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    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. Hw will the weather be in Central Eurpe tmrrw?
    A. Rainy. B. Windy. C. Sunny.
    2. What will Billy clean first?
    A. His basketball. B. The garden table. C. His ftball bts.
    3. Why desn’t the wman like the subway?
    A. Because the prices are t high.
    B. Because there are t many peple.
    C. Because it desn’t stp near her ffice.
    4. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a clthing stre. B. In a library. C. In a bkstre.
    5. When will the cncert start?
    A. At 6: 00 p. m. B. At 7: 00 p. m. C. At 8: 00 p. m.
    6. What d the painting club members d mst f the time?
    A. Practice painting. B. Appreciate pictures. C. Take part in cmpetitins.
    7. When will the girl g t the club?
    A. Next Tuesday afternn.
    B. Next Wednesday afternn.
    C. Next Tuesday mrning.
    8. Where des the wman have lessns?
    A. In her huse. B. In an ffice. C. In a language schl.
    9. What is the wman’s truble nw?
    A. She desn’t knw hw t imprve her English.
    B. She feels nervus abut her wrk perfrmance.
    C. She is afraid t speak English at wrk.
    10. Wh might the man be?
    A. The wman’s teacher. B. The wman’s bss. C. The wman’s c-wrker.
    11. What day is it tday?
    A. Tuesday. B. Friday. C. Sunday.
    12. What des the man want t knw frm the wman?
    A. Western table manners. B. Chinese table manners. C. Traditinal Chinese festivals.
    13. What will the man and the wman d next?
    A. Have breakfast. B. Wash the dishes. C. Study chpsticks.
    14. What is the man’s jb abut?
    A. Observing the planets.
    B. Teaching thers knwledge.
    C. Ging int space t d research.
    15. What is the man lking at tday?
    A. Mars. B. Venus. C. The Mn.
    16. Hw des the man like the cmpetitin held in the wman’s schl?
    A. Bring. B. Strange. C. Interesting.
    17. Where will the wman have lunch?
    A. At a cafe. B. At her hme. C. At the man’s ffice.
    18. When was the first real newspaper started?
    A. In 1609. B. In 1665. C. In 1704.
    19. Which cuntry was the first t publish newspapers?
    A. England. B. Germany. C. America.
    20. What did the speaker say abut the first penny newspaper?
    A It nly cst ne dllar.
    B. It was called The Lndn Gazette.
    C. It was the first ne t have advertisements.
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    D yu knw the fllwing fun hlidays?
    Yellw Pig Day
    The unfficial hliday that falls n July 17 was created in the early 1960s by Princetn mathematics students, David Kelly and Michael Spivak, while they were wrking n the special prperties (属性) f the number 17, which is a prime number (质数) that has significance in mathematics.
    Mle Day
    It’s celebrated every year with a theme by scientists and chemistry students thrughut the United States and arund the wrld between 6: 02 am and 6: 02 pm n Octber 23 because when written in the mnth-date frmat, the date and time 6.02, 10/23 include the digits in Avgadr’s number (602×1023) in hnr f the mle, a measuring unit in chemistry.
    Tau Day
    This has much t d with Pi (π) Day. It has been held every year since 2010 n June 28. The day began as a way t recgnize tau. Tau is equal t 2π r 6.283. In recent years, sme mathematicians and physicists have argued fr the replacement f pi (π) by tau, but it is nt yet widely accepted within the scientific cmmunity.
    Palindrme Day
    Palindrme (回文) is a wrd r phrase that reads the same backwards as frwards, fr example madam. Palindrme Day happens when the day’s date can be read the same way backward and frward. Because date frmats vary frm cuntry t cuntry, nt all dates that are palindrmic in ne kind f date frmat are Palindrme Days in anther. Fr instance, April 21, 2024 r 4-21-24 is a palindrmic date in the m-dd-yy frmat, but it isn’t if yu write the date as dd-m-yyyy (21-4-2024) r dd-mm-yyyy (21-04-2024).
    1. What is special abut Mle Day?
    A. It has a different theme every year.
    B. It was created by a scientist.
    C. It’s the ldest f the fur hlidays.
    D It’s celebrated nly in America.
    2. Which Day is clsely related t Pi Day?
    A. Palindrme Day.B. Mle Day.
    C. Yellw Pig Day.D. Tau Day.
    3. What can we knw frm the text?
    A. Yellw Pig Day is related t a cncept in chemistry.
    B. The fur hlidays each represent a scientific idea.
    C. 21-4-2024 is a palindrmic date in the m-dd-yy frmat.
    D. The fur hlidays are all accepted by gvernments.
    When I was yung, my dad wuld always play music in the huse. I’d dance t Vivaldi’s The Fur Seasns. Whenever he played Tritsch-Tratsch Plka, I’d grab my skipping rpes and skip t the beat. I’d request Beethven’s Mnlight Snata when I was getting ready fr bed. Listening t classical music was part f my daily rutine. I eventually learned hw t play the pian.
    After I had my wn daughter, I was excited t intrduce her t classical music. Hwever, this excitement sn led t disappintment as n matter what piece I chse, she wuld nt listen.
    Then ne day in Octber, everything changed. My daughter came hme and annunced, “I want t dress up as a bumblebee fr Hallween. Can yu make me a cstume, Mm?” Of curse, I agreed t sew her a bumblebee cstume. But at the same time, the bumblebee gave me an idea.
    I wrked all week n the cstume. On Hallween night, my daughter put the cstume n and lked in the mirrr. Her eyes lit up.
    She began making buzzing nises—and I was ready. “Can yu fly like a bumblebee?” I asked. As she began t buzz arund the rm, I quickly started playing Flight f the Bumblebee.
    As the fast-paced vilin music began, my daughter buzzed arund t the music. She never stpped mving.
    When the music came t its final bars, my daughter shuted, “Play it again, Mm!” S I played it again.
    Since that night, classical music has becme mre prevalent in ur husehld. Eventually, she learned hw t play the vilin and guitar.
    I still have that cstume stred away in a special bx. I hpe t pass it n t my grandchildren ne day and see what happens.
    4. What des the authr intend t shw by mentining the music wrks in Paragraph 1?
    A. The impact f classical music n her.
    B. The lasting ppularity f classical music.
    C. The wrld famus classical musicians.
    D. The different types f classical music.
    5. Hw did the daughter respnd t Flight f the Bumblebee?
    A. Disappintedly.B. Negatively.
    C. Enthusiastically.D. Indifferently.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “prevalent” in Paragraph 8 mean?
    A. Cmpetitive.B. Ppular.
    C. Challenging.D. Embarrassing.
    7. Why des the authr keep the bumblebee cstume?
    A. As evidence f her sewing skills.
    B. T remind her f a happy hliday experience.
    C. As a Hallween gift fr her future grand-kids.
    D. T let it play its magic n her grand-kids.
    An Inuit-develped app, named SIKU after the Inuktitut fr “sea ice”, allws lcal cmmunities frm Alaska t Greenland t cnnect traditinal knwledge with scientific data t track changes in the envirnment, and make decisins abut hw t manage wildlife.
    A grup f Inuit elders and hunters frm Sanikiluaq Nunavut, thught up the idea fr SIKU mre than ten years ag t dcument and understand the changing sea ice they were seeing in sutheastern Hudsn Bay. The grup turned t the lcal nn-prfit Arctic Eider Sciety (AES) t develp a web-based platfrm (平台).
    Over the years, SIKU has develped, and recently, the elders saw that the platfrm culd help address a familiar challenge: sharing knwledge with yunger peple wh ften have their nses in their phnes. In 2019, SIKU was reintrduced as a full-fledged (全面发展的) scial netwrk — a platfrm where members can pst phts and ntes abut wildlife sightings, hunts, sea ice cnditins and mre. The psts tell stries f hunting and traveling; the impacts f climate change and industrial activity; and the traditins, diets and illnesses f lcal animals.
