人教PEP版五年级上册英语Unit 5 There is a big bed单元整体教学设计(教案)
这是一份人教PEP版五年级上册英语Unit 5 There is a big bed单元整体教学设计(教案),共26页。
人教PEP版五年级上册英语Unit 5 There is a big bed单元整体教学设计主备人辅备人上课时间课时6审核人单元主题本单元属于“人与自我”话题,通过本单元的学习,学生能在真实的生活情境中认识和表达常见的家居物品,描述物品的摆放位置,感知生活中的点滴事物,养成勤动手、爱整洁的好习惯,同时体悟自身与环境的关系,树立“爱护环境,从我做起”的环保意识。并由此可确立本单元的主题为My room。单元子主题及课时安排学情分析(知识基础、认知特点、生活经验)1.语言基础学生在三年级下册Unit4 Where is my car?以及四年级上册Unit4 My home单元中已学习了一些常见的房间名词,简单的家居物品,关于位置描述的介词以及询问位置的句型,例如:living room,bedroom,desk,table,sofa,cap,in ,on,under, where is/are.….等,为本单元话题的学习奠定了一定的基础。2. 生活经验家居陈设是与学生生活息息相关的话题,“家”是每位同学居住的地方,是学生们最熟悉的场所。在这个单元内,学生将书本的知识融入自己真实的生活情境中,实现与自我,与他人的沟通,激发学生们的学习热情。同时,本单元还涉及到环境保护话题,对于这一话题学生往往是有意识、差行动,而本单元的学习将增强学生的环保行动力,将环保落到实处。3. 学习能力五年级的学生已经学习了两年多的英语,有一定的知识储备,能够用简单的英语进行交流,能听懂简单的会话,能用英语写出简单的句子。五年级的学生具备一定的学习能力,且能在课堂上发挥主观能动性,积极配合教学,有一定的合作意识,能和小组成员协作完成规定的任务。此外,本单元关于讨论自己及他人房间的话题能够充分调动学生的参与热情,增强学生的交流能力。4. 情感储备五年级处于小学学习的高年级阶段,相比之下这一时期的学生在生理及心理方面都趋于稳定,他们的自我意识,道德观念和道德行为都在得到逐步的发展和深刻,他们有明确的自主意识,选择能力及是非判断能力。通过在该单元内对各种场景的描述,他们可以真实地与他人进行交流并设想个人理想的房间,培养合作意识的同时树立垃圾分类、废物循环等方面的环保意识。单元教材分析本单元主要围绕"某物在某处"这样的话题展开讨论,并要求学生会用There be句型和方位词来说明物品的方位。此题材和学生的实际生活联系密切,应用范围广泛。五年级学生在之前的学习中,已经学会了几个表示方位的单词和词组,在本单元的练习中,将着重利用听说读写等活动让学习者了解主要交际用语"There is/are…"和实义词汇plant、water bottle、bike、photo、clock,及功能词 in front of、behind、between、above、beside.本单元包括A、B 、C三个部分,分六个课时。A、B两部分中的情景对话都是为本单元重点知识内容即两个核心句型“There is/are…和“It's in front of/between.….”创造具体的语言环境,Let’s learn中所教学的重点词汇为学生练习使用关键句型提供多元化的素材,让学生们掌握更多常见的日常家居物品名称,准确地描述他们的位置,包括A部分出现的photo,clock,water bottle,bike,plant,以及B部分出现的in front of,between, behind,above,beside。这些词汇能够增加学生们的词汇量,拓宽学生们的知识面,为提高学生的综合语言运动能力打下基础。第六课时的Read and write及Story均是为巩固本单元重点知识而设计的趣味拓展练习。第六课时中的情景故事是学生们最喜欢的板块,通过观看动画课件视频,模仿表演,学生们把本单元学会的新知识融入到虚构的故事情节当中,把故事内容活灵活现的展现在众人面前,让学生们感受着自己的进步、成功与喜悦。单元总目标语言能力:1.能够听、说、读、写五个物品类单词和词组:bike,clock,photo,water bottle, plant.2.能够听、说、读、写五个表示相对位置关系的介词和介词词组:beside, between, behind, above, in front of.3.能够理解对话大意,跟读录音,流利地朗读对话,并进行角色扮演。4. 能够听、说、读、写句型"There is a.... in/on/... There are... in/on/…."并在日常生活情境中运用句型该描述某处有某物。5.能够理解电子邮件并掌握英文邮件的写作格式。6.能够掌握字母组合ai 、ay在单词中的常见发音/ei/。7.能够理解story time故事的意思,并模仿录音里的语音语调朗读故事。学习能力:1.能够把握本单元的重点和难点:there be句型的结构和运用规则。2.能够依据ai/ay的发音规则,读出或写出更多适合于该规则的词汇。3.能够看到自己在该单元学习中取得的进步,反思学习中出现的问题及不足。文化意识:1.能够养成整理房间保持物品整洁的习惯。2.能够学习垃圾分类、废物循环利用的知识,增强环保意识。思维品质:1.能够认真观察图片,推断信息,提高观察能力和推断能力。2.能够在完成各类型的作业的过程中锻炼自己的想象力和创造力。第1课时课时内容A Let’s learn &Let’s play上课时间审核人教材分析What:本课是一节词汇课,教材主要围绕Zhang Peng卧室的家居物品进行介绍。Why:语篇展现了Zhang Peng卧室的家居物品 ,了解了室内物品以及他们的位置。How:本节课Zhang Peng用“There is/are…”介绍了卧室内的家居物品clock、photo、plant、bike、water bottle及位置。教学目标一、语言能力:1.能够听、说、认读“There is/are…”等相关句型。2.能够听、说、读、写词汇clock、photo、plant、bike、water bottle。3.能够用句型There is a/an … in/… my room/…介绍自己房间的物品。二、学习能力: 能够听懂、会说、会演A Let’s play部分中的内容,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行交流和运用。三、思维品质:引导学生说出房间内的家居物品及他们的位置,体会整洁的房间。教学重难点一、教学重点:1.能够听、说、读、写词汇clock、photo、plant、bike、water bottle。2.能够用句型There is a/an … in/… my room/…描述自己的房间。二、教学难点:1. 掌握there be句型的具体应用。2. 会用there be句型表述物品之间的位置关系。教具准备PPT, word cards,pictures,a photo,pens,paper教 学 过 程个性修改Step Ⅰ: Warm-up1. Free talk2. Sing a song“A photo of me”,and perceive the new knowledge.3. TalkT: (Point to the desk)What's this?Ss: It's a desk.T: (Point to the pencil box)What is on the desk?Ss: There is a pencil box on the desk.T: (Open the pencil box,and point to a ruler)Where is the ruler?Ss: It's in the pencil box.Step Ⅱ: PresentationLet's learnTeach bike,clock,photo,water bottle and plant.T draws a room, a bed and a desk. T shows Ss new words and teaches them with rasing-falling tone.Find the itemsActivity:S1 distributes the word cards to several students.T:Photo.S2 shows the word card of“photo”to all the students and hind it.S3.4.5.6 find the word card and all the students read“photo”until they find it.3. T:What else do I have in my new room?Ss: There is +…T writes them,and explains the sentence.4. T plays the radio“Let's learn”,and Ss read after it.Let's playTalk