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    这是一份湖南省长沙市第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题(Word版附答案),文件包含湖南省长沙市第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题docx、湖南省长沙市第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题答题卡docx、湖南省长沙市第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题答案docx、湖南省长沙市第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题听力录音mp3等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共10页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Yu will definitely be able t find yurself and take a new step.
    Because we human beings have the pwer t decide urselves.
    ——Haya Miyazaki "What kind f life d yu want t live"
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    What des the wman need t buy?
    A. A bx. B. A desk. C. A TV.
    2. Wh is Dave?
    A. The man’s brther.
    B. The man’s classmate.
    C. A friend f the man’s brther.
    3. What is the man ging t d?
    A. Check in. B. Take a rest. C. Have a meal.
    4. Hw ld is the man?
    A. 10. B. 15. C. 25.
    5.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.What t eat.
    B. Hw t place an rder.
    C. Where t g n hliday.
    听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
    6.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At a museum. B. In a phne shp. C. At the speakers’ huse.
    7.What des the man ffer t d fr the wman?
    A. Give her a ride. B. Lk fr her keys. C. Lend her his phne
    听第7 段材料,回答第8 至10 题。
    When will Carl bring the heater?
    On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday.
    What des the man think f the written tests?
    Challenging. B. Simple. C. Dull.
    Hw des the wman sund in the end?
    Regretful. B. Encuraging. C. Shcked.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
    What are the speakers ding?
    Eating sme fd. B. Playing sft sngs. C. Enjying a cncert.
    Hw lng have the speakers gt fr lunch?
    10 minutes. B. 30 minutes. C. 45 minutes.
    What is the man ging t eat?
    A. Ht dgs. B. Ndles. C. Fish.
    听第9段材料,回答第14至16 题。
    What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    Classmates. B. Guide and visitr. C. Teacher and student.
    Where is the bird usually seen?
    Up in the tree. B. Beside a river. C. High in the sky.
    Why des the bird keep lking arund?
    A. T enjy the sight. B. T defend himself. C. T search fr fd.
    听第10 段材料,回答第17 至 20 题。
    What is the main tpic f the ntice?
    Leaving schl early.
    Canceling schl tmrrw.
    Stpping students frm driving hme.
    What is the current snw depth?
    5 cm. B. 10 cm. C. 20 cm.
    Where shuld students wait fr the schl buses?
    A. In the cafeteria. B. In the classrm. C. At the schl gate.
    20.What will be talked abut next?
    A. Schl schedules.
    B. Safety suggestins.
    C. Driving instructins.
    第二部分 阅读(共20小题,每小题2.5分,满分50分)
    21.What d peple f Mang and Lemn persnalities have in cmmn?
    A.They bth prefer private space and specific deadlines.
    B.They bth dislike being restricted by excessive rules.
    C.They bth serve as gd ice-breakers f the wrkplace.
    D.They bth need regular feedback and being mtivated.
    22.Wh prbably favrs the Banana Persnality?
    A.Jack, an innvative thinker wh is willing t face challenges.
    B.Adam, a brilliant planner wh always sticks t his daily rutines.
    C.Nancy, a patient wrker wh priritizes harmnius relatinships.
    D.Rbin, an pen-minded leader wh advcates the value f diversity.
    23.Where can the passage prbably be fund?
    A.In an academic paper.B.In an entertainment bk.
    C.In a bk review.D.In a psychlgy magazine.
    Fr a lng time, I kept a selectin f bks n a shelf next t my bed that I called my “heart bks”. T qualify fr a place n the shelf, a bk had t be nt nly ne I lved, but ne that mattered. There was ne bk that never made it nt that shelf, thugh I read it in high schl: Writing Dwn the Bnes by Natalie Gldberg.
    I can still remember the day I bught it. It was summer and I must have been 14 r 15. Desperate t get ut f my huse, I rde my bike int twn and walked int the bkstre. I was ging thrugh the shelf f bks n writing and it caught my eye. I picked it up, read a few pages, and bught it. Then I tk it with me t a park, read the first few chapters, and pened my ntebk t write.
