn’t need them t drink with and, because f their small size and weight, they cannt be recycled. Every straw that’s part f Vn Wng’s artwrk likely came frm a drink that smene used fr nly a few minutes. Once the drink is gne, the straw will take centuries t disappear.
    In a piece frm 2018, Vn Wng wanted t illustrate(说明) a specific statistic: Every 60 secnds, a trucklad’s wrth f plastic enters the cean. Fr this wrk, titled “Trucklad f Plastic,” Vn Wng and a grup f vlunteers cllected mre than 10,000 pieces f plastic, which were then tied tgether t lk like they’d been dumped(倾倒) frm a truck all at nce.
    Vn Wng hpes that his wrk will als help pressure big cmpanies t reduce their plastic ftprint.
    28. What are Vn Wng’s artwrks intended fr?
    A. Beautifying the city he lives in.B. Intrducing ec-friendly prducts.
    C. Drawing public attentin t plastic waste.D. Reducing garbage n the beach.
    29. Why des the authr discuss plastic straws in paragraph 3?
    A. T shw the difficulty f their recycling.
    B. T explain why they are useful.
    C. T vice his views n mdern art.
    D. T find a substitute fr them.
    30. What effect wuld “Trucklad f Plastic” have n viewers?
    A. Calming.B. Disturbing.
    C. Refreshing.D. Challenging.
    31 Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Artists’ Opinins n Plastic Safety
    B. Media Interest in Cntemprary Art
    C. Respnsibility Demanded f Big Cmpanies
    D. Ocean Plastics Transfrmed int Sculptures
    5. 【2021·全国乙卷·D】
    During an interview fr ne f my bks, my interviewer said smething I still think abut ften. Annyed by the level f distractin(干扰)in his pen ffice, he said, “That’s why I have a membership at the cwrking space acrss the street — s I can fcus”. His cmment struck me as strange. After all, cwrking spaces als typically use an pen ffice layut(布局). But I recently came acrss a study that shws why his apprach wrks.
    The researchers examined varius levels f nise n participants as they cmpleted tests f creative thinking. They were randmly divided int fur grups and expsed t varius nise levels in the backgrund, frm ttal silence t 50 decibels(分贝), 70 decibels, and 85 decibels. The differences between mst f the grups were statistically insignificant; hwever, the participants in the 70 decibels grup — thse expsed t a level f nise similar t backgrund chatter in a cffee shp — significantly utperfrmed the ther grups. Since the effects were small, this may suggest that ur creative thinking des nt differ that much in respnse t ttal silence and 85 decibels f backgrund nise.
    But since the results at 70 decibels were significant, the study als suggests that the right level f backgrund nise — nt t lud and nt ttal silence — may actually imprve ne’s creative thinking ability. The right level f backgrund nise may interrupt ur nrmal patterns f thinking just enugh t allw ur imaginatins t wander, withut making it impssible t fcus. This kind f “distracted fcus” appears t be the best state fr wrking n creative tasks.
    S why d s many f us hate ur pen ffices? The prblem may be that, in ur ffices, we can’t stp urselves frm getting drawn int thers’ cnversatins while we’re trying t fcus. Indeed, the researchers fund that face-t-face interactins and cnversatins affect the creative prcess, and yet a cwrking space r a cffee shp prvides a certain level f nise while als prviding freedm frm interruptins.
    32. Why des the interviewer prefer a cwrking space?
    A. It helps him cncentrate.B. It blcks ut backgrund nise.
    C. It has a pleasant atmsphere.D. It encurages face-t-face interactins.
    33. Which level f backgrund nise may prmte creative thinking ability?
    A. Ttal silence.B. 50 decibelsC. 70 decibels.D. 8 5 decibels.
    34. What makes an pen ffice unwelcme t many peple?
    A. Persnal privacy unprtected.B. Limited wrking space.
    C. Restrictins n grup discussin.D. Cnstant interruptins.
    35. What can we infer abut the authr frm the text?
    A. He’s a news reprter.
    B. He’s an ffice manager.
    C. He’s a prfessinal designer.
    D. He’s a published writer.
    6. 【2021·新高考 I 卷·C】
    When the explrers first set ft upn the cntinent f Nrth America, the skies and lands were alive with an astnishing variety f wildlife. Native Americans had taken care f these precius natural resurces wisely. Unfrtunately, it tk the explrers and the settlers wh fllwed nly a few decades t decimate a large part f these resurces. Millins f waterfwl ( 水 禽 ) were killed at the hands f market hunters and a handful f verly ambitius sprtsmen. Millins f acres f wetlands were dried t feed and huse the ever-increasing ppulatins, greatly reducing waterfwl habitat.
    In 1934, with the passage f the Migratry Bird Hunting Stamp Act (Act), an increasingly cncerned natin tk firm actin t stp the destructin f migratry ( 迁徙的) waterfwl and the wetlands s vital t their survival. Under this Act, all waterfwl hunters 16 years f age and ver must annually purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp. The very first Federal Duck Stamp was designed by J.N. “Ding” Darling, a plitical cartnist frm Des Mines, lwa, wh at that time was appinted by President Franklin Rsevelt as Directr f the Bureau f Bilgical Survey. Hunters willingly pay the stamp price t ensure the survival f ur natural resurces.
    Abut 98 cents f every duck stamp dllar ges directly int the Migratry Bird Cnservatin Fund t purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat fr inclusin int the Natinal Wildlife Refuge System — a fact that ensures this land will be prtected and available fr all generatins t cme. Since 1934 better than half a billin dllars has gne int that Fund t purchase mre than 5 millin acres f habitat. Little wnder the Federal Duck Stamp Prgram has been called ne f the mst successful cnservatin prgrams ever initiated.
    28. What was a cause f the waterfwl ppulatin decline in Nrth America?
    A. Lss f wetlands.B. Ppularity f water sprts.
    C. Pllutin f rivers.D. Arrival f ther wild animals.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “decimate” mean in the first paragraph?
    A. Acquire.B. Exprt.
    C. Destry.D. Distribute.
    30. What is a direct result f the Act passed in 1934?
    A. The stamp price has gne dwn.B. The migratry birds have flwn away.
    C. The hunters have stpped hunting.D. The gvernment has cllected mney.
    31. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Federal Duck Stamp StryB. The Natinal Wildlife Refuge System
    C. The Benefits f Saving WaterfwlD. The Histry f Migratry Bird Hunting
    7. 【2021·新高考 I 卷·D】
    Ppularizatin has in sme cases changed the riginal meaning f emtinal (情感的) intellingence. Many peple nw misunderstand emtinal intelligence as almst everything desirable in a persn's makeup that cannt be measured by an IQ test, such as character, mtivatin, cnfidence, mental stability, ptimism and “peple skills.” Research has shwn that emtinal skills may cntribute t sme f these qualities, but mst f them mve far beynd skill-based emtinal intelligence.
    We prefer t describe emtinal intelligence as a specific set f skills that can be used fr either gd r bad purpses. The ability t accurately understand hw thers are feeling may be used by a dctr t find hw best t help her patients, while a cheater might use it t cntrl ptential victims. Being emtinally intelligent des nt necessarily make ne a mral persn.
    Althugh ppular beliefs regarding emtinal intelligence run far ahead f what research can reasnably supprt, the verall effects f the publicity have been mre beneficial than harmful. The mst psitive aspect f this ppularizatin is a new and much needed emphasis (重视) n emtin by emplyers, educatrs and thers interested in prmting scial well-being. The ppularizatin f emtinal intelligence has helped bth the public and researchers re-evaluate the functinality f emtins and hw they serve peple adaptively in everyday life.
    Althugh the cntinuing ppular appeal f emtinal intelligence is desirable, we hpe that such attentin will excite a greater interest in the scientific and schlarly study f emtin. It is ur hpe that in cming decades, advances in science will ffer new perspectives (视角) frm which t study hw peple manage their lives. Emtinal intelligence, with its fcus n bth head and heart, may serve t pint us in the right directin.
    32. What is a cmmn misunderstanding f emtinal intelligence?
    A. It can be measured by an IQ test.B. It helps t exercise a persn’s mind.
    C. It includes a set f emtinal skills.D. It refers t a persn’s psitive qualities.
    33. Why des the authr mentin “dctr” and “cheater” in paragraph 2?
    A. T explain a rule.B. T clarify a cncept.
    C. T present a fact.D. T make a predictin.
    34. What is the authr’s attitude t the ppularizatin f emtinal intelligence?
    A. Favrable.B. Intlerant.
    C. Dubtful.D. Unclear.
    35. What des the last paragraph mainly talk abut cncerning emtinal intelligence?
    A. Its appeal t the public.B. Expectatins fr future studies.
    C. Its practical applicatin.D. Scientists with new perspectives.
    4. 【2021·浙江卷·C】
    If yu ever get the impressin that yur dg can "tell" whether yu lk cntent r annyed, yu may be nt smething. Dgs may indeed be able t distinguish between happy and angry human faces, accrding t a new study
    Researchers trained a grup f 11 dgs t distinguish between images(图像)f the same persn making either a happy r an angry face. During the training stage, each dg was shwn nly the upper half r the lwer half f the persn's face. The researchers then tested the dgs' ability t distinguish between human facial expressins by shwing them the ther half f the persn's face n images ttally different frm the nes used in training. The researchers fund that the dgs were able t pick the angry r happy face by tuching a picture f it with their nses mre ften than ne wuld expect by randm chance.