    Inuit cmmunities are already using the app t infrm imprtant decisins. In 2021, fr example, elders in Sanikiluaq were wrried that the lcal reindeer (驯鹿) ppulatin had reduced, s the Hunters and Trappers Assciatin used SIKU t survey hunters and lk at recent reprted harvest rates. The infrmatin led the assciatin t clse the hunt fr a shrt time t reduce pressure n the ppulatin and t reintrduce hunting slwly when the number f reindeer increased.
    Traditinally Inuit cmmunities shared this infrmatin rally (口头上地). “We have lived in the envirnment fr centuries and knw abut the wildlife. Nw armed with SIKU, infrmatin is dcumented in a way that ther peple will understand. The advantage f SIKU is that it’s part science and part Inuit knwledge and it supprts cmmunity-driven research,” says Lucassie Arragutainaq, a c-funder f AES.
    8. What was the purpse f develping SIKU in the beginning?
    A. T raise mney fr AES.B. T pass n Inuit traditin.
    C. T attract mre visitrs t Inuit cmmunities.D. T recrd and learn abut the changing sea ice.
    9. Why is reindeer mentined in paragraph 4?
    A. T further prve the rle f SIKU.
    B. T advise peple t pay mre attentin t SIKU.
    C. T call n visitrs and lcals t prtect reindeer.
    D. T tell the benefits f the Hunters and Trappers Assciatin.
    10. What is the attitude f Lucassie Arragutainaq tward SIKU?
    A. Dubtful.B. Wrried.C. Puzzled.D. Supprtive.
    11. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. SIKU: Overcming Envirnmental Challenges
    B. SIKU: Infrming Decisin Of Lcal Cmmunities
    C. SIKU: Jining Traditinal Wisdm T Mdern Technlgy
    D. SIKU: Advantages Over Other Lcal Scial Media Platfrms
    Fr any astrnaut hping t survive n the surface f the mn, grwing crps will be imprtant. Nw, scientists have taken “ne small step” twards grwing plants n the lunar surface, after shwing it’s pssible t grw thale cress(阿拉伯芥), a small flwering plant, in the lunar sil.
    The findings raise hpes that plants culd be grwn n the mn during future space missins, and even enable mankind t set up a lunar settlement. “Fr future, lnger space missins, we may use the mn as a launching platfrm,” explained Prfessr Rb Ferl. “It makes sense that we wuld want t use the sil that’s already there t grw plants.” Until nw, scientists have nt grwn plants in the sil. “S, what happens when yu grw plants in the lunar sil? What wuld plants d in a lunar greenhuse? Culd we have lunar farmers?” Prfessr Ferl questined.
    T answer these questins, researchers frm Flrida set ut t plant thale cress seeds in the lunar sil, add water, nutrients and light, and see what happened. The researchers chse t use thale crss because its genetic cde has already been fully mapped. Fr cmparisn, the researchers als planted seeds in a range f sils, including thse that are similar t the Martian sil. T their delight, the researchers fund that nearly all f the seeds grew. Hwever, they did bserve differences between the plants grwn in the lunar sil and thse grw n in the cntrl sils. Sme f the plants grwn in the lunar sil were smaller, while thers grew mre slwly r were mre varied in size.
    “Grwing plants in the lunar sil may als change the mn itself,” accrding t Dr. Stephen Elard. “The mn is a very, very dry place,” he said. Hw will minerals in the lunar sil respnd t having a plant grwn in them, with the added water and nutrients? Will adding water make the minerals friendlier t plants? The researchers hpe t answer these questins in fllw-up studies.
    12. What’s the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The plants grwn in the lunar sil.
    B. The significance f the findings.
    C. The missins f future space explratin.
    D. The hpe fr setting up a lunar settlement.
    13. Why did researchers use thale cress in the experiment?
    A. It has a lng evlutinary histry.
    B. Its genes are suitable fr the lunar sil.
    C. Peple have a gd knwledge f its genes.
    D. It has been tested with the lunar sil befre.
    14. What did researchers find abut the plants grwn in the lunar sil?
    A. They didn’t grw well enugh.
    B. They grew slwly in the dark.
    C. They absrbed few minerals.
    D. They needed mre water t grw bigger.
    15. What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A. Grwing plants in the lunar sil desn’t need any water.
    B. The lunar sil is actually nt suitable fr grwing plants.
    C. Grwing plants in the lunar sil is as easy as that in nrmal sil.
    D. There are still prblems n grwing plants in the lunar sil t be slved.
    Bxing has been practised fr centuries—it was even ne f the sprts in the riginal Olympic Games in ancient Greece. ____16____ In the UK, hundreds f thusands f peple frm all walks f life jin in the sprt every week. But why? The answer lies in the physical, mental and even scial benefits bxing can bring.
    ____17____ Whether it’s practising with a punching bag, r a partner r facing an ppnent in the ring, bxing can be an extreme frm f exercise and give a full-bdy wrkut. It can imprve muscular strength as well as increase anaerbic (无氧的) fitness, allwing smene t wrk ut harder, fr lnger.
    Bxing can als have a psitive influence n ne’s mental well-being. Dr. Jessica Pinchbeck, Senir Lecturer in Sprt and Fitness at the Open University, says, “____18____” Exercising regularly is already widely knwn t be gd fr mental health, but bxing can als bring a sense f discipline and fcus.
    And there is a third benefit f putting n the bxing glves. ____19____ Hwever, bxing is nt just an individual activity. It als invlves wrking with thers t train and stay safe. Dr. Gavin Williams, Senir Lecturer in Educatin at the Open University says that this team wrk can create a sense f identity and belnging. S, whatever the reasn that attracts smene t bxing is, the interactive elements f the sprt mean it can als have great scial benefits.
    Bxing is gd fr bdy, mind and scial interactins, isn’t it? ____20____
    A. Bxing can help relieve negative feelings, like anxiety and depressin.
    B. That’s why mre and mre peple are stepping int the ring.
    C Practising punches can be dne alne f curse.
    D. Mre recently, bxing has becme the mainstream.
    E. It helps little burn calries.
    F. Its physical benefits are clear.
    G. That is when yu wuld like t d the ppular sprt—Bxing.
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    Orange chicken, salt and pepper chips, fried rice... Max Burns lists several typical Western-style Chinese dishes that disappint him. Fr Burns wh ____21____ his childhd in China, thse cuisines are far frm genuine. They are invented t ____22____ Western preferences.
    Actually, many Westerners regard that ____23____ type f dishes as the whle f Chinese cuisine. The average Westerners are nt as ____24____ and educated as they culd be. That is why Burns ____25____ trying t shw Chinese fd by vlgging abut making Chinese dishes at hme.
    The fd adventure has ____26____ Burns grw int an influencer with ver three millin subscribers wrldwide tday and helped shift sme peple’s ideas abut Chinese fd. His friends tld him they were shcked by the ____27____ f Chinese cuisine and it tk them a lng time t figure ut different categries f Chinese cuisine.
    ____28____, when Burns first started vlgging in 2016 after returning t England, cking Chinese fd at hme was a then “stupid idea”, because he was never ____29____ f cking. At the time, mst f his _____30_____ centered mre n explaining aspects f Chinese culture. Hwever, later, when Burns culdn’t _____31_____ utside, he had t learn t ck. The mment he tried t learn Chinese cking, he _____32_____ fell in lve with it. “The mre I learned abut Chinese cking, the _____33_____ I gt int it,” he recalls.
