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    这是一份广东省江门市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),共39页。试卷主要包含了 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    本试卷共14页, 82小题, 满分130分, 考试时间120分钟。
    1. 答题前, 考生务必把自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡相应的位置上。
    2. 做选择题时, 必须用2B铅笔把答题卷上对应题目的答案标号涂黑, 如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其它答案标号。
    3. 非选择题必须使用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔, 将答案写在答题卡规定的位置上。
    4. 所有题目必须在答题卡上指定位置作答, 不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
    5. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后, 将答题卡交回。
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)
    第一节(共 15 小题, 每小题 2分, 满分 30分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    4 Mst Scenic Drives in America
    Frm the lnely rads t castal drives, gas up the car and check ut 4 f the mst scenic byways America has t ffer.
    The Castal Cnnectin
    As yu cruise alng Mbile Bay n Alabama’s Castal Cnnectin, yu’ll enjy a taste f the deep suth and laid back island lifestyle with its beautiful beaches, animal shelters, and charming twns. Any time f the year is a great time t visit this 130-mile scenic drive. Just check the frecast arund hurricane seasn. Taking a rad trip this summer? Yu’ll want ur rad trip survival guide.
    Alaska’s Rute 4
    Richardsn Highway, als knwn as Alaska’s Rute 4, is the 368-mile rute that cnnects Valdez t Fairbanks. This scenic radtrip ffers breathtaking views f the Chugach Muntains, Alaska Range, and several glaciers. Just befre yu hit Fairbanks, stp at Alaska’s Nrth Ple, “where the spirit f Christmas lives year rund!”
    Histric Rute 66
    Prbably America’s mst ultimate rad trip, yu can get yur kicks n Rute 66 starting in dwntwn Chicag — dn’t frget t take a picture f the Rute 66 start sign! Plan accrdingly fr this 2,450-mile trip that ends in Santa Mnica, Califrnia and make sure t stp at sme f the must-see radside attractins like the wrld’s secnd-largest rcking chair in Fanning, Missuri, Cadillac Ranch in Amarill, Texas, and the Wigwam Htel in San Bernardin, Califrnia.
    The Nrth t Suth State Highway in Vermnt
    Starting in Benningtn and heading nrth t Newprt, Vermnt, 191 miles in ttal, yu’ll get breathtaking views f the clrful New England fall leaves as yu cruise n Highway 100 alng the eastern edge f the Green Muntains, which gave the state its name. It’s just as captivating in winter; after all, ne f its nicknames is “The Skier’s Highway”. And with plenty f farms and charming main streets like these t visit, it’s an equally wrthwhile trip in spring and summer, t.
    1. Which f the fllwing scenic drives ffers views f bth beaches and twns?
    A. Alaska’s Rute 4.B. The Castal Cnnectin.
    C. Histric Rute 66.D. The Nrth t Suth State Highway.
    2. What d we knw abut Histric Rute 66?
    A. It passes thrugh all the states.B. It ffers views f several glaciers.
    C. It features views f fall leaves.D. It is the lngest f the mentined rutes.
    3. What is a cmmn feature f Alaska’s Rute 4 and the Nrth t Suth State Highway?
    A. Breathtaking views f muntains.B. Visiting animal shelters.
    C. Driving thrugh desert landscapes.D. Passing by castal beaches.
    When she was 16, Janne Lewenstern learned that she was adpted. She was tld that her birth mther was a wman named Lillian Feinsilver wh had died days after giving birth t her at Bellevue Hspital in New Yrk City.
    Feeling betrayed and cnfused, Janne spent many nights crying, wndering what her birth mther had been like. The dubt disturbed Janne fr years. That was in 2017, and Janne was already 79 years ld. After watching this emtinal cnfusin, Shelley Lewenstern, Janne’s daughter-in-law, suggested taking a DNA test. Shelley reasned that learning smething abut Janne’s bilgical family might give Janne sme peace. S Janne tk the test.
    Abut a year later Shelley received a message n ancestry. cm frm a man named Sam Ciminieri, whse genetic reprt had matched him with Janne. Shelley immediately wrte back t Sam, asking whether he knew a Lillian Feinsilver. Yes, Sam said that was his mther’s name. And there were mre shcks t cme. Almst unbelievably, she was alive, at age 100 and lived in an assisted-living facility in Prt St. Lucie, Flrida.
    A mnth later, the families quickly planned a reunin at the facility where Lillian lived. Lillian suffered frm dementia(痴呆症)and used a wheelchair. Janne tld Lillian that she had been adpted in 1938 and that she’d been tld her birth mther had passed away. N respnse. Janne started t cry. At that pint, her mther perked up, as if she had started t understand. Janne excitedly began telling Lillian all abut her children and grandchildren. Lillian smiled. Then she said the wrds Janne had waited mre than 60 years t hear: “This is my daughter.”
    Nw they see each ther every few weeks t clr, play games, and enjy the time they have tgether. “I’m prud,” Janne tld WPTV(Wyming Public TV). “This is smething I wanted t d all my life.”
    4. Hw did Janne feel when she was tld she was adpted?
    A. Sad and puzzled.B. Betrayed but happy.
    C. Cnfused but excited.D. Anxius and nervus.
    5. Why did Shelley suggest taking a DNA test?
    A. Because she wanted t free Janne frm uneasiness.
    B. Because she wanted t find Janne’s bilgical family.
    C. Because she wanted t knw whether Lillian was alive.
    D. Because she wanted t make thers believe her suggestin.
    6. What can we learn frm the article?
    A. Janne is a 79-year-ld wman nw.
    B. Janne felt satisfied t accmpany her birth mther.
    C. Janne’s birth mther culd recgnize her immediately.
    D. Janne received a message n ancestry. cm frm a man.
    7. Where is the article prbably taken frm?
    A. A bigraphy.B. An advertisement.
    C. A news website.D. A travel magazine.
    Turists cme in flcks frm all parts f China t Rngjiang, a small cunty in a remte muntainus area, which has recently becme ppular fr its “Village Super League”, creating a spectacular sprts carnival in China.
    During a match in May, Wu Chugu, a decratin wrker frm Liubaitang village, Rngjiang Cunty, scred a spectacular 40-meter gal that ignited (点燃) the crwd. Wu said he was influenced by elders in his village and fell in lve with the sprt. In the cunty, rural sccer matches have taken place regularly since the 1990s. When there was a lack f facilities, sccer players used barren land as a field and wden stakes fr the psts. The bundaries were marked ut with lime pwder. When they culdn't gather enugh players, they played futsal, a sccer-based game played n a smaller hard curt.
    In recent years, the cunty has fcused n gymnastics, sccer, rck climbing and ther sprts. What sets the Village Super League apart frm ther sprts events are the vivid displays f ethnic cultures and traditins at the turnament. As players f bth teams walk n the field fr a game, they are accmpanied by their cheering squads (啦啦队) dressed in traditinal ethnic cstumes and carrying lcal specialties. The halftime break features flk sngs and dance perfrmances, while ethnic cstumes are als n display.
    “hpe that mre and mre turists will cme t Rngjiang t watch the matches, enjy the flk custms and lcal cuisine, and have fun,” said Xing Zhuqing, a meln grwer wh is als a cheerleader. She says she has sld ver 10,000 kilgrams f watermelns since the start f the turnament. As f June 27, a ttal f 654 new businesses were established, including 91 in the catering sectr, 188 in retail, and 195 in agriculture and fd prcessing, the lcal gvernment said.
    8. What can we knw abut the rural sccer match?
    A. It has been held since 1990.B. It lacks facilities fr players.
    C. It was invented by Wu Chugu.D. It has taken place since the 1990s.
    9. Why is the Village Super League different frm ther sprts events?
    A. Because it has cheering squads.
    B. Because it fcuses n varius sprts.
    C. Because it develps a tp-level talent.
    D. Because it reflects ethnic cultures and traditins.
    10. What can we infer frm paragraph 4?
    A. Xing Zhuqing has helped farmers t sell watermelns.
    B. The Village Super League stimulates the lcal ecnmic grwth.
    C. The lcal gvernment invested a lt f mney in new businesses.
    D. The Village Super League attracts a lt f merchants frm ther places.
    11. Wh are mst likely t be interested in this article?
    A. Painting lvers.B. Shpkeepers.
    C. Sprts enthusiasts.D. News reprters.
    The envirnment is a cncern fr many, and individual actins like reducing plastic use and recycling cntribute psitively. Hwever, sme issues, like acid rain, require glbal plicies and industry regulatins t address mre effectively.
