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    1. 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
    2.答题前,考生务必用直径0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将密封线内项目填写清楚。
    3.考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上 对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题 的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答 无效。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. Brther and sister.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a bank. B. In a restaurant. C. At a ticket ffice.
    3. When will the man meet his lawyer?
    A. On Mnday. B. On Tuesday. C. On Wednesday.
    4. What des the man mean?
    A. The wman is lying.
    B. The wman is always late fr schl.
    C. The wman shuld lk after her mther.
    5. What will the wman prbably d next?
    A. Tell the man her address.
    B. Take the package with her.
    C. Deliver her package by herself.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题L 5分,满分22. 5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各 小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What is Jim gd at?
    A. Cmfrting thers. B. Fixing cmputers. C. Slving math prblems.
    7. Hw will the wman deal with her laptp?
    A. Have it repaired. B. Sell it t the man. C. Replace it with a new ne.
    8. What is the man ding?
    A. Reprting news. B. Hsting a prgram. C. Interviewing the wman.
    9. Why did the wman g t Argentina three years ag?
    A. T g n a trip. B. T cver plitical stries. C. T visit her family.
    10. What des the man d?
    A. He’s a reprter. B・ He5s a turist guide. C. He’s a teacher.
    11. Which freign language can Betty speak?
    A. Spanish. B. German. C. Japanese.
    12. What des Betty cnsider the mst helpful in learning freign languages?
    A. Watching TV. B. Travel. C. Listening t the radi.
    13. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Hw t g t Gergia.
    B. Hw t g t the airprt.
    C. Hw t g t the cuntryside.
    14. What des the man think f taking a flight?
    A. Interesting. B, Expensive. C. Cnvenient.
    15. Why des the wman disagree t take a bus?
    A. She thinks it’s dangerus.
    B. She thinks it’s tiring.
    C. She thinks it’s uncmfrtable.
    16. Hw will the speakers prbably g t their destinatin?A. By car. B. By plane. C. By train.
    17. Hw did the speaker feel when waking up?
    A Excited. B. Wrried. C. Disappinted.
    18. When did the headmaster give the speech?
    A. At 9: 10 am. B. At 8 : 30 am. C. At 8 : 00 am.
    19. What happened t a swimmer in the 100-meter freestyle?
    A. She frgt her mark.
    B. She had a pain in her leg.
    C. She dived int the pl t early.
    20. Hw many pints did the speaker’s team get?
    A. 47. B. 53. C. 100.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    The Best Things t D in Lndn This September
    Dcumentary Festival
    Time: 7〜13 September
    Dcumentary Festival is a celebratin f nn-fictin cinemas in Lndn, rganised in cperatin with UCL(University Cllege Lndn). Cnfirmed fr the prgramme s far is a film abut Minamata, a small Japanese twn where mercury(汞)was dumped int the sea, as well as talks, masterclasses, bk launches and mre.
    Lndn Pdcast Festival
    Time: 8〜18 September
    Headphnes are ready fr Lndn Pdcast Festival at Kings Place, which sees bth mainstream and niche pdcasts (小众播客)filmed in frnt f a live audience, with sme f the recrdings played nline t. The Guilty Feminist and the Empire Film Pdcast are sme f the big-name shws, alng with fferings n cmedy, fd, plitics and mre.
    Lndn Design Festival
    Time: 17〜25 SeptemberThe 20th anniversary editin f Lndn Design Festival shwcases Lndn as the design capital f the wrld. At time f writing, the prgramme has nt yet been annunced, but it is clear that students can get a 50 percent discunt n tickets. Let’s expect the usual mixture f displays and exhibitins, talks and mre.
    Unlimited Festival
    Time: 7〜11 September
    Suthbank Centre shines a light n disabled artists and cmpanies with Unlimited Festival. The five-day prgramme cvers dance, perfrmance, cmedy, music and visual arts, including BSL (British Sign Language) perfrmances, and a street art prject designed fr users f wheels. Sme events are free.