about my roomActivity: Two students a group, first draw a room, then put the word cards on it and introduce their room using“there be”.Eg : T: There is a clock, a plant and a photo in my room.T chooses the better to show.Step Ⅲ: PracticeActivity: Two students a group, and put the word cards on the desk. Toss the coin, if the student can read the word where the coin is he/she takes it and gets another coin. Who get the most coins will be the winner.Step Ⅳ: Extension1. Sentence solitaire(句子接龙)S1: There is a bed in my room.S2:There is a bed and a desk in my room….2: Two students a group, S1describe the room,andS2 find the items. Then change the roles.Step Ⅴ:Sum-upReview the words , phrases and sentences all together.Let’s judge.Self-assessmentA complete structureFluent expressionsNo mistakesT:How many stars can you get?作业Listen to the radio and read after it. (P49)2.Describe your room using the word sand sentence patterns you have learned today.板书设计教学反思本课时通过用简笔画、实物等方式呈现出新单词,再以“说说我的房间”“掷硬币”“句子接龙”“Talk and draw”等游戏和“听录音跟读”等方式进行了充分的训练,达到了令人满意的效果。学生根据教室或自己房间的布局用there be句型描述得很好。第2课时课时内容A Let’s try &Let’s talk上课时间审核人教材分析What:本节课是一节对话课,教材主要围绕萨拉和张鹏讨论张鹏的房间进行展开,得知张鹏房间的家居物品及位置。Why:语篇展现了家居物品,及摆放位置,感知生活中的点滴。How:本课时通过“There is…in/on…”描述房间的家居物品及位置。教学目标一、语言能力:1.能听、说、朗读“There is a desk in the picture”等表示物品方位的句型。2.能在情境中正确运用核心句型There is…in/on…”描述房间的家居物品及位置。二、学习能力:1.能理解语篇内容,按照正确的语音语调朗读并复述课文;2.能正确运用所学核心功能句并根据实际情况进行流利问答。三、思维品质:能正确描述房间内的家居物品及它们的位置,感知生活的点滴。教学重难点一、教学重点:1.能够表演A Let’s talk 部分的交际内容。2.能够根据实际情况用英语对物品的方位进行简单地描述。二、教学难点:根据生活中的场景灵活运用表示物品方位的表达。教具准备PPT, word cards,task sheet,a picture,paper教 学 过 程个性修改Step Ⅰ:Warm-upFree talkT:Hello,boys and girls. Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to see you, too.T:Can you play the pipa?S1:…T:Can you sing English songs?S2:…T:What can you do?S3:…Guessing gameT shows the pictures.T: These are my rooms. Can you name them? S1: The first one is your living room. S2: The second one is your bedroom. S3: The third one is your study.T:Excellent! Now you can ask me: What’s in your living room? Who wants to have a try? S4:…Step Ⅱ:PresentationLet's trySs listen to the radio, and talk about“What is in the room?”2. Listen to the radio again and tick.Let's talk1. Ss read the talk and discuss“ What is in Zhang Peng's room? What is on Zhang Peng's desk?”2. T plays the radio,and Ss read after it.3. Activity: T plays the video, Ss dub the text.4. My roomActivity: Four students a group, and describe“My room”using the sentence“there is/are…”Eg:I have a new room. There is a desk in my room. There is a clock in my room. There are many books in my room.Step Ⅲ: Practice1.Activity1: Ss say the items and their locations. T draws them.2.Activity2::Make sentences using“There is/are… in my room.”Find the more group.Step Ⅳ: Extension1. Listen and drawEg: This is Sam's room. There is a big bed near the door. A desk is near the bed. There is a computer on the desk. There are two books on the bed. Where is his ball?Oh, it's under the desk. There are two pairs of shoes under the bed.2. The room in my mindActivity: Ss draw and say using the sentences“There is/are…”Step Ⅵ: Sum-upReview the sentences, and retell the dialogue all together.Self-assessmentA complete structureFluent expressionsNo mistakesT:How many stars can you get?作业1.Listen to the radio and read after it.(P48)2. Make a dialogue with your partner and introduce your room.板书设计教学反思这节课主要学习的是there be 句型,“看谁说得多”“谈谈我的图画”等活动,激发了学生的学习兴趣,学生参与的积极性很高。这些活动给学生提供了一个有趣、轻松、活泼、竞争的氛围,让学生在具体情境中体会句子的意义和用法,收到了较为理想的效果。第3课时课时内容B Let’s learn &Find and say上课时间审核人教材分析What:本课是一节词汇课,教材主要围绕物体的位置进行展开。Why:语篇展现了物体的位置,感悟生活中的点滴。How:本节课通过介词及介词短语“in front of,beside ,between,behind,above”来描述物体的位置。教学目标一、语言能力:1.能听、说、读、写涉及方位的单词和词组beside、between、above、behind、in front of。2.能够熟练使用本课的核心句式和一些表示方位的介词。二、学习能力:能够结合实际情景,谈论物品的方位。思维品质:能够认真观察说出物体的位置。教学重难点一、教学重点:能听、说、读、写涉及方位的单词和词组beside、between、above、behind、in front of。二、教学难点:能够在真实场景中熟练运用所学语言进行自由交流。