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    满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
    命题:冯德英 审题:马娟
    1. Hw will the man travel there?
    A. By air.B. By ship. C. By train.
    2. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a stre. B. At a restaurant. C. At a supermarket.
    3. What was the wman prbably trying t d?
    A. Play a tape recrder. B. Repair a typewriter. C. Take a picture.
    4. What des the wman mean?
    A. She is greatly encuraged. B. She needs a friend like the man. C. She appreciates the man’s ffer.
    5. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Pliceman and driver. B. Teacher and student. C. Bss and secretary.
    6. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. In a hspital. B. In a factry. C. In a schl.
    7. What des the wman need right nw?
    A. An X-ray test. B. An peratin. C. Sme rest.
    8. Wh has died frm the heart disease?
    A. The wman’s father. B. The wman’s mther. C. The wman’s grandfather.
    9. What des the man want t d?A. Open an accunt. B. Save sme mney. C. Withdraw sme mney.
    10. What’s the wman prbably?
    A. A waiter. B. A bank clerk. C. A custmer.
    11. When will the man take the mney?
    A. A few minutes later. B. Several hurs later. C. Tmrrw.
    12. Where did the wman find the ld medicine bttle?
    A. In a shp. B. In the sprts grund. C. Near the village gate.
    13. What did the wman find under the tree?
    A. A teapt. B. Sme cins. C. A metal hrse.
    14. What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    A. The teapt is in gd cnditin.
    B. All the cins were prduced by their wn cuntry.
    C. The wman has dne sme repair wrk fr sme findings.
    15. What is the weather usually like at this time in the speakers’ place?
    A. Nice and bright but a bit htter.
    B. Nice and bright but a bit clder.
    C. Nice and lvely but much htter.
    16. Hw ften des the hurricane take place in the wman’s cuntry?
    A. Always. B. Smetimes. C. Once a year.
    17. What are the speakers ging t d?
    A. G shpping. B. G wrking. C. Listen t the radi.
    18. Hw lng des the man wrk at the present cmpany?
    A. 3 years. B. 13 years. C. 30 years.
    19. What is the great advantage if the speaker wrked in a tur agency?
    A. T travel abrad. B. T enjy free flights. C. T get cheap flights and hlidays.
    20. What is the cntent f the speaker’s wrk?
    A. T prvide infrmatin fr the custmers.
    B. T ffer suggestins n purchasing cars.
    C. T give infrmatin n the latest prducts.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    The Travel and Turism Cmpetitiveness Reprt 2017 ranks Singapre 13th ut f 136 cuntries verall, which was the third best in Asia. The reprt ranks Singapre’s business envirnment, internatinal penness, als travel and turism plicy as the best in the wrld.
    The Orchard Rad district
    The Orchard Rad district, which is full f multi-strey shpping centers and htels, can be cnsidered the center f turism in Singapre. The first shp f nte n Orchard Rad was Tangs funded in 1934. Orchard Rad is crwded with htels and shpping centres husing numerus restaurants, cffee chains, cafés, nightclubs.
    The Singapre Z
    The Singapre Z has received the “pen z” idea where animals are kept in enclsures, separated frm visitrs by hidden dry r wet mats(壕沟), instead f caging the animals. There are abut 315 species f animal in the z, f which sme 16 percent are cnsidered t be endangered species.
    The River Safari
    It is the first f its kind in Asia and features freshwater exhibitins and a river bat ride as its main highlights. The River Safari, features 10 different ecsystems arund the wrld, including the River Nile, Yangtze River, Mississippi, Amazn as well as the Tundra and has 300 species f animals, including numerus endangered species.
    The turist island f Sentsa, which attracted 19 millin visitrs in 2011, lies in the suth f Singapre and cnsists f abut 20-30 landmarks, such as Frt Sils, which was built t defend against the Japanese during Wrld War II.
    21. Where wuld the turists interested in fd like t g?
    A. The Orchard Rad district. B. The Singapre Z.
    C. The River Safari. D. Sentsa.
    22. What is special abut the Singapre Z?
    A. All the animals there are threatened species. B. There are abut 315 animals in the z.
    C. Animals there are nt caged. D. Peple can play with animals.
    23. Where can the passage be prbably taken frm?A. A text bk. B. A travel handbk.
    C. A website abut science news. D. An entertainment magazine.
    As a child, there was nthing I liked better than Sunday afternns at my grandfather’s farm in western Pennsylvania. Surrunded by miles f winding stne walls, the huse and field prvided endless hurs f fun fr a city kid like me.
    Since my first visit t the farm, I had wanted mre than anything t be allwed t climb the stne walls surrunding the huses. My parents wuld never agree because the walls were s ld that sme stnes were lse and falling. Hwever, my idea t climb acrss thse walls grew s strng that finally I had all my curage t enter the living rm, where the adults had gathered after Sunday dinner.
