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    这是一份福建省福州格致中学2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题,文件包含福州格致中学2023-2024学年第二学期期末考试docx、英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共26页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Are yu ready t becme an internatinal UN vlunteer?
    Yu can cntribute yur time, skills and knwledge thrugh vlunteering with the UN. This is an pprtunity t create a psitive impact and be a significant frce fr achieving peace and develpment. Make a difference t the lives f many!
    Why Vlunteer with UN?
    ★ They prmte peace and develpment in cmmunities arund the glbe, while uphlding the ideas and aspiratins f the United Natins;
    ★ They represent many cultures and backgrunds, bringing a wide variety f perspectives and appraches;
    ★ Yur assignment can create a ripple effect that extends far beynd the immediate results f yur effrts;
    ★ Yu will learn abut different cultures, expand yur netwrks, study freign languages and gain matchless prfessinal and life experiences.
    ★ 25 years ld and lder (n upper age limit); university degree r higher technical diplma;
    ★ At least tw years f relevant wrk experience in a prfessinal backgrund;
    ★ Ability t wrk in a multicultural envirnment; willingness t wrk with peple and lcal rganizatins;
    ★ Ability t adjust in hard living cnditins r remte lcatins; strng interpersnal and rganizatinal skills...
    Cnditins f service
    ★ Assignments generally run fr 6 t 12 mnths with the pssibility f extending fr ne t tw years;
    ★ Shrt-term assignments are als requested frm time t time;
    ★ Allwances are in n way t be understd as a cmpensatin, reward r salary in exchange fr the vlunteer wrk.
    1.What can we benefit frm being an Internatinal UV Vlunteer?
    A.It is cnvenient fr us t g abrad.
    B.We can prmte lcal turism rapidly.
    C.It is a gd way t practise Chinese well.
    D.We can help achieve peace and develpment.
    2.What is the age range if yu want t serve as an Internatinal UN Vlunteer?
    A.Yunger than 18.B.Frm18-25.
    C.At least 25.D.Frm 25-60.
    3.What can we learn abut Internatinal UN Vlunteers frm the passage?
    A.They are given salaries r reward annually.
    B.They are required t have related wrk experience.
    C.They are asked t wrk fr at least ne year abrad.
    D.They are arranged t wrk in islated areas nly.
    Winter vacatins dn’t have t be abut snw. Frm scenic castal jurneys t wildlife watching, we have fund a trip fr every type f winter wanderer. Here’re sme ht spts.
    Rad-trip dwn Oregn’s scenic cast
    One f Oregn’s Seven Wnders, this 363-mile stretch f castline is filled with landscapes, waves, headlands, and winter strms. There’s n shrtage f stps n the scenic rute frm Astria t Brkıngs. Visit castal cmmunities, spt sea lins at Shre Acres State Park, watch dancing lellyfish at the Oregn Cast Aquarıum, and explre 79 state parks.
    Enjy the light shw in San Antni, Texas
    Frm late Nvember t early January, millins f twinkling lights decrate the San Antni River Walk in an eye-catching display. Riverbats carrying diverse mix f bell chirs, flk grups, and Latin bands fill the air with carls n evenings thrugh late December.
    Sak in New Mexic’s natural ht springs
    With mre than 300 days f sunshine a year, five natinal frests, and 17 natinal parks and mnuments, New Mexic is a paradise(乐园) f utdr adventure. After an active day, lsen up yur muscles in cmfrtable mineral springs.
    Celebrate New Year’s Day with the mummers in Philadelphia
    On New Year’s Day, thusands f brightly cstumed peple take t the streets f Philadelphia fr the annual Mummers Parade, the ldest cntinuus flk parade in the U. S. The peple line the streets f the City f Brtherly Lve frm JFK Bulevard dwn Brad Street t watch the mummers (哑剧演员) fld the city in an explsin f clr, music, and dance.
    4.Where shuld visitrs g if they want t explre castal life?