    The cking jurney als serves t _____34_____ his cnnectin with China, even thugh he has left China fr years. Burns appreciates the experiences f living in China, _____35_____ him t teach abut Chinese cuisine and build a crss-cultural bridge between the East and the West.
    21. A. attractedB. spentC. gatheredD. retired
    22. A. cureB. hireC. satisfyD. bite
    23. A. tughB. legalC. capableD. particular
    24. A. mtivatedB. weighedC. infrmedD. recgnized
    25. A. startsB. rdersC. servesD. ranks
    26. A. helpedB. cnsideredC. emplyedD. rganized
    27. A. riginB. mralC. custmD. diversity
    28. A. PrfessinallyB. InterestinglyC. CmpletelyD. Suddenly
    29. A. criticalB. equalC. fndD. previus
    30. A. videsB. testsC. cursesD. surveys
    31. A. wrkB. exerciseC. filmD. dine
    32. A. immediatelyB. independentlyC. recentlyD. regularly
    33. A. mstB. mreC. lessD. least
    34. A. launchB. argueC. differD. maintain
    35. A. imaginingB. seekingC. enablingD. describing
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Every weekend, Yang Jie spends at least a mrning at a bk huse by the 6,300 km-lng Yangtze River reading while enjying a cup f cffee. ____36____ bk huse, Pipa Pavilin, which Yang Jie ften visits, was inspired by a famus pem Pipa Xing when it was first built. ____37____ (shape) like a pipa frm a bird’s eye view, Pipa Pavilin is cnsidered ____38____ a famus landmark in the Jiujiang sectin f the Yangtze River Natinal Cultural Park.
    Lcated in Jiujiang City, east China’s Jiangxi Prvince, this bk huse ____39____ (receive) mre than 70,000 visits since June, 2023. In Pipa Pavilin, mre than 5,000 bks are ffered free f charge fr peple ____40____ (read), in additin t a cffee shp and a tearm. These ____41____ (facility) are part f the Yangtze River Natinal Cultural Park, which aims t pass n the cultural histry f Yangtze River, the ____42____ (lng) river in China.
    Similarly, China is building cultural parks ____43____ are centered arund the Great Wall, the Grand Canal, the Lng March and the Yellw River, all f which are typical symbls f Chinese culture. By setting up these parks, China ____44____ (prud) shws the clrful Chinese culture. Mre imprtantly, it shws hw cultural and envirnmental prtectin live s well side by side, ______45______ (ffer) a sustainable legacy fr generatins t cme.
    46. 假设你是李华,你所在的英语社团下周将举办一场题为“Hw t Spend Mney Reasnably”的演讲比赛,请你就此写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:
    Hw t Spend Mney Reasnably
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    What Ges Arund Cmes Arund
    One day a man saw an ld lady n the side f the rad. Nticing she might need help, he pulled up, gt ut and fund that she had a flat tire(瘪胎).The lady was wrried. N ne had stpped t help fr the last hur r s. He culd see that she was s afraid, standing ut there in the cld. He said, "I'm here t help yu, ma'am. Why dn't yu wait in the car where it's warm? By the way, I am Bryan Andersn."
    As he was changing her tire, she rlled dwn the windw and began t talk t him. She tld him that she was nly just passing thrugh. She culdn't thank him enugh fr cming t her aid.
    When the wrk was finished, the lady asked hw much she wed him, wiling t accept any amunt. Bryan never thught twice abut being paid. He tld her that if she really wanted t pay him back, the next time she saw smene wh needed help, she culd give that persn the assistance he r she needed, and Bryan added," And think f me."
    He waited until she started her car and drve ff. It had been a cld and depressing day, but he felt gd as he headed fr hme, disappearing int the darkness.
    A few miles dwn the rad the lady went int a small café. The waitress came ver and brught a clean twel t wipe her wet hair. She still had a sweet smile even thugh she mentined that her husband died and she had t make a living by herself. The lady nticed the waitress was nearly eight mnths pregnant, but she never let her cnditin change her psitive attitude. The ld lady wndered hw smene wh had s little culd be s caring t a stranger. Then she remembered Bryan and decided t d smething.
    After the lady finished her meal, the waitress came t cllect the bill.
    The waitress psted the tuching stry nline, accmpanied by wrds "Thank yu! Kind lady!"
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. Hw will the weather be in Central Eurpe tmrrw?
    A. Rainy. B. Windy. C. Sunny.
    2. What will Billy clean first?
    A. His basketball. B. The garden table. C. His ftball bts.
    3. Why desn’t the wman like the subway?
    A. Because the prices are t high.
    B. Because there are t many peple.
    C. Because it desn’t stp near her ffice.
    4. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a clthing stre. B. In a library. C. In a bkstre.
    5. When will the cncert start?
    A. At 6: 00 p. m. B. At 7: 00 p. m. C. At 8: 00 p. m.
    6 What d the painting club members d mst f the time?
    A. Practice painting. B. Appreciate pictures. C. Take part in cmpetitins.
    7. When will the girl g t the club?
    A. Next Tuesday afternn.
    B. Next Wednesday afternn.
    C. Next Tuesday mrning.
    8. Where des the wman have lessns?
    A. In her huse. B. In an ffice. C. In a language schl.
    9. What is the wman’s truble nw?
    A. She desn’t knw hw t imprve her English.
    B. She feels nervus abut her wrk perfrmance.
    C. She is afraid t speak English at wrk.
    10. Wh might the man be?
    A. The wman’s teacher. B. The wman’s bss. C. The wman’s c-wrker.
    11. What day is it tday?
    A Tuesday. B. Friday. C. Sunday.
    12. What des the man want t knw frm the wman?
    A. Western table manners. B. Chinese table manners. C. Traditinal Chinese festivals.
    13. What will the man and the wman d next?
    A. Have breakfast. B. Wash the dishes. C. Study chpsticks.
    14. What is the man’s jb abut?
    A. Observing the planets.
    B. Teaching thers knwledge.
    C. Ging int space t d research.
    15. What is the man lking at tday?
    A. Mars. B. Venus. C. The Mn.
    16. Hw des the man like the cmpetitin held in the wman’s schl?
    A. Bring. B. Strange. C. Interesting.
    17. Where will the wman have lunch?
    A At a cafe. B. At her hme. C. At the man’s ffice.
    18. When was the first real newspaper started?
    A. In 1609. B. In 1665. C. In 1704.
    19. Which cuntry was the first t publish newspapers?
    A. England. B. Germany. C. America.
    20. What did the speaker say abut the first penny newspaper?
    A. It nly cst ne dllar.
    B. It was called The Lndn Gazette.
    C. It was the first ne t have advertisements.
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    D yu knw the fllwing fun hlidays?
    Yellw Pig Day
    The unfficial hliday that falls n July 17 was created in the early 1960s by Princetn mathematics students, David Kelly and Michael Spivak, while they were wrking n the special prperties (属性) f the number 17, which is a prime number (质数) that has significance in mathematics.
    Mle Day
    It’s celebrated every year with a theme by scientists and chemistry students thrughut the United States and arund the wrld between 6: 02 am and 6: 02 pm n Octber 23 because when written in the mnth-date frmat, the date and time 6.02, 10/23 include the digits in Avgadr’s number (602×1023) in hnr f the mle, a measuring unit in chemistry.
    Tau Day
    This has much t d with Pi (π) Day. It has been held every year since 2010 n June 28. The day began as a way t recgnize tau. Tau is equal t 2π r 6.283. In recent years, sme mathematicians and physicists have argued fr the replacement f pi (π) by tau, but it is nt yet widely accepted within the scientific cmmunity.