    Acid rain has been bserved fr ver 150 years, with Scttish scientist Rbert Angus Smith identifying elevated (偏高) acid levels in rain during the 1850s, crrelating it with industrial grwth. While natural events like vlcan eruptins cntribute t acid rain, man-made surces like factries, pwer statins burning cal, and car emissins are the primary causes. These emissins, cntaining nitrgen xides and sulfur dixides, cmbine with water in cluds t frm sulfuric and nitric acids.
    Technically knwn as acid depsitin (沉积), acid rain ccurs when acids mve frm the atmsphere t Earth's surface thrugh rain, snw, r fg, as well as dry particles and gases carried by wind. The impacts f acid rain are significant, evidenced by lakes turning clear due t lss f life, defrmed fish, dying trees, disrupted fd chains, and adverse effects n human health.
    Effrts t cmbat acid rain began in the 1980s, resulting in reduced emissins glbally and imprvements in rain acidity levels. Hwever, challenges remain, particularly in farming and preserving natural ecsystems. While the recvery prcess is nging, the effects f acid rain n structures, sculptures, and mnuments serve as a reminder f its lng-term impact.
    In cnclusin, addressing acid rain requires cllective actin and nging mnitring t safeguard the envirnment and human health, highlighting the imprtance f glbal cperatin in addressing envirnmental challenges.
    12. Accrding t the passage what are the majr surces f acid rain?
    A. Recycling and reducing plastic use.
    B. Natural events like vlcan eruptins.
    C. Factries, pwer statins and car emissins.
    D. Individual actins t address envirnmental cncerns.
    13. Which f the fllwing is clsest in meaning t the underlined wrd “cmbat” in paragraph 4?
    A. preventB. ignreC. wrsenD. prmte
    14. Which f the fllwing statements wuld the authr agree with?
    A. Natural events are the main cause f acid rain.
    B. Acid rain has n significant impact n human health.
    C. Glbal plicies alne are sufficient t address the issue.
    D. Effective measures require bth glbal plicies and individual actins.
    15. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. The histry f acid rain research.
    B. Effrts t address acid rain pllutin.
    C. The impact f acid rain n the envirnment.
    D. Individual actins t address envirnmental cncerns.
    第二节(共5小题, 每小题2分, 满分10分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Hw t Make Hme Buying Less Stressful
    The key t a successful huse purchase is nt whether the huse is perfect, but whether ptential hme buyers knw hw t get ready t make the purchase. Bb Walters, CEO f Rcket Mrtgage (按揭) knws what it takes t make preparatins befre the huse purchase. ___16___. Here are sme vital steps fr buyers t make gd preparatins.
    Make prper financial arrangements
    Hme buyers at every stage shuld ensure they are financially ready t take n anther mnthly bill. A credit reprt gives cnsumers a clearer picture f their expenses and debts. T free up space in the budget fr the cst f hme wnership, buyers can assess mnthly expenses, cancel unnecessary services, even cut back n dining ut. ___17___.
    Find a real estate agent
    ___18___. These licensed prfessinals can shw buyers usually neighbrhds that the buyers might like, such as the nearby gd schls, transprtatin systems r lcal parks and trails. Mrever, a real estate agent can fcus the hme search n prperties that fit buyers’ needs and their price range, bk huse turs, make an ffer and even attend clsing.
    It’s imprtant t pay clse attentin t a hme’s structural cnditin. Cracks in the walls, flrs r in the basement culd suggest bigger issues; sme smells culd signal a mildew (霉) prblem. A pre-purchase hme inspectin by a qualified inspectr is crucial fr revealing any prblems and might enable buyers t request cncessins (让步) frm the seller.
    Buying a hme can be less stressful with the steps mentined. In fact, buyers can seek fr sme expert help t ensure that they are fully ready fr the huse purchase. ___20___. This apprach helps Americans achieve their dream f hme wnership. Learn mre at RcketMrtgage.cm.
    A. Knw what t lk fr when checking the huse.
    B. Ask the seller fr cncessins befre purchasing.
    C. Wrking with real estate agents can help huse hunters find the ideal prperty.
    D. Therefre, yu can turn t Rcket Mrtgage t find and finance a hme easier.
    E. It’s als imprtant t pay mnthly bills n time as this als can affect credit scres.
    F. Befre even beginning a search he says hme buyers shuld make sure they are ready.
    G. A hme buyer shuld be fully prepared with all the dcuments when applying fr a mrtgage.
    第三部分 语言运用(共六节, 满分50分)
    第一节完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Twenty years ag, I drve a cab fr a living. One night, I was n the way t ___21___ a passenger at 2:30 AM. When I arrived t cllect, a small wman in her 80’s std befre me. By her side was a small ___22___ .
    I tk her suitcase t the-cab, then returned t ___23___ the wman. She tk my arm and we walked ___24___ tward the cab. When we gt in the cab, she gave me a(n) ___25___ , and then asked, “Culd yu drive thrugh dwntwn?” “It’s nt the ___26___ way,” I answered quickly. “Oh, I dn’t mind,” she said “I’m in n hurry. I’m n my way t a hspice (临终关怀医院). I dn’t have any ___27___ left,” she cntinued. “The dctr says I dn’t have much time left.”
    Fr the next tw hurs, we drve thrugh the city. We drve thrugh the ___28___ where she and her family had lived befre they passed away. She had me ___29___ in frnt f a furniture warehuse that had nce been a ballrm where she had gne dancing as a girl.
    As the sun rse, she said, “I’m tired. Let’s g nw.” We drve in silence t the address she had given me. When we arrived, tw nurses came ut t the cab. They were cncerned and ______30______ , watching her every mve. They must have been ______31______ her.
    “Hw much d I we yu?” she asked. “Nthing,” I said. Almst withut thinking, I gave her a hug. Our hug ended with her ______32______ , “Yu gave an ld wman a little mment f ______33______ .” I squeezed her hand, and then walked int the dim mrning light. Behind me, a dr shut. It was the sund f the ______34______ f a life.
    I didn’t pick up any mre passengers that shift. I drve ______35______ lst in thught. I thught I wuld never d anything mre imprtant than this in my life.
    21. A. pick utB. pick upC. cme acrssD. cme up
    22. A. suitcaseB. phneC. manD. figure
    23. A. shwB. reachC. callD. assist
    24. A. sadlyB. quicklyC. happilyD. slwly
    25. A. nteB. messageC. addressD. map
    26. A. shrtestB. bestC. cheapestD. highest
    27. A. mneyB. familyC. fd.D. belngings
    28. A. scietyB. huseC. neighbrhdD. building
    29. A. walk alngB. walk upC. pull awayD. pull up
    30. A. caring.B. delightedC. upsetD. mved
    31. A. missingB. expectingC. hatingD. knwing
    32. A. talkB. speechC. remarkD. pinin
    33. A. respectB. shckC. prtectinD. jy
    34. A. clsingB. peningC. restartingD. making
    35. A. fearlesslyB. hpelesslyC. aimlesslyD. carelessly
    第二节 语义匹配(共 5 小题, 每小题 1分, 满分 5分)
    Funded in 1987 by Anthny Shriver at Gergetwn University, Best Buddies has grwn int an internatinal nnprfit rganizatin cmprising a netwrk f chapters (分会) cmmitted t prmting a mre inclusive cmmunity fr peple with intellectual and develpmental disabilities. Their missin, as stated n their website, is centered n “ne-n-ne friendships, integrated emplyment, leadership develpment, and inclusive living.”
    The UR chapter was funded in late 2023 by sphmre President Audrey Chung. During her time with this chapter, she was matched with Trinity, a peer wh had the same hbbies as her. Chung reflects n this friendship fndly. “It’s been nthing like I’ve expected, because I wasn’t part f Best Buddies befre I jined the Rchester Citizens Chapter,” she said.
    36. A. cmprmisingB. cntrastingC. includingD. inspecting
    37. A. tlerantB. vigrusC. creativeD. reliable
    38. A. carries nB. fcuses nC. keeps upD. stresses ut
    39. A. was refreshed frB. was satisfied withC. was disturbed abutD. was harmnius with
    40. A. eagerlyB. lvinglyC. frtunatelyD. seriusly
    Passage 1
    These bad habits if left unchecked, culd ___41___ t mre serius nes when they becme adults. Fr example, sme f them may becme ___42___ in tbacc r alchl ___43___ , which can lead t physical and mental health prblems. T ___44___ harmful habits like these frm dminating a teenager's life is essential.
    Passage 2
    Fr yung peple, there is ___45___ f time t change bad habits. ___46___ , there is n “magic pill” r ___47___ buttn that will help yu; yu have t think abut yur bad habits and decide ___48___ sme changes.