教具准备PPT, word cards,task sheet,headdress教 学 过 程个性修改Step Ⅰ: Warm-upActivity1:Sing a songT:Hello,boys and girls. Would you like to sing a song with me?A photo of meBeside the big plant, what can you see? Above the big clock, there s a photo of me.Beside the big plant, what can you see? Between the two windows, there's a photo of me.Activity2:Free talk1.T points to the items : Where is your book? S1: It's on the desk.T: Where is your ruler? S2: It's in the pencil box....2.T shows the pictures: “Where is/are….?”Ss…Step Ⅱ: PresentationLet's learn1. Teach “in front of,beside,between,behind,above”。Ss look at the pictures,and know their locations.T shows the words :in front of,beside,between,behind,above。T:Where is the ball?Ss: It's in front of the dog.2. I say, you doActivity: Eg: T: Stand behind the chair.Ss stand behind the chair.操练介词或介词短语:in front of,beside,between,behind,above。T plays the radio. Ss read after it. Find and sayActivity: Four students a group, say the sentence using“there be”Eg: There is a tree in front of the house.Find the better students.Step Ⅲ: Practice1. Pass the sentences with low voiceAtivity: T passes the sentence“There is a… beside/between/behind/above/in front of…”to S1 .S1 tells S2 with low voice.S2 tells S3 with low voice,and so on.The last student retells the sentence,and find the best one.2.Back to backActivity :Two students a group, back to back。(学生A用自己的卡片摆放出不同的位置,并告诉学生B,学生B 根据学生A的描述摆放好自己的卡片,然后交换角色继续游戏。)Step Ⅳ: Extension1. What a nice world!Activity: Three students choose the cards, and make a sentence in order.Eg: The bike is above the bed.Find the strangest one.2.My mistakeActivity: T shows a picture of room, and make some mistakes.Eg: There is a chair behind the door.Ss: Yes./No.(Find the reason.)Step Ⅳ:Sum-upReview the words and sentences .Self-assessmentA complete structureFluent expressionsNo mistakesHow many stars can you get?作业1.Listen and read the book.(P52)2.Draw three pictures, and describe the locations using the sentence we have learnt today.板书设计.教学反思本节课主要学习一些方位介词或介词短语的使用,因而创设情境较容易。为了使学生在语言环境中尽快熟练地运用英语,教师设计了丰富有趣的游戏与活动,例如游戏“世界真奇妙”,学生感觉十分新奇,激发了学习热情,学生参与的积极性也很高。学生能根据教师的演示使用正确的介词,并能用适当的介词短语描述两物体之间的关系。第4课时课时内容B Let’s try &Let's talk上课时间审核人教材分析What:本节课是一节对话课,教材主要围绕Mike和Zhang Peng讨论Zhang Peng’s living room进行展开,得知张鹏家客厅装饰来源及位置。Why:语篇展现了张鹏家客厅装饰来源及位置,引导学生养成爱整洁的好习惯。How:该对话情节简单,易于理解,张鹏以“There are…in/on/…”的句型结构描述了客厅的装饰及来源。教学目标一、语言能力:1.能够听懂、会说、认读单词和短语grandparent、their、house、flower、lots of等。2.能在情境中正确运用核心句型There are…in/on…”表达某处有某物。二、学习能力:1.能理解语篇内容,按照正确的语音语调朗读并复述课文;2.能正确运用所学核心功能句并根据实际情况进行流利问答。三、思维品质:能认真观察描述客厅的装饰以及装饰来源。文化意识:能养成爱整洁的好习惯。教学重难点一、教学重点:1.能够表演B Let’s talk 部分的交际内容。2.能够在真实的情景中运用句型There are…in/on…”表达某处有某物。二、教学难点:1.能够正确运用some、many、lots of等表达事物的量。2.能够根据生活中的场景灵活运用句型表达某处有某物。教具准备PPT, word cards,pictures,a photo,some items,pen and paper教 学 过 程个性修改Step I Warming upActivity1:Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you. Ss: Good morning, teacher. Nice to see you, too. T:What's in the classroom? S1:There is a blackboard. S2: There is a teacher's desk.S3: There are some desks and chairs. T:Well done.Activity2:Sing a songT:Hello, boys and girls. Would you like to sing a song with me?A photo of meBeside the big plant, what can you see? Above the big clock, there's a photo of me. Beside the big plant, what can you see?Between the two windows, there's a photo of me.Step Ⅱ:PresentationLet's trySs listen to the radio, and talk about“What is in the living room?”Listen to the radio again and tick.Check it together.Let's talkT shows the picture: This is a living room. What is in the living room?Ss:…T:当你想描述一个地方有多种同类物品时,be 要用 are形式;如果你既想描述一个地方有多种不同类物品,be 的形式要根据“就近原则”来确定。2. Talk and drawActivity: Two students a group,S1 describes a ideal room or his/her room.S2 draws the items. Then change the roles.3. Let's talk(1)T plays the video. Ss listen and answer the questions:Q1: What's in the living room?Q2: Who can draw very well?Q3: What's in front of their house?T plays the video. Ss listen and read after it.4. Role play5. PPT shows“Let's talk”T: What else do you see in it? and explain“else”.Ss:…(通过talk中客厅的装饰,引导学生养成爱整洁的好习惯)Step Ⅲ: PracticeTwo students a group, make a dialogue.