    Palindrme Day
    Palindrme (回文) is a wrd r phrase that reads the same backwards as frwards, fr example madam. Palindrme Day happens when the day’s date can be read the same way backward and frward. Because date frmats vary frm cuntry t cuntry, nt all dates that are palindrmic in ne kind f date frmat are Palindrme Days in anther. Fr instance, April 21, 2024 r 4-21-24 is a palindrmic date in the m-dd-yy frmat, but it isn’t if yu write the date as dd-m-yyyy (21-4-2024) r dd-mm-yyyy (21-04-2024).
    1. What is special abut Mle Day?
    A. It has a different theme every year.
    B. It was created by a scientist.
    C. It’s the ldest f the fur hlidays.
    D. It’s celebrated nly in America.
    2. Which Day is clsely related t Pi Day?
    A. Palindrme Day.B. Mle Day.
    C. Yellw Pig Day.D. Tau Day.
    3. What can we knw frm the text?
    A. Yellw Pig Day is related t a cncept in chemistry.
    B. The fur hlidays each represent a scientific idea.
    C. 21-4-2024 is a palindrmic date in the m-dd-yy frmat.
    D. The fur hlidays are all accepted by gvernments.
    【答案】1. A 2. D 3. B
    推理判断题。由文章Mle Day部分“It’s celebrated every year with a theme by scientists and chemistry students thrughut the United States and arund the wrld between 6: 02 am and 6: 02 pm n Octber 23 because when written in the mnth-date frmat, the date and time 6.02, 10/23 include the digits in Avgadr’s number (602×1023) in hnr f the mle, a measuring unit in chemistry. (每年10月23日早上6点02分到下午6点02分之间,美国和世界各地的科学家和化学学生都会以一个主题来庆祝这个节日,因为当以月-日的格式书写时,日期和时间6.02,10/23包含了阿伏伽德罗数字(602×1023)中的数字,以纪念化学中的测量单位摩尔。)”可知,Mle Day每年都有一个主题。故选A。
    细节理解题。由文章Tau Day部分“This has much t d with Pi (π) Day. (这与圆周率日有很大关系)”可知,Tau Day与Pi Day密切相关。故选D。
    推理判断题。由文章Yellw Pig Day部分“The unfficial hliday that falls n July 17 was created in the early 1960s by Princetn mathematics students, David Kelly and Michael Spivak, while they were wrking n the special prperties (属性) f the number 17, which is a prime number (质数) that has significance in mathematics. (7月17日这个非官方节日是在20世纪60年代初由普林斯顿大学数学系的学生大卫·凯利和迈克尔·斯皮瓦克创立的,当时他们正在研究17的特殊属性,17是一个质数,在数学中具有重要意义。)”、Mle Day部分“It’s celebrated every year with a theme by scientists and chemistry students thrughut the United States and arund the wrld between 6: 02 am and 6: 02 pm n Octber 23 because when written in the mnth-date frmat, the date and time 6.02, 10/23 include the digits in Avgadr’s number (602×1023) in hnr f the mle, a measuring unit in chemistry. 每年10月23日早上6点02分到下午6点02分之间,美国和世界各地的科学家和化学学生都会以一个主题来庆祝这个节日,因为当以月-日的格式书写时,日期和时间6.02,10/23包含了阿伏伽德罗数字(602×1023)中的数字,以纪念化学中的测量单位摩尔。)”、Tau Day部分“This has much t d with Pi (π) Day. (这与圆周率日有很大关系)”、Palindrme Day部分“Palindrme (回文) is a wrd r phrase that reads the same backwards as frwards, fr example madam. Palindrme Day happens when the day’s date can be read the same way backward and frward. (回文是向后读和向前读一样的单词或短语,例如madam。回文日发生在一天的日期可以以同样的方式向后和向前阅读。)”可知,它们各自代表了一个科学理念。故选B。
    When I was yung, my dad wuld always play music in the huse. I’d dance t Vivaldi’s The Fur Seasns. Whenever he played Tritsch-Tratsch Plka, I’d grab my skipping rpes and skip t the beat. I’d request Beethven’s Mnlight Snata when I was getting ready fr bed. Listening t classical music was part f my daily rutine. I eventually learned hw t play the pian.
    After I had my wn daughter, I was excited t intrduce her t classical music. Hwever, this excitement sn led t disappintment as n matter what piece I chse, she wuld nt listen.
    Then ne day in Octber, everything changed. My daughter came hme and annunced, “I want t dress up as a bumblebee fr Hallween. Can yu make me a cstume, Mm?” Of curse, I agreed t sew her a bumblebee cstume. But at the same time, the bumblebee gave me an idea.
    I wrked all week n the cstume. On Hallween night, my daughter put the cstume n and lked in the mirrr. Her eyes lit up.
    She began making buzzing nises—and I was ready. “Can yu fly like a bumblebee?” I asked. As she began t buzz arund the rm, I quickly started playing Flight f the Bumblebee.
    As the fast-paced vilin music began, my daughter buzzed arund t the music. She never stpped mving.
    When the music came t its final bars, my daughter shuted, “Play it again, Mm!” S I played it again.
    Since that night, classical music has becme mre prevalent in ur husehld. Eventually, she learned hw t play the vilin and guitar.
    I still have that cstume stred away in a special bx. I hpe t pass it n t my grandchildren ne day and see what happens.
    4. What des the authr intend t shw by mentining the music wrks in Paragraph 1?
    A. The impact f classical music n her.
    B. The lasting ppularity f classical music.
    C. The wrld famus classical musicians.
    D. The different types f classical music.
    5. Hw did the daughter respnd t Flight f the Bumblebee?
    A. Disappintedly.B. Negatively.
    C. Enthusiastically.D. Indifferently.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “prevalent” in Paragraph 8 mean?
    A. Cmpetitive.B. Ppular.
    C. Challenging.D. Embarrassing.
    7. Why des the authr keep the bumblebee cstume?
    A. As evidence f her sewing skills.
    B. T remind her f a happy hliday experience.
    C. As a Hallween gift fr her future grand-kids.
    D. T let it play its magic n her grand-kids.
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段“When I was yung, my dad wuld always play music in the huse. I’d dance t Vivaldi’s The Fur Seasns. Whenever he played Tritsch-Tratsch Plka, I’d grab my skipping rpes and skip t the beat. I’d request Beethven’s Mnlight Snata when I was getting ready fr bed. Listening t classical music was part f my daily rutine. I eventually learned hw t play the pian. (当我小的时候,我爸爸总是在家里放音乐。我会跟着Vivaldi的《The Fur Seasns》跳舞。每当他演奏《Tritsch-Tratsch Plka》时,我就会抓起跳绳跟着节拍跳。当我准备睡觉的时候,我会点Beethven的《Mnlight Snata》。听古典音乐是我日常生活的一部分。我终于学会了弹钢琴)”可知,作者旨在展示古典音乐对作者产生的影响。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第五段“As she began t buzz arund the rm, I quickly started playing Flight f the Bumblebee. (当她开始在房间里嗡嗡作响时,我很快开始演奏《Flight f the Bumblebee》)”第六段“As the fast-paced vilin music began, my daughter buzzed arund t the music. She never stpped mving. (随着快节奏的小提琴音乐响起,我女儿跟着音乐嗡嗡地转了起来。她不停地走动)”可知,当作者播放这首乐曲时,女儿开始随着音乐四处飞舞。因此,她的反应是热情洋溢的。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据倒数第二段“Since that night, classical music has becme mre (从那天晚上起,古典音乐在我们家变得)”和“Eventually, she learned hw t play the vilin and guitar. (最后,她学会了演奏小提琴和吉他)”可知,自从那个万圣节夜晚之后,古典音乐在她们的家庭中变得更加受欢迎,女儿开始对古典音乐产生兴趣,并且后来还学习了小提琴和吉他。所以prevalent的含义为“受欢迎的”。A. Cmpetitive竞争性的;B. Ppular受欢迎的;C. Challenging具有挑战性的;D. Embarrassing令人尴尬的。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“I still have that cstume stred away in a special bx. I hpe t pass it n t my grandchildren ne day and see what happens. (那套戏服我还保存在一个特殊的盒子里。我希望有一天能把它传给我的孙子们,看看会发生什么)”可知,让它继续在她的孙子孙女身上发挥魔力,是作者保留这套服装的目的。故选D。
    An Inuit-develped app, named SIKU after the Inuktitut fr “sea ice”, allws lcal cmmunities frm Alaska t Greenland t cnnect traditinal knwledge with scientific data t track changes in the envirnment, and make decisins abut hw t manage wildlife.