    It’s a fairly straightfrward writing bk. Gldberg’s methd is simple: yu chse a tpic, set a timer, and write fr 10, 15, r 20 minutes withut picking up yur pen. Free writing, timed writing, writing tpics: anyne wh has taken a creative writing class may have encuntered these things. There was nthing particularly new r unusual abut the bk s I can’t say why it attracted me s much. But it changed everything. I went frm being smene wh enjyed writing t being a writer.
    During my teen years and early twenties, fllwing Gldberg’s methd was at the cre f my identity. N matter where I was r what I was ding, I filled ntebks. When I eventually started writing fictin, I did the same thing. The “I” in my ntebks became smene else, but I held t the same practice.
    This writing practice led me t a writing grup in Bstn. It led me t my current career. It led me, in s many ways, t myself. Becming a writer allwed me t becme s many ther things: an activist, a business wner, a farmer, a baker... Writing is where I fund my cnfidence. It was where I became curius abut the wrld. Frm that, everything else has fllwed.
    24.What can we learn abut Writing Dwn the Bnes frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A.It was amng the list f “heart bks”.
    B.It was recmmended by her teacher.
    C.The authr encuntered it in a bkstre.
    D.The authr treasured it n her bk shelf.
    25.What des the authr think f Gldberg’s methd?
    A.Unique and innvative.B.Ordinary and nrmal.
    C.Direct and typical.D.Attractive and inspiring.
    26.What did the authr d while writing?
    A.She strictly fllwed Gldberg’s writing steps.
    B.She wrte n her ntebk whenever pssible.
    C.She kept practicing thrugh different methds.
    D.She imagined many characters in her fictins.
    27.Which is the suitable title fr the text?
    A.Natalie Gldberg and Her Bk.
    B.The Start f My Writing Career.
    C.Cnfidence Fund Thrugh Writing.
    D.Chain Reactin Caused by A Bk.
    The male western tanager (唐纳雀) lks like a little flame, while females are less shwy, a dusty yellw. In the spring, they prepare t mve thusands f miles t the Muntain West f Central America, flying thrugh grasslands, deserts, and ccasinally, suburban yards.
    T fuel them n their lengthy jurney, western tanagers fill up n insects and berries. But as glbal climate change causes spring t start earlier, birds such as western tanagers are arriving at their destinatin after what’s knwn as “green-up”, when flwers begin blming and insects emerge. Accrding t a study published in early March in the jurnal PNAS, this kind f timing mismatch between migrants (迁移动物) and their fd surces, which is happening acrss Nrth America, culd have serius cnsequences fr migratry birds’ survival. “In discussing climate change, we ften fcus n warming,” says Sctt Lss, a c-authr f the study. “But the length and timing f seasns — like when winter ends and spring begins — are sme f the mst dramatic effects f climate change.”
    Lss and his clleagues used satellite imagery frm 2002 t 2021 t calculate the average start f spring green-up alng the typical migratin rutes f 150 Nrth American bird species, then cmpared that timing with the current green-up. They fund that spring is indeed beginning earlier alng birds’ migratin rutes. “By cntrary, previus studies have mainly fcused n sngbirds in Eastern Nrth America,” says Mrgan Tingley, an rnithlgist at UCLA, “but this new investigatin shws that bird species in the West and at different levels f the fd web might be just as vulnerable (脆弱的).”
    “Part f it is knwing which species are vulnerable t varius threats,” Lss says. “This adds t the knwledge abut vulnerability f a wide range f bird species.” And he hpes that the infrmatin will serve t highlight the urgent need t lwer greenhuse-gas emissins as fast as pssible. “It’s really imprtant, if we can’t address climate change immediately, t try t stp habitat lss as much as we can.”
    28.What may pse a direct threat t western tanagers’ survival?
    A.Glbal warming.B.The duratin f changing seasns.
    C.Lss f habitats due t human activities.D.Decreased access t fds during migratin.
    29.What is unique abut the new study n birds like western tanagers?
    A.It cvers a wider gegraphic range.B.It reveals the decline in bird ppulatins.
    C.It centers n the adaptatin f bird species.D.It ensures the existence f a timing mismatch.
    30.What des Lss suggest we d t safeguard migratry birds?