    A.Oregn.B.San Antni.C.New Mexic.D.Philadelphia.
    5.What is the right time fr enjying the light shw?
    A.Octber 26.B.Nvember 1.C.December 16.D.February 4.
    6.Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A.A histry bk.B.A travel brchure.C.A curse plan.D.An art jurnal.
    “Sftware develper at Unidays, internatinal speaker and enthusiastic learner” is hw Jess White describes herself n her blg. But it is nt a path she’d riginally planned t fllw. After cmpleting her psychlgy degree. White tk a Master’s in neur-science (神经科学), fully expecting an academic career. But after her interest was raised by the part f the curse that invlved cding (编码), she decided t take a Master’s curse in cmputer science. She graduated with flying clr.
    Nw 27, White hasn’t lked back. She jined Oakbrk Finance in Nttingham as a sftware develper, and stayed fr tw years, runding ff her time there by winning Rising Star f the Year at the 2018 Wmen in IT awards. At Unidays, a business ffering discunts t students, she wrks as a back end develper in the maintenance team, “wrking n the systems and making them better”. It’s a jb she lves. “It’s a challenge every day and yu never get bred. There is always smething t learn.” she says.
    White believes that sme graduates are put ff technlgy careers because they dn’t realize the range f jbs available, “A lt f peple think tech is prgraming. But there’s als design prduct management—and everything in life is t d with tech these days. Whether it’s buying smething with yur cards r psting smething n scial media, yu can’t really avid it.”
    A cmmn misunderstanding, she says, is that IT is all abut maths. “I’m terrible at maths and it scared the living daylights ut f me when I started this because I thught I wuldn’t be able t d it,” In practice, it hasn’t been a prblem, and she has fund that there are a lt f creative elements in prgraming. Her psychlgy backgrund has prved t be a bnus, enabling her t bring a different perspective t her wrk, particularly when she has t cperate with user experience designers.
    As fr the future, White wants t learn as much as she can and becme very strng in the area.
    7.Hw many subjects has White learned?
    8.What can we infer frm Paragraph three?
    A.Nthing is impssible because f technlgy.
    B.Mre graduates are being attracted by technlgy.
    C.Technlgy cntributes t the develpment f ecnmy.
    D.We can’t live a life free frm technlgy nwadaya.
    9.What des the underlined wrd “bnus” in the furth paragraph mean?
    A.Extra benefit.B.Strng influence.
    C.Unexpected challenge.D.Satisfying incme.
    10.Which f the fllwing is the best title fr this passage?
    A.Jess White, a Dependable and Helpful 1ady.
    B.Jess White, a Talented and Cnfident Prgrammer.
    C.Jess White, a Curius and Knwledgeable Learner,
    D.Jess White, a Hard-wrking and Prud Expert.
    When a chunk f ice fell frm a cllapsing glacier(冰川)n the Swiss Alps’ Munt Eiger in 2017, part f the lng deep sund it prduced was t lw fr human ears t detect. But these vibratins held a key t calculating the ice avalanche’s(崩塌)critical characteristics.
    Lw-frequency sund waves called infrasund that travel great distances thrugh the atmsphere are already used t mnitr active vlcanes frm afar. Nw sme researchers in this field have switched fcus frm fire t ice: dangerus blcks snapping ff glaciers. Previus wrk has analyzed infrasund frm snw avalanches but never ice, says Bise State University gephysicist Jeffrey Jhnsn. “This was different,” Jhnsn says. “A signature f a new material has been detected with infrasund.”
    Usually glaciers mve far t slwly t generate an infrasund signal, which researchers pick up using detectrs that track slight changes in air pressure. But a cllapse—a sudden, rapid breaking f ice frm the glacier’s main bdy—is a prlific infrasund prducer. Glacial cllapses drive ice avalanches, which pse an increasing threat t peple in muntainus regins as rising temperatures weaken large fields f ice. A glacier “can becme detached frm the grund due t melting, causing bigger break— ffs,” says University f Flrence gelgist Emanuele Marchetti, lead authr f the new study. As the threat grws, scientists seek new ways t mnitr and detect such cllapses.