    “I want t climb the stne walls.” I said. “Heavens, n! Yu’ll hurt yurself!” The respnse was just as I’d expected. But befre I left the rm, I was stpped by my grandfather’s lud vice. “Nw hld n just a minute.”I heard him say. “Let the by climb the stne walls. He has t learn t d things fr himself.”
    “G,” he said t me, “and cme and see me when yu get back. ”Fr the next tw and a half hurs I climbed thse ld walls—and had the time f my life. Later I met with my grandfather t tell him abut my adventures. I’ll never frget what he said. “Fred,” he said, smiling, “yu made this day a special day just by being yurself. Always remember, there’s nly ne persn in this whle wrld like yu, and I like yu exactly as yu are.”
    Many years have passed since then, and tday I hst the televisin prgram Mister Rgers’ Neighbrhd, seen by millins f children thrughut America. There have been changes ver the years, but ne thing remains the same: my message t children at the end f almst every visit. “There’s nly ne persn in this whle wrld like yu,” the kids will hear me say, “and peple can like yu exactly as yu are.”
    24. Why did the writer enjy his visits t the farm?
    A. There were ld stne huses. B. He culd experience new fun there.
    C. He missed his grandfather. D. He was allwed t climb the stne walls.
    25. Which f the fllwing statements is true?
    A. The writer didn’t expect his parents’ disagreement with his climbing the walls.
    B. The writer didn’t knw the pssible danger f the stne walls.
    C. The writer’s grandfather backed him up t fllw his wn heart.
    D. The writer became a TV prgram hst due t his grandfather’s influence.
    26. Which wrd can be used t describe the grandfather?
    A. Adventurus. B. Open-minded. C. Tricky. D. Stubbrn.27. Which is prbably the best title fr the text?
    A. Unfrgettable Childhd. B. D Whatever Yu Like.
    C. Just Be Yurself. D. Like grandfather, like grandsn.
    Time t lad up sme ppular games: new research indicates pigs have the mental capability t play vide games. The study, published in Frntiers in Psychlgy, tested the ability f fur pigs (Hamlet, Omelette, Ebny and Ivry) t play a simple jystick (操纵杆) game with their nses, mving a cursr (光标) t fur targets n the screen. Althugh the animals didn’t shw the skills t win a rund any time, they did shw an understanding f sme simple games. Perfrming well nt by chance, the pigs appeared t recgnize that the mvement f the cursr was cntrlled by the jystick. The fact that they did s well althugh they didn’t have flexible fingers is “extrardinary”, accrding t the researchers.
    That pigs can d this shuld give us pause abut what else they are capable f learning and hw such learning may influence them,” said Purdue University’s Dr Candace Crney, the study’s lead authr.
    Researchers als nted that while the pigs culd be taught t play the game using fd as psitive mtivatin, they als respnded well t scial interactin. In fact, when the game was made mre challenging and the pigs became unwilling t participate in it, “nly encuraging wrds frm the experimenter” wuld make the pigs cntinue their training.
    These findings are the latest t highlight the intelligence and learning abilities f pigs. Nt nly have they been shwn t use mirrrs t find hidden fd, but studies have als shwn hw pigs can be taught t “cme” and “sit” after ral cmmands.
    As with any sentient (有感觉力的) beings, hw we interact with pigs and what we d t them influences and matters t them. We therefre have a duty t further understand hw pigs get infrmatin and what they are capable f learning and remembering, because this may help them understand their interactins with us and their envirnments.
    28. What can be learned frm Paragraph 1?
    A. The pigs knew a lt abut the vide games. B. The pigs perated jysticks with their nses.
    C. The pigs cmpeted with each ther in the games. D. The pigs smetimes perfrmed well by chance.
    29. What made researchers believe pigs scially interacted well?
    A. Their being inspired by human wrds. B. Their being driven by fd.
    C. Their being willing t keep trying. D. Their being stpped by challenges.
    30. Which f the fllwing statement is true accrding t the passage?
    A. Pigs can’t play vide games fr lack f flexible fingers.B. When playing games, pigs can win a rund at any time.
    C. The research suggests that pigs are very friendly animals.
    D. When games are difficult, pigs are unwilling t play them.
    31. What will researchers prbably fcus n in the next stage f their experiment ?
    A. Hw pigs learn t play challenging games.
    B. Hw pigs imprve their learning ability.
    C. Hw pigs manage t get infrmatin.
    D. Hw pigs adapt t their living envirnment.
    A lng-nsed fur seal (长鼻海狗)that was tagged(给……加上标签) in Tasmania as a baby seal has suddenly turned up in Victria 25 years later, causing a rethink f hw lng the animal can survive in the wild.