    1. Which festival lasts the lngest?
    A. Dcumentary Festival.B. Lndn Pdcast Festival.
    C. Lndn Design Festival.D. Unlimited Festival.
    2. What can Lndn Design Festival ffer t students?
    A. A discunt n tickets.B. Art classes n the Internet.
    C. A writing lessn.D. A chance t meet their favrite dancers.
    3. What’s special abut Unlimited Festival?
    A. It is held in cperatin with UCL.
    B. All f its events are free f charge.
    C. It includes many wnderful exhibitins.
    D. It mainly fcuses n the disabled.
    Charlie Chaplin, British cmedian, prducer, writer, directr and cmpser, is widely regarded as the greatest cmic artist £ the screen and ne f the mst imprtant figures in the film histry.
    Chaplin was named after his father, a British entertainer. He spent his early childhd with his mther, the singer Hannah Hall, after she and his father separated, and tk the place f his mentally unstable mther t appear n the stage. Hwever, he and his mther sn separated frm each ther because the sick Hall was sent t a hspital. Then, Charlie was sent t a series f barding schls.
    Using his mther’s shw-business cntacts Charlie became a prfessinal entertainer in 1897 when he jined the Eight Lancashire Lads, a dancing act. His fllwing stage characters include a small rle in William Gillette^ Sherlck Hlmes (1899). While turing America with the Karn cmpany in 1913, Chaplin was signed t appear in Mack Sennett’s Keystne cmedy films. Thugh Making a Living (1914) was nt the failure that histrians have claimed , Chaplin’s first screen character did nt shw him t best advantage. T cme up with a mre-wrkable screen image, Chaplin created an utfit cnsisting f a t-small cat, t-large pants and a walking stick. As a finishing tuch, he put n a mustache(胡子).It was in his secnd Keystne film, Kid Aut Races at Venice (1914), that Chaplin’s classic screen character, “the Little Tramp(流浪汉)“,was brn.
    In truth, Chaplin did nt always prtray a tramp; in many f his films his character was emplyed as a waiter, stre clerk? stagehand, fireman, and the like. But the Tramp’s attractin was universal: audiences lved his cheekiness(厚脸皮),unexpected bravery and especially his recvery in the face f difficulties which mved the audience mst. Sme histrians have traced the Tramp’s rigins t Chaplin’s Dickensian childhd, while thers have suggested that the character had its rts in the mtt (座右铭)f Chaplin’s teacher, Fred Karn: ”Keep it eager, gentlemen, keep it eager. “ Whatever the case, within mnths after his mvie was n, Chaplin was the screen’s biggest star.
    4. Which wrd best describes Chaplin’s early life?
    A. Carefree.B. Struggling.C. Simple.D. Bring.
    5. What made Chaplin separate frm his mther?
    A. His further study in an art schl.B. His perfrmances in anther cuntry.
    C. His mther’s serius health prblem.D. His father disapprval f their meeting.
    6. What des paragraph 3 mainly tell us abut Chaplin?
    A. His early perfrmances.B. His main characters.
    C. The reasn fr his success.D. His relatinship with thers.
    7. Which aspect f the Tramp mved the audience mst?
    A. His actin with a walking stick.B. His unique and serius appearance,
    C. His special learning experience.D. His ability t recver frm difficulties.
    Yung adults ften have a lt t learn in schl. Hwever, ccasinally, the life skills needed fr them t becme successful utside f schl aren’t learned. This may be why the years after high schl can smetimes be the mst uneasy and tense times fr yung adults.
    Sme may say that life skills are t be taught by their husehld rather than schl, but that’s nt exactly true. Sme students dn’t have a parent figure t teach them the necessary mral lessns needed and habitually rely n schl t prpund them with this essential knwledge. This is why curses f life skills shuld be set up in schls.
    Over the curse f histry, students generally g t an educatinal institutin f sme srt t find themselves spending their entire time learning math and science, instead f what is required fr real wrld-cmmunicatin, which is thrugh behavirs and manners. Manners are imprtant when having a cnversatin with family, friends, teachers perhaps r even emplyers. Schls shuld find a way t teach manners as a way fr students t have respect and be pen-minded when it cmes t ther individuals.