    The study shwed the animals had figured ut hw t apply what they learned abut human faces during training t new faces in the testing stage. "We can rule ut that the dgs simply distinguish between the pictures based n a simple cue, such as the sight f teeth," said study authr Crsin Muller. "Instead, ur results suggest that the successful dgs realized that a smiling muth means the same thing as smiling eyes, and the same rule applies t an angry muth having the same meaning as angry eyes."
    "With ur study, we think we can nw cnfidently cnclude that at least sme dgs can distinguish human facial expressins," Muller tld Live Science.
    At this pint, it is nt clear why dgs seem t be equipped with the ability t recgnize different facial expressins in humans. "T us, the mst likely explanatin appears t be that the basis lies in their living with humans, which gives them a lt f expsure t human facial expressins," and this expsure has prvided them with many chances t learn t distinguish between them, Muller said.
    8. The new study fcused n whether dgs can_________.
    A. distinguish shapesB. make sense f human faces
    C. feel happy r angryD. cmmunicate with each ther
    9. What can we learn abut the study frm paragraph 2?
    A. Researchers tested the dgs in randm rder.
    B. Diverse methds were adpted during training.
    C. Pictures used in the tw stages were different
    D. The dgs were phtgraphed befre the lest.
    10. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. A suggestin fr future studies.B. A pssible reasn fr the study findings.
    C. A majr limitatin f the studyD. An explanatin f the research methd.
    5. 【2021·浙江卷(1月)·B】
    At the start f the 20th century, an American engineer named Jhn Elfreth Watkins made predictins abut life tday. His predictins abut slwing ppulatin grwth, mbile phnes and increasing height were clse t the mark. But he was wrng in ne predictin: that everybdy wuld walk 10 miles a day.
    Tday, in Australia, mst children n average fall 2, 000 steps shrt f the physical activity they need t avid being verweight. In the early 1970s, 40 per cent f children walked t schl, while in 2010, it was as lw as 15 per cent.
    The decline is nt because we have all becme lazy. Families are pressed fr time, many with bth parents wrking t pay fr their huse, ften wrking hurs nt f their chsing, living in car-dependent neighbrhds with limited public transprt.
    The ther side f the cin is equally a deprivatin: fr health and well-being, as well as lst pprtunities(机会)fr children t get t knw their lcal surrundings. And fr parents there are lst pprtunities t walk and talk with their yung schlar abut their day.
    Mst parents will have eagerly asked their child abut their day, nly t meet with a “gd”, quickly fllwed by "I'm hungry". This is als my experience as a mther. But smewhere ver the daily walk mre abut my sn's day cmes ut. I hear him making sense f friendship and its limits. This is the unexpected and rare parental pprtunity t hear mre.
    Many primary schls supprt walking schl-bus rutes(路线), with days f regular, parent-accmpanied walks. Ding just ne f these a few times a week is better than nthing. It can be tugh t begin and takes a little planning-running shes by the frnt dr, lunches made the night befre, umbrellas n rainy days and hats n ht nes-but it's certainly wrth trying.
    4.Why des the authr mentin Watkins' predictins in the first paragraph?
    A.T make cmparisns.B.T intrduce the tpic.
    C.T supprt her argument.D.T prvide examples.
    5.What has caused the decrease in Australian children's physical activity?
    A.Plain laziness.B.Health prblems.
    C.Lack f time.D.Security cncerns.
    6.Why des the authr find walking with her sn wrthwhile?
    A.She can get relaxed after wrk.B.She can keep physically fit.
    C.She can help with her sn's study.D.She can knw her sn better.
    6. 【2021·浙江卷(1月)·C】
    Researchers say they have translated the meaning f gestures that wild chimpanzees (黑猩猩) use t cmmunicate. They say wild chimps cmmunicate 19 specific messages t ne anther with a "vcabulary" f 66 gestures. The scientists discvered this by fllwing and filming grups f chimps in Uganda, and examining mre than 5,000 incidents f these meaningful exchanges.
    Dr Catherine Hbaiter, wh led the research, said that this was the nly frm f intentinal cmmunicatin t be recrded in the animal kingdm. Only humans and chimps, she said, had a system f cmmunicatin where they deliberately sent a message t anther grup member.
    "That's what's s amazing abut chimp gestures," she said. "They're the nly thing that lks like human language in that respect. ”
    Althugh previus research has shwn that apes and mnkeys can understand cmplex infrmatin frm anther animal's call, the animals d nt appear t use their vices intentinally t cmmunicate messages. This was a significant difference between calls and gestures, Dr Hbaiter said.
    Chimps will check t see if they have the attentin f the animal with which they wish t cmmunicate. In ne case, a mther presents her ft t her crying baby, signaling:" Climb n me. " The yungster immediately jumps n t its mthers back and they travel ff tgether. "The big message frm this study is that there is anther species (物种) ut there. that is meaningful in its cmmunicatin, s that's nt unique t humans," said Dr Hbaiter.
    Dr Susanne Shultz, an evlutinary bilgist frm the University f Manchester, said the study was praisewrthy in seeking t enrich ur knwledge f the evlutin f human language. But, she added, the results were "a little disappinting".
    "The vagueness f the gesture meanings suggests either that the chimps have little t cmmunicate, r we are still missing a lt f the infrmatin cntained in their gestures and actins," she said. "Mrever, the meanings seem t nt g beynd what ther animal cnvey with nn-verbal cmmunicatin. S, it seems the gulf remains. "
    7.What d chimps and humans have in cmmn accrding t Dr Hbaiter?
    A.Memrizing specific wrds.B.Understanding cmplex infrmatin.
    C.Using vices t cmmunicate.D.Cmmunicating messages n purpse.
    8.What did Dr Shultz think f the study?
    A.It was well designed but prly cnducted.
    B.It was a gd try but the findings were limited.
    C.It was inspiring but the evidence was unreliable.
    D.It was a failure but the methds deserved praise.
    9.What des the underlined wrd "gulf" in the last paragraph mean?
    10.Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A.Chimpanzee behaviur study achieved a breakthrugh
    B.Chimpanzees develped specific cmmunicatin skills
    C.Chimpanzees: the smartest species in the animal kingdm
    D.Chimpanzee language: cmmunicatin gestures translated
    7. 【2021·天津卷·C】
    A trial prject by the Mntreal Children's Hspital suggested that the use f medical hypnsis(催眠)can reduce pain and anxiety in patients. The prject als resulted in a reductin in the amunt f medicines used t perfrm medical-imaging imaging(医学影像) prcedures.
    “During the examinatin children dn't mve. It wrks perfectly. It's amazing,“ said Jhanne L'Ecuyer, a medical-imaging technlgist at the hspital.
    The prject was inspired by a French team frm Ruen University Hspital Centre where examinatins are dne under hypnsis instead f general anesthesia(麻醉).
    A French medical-imaging technlgist-als a hypntist — was invited t train a few members in the medical-imaging department f the children's hspital. In all, 80 examinatins were cnducted fr the prject between January and September, 2019, fcusing n the imaging prcedures that wuld cause anxiety.
    Hypnsis is nt a state f sleep: It is rather a mdified(改变的)state f cnsciusness. The technlgist will guide the patient t this mdified state—an imaginary wrld that will disassciate itself mre and mre frm the prcedure that fllws.
    “The technlgist must build up a stry with the patient," Ms. L'Ecuyer said. "The patient is left with the pwer t chse what he wants t talk abut. D yu play sprts? D yu like ging t the beach? We establish a subject that we will discuss thrughut the prcedure."
    Everything that happens next during the prcedure must be related t this stry — an injectin (注射)becmes the bite f an insect; the heat n the skin becmes the sensatin f the sun and a machine that rings becmes a plice car passing nearby.
    “The imprtant thing is that the technlgist assciates what is happening utside the patient's bdy with what the patient sees in his head," Ms. L'Ecuyer said. "It requires creativity n the part f the technlgist, imaginatin, a lt f patience and kindness."
    The prcedure appealed t the staff a lt when it was intrduced in January. It spread like wildfire that smene frm France was here t train the technlgists," Ms. L'Ecuyer said. She added that she had a line f staff at her dr wanting t take the training.