    Researchers ften use radar t track ice avalanches, which is precise but expensive and can mnitr nly ne specific lcatin and neighbring avalanche paths. Infrasund, Marchetti says, is cheaper and can detect break—ff events arund a much brader area as well as multiple avalanches acrss a muntain. It is challenging, hwever, t separate a signal int its cmpnents (such as traffic nises, individual avalanches and nearby earthquakes) withut additinal measurements, says ETH Zurich glacilgist Malgrzata Chmiel. “The mdel used by Marchetti is a first apprximatin fr this,” she says. Islating the relevant signal helps the researchers mnitr an ice avalanche’s speed, path and vlume frm afar using infrasund.
    Marchetti and his clleagues are nw wrking t imprve their detectrs t pick up mre signals acrss at-risk regins in Eurpe, and they have set up cllabratins arund the cntinent t better understand signals that cllapsing glaciers prduce. They are als refining their mathematical analysis t figure ut each ice cascade’s physical details.
    11.What can we learn frm Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3?
    A.Infrasund has a majr rle t play in discvering new materials.
    B.Ice avalanches are a bigger threat t peple than vlcanic eruptins.
    C.Researchers are trying t use infrasund in detecting ice avalanches.
    D.Scientists emply infrasund mre in muntain areas than in ther places.
    12.Which is an advantage f infrasund ver radar?
    A.The cmbinatin with ther relevant signals.
    B.The accuracy in lcating a certain avalanche.
    C.The ability in picking up signals in wider areas.
    D.The sensitivity in tracking air pressure changes.
    13.The underlined wrd “this” in Paragraph 4 refers t________.
    A.distinguishing different cmpnents f a signal
    B.detecting multiple avalanches at the same time
    C.calculating the speed and path f ice avalanches
    D.mnitring the specific lcatin f ice break—ffs
    14.Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Frm Fire t IceB.Glacier Whispers
    C.Nature is WarningD.Secret f Ice Avalanches
    When yu think f hw much yu d with yur hands all day, frm making yurself fried eggs in the mrning t flding laundry in the evening, it becmes clear hw vital skillfulness is t daily life. 15 Yu need it t play sprts, fr example, r use a remte r a vide game cntrller.
    Fr sme specific tips n imprving skillfulness, we turned t a persnal trainer Abdias Rjas. He said, “there are s many mvements yu can d t actually imprve nt just the strength f yur hands but als flexibility in yur hands.” 16
    Put rubber bands n yur fingers, then expand and cntract them. This will cntribute t myfascial (肌筋膜的) release and getting yur hands t feel mre cmfrtable.
    T get a better sense f hw much pressure yu shuld apply when tuching things, d hand exercise in sand. 17 But when yu d hand exercise inside f a sandbx, put yur hands in a bx f sand, yu can literally learn t squeeze the sand and understand which jint r which finger is giving mre giving mre pressure r less pressure.
    18 Practice leaning int them with yur palm dwn n the flr. Then, practice leaning int them with the backs f yur hands n the flr, rlling n them, like putting weight n and taking weight ff the wrist.
    Finally, try seated eccentric (偏心的) wrist extensin. Sit upright with an arm n a table, hlding a dumbbell with yur hand hanging ff the edge and yur palm facing dwn. Use yur ther hand t curl yur wrist up, lwer it, and repeat. 19
    Dn’t verlk the value f verall bdy health when it cmes t imprving skillfulness, either. Rjas pinted ut that withut the ptimal grss (最佳的粗肌) and fine mtr skills, which make up the skillfulness f ur hands, we wuld be unable t perfrm daily tasks.
    A.It sunds strange.
    B.Mrever, it helps yu have fun, t.
    C.Here are the nes that he recmmended.
    D.T strengthen yur wrists, d wrist mbility drills.