    A.Lessen the effects f climate change.B.Preserve ecsystems fr bird species.
    C.Address emissins and habitat lss.D.Expand researches n threats t birds.
    31.Where is the text mst likely frm?
    A.A scientific jurnal.B.A bird-watching guidebk.
    C.A website abut climate change.D.A magazine abut wildlife cnservatin.
    Max Du emerged victrius at the Canada-Wide Science Fair with his innvative prject: an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) designed t assist individuals experiencing cardiac arrests. His ingenuity was sparked during the Christmas recess f the preceding year. “I received a recreatinal drne as a gift frm my parents, yet I was unable t perate it alft due t the snwy cnditins,” Max recunted. “Cnsequently, I experimented with it indrs, which led me t cntemplate the ptential fr a drne t serve as an autmated indr apparatus that culd render assistance t peple in need.”
    Apprximately 35,000 Canadians succumb t cardiac arrests annually, with the majrity f these incidents ccurring beynd the cnfines f a hspital, resulting in a survival rate f less than 10 percent. Max was cnvinced that a drne culd prvide mre expeditius assistance and expedite the delivery f vital medical treatments, but t validate this hypthesis, he was cmpelled t cnstruct the device himself.
    The prcess f refining his drne spanned a perid f six mnths, during which Max’s parents had t tlerate the persistent buzzing and crashing f the machine within their dmicile. With each innvative feature he devised, such as a telescpic appendage, the drne’s verall mass increased, leading t frequent disassembly. This necessitated the prcurement f an entirely new set f cmpnents. Max persevered, experimenting with mre lightweight cnstructin materials until he achieved a mre harmnius equilibrium in his design.
    Thrugh a methdical prcess f iterative refinement, the 14-year-ld prdigy ultimately perfected his inventin. His drne is nw capable f manipulating a dr handle, navigating thrugh the air, and alighting gently n the grund. An innvative, extendable arm can be deplyed t either administer an injectin r deliver a life-saving pharmaceutical t a patient. Additinally, an integrated camera facilitates real-time cmmunicatin with an emergency respnse team, enabling remte mnitring f the patient’s cnditin.
    Max is intent n pursuing the acquisitin f a patent t frge alliances within the healthcare sectr and bring his inventin t fruitin. He dedicated his summer t the study f artificial intelligence at Stanfrd University in Califrnia, where he was ne f nly 32 yung schlars chsen glbally. Subsequently, he will prceed t the University f Pennsylvania t enrll in a cllegiate-level rbtics curse befre resuming his high schl studies in September.
    32.Why did Max Du design a drne by himself?
    A.He had sympathy fr thse with heart attacks.
    B.He had nthing t d in Christmas hlidays.
    C.He wanted use it t help his parents.
    D.He tried t make it fly in the snw.
    33.What can we learn frm paragraphs 2 and 3?
    A.Mst f the peple with cardiac arrests in Canada can survive.
    B.Max’s parents were unwilling t help during his drne design.
    C.It’s very imprtant t cntrl the balance f the drne.
    D.Max’s design f the extendable arm is very smth.
    34.What des paragraph 4 mainly talk abut?
    A.The instructins fr using the drne.B.The reasn fr applying fr a patent.
    C.The prcess f Maxˈs success.D.The functins f the new drne.
    35.Which f the fllwing can best describe Max?
    A.Cnsiderate and brave.B.Talented and creative.
    C.Clever and hnest.D.Helpful and lyal.
    Hp n the Silent Walking Trend
    Silent walking invlves walking utdrs withut distractins like music r cnversatins, fcusing n the mind-bdy-nature cnnectin. 36 That’s a slwer, lwer-impact way t relax and is great fr fitness. Here’s everything yu need t knw abut the trend.
    Select a natural setting and fully engage yur senses. Fr reaping the mental health benefits, it is recmmended t find a quiet and peaceful natural lcatin. 37 Meanwhile, cnsciusly bserving the sights, sunds, smells, and physical sensatins during the walk can significantly impact cgnitive and emtinal well-being.