    A grup f Inuit elders and hunters frm Sanikiluaq, Nunavut, thught up the idea fr SIKU mre than ten years ag t dcument and understand the changing sea ice they were seeing in sutheastern Hudsn Bay. The grup turned t the lcal nn-prfit Arctic Eider Sciety (AES) t develp a web-based platfrm (平台).
    Over the years, SIKU has develped, and recently, the elders saw that the platfrm culd help address a familiar challenge: sharing knwledge with yunger peple wh ften have their nses in their phnes. In 2019, SIKU was reintrduced as a full-fledged (全面发展的) scial netwrk — a platfrm where members can pst phts and ntes abut wildlife sightings, hunts, sea ice cnditins and mre. The psts tell stries f hunting and traveling; the impacts f climate change and industrial activity; and the traditins, diets and illnesses f lcal animals.
    Inuit cmmunities are already using the app t infrm imprtant decisins. In 2021, fr example, elders in Sanikiluaq were wrried that the lcal reindeer (驯鹿) ppulatin had reduced, s the Hunters and Trappers Assciatin used SIKU t survey hunters and lk at recent reprted harvest rates. The infrmatin led the assciatin t clse the hunt fr a shrt time t reduce pressure n the ppulatin and t reintrduce hunting slwly when the number f reindeer increased.
    Traditinally, Inuit cmmunities shared this infrmatin rally (口头上地). “We have lived in the envirnment fr centuries and knw abut the wildlife. Nw armed with SIKU, infrmatin is dcumented in a way that ther peple will understand. The advantage f SIKU is that it’s part science and part Inuit knwledge and it supprts cmmunity-driven research,” says Lucassie Arragutainaq, a c-funder f AES.
    8. What was the purpse f develping SIKU in the beginning?
    A. T raise mney fr AES.B. T pass n Inuit traditin.
    C. T attract mre visitrs t Inuit cmmunities.D. T recrd and learn abut the changing sea ice.
    9. Why is reindeer mentined in paragraph 4?
    A. T further prve the rle f SIKU.
    B. T advise peple t pay mre attentin t SIKU.
    C. T call n visitrs and lcals t prtect reindeer.
    D. T tell the benefits f the Hunters and Trappers Assciatin.
    10. What is the attitude f Lucassie Arragutainaq tward SIKU?
    A. Dubtful.B. Wrried.C. Puzzled.D. Supprtive.
    11. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. SIKU: Overcming Envirnmental Challenges
    B. SIKU: Infrming Decisin Of Lcal Cmmunities
    C. SIKU: Jining Traditinal Wisdm T Mdern Technlgy
    D. SIKU: Advantages Over Other Lcal Scial Media Platfrms
    【答案】8. D 9. A 10. D 11. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段内容“A grup f Inuit elders and hunters frm Sanikiluaq, Nunavut, thught up the idea fr SIKU mre than ten years ag t dcument and understand the changing sea ice they were seeing in sutheastern Hudsn Bay.(十多年前,一群来自努纳武特地区萨尼基卢阿的因纽特老人和猎人想出了建立SIKU的想法,以记录和了解他们在哈德逊湾东南部看到的海冰变化。)”可知,起初,一群因纽特老人和猎人为了记录和了解他们在哈德逊湾东南部所看到的海冰变化而提出和开发了SIKU。故选D项。
    推理判断题。通过阅读第四段内容可知,该段的中心主旨句为首句“Inuit cmmunities are already using the app t infrm imprtant decisins.(因纽特人社区已经在使用该应用程序为重要决策提供信息。)”,因此可推知,该段提到驯鹿的案例是为了进行事实举例论证,说明社区已经在使用这款应用程序为重要决策提供信息,即进一步证明SIKU所起的作用。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中Lucassie Arragutainaq所说的话“Nw armed with SIKU, infrmatin is dcumented in a way that ther peple will understand. The advantage f SIKU is that it’s part science and part Inuit knwledge and it supprts cmmunity-driven research(现在有了SIKU,信息以其他人能够理解的方式被记录下来。SIKU的优势在于它部分是科学知识,部分是因纽特人的知识,它支持社区驱动的研究)”可知,Lucassie Arragutainaq认为在SIKU的帮助下,信息以一种其他人能理解的方式记录下来,可以实现科学知识和因纽特人的知识相互结合,以支持社区驱动的研究。由此推知,Lucassie Arragutainaq对SIKU持支持的态度。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。通过阅读文章内容可知,文章首段内容“An Inuit-develped app, named SIKU after the Inuktitut fr “sea ice”, allws lcal cmmunities frm Alaska t Greenland t cnnect traditinal knwledge with scientific data t track changes in the envirnment, and make decisins abut hw t manage wildlife.(一款因纽特人开发的应用程序,以因纽特人的‘海冰’的名字命名为SIKU,允许从阿拉斯加到格陵兰岛的当地社区将传统知识与科学数据联系起来,以跟踪环境变化,并就如何管理野生动物做出决定。)”介绍了文章的主要内容,即,一款名为SIKU的应用程序,帮助当地社区整合传统知识和科学数据,追踪环境变化,同时作出管理野生动物的决策。选项C“SIKU: Jining Traditinal Wisdm T Mdern Technlgy(SIKU:将传统智慧与现代技术相结合)”高度概括了文章内容,最适合作本文标题。故选C项。
    Fr any astrnaut hping t survive n the surface f the mn, grwing crps will be imprtant. Nw, scientists have taken “ne small step” twards grwing plants n the lunar surface, after shwing it’s pssible t grw thale cress(阿拉伯芥), a small flwering plant, in the lunar sil.
    The findings raise hpes that plants culd be grwn n the mn during future space missins, and even enable mankind t set up a lunar settlement. “Fr future, lnger space missins, we may use the mn as a launching platfrm,” explained Prfessr Rb Ferl. “It makes sense that we wuld want t use the sil that’s already there t grw plants.” Until nw, scientists have nt grwn plants in the sil. “S, what happens when yu grw plants in the lunar sil? What wuld plants d in a lunar greenhuse? Culd we have lunar farmers?” Prfessr Ferl questined.
    T answer these questins, researchers frm Flrida set ut t plant thale cress seeds in the lunar sil, add water, nutrients and light, and see what happened. The researchers chse t use thale crss because its genetic cde has already been fully mapped. Fr cmparisn, the researchers als planted seeds in a range f sils, including thse that are similar t the Martian sil. T their delight, the researchers fund that nearly all f the seeds grew. Hwever, they did bserve differences between the plants grwn in the lunar sil and thse grw n in the cntrl sils. Sme f the plants grwn in the lunar sil were smaller, while thers grew mre slwly r were mre varied in size.
    “Grwing plants in the lunar sil may als change the mn itself,” accrding t Dr. Stephen Elard. “The mn is a very, very dry place,” he said. Hw will minerals in the lunar sil respnd t having a plant grwn in them, with the added water and nutrients? Will adding water make the minerals friendlier t plants? The researchers hpe t answer these questins in fllw-up studies.