在课桌的上、中、下、旁边等方位放上一些复数的物品2. Hide and seekActivity: Four students a group,one student hides the item: Where are…?The other three students close their eyes,S1:Are they +in/on/beside…?If wrong,S2/S3/S4 guesses…If right,the other student hides the item…The most correct guesses is the winner.3. Draw and sayActivity: Ss draw their ideal rooms and then show their partners. The classmates describe it using“there be”.Step Ⅳ: Extension1. Listen the sentences and draw: There is a desk in the room. There is a plant on the desk. There is a TV on the desk. There are two…Then Ss show their pictures.2. Show your room with your cards, and then make a dialogue.Step Ⅴ: Sum-up1.Review the sentences, and retell the dialogue all together.2.Self-assessmentA complete structureFluent expressionsNo mistakesHow many stars can you get?作业1.Listen to the radio and read it to your friends.(P51)2.Describe your ideal room to your parents.板书设计教学反思本节课通过情境的创设给学生提供了一个有趣、轻松、活泼、竞争的氛围,让学生在具体情境中体会句子的意义和用法,收到了较为理想的效果。第5课时课时内容B Read and write &C Story time上课时间审核人教材分析What:本节课是一节读写课,通过Mr. Jones写给Robin的邮件了解了脏乱房间的摆放,形成反差。最后利用“易拉罐回家”的故事,学生独立阅读并且分享环保小故事。Why:在语境中,通过脏乱房间的摆放,形成反差,引导学生主动收拾房间,保持环境整洁。利用“送易拉罐回家”的故事,增强了学生的环保意识。How:通过邮件、故事阅读的形式,以问题带动语篇教学。教学目标语言能力:学生能够读懂电子邮件,完成阅读任务。学生能够在语境中理解新单词move、dirty、everywhere、mouse、live及nature的意义。3.学生能够理解故事情节并进行角色扮演。二、学习能力:1. 能够听懂,读懂并内化Read and write的内容,并能书写邮件。2.能够掌握良好的阅读策略,积极大胆地尝试写作,并能提高自主学习的能力。3.学生能够了解is、are与名词单复数的搭配。文化意识:1.能够养成整理房间保持物品整洁的习惯。2.能够学习垃圾分类、废物循环利用的知识,增强环保意识。思维品质:1.能够认真观察图片,推断信息,提高观察能力和推断能力。2.能够在完成各类型的作业的过程中锻炼自己的想象力和创造力。教学重难点一、教学重点:1.能够听懂,读懂并内化Read and write的内容,发展阅读技巧;能用正确的语音语调朗读文本,培养学生良好的语感。2.学生能够了解is、are与名词单复数的搭配。二、教学难点:1.能够书写邮件。2.学生能够了解is、are与名词单复数的搭配。教具准备PPT教 学 过 程个性修改Step1: Revision观看歌曲视频—A photo of me并跟唱。转盘游戏,根据句型模板和指针停住的位置进行问答。Lead in.教师利用图片呈现“What’s in the room?”“There is a...” “There are...”,复习本单元的重点句型。介绍新词dirty、everywhere、move、mouse。A. 教师对上一环节的图片进行总结:The room is clean. 随后出示脏乱的房间,引导学生说出:The room is dirty. 引出生词everywhere的学习:There is trash everywhere.T: Guess: A kind of animal likes living in it. What is it?B. 课件出示老鼠进入房间并发出声音,教读mouse,引入move into,并且运用move into说句子如:The mouse moves into the house.Step2:Read and write教师出示Mr. Jones的图片,并让学生预测内容:Who is he? Is he happy? Is his house clean or dirty?Fast reading: Read and answer.① Who writes the email?(Mr. Jones.)② Who is Mr. Jones? (He’s Binbin’s art teacher.)③ Is his house clean or dirty? (His house is dirty.)Careful readingRead, tick or cross.① Mr. Jones moved into a new house.② There are some pictures and photos in the room.③ He lives near the nature park.④ He saw a mouse in front of the computer.同时教学生词nature及词组nature park.Read and tick.学生仔细阅读,选择与课文内容相匹配的图片并画上勾。Read and imitate.Fill in the blanks.复述课文内容,并将邮件缺失的部分部分完整。Think and write.T: Mr. Jones’ room is dirty. How about your room? What’s in your room? Please write three sentences.(引导学生养成整理房间保持物品整洁的习惯)Post-reading.教师带领学生一起了解email格式及其组成部分,随后学生完成写一封email,然后用幻灯机展示学生的writing,其他学生进行评价。Step3: Let’s check出示该部分的图片,教师对图片内容进行提问,学生用句型“There is/ are...in the picture.”回答。教师播放该部分的录音,学生听关键词并在图片旁用“√”或“×”表示听到或没听到的内容,随后师生共同核对答案。再次播放录音,学生补全句子。随后师生共同核对答案。Step 4: Let’s wrap it up课件出示该部分的图片和内容,学生齐读表示方位的介词及词组。随后观察图中的连线,将给出的例句读出来。学生四人一组,根据图片给出的信息进行造句,哪个组在规定的时间内说出的句子最多即为获胜。学生用句型“There is/are...”写三个句子。Step 5: Story Time教师出示易拉罐的图片,让学生观察并回答:① Where is he? (He is beside the river. )② Is he happy? (No. He is sad.)Watch and answerT: The can wants to go home. But he lost his way. Who can help him? Let’s find out.Read the story.教师播放录音,学生跟读录音,教师同时帮助学生理解故事大意。T: Where is the can’s home?Ss: In the trash bin.(引导学生学习垃圾分类、废物循环利用的知识,增强环保意识)Retell the story.Act out the story.教师提醒学生扮演故事角色时,需要注意模仿语音、语调及表情。Step 6&7 : Language Points and Exercise将本课时重点知识,进行具体汇总讲解,配合适量的题目训练,请学生课上完成并回答。