    The male fur seal was tagged with an bvius “830” marking n its right side f the bdy in 1996. The marking recently caught the attentin f Victrian wildlife fficers wh tried t find ut where the seal was frm and wh nce put the little seal there.
    “We were excited t respnd t this call and gain imprtant updated infrmatin frm research activities dne mre than 20 years ag,” said the Tasmanian Envirnment Department marine bilgist Sam Thalmann.“Scientists used t think the animals can live fr at mst 19 years, but this sighting f the fur seal 25 years after it was marked prvides exciting new knwledge abut the lngest lifespan (寿命) fr wild fur seals in Australia.” Mr. Thalmann said the seal als surprised the researchers in ther ways. “We see a lt f ld male fur seals that are past their best years f health and mve alng the Tasmanian cast as they reach their end f life, but this seal tells anther stry,” he said. “Unlike thers, it may cntinue t live in gd health fr years t cme.”
    Lng-nsed fur seals are fund arund the casts f sutheastern Australia, suthern NSW and New Zealand. The Tasmanian Department f Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Envirnment said lng-nsed fur seals were nce clse t cmplete disappearance due t the fur trade in the 1800s. But in 1987, the species reappeared in Tasmanian waters and frmed a breeding grup n Maatsuyker Island, abut 10km ff the state’s suth cast. In the wild, seals are eaten by several species f sharks including the white shark.
    The species is nw still prtected and listed as rare under the Tasmanian Threatened Species Prtectin Act. But the number f this species is recvering fast. Nw the ttal ppulatin in Tasmania is 4,000 t 4,500. Abut 1,000 baby seals are brn annually there nw. Australia-wide, the ppulatin is abut 58,000.
    32. What did the fficers think abut lng-nsed fur seals after knwing abut this ne?
    A. They have many secrets unknwn t humans.B. They have the strng ability t live independently.
    C. They nw have a much better living envirnment.
    D. They can live much lnger than peple nce believed.
    33. What des the authr mean by saying “this seal tells anther stry” in Paragraph 3?
    A. This seal is still in gd physical cnditin.
    B. This seal is much lder than ther fur seals.
    C. This seal draws mre attentin frm researchers.
    D. This seal never mves alng the Tasmanian cast.
    34. What almst led t the cmplete disappearance f lng-nsed fur seals?
    A. Having lst their natural hmes. B. Being verhunted by humans.
    C. Being killed by the white shark. D. Suffering frm climate change.
    35. Hw des the authr mst prbably find the situatin f lng-nsed fur seals nw?
    A. Risky. B. Hpeful. C. Wrrying. D. Shcking.
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    Recess (休息) fr Kids
    Ask a grup f kids abut their favrite part f the schl day and many will talk abut smething that happened at recess. Maybe they finally made it acrss the mnkey bars (单杠). Maybe smebdy kicked the ball ver the fence. Maybe a fruit tree in a neighbring yard started t drp apples n the playgrund. 36
    It’s true nt just accrding t kids, but als t adults wh study recess fr kids. Whether they’re inventing a new game r sitting under a tree, kids need a break — r several f them — during the schl day.
    Why Kids Need Recess.
    There's n debate that recess, r mainly referred t as physical activity, is gd fr kids. Yu can’t have yur brains g hurs at a time and retain and stre infrmatin in wrking memry. 37 Besides, activity that invlves arms and legs — running, climbing, crawling — builds new neural cnnectins, which helps kids regulate their emtins. Studies shw that after recess children are mre attentive in class, perfrm better and have fewer emtinal prblems.
    Hw Much Recess Shuld Kids Get.
    “Ideally, children shuld get fur 15-minute recesses every day”, says Debbie Rhea, a prfessr frm Texas Christian University, wh advcates fr utdr play in schls. 38 It is nted that Centers fr Disease Cntrl and Preventin have recently expanded the idea t encurage recess fr all students, including thse in middle and high schl. 39
    In additin t simply prviding enugh time fr recess, schls shuld teach skills that will make recess mre successful. Fr instance, letting kids run fast will help them develp crdinatin. ___40___. And even falling, is smething kids need t practice t avid getting badly hurt. T allw children t take reasnable risks with their bdies is als a wise mve.
    A. Hw t Make Recess Better.
    B. Wh shuld help kids recess.
    C. Yu need time away t prcess it.
    D. This recmmendatin has been widely accepted.
    E. Any ne f these things is a marker f a gd recess.
    F. Maybe running up the slide is nt as unsafe as it lks.
    G. We wuldn’t have kids sitting there fr math r reading fr lng hurs.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Half a year befre graduatin frm cllege, my sn began t lk fr a jb. Due t the financial crisis, fewer cmpanies wuld like t 41 new staff. My sn targeted a cmpany that was 42 t hire nly ne persn while ver twenty peple were 43 the jb.