    E.D this in sets f tw with 20 repetitins each, every day.
    F.T strengthen yur sensatin f tuch, avid wrking ut with glves.
    G.T start with the basics, flexibility is the skill f perfrming tasks, particularly with yur hands.
    20.What will the man d next?
    A.Clse a windw.B.Catch a muse.C.Leave the rm.
    21.Where are the speakers mst prbably?
    A.At the visitrs’ center.B.In a schl.C.On the schl bus.
    22.What is the man ding?
    A.Watching a shw.B.Writing an essay.C.Reading a bk.
    A.The wman des nt like the mvie.
    B.The man pays fr the tickets as a rule.
    C.The speakers happened t meet in the cinema.
    D.The speakers hld different ideas abut the mvie.
    A.The tw sides f a cin.B.A serius ecnmics prfessr.
    C.The effects f a financial crisis.D.The definitin f a financial crisis.
    25.Hw lng will Clin be away frm schl?
    A.One week.
    B.Tw weeks.
    C.Eight weeks.
    26.What des the wman suggest ding?
    A.Sending Clin a card.
    B.Visiting Clin at his huse.
    C.Helping Clin with his schlwrk.
    27.What’s the weather like tmrrw?
    A.It will snw and be cld.
    B.It will be cludy with shwers at times.
    C.It will be warm and sunny.
    28.What seasn is it nw?
    29.What d we knw abut the weather f the picnic day last year?
    A.It snwed at the beginning.
    B.It was sunny when they started.
    C.It was warm enugh fr a picnic.
    30.What shuld the wman hand in next Mnday?
    A.A film review.
    B.A passage.
    C.A summary.
    31.Hw many wrds des the wman need t write fr the assignment?
    A.Abut 150.
    B.Abut 120.
    C.Abut 100.
    32.What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A.Remember the new wrds.
    B.Recite the text t the class.
    C.Cpy the idims three times.
    33.A.Because they usually set fires at a wedding ceremny.
    B.Because peple wh receive them will give the cuple a red envelp with mney.
    C.Because they lk like small bmbs in a red envelp.
    D.Because Chinese peple lve red clr especially at their wedding ceremnies.
    34.A.They ften refer t a gift registry frm the bride and grm.
    B.They directly ask the bride and grm fr sme advice.
    C.They usually buy whatever they like themselves.
    D.They prefer t buy sme special and expensive gifts.
    35.A.They have t prmise t be respnsible fr their family.
    B.They ften prmise t take care f each ther’s parents.
    C.They usually prmise t lve and care fr each ther.
    D.They need prmise t bring a happy life t the ther.
    36.A.Chinese lve alchl while Americans prefer wine instead.
    B.Chinese tast with dishes but Americans tast with a cake.
    C.In China peple tast after dancing but in U.S. peple tend t tast befre dancing.
    D.In China the bride and grm tast the guests while in U.S. guests tast the cuple.
    37.A.A naturalist.B.A z specialist.
    C.A TV reprter.D.A nurse.
    38.A.They are gentle and shy.B.They are lng-armed man-eaters
    C.They are gd at smile frm ear t ear.D.They are fierce animals.
    39.A.Many species in the wrld may die ut.
    B.A gd example can be fllwed t preserve wildlife.
    C.Wmen are encuraged t wrk fr zs.
    D.Our wrld is nt safe tday.
    Alfred Nbel became a millinaire and changed the ways f mining, cnstructin, and warfare as the inventr f dynamite (炸药). On April 12, 1888, Alfred’s brther Ludwig died f heart attack. A majr French newspaper _1_ his brther fr him and carried an article _2_ the death f Alfred Nbel. “The merchant f death is dead.” The article read. “Dr. Alfred Nbel, wh became _3_ by finding ways t kill mre peple faster than ever befre, died yesterday.”Nbel was _4_ t find ut nt that he had died, but that, when his time was up, he wuld be thught f nly as ne wh prfited frm _5_ and destructin.