    In additin, the handling f finances is ne f the majr life skills fr students. Fr peple, especially yung peple, t survive in tday5s financial envirnment, knwledge f persnal finance is a necessity. Fr example, schls educating students abut building credit scres and keeping up with a credit card is helpful. Hwever, Educatinal Institutins des nt spend a gd amunt f time talking abut the tpic f mney managing : paying taxes, mrtgage, bills, insurance, etc. It is time t extend financial knwledge by making persnal finance a required curse at US clleges and universities.
    With the essential instructins f cmmunicatin and financial management prvided t the yung adults, they will be mre successful in their future life.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “prpund” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Bther.B. Charge.C. Prvide.D. Treat.
    9. What des the authr advise schls t teach students?
    A. Skills f making mney.B. The cmmunicatin ability.
    C. The histry f their cuntry.D. Ways t study maths and science.
    10. What can be inferred frm paragraph 4?
    A. It is easy t survive in tday’s financial envirnment.
    B. Mst f the students dn’t need t build credit scres.
    C. Students are lacking in instructins f financial management.
    D. Educatinal Institutins spend much time n mney managing.
    11. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. What Have Students Learned in Schl?
    B. Why Shuld Life Skills Be Taught in Schl?
    C. Hw Can Students Behave Well in Daily Life?
    D. Why Shuld Parents Teach Kids Mral Lessns?
    It can be hard t cnvince hmewners t use less water n their lawns (草坪), particularly during a ht and dry summer. But tell them it’s a cmpetitin fr the ugliest lawn, and suddenly they may be mre willing t give up using the sprinkler(洒水器).This clever strategy was emplyed by the gvernment f Gtland, Sweden’s largest island lcated in the Baltic Sea. Gtland sees its ppulatin duble during the summer mnths as turists arrive. This puts pressure n the island’s already-limited water supply, which is prjected t decrease by 13% between 2021 and 2050, as demand is expected t rise by 40% by 2045.
    The campaign, called “Gtland’s Ugliest Lawn”, urged hmewners t cmpete fr the saddest, deadest and brwnest yard. They were asked t avid watering fr an entire seasn, then pst a pht f the lawn using a label that linked it t the campaign.
    Mimmi Gibsn, the acting marketing and brand manager at Regin Gtland, said that “the ugliest lawn cntest wuld remind the islanders nt t waste water, and t talk abut ways they can adapt their gardens t suit the existing cnditins and the climate crisis”.
    The winner fr this year was annunced in mid-August, and it’s Marcus Nrstrm, wh did nt water his lawn nce thrughut the entire summer. His pht shws a large brwn space with sme sparse yellw grasses sticking ut——the kind f yard in which yu wuld nt want t walk bareft (赤脚地)fr risk f hurting yur feet. The gvernment must be feeling pleased ; its strategy has wrked.
    It’s an interesting strategy which attempts t nrmalize and even celebrate dead grass. It is reasnable t assume that the mre peple see it arund their cmmunities, the mre acceptable it will becme. They may als grw curius when they realize there are ther ways t create and maintain an attractive-lking yard, even withut irrigatin(灌溉).
    12. What’s the aim f the cmpetitin fr the ugliest lawn?
    A. T reduce the waste f water.B. T limit the grwth f lcal lawns.
    C. T strengthen citizens’ friendship.D. T enhance citizens, health awareness.
    13. What d the numbers in paragraph 2 shw?
    A. Gtland is rich in water resurces.
    B. Peple will have n water t drink in 2050.
    C. Gtland is faced with serius lack f water.
    D. The ppulatin f Gtland grws faster and faster.
    14. What’s Mimmi Gibsn’s attitude twards the ugliest lawn cntest?
    A. Uncncerned.B. Dubtful.C. Unclear.D. Psitive.
    15. What is the purpse f the last paragraph?
    A. T explain the success f the strategy.B T tell citizens the danger f the ugliest lawn.
    C. T discuss why it’s dangerus t waste water.
    D. T shw citizens what the ugliest lawn lks like.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    阅读下面短文,全科试题免费下载公众号《高中僧课堂》从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。
    Have yu ever watched a silent televisin shw and tried t predict hw the characters were feeling accrding t their bdy language? The ability t understand peple’s bdy language is a skill that’s almst brn inside f us. ____16____. This skill develps as we grw lder, which is called nn-verbal cmmunicatin.