Step 8 : Summary 总结本课时重点音标、单词、句型和目标语法,要求学生一起回忆归纳。2.Self-assessmentA complete structureFluent expressionsNo mistakesHow many stars can you get?作业熟读并角色扮演“Main scene”及“Story time”部分的对话。2. 完成本单元的课后练习。3. 仿照“Read and write”中的电子邮件,给 Robin 回一封电子邮件。板书设计教学反思本节课主要是对本单元内容的综合复习和训练,培养学生听、说、读、写等多方面的能力。在阅读环节,我采取多种有效的方法,层层深入地引导学生阅读并理解文本,考查了学生对语篇结构的理解能力,注重渗透阅读策略。学中注重激发学生的学习兴趣,训练了学生的听力技巧,提升了学生自主学习的能力。整堂课体现学生的主体性,让学生主动参与并表达。第6课时课时内容A. Let’s spell上课时间审核人教材分析本节课是语音课,主要通过对辅音字母、元音字母,字母组合等语音教学,让学生循序渐进掌握字母组合ai 和ay 发音规则。教学目标1.能掌握字母组合ai、ay 在单词中的常见发音,即:/eɪ/;2.能读出符合ai、ay 发音规则的单词;3.能在四线格上完成抄写本课的 8 个重点单词,做到书写规范;4.能提高自主探究、归纳语音规则的能力;5.能够做到见到符合ai、ay 发音规则的单词能拼读。教学重难点教学重点1.了解字母发音规律,掌握发音方法;2.学生能读出符合ai、ay 发音规则的单词。规则的单词。教学难点1.准确读出书本上八个含有ai、ay 的单词。2.学生能读出符合ai、ay 发音规则的单词。教具准备PPT, word cards教 学 过 程个性修改StepⅠ. Warm-upGreet with the students.T: Hello, boys and girls! Today I want to introduce four friends to you. Look, they are coming! He is Rain, follow me /eɪ/ Rain. Please say hello to Rain. He is Gain. She is Fay. And she is May. Please say hello to them. They are good friends. What’s the same pronunciation of the 4 names?(通过跟图片中的四个小朋友打招呼,让学生初步感知/eɪ/ 的发音.并引出/eɪ/ 的发音。)StepⅡ. Presentation1.Lead in.T: They are having a birthday party. Look, there are so many gifts. They all hope to get more gifts. Can you help them?T: You are helpful. If you want to help them, you should fulfill some tasks. (Group1 you help Rain. Group2 help Gain. Group3 help Fay . Group 4 helpMay. )If you finish a task, you can get a gift.Let’s PK, ok? Ss: Ok!2.T: Now, let’s go to task 1: Let’s find. First, let’s listen to a chant.In this chant. There are some words with the sound of /ei/. Can you find out? Let’s listen and find. If you hear the sound of/eɪ/,say /eɪ/ loudly. OK?(播放自己编创录制的视频chant,通过听,读,唱让学生感受/eɪ/ 的发音,找到有含/eɪ/ 的发音的单词。并将单词卡呈现出来) T:Look at these words. What’s the same?帮助学生找出ay,ai 发的规律。T: They have the same of the pronunciation /eɪ/.卡片出示单词:say, way, birthday, Monday. 让学生去找出这几个单词的共同点。学生发现这几个单词都有 “ay”后,教ay 的读音。播放视频Let’s chant.(学生跟着拍手唱,通过chant 巩固ay 的读音) ay – /eɪ/, /eɪ//eɪ//eɪ/3.: Can you spell the words with “ay”? Let’s spell.(通过替换不同的辅音字母,来带学生拼读含有ay 的单词。)4.Use your letter cards to make some words with “ay”. Everybody choose a letter. Spell one by one.(小组操练自主探究、归纳语音规则的能力)5.Look at these words. They also have the sound of /eɪ/.What’s the same?(引导学生总结ai 也发/eɪ/的音。) T: Read follow me. ai-/eɪ/ ,/eɪ//eɪ//eɪ/ .Here is a chant for you . 6.Let’s spell.7.Play a game.Listen and make out the word. If your group finishes. Say bingo!(1)教师示范拼摆含有aid, ait, ain, ail 的单词,重点指导ain 和ail 的发音。(2)小组内拼摆单词。 (3)指名小组展示。StepⅢ.Practice.1.Can you read these words with “ai” and “ay” ? Let’s challenge. Discuss in your group.呈现课本中的 8 个含有“ai” 和 ”ay”的单词。2.Read these words together.3.Listen and circle.4.Look, listen and write.StepⅣ.Production(1)视频呈现绘本故事.In this story, also have some words with “ai” and “ay”. Let’s spell.(2)学生跟录音读.(3)Do role play in groups.(4)Act it out.StepⅤ.Summary1.T: What have we learned today? Ss:…2.小结小组评价结果。作业1.Read “Wait!Wait!Wait!” with emotion.2.Play letter games with your friends.板书设计教学反思小学英语语音教学的任务不是让小学生学习语音理论,而是让学生在实践中理解一些简单的语音知识,进而用于拼读、记忆单词。由于语音教学需要许多操练,往往很枯燥,稍不注意就有可能影响学生学习的积极性,导致学生对英语学习产生焦虑感。这就要求教师在语音教学中采用灵活多样的方法,才能很好地提高他们对英语的学习兴趣。
人教PEP版五年级上册英语Unit 5 There is a big bed单元整体教学设计主备人辅备人上课时间课时6审核人单元主题本单元属于“人与自我”话题,通过本单元的学习,学生能在真实的生活情境中认识和表达常见的家居物品,描述物品的摆放位置,感知生活中的点滴事物,养成勤动手、爱整洁的好习惯,同时体悟自身与环境的关系,树立“爱护环境,从我做起”的环保意识。并由此可确立本单元的主题为My room。单元子主题及课时安排学情分析(知识基础、认知特点、生活经验)1.语言基础学生在三年级下册Unit4 Where is my car?以及四年级上册Unit4 My home单元中已学习了一些常见的房间名词,简单的家居物品,关于位置描述的介词以及询问位置的句型,例如:living room,bedroom,desk,table,sofa,cap,in ,on,under, where is/are.….等,为本单元话题的学习奠定了一定的基础。2. 生活经验家居陈设是与学生生活息息相关的话题,“家”是每位同学居住的地方,是学生们最熟悉的场所。在这个单元内,学生将书本的知识融入自己真实的生活情境中,实现与自我,与他人的沟通,激发学生们的学习热情。同时,本单元还涉及到环境保护话题,对于这一话题学生往往是有意识、差行动,而本单元的学习将增强学生的环保行动力,将环保落到实处。3. 学习能力五年级的学生已经学习了两年多的英语,有一定的知识储备,能够用简单的英语进行交流,能听懂简单的会话,能用英语写出简单的句子。