    45.One f the results prduced by the trial prject is ________ .
    A.a better understanding f children
    B.less use f certain medicines
    C.new medical-imaging technlgy
    D.an imprved reputatin f the hspital
    46.The French technlgist came t the children's hspital t ________.
    A.assist in treating a patient
    B.carry ut hypnsis training
    C.start up a new department
    D.learn abut the prcedure
    47.Accrding t Paragraph 5, hypnsis wrks by ________.
    A.creating a perfect wrld fr patients
    B.frcing patients int a state f deep sleep
    C.putting patients int an uncnscius state
    D.leading patients' cnsciusness away frm reality
    48.What can we learn abut the stry used in the prcedure?
    A.It shuld keep pace with the prcedure.
    B.It reflects the patient's creativity.
    C.It is selected by the technlgist.
    D.It tells what dctrs are ding t the patient.
    49.The prcedure was received amng the staff with ________.
    50.What is the passage mainly abut?
    A.An easy way t cmmunicate with patients.
    B.The standard methd f cnducting hypnsis.
    C.An intrductin f medical-imaging technlgy.
    D.The use f hypnsis in medical-imaging prcedures.
    1. 【2021·全国甲卷,D】
    Wh is a genius? This questin has greatly interested humankind fr centuries.
    Let's state clearly: Einstein was a genius. His face is almst the internatinal symbl fr genius. But we want t g beynd ne man and explre the nature f genius itself. Why is it that sme peple are s much mre intelligent r creative than the rest f us? And wh are they?
    In the sciences and arts, thse praised as geniuses were mst ften white men, f Eurpean rigin. Perhaps this is nt a surprise. It's said that histry is written by the victrs, and thse victrs set the standards fr admissin t the genius club. When cntributins were made by geniuses utside the club—wmen, r peple f a different clr r belief—they were unacknwledged and rejected by thers.
    A study recently published by Science fund that as yung as age six, girls are less likely than bys t say that members f their gender(性别)are “really, really smart.” Even wrse, the study fund that girls act n that belief: Arund age six they start t avid activities said t be fr children wh are “really, really smart.” Can ur planet affrd t have any great thinkers becme discuraged and give up? It desn't take a genius t knw the answer: abslutely nt.
    Here's the gd news. In a wired wrld with cnstant glbal cmmunicatin, we're all psitined t see flashes f genius wherever they appear. And the mre we lk, the mre we will see that scial factrs(因素)like gender, race, and class d nt determine the appearance f genius. As a writer says, future geniuses cme frm thse with “intelligence, creativity, perseverance(毅力), and simple gd frtune, wh are able t change the wrld.”
    12. What des the authr think f victrs' standards fr jining the genius club?
    A. They're unfair.B. They're cnservative.
    C. They're bjective.D. They're strict.
    13. What can we infer abut girls frm the study in Science?
    A. They think themselves smart.
    B. They lk up t great thinkers.
    C. They see gender differences earlier than bys.
    D. They are likely t be influenced by scial beliefs
    14. Why are mre geniuses knwn t the public?
    A. Imprved glbal cmmunicatin.
    B. Less discriminatin against wmen.
    C. Acceptance f victrs' cncepts.
    D. Changes in peple's scial psitins.
    15. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Geniuses Think AlikeB. Genius Takes Many Frms
    C. Genius and IntelligenceD. Genius and Luck
    2. 【2021·天津卷·D】
    There is smething t be said fr being a generalist, even if yu are a specialist. Knwing a little abut a lt f things that interest yu can add t the richness f a whle, well-lived life.
    Sciety pushes us t specialize, t becme experts. This requires cmmitment t a particular ccupatin, branch f study r research. The drawback t being specialists is we ften cme t knw mre and mre abut less and less. There is a great deal f pressure t master ne's field. Yu may pursue training, degrees, r increasing levels f respnsibility at wrk. Then yu discver the pressure f having t keep up.
    Sme peple seem willing t wrk arund the clck in their narrw specialty. But such cmmitment can als weaken a sense f freedm. These specialists culd wrk at the ffice until ten each night, then lk back and realize they wuld have lved t have gne hme and enjyed the sweetness f their family and friends, r traveled t exciting places, meeting interesting peple. Mastering ne thing t the exclusin (排 除)f thers can hld back yur true spirit.
    Generalists, n the ther hand, knw a lt abut a wide range f subjects and view the whle with all its cnnectins. They are peple f ability, talent, and enthusiasm wh can bring their brad perspective (视角)int specific fields f expertise (专长).The dctr wh is als a pet and philspher is a superir dctr, ne wh can give s much mre t his patients than just gd medical skills.
    Things are cnnected. Let yur expertise in ne field fuel yur passins in all related areas. Sme f yur interests may nt appear t be cnnected but, nce yu explre their depths, yu discver that they are. My editr Tni, wh is als a writer, has edited several histry bks. She has decided t study Chinese histry. Fascinated by the structural beauty f the Frbidden City as a painter, she is equally interested t learn mre abut Chinese philsphy. "I dn't knw where it will lead, but I'm excited I'm n this pursuit."
    These expansins int new wrlds help us by giving us new perspectives. We begin t see the intercnnectedness f ne thing t anther in all aspects f ur life, f urselves and the universe. Develp brad, general knwledge and experience. The universe is all yurs t explre and enjy.
    51.T becme a specialist, ne may have t_____.
    A.narrw his range f knwledge
    B.avid respnsibilities at wrk
    C.knw mre abut the sciety
    D.braden his perspective n life
    52.The specialists mentined in Paragraph 3 tend t______.
    A.treasure their freedm
    B.travel arund the wrld
    C.spend mst time wrking
    D.enjy meeting funny peple
    53.Accrding t the authr, a superir dctr is ne wh_____.
    A.is fully aware f his talent and ability
    B.is a pure specialist in medicine
    C.shuld lve petry and philsphy
    D.brings knwledge f ther fields t wrk
    54.What des the authr intend t shw with the example f Tni?
    A.Passin alne des nt ensure a persn's success.
    B.In-depth explratin makes discveries pssible.
    C.Everyne has a chance t succeed in their pursuit.
    D.Seemingly unrelated interests are in a way cnnected.
    55.What culd be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Be Mre a Generalist Than a Specialist
    B.Specialist r Generalist: Hard t Decide
    C.Turn a Generalist int a Specialist
    D.Ways t Becme a Generalist
    Why d we like drinking water frm plastic bttles(塑料瓶)? Sme peple think it is healthy and clean. Others drink bttled water because it’s easy — yu can carry it arund with yu. In ht cuntries, like Greece, we ften buy bttles f cld water in the summer.
    Hwever, making lts f plastic is nt a gd idea fr many reasns. First f all, we need a lt f il fr plastic prducts. We usually use il as a surce f energy. If we reduced the number f bttles we made, we wuldn’t need s much il. Plastic bttles als pllute the envirnment. If we reused all ur plastic bttles, we wuldn’t need s much space fr rubbish dumps. But in Greece, we dn’t reuse much f the plastic we use. In 2006, Greeks reused nly abut 10% f plastic waste. The rest became rubbish n land and in rivers and seas.
    S next time yu want t thrw away a plastic bttle in the litter bin, stp and think. If yu reuse it, yu wuld help the envirnment. But what can yu d when there isn’t a bin near yu? Well, there are lts f useful ways that yu can use yur bttles again. Fr example, an empty bttle makes a great piggy bank fr yur pcket mney, and if yu cut a bttle in half, yu will have a plant pt. G green! Yu can make a difference.
    12.What is nt mentined abut bttled water in this passage?
    A.It’s healthy.B.It’s clean.
    C.It’s easy.D.It’s expensive.
    13.Plastic prducts are made frm ________.
    14.Which is the best way t deal with used plastic bttles?
    A.T reuse them.B.T make a piggy bank.
    C.T make a plant pt.D.T drp them int the river.
    15.The underlined part in this passage tells us “________”.
    A.T make a different life, yu’d better g utside.
    B.T lk different, yu’d better wear green clthes.
    C.T prtect the envirnment, yu can d smething.
    D.T g green, yu shuld use plastic prducts.
    Fu Ts'ng, a Chinese-brn pianist knwn fr his sensitive interpretatins f Chpin, Debussy and Mzart.died n Mnday at a hspital in Lndn, where he had lived fr many years. He was 86.
    A lver f classical music frm a yung age, Mr. Fu began taking pian lessns when he was 7. Mr. Fu made his first stage appearance in 1952. The cncert caught the attentin f fficials in Beijing, wh selected him t cmpete and tur in Eastern Eurpe. Mr. Fu sn mved t Pland, where he studied at the Warsaw Cnservatry(音乐学校)n a schlarship. T prepare fr the fifth Chpin Cmpetitin in Warsaw in 1955.he practiced s diligently that he hurt his fingers and was nearly cut frm the first rund f the cmpetitin.