    T stimulate the mind, cnsider explring different rutes than usual. Withut yur favurite pdcast r playlist, yu might slip int bredm n yur walk. 38 And it might even be gd fr yur brain. Scientists applaud the virtue s f bredm fr brain health, believing that it bsts creativity and imprves scial cnnectins. And if yu d get bred, rest assured that it shws yu’ve discnnected frm external distractins. G with it, and make sure yu take a different rute each time — it’ll keep yu mtivated.
    Start ff with five-minute silent walks and eventually build up t thirty minutes. If yu’re usually a headphne wearer, it will feel super weird t walk withut yur g-t tunes, but give yurself a secnd t adjust. Chances are, nce yu’re a few minutes int yur silent walk, yu’ll feel the magic kick in. 39
    Regular reflectin and nging dcumentatin are essential. After cmpleting a silent walk, take time t reflect upn any emerging thughts, feelings, r insights. 40 Jurnaling abut the experience can als slidify cnnectins between thughts and ideas, prviding a valuable tl fr self-reflectin and grwth.
    A.But being bred wn’t hurt yu.
    B.Taking different paths can lead t exciting discveries.
    C.Hwever, yu’ll start nticing the urban landscape arund yu.
    D.Adjusting the rutine gradually can help ease int the experience.
    E.They can deepen understanding and serve as a recrd f persnal grwth.
    F.Unlike exercise-riented walking, it isn’t abut reaching certain speed r steps.
    G.In such an envirnment, yu can immerse yurself in the natural sundscape (音景).
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
    (2024·江西·一模)My first jb was at a small schl with huge prblems. Vilence, drugs, and ther behavirs were 41 . A week befre I started, there was a frightening news reprt in that schl. I almst 42 then. If I had dne that, I wuld have 43 imprtant lessns and the jb that shaped wh I am.
    The student that I remember the mst frm my first year f teaching was Arn. Arn had hungry eyes and always fught in class. 44 sme students wh struggled in academics, he did anything he culd t turn his 45 elsewhere. Arn spent much f his time in the 46 , which was expected.
    The lder teachers 47 when they saw my class rster (花名册) with Arn in it. I thught I wuld help him with my gd intentins, but I failed. I had n cntrl ver the class. They were 48 , meaner and mre determined than I was t cntrl the class. Arn was the wrst. I felt 49 . Every night that semester, I wuld fall int my bed and dream f quitting.
    I was in fact ging t quit because I was 50 . The day Arn was rlling arund my classrm and he 51 at me like a snake ready t 52 and said, “I bet yu dn’t cme back.” Suddenly, I gt very 53 . Fr the first time, I realized that I was the teacher and that I set the rules fr this class. Then I lked at him and said 54 , “Bet!”
    Everything has changed since that day. I wrked duble hard t prepare fr the classes. 55 , students became well behaved and diligent. Arn hugged me at the graduatin. At that mment, we culdn’t be happier.
    44.A.As withB.BesidesC.As tD.Unlike
    New trend t explre ‘city’ China making waves n scial media
    The catchphrase “city 不 (bu) city,” 56 means “city r nt a city,” went viral n scial media last week.
    It was created by a TikTk vlgger @babaxing and his 57 (vide) using the catchphrase have received millins f views n bth TikTk and Duyin. On Saturday, @babaxing psted a vide explaining the 58 (mean) f this phrase. He said that “city” can 59 (simple) mean smething very “f the city,” like fashinable, but mst imprtantly it’s a feeling f lively r thrilling.
    As the summer travel seasn apprached, many peple started t use “city不city” t express their feelings abut a new place n scial media and it became an 60 (attract) f China fr freign turists.
    Since China annunced the 72/144-hur visa-free transit plicy last Nvember, it 61 (apply) t 54 cuntries and attracted millins f freigners cming t explre the “city” f China. Accrding t the Natinal Immigratin Administratin, 62 number f freigners cming t China recrded a threefld increase in the first quarter f this year.
    144-hur visa-free transit and China travel have als becme trending tpics n TikTk and YuTube. @PASSPORT VISIONZ, a TikTk vlgger, came t China with her husband and filmed a series f vides recrding their 63 (astnish) when they saw the “city” China, which has reached mre than seven millin views n TikTk and became their mst viewed vide.