    Passage 3
    But I was s ___49___ abut the idea f ging alng with them that I secretly went ___50___ his ship, the Endurance, and hid in a small ___51___ . Unfrtunately, three days after we set ___52___ I was discvered.
    Passage 4
    Persnally speaking, ___53___ I like mst abut Australia is the peple themselves. They have a ___54___ and free-and-easy attitude ___55___ life, and their friendliness and warmth made me ___56___ at hme wherever I went.
    Passage 5
    My ___57___ schl is a bush schl. The classrms are ___58___ f bamb, with clay flrs and rfs f grass. It takes me nly a few minutes t walk t schl dwn a ___59___ track cvered in ___60___.
    第四节语法填空(共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分)
    Cming frm a remte village in Shidian cunty in the city f Bashan, Suthwest China’s Yunnan Prvince, Dng Meihua juggles tw rles—entrepreneur (企业家) and fd vlgger. Hwever, it’s her passin fr being a fd vlgger ___61___ gains the mst attentin. ___62___ (knw) as Dianxixiage—r Yunnan fdie—n scial media since 2016, the 34-year-ld nw has arund 40 millin nline fllwers in China and abrad, with her vides ___63___ ( receive) up t 50 millin views each. In recent years, Dng Meihua ___64___ (gain) the attentin f fd lvers wrldwide. Her vides, featuring ___65___ (activity) like bamb cutting and sugarcane harvesting, aruse a sense f nstalgia (怀旧).
    Dng’s dedicatin t her craft has resulted ___66___ ver 600 shrt vides in seven years. She als prmtes lcal ___67___ (agriculture) prducts n her scial media. Dng says that cmbined daily sales n her platfrms reach as much as 200,000 yuan ($28,200), ___68___ in turn supprts ver 1,000 jbs. In late 2019, she ___69___ (invite) t speak at the University f Oxfrd and shared her jurney as ____70____ ambassadr fr Yunnan cuisine and culture. Dng welcmes everyne t experience the beauty f Yunnan and its lifestyle.
    第五节单句填空(共5小题, 每小题1分, 满分5分)
    71. Despite lsing all f his p________ (个人财产) in the fire, he remained ptimistic abut rebuilding his life. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    72. I have made an a________ (预约) with the dctr fr a check-up next week. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    73. Despite being d________ (残疾) frm a yung age, he has never given up n his dreams. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    74. The gvernment is facing a lt f p________ (政治) pressure t address the envirnmental issues. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    75. The hspital has gathered a team f medical s________(专家)t deal with the cmplex case. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    第六节完成句子(共5小题, 每小题1分, 满分5分)
    根据中文意思按要求完成下列句子, 每空不超过5个词。
    76. 我们的团队由七个人组成。(cmpse短语)
    Our team ________________ seven peple.
    77. 三个班级被随机挑选出来参加了翻转课堂的实验。(介词短语)
    Three classes were selected ________________ t participate in the flipped classrm experiments.
    78. 纳税是公民为社会做贡献的重要途径。(动名词作主语)
    ________________ is an imprtant way fr citizens t cntribute t the sciety.
    79. 如果你感染了该病毒,你应该马上咨询医生是否需要服用这种胶囊。(动词短语)
    If yu are infected by the virus, yu shuld ________________ immediately whether yu need t take this kind f capsules.
    80. 提供更好的职业发展机会, 这家公司每年都能收到几千份简历和求职信。(非谓语作状语)
    ________________, this cmpany receives thusands f applicatin letters and CVs every year.
    第四部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    应用文写作(共 15分)
    81. 假定你是李华,你的好友 Mike 听闻你校上周举办了校园艺术节活动,他对此很感兴趣。请给他回信,告诉他活动的相关事宜,内容包括:
    注意:写作词数应为 80 左右。
    Dear Mike,
    Li Hua
    82. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I still remember the day I almst lst my best friend Anna.
    It was a sunny afternn in June, and we were having a picnic at the park. We had been friends since childhd, and we shared everything: ur hbbies, ur dreams, ur secrets. We were inseparable.
    But that day, smething changed. We gt int a heated argument ver a trivial(不重要的)matter. I dn’t even remember what it was abut, but I knw it was smething silly and unimprtant. Maybe it was abut wh ate the last sandwich. It desn’t matter nw.
    What matters is that we bth said things we didn’t mean. We bth raised ur vices and hurt each ther’s feelings. We bth acted stubbrnly and refused t aplgize. We bth strmed ff in different directins, leaving behind ur picnic basket and ur friendship.
    I spent the rest f the day alne in my rm. I tried t distract myself with music, but nthing culd fill the emptiness in my heart. I wanted t talk t Anna and I wanted t say I was srry. But I didn’t knw hw t d that. I didn’t knw if she wuld frgive me, r if she even wanted t see me again.
    The next day, I went t schl with a heavy heart. I avided eye cntact with Anna, and sat as far away frm her as pssible. I pretended that I didn’t care, but I did. I cared a lt.
    During the break, I saw her sitting n a bench, lking lnely and sad. She was hlding a piece f paper in her hand, and tears were rlling dwn her face. I felt a wave f regret. I wanted t g t her. But I didn’t have the curage.
    I turned arund and walked away. I thught that was the end f ur friendship, and that we wuld never speak t each ther again.
    But I was wrng
    注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
    As I was walking back t class, I felt a tap n my shulder.
    Anna and I bth smiled and cried.
    本试卷共14页, 82小题, 满分130分, 考试时间120分钟。
    1. 答题前, 考生务必把自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡相应的位置上。
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    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)
    第一节(共 15 小题, 每小题 2分, 满分 30分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    4 Mst Scenic Drives in America
    Frm the lnely rads t castal drives, gas up the car and check ut 4 f the mst scenic byways America has t ffer.
    The Castal Cnnectin
    As yu cruise alng Mbile Bay n Alabama’s Castal Cnnectin, yu’ll enjy a taste f the deep suth and laid back island lifestyle with its beautiful beaches, animal shelters, and charming twns. Any time f the year is a great time t visit this 130-mile scenic drive. Just check the frecast arund hurricane seasn. Taking a rad trip this summer? Yu’ll want ur rad trip survival guide.
    Alaska’s Rute 4
    Richardsn Highway, als knwn as Alaska’s Rute 4, is the 368-mile rute that cnnects Valdez t Fairbanks. This scenic radtrip ffers breathtaking views f the Chugach Muntains, Alaska Range, and several glaciers. Just befre yu hit Fairbanks, stp at Alaska’s Nrth Ple, “where the spirit f Christmas lives year rund!”
    Histric Rute 66
    Prbably America’s mst ultimate rad trip, yu can get yur kicks n Rute 66 starting in dwntwn Chicag — dn’t frget t take a picture f the Rute 66 start sign! Plan accrdingly fr this 2,450-mile trip that ends in Santa Mnica, Califrnia and make sure t stp at sme f the must-see radside attractins like the wrld’s secnd-largest rcking chair in Fanning, Missuri, Cadillac Ranch in Amarill, Texas, and the Wigwam Htel in San Bernardin, Califrnia.
    The Nrth t Suth State Highway in Vermnt
    Starting in Benningtn and heading nrth t Newprt, Vermnt, 191 miles in ttal, yu’ll get breathtaking views f the clrful New England fall leaves as yu cruise n Highway 100 alng the eastern edge f the Green Muntains, which gave the state its name. It’s just as captivating in winter; after all, ne f its nicknames is “The Skier’s Highway”. And with plenty f farms and charming main streets like these t visit, it’s an equally wrthwhile trip in spring and summer, t.