    Mr. Fu was ne f the first Chinese pianists t achieve glbal prminence when he tk the third place in the Internatinal Chpin Pian Cmpetitin in Warsaw in 1955. He als wn a special prize fr his perfrmance f Chpin's mazurkas(马祖卜舞曲). Almst vernight, he became a natinal her. T China, Mr. Fu's recgnitin in a well-knwn internatinal cmpetitin was prf that the cuntry culd stand n its wn artistically in the West. Chinese reprters flcked t interview Mr. Fu, while many thers sught ut his father, Fu Lei, fr advice n child-rearing.
    In 1981, a vlume f letters written by his father, primarily t Mr. Fu, was published in China. Full f advice, encuragement, life teachings and strict paternal lve, the bk Fu Lei's Family, Letters became a best-seller in China. Besides influencing a generatin f Chinese, Mr. Fu's wrds resnated(共鸣)lng after his death with the persn fr whm they were intended.
    "My father had a saying that 'First yu must be a persn, then an artist, and then a musician, and nly then can yu be a pianist.'" Mr. Fu nce recalled in an interview. "Even nw, I believe in this rder-that it shuld be this way and that I am this way."
    9.What can be learned frm Paragraph 2?
    A.Fu Ts'ng cmpeted and tured in Beijing.
    B.Fu Ts'ng first perfrmed n the stage at 7.
    C.Fu Ts'ng made great effrts fr cmpetitins.
    D.Fu Ts'ng started learning music in Eastern Eurpe.
    10.Why des Fu Ts'ng's glbal recgnitin mean a lt t China?
    A.It earns Chinese art a place in the West.
    B.It prmtes the spread f Chinese culture.
    C.It prves Chinese peple's talent fr music.
    D.It enables Chinese art educatin t be recgnized.
    11.What des the underlined wrd "they" in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A.Mr. Fu's wrds.B.Yung Chinese.
    C.Fu Ts'ng and his family.D.Readers f Fu Lei's Family Letters.
    12.Which f the fllwing agrees with Fu Lei's ideas in the last paragraph?
    A.Pursuing art is a lng and painful prcess.
    B.It requires varius qualities t be a pianist.
    C.Everyne shuld develp an interest in art.
    D.Talent is f the greatest imprtance fr a pianist.
    Mst f us have smething abut us that we’re nt 100% in lve with, such as an impulsive streak r a shrt temper. What if thse persnality traits (个性特征) culd be imprved with daily use f a smartphne app? That was the fcus f a new study frm an internatinal research team led by the University f Zurich.
    “Persnality traits predict several imprtant aspects f life such as success at wrk, health and even a lng.” says first authr Mirjam Stieger. PhD.f Brandeis University in Waltham. Massachusetts. “S we wanted t test whether peple can actively shape their persnality traits with the help f a digital interventin (干预) within a relatively shrt perid f time.”
    Arund 1.500 participants were prvided with a specially develped smartphne app called PEACH fr three mnths. On the app, a virtual cmpanin cmmunicated with the participants daily and prvided supprt t help them make the changes they desired. And participants were divided int tw grups — an interventin grup and a waitlist cntrl grup. Participants in the waitlist cntrl grup selected and indicated their change gals befre a ne-mnth waiting perid, and then they received the same three-mnth interventin as the interventin grup.
    The researchers fund that participants in the waitlist cntrl grup didn't change their persnality traits during the ne-mnth waiting perid. but participants wh received the interventin reprted changes in the desired directin. “We als fund that friends and family members were able t detect persnality changes,” Stieger says. “Anther surprising finding was that mst participants were able t maintain (维持) their persnality trait changes until three mnths after the end f the interventin.”
    While apps culd be used t prmte persnality change, mental health expert Karen Peters warns, it's imprtant t remember they are there fr supprt and nt as a substitute fr an individual's change. “The use f an app itself isn't ging t influence change — change is influenced by internal mtivatin.” she says. “The new study demnstrates this pint by determining that change utcmes were in agreement with the individual's desire t change.”
    5.Why des the authr ask the questin in paragraph 1?
    A.T put frward a prblem.B.T recmmend a methd.
    C.T lead in the recent study.D.T cme up with a new cncept.
    6.What were participants asked t d in the new study?
    A.Set their change gals.B.Detect thers' changes.
    C.Help their cmpanins.D.Get rid f daily apps.
    7.What is the finding f the new study?
    A.Mst f the participants' persnalities were unstable.
    B.Digital interventin made n difference t persnalities.
    C.The use f an app alne culd shape persnality traits.
    D.The participants, persnality changes were nticeable.
    8.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Are Yur Persnality Traits Out f Cntrl?
    B.Are Yu in Lve With Yur Persnality Traits?
    C.Can a Smartphne App Change Yur Persnality?
    D.Can Digital Interventin Determine Persnal Desire?
    On paper, hydrgen(H2)lks like a dream fuel. Cal, il, and natural gas prduce carbn dixide, which warms the earth when burned, Hydrgen prduces pure water. Hydrgen packs mre energy int less space than a battery(but certainly less than petrl). Als, empty tanks(燃料箱)can be refilled with hydrgen much faster than refilling empty batteries with electricity.
    While in practice, things are trickier. String a meaningful amunt f hydrgen gas requires pressing it several hundred-fld. Changing it int the liquid frm is anther ptin, but it shuld be cled t-253C.Bth prcesses require a heavy and strng tank. While a 700 bar tank is acceptable fr a city bus r a truck, adapting it fr use in small vehicles is very difficult because the pressure during refilling wuld be t great.
    The slutin? Pwerpaste.
    A German team f researchers, led by Marcus Vgt, have cme up with an interesting "pwerpaste", which can stre hydrgen energy at atmspheric pressure, ready fr release when needed. It is s named because it cmes in tubes and lks like tthpaste(牙膏), nt in its traditinal frm f gas.
    The main ingredient(原料)f the paste is magnesium hydride, a substance that reacts with water t frm hydrgen. The escaped hydrgen can then be directed int a fuel cell, where it reacts with xygen frm the air t prduce electric pwer.
    Refueling is very simple, as instead f ging t a filling statin, drivers and riders can simply replace an empty tube with a new ne and refill the water tank.
    Given that pwerpaste nly begins t break dwn at temperatures f arund 250℃ it remains safe even when a vehicle stands in the baking sun fr hurs.
    Hwever, we will have t be patient. Just because researchers have succeeded in develping a new fueling way des nt mean that we can expect t see such vehicles n the rad anytime sn. It will indeed be several years befre this cncept is turned int reality.
    8.As a fuel, what is the advantage f hydrgen ver il?
    A.Refilling empty tanks will be mre cnvenient.
    B.It is less likely t wrsen glbal warming
    C.Mre energy can be packed in the same space.
    D.It will prduce pure water fr peple t drink.
    9.What is Paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A.The practical difficulties t use hydrgen as fuel in small vehicles.
    B.The detailed prcesses f adapting a strng tank in small vehicles.
    C.The differences in fueling between large vehicles and small nes.
    D.The tricks f building strng tanks in small vehicles.
    10.The authr mentins the refueling prcess t shw that pwerpaste is______________.
    11.Why des the authr call n the readers t be patient?
    A.Pwerpaste-driven vehicles smetimes mve very slwly n the rad.
    B.Practical use f pwerpaste-driven vehicles will nt cme very sn.
    C.Pwerpaste-driven vehicles can nly wrk after being in the sun fr hurs
    D.It will be years befre the researchers wrk ut the cncept f pwerpaste.
    Well, t pick up where we left ff last time, I believe all f yu knw nw hw plastics develped. But a piece f sad news, every year abut 8 millin metric tns f plastic is thrwn int ur ceans. That's as much as a trucklad f plastic waste every minute. As yu may knw, plastic waste chkes and hks turtles and seabirds. Wrse still, plastic pieces are ften mistaken fr fd by marine (海洋的)animals. Tiny pieces f plastic are even blcking the stmachs f marine creatures and fish.
    Accrding t Plastic Oceans, packaging accunts fr just ver 40% f ttal plastic usage. Annually apprximately 500 billin plastic bags are used wrldwide. Mre than 1 millin bags are used every minute. 14% f all litter cmes frm beverage cntainers (plastic bttles). Sadly, a plastic bag has an average “wrking life” f 15 minutes. Over the last 10 years we have prduced mre plastic than during the whle f the last century. Plastic takes 500 years t break dwn. Once it enters ur envirnment, it stays there.