    Bdy language helps us cmmunicate what we’re feeling withut saying much at all. Think abut a time when yu were very angry. Did yu clench (咬紧) yur teeth? Did yur palms get sweaty when yu were anxius? In mst cultures these cues (线索) that reveal emtinal states are quite cmmn. But gestures have specific meanings acrss different cultures. Take tuch fr example. ____17____. In India, hwever, the ideal way t greet smene is by tuching their feet, nt by shaking their hand.
    In sme places, gestures meaning hells and gdbyes and tuches indicating friendship and lve are all the same. But the prblem arises because sme gestures have vastly different meanings in different cultures. Fr example, the “OK” symbl is used as a superb symbl in India, but in Turkey, this symbl is cnsidered ffensive (冒犯性的). ____18____.
    S, what shuld we d? Shuld we nt use gestures at all? Of curse nt. ____19____. N matter hw much we try t stp urselves, we will end up cmmunicating nn-verbally in sme way r anther.
    ____20____, yu’d better make a quick Ggle search r turn t a cmprehensive bk t better interact with the lcals, and avid ffending them during yur stay!
    A. It was a very kind and thughtful gesture.
    B. S, the next time yu decide t travel t anther cuntry
    C. When yu flash the “OK” sign there, yu’re asking fr a fight.
    D. They als use a system f sunds and bdy language t cmmunicate.
    E. Even the smallest children can figure ut when their mthers are mad.
    F. Gestures are smething that cmes with the language f cmmunicatin.
    G. A general way f saying “Hell” in western culture is a brief handshake.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Smmary is a small island in nrthern Nrway. Because f its ____21____ days and nights, Smmary is already knwn as the land that time frgt, and the bridge ____22____ the island frm the mainland is decrated with watches instead f the lcks we see n ther bridges arund the wrld.
    ____23____ the residents f Smmary stand the lng night when the ____24____ desn’t rise frm Nvember t January, they try t make the mst £ summer when the sun stays up in the sky frm May 18 t July 26. That means the sun desn’t ____25____ fr a full 69 days during the ____26____. Traditinal timekeeping is actually ____27____. And it’s nt ____28____ t see peple ding all kinds f things at late hurs £ the “night”—say 3 am-like swimming r playing balls in their ____29____. Since it’s always daylight, everyne sleeps whenever they feel like it.
    It’s been like this fr _____30_____ , but nw the peple f Smmary want t _____31_____ declare their island a time-free zne(地区). T many f us, it may seem like a prmtinal stunt(噱头) t attract mre _____32_____ -and it’s true that Smmary has _____33_____ turism after the plan was annunced. But lcals are _____34_____ it seriusly. They’ve already handed ver their petitin(请愿书) signatures t the gvernment. If they are successful, the 300-plus residents f Smmary plan t make schl and wrking hurs mre _____35_____ by ignring traditinal pening hurs.
    21. A. sameB. lngC. usualD. changeable
    22. A. leading tB. making upC. bringing abutD. fcusing n
    23. A. UntilB. AfterC. UnlessD. If
    24. A. mnB. starC. sunD. sea
    25. A. burnB. appearC. shineD. set
    26. A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter
    27. A. ignredB. repeatedC. develpedD. perfrmed
    28. A. pssibleB. easyC. imprtantD. uncmmn
    29. A. yardsB. kitchensC. plsD. garages
    30. A. daysB. mnthsC. generatinsD. weeks
    31. A. ptentiallyB. fficiallyC. extremelyD. cnstantly
    32 A. childrenB. jurnalistsC. turistsD. experts
    33. A. startedB. stppedC. limitedD. prmted34. A. leavingB. annuncingC. takingD. advertising
    35. A. flexibleB. frmalC. cnfusingD. cmpetitive
    Mid-Autumn Festival has a histry f ver 3, 000 years and is ____36____ secnd mst imprtant traditinal festival in China after the Chinese New Year. It falls ____37____ the 15th day f the 8th mnth in the Chinese lunar calendar.