    1. Which f the fllwing scenic drives ffers views f bth beaches and twns?
    A. Alaska’s Rute 4.B. The Castal Cnnectin.
    C. Histric Rute 66.D. The Nrth t Suth State Highway.
    2. What d we knw abut Histric Rute 66?
    A. It passes thrugh all the states.B. It ffers views f several glaciers.
    C. It features views f fall leaves.D. It is the lngest f the mentined rutes.
    3. What is a cmmn feature f Alaska’s Rute 4 and the Nrth t Suth State Highway?
    A. Breathtaking views f muntains.B. Visiting animal shelters.
    C. Driving thrugh desert landscapes.D. Passing by castal beaches.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
    细节理解题。根据“The Castal Cnnectin”下文中“As yu cruise alng Mbile Bay n Alabama’s Castal Cnnectin, yu’ll enjy a taste f the deep suth and laid back island lifestyle with its beautiful beaches, animal shelters, and charming twns.”(当你沿着阿拉巴马州的沿海连接线驶过移动湾时,你将品味到深南部和悠闲的岛屿生活方式,那里有美丽的海滩、动物庇护所和迷人的小镇。)可知,The Castal Cnnectin既能看到海滩又能看到城镇。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“The Castal Cnnectin”下文中“Any time f the year is a great time t visit this 130-mile scenic drive.”(一年中的任何时候都是游览这条130英里风景优美的公路的好时机。)、“Alaska’s Rute 4”下文中“Richardsn Highway, als knwn as Alaska’s Rute 4, is the 368-mile rute that cnnects Valdez t Fairbanks.”(理查森公路,也被称为阿拉斯加的4号公路,全长368英里,连接瓦尔迪兹和费尔班克斯。)、“Histric Rute 66”下文中“Plan accrdingly fr this 2,450-mile trip that ends in Santa Mnica, Califrnia”(为这个终点在加利福尼亚州圣塔莫尼卡的2,450英里的旅程做好相应的计划)以及“The Nrth t Suth State Highway in Vermnt”下文中“Starting in Benningtn and heading nrth t Newprt, Vermnt, 191 miles in ttal, yu’ll get breathtaking views f the clrful New England fall leaves as yu cruise n Highway 100 alng the eastern edge f the Green Muntains, which gave the state its name.”(从本宁顿出发,向北前往佛蒙特州的纽波特,总共191英里,当你沿着绿山的东部边缘行驶在100号高速公路上时,你会看到新英格兰五彩缤纷的秋叶,这是该州的名字。)可知,历史66号线路(Histric Rute 66)是提到的路线中最长的。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“Alaska’s Rute 4”下文中“This scenic radtrip ffers breathtaking views f the Chugach Muntains, Alaska Range, and several glaciers.”(这条风景线路提供了楚加奇山脉、阿拉斯加山脉和几个冰川的壮丽景色。)以及“The Nrth t Suth State Highway in Vermnt”下文中“yu’ll get breathtaking views f the clrful New England fall leaves as yu cruise n Highway 100 alng the eastern edge f the Green Muntains, which gave the state its name.”(当你沿着100号公路驶过绿山的东边时,你将看到新英格兰秋叶的五彩斑斓,这些绿山给了这个州它的名字。)可知,阿拉斯加4号线路和佛蒙特州的南北高速公路的共同特点是都可以欣赏到山脉的壮丽景色。故选A。
    When she was 16, Janne Lewenstern learned that she was adpted. She was tld that her birth mther was a wman named Lillian Feinsilver wh had died days after giving birth t her at Bellevue Hspital in New Yrk City.
    Feeling betrayed and cnfused, Janne spent many nights crying, wndering what her birth mther had been like. The dubt disturbed Janne fr years. That was in 2017, and Janne was already 79 years ld. After watching this emtinal cnfusin, Shelley Lewenstern, Janne’s daughter-in-law, suggested taking a DNA test. Shelley reasned that learning smething abut Janne’s bilgical family might give Janne sme peace. S Janne tk the test.
    Abut a year later, Shelley received a message n ancestry. cm frm a man named Sam Ciminieri, whse genetic reprt had matched him with Janne. Shelley immediately wrte back t Sam, asking whether he knew a Lillian Feinsilver. Yes, Sam said that was his mther’s name. And there were mre shcks t cme. Almst unbelievably, she was alive, at age 100 and lived in an assisted-living facility in Prt St. Lucie, Flrida.
    A mnth later, the families quickly planned a reunin at the facility where Lillian lived. Lillian suffered frm dementia(痴呆症)and used a wheelchair. Janne tld Lillian that she had been adpted in 1938 and that she’d been tld her birth mther had passed away. N respnse. Janne started t cry. At that pint, her mther perked up, as if she had started t understand. Janne excitedly began telling Lillian all abut her children and grandchildren. Lillian smiled. Then she said the wrds Janne had waited mre than 60 years t hear: “This is my daughter.”
    Nw they see each ther every few weeks t clr, play games, and enjy the time they have tgether. “I’m prud,” Janne tld WPTV(Wyming Public TV). “This is smething I wanted t d all my life.”
    4. Hw did Janne feel when she was tld she was adpted?
    A. Sad and puzzled.B. Betrayed but happy.
    C. Cnfused but excited.D. Anxius and nervus.
    5. Why did Shelley suggest taking a DNA test?
    A. Because she wanted t free Janne frm uneasiness.
    B. Because she wanted t find Janne’s bilgical family.
    C. Because she wanted t knw whether Lillian was alive.
    D. Because she wanted t make thers believe her suggestin.
    6. What can we learn frm the article?
    A. Janne is a 79-year-ld wman nw.
    B. Janne felt satisfied t accmpany her birth mther.
    C. Janne’s birth mther culd recgnize her immediately.
    D. Janne received a message n ancestry. cm frm a man.
    7. Where is the article prbably taken frm?
    A. A bigraphy.B. An advertisement.
    C. A news website.D. A travel magazine.
    【答案】4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段 “Feeling betrayed and cnfused, Janne spent many nights crying, wndering what her birth mther had been like.”(当感到被背叛和困惑的Janne度过了许多个夜晚,哭泣,想象她的亲生母亲是什么样的。)可知,Janne在得知自己是被收养的时候感到悲伤和困惑。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“After watching this emtinal cnfusin, Shelley Lewenstern, Janne’s daughter-in-law, suggested taking a DNA test. Shelley reasned that learning smething abut Janne’s bilgical family might give Janne sme peace.”(在看到这种情绪困扰后,Janne的儿媳Shelley Lewenstern建议做DNA测试。Shelley认为,了解一些关于Janne的生物学家庭的信息可能会给Janne带来一些平静。)可知,Shelley建议做DNA测试是因为她想让Janne从不安中解脱出来。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段 “Nw they see each ther every few weeks t clr, play games, and enjy the time they have tgether.”(现在他们每隔几周就会见面,一起涂色,玩游戏,享受他们在一起的时光。)可知,Janne很满足能陪伴她的亲生母亲。故选B。
    Turists cme in flcks frm all parts f China t Rngjiang, a small cunty in a remte muntainus area, which has recently becme ppular fr its “Village Super League”, creating a spectacular sprts carnival in China.
    During a match in May, Wu Chugu, a decratin wrker frm Liubaitang village, Rngjiang Cunty, scred a spectacular 40-meter gal that ignited (点燃) the crwd. Wu said he was influenced by elders in his village and fell in lve with the sprt. In the cunty, rural sccer matches have taken place regularly since the 1990s. When there was a lack f facilities, sccer players used barren land as a field and wden stakes fr the psts. The bundaries were marked ut with lime pwder. When they culdn't gather enugh players, they played futsal, a sccer-based game played n a smaller hard curt.
    In recent years, the cunty has fcused n gymnastics, sccer, rck climbing and ther sprts. What sets the Village Super League apart frm ther sprts events are the vivid displays f ethnic cultures and traditins at the turnament. As players f bth teams walk n the field fr a game, they are accmpanied by their cheering squads (啦啦队) dressed in traditinal ethnic cstumes and carrying lcal specialties. The halftime break features flk sngs and dance perfrmances, while ethnic cstumes are als n display.
    “hpe that mre and mre turists will cme t Rngjiang t watch the matches, enjy the flk custms and lcal cuisine, and have fun,” said Xing Zhuqing, a meln grwer wh is als a cheerleader. She says she has sld ver 10,000 kilgrams f watermelns since the start f the turnament. As f June 27, a ttal f 654 new businesses were established, including 91 in the catering sectr, 188 in retail, and 195 in agriculture and fd prcessing, the lcal gvernment said.