    12. What’s the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The plants grwn in the lunar sil.
    B. The significance f the findings.
    C. The missins f future space explratin.
    D. The hpe fr setting up a lunar settlement.
    13. Why did researchers use thale cress in the experiment?
    A. It has a lng evlutinary histry.
    B. Its genes are suitable fr the lunar sil.
    C. Peple have a gd knwledge f its genes.
    D. It has been tested with the lunar sil befre.
    14. What did researchers find abut the plants grwn in the lunar sil?
    A. They didn’t grw well enugh.
    B. They grew slwly in the dark.
    C. They absrbed few minerals.
    D. They needed mre water t grw bigger.
    15. What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A. Grwing plants in the lunar sil desn’t need any water.
    B. The lunar sil is actually nt suitable fr grwing plants.
    C. Grwing plants in the lunar sil is as easy as that in nrmal sil.
    D. There are still prblems n grwing plants in the lunar sil t be slved.
    【答案】12. B 13. C 14. A 15. D
    主旨大意题。根据文章第二段第一句“The findings raise hpes that plants culd be grwn n the mn during future space missins(任务), and even enable mankind t set up a lunar settlement.(这一发现增加了人们对未来太空任务期间在月球上种植植物的希望,甚至使人类能够在月球上建立一个定居点。)”可知,第二段主要讲的是这一发现的意义。故选 B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句“The researchers chse t use thale cress because its genetic cde(基因序列)has already been fully mapped.(研究人员选择使用荠蓝,因为它的基因序列已经完全绘制出来了。)”可知,研究人员在实验中使用荠蓝是因为人们对它的基因有很好的了解。故选 C。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句“Sme f the plants grwn in the lunar sil were smaller, while thers grew mre slwly r were mre varied in size.(一些在月球土壤中生长的植物较小,而另一些生长较慢或大小不一。)”可知,研究人员发现生长在月球土壤中的植物生长得不够好。故选 A。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Hw will minerals in the lunar sil respnd t having a plant grwn in them, with the added water and nutrients? Will adding water make the minerals friendlier t plants? The researchers hpe t answer these questins in fllw-up studies.”(加上增加的水和营养,月球土壤中的矿物质对在其中种植植物会有什么反应?加水会使矿物质对植物更友好吗?研究人员希望在后续研究中回答这些问题。)可知,在月球土壤中种植植物还存在一些问题需要解决。故选D。
    Bxing has been practised fr centuries—it was even ne f the sprts in the riginal Olympic Games in ancient Greece. ____16____ In the UK, hundreds f thusands f peple frm all walks f life jin in the sprt every week. But why? The answer lies in the physical, mental and even scial benefits bxing can bring.
    ____17____ Whether it’s practising with a punching bag, r a partner r facing an ppnent in the ring, bxing can be an extreme frm f exercise and give a full-bdy wrkut. It can imprve muscular strength as well as increase anaerbic (无氧的) fitness, allwing smene t wrk ut harder, fr lnger.
    Bxing can als have a psitive influence n ne’s mental well-being. Dr. Jessica Pinchbeck, Senir Lecturer in Sprt and Fitness at the Open University, says, “____18____” Exercising regularly is already widely knwn t be gd fr mental health, but bxing can als bring a sense f discipline and fcus.
    And there is a third benefit f putting n the bxing glves. ____19____ Hwever, bxing is nt just an individual activity. It als invlves wrking with thers t train and stay safe. Dr. Gavin Williams, Senir Lecturer in Educatin at the Open University says that this team wrk can create a sense f identity and belnging. S, whatever the reasn that attracts smene t bxing is, the interactive elements f the sprt mean it can als have great scial benefits.
    Bxing is gd fr bdy, mind and scial interactins, isn’t it? ____20____
    A. Bxing can help relieve negative feelings, like anxiety and depressin.
    B. That’s why mre and mre peple are stepping int the ring.
    C. Practising punches can be dne alne f curse.
    D. Mre recently, bxing has becme the mainstream.
    E. It helps little burn calries.
    F. Its physical benefits are clear.
    G. That is when yu wuld like t d the ppular sprt—Bxing.
    【答案】16. D 17. F 18. A 19. C 20. B
    由上文“Bxing has been practised fr centuries—it was even ne f the sprts in the riginal Olympic Games in ancient Greece. (拳击运动已经有几个世纪的历史了,它甚至是古希腊奥运会的比赛项目之一。)”可知,前一句提到拳击已经存在了几个世纪,甚至是古希腊奥运会中的一项运动,接下来需要描述拳击在现代的普及情况。D选项提到“Mre recently, bxing has becme the mainstream. (最近,拳击已经成为主流)”与前文形成了对比,能承接上文,符合题意。故选D。
    由下文的“Whether it’s practising with a punching bag, r a partner r facing an ppnent in the ring, bxing can be an extreme frm f exercise and give a full-bdy wrkut. It can imprve muscular strength as well as increase anaerbic (无氧的) fitness, allwing smene t wrk ut harder, fr lnger. (无论是和沙袋一起练习,还是和搭档一起练习,或者在拳击场上面对对手,拳击都是一种极端的锻炼方式,可以锻炼全身。它可以增强肌肉力量,增加无氧健身,让人们更努力、更持久地锻炼。)”可知,后文提到拳击是一种高强度的锻炼,能够增强肌肉力量和提高无氧体能,因此可以推断出此段主要是在讲述拳击对身体的好处,即其物理益处。所以F选项“Its physical benefits are clear. (它的物理益处是显而易见的)”能引起下文,符合题意。故选F。
    由上文的“Bxing can als have a psitive influence n ne’s mental well-being. (拳击对一个人的心理健康也有积极的影响)”可知,前一句提到拳击对人的心理健康有积极的影响,本空应对此举例说明,A选项“Bxing can help relieve negative feelings, like anxiety and depressin. (拳击有助于缓解焦虑和抑郁等负面情绪。)”具体说明了拳击可以缓解焦虑、抑郁等负面情绪,能承接上文,符合题意。故选A。
    由上文的“And there is a third benefit f putting n the bxing glves. (戴上拳击手套还有第三个好处。)”和下文的“Hwever, bxing is nt just an individual activity. It als invlves wrking with thers t train and stay safe. (然而,拳击不仅仅是一项个人活动。它还包括与其他人一起训练和保持安全。)”可知,前一句提到戴上拳击手套的第三个好处,而后文又提到拳击不仅仅是个人活动,还涉及到与他人一起训练,因此可以推断出此空应该是描述拳击的某个方面可以单独进行。C选项中的“Practising punches can be dne alne f curse. (练习拳击当然可以单独进行)”能承上启下,符合题意。故选C。
    由上文的“Bxing is gd fr bdy, mind and scial interactins, isn’t it? (拳击对身心和社交都有好处,不是吗?)”可知,前一句总结说拳击对身体、心理和社会交往都有好处,所以越来越多的人开始接触拳击。B选项的“That’s why mre and mre peple are stepping int the ring. (这就是为什么越来越多的人进入拳击场)”能承接上文,符合题意。故选B。
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    Orange chicken, salt and pepper chips, fried rice... Max Burns lists several typical Western-style Chinese dishes that disappint him. Fr Burns wh ____21____ his childhd in China, thse cuisines are far frm genuine. They are invented t ____22____ Western preferences.
    Actually, many Westerners regard that ____23____ type f dishes as the whle f Chinese cuisine. The average Westerners are nt as ____24____ and educated as they culd be. That is why Burns ____25____ trying t shw Chinese fd by vlgging abut making Chinese dishes at hme.