    The Mid-Autumn Festival is a big day fr Chinese peple, wh will g back hme and have dinner with their families. After the dinner, peple will g utdrs ____38____ (admire) the full mn n the night f the Mid-Autumn Festival. Fr Chinese, the full mn, ____39____reminds peple f their hmetwns and lved nes, is the symbl f a family reunin. Of curse, the mn cake is a must-eat fd at the Mid-Autumn Festival. The cake is ____40____ (typical) rund, symblizing the full mn, ____41____ (present) as gifts t relatives and friends.
    There are quite a few stries assciated with the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the mst ppular ____42____ (be) the legend f the Chang’e, Jade Rabbit and Wu Gang. In ancient times, Chinese emperrs used t ffer sacrifices t the full mn fr the harvests. Pets wuld admire the mn at the Mid-Autumn Festival, expressing their ____43____ (thught) and feelings.
    The Mid-Autumn Festival is the best time t visit China. The weather is ideal t spend time utdrs and enjy the sight f the glden autumn. The custms f the Mid-Autumn Festival ____44____ (different) acrss China. Why nt start yur tur in China by _____45_____ (explre) the mystery f the Mid-Autumn Festival?
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你已经按照外教Vera的要求修改好了你制定的英语角的活动方案。请你写封邮件将方案发送给老师,并请她审阅批准。
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Fifteen Dllars Frm a Strange Wman
    “Wake up. Mama!” I felt a little hand n my face and pened my eyes. There was my sn, ready t start the day. I als heard my baby and tddler(学步的儿童)awake in the next rm. Ready r nt, the day had begun!
    I lved being at hme with my little nes, but I felt the weight f the wrld n my shulders. My husband and I had just bught a huse, and sme unexpected expenses made ur budget (预算)tighter than it had ever been.
    I gt ut f bed and pulled n my faded jeans and sneakers that had seen better days. I nly had ne task n the t-d list fr the day. I was ging t pick up my kids’ phts frm the studi at the lcal mall. Despite ur small budget, it was imprtant fr me t have pictures f my children as they were grwing up. Since we were ging t the mall, I decided t make it an uting and packed sme sandwiches fr us t eat at the fd curt.
    After breakfast, I put everyne int the car, and ff we went. After we parked, I unflded the duble strller (婴儿车), put in the yungest tw kids and asked the ldest t hld nt the strller.
    We wheeled int the studi at the mall, and I apprached the cunter. The yung wman smiled. “May I help yu?”
    “Yes, I’m here t pick up ur phts,” I answered.
    The wman asked my name and pened her large drawer. “Schmyer... Schmyer... Ah, yes, here they are. Aren’t they just s adrable?” She fanned ut the phts and the smiling faces f my kids warmed my heart.
    “Yes, they are great. Thank yu,” I said.
    She put the phts int an envelpe fr me. Then she spread ut additinal phts f my kids that I hadn’t rdered. I knew what that meant.
    “Wuld yu like t purchase these extra phts? They are nly fifteen dllars a piece!” she smiled sweetly.
    My face hardened and my heart turned cld.
    Just when we started ur lunch, I fund the wman we had met at the pht studi standing next t ur table. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    安徽省淮北市第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷: 这是一份安徽省淮北市第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷,共10页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    2022-2023学年安徽省淮北市第一中学高二上学期期末考试英语试题含解析: 这是一份2022-2023学年安徽省淮北市第一中学高二上学期期末考试英语试题含解析,共28页。试卷主要包含了答题前,考生务必用直径0等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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