五年级的学生具备一定的学习能力,且能在课堂上发挥主观能动性,积极配合教学,有一定的合作意识,能和小组成员协作完成规定的任务。此外,本单元关于讨论自己及他人房间的话题能够充分调动学生的参与热情,增强学生的交流能力。4. 情感储备五年级处于小学学习的高年级阶段,相比之下这一时期的学生在生理及心理方面都趋于稳定,他们的自我意识,道德观念和道德行为都在得到逐步的发展和深刻,他们有明确的自主意识,选择能力及是非判断能力。通过在该单元内对各种场景的描述,他们可以真实地与他人进行交流并设想个人理想的房间,培养合作意识的同时树立垃圾分类、废物循环等方面的环保意识。单元教材分析本单元主要围绕"某物在某处"这样的话题展开讨论,并要求学生会用There be句型和方位词来说明物品的方位。此题材和学生的实际生活联系密切,应用范围广泛。五年级学生在之前的学习中,已经学会了几个表示方位的单词和词组,在本单元的练习中,将着重利用听说读写等活动让学习者了解主要交际用语"There is/are…"和实义词汇plant、water bottle、bike、photo、clock,及功能词 in front of、behind、between、above、beside.本单元包括A、B 、C三个部分,分六个课时。A、B两部分中的情景对话都是为本单元重点知识内容即两个核心句型“There is/are…和“It's in front of/between.….”创造具体的语言环境,Let’s learn中所教学的重点词汇为学生练习使用关键句型提供多元化的素材,让学生们掌握更多常见的日常家居物品名称,准确地描述他们的位置,包括A部分出现的photo,clock,water bottle,bike,plant,以及B部分出现的in front of,between, behind,above,beside。这些词汇能够增加学生们的词汇量,拓宽学生们的知识面,为提高学生的综合语言运动能力打下基础。第六课时的Read and write及Story均是为巩固本单元重点知识而设计的趣味拓展练习。第六课时中的情景故事是学生们最喜欢的板块,通过观看动画课件视频,模仿表演,学生们把本单元学会的新知识融入到虚构的故事情节当中,把故事内容活灵活现的展现在众人面前,让学生们感受着自己的进步、成功与喜悦。单元总目标语言能力:1.能够听、说、读、写五个物品类单词和词组:bike,clock,photo,water bottle, plant.2.能够听、说、读、写五个表示相对位置关系的介词和介词词组:beside, between, behind, above, in front of.3.能够理解对话大意,跟读录音,流利地朗读对话,并进行角色扮演。4. 能够听、说、读、写句型"There is a.... in/on/... There are... in/on/…."并在日常生活情境中运用句型该描述某处有某物。5.能够理解电子邮件并掌握英文邮件的写作格式。6.能够掌握字母组合ai 、ay在单词中的常见发音/ei/。7.能够理解story time故事的意思,并模仿录音里的语音语调朗读故事。学习能力:1.能够把握本单元的重点和难点:there be句型的结构和运用规则。2.能够依据ai/ay的发音规则,读出或写出更多适合于该规则的词汇。3.能够看到自己在该单元学习中取得的进步,反思学习中出现的问题及不足。文化意识:1.能够养成整理房间保持物品整洁的习惯。2.能够学习垃圾分类、废物循环利用的知识,增强环保意识。思维品质:1.能够认真观察图片,推断信息,提高观察能力和推断能力。2.能够在完成各类型的作业的过程中锻炼自己的想象力和创造力。第1课时课时内容A Let’s learn &Let’s play上课时间审核人教材分析What:本课是一节词汇课,教材主要围绕Zhang Peng卧室的家居物品进行介绍。Why:语篇展现了Zhang Peng卧室的家居物品 ,了解了室内物品以及他们的位置。How:本节课Zhang Peng用“There is/are…”介绍了卧室内的家居物品clock、photo、plant、bike、water bottle及位置。教学目标一、语言能力:1.能够听、说、认读“There is/are…”等相关句型。2.能够听、说、读、写词汇clock、photo、plant、bike、water bottle。3.能够用句型There is a/an … in/… my room/…介绍自己房间的物品。二、学习能力: 能够听懂、会说、会演A Let’s play部分中的内容,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行交流和运用。三、思维品质:引导学生说出房间内的家居物品及他们的位置,体会整洁的房间。教学重难点一、教学重点:1.能够听、说、读、写词汇clock、photo、plant、bike、water bottle。2.能够用句型There is a/an … in/… my room/…描述自己的房间。二、教学难点:1. 掌握there be句型的具体应用。2. 会用there be句型表述物品之间的位置关系。教具准备PPT, word cards,pictures,a photo,pens,paper教 学 过 程个性修改Step Ⅰ: Warm-up1. Free talk2. Sing a song“A photo of me”,and perceive the new knowledge.3. TalkT: (Point to the desk)What's this?Ss: It's a desk.T: (Point to the pencil box)What is on the desk?Ss: There is a pencil box on the desk.T: (Open the pencil box,and point to a ruler)Where is the ruler?Ss: It's in the pencil box.Step Ⅱ: PresentationLet's learnTeach bike,clock,photo,water bottle and plant.T draws a room, a bed and a desk. T shows Ss new words and teaches them with rasing-falling tone.Find the itemsActivity:S1 distributes the word cards to several students.T:Photo.S2 shows the word card of“photo”to all the students and hind it.S3.4.5.6 find the word card and all the students read“photo”until they find it.3. T:What else do I have in my new room?Ss: There is +…T writes them,and explains the sentence.4. T plays the radio“Let's learn”,and Ss read after it.Let's playTalk about my roomActivity: Two students a group, first draw a room, then put the word cards on it and introduce their room using“there be”.Eg : T: There is a clock, a plant and a photo in my room.T chooses the better to show.Step Ⅲ: PracticeActivity: Two students a group, and put the word cards on the desk. Toss the coin, if the student can read the word where the coin is he/she takes it and gets another coin. Who get the most coins will be the winner.Step Ⅳ: Extension1. Sentence solitaire(句子接龙)S1: There is a bed in my room.S2:There is a bed and a desk in my room….2: Two students a group, S1describe the room,andS2 find the items. Then change the roles.Step Ⅴ:Sum-upReview the words , phrases and sentences all together.Let’s judge.Self-assessmentA complete structureFluent expressionsNo mistakesT:How many stars can you get?