    This is why it is imprtant t stp using plastic items that we use fr abut 15 minutes befre we dispse f it. Hpefully, we can help put an end t plastic pllutin by chsing nt t use single use plastic items, such as plastic bags and straws. And this July, peple arund the wrld will take a pledge(请愿)t live a plastic free life. Yu can either give up the tp fur ——straws, bttles, bags and cffee cups r yu can refuse as much single use plastic as yu can every day. Anther way t help reduce the prblem is t take part in beach clean-ups. On the first Saturday f every mnth Clean C, an initiative that gets vlunteers t clean up ur beaches, hsts beach clean-ups n beaches acrss Cape Twn. Yu can find details f upcming events n their website.
    8.What was prbably talked abut last time?
    A.The histry f plastics.B.The creatin f plastics.
    C.When plastics was made.D.Hw plastics was created.
    9.What can be inferred frm the secnd paragraph?
    A.Plastic packaging is still n the rise.
    B.Plastic bttles are the mst serius glbal prblems.
    C.Plastics can break dwn within centuries.
    D.Single-used plastics cntributes t cean pllutin.
    10.The underlined phrase “dispse f” can be replaced by ________.
    A.take cntrl fB.g in frC.get rid fD.watch ut fr
    11.What is the writing purpse f the text?
    A.T appeal t factries t stp making plastics.
    B.T call n peple t refuse plastic pllutin.
    C.T rganize activities t clean up the beaches.
    D.T gather vlunteers t prtect the marine animals.
    Physical activity is imprtant in preventing cardivascular(心血管的) disease in yung peple s lng as they dn’t undertake very intense activity n days when air pllutin levels are high, accrding t a recently released study.
    Until nw, little has been knwn abut the relatinships between the health benefits f physical activity taking place utdrs and the ptentially harmful effects f air pllutin. Previus research by the authrs f the current study had investigated the questin in middle-aged peple at a single pint in time, but this is the first time that it has been investigated in yung adults aged between 20—30 years ver a perid f several years. In additin, the researchers wanted t see what happens when peple increase r decrease their physical activity ver time.
    At each health check-up, the participants cmpleted a questinnaire asking abut their physical activity in the past seven days and this infrmatin was changed int units f metablic equivalent task(MET, 代谢当量任务) minutes per week(MET-mins/week). The participants were divided int fur grups: 0, 1—499, 500—999 and 1000 r mre MET-mins/week. Peple are recmmended t d 500—999 MET-mins/week and this can be achieved by; fr example, running, cycling r hiking fr 15—30 minutes five times a week, r brisk walking, dubles tennis r slw cycling fr 30—60 minutes five times a week.
    The researchers used data t calculate annual average levels f air pllutin, in particular the levels f small particulate matter that are less than r equal t 10 r 2.5 micrns in diameter, knwn a PM10 and PM25.
    Overall, the results shw that physical activity is assciated with a lwer risk f develping cardivascular disease amng yung adults. Hwever, when air pllutin levels are high, exercising beynd the recmmended amunt may ffset r even reverse the beneficial effects. The study cannt shw that air pllutin causes the increased cardivascular risk, nly that it is assciated with it.
    12.What can we knw frm Paragraph 2?
    A.Outdr physical activity harms ur health.
    B.Exercising isn’t advised n serius air pllutin days.
    C.A first in-depth survey has been dne n yung adults.
    D.Middle-aged peple have been the ideal research target.
    13.Hw d the results cme ut?
    A.By ding research n yung adults.
    B.By cllecting PM10 and PM2.5 data.
    C.By making experiments n middle-aged peple.
    D.By studying a questinnaire n physical activity.
    14.What d we knw abut the result?
    A.Air pllutin leads t cardivascular disease.
    B.Cardivascular disease relates t air pllutin.
    C.Mre physical exercise benefits yung peple.
    D.Yung adults seldm develp cardivascular disease.
    15.What wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Physical activity & air pllutin: when t d mre r less physical activity.
    B.Physical activity & health benefit: hw t prevent cardivascular disease
    C.Physical activity & air pllutin: what t d with high air pllutin levels
    D.Physical activity & health benefit: hw t maximize the health benefits f exercising
    Men hunted. Wmen gathered. That has lng been the cmmn view f ur prehistric ancestrs. But the discvery f a wman buried 9000 years ag in the Andes Muntains with weapns and hunting tls, and an analysis f ther burial sites in the Americas challenges this widely accepted divisin f labr in hunter-gatherer sciety.
    “Labr practices amng recent hunter-gatherer scieties are highly gendered, which might lead sme t believe that sexist inequalities in things like pay r rank are smehw 'natural' , ”said lead study authr Randy Haas, an assistant prfessr f anthrplgy (人类学) at University f Califrnia, Davis, in a news release. "But it's nw clear that sexual divisin f labr was fundamentally different-likely mre equal and reasnable-in ur species deep hunter-gatherer past."
    The burial site was discvered in 2018 during excavatins (发掘) at a high-altitude site called Wilamaya Patjxa in what is nw Peru. The wman, thught t be between 17 and 19 years ld when she died, was buried with items that suggested she hunted big-game animals.
    Althugh sme schlars have suggested a rle fr wmen in ancient hunting, thers have dismissed this idea even when hunting tls were uncvered in female burials. T examine whether this wman fund at this site was an utlier, the researchers examined 429 skeletns (骷髅) at 107 burials sites in Nrth and Suth America arund 8000 t 14000 years ag. Of thse, 27 individuals were buried with hunting tls—11 were female and 15 were male. The sample was sufficient t "supprt the cnclusin that female participatin in early big-game hunting was likely nt unusual".
    The findings add t dubts abut man — the hunter assumptin that infrmed much thinking abut early humans since the mid-20th century. “They suggest hunting was very much a cmmunity-based activity, needing the participatin f all able-bdied individuals t drive large animals”, the paper said. The weapn f chice at that time had lw accuracy, encuraging brad participatin, and using it was a skill learned frm childhd.
    8.What des the recent burial site at Andes Muntains shw?
    A.The rigin f sexual inequality.
    B.Hunting skills f ancient times.
    C.The scial system f prehistric hunters.
    D.Jb divisin f hunter-gatherer sciety.
    9.Which f the fllwing might Randy Haas agree with?
    A.Gender plays n part in recent hunter-gatherer sciety.
    B.Sexist inequality is a natural result f prehistric sciety.
    C.Ancient divisin f labr might be fairer than we'd thught.
    D.Public ideas f wmen's rle will be changed abruptly.
    10.What des the underlined wrd "utlier" in Paragraph 4 mean?
    C.Rle mdel.D.Easy target.
    11.What might make prehistric hunting a cmmunity-based activity?
    A.Lack f able-bdied individuals.
    B.Imperfectin in hunting weapns.
    C.Better accuracy f females in hunting.
    D.Need fr large animals as fd surce.
    A living rbt has been created ut f frg skin cells. Xenbts, named after the frg species Xenpus laevis that the cells cme frm, were first described last year. Nw the team behind the rbts has imprved their design and demnstrated new capabilities.
    T create the xenbts, Michael Levin at Tufts University in Massachusetts and his clleagues btained tissue frm 24-hur-ld frg embrys after very small physical peratin. Where the previus versin relied n the cntractin f heart muscle cells t mve them frward by pushing ff surfaces, these new xenbts swim arund faster. They als live between three and seven days lnger than their previus generatin, which nly lasted abut seven days, and have the ability t sense their surrundings t sme extent, turning red when expsed t blue light.
    “The fundamental finding here is that when yu free skin cells frm their nrmal cntext, and yu give them a chance t build ther things than what they nrmally build,” says Levin. “T me, ne f the mst exciting things here is that they are plastic. This idea that even nrmal cells, nt genetically mdified, are in fact capable f building smething cmpletely different.”
    Because they are created frm cells, the xenbts eventually break apart and are ttally bidegradable, says team member Duglas Blackistn, als at Tufts University. He therefre hpes that they can be used fr bimedical and envirnmental applicatins.
    Previus attempts at creating living rbts, such as a wirelessly cntrlled cckrach, have invlved dealing with live animals, raising ethical cncerns. Xenbts differ frm these because they are made entirely f living cells. “The apprach here is maybe ethically the least prblematic because everything starts with cells. They have n neurns, s it's nt an animal,” says Auke ljspeert at the Swiss Federal Institute f Technlgy at Lausanne, wh wasn't invlved in the research. “It's really cells, s I find it maybe the cleanest way."
    12.Hw were the new xenbts created?
    A.By making use f frg embrys.B.By relying n heart muscle cells.
    C.By sensing similar surrundings.D.By expsing them t blue light.
    13.Which has the similar meaning t the underlined wrd “plastic” in Paragraph 3?
    14.What can be inferred frm Duglas Blackistn's wrds?
    A.The xenbts can't break dwn easily.B.The xenbts need t be further perfected.
    C.The xenbts can be applied in ther fields.D.The xenbts have already been widely used.
    15.What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A.The new apprach starts with sme neurns.
    B.Xenbts have raised least ethical cncerns.