    Many 64 (netizen) wh saw thse vides expressed their amazement at hw “city” China is nw and their 65 (willing) t cme t China.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    66.(2024·全国甲卷)英语课要求做课堂展示, 请你根据所给图片,以Develpment f Transprt in China为题写一篇发言稿。
    1. 词数 100 左右;
    2. 题目和首句已为你写好。
    Develpment f Transprt in China
    Frm the vehicle f hrses t tday's cnvenient transprt, Chinese transprt has an enrmus develpment.
    第二节 (满分25分)
    67.(24-25高三上·湖南·开学考试)阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Lisa Sweeney is a 32-year-ld mail carrier in Staten Island, New Yrk. Fur mnths ag, she nticed that smething wasn’t right at ne f the hmes n her rte. It was her quick actin that made all the difference.
    One afternn in August, an ld wman named Marie Byer, wh lived alne, fell at the ft f the stairs in her hme. She was just lying uncnscius(昏迷的)n the flr.
    The next afternn, her regular mail carrier, Lisa Sweeney, passed by and nticed smething unusual. Thugh she and Marie hadn’t had much cnversatin ver the years, Lisa knew her habits. She was surprised nt t see Marie wrking in her garden, because she usually spent mst afternns there when the weather was fine.
    I just had a feeling in my heart that Marie was inside. “Lisa recalls. She went straight rund t the back f the huse, thinking that the ld wman might be in the kitchen, but she didn’t find anybdy there. Puzzled, Lisa returned t the frnt f the huse and kncked bard n the dr. There was n answer. She thught that this was very strange, s she kncked n a neighbr’s dr, but he’d been away n vacatin and arrived hme just a shrt time befre s he didn’t knw anything. Just then Lisa nted that Mane’s bttle f milk, which was delivered early in the mrning, was still n the drstep. It was a clear warning sign.
    “I must get in t see what’s happened.” Lisa said t herself.
    Lisa’s quick actin nt nly saved a life but als started a friendship.
    ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which fruit persnality are yu?
    In the wrkplace, we have t be able t deal with peple wh aren’t like us. N ne will change fr yu, s yu just have t respect their differences. When identifying persnality types, I like t talk in terms f fruit. Nbdy is just ne fruit, but we all have a preference. And we tend t emphasize ur tp tw, especially under pressure. Here are sme fruit persnalities and hw best t deal with them.
    Intrductin & Management
    Apple:Hard Cre
    Apple types are direct and dn’t suffer fls. They are fast, lgical thinkers wh lve t win and hate t lse cntrl. They’ll get a result at any cst, but see cnflict as sprt.
    1. Always stand up t them.
    2. Get t the pint.
    3. Dn’t take it persnally.
    4. Watch and learn frm them.
    Mang:Juicy and Messy
    Mang types lve life and can’t affrd t miss a minute. They lve variety because they tend t be easily distracted and naturally rule breakers.
    1. Talk big picture, avid details.
    2. Give them false deadlines.
    3. Dn’t micr-manage.
    Lemn types lve structure and rder. They are wrriers wh like security and predictability. They excel at sptting gaps in a plan. But t many rules can als be frustrating.
    1. Respect their need fr space.
    2. Dn’t surprise them.
    3. Listen with respect.
    4. Shw yur pace.
    Banana:Sweet and Gentle
    Banana types enjy peace and shy away frm cnflicts. They are kind t react t thers’ requests. Hwever, when they are t accmmdating, they can be seen as indecisive.
    1. Dn’t pressure them, mtivate.
    2. Create a psitive envirnment.
    3. Encurage regular feedback.
    4. Be nice t them.

    湖南省长沙市长郡中学2024-2025学年高三上学期月考(一)英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份湖南省长沙市长郡中学2024-2025学年高三上学期月考(一)英语试题(Word版附解析),共18页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分7,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    湖南省大联考2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底检测英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份湖南省大联考2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底检测英语试题(Word版附答案),文件包含湖南省大联考2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底检测英语试题docx、湖南省大联考2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底检测英语试题答题卡英语docx、湖南省大联考2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底检测英语试题答案docx、湖南省大联考2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底检测英语试题听力无试音部分mp3等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共12页, 欢迎下载使用。






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