    The fd adventure has ____26____ Burns grw int an influencer with ver three millin subscribers wrldwide tday and helped shift sme peple’s ideas abut Chinese fd. His friends tld him they were shcked by the ____27____ f Chinese cuisine and it tk them a lng time t figure ut different categries f Chinese cuisine.
    ____28____, when Burns first started vlgging in 2016 after returning t England, cking Chinese fd at hme was a then “stupid idea”, because he was never ____29____ f cking. At the time, mst f his _____30_____ centered mre n explaining aspects f Chinese culture. Hwever, later, when Burns culdn’t _____31_____ utside, he had t learn t ck. The mment he tried t learn Chinese cking, he _____32_____ fell in lve with it. “The mre I learned abut Chinese cking, the _____33_____ I gt int it,” he recalls.
    The cking jurney als serves t _____34_____ his cnnectin with China, even thugh he has left China fr years. Burns appreciates the experiences f living in China, _____35_____ him t teach abut Chinese cuisine and build a crss-cultural bridge between the East and the West.
    21. A. attractedB. spentC. gatheredD. retired
    22. A. cureB. hireC. satisfyD. bite
    23. A. tughB. legalC. capableD. particular
    24. A. mtivatedB. weighedC. infrmedD. recgnized
    25. A. startsB. rdersC. servesD. ranks
    26. A. helpedB. cnsideredC. emplyedD. rganized
    27. A. riginB. mralC. custmD. diversity
    28. A. PrfessinallyB. InterestinglyC. CmpletelyD. Suddenly
    29. A. criticalB. equalC. fndD. previus
    30. A. videsB. testsC. cursesD. surveys
    31. A. wrkB. exerciseC. filmD. dine
    32. A. immediatelyB. independentlyC. recentlyD. regularly
    33. A. mstB. mreC. lessD. least
    34. A. launchB. argueC. differD. maintain
    35. A. imaginingB. seekingC. enablingD. describing
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. D 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. C
    【导语】本文体裁为记叙文,主要讲述了Max Burns通过分享自己制作中式菜肴的视频博客经历,不仅成为了拥有广大订阅者的网络红人,还帮助改变了部分人对于中国菜的刻板印象,并加深了他自己与中国文化的联系。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:对于在中国度过童年的Burns来说,这些菜肴远非正宗。A. attracted吸引;B. spent花费(时间),度过;C. gathered聚集;D. retired退休。根据下文的“his childhd in China”和“Burns appreciates the experiences f living in China”可知,此处指Burns在中国度过了童年时光。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它们是为了迎合西方人的口味而发明的。A. cure治愈;B. hire雇佣;C. satisfy满足;D. bite咬。根据下文的“Western preferences”可知,这里指这些西式中餐是为了满足西方人口味而创造的。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:实际上,许多西方人认为这种特别类型的菜肴就是中国菜的全部。A. tugh艰难的;B. legal合法的;C. capable有能力的;D. particular特定的,特别的。根据上文的“Orange chicken, salt and pepper chips, fried rice... Max Burns lists several typical Western-style Chinese dishes”、“thse cuisines are far frm genuine”可知,这里指的是上文提到的西式中餐,是一种特别类型的中餐。故选D。
    考查形容词和动词词义辨析。句意:一般的西方人对中国菜的了解并不如他们可能应该知道的那样多。A. mtivated有动力的;B. weighed称重;C. infrmed见多识广的;D. recgnized公认的。根据下文的“and educated as they culd be”可知,此处指西方人对中国菜的了解不够见多识广。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这就是为什么Burns开始通过在家制作中国菜的视频博客来展示中国菜的原因。A. starts开始;B. rders命令;C. serves服务;D. ranks排名。根据下文的“trying t shw Chinese fd by vlgging abut making Chinese dishes at hme”可知,这里指Burns开始制作视频来展示中国菜。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这段美食之旅帮助Burns成长为拥有全球超过三百万订阅者的网红,并帮助改变了一些人对中国菜的看法。A. helped帮助;B. cnsidered考虑;C. emplyed雇佣;D. rganized组织。根据下文的“Burns grw int an influencer with ver three millin subscribers wrldwide tday and helped shift sme peple’s ideas abut Chinese fd”可知,这里强调这段经历对Burns成为网红的帮助。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的朋友们告诉他,他们对中国菜的多样性感到震惊,并且花了很长时间才弄清楚中国菜的不同类别。A. rigin起源;B. mral道德;C. custm习俗;D. diversity多样性。根据下文的“f Chinese cuisine and it tk them a lng time t figure ut different categries f Chinese cuisine”可知,这里指中国菜种类繁多,令人惊讶。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:有趣的是,当Burns在2016年回到英格兰后开始录制视频博客时,他在家做中国菜被认为是一个愚蠢的想法,因为他从来不喜欢烹饪。A. Prfessinally专业地;B. Interestingly有趣地;C. Cmpletely完全地;D. Suddenly突然地。根据下文的“when Burns first started vlgging in 2016 after returning t England, cking Chinese fd at hme was a then “stupid idea”, because he was never 9 f cking.”可知,他从来不喜欢烹饪,但是Burns在2016年回到英格兰后开始录制视频博客,这是有趣的事情。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有趣的是,当Burns在2016年回到英格兰后开始录制视频博客时,他在家做中国菜被认为是一个愚蠢的想法,因为他从来不喜欢烹饪。A. critical批判的;B. equal平等的;C. fnd喜爱的;D. previus以前的。根据上文的“when Burns first started vlgging in 2016 after returning t England, cking Chinese fd at hme was a then “stupid idea””可知,这里指Burns起初并不喜欢烹饪。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当时,他的大部分视频更多地集中在解释中国文化方面。A. vides视频;B. tests测试;C. curses课程;D. surveys调查。根据上文的“Burns first started vlgging in 2016 after returning t England”可知,Burns在2016年回到英格兰后开始录制视频博客,这里指Burns最初制作的视频内容。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,后来,当Burns不能外出就餐时,他不得不学习烹饪。A. wrk工作;B. exercise锻炼;C. film拍摄电影;D. dine进餐,吃饭。根据下文的“utside, he had t learn t ck”可知,这里指由于某些原因无法外出吃饭。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:当他尝试学习中国烹饪时,他立刻爱上了它。A. immediately立即;B. independently独立地;C. recently最近;D. regularly定期地。根据上文的“The mment he tried t learn Chinese cking”和下文的“fell in lve with it”可知,这里强调他对中餐烹饪的喜爱是一接触就产生的。故选A。
    考查比较级。句意:“我对中国烹饪了解得越多,就越喜欢,”他回忆道。A. mst最多;B. mre更多;C. less更少;D. least最少。根据上文的“The mre I learned abut Chinese cking”可知,此处用“the + 比较级,the + 比较级”结构,表示“越……越……”,因此用mre,侧面反应对中国烹饪的喜爱。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这段烹饪之旅也有助于保持他与中国之间的联系。A. launch启动;B. argue争论;C. differ不同;D. maintain维持,保持。根据下文的“his cnnectin with China, even thugh he has left China fr years”可知,这里指烹饪让他与中国保持联系。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Burns感激在中国生活的经历,这使他能够教授中国烹饪,并在东西方之间架起一座跨文化的桥梁。A. imagining想象;B. seeking寻找;C. enabling使能够;D. describing描述。根据下文的“him t teach abut Chinese cuisine and build a crss-cultural bridge between the East and the West.”可知,这里指在中国的生活经历使他能够教授中国烹饪,并在东西方之间架起一座跨文化的桥梁。故选C。
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Every weekend, Yang Jie spends at least a mrning at a bk huse by the 6,300 km-lng Yangtze River reading while enjying a cup f cffee. ____36____ bk huse, Pipa Pavilin, which Yang Jie ften visits, was inspired by a famus pem Pipa Xing when it was first built. ____37____ (shape) like a pipa frm a bird’s eye view, Pipa Pavilin is cnsidered ____38____ a famus landmark in the Jiujiang sectin f the Yangtze River Natinal Cultural Park.