    C.The wireless cntrlled cckrach is a failure.
    D.Previus living rbts invlve few living animals.
    Frests in cuntries like Brazil and the Cng get a lt f attentin frm envirnmentalists, and it is easy t see why Suth America and sub-Saharan Africa are experiencing a lss f frest n a large scale: every year almst 5 millin hectares (公顷) are lst. But frests are als changing in rich Western cuntries. They are grwing larger, bth in the sense that they ccupy mre and that the trees in them and bigger. What is ging n?
    Frests are spreading in almst all Western cuntries, with fastest grwth in places that histrically had rather few trees. In 1990 28% f Spain was frests; nw the prprtin is 37%. In bth Greece and Italy, the grwth was frm 26% t 32% ver the same perid. Frests are gradually taking mre and in America and Australia. Perhaps mst astnishing is the trend in Ireland. Rughly 1% f that cuntry was frested when it became independent in 1922. Frests cver 11% f the land, and the gvernment wants t push the prprtin t 18% by the 2040s.
    Tw things are fertilizing this grwth. The first is the abandnment f farmland,especially in high, dry places where nthing grws terribly well. When farmers give up trying t earn a living frm farming r herding trees simply mve in. The secnd is gvernment plicy and subsidy(补贴). Thrughut histry,gvernments have prtected and prmted frests fr diverse reasns, ranging frm the need fr wden warships t a desire t prmte suburban huse-building. Nwadays frests are increasingly welcme because they suck in carbn pllutin frm the air. The justificatin change; desire fr mre trees remains cnstant.
    The greening f the West des nt delight everyne. Farmers cmplain that land is being taken ut f use by generusly subsidized tree plantatins. Parts f Spain and Prtugal suffer frm terrible frest fires. Others simply dislike the appearance f frests planted in neat rws. They will have t get used t the trees, hwever. The grwth f Western frests seems almst as unstppable as defrestatin elsewhere.
    8.What is catching envirnmentalist's attentin nwadays?
    A.Rich cuntries are rbbing pr nes f their resurces.
    B.Frests are fast shrinking in many develping cuntries.
    C.Frests are eating away the fertile farmland wrldwide.
    D.Rich cuntries are ding little t address defrestatin.
    9.Which cuntries have the fastest frest grwth?
    A.Thse that have newly achieved independence.
    B.Thse that have the greatest demand fr timber.
    C.Thse that used t have the lwest frest cverage.
    D.Thse that prvide enrmus gvernment subsidies.
    10.What accunt fr ur increasing desire fr frests?
    A.Their unique scenic beauty.
    B.Their use as fruit plantatin.
    C.Their capability f imprving air quality.
    D.Their stable supply f building materials.
    11.What des the authr cnclude abut the future f frestatin?
    A.Deserts in sub-Saharan Africa will decrease gradually.
    B.It will play a mre and mre imprtant rle in peple's lives.
    C.Frests destructin in the develping wrld will quickly slw dwn.
    D.Develped and develping cuntries are mving in ppsite directin.
    Earthwrms dn’t mve fast. But humans can accelerate the wrms’ spread. Fishermen ften use invasive(蔓延性的) earthwrms t catch fish. Many have intrduced invasive earthwrms t rivers, streams and lakes previusly unexpsed t these animals. Gardeners wh use earthwrms t make their sil rich may unknwingly intrduce invasive nes. The wrms even give rides in the mud n wheels, ptted plants and rad materials shipped arund the natin.
    But they’re nt everywhere yet. In the Great Lakes regin, “20 percent f the land is earthwrm-free,” says Cindy Hale, a research bilgist. Of the remaining 80 percent f land, half f the land has fewer than tw earthwrm species-meaning there isn’t yet t much impact n the ecsystem, she explains. Fr these regins, she says, nw is the time t take actin. Accrding t Hale, educating the public, especially fishermen, is ne apprach t stpping the spread f invasive earthwrms. Identifying which lands are currently earthwrm-free is anther.
    Ryan Huefimeier, a prgram crdinatr fr Great Lakes Wm Watch, has been wrking n a mdel that will help create large maps f areas with minimal(最小的) r n damage frm earthwrms. Ultimately, landwners can use it t identify earthwrm activity n their prperty. nce identified, lands with minimal r n earthwrm damage shuld be prtected.
    But scientists suspect that nce invasive earthwrms arrive they can’t be remved. And even if all culd be, affected frests might never return t the way they were. “It’s very much a stry f learning t live with them,” cncludes Lee Frelich f the University f Minnesta’s Center fr Frest Eclgy.
    Frest eclgists have called earthwrms “ecsystem engineers” because they can change r create habitats that therwise wuld nt be present. Whether this is a gd thing depends n the situatin.
    “What the earthwrms d and hw we value it is what really matters.” said Hale. “In ne place-farm fields r gardens-we really like Eurpean earthwrms and what they d, s we cnsider them gd. In native hardwd frests, we really dn’t like what they d-s we cnsider them bad. Yu really have t understand hw an rganism(微生物) affects an ecsystem. Things aren’t black and white.”
    12.Why are fishermen and gardeners mentined in the first paragraph?
    A.T attract mre peple t fishing and gardening.
    B.T intrduce different uses f invasive earthwrms.
    C.T stress the imprtance f invasive earthwrms t humans.
    D.T shw humans’ effect n the spread f invasive earthwrms.
    13.What is Hale’s advice n prtecting the Great Lakes regin frm invasive earthwrms?
    A.Finding ut areas free f earthwrms.
    B.Extending a ban n the fishing industry.
    C.Making maps f areas with mst earthwrms.
    D.Infrming the public f different earthwrm species.
    14.What is Hale’s attitude twards invasive earthwrms?
    15.Where is the text prbably frm?
    A.A bilgy textbk.B.An fficial reprt.
    C.A science magazine.D.A research paper.
    After Sctt Kelly spent a year in space, his genetic expressin changed, accrding t a NASA study that cmpared the bdily changes between the astrnaut and his identical twin, wh stayed n Earth while Kelly was abard the Internatinal Space Statin. Abut 7 percent f Kelly’s gene activity has yet t “return t nrmal” — almst tw years after his yearlng spaceflight missin came t an end. Kelly has since retired frm NASA.
    The Twins Study,as it’s been called,lked at what happened t Kelly — bth physilgically and psychlgically :— befre,during and after his trip in space,and then cmpared that data t Kelly’s twin brther,Mark Kelly,als a retired NASA astrnaut.
    Unlike his brther wh spent mnths at a time in space,Mark’s missins were n the shrter side. His last — and lngest — missin,which tk place in 2011,lasted 15 days.
    “By measuring large numbers f the brther’s metablites,cytkines (代谢物、细胞活素)and prteins,researchers learned that spaceflight is assciated with xygen deprivatin (匮乏)stress, increased inflammatin (炎症),and nutrient changes that affect gene expressin,” NASA said.
    Althugh mst f the bilgical changes Kelly experienced in space disappeared in the hurs and days (and in sme cases? weeks) after his return t Earthy, NASA said sme changes appear t have cntinued. While 93 percent f his genetic expressin has returned t nrmal, several hundred “space genes” still have changed activity levels,the data suggests, which, NASA said, culd indicate “lnger-term changes” in genetic expressin caused by the stresses f spaceflight.
    NASA said the research culd prvide imprtant knwledge f the effects f lng-term spaceflight n the human bdy, and that it will influence its planning fr a missin t Mars, which wuld see astrnauts spending sme three years in space.
    Reacting t the news f the study results, Kelly expressed amazement at his bdy’s changes, and als used the pprtunity t make fun f his brther. “This culd be gd news,” he jked n Twitter. “I n lnger have t call Mark my identical twin brther anymre.”
    8.What can be learnt abut Mark Kelly?
    A.He’s still wrking fr NASA.
    B.He has nly been t space nce.
    C.He hasn’t gne n a spaceflight missin yet.
    D.He never stayed in space fr a whle mnth.
    9.What des NASA’s research shw abut genetic expressin changes?
    A.They’re dangerus t astrnaunts.
    B.Mst f them wn’t last very lng.
    C.They’re mainly caused by psychlgical stress.
    D.Sme can ccur during shrt-term spaceflight.
    10.What can we knw abut the Twins Study?
    A.It invlved many twin participants.
    B.It ended sn after Sctt Kelly’s last spaceflight.
    C.It nly studied Sctt Kelly’s physical changes.
    D.It will be valuable t NASA’s Mars missin.
    11.What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A.Mark Kelly will lse his twin brther sn.
    B.Sctt Kelly always lks n the bright side.
    C.Sctt Kelly desn’t like his twin brther.
    D.Sctt Kelly seems t have a sense f humr.
    A rbt with a sense f tuch may ne day feel “pain”, bth its wn physical pain and sympathy fr the pain f its human cmpanins. Such tuchy-feely rbts are still far ff, but advances in rbtic tuch-sensing are bringing that pssibility clser t reality.