    8. What can we knw abut the rural sccer match?
    A. It has been held since 1990.B. It lacks facilities fr players.
    C. It was invented by Wu Chugu.D. It has taken place since the 1990s.
    9. Why is the Village Super League different frm ther sprts events?
    A. Because it has cheering squads.
    B. Because it fcuses n varius sprts.
    C. Because it develps a tp-level talent.
    D. Because it reflects ethnic cultures and traditins.
    10. What can we infer frm paragraph 4?
    A. Xing Zhuqing has helped farmers t sell watermelns.
    B. The Village Super League stimulates the lcal ecnmic grwth.
    C. The lcal gvernment invested a lt f mney in new businesses.
    D. The Village Super League attracts a lt f merchants frm ther places.
    11. Wh are mst likely t be interested in this article?
    A. Painting lvers.B. Shpkeepers.
    C. Sprts enthusiasts.D. News reprters.
    【答案】8. D 9. D 10. B 11. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“In the cunty, rural sccer matches have taken place regularly since the 1990s.”(在这个县,自1990年代以来,农村足球比赛就已经定期举行。)可知,农村足球比赛自1990年代以来就已经开始举行。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“What sets the Village Super League apart frm ther sprts events are the vivid displays f ethnic cultures and traditins at the turnament.”(使村超联赛与其他体育赛事不同的是,比赛中生动展示了民族文化和传统。)可知,村超联赛与其他体育赛事的不同之处在于它反映了民族文化和传统。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段“As f June 27, a ttal f 654 new businesses were established, including 91 in the catering sectr, 188 in retail, and 195 in agriculture and fd prcessing, the lcal gvernment said.”(据当地政府说,截至6月27日,共有654家新企业成立,其中包括餐饮业91家,零售业188家,农业和食品加工业195家。)可推知,村超联赛刺激了当地的经济增长。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Turists cme in flcks frm all parts f China t Rngjiang, a small cunty in a remte muntainus area, which has recently becme ppular fr its “Village Super League”, creating a spectacular sprts carnival in China.”(自中国各地的游客成群结队地来到荣江这个偏远山区的小县城,这里最近因“乡村超级联赛”而流行起来,在中国创造了一个壮观的体育狂欢节。)以及下文内容可知,文章主要讲述了中国榕江县的乡村足球联赛如何吸引了来自全国各地的游客,并通过展示当地的民族文化和传统,创造了一场壮观的体育狂欢。所以运动爱好者最可能对此文章感兴趣。故选C。
    The envirnment is a cncern fr many, and individual actins like reducing plastic use and recycling cntribute psitively. Hwever, sme issues, like acid rain, require glbal plicies and industry regulatins t address mre effectively.
    Acid rain has been bserved fr ver 150 years, with Scttish scientist Rbert Angus Smith identifying elevated (偏高) acid levels in rain during the 1850s, crrelating it with industrial grwth. While natural events like vlcan eruptins cntribute t acid rain, man-made surces like factries, pwer statins burning cal, and car emissins are the primary causes. These emissins, cntaining nitrgen xides and sulfur dixides, cmbine with water in cluds t frm sulfuric and nitric acids.
    Technically knwn as acid depsitin (沉积), acid rain ccurs when acids mve frm the atmsphere t Earth's surface thrugh rain, snw, r fg, as well as dry particles and gases carried by wind. The impacts f acid rain are significant, evidenced by lakes turning clear due t lss f life, defrmed fish, dying trees, disrupted fd chains, and adverse effects n human health.
    Effrts t cmbat acid rain began in the 1980s, resulting in reduced emissins glbally and imprvements in rain acidity levels. Hwever, challenges remain, particularly in farming and preserving natural ecsystems. While the recvery prcess is nging, the effects f acid rain n structures, sculptures, and mnuments serve as a reminder f its lng-term impact.
    In cnclusin, addressing acid rain requires cllective actin and nging mnitring t safeguard the envirnment and human health, highlighting the imprtance f glbal cperatin in addressing envirnmental challenges.
    12. Accrding t the passage, what are the majr surces f acid rain?
    A. Recycling and reducing plastic use.
    B. Natural events like vlcan eruptins.
    C. Factries, pwer statins and car emissins.
    D. Individual actins t address envirnmental cncerns.
    13. Which f the fllwing is clsest in meaning t the underlined wrd “cmbat” in paragraph 4?
    A. preventB. ignreC. wrsenD. prmte
    14. Which f the fllwing statements wuld the authr agree with?
    A. Natural events are the main cause f acid rain.
    B. Acid rain has n significant impact n human health.
    C. Glbal plicies alne are sufficient t address the issue.
    D. Effective measures require bth glbal plicies and individual actins.
    15. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. The histry f acid rain research.
    B. Effrts t address acid rain pllutin.
    C. The impact f acid rain n the envirnment.
    D. Individual actins t address envirnmental cncerns.
    【答案】12. C 13. A 14. D 15. B
    细节理解题。由文章第一段中“While natural events like vlcan eruptins cntribute t acid rain, man-made surces like factries, pwer statins burning cal, and car emissins are the primary causes. (虽然火山爆发等自然事件会导致酸雨,但工厂、燃煤发电站和汽车排放等人为来源是酸雨的主要原因。)”可知,酸雨的主要来源是工厂、燃烧煤炭的发电站和汽车排放。故选C。
    词句猜测题。由划线词后文“acid rain began in the 1980s, resulting in reduced emissins glbally and imprvements in rain acidity levels (始于20世纪80年代,导致全球排放量减少,雨水酸度水平改善)”可知,对抗酸雨的努力始于20世纪80年代,导致全球排放量减少,雨水酸度水平提高。Cmbat一词在文中用于描述对抗酸雨的行动,意为“对抗,防止”。A. prevent防止;B. ignre忽视;C. wrsen恶化;D. prmte促进。故选A。
    推理判断题。由文章第一段中的“Hwever, sme issues, like acid rain, require glbal plicies and industry regulatins t address mre effectively. (然而,像酸雨这样的问题需要全球政策和行业法规来更有效地解决。)”和最后一段“In cnclusin, addressing acid rain requires cllective actin and nging mnitring t safeguard the envirnment and human health, highlighting the imprtance f glbal cperatin in addressing envirnmental challenges. (最后,解决酸雨问题需要采取集体行动和持续监测,以保障环境和人类健康,突出了全球合作应对环境挑战的重要性。)”可知,作者认为全球政策和个体行动都是解决酸雨问题所必需的。故选D。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由文章倒数第二段“Effrts t cmbat acid rain began in the 1980s, resulting in reduced emissins glbally and imprvements in rain acidity levels. Hwever, challenges remain, particularly in farming and preserving natural ecsystems. While the recvery prcess is nging, the effects f acid rain n structures, sculptures, and mnuments serve as a reminder f its lng-term impact. (对抗酸雨的努力始于20世纪80年代,导致全球排放量减少,雨水酸度水平提高。然而,挑战依然存在,特别是在农业和保护自然生态系统方面。虽然恢复过程仍在进行中,但酸雨对建筑物、雕塑和纪念碑的影响提醒着人们酸雨的长期影响。)”可知,文章主要讲述了酸雨的问题、成因、影响以及从1980年代开始的对抗酸雨的行动及其成果,强调了持续监测和国际合作的必要性,因此文章主要关于对抗酸雨污染的努力。故选B。
    第二节(共5小题, 每小题2分, 满分10分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Hw t Make Hme Buying Less Stressful
    The key t a successful huse purchase is nt whether the huse is perfect, but whether ptential hme buyers knw hw t get ready t make the purchase. Bb Walters, CEO f Rcket Mrtgage (按揭) knws what it takes t make preparatins befre the huse purchase. ___16___. Here are sme vital steps fr buyers t make gd preparatins.
    Make prper financial arrangements
    Hme buyers at every stage shuld ensure they are financially ready t take n anther mnthly bill. A credit reprt gives cnsumers a clearer picture f their expenses and debts. T free up space in the budget fr the cst f hme wnership, buyers can assess mnthly expenses, cancel unnecessary services, even cut back n dining ut. ___17___.
    Find a real estate agent
    ___18___. These licensed prfessinals can shw buyers usually neighbrhds that the buyers might like, such as the nearby gd schls, transprtatin systems r lcal parks and trails. Mrever, a real estate agent can fcus the hme search n prperties that fit buyers’ needs and their price range, bk huse turs, make an ffer and even attend clsing.
    It’s imprtant t pay clse attentin t a hme’s structural cnditin. Cracks in the walls, flrs r in the basement culd suggest bigger issues; sme smells culd signal a mildew (霉) prblem. A pre-purchase hme inspectin by a qualified inspectr is crucial fr revealing any prblems and might enable buyers t request cncessins (让步) frm the seller.
    Buying a hme can be less stressful with the steps mentined. In fact, buyers can seek fr sme expert help t ensure that they are fully ready fr the huse purchase. ___20___. This apprach helps Americans achieve their dream f hme wnership. Learn mre at RcketMrtgage.cm.