    Lcated in Jiujiang City, east China’s Jiangxi Prvince, this bk huse ____39____ (receive) mre than 70,000 visits since June, 2023. In Pipa Pavilin, mre than 5,000 bks are ffered free f charge fr peple ____40____ (read), in additin t a cffee shp and a tearm. These ____41____ (facility) are part f the Yangtze River Natinal Cultural Park, which aims t pass n the cultural histry f Yangtze River, the ____42____ (lng) river in China.
    Similarly, China is building cultural parks ____43____ are centered arund the Great Wall, the Grand Canal, the Lng March and the Yellw River, all f which are typical symbls f Chinese culture. By setting up these parks, China ____44____ (prud) shws the clrful Chinese culture. Mre imprtantly, it shws hw cultural and envirnmental prtectin live s well side by side, ______45______ (ffer) a sustainable legacy fr generatins t cme.
    【答案】36. The
    37. Shaped 38. as
    39. has received
    40. t read
    41. facilities
    42. lngest
    43. that##which
    44. prudly
    45. ffering
    【导语】本文的体裁是新闻报道。文章主要介绍了位于中国江西省九江市的一个特色书屋——琵琶亭(Pipa Pavilin),并详细描述了该书屋的灵感来源、建筑风格、受欢迎程度以及其作为长江国家文化公园一部分的重要意义。同时,文章还提到了中国正在建设的其他以中国文化标志性符号为中心的文化公园,以及这些公园在传承中国文化、促进文化与环境保护和谐共存方面的作用。
    考查冠词。句意:杨洁常去的书屋“琵琶亭”的灵感来自于一首著名的诗《琵琶行》。上一句已经提到过a bk hus,此处再次提到,因此需要用定冠词the来限定,位于句首,首字母大写。故填The。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:琵琶亭鸟瞰形似琵琶,被认为是长江国家文化公园九江段的著名地标。本句谓语为examined,此处为非谓语动词,且Pipa Pavilin与shape“(使)成为……形状(或样子)”为被动关系,应用过去分词,作状语,位于句首,首字母大写。故填Shaped。
    考查固定搭配。句意:琵琶亭鸟瞰形似琵琶,被认为是长江国家文化公园九江段的著名地标。be cnsidered as是固定搭配,意为“被视为,被认为”。故填as。
    考查时态。句意:这家书屋位于中国东部江西省九江市,自2023年6月以来,已经接待了7万多人次。根据时间状语since June, 2023可知,receive“接待”这一动作从过去持续到现在,因此时态应该使用现在完成时,主语this bk huse 是第三人称单数,助动词用has。故填has received。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:在琵琶亭,除了咖啡店和茶室,还免费提供了5000多本书供人们阅读。本句谓语为are ffered,此处为非谓语动词,表示“来阅读”因此用不定式t read。故填t read。
    考查定语从句。句意:同样,中国正在建设以长城、大运河、长征和黄河为中心的文化公园,这些都是中国文化的典型象征。本空引导限制性定语从句,先行词是cultural parks,指物,关系词代替先行词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词that/which引导。故填that/which。
    46. 假设你是李华,你所在的英语社团下周将举办一场题为“Hw t Spend Mney Reasnably”的演讲比赛,请你就此写一篇演讲稿参赛,内容包括:
    Hw t Spend Mney Reasnably
    【答案】Hw t Spend Mney Reasnably
    In daily life, we all get pcket mney frm ur parents r relatives. Sme students spend it the mment they get it, while the thers save it fr later use. In my pinin, we shuld spend mney n meaningful things.
    Wanting t spend mney reasnably, I call n everyne f us t make a careful savings plan. In additin, we can pen a savings accunt. Whenever we get pcket mney, we shuld put sme f it int the hank accunt. Only in this way can ur mney be better managed. Mst imprtantly, we will gradually develp the habit f saving mney.
    I sincerely hpe that everyne can spend mney reasnably.
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。考生所在校的英语社团下周将举办一场题为“Hw t Spend Mney Reasnably”的演讲比赛,请你就此写一篇演讲稿参赛。
    此外:in additin → what’s mre
    原句:Wanting t spend mney reasnably, I call n everyne f us t make a careful savings plan.
    拓展句:Because I want t spend mney reasnably, I call n everyne f us t make a careful savings plan.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Whenever we get pcket mney, we shuld put sme f it int the hank accunt.(运用了whenever引导的时间状语从句)
    【高分句型2】I sincerely hpe that everyne can spend mney reasnably.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    What Ges Arund Cmes Arund
    One day a man saw an ld lady n the side f the rad. Nticing she might need help, he pulled up, gt ut and fund that she had a flat tire(瘪胎).The lady was wrried. N ne had stpped t help fr the last hur r s. He culd see that she was s afraid, standing ut there in the cld. He said, "I'm here t help yu, ma'am. Why dn't yu wait in the car where it's warm? By the way, I am Bryan Andersn."
    As he was changing her tire, she rlled dwn the windw and began t talk t him. She tld him that she was nly just passing thrugh. She culdn't thank him enugh fr cming t her aid.
    When the wrk was finished the lady asked hw much she wed him, wiling t accept any amunt. Bryan never thught twice abut being paid. He tld her that if she really wanted t pay him back, the next time she saw smene wh needed help, she culd give that persn the assistance he r she needed, and Bryan added," And think f me."
    He waited until she started her car and drve ff. It had been a cld and depressing day, but he felt gd as he headed fr hme, disappearing int the darkness.
    A few miles dwn the rad the lady went int a small café. The waitress came ver and brught a clean twel t wipe her wet hair. She still had a sweet smile even thugh she mentined that her husband died and she had t make a living by herself. The lady nticed the waitress was nearly eight mnths pregnant, but she never let her cnditin change her psitive attitude. The ld lady wndered hw smene wh had s little culd be s caring t a stranger. Then she remembered Bryan and decided t d smething.
    After the lady finished her meal, the waitress came t cllect the bill.
    The waitress psted the tuching stry nline, accmpanied by wrds "Thank yu! Kind lady!"
    【答案】After the lady finished her meal, the waitress came t cllect the bill. The ld lady paid with ne 100$ bill. The waitress tk ver the bill, bwed t say “Thanks” plitely and tld her t wait a mment fr her change. When the waitress came back t her seat, the ld lady was nwhere t be fund. The waitress lked arund anxiusly, trying t find her but in vain. Just then the waitress sptted sme mre mney and a nte n the table, reading “Yu dn’t we me anything. Smebdy nce helped me ut in the same way. If yu really want t pay me back, just let this chain f lve cntinue with yu.” This was exactly what her late husband ften said.
    The waitress psted the tuching stry nline, accmpanied by wrds "Thank yu! Kind lady!" Lking dwn again at the mney and the nte, she culdn’t hld back her tears. She knew it was ging t be hard with the baby due next mnth, which kept her wrried a lt. But nw she was just eager t tell her late husband: “Everything’s ging t be all right. I lve yu, Bryan Andersn.”
    ①回来:came back / return
    ②发现:sptted / fund
    ③忍不住流下了眼泪:culdn’t hld back her tears / culdn't help but shed tears
    ①焦急地:anxiusly / wrriedly
    ②渴望的:eager/ lnging
    【高分句型1】The waitress lked arund anxiusly, trying t find her but in vain. (使用了现在分词充当伴随状语)
    【高分句型2】This was exactly what her late husband ften said. (使用了what引导的表语从句)

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