    Sensrs set in sft, artificial skin that can detect bth a gentle tuch and a painful strike have been hked up t a rbt that can then signal emtins, Asada reprted February 15 at the annual meeting f the American Assciatin fr the Advancement f Science. This artificial “pain nervus system,” as Asada calls it, may be a small building blck fr a machine that culd ultimately experience pain. Such a feeling might als allw a rbt t “sympathize” with a human cmpanin’s suffering.
    Asada, an engineer at Osaka University, and his clleagues have designed tuch sensrs that reliably pick up a range f tuches. In a rbt system named Affett, a realistic lking child’s head, these tuch and pain signals can be cnverted t emtinal facial expressins.
    A tuch-sensitive, sft material, as ppsed t a rigid metal surface, allws richer interactins between a machine and the wrld, says neurscientist Kingsn Man f the University f Suthern Califrnia. Artificial skin “allws the pssibility f engagement in truly intelligent ways”.
    Such a system, Asada says, might ultimately lead t rbts that can recgnize the pain f thers, a valuable skill fr rbts designed t help care fr peple in need, the elderly, fr instance.
    But there is an imprtant distinctin between a rbt that respnds in a predictable way t a painful strike and a rbt that’s able t cmpute an internal feeling accurately, says Damasi, a neurscientist als at the University f Suthern Califrnia. A rbt with sensrs that can detect tuch and pain is “alng the lines f having a rbt, fr example, that smiles when yu talk t it,” Damasi says. ‘It’s a device fr cmmunicatin f the machine t a human.” While that’s an interesting develpment, “it’s nt the same thing” as a rbt designed t cmpute sme srt f internal experience, he says.
    12.What d we knw abut the “pain nervus system”?
    A.It is named Affett by scientists.B.It is a set f cmplicated sensrs.
    C.It is able t signal different emtins.D.It cmbines sensrs and artificial skin.
    13.What des the underlined wrd “cnverted” in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    14.What des Damasi cnsider as an interesting develpment?
    A.Rbts can smile when talked t.
    B.Rbts can talk t human beings.
    C.Rbts can cmpute internal feelings
    D.Rbts can detect pains and respnd accrdingly.
    15.What can be the best title f the text?
    A.Machines Becme EmtinalB.Rbts Inch t Feeling Pain
    C.Human Feelings Can Be FeltD.New Devices Tuch Yur Heart
    Tmmy, a 26-year-ld chimp(猩猩),lives in a small cage in a used truck sales lt in New Yrk. Retired frm mvie wrk and whatever else nce ccupied him, he has n chimp friends t keep him cmpany — just a TV. He is wrlds away frm the rainfrest f Western Africa, where chimps spend mst f their lives in trees, hunting, and scializing tgether.
    His wner hasn't brken any laws, but an animal rights grup called the Nnhuman Rights Prject (NhRP) is trying t change the view. The grup says chimps have such a humanlike intelligence that they shuld be recgnized as “legal persns" and be placed in an animal shelter and wander free.
    Yu've prbably heard the term “animal rights”, but animals dn't actually have rights in many cuntries. Animal-welfare laws punish peple wh mistreat animals, but that's nt the same as chimps having a right t liberty r anything else.
    NhRP's first step is t ask a judge t end peple's unjust arrest n behalf f Tmmy and ther privately wned chimps. If the curt decides t recgnize chimps as legal persns, NhRP's next step will be arguing fr what rights the chimps shuld be granted. "The right that we believe they shuld have mst f all is the right t bdily liberty," says Wise, a NhRP grup member. "They shuld be able t chse hw t live their lives.”
    Tmmy's wner, Pat Lavery, says he rescued Tmmy frm a careless wner abut a decade ag and denies the chimp is mistreated r unhappy. "He likes being by himself," he says.
    “There's a danger in making a jump t say they're just like peple," says Richard Cupp, a prfessr wh writes abut animals and the law. "If we' re really fcused n chimps being very, very smart, then wh knws if maybe smeday we might …say, ‘Hey, here's a particular human being that's nt very smart at all, maybe the chimps have higher status than this persn.’”
    1.What can we knw abut Tmmy?
    A.He is living a very lnely life.
    B.He dislikes living in the rainfrest.
    C.He likes watching mvies very much,
    D.He was illegally bught by Pat Lavery.
    2.What can we infer frm the text?
    A.Great prgress has been made n imprving animal rights.
    B.Pat Lavery is thught t mistreat Tmmy by NhRP.
    C.Animal rights are ging frm bad t wrse.
    D.Animal rights have been admitted in western cuntries.
    3.What's the final gal NhRP wants t achieve?
    A.T ensure chimps' bdily safety.B.T stp illegal hunting f chimps.
    C.T help chimps find their families.D.T help chimps enjy their freedm.
    4.What's Richard Cupp's attitude twards NhRP's effrts t win rights fr chimps?
    Fr much f human histry and in many places, girls were cnsidered prperty, r required t bey their fathers until the day they had t start beying their husbands. In mst f the wrld that visin f girlhd nw seems nt merely ld-fashined but unimaginably remte. In field after field girls have caught up with bys. Glbally, yung wmen nw utnumber (数量超过) yung men at university. Girl babies are mre wanted than ever befre. Even in places, such as China, where the sex-selective abrtin f girls has been cmmn, it is becming less s. Girls are als less likely t be married ff in childhd. In 1995 almst six in ten girls in Suth Asia were married befre reaching 18; that has fallen by half.
    When scieties handle girlhd well, the knck-n effects are astnishing. A girl wh finishes secndary schl is less likely t becme a child bride r a teenage mther. Educatin bsts earning pwer and widens chices, s she is less likely t be pr r t suffer dmestic abuse. She will have fewer children, and invest mre in them. They will be less likely t die in babyhd, r t grw up stunted physically r mentally. She will read t them mre and help them with their hmewrk. All this means they will learn mre, and earn mre as adults. A recent study estimated that, if 100% f their girls cmpleting secndary schl is ensured, it culd lead t a lasting bst t GDP.
    Despite the benefits f nurturing girls, sme cuntries have still failed t grasp them. Only ne girl in three suth f the Sahara finishes her secndary educatin. The COVID-19 pandemic culd disturb prgress fr girls in pr cuntries, r even reverse it. When Ebla frced west African schls t clse in 2014, many girls drpped ut, never went back and ended up pregnant r as child labrers. UNICEF warns that smething similar culd happen with COVID-19—but n a larger scale.
    1.What's the main idea f the first paragraph?
    A.Girls suffer a lt in human histry.
    B.Girls' situatin has imprved a lt glbally.
    C.Girl babies are mre welcmed than ever befre.
    D.Girls d much better than bys in many fields.
    2.What can we infer frm the passage?
    A.There are mre yung wmen than yung men at university in China.
    B.A girl wh cmpletes secndary schl will have mre children.
    C.Children f the girls with schling may end up earning mre as adults.
    D.Ecnmy f cuntries is largely determined by the educatin level f girls.
    3.What des the underlined wrd “stunted” in Paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    4.Why is Ebla mentined in the last paragraph?
    A.T prve COVID-19 is mre serius than Ebla.
    B.T warn that girls may suffer a lt in COVID-19.
    C.T appeal t all t pay attentin t the pr cuntries.
    D.T stress the imprtance f cntrlling the disasters.
    We lead very busy lives and we t easily frget hw hard it was fr us t fcus n hmewrk when we were in schl. Nw that we have jbs t d, fd t buy and ck and ther errands(差事) t run, even I smetimes think it wuld be a welcme change t have t sit dwn and quietly read and write with n distractins. But, in case yu dn’t remember - hmewrk is pretty much every child’s least favrite thing t d. In the age f Netflix, Snapchat and wifi, the distractins are almst endless. It can smetimes almst be t hard t even keep up with all the new tech advances ur kids are using, s hw can we make sure that thse advances take a back seat t ur children’s educatin? Here are sme ideas.
    There’s n pint in stpping the reality that yung peple are ging t fcus n their phnes and tablets instead f ther things at times. Yur best way is t accept, actually the tech sectr cntinues t be the mst prfitable and fast-grwing industries and that’s unlikely t change fast. There are ways t use technlgy t help yur kid d hmewrk. Ask yur teacher and schl staff what apps and websites they’re using t teach lessns and supplements(补充) them with at-hme activities as well.
    Even thugh technlgy has changed, the basics haven’t. If yu want t read, write and think prperly, yu need t have peace and quiet and the ability t fcus, right? Well, yur kids are just the same.Try and find a space in yur hme t enable yur kids t d wrk away frm televisins, the Internet r ther distractins. Let me be clear: this shuldn’t be a prisn.I feel like I’m my mst prductive wrking alne in an ffice r at a busy cafe with my headphnes n. Getting lst in ther realities helps my creativity grw. Placing kids in islatin(独处) can ften have a harmful effect and desn’t always equal being mre prductive.