    T make sure that he was _6_ with lve and respect, Nbel arranged in his 7 t give the largest part f his mney t _8_ the Nbel prizes, which wuld be awarded t peple wh made great _9_ t the causes f peace, literature, and the sciences. S _10_ , Nbel had t die befre he realized what his life was really abut.
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    A cncert was c-staged by the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Suzhu Symphny Orchestra last week in Suzhu in east China’s Jiangsu Prvince.
    In 1973, the Philadelphia Orchestra made its histric China tur, 50 marked a thaw(破冰)in the China-U.S. cultural exchange befre the nrmalizatin f 51 tw cuntries’ diplmatic relatins.
    “We 52 (perfrm)Jasmine Flwer since ur first visit in 1973, “ said Ryan Fleur, executive directr f The Philadelphia Orchestra. ”We try t demnstrate hw we care abut the 53 (friend)with the Chinese peple. “
    The assciatin between the Philadelphia Orchestra and Suzhu began in January this year, when a cncert 54 (rganize) by the Suzhu Culture and Arts Centre, the Philadelphia Orchestra and ther institutins 55 (hld) in New Yrk City and Philadelphia 56 (celebrate)the Lunar New Year. Themed ”Eches f Ancient Tang Pems, the cncert brught the Tang Dynasty(618-907)back 57 life with ancient pems interpreted by internatinal 58 (musician).
    The resnance (共鸣) f this theme was further deepened during this 59 (late) trip when members f the rchestra visited a temple in Suzhu where sme Tang pems were written, an experience that deeply tuched their hearts.
    60.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Mai Lin wasn’t ding well enugh at schl, r at least she wasn’t satisfied with herself. She wished she culd d better.
    “Let’s review the material we learned in the last unit,” the histry teacher said. “Wh can tell us what caused the War f 1812?” Mai Lin sat at her desk, staring ahead. She hped the teacher wuldn’t call her name. They hadn’t studied the War f 1812 at her ld schl and she didn’t knw the answer.
    “Alisn?” the teacher asked instead. Oh, perfect, Mai Lin thught. Of curse Alisn wuld have the answer. She seemed t have all the answers. Alisn was the mst ppular girl in schl – always surrunded by millins f byfriends, best friends, and thers. She was like a brilliant sun.
    Mai Lin hadn’t made ne r tw friends f her wn s far. Her ld schl was small and lw-key, but a shy persn like Mai Lin had a chance there. This new schl, hwever, seemed as big as an airprt t Mai Lin, and it seemed very hard t get arund in it. She still gt lst smetimes in the schl.
    Mai Lin frwned (皱眉) as Alisn answered the teacher’s questin. Alisn prbably never gt lst, Mai Lin thught t herself. Yu culd prbably put Alisn dwn in the middle f a desert, and within five minutes she’d be able t tell yu the best way t get hme.
    Histry class finally ended, and Mai Lin headed fr the gym. The class had been playing basketball. Alisn, wh was as tall and thin and attractive as a tree, was very gd at it. Beside her, Mai Lin felt like a very small and flish ant. Tday, hwever, the gym teacher pinted t a thick rpe hanging frm the ceiling and said, “Everybdy! Yu’re ging t climb this rpe tday.”
    1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
    Hearing the teacher’s wrds, Mai Lin smiled.
    Mai Lin stepped frward and gt clse t the rpe.

    福建省福州高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题: 这是一份福建省福州高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题,文件包含福州高级中学2023-2024学年第二学期期末考试docx、高级英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共25页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    2022-2023学年福建省福州格致中学高一上学期期中线上适应性练习英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年福建省福州格致中学高一上学期期中线上适应性练习英语试题含答案,文件包含精品解析福建省福州格致中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中线上适应性练习英语试题原卷版docx、精品解析福建省福州格致中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中线上适应性练习英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共49页, 欢迎下载使用。






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