    A. Knw what t lk fr when checking the huse.
    B. Ask the seller fr cncessins befre purchasing.
    C. Wrking with real estate agents can help huse hunters find the ideal prperty.
    D. Therefre, yu can turn t Rcket Mrtgage t find and finance a hme easier.
    E. It’s als imprtant t pay mnthly bills n time as this als can affect credit scres.
    F. Befre even beginning a search, he says hme buyers shuld make sure they are ready.
    G. A hme buyer shuld be fully prepared with all the dcuments when applying fr a mrtgage.
    【答案】16. D 17. E 18. C 19. A 20. F
    根据上文“Bb Walters, CEO f Rcket Mrtgage(按揭)knws what it takes t make preparatins befre the huse purchase.”(Bb Walters是Rcket Mrtgage的首席执行官,他知道在买房前要做哪些准备工作。)可知,选项与上文为因果关系说明可以求助于Rcket Mrtgage。故D选项“因此,你可以求助于Rcket Mrtgage,更容易地找到房子并为其融资”切题。Rcket Mrtgage为关键词。故选D项。
    根据上文“T free up space in the budget fr the cst f hme wnership, buyers can assess mnthly expenses, cancel unnecessary services, even cut back n dining ut.”(为了在预算中腾出空间来支付购房成本,购房者可以评估每月的支出,取消不必要的服务,甚至减少外出就餐。)可知,选项承接上文继续说明对财务的安排。故E选项“按时支付每月账单也很重要,因为这也会影响信用评分。”切题。故选E项。
    根据上文“Find a real estate agent”(找一个房地产中介)可知,选项承接上文说明找房产中介的作用。故C选项“与房地产经纪人合作可以帮助购房者找到理想的房产。”切题。real estate agents呼应下文These licensed prfessinals。故选C项。
    根据下文“It's imprtant t pay clse attentin t a hme's structural cnditin. Cracks in the walls, flrs r in the basement culd suggest bigger issues; sme smells culd signal a mildew(霉)prblem.”(密切关注房屋的结构状况很重要。墙壁、地板或地下室的裂缝可能意味着更大的问题;有些气味可能是发霉的信号。)可知,本段主要说明在检查房子时需要注意的事项。故A选项“知道检查房子时要注意什么”切题。为本段的标题。故选A项。
    根据上文“In fact, buyers can seek fr sme expert help t ensure that they are fully ready fr the huse purchase.”(事实上,购房者可以寻求一些专家的帮助,以确保他们已经为购房做好了充分的准备)可知,选项承接上文与买房者提前准备有关。故F选项“在开始找房子之前,购房者应该确保自己已经准备好了”切题。ready是关键词。故选F项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共六节, 满分50分)
    第一节完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Twenty years ag, I drve a cab fr a living. One night, I was n the way t ___21___ a passenger at 2:30 AM. When I arrived t cllect, a small wman in her 80’s std befre me. By her side was a small ___22___ .
    I tk her suitcase t the-cab, then returned t ___23___ the wman. She tk my arm and we walked ___24___ tward the cab. When we gt in the cab, she gave me a(n) ___25___ , and then asked, “Culd yu drive thrugh dwntwn?” “It’s nt the ___26___ way,” I answered quickly. “Oh, I dn’t mind,” she said “I’m in n hurry. I’m n my way t a hspice (临终关怀医院). I dn’t have any ___27___ left,” she cntinued. “The dctr says I dn’t have much time left.”
    Fr the next tw hurs, we drve thrugh the city. We drve thrugh the ___28___ where she and her family had lived befre they passed away. She had me ___29___ in frnt f a furniture warehuse that had nce been a ballrm where she had gne dancing as a girl.
    As the sun rse, she said, “I’m tired. Let’s g nw.” We drve in silence t the address she had given me. When we arrived, tw nurses came ut t the cab. They were cncerned and ______30______ , watching her every mve. They must have been ______31______ her.
    “Hw much d I we yu?” she asked. “Nthing,” I said. Almst withut thinking, I gave her a hug. Our hug ended with her ______32______ , “Yu gave an ld wman a little mment f ______33______ .” I squeezed her hand, and then walked int the dim mrning light. Behind me, a dr shut. It was the sund f the ______34______ f a life.
    I didn’t pick up any mre passengers that shift. I drve ______35______ lst in thught. I thught I wuld never d anything mre imprtant than this in my life.
    21. A. pick utB. pick upC. cme acrssD. cme up
    22. A. suitcaseB. phneC. manD. figure
    23. A. shwB. reachC. callD. assist
    24. A. sadlyB. quicklyC. happilyD. slwly
    25. A. nteB. messageC. addressD. map
    26. A. shrtestB. bestC. cheapestD. highest
    27. A. mneyB. familyC. fd.D. belngings
    28. A. scietyB. huseC. neighbrhdD. building
    29. A. walk alngB. walk upC. pull awayD. pull up
    30. A. caring.B. delightedC. upsetD. mved
    31. A. missingB. expectingC. hatingD. knwing
    32. A. talkB. speechC. remarkD. pinin
    33. A. respectB. shckC. prtectinD. jy
    34. A. clsingB. peningC. restartingD. making
    35. A. fearlesslyB. hpelesslyC. aimlesslyD. carelessly
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. C
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:一天晚上,凌晨两点半,我在去接一位乘客的路上。A. pick ut挑选出;B. pick up接某人;C. cme acrss偶遇;D. cme up被提出。根据下文“When I arrived t cllect”可知,作者去接一位乘客。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她身旁是一个小型的手提箱。A. suitcase手提箱;B. phne电话;C. man男人;D. figure体型。根据下文“tk her suitcase”可知,老人拿了一个手提箱。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我把箱子放到车上,又回来搀扶老妇人。A. shw展示;B. reach到达;C. call打电话;D. assist帮助。根据下文“She tk my arm and we walked ___4___ tward the cab.”可知,作者回来搀扶老妇人。故选D项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:她挽住我的胳膊,我们慢慢走到车旁。A. sadly悲伤地;B. quickly快速地;C. happily快乐地;D. slwly慢慢地。根据上文“small wman in her 80’s”可知,我们慢慢走到车旁。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们坐进车里时,她递给我一个地址。A. nte笔记;B. message信息;C. address地址;D. map地图。根据下文“the address”可知,她递给我一个地址。故选C项。
    考查形容词最高级词义辨析。句意:“那不是最近的路。”我很快回答。A. shrtest最短的;B. best最好的;C. cheapest 最便宜的;D. highest最高的。根据上文“Culd yu drive thrugh dwntwn?”可知,那不是最近的路。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我没有任何家人了。 A. mney钱;B. family家人;C. fd食物;D. belngings所有物。根据上文“I am n my way t a hspice(临终关怀医院)”以及下文“they passed away”可知,老人独自去临终关怀医院,所以是没有任何的家人了。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们开车经过她和她的家人去世前住过的社区。A. sciety社会;B. huse房屋;C. neighbrhd街区;D. building建筑物。根据下文“where she and her family had lived befre they passed away.”可知,我们开车经过她和她的家人去世前住过的社区。故选C项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:她让我在一家家具商店前面停车,那儿以前是个舞厅,她还是个小姑娘时常去那儿跳舞。A. walk alng沿着……走;B. walk up走上;C. pull away拉开;D. pull up停车。根据下文“in frnt f a furniture warehuse”可知,她让我在一家家具商店前面停车。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她们关切而体贴的地注视着她的一举一动。 A. caring体贴的;B. delighted高兴的;C. upset;D. mved感动的。根据上文“cncerned”可知,她们关切而体贴。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们看样子一定是在等着她的到来。A. missing想念;B. expecting期望;C. hating讨厌;D. knwing了解。根据上文“They were cncerned and ___10___ , watching her every mve.”可知,他们看样子一定是在等着她的到来。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的拥抱以她的话结束“你给了一个老妇人片刻的欢乐”。A. talk谈话;B. speech演讲;C. remark 言论,话语; D. pinin观点。根据下文“Yu gave an ld wman a little mment f ___13___ .”可知,我们的拥抱以她的话结束。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的拥抱以她的话结束“你给了一个老妇人片刻的欢乐”。A. respect尊重;B. shck震惊;C. prtectin保护;D. jy快乐。作者载着老人在城市里转了转,了却了老人的夙愿,所以老人是高兴的。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:门在我身后关上了。这也是生命关闭的声音。A. clsing关闭;B. pening打开;C. restarting重新开始;D. making制作。根据上文“shut”可知,门的关闭代表着老人生命的结束。这是象征意义。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我漫无方向地开着车,陷入沉思中。A. fearlessly无畏地;B. hpelessly无希望地;C. aimlessly无目的地;D. carelessly粗心地。根据下文“lst in thught.”可知,我漫无方向地开着车,陷入沉思中。故选C项。
    第二节 语义匹配(共 5 小题, 每小题 1分, 满分 5分)
    Funded in 1987 by Anthny Shriver at Gergetwn University, Best Buddies has grwn int an internatinal nnprfit rganizatin cmprising a netwrk f chapters (分会) cmmitted t prmting a mre inclusive cmmunity fr peple with intellectual and develpmental disabilities. Their missin, as stated n their website, is centered n “ne-n-ne friendships, integrated emplyment, leadership develpment, and inclusive living.”