    After the interview, nly three peple culd enter the final rund, which wuld later 44 the persn that was fit fr the jb. And my sn entered the final rund.
    Unexpectedly, the final interview was unbelievably 45 . The interviewer nly said t them, “All f yu are very excellent. Please g hme and wait fr ur 46 . We will tell yu the 47 in three days. Gd luck t all f yu!” On the mrning f the third day, my sn received a text frm the cmpany that he was nt hired. We all felt very 48 .
    At nightfall that day, my sn suddenly tld me 49 n his phne, “Dad, I have been ffered the jb!” 50 the text sent t my sn was als part f the test in the interview. Three men received the same text this mrning and nly my sn’s reply was “Thank yu” 51 the ther tw said “Gdbye”.
    Only then did I knw that my sn’s hpe came in that way. That is, when yu feel disappinted, d nt 52 t say “thank yu” t the ne wh disappints yu. Saying thank yu shws 53 fr thers’ wrk and shws yur 54 . Therefre, while under the same cnditin, yu will get mre 55 cmpared with thers!41. A. prmteB. trainC. hireD. discver
    42. A. encuragedB. allwedC. suppsedD. intended
    43. A. applying frB. taking upC. lking frD. carrying ut
    44. A. meet B. attractC. decideD. represent
    45. A. frmalB. funnyC. simpleD. strange
    46. A. suggestin B. replyC. rderD. return
    47. A. result B. truthC. requirement D. incme
    48. A. annyed B.puzzledC. disappinted D. shcked
    49. A. patientlyB. wrriedlyC. calmlyD. excitedly
    50. A. FinallyB. Especially C. ActuallyD. Usually
    51. A. afterB. whileC. untilD. unless
    52. A. expectB. frgetC. pretendD. regret
    53. A. cncernB. lveC. admiratinD. respect
    54. A. genersityB. pwerC. braveryD. culture
    55. A. prblemsB. strengthsC. challengesD. pprtunities
    56. Hw t (creative) prmte traditinal Chinese culture t keep pace with the times has becme an issue.
    57. It will be cnsidered a miracle if smene is saved after (trap) fr 7 hurs.
    58. The famus writer and his wrks the radi bradcast have arused great interest amng the students.
    59. Cmpared t that in the city, the air in the muntains is far better (breathe)
    60. They were abrad during the mnths when we were carrying ut the (investigate), r they wuld have cme t ur help.
    61. It's helpful t put children in a situatin they can see themselves in different ways.
    62. In (cmpare) with thers, the little girl shws cnsiderable talent fr music.
    63. They were nt likely (allw) their sn t jin the club.
    64. If we dn’t prtect thse traditins, there may cme a time they disappear.
    65. My grandfather is fnd f talking abut the gd ld days, is ften the case with ld peple.
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)假如你是李华,你的新西兰网友Jhn来信询问你的春节 “文化之旅”计划。请你给他写一封回信,内容包括:
    注意:1、字数80左右; 2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    第二节(满分25 分)
    注意:1、续写词数应为150左右; 2、两段开头已给出。
    I always wnder hw peple will react if I want a ttal stranger fr help in a busy place like a street crner r in a crwded statin. I persnally have always hurried past a stranger wh tried t catch my attentin in a busy place r when I am rushing arund.
    Yesterday I was stuck in such a hpeless situatin where my nly hpe f help wuld have t cme frm a ttal stranger.
    I was in a busy shpping mall buying a large piece f luggage. After the purchase in ne f the large, fancy, expensive shps, I picked up my phne frm my pcket t call my driver waiting in the parking lt and my phne was dead.
    I then requested the shp assistant wh had just sld me the luggage, which was nt cheap at all, if she culd help me telephne my driver. She replied, still all smiles, “I’m srry, Sir, but it is the shp plicy that we cannt use mbile phnes while wrking in the shp.”
    As I was wndering what kind f plicy that was, I saw a nice-lking teenage by cming tward me. Remembering my wife’s interesting thery (理论) that beautiful peple are mre likely t give yu a hand when yu’re in truble, I thught I might have a chance. But befre I culd say a wrd, he walked past me. It turned ut he simply didn’t see me.
    I waited a bit lnger in the mall but it seemed nbdy bthered t lk at me. Disappinted and tired, I gt ut f the shp n t the busy street in frnt. I std there with peple rushing by, lking at their faces t see if there was a sign f kindness n their face. I began wndering hw many times I had reacted t strangers like the shp girl and the teenager.
    Paragraph 1:
    At that pint I saw a yung mther with her tw kids.
    Paragraph 2:
    Finally a man wearing a cheap T-shirt and dirty jeans seemed t ntice me.

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