    I feel like “getting engaged( 参 与 )” is always a big part f my advice fr parents n just abut everything. Hw can yu make sure yur children are being successful if yu have n idea what they’re ding? Hw can yu be sure they’re ding it right if yu dn’t knw what is the crrect answer? What d they need? Yu shuld be in tuch with their teachers, have a sense f where the lessns are ging, what kinds f tasks are being given and what success lks like in the classrm.
    Knwing all f that is key t yur child’s success, especially when matched with sme encuraging praise and helpful tips n hw he can keep ging. Thinking abut hw yur child is best mtivated(激励) by ther things and using thse methds here reasnably isn’t a bad idea.
    And if by chance yu’re having truble slving that Math prblems r understanding a sentence, dn’t fear – yu’re nt alne. Use the schl staff, ther parents r friends as yur supprt. Better t seek help than d nthing.
    We all knw that hmewrk isn’t exactly the mst entertaining way anyne spends their time. And smetimes we can’t help but feel that since we left schl, we’re dne with hmewrk frever. But the circle f life plays ut in all times and it’s up t us t make sure that we pass n the lessns we’ve picked up and that while hmewrk might seem dull, it’s hw we build skills, learn real lessns and get n the rad t greatness. That greatness is n the inside, it’s up t us as adults t enable the yung peple t bring it ut. The key t achieving greatness is t take a lifelng learning.
    4.What is the authr’s attitude twards new tech?
    A.It affects parents’ everyday life.
    B.It shuld be kept ut f children’s reach.
    C.It can benefit student’s educatin.
    D.It makes hmewrk easier.
    5.Which f the fllwing ideas might the authr agree with?
    A.Hmewrk shuld be made entertaining.
    B.Parents shuld knw what mtivates their children best.
    C.Students shuld d their hmewrk independently.
    D.Schl staff shuld help parents n new tech.
    6.While parents engaged in their children’s hmewrk, they________.
    A.must be better at all the lessns
    B.needn’t make sure that their children are being successful
    C.can teach their children by themselves
    D.shuld knw as much as pssible abut it
    7.What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A.Children shuld achieve greatness n their wn.
    B.Parents and their children shuld learn frm each ther.
    C.Children can hardly succeed withut parents’ effrts.
    D.Parents can nly btain skills by helping their children.
    The Impssible Burger is entirely free f meat. But it lks, smells, feels and-mst imprtantly-tastes s much like real hamburger beef. In fact, plant-based burger alternatives have set ff a strng resistance frm the beef industry. The Center fr Cnsumer Freedm, a nnprfit that advcates n behalf f the fast fd and meat industries has launched an "infrmatinal" campaign targeting plant-based meats. The campaign has included TV and nline ads, as well as print ads in newspapers. The ads seem t imply that nt nly is an artificial burger t prcessed, but that it might be even less healthy than the average beef burger.
    While it's true that a plant-based meat alternative is prcessed and it's true that eating ne is nt as healthy as a pile f raw vegetables, it's best t take the ads with a generus pinch f salt.
    Fr instance, the additives and preservatives in plant-based meat highlighted in ne ad sure sund scary. Wh wants smething called titanium dixide(二氧化钛)in their meal? But the truth is that additives such as thse listed in the ads are regularly used in all srts f packaged fds. And if methylcellulse, a fd thickener, sunds unpleasant, it's really nthing cmpared with salmnella(沙门菌)pisning yu can get frm regular meat.
    Als, the ad campaign misses the bigger pint. Chsing an Impssible r Beynd burger isn't just abut healthy eating Burgers, whether they are made frm prcessed pea prtein r prcessed meat, will never be as healthy as rganic raw vegetables.
    What's appealing is the prspect r enjying a juicy burger withut the bitter aftertaste f guilt.
    Let's face it, there are huge envirnmental csts t eating cws. Cattle raising is cntributing t climate. change, and nt just because methane(甲烷)frm cws and cattle is respnsible fr abut 14.5% f greenhuse gas. Mre bradly, ur glbal fd prductin system releases mre than a third f the wrld's greenhuse gases. Yet we can't seem t cntrl ur meat appetite even knwing that large areas f the Amazn frest have been ruined, and cntinue t be cut dwn t make rm fr mre cattle t feed the grwing demand fr beef. Humans als knw full well that many animals live shrt, cruel lives in awful cnditins fr the purpse f becming fds fr humans t enjy at dinner.
    A plant-based meat that satisfies meat desires and delivers prtein but with a smaller climate ftprint is a ptential envirnmental game changer and the reasn Impssible Fds was ne f thse receiving the UN, Glbal Climate Actin Award in 2019. N wnder the meat industry is n guard.
    12.What des the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mst prbably mean?
    A.These ads deserve little cnsideratin.
    B.We shuld spread the message f these ads.
    C.These ads tell peple a lt abut plant-based burgers.
    D.We'd better be cautius when reading these ads
    13.What d we knw abut additives and preservatives in plant-based burgers?
    A.Their use is within the nrmal range.
    B.They are likely t cause pisning.
    C.They are used t ensure burgers taste gd
    D.Sme have nt been used in hamburgers.
    14.What is the authr's attitude/twards plant-based burgers?
    15.Which f the fllwing shws the develpment f ideas in the passage?
    I: Intrductin P: Pint Sp: Sub-pint(次要点) C: Cnclusin
    Cmedy and Psychlgy
    Earlier this year I did a part-time cmedy curse. The class was taught by Ryan, a prfessinal cmedian.I had perfrmed a shw, which wasn’t riginally meant t be a cmedy. Hwever, the audience laughed at my first jke, then cntinued t laugh thrughut the rutines that were meant t be serius. S it was the audience wh tld me I was funny, but I didn’ t understand why r hw t cntrl the cmic (滑稽的) mments. S, I jined the curse t learn.
    “Turn ff yur editr that makes yu say the right thing and remember hw t be a child,” explained Ryan. “Dn’t try t be clever. Dn’t try t hard t be funny…and knwing all abut the thery f humr is unlikely t help yu much. Just behave in a silly way. That’s what peple want t see n stage.”Ryan wuld help us lsen up by saying things like, “Wander arund talking t thers, but make sure that yu’re the lwest status persn here.”
    I’ d say that understanding the psychlgy f humr has actually helped. Recently I came acrss the bk Inside Jkes: Using Humr t Reverse-Engineer the Mind. Its main idea is that any self-directed intelligent system will need t crrect its wn fault. There’s a risk that the ccasinal errr will be made. If this was bring r burdensme, we’d be less willing t d it. Hwever, evlutin has made the prcess fun.
    Here’s a jke in the bk: Tw fish are in a tank. One says t the ther, “D yu knw hw t drive this thing?” It wrks n the principle that we have started t imagine ne thing—that the tank is the typical cntainer peple keep fish in—and, just in time, the fllwing wrds tell us that ur first assumptin was wrng—it’s a heavy vehicle. Fr crrectly figuring ut the errr, we are rewarded with a pleasurable feeling. The jke is an efficient way f encuraging this natural reactin, and cmedians have becme experts in slightly tuching this mental funny-bne in rder t make us laugh.
    Ryan was right when he said that knwing the thery f humr wuldn’t help us that much as a cmedy.During ne exercise in the curse, fur f us were tld t perfrm an pera. Susan and Carline sang earnestly n either side f the stage, and I brught Henry t the flr, where we wrestled (摔跤) each ther like ut-f-cntrl teenagers. The rest f the grup was in uncntrllable fits f laughter. As a perfrmer, I’ ll never appreciate just why it seemed s funny. But the pint is that I wuld never have written this n the paper. It was a jyus, fund mment.
    5.Why did the authr attend the cmedy curse?
    A.He wanted t see hw the theries wrked in practice.
    B.He discvered he had sme natural ability in cmedy.
    C.He wrried abut hw ther perfrmers wuld find him.
    D.He gt unpleasant experiences when perfrming a cmedy.
    6.Ryan required the peple n the cmedy curse t______.
    A.cpy their favrite perfrmance
    B.imagine ther peple’ s reactins
    C.help themselves feel cmfrtable
    D.behave in a mre playful manner
    7.What is the purpse f the jke mentined in Paragraph 4?
    A.T discuss what humr brings abut exactly.
    B.T give an example f anther kind f humr.
    C.T prve the pint abut psychlgy f humr.
    D.T shw why sme peple are funnier than thers.
    8.What view des the authr put frward in the end?
    A.Visual humr is what appeals t peple mst.
    B.What peple find funny is ften unpredictable.
    C.Theries explaining humr tend t be mistaken.
    D.Learning cmic skills prves t be a difficult task.

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