    The UR chapter was funded in late 2023 by sphmre President Audrey Chung. During her time with this chapter, she was matched with Trinity, a peer wh had the same hbbies as her. Chung reflects n this friendship fndly. “It’s been nthing like I’ve expected, because I wasn’t part f Best Buddies befre I jined the Rchester Citizens Chapter,” she said.
    36. A. cmprmisingB. cntrastingC. includingD. inspecting
    37. A. tlerantB. vigrusC. creativeD. reliable
    38. A. carries nB. fcuses nC. keeps upD. stresses ut
    39. A. was refreshed frB. was satisfied withC. was disturbed abutD. was harmnius with
    40. A. eagerlyB. lvinglyC. frtunatelyD. seriusly
    【答案】36. C 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. B
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了Best Buddies这一国际非营利组织的成立背景、宗旨、运作模式及其对创建包容性社区的贡献,特别聚焦于UR分会的建立及一位成员的亲身经历,传递了社会公益活动的信息和正面影响。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:1987年,乔治城大学的Anthny Shriver创立了“Best Buddies”,该组织已发展成为一个国际性的非营利组织,由多个分会网络组成,致力于为智力和发育障碍人士建立一个更具包容性的社区。A. cmprmising妥协;B. cntrasting对比;C. including包括;D. inspecting检查。由cmprising前的“Best Buddies has grwn int an internatinal nnprfit rganizatin (Best Buddies已成长为一家国际非营利组织)”和其后的“a netwrk f chapters (多个分会网络)”可知,该组织包括多个致力于相同目标的分会,因此cmprising的含义为“包括”。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:1987年,乔治城大学的Anthny Shriver创立了“Best Buddies”,该组织已发展成为一个国际性的非营利组织,由多个分会组成,致力于为智力和发育障碍人士建立一个更具包容性的社区。A. tlerant宽容的;B. vigrus精力充沛的;C. creative创造性的;D. reliable可靠的。根据inclusive后的“cmmunity fr peple with intellectual and develpmental disabilities (智力和发育障碍者社区)”可知,组织旨在帮助智力和发育障碍人士,建立具有包容性的社区,因此inclusive的含义为“宽容的”。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:正如他们网站上所述,他们的使命集中在“一对一的友谊、综合就业、领导力发展和包容性生活”上。A. carries n继续进行;B. fcuses n专注于;C. keeps up保持;D. stresses ut压力过大。根据is centered n前的“Their missin (他们的使命)”和is centered n后的“ne-n-ne friendships, integrated emplyment, leadership develpment, and inclusive living (一对一的友谊、综合就业、领导力发展和包容性生活)”可知,他们的使命集中在“一对一的友谊、综合就业、领导力发展和包容性生活”上,is centered n含义为“专注于”。故选B。
    考查形容词短语辨析。句意:在她参与该分会期间,她与Trinity和谐相处,对方与她有着相同的爱好。A. was refreshed fr为……而焕然一新;B. was satisfied with对……满意;C. was disturbed abut对……感到不安;D. was harmnius with与……和谐相处。根据was matched with后的“wh had the same hbbies as her. Chung reflects n this friendship (她和她有着相同的爱好。Chung反思这段友谊)”可知,Chung对这段友谊持有正面且深情的态度,所以二人和谐相处,was matched with含义为“与……和谐相处”。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:Chung深情地回忆起这段友谊。A. eagerly急切地;B. lvingly深情地;C. frtunately幸运地;D. seriusly严肃地。根据was matched with前的“During her time with this chapter, she was matched with Trinity, a peer wh had the same hbbies as her. Chung reflects n this friendship (在她参与该分会期间,她与Trinity和谐相处,对方与她有着相同的爱好。Chung回忆起这段友谊)”可知,她与Trinity和谐相处,Chung深情地回忆起这段友谊,fndly含义为“深情地”。故选B。
    Passage 1
    These bad habits, if left unchecked, culd ___41___ t mre serius nes when they becme adults. Fr example, sme f them may becme ___42___ in tbacc r alchl ___43___ , which can lead t physical and mental health prblems. T ___44___ harmful habits like these frm dminating a teenager's life is essential.
    【答案】41. lead
    42. invlved
    43. abuse 44. prevent
    考查动词短语。句意:这些坏习惯,如果放任不管,当他们长大成人,可能会导致更严重的问题。culd后接动词原形,lead t导致,符合句意。故填lead。
    考查短语。句意:例如,他们中的一些人可能会吸烟或滥用酒精,这可能导致身体和精神健康问题。becme invlved in卷入,符合句意。故填invlved。
    考查名词。句意:例如,他们中的一些人可能会吸烟或滥用酒精,这可能导致身体和精神健康问题。alchl abuse滥用酒精,作宾语。符合句意。 故填abuse。
    Passage 2
    Fr yung peple, there is ___45___ f time t change bad habits. ___46___ , there is n “magic pill” r ___47___ buttn that will help yu; yu have t think abut yur bad habits and decide ___48___ sme changes.
    【答案】45. plenty
    46. Hwever
    47. delete 48. n
    考查代词。句意:对于年轻人来说,有足够的时间来改变坏习惯。根据“yung peple”可知,空格处缺少的意思是“足够的”,构成固定短语plenty f修饰名词time。故填plenty。
    考查副词。句意:然而,没有“神奇药丸”或删除按钮可以帮助你。根据空前“there is plenty f time t change bad habits”以及空后“there is n “magic pill” _____ delete buttn _____ will help yu”可知,此处是句意上的转折,又有逗号隔开,因此,空格处需要副词hwever,表示“然而”,位于句首首字母大写。故填Hwever。
    考查介词。句意:你必须考虑你的坏习惯,并决定做出一些改变。空格处缺少介词构成固定短语decide n“决定”。故填n。
    Passage 3
    But I was s ___49___ abut the idea f ging alng with them that I secretly went ___50___ his ship, the Endurance, and hid in a small ___51___ . Unfrtunately, three days after we set ___52___ I was discvered.
    【答案】49. enthusiastic
    50. abard 51. cupbard
    52. ff
    考查介词。句意:但我对和他们一起去的想法是如此热情,以至于我偷偷地登上了他的船,“耐力号”,藏在一个小橱柜里。g abard“登上”符合句意。故填abard。
    考查短语。句意:不幸的是,我们出发三天后我就被发现了。set ff“出发”符合句意。故填ff。
    Passage 4
    Persnally speaking, ___53___ I like mst abut Australia is the peple themselves. They have a ___54___ and free-and-easy attitude ___55___ life, and their friendliness and warmth made me ___56___ at hme wherever I went.
    【答案】53 what
    54. straightfrward 55. twards 56. feel
    考查固定搭配。句意:他们对待生活的态度简单直率、随性酒脱,他们的友善和热情让我无论走到哪里都有宾至如归的感觉。表示“对……的态度”,通常用固定搭配attitude twards。故填twards。
    考查非谓语动词、固定搭配。句意:他们对待生活的态度简单直率、随性酒脱,他们的友善和热情让我无论走到哪里都有宾至如归的感觉。表达“感到像在家一样”用固定搭配feel at hme,make sb. d sth.“让某人做某事”,其中d前省略了不定式符号t,feel用动词原形。故填feel。
    Passage 5
    My ___57___ schl is a bush schl. The classrms are ___58___ f bamb, with clay flrs and rfs f grass. It takes me nly a few minutes t walk t schl dwn a ___59___ track cvered in ___60___.
    【答案】57. secndary
    58. made 59. muddy
    60. weeds
    考查短语。句意:教室是用竹子建造的,有粘土地板和草屋顶。be made f“由…制成”符合句意。故填made。
    第四节语法填空(共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分)
    Cming frm a remte village in Shidian cunty in the city f Bashan, Suthwest China’s Yunnan Prvince, Dng Meihua juggles tw rles—entrepreneur (企业家) and fd vlgger. Hwever, it’s her passin fr being a fd vlgger ___61___ gains the mst attentin. ___62___ (knw) as Dianxixiage—r Yunnan fdie—n scial media since 2016, the 34-year-ld nw has arund 40 millin nline fllwers in China and abrad, with her vides ___63___ ( receive) up t 50 millin views each. In recent years, Dng Meihua ___64___ (gain) the attentin f fd lvers wrldwide. Her vides, featuring ___65___ (activity) like bamb cutting and sugarcane harvesting, aruse a sense f nstalgia (怀旧).
    Dng’s dedicatin t her craft has resulted ___66___ ver 600 shrt vides in seven years. She als prmtes lcal ___67___ (agriculture) prducts n her scial media. Dng says that cmbined daily sales n her platfrms reach as much as 200,000 yuan ($28,200), ___68___ in turn supprts ver 1,000 jbs. In late 2019, she ___69___ (invite) t speak at the University f Oxfrd and shared her jurney as ____70____ ambassadr fr Yunnan cuisine and culture. Dng welcmes everyne t experience the beauty f Yunnan and its lifestyle.