作业Listen to the radio and read after it. (P49)2.Describe your room using the word sand sentence patterns you have learned today.板书设计教学反思本课时通过用简笔画、实物等方式呈现出新单词,再以“说说我的房间”“掷硬币”“句子接龙”“Talk and draw”等游戏和“听录音跟读”等方式进行了充分的训练,达到了令人满意的效果。学生根据教室或自己房间的布局用there be句型描述得很好。第2课时课时内容A Let’s try &Let’s talk上课时间审核人教材分析What:本节课是一节对话课,教材主要围绕萨拉和张鹏讨论张鹏的房间进行展开,得知张鹏房间的家居物品及位置。Why:语篇展现了家居物品,及摆放位置,感知生活中的点滴。How:本课时通过“There is…in/on…”描述房间的家居物品及位置。教学目标一、语言能力:1.能听、说、朗读“There is a desk in the picture”等表示物品方位的句型。2.能在情境中正确运用核心句型There is…in/on…”描述房间的家居物品及位置。二、学习能力:1.能理解语篇内容,按照正确的语音语调朗读并复述课文;2.能正确运用所学核心功能句并根据实际情况进行流利问答。三、思维品质:能正确描述房间内的家居物品及它们的位置,感知生活的点滴。教学重难点一、教学重点:1.能够表演A Let’s talk 部分的交际内容。2.能够根据实际情况用英语对物品的方位进行简单地描述。二、教学难点:根据生活中的场景灵活运用表示物品方位的表达。教具准备PPT, word cards,task sheet,a picture,paper教 学 过 程个性修改Step Ⅰ:Warm-upFree talkT:Hello,boys and girls. Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to see you, too.T:Can you play the pipa?S1:…T:Can you sing English songs?S2:…T:What can you do?S3:…Guessing gameT shows the pictures.T: These are my rooms. Can you name them? S1: The first one is your living room. S2: The second one is your bedroom. S3: The third one is your study.T:Excellent! Now you can ask me: What’s in your living room? Who wants to have a try? S4:…Step Ⅱ:PresentationLet's trySs listen to the radio, and talk about“What is in the room?”2. Listen to the radio again and tick.Let's talk1. Ss read the talk and discuss“ What is in Zhang Peng's room? What is on Zhang Peng's desk?”2. T plays the radio,and Ss read after it.3. Activity: T plays the video, Ss dub the text.4. My roomActivity: Four students a group, and describe“My room”using the sentence“there is/are…”Eg:I have a new room. There is a desk in my room. There is a clock in my room. There are many books in my room.Step Ⅲ: Practice1.Activity1: Ss say the items and their locations. T draws them.2.Activity2::Make sentences using“There is/are… in my room.”Find the more group.Step Ⅳ: Extension1. Listen and drawEg: This is Sam's room. There is a big bed near the door. A desk is near the bed. There is a computer on the desk. There are two books on the bed. Where is his ball?Oh, it's under the desk. There are two pairs of shoes under the bed.2. The room in my mindActivity: Ss draw and say using the sentences“There is/are…”Step Ⅵ: Sum-upReview the sentences, and retell the dialogue all together.Self-assessmentA complete structureFluent expressionsNo mistakesT:How many stars can you get?作业1.Listen to the radio and read after it.(P48)2. Make a dialogue with your partner and introduce your room.板书设计教学反思这节课主要学习的是there be 句型,“看谁说得多”“谈谈我的图画”等活动,激发了学生的学习兴趣,学生参与的积极性很高。这些活动给学生提供了一个有趣、轻松、活泼、竞争的氛围,让学生在具体情境中体会句子的意义和用法,收到了较为理想的效果。第3课时课时内容B Let’s learn &Find and say上课时间审核人教材分析What:本课是一节词汇课,教材主要围绕物体的位置进行展开。Why:语篇展现了物体的位置,感悟生活中的点滴。How:本节课通过介词及介词短语“in front of,beside ,between,behind,above”来描述物体的位置。教学目标一、语言能力:1.能听、说、读、写涉及方位的单词和词组beside、between、above、behind、in front of。2.能够熟练使用本课的核心句式和一些表示方位的介词。二、学习能力:能够结合实际情景,谈论物品的方位。思维品质:能够认真观察说出物体的位置。教学重难点一、教学重点:能听、说、读、写涉及方位的单词和词组beside、between、above、behind、in front of。二、教学难点:能够在真实场景中熟练运用所学语言进行自由交流。教具准备PPT, word cards,task sheet,headdress教 学 过 程个性修改Step Ⅰ: Warm-upActivity1:Sing a songT:Hello,boys and girls. Would you like to sing a song with me?A photo of meBeside the big plant, what can you see? Above the big clock, there s a photo of me.Beside the big plant, what can you see? Between the two windows, there's a photo of me.Activity2:Free talk1.T points to the items : Where is your book? S1: It's on the desk.T: Where is your ruler? S2: It's in the pencil box....2.T shows the pictures: “Where is/are….?”Ss…Step Ⅱ: PresentationLet's learn1. Teach “in front of,beside,between,behind,above”。Ss look at the pictures,and know their locations.T shows the words :in front of,beside,between,behind,above。T:Where is the ball?Ss: It's in front of the dog.2. I say, you doActivity: Eg: T: Stand behind the chair.Ss stand behind the chair.操练介词或介词短语:in front of,beside,between,behind,above。T plays the radio. Ss read after it. Find and sayActivity: Four students a group, say the sentence using“there be”Eg: There is a tree in front of the house.Find the better students.Step Ⅲ: Practice1. Pass the sentences with low voiceAtivity: T passes the sentence“There is a… beside/between/behind/above/in front of…”to S1 .S1 tells S2 with low voice.S2 tells S3 with low voice,and so on.The last student retells the sentence,and find the best one.2.Back to backActivity :Two students a group, back to back。(学生A用自己的卡片摆放出不同的位置,并告诉学生B,学生B 根据学生A的描述摆放好自己的卡片,然后交换角色继续游戏。)Step Ⅳ: Extension1. What a nice world!Activity: Three students choose the cards, and make a sentence in order.Eg: The bike is above the bed.Find the strangest one.2.My mistakeActivity: T shows a picture of room, and make some mistakes.Eg: There is a chair behind the door.Ss: Yes./No.(Find the reason.)Step Ⅳ:Sum-upReview the words and sentences .Self-assessmentA complete structureFluent expressionsNo mistakesHow many stars can you get?作业1.Listen and read the book.(P52)2.Draw three pictures, and describe the locations using the sentence we have learnt today.板书设计.教学反思本节课主要学习一些方位介词或介词短语的使用,因而创设情境较容易。为了使学生在语言环境中尽快熟练地运用英语,教师设计了丰富有趣的游戏与活动,例如游戏“世界真奇妙”,学生感觉十分新奇,激发了学习热情,学生参与的积极性也很高。学生能根据教师的演示使用正确的介词,并能用适当的介词短语描述两物体之间的关系。第4课时课时内容B Let’s try &Let's talk上课时间审核人教材分析What:本节课是一节对话课,教材主要围绕Mike和Zhang Peng讨论Zhang Peng’s living room进行展开,得知张鹏家客厅装饰来源及位置。Why:语篇展现了张鹏家客厅装饰来源及位置,引导学生养成爱整洁的好习惯。How:该对话情节简单,易于理解,张鹏以“There are…in/on/…”的句型结构描述了客厅的装饰及来源。教学目标一、语言能力:1.能够听懂、会说、认读单词和短语grandparent、their、house、flower、lots of等。2.能在情境中正确运用核心句型There are…in/on…”表达某处有某物。二、学习能力:1.能理解语篇内容,按照正确的语音语调朗读并复述课文;2.能正确运用所学核心功能句并根据实际情况进行流利问答。三、思维品质:能认真观察描述客厅的装饰以及装饰来源。文化意识:能养成爱整洁的好习惯。教学重难点一、教学重点:1.能够表演B Let’s talk 部分的交际内容。2.能够在真实的情景中运用句型There are…in/on…”表达某处有某物。二、教学难点:1.能够正确运用some、many、lots of等表达事物的量。2.能够根据生活中的场景灵活运用句型表达某处有某物。教具准备PPT, word cards,pictures,a photo,some items,pen and paper教 学 过 程个性修改Step I Warming upActivity1:Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you. Ss: Good morning, teacher. Nice to see you, too. T:What's in the classroom? S1:There is a blackboard. S2: There is a teacher's desk.S3: There are some desks and chairs. T:Well done.Activity2:Sing a songT:Hello, boys and girls. Would you like to sing a song with me?A photo of meBeside the big plant, what can you see? Above the big clock, there's a photo of me. Beside the big plant, what can you see?Between the two windows, there's a photo of me.Step Ⅱ:PresentationLet's trySs listen to the radio, and talk about“What is in the living room?”Listen to the radio again and tick.Check it together.Let's talkT shows the picture: This is a living room. What is in the living room?Ss:…T:当你想描述一个地方有多种同类物品时,be 要用 are形式;如果你既想描述一个地方有多种不同类物品,be 的形式要根据“就近原则”来确定。2. Talk and drawActivity: Two students a group,S1 describes a ideal room or his/her room.S2 draws the items. Then change the roles.3. Let's talk(1)T plays the video. Ss listen and answer the questions:Q1: What's in the living room?Q2: Who can draw very well?Q3: What's in front of their house?T plays the video. Ss listen and read after it.4. Role play5. PPT shows“Let's talk”T: What else do you see in it? and explain“else”.Ss:…(通过talk中客厅的装饰,引导学生养成爱整洁的好习惯)Step Ⅲ: PracticeTwo students a group, make a dialogue.在课桌的上、中、下、旁边等方位放上一些复数的物品2. Hide and seekActivity: Four students a group,one student hides the item: Where are…?The other three students close their eyes,S1:Are they +in/on/beside…?If wrong,S2/S3/S4 guesses…If right,the other student hides the item…The most correct guesses is the winner.3. Draw and sayActivity: Ss draw their ideal rooms and then show their partners. The classmates describe it using“there be”.Step Ⅳ: Extension1. Listen the sentences and draw: There is a desk in the room. There is a plant on the desk. There is a TV on