    【答案】61. that
    62. Knwn 63. receiving
    64. has gained
    65. activities
    66. in 67. agricultural
    68. which 69. was invited
    70. an
    考查强调句。句意:然而,最受关注的是她对成为美食视频记录者的热情。本句使用了强调句结构“It is (was) + 被强调部分 + that (wh) + 其他部分”,强调了句子的主语her passin fr being a fd vlgger,此处缺少that。故填that。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:自2016年以来,这位34岁的女孩在社交媒体上被称为滇西小哥,现在在中国和国外拥有约4000万在线粉丝,她的视频每条浏览量高达5000万。此处用动词knw的非谓语形式作状语,和主语the 34-year-ld是逻辑上的被动关系,应使用过去分词,位于句首首字母大写。故填Knwn。
    考查时态。句意:近年来,董梅华受到了全世界美食爱好者的关注。分此处是句子的谓语部分,根据时间状语In recent years可知,应使用现在完成时,主语Dng Meihua是第三人称单数形式,助动词应使用has。故填has gained。
    考查介词。句意:董对自己技艺的执着,在7年时间里制作了600多个短视频。此处缺少介词in构成固定短语result in“导致,结果是”。故填in。
    考查时态和语态。句意:2019年末,她受邀在牛津大学演讲,并分享了她作为云南美食和文化大使的历程。此处用作句子的谓语部分,根据时间状语In late 2019可知,应使用一般过去时,主语she和动词invite之间是被动关系,应使用一般过去时的被动语态,主语she是第三人称单数形式,助动词be应使用was。故填was invited。
    第五节单句填空(共5小题, 每小题1分, 满分5分)
    71. Despite lsing all f his p________ (个人财产) in the fire he remained ptimistic abut rebuilding his life. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    【答案】pssessins## ssessins
    72. I have made an a________ (预约) with the dctr fr a check-up next week. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    73. Despite being d________ (残疾) frm a yung age, he has never given up n his dreams. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    【答案】disabled## isabled
    74. The gvernment is facing a lt f p________ (政治) pressure t address the envirnmental issues. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    75. The hspital has gathered a team f medical s________(专家)t deal with the cmplex case. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:医院已召集了一组医学专家来处理这起复杂的病例。根据句子结构,此处需要一个名词或名词短语来充当宾语,且根据中文提示“专家”,应填写名词“specialist”的适当形式,考虑到a team f后接可数名词复数形式,因此使用“specialist”的复数形式“specialists”。根据汉语提示及句意,故填specialists。
    第六节完成句子(共5小题, 每小题1分, 满分5分)
    根据中文意思按要求完成下列句子, 每空不超过5个词。
    76. 我们的团队由七个人组成。(cmpse短语)
    Our team ________________ seven peple.
    【答案】is cmpsed f
    【详解】考查固定短语和时态。此处是句子的谓语部分,表示“由……组成”的英语使用cmpse的动词短语be cmpsed f;根据句意可知,用一般现在时,主语Our team是第三人称单数形式,be使用is。故填is cmpsed f。
    77. 三个班级被随机挑选出来参加了翻转课堂的实验。(介词短语)
    Three classes were selected ________________ t participate in the flipped classrm experiments.
    【答案】at randm
    【详解】考查介词短语。根据句意可知,此处考查固定短语at randm“随机地”。故填at randm。
    78. 纳税是公民为社会做贡献的重要途径。(动名词作主语)
    ________________ is an imprtant way fr citizens t cntribute t the sciety
    【答案】Paying taxes
    【详解】考查动名词。纳税为pay taxes,动名词做主语。首字母大写。故填Paying taxes。
    79. 如果你感染了该病毒,你应该马上咨询医生是否需要服用这种胶囊。(动词短语)
    If yu are infected by the virus, yu shuld ________________ immediately whether yu need t take this kind f capsules.
    【答案】cnsult yur dctr
    【详解】考查动词短语。根据句意及所给句子可知,此处表示“咨询医生”,应用动词短语cnsult yur dctr,且shuld后跟动词原形。故填cnsult yur dctr。
    80. 提供更好的职业发展机会, 这家公司每年都能收到几千份简历和求职信。(非谓语作状语)
    ________________, this cmpany receives thusands f applicatin letters and CVs every year.
    【答案】Offering better career develpment pprtunities
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。提供更好的职业发展机会为“ffer better career develpment pprtunities”,与主语 this cmpany为主动关系,用现在分词作状语,首字母大写。故填Offering better career develpment pprtunities。
    第四部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    应用文写作(共 15分)
    81. 假定你是李华,你的好友 Mike 听闻你校上周举办了校园艺术节活动,他对此很感兴趣。请给他回信,告诉他活动的相关事宜,内容包括:
    注意:写作词数应为 80 左右。
    Dear Mike,
    Li Hua
    Dear Mike,
    I hpe yu are ding well. I’m excited t share with yu abut the campus art festival that tk place last week. The event shwcased varius frms f art like paintings, sculptures, and perfrmances by talented students. We had interactive art bths and wrkshps, t. The respnse was incredible, with a large turnut f bth students and faculty. The atmsphere was vibrant and creative, making it a memrable experience fr everyne invlved.
    Lking frward t hearing frm yu sn.
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生给好友 Mike 回信,介绍学校上周举办的校园艺术节活动。
    兴奋的:excited→ exalted
    各种各样的:varius→ a variety f
    有才能的:talented→ gifted
    难以置信的:incredible→ unbelievable
    原句:The atmsphere was vibrant and creative, making it a memrable experience fr everyne invlved.
    拓展句:The atmsphere was vibrant and creative, which makes it a memrable experience fr everyne invlved.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m excited t share with yu abut the campus art festival that tk place last week.(运用了that引导的限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】The atmsphere was vibrant and creative, making it a memrable experience fr everyne invlved.(运用了现在分词making作状语)
    82. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I still remember the day I almst lst my best friend Anna.
    It was a sunny afternn in June, and we were having a picnic at the park. We had been friends since childhd, and we shared everything: ur hbbies, ur dreams, ur secrets. We were inseparable.
    But that day, smething changed. We gt int a heated argument ver a trivial(不重要的)matter. I dn’t even remember what it was abut, but I knw it was smething silly and unimprtant. Maybe it was abut wh ate the last sandwich. It desn’t matter nw.
    What matters is that we bth said things we didn’t mean. We bth raised ur vices and hurt each ther’s feelings. We bth acted stubbrnly and refused t aplgize. We bth strmed ff in different directins, leaving behind ur picnic basket and ur friendship.
    I spent the rest f the day alne in my rm. I tried t distract myself with music, but nthing culd fill the emptiness in my heart. I wanted t talk t Anna and I wanted t say I was srry. But I didn’t knw hw t d that. I didn’t knw if she wuld frgive me, r if she even wanted t see me again.
    The next day, I went t schl with a heavy heart. I avided eye cntact with Anna, and sat as far away frm her as pssible. I pretended that I didn’t care, but I did. I cared a lt.
    During the break, I saw her sitting n a bench, lking lnely and sad. She was hlding a piece f paper in her hand, and tears were rlling dwn her face. I felt a wave f regret. I wanted t g t her. But I didn’t have the curage.
    I turned arund and walked away. I thught that was the end f ur friendship, and that we wuld never speak t each ther again.
    But I was wrng
    注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
    As I was walking back t class, I felt a tap n my shulder.
    Anna and I bth smiled and cried.
    【答案】As I was walking back t class, I felt a tap n my shulder. I turned arund and saw Anna standing behind me, hlding ut the piece f paper. It was a drawing f us, hlding hands and smiling. Underneath it, she had written: “I’ m srry. Can we be friends again?” I lked at her, and saw the sincerity in her eyes. I gt emtinal and hugged her. I said: “I’ m srry t. Of curse we can be friends again.”
    Anna and I bth smiled and cried. We frgave each ther, and prmised t never fight again. We realized that ur friendship was mre imprtant than any argument. We walked back t class, feeling happy and relieved. I had almst lst my best friend, but I had fund her again. We bth had learned a valuable lessn that even best friends need t cmmunicate prmptly t clear up misunderstandings. I will never frget that day, and I will always value ur friendship.
    ①看:lk at /watch
    ③意识到:realize /be aware f
    【点睛】[高分句型1] We realized that ur friendship was mre imprtant than any argument. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] We bth had learned a valuable lessn that even best friends need t cmmunicate prmptly t clear up misunderstandings. (运用了that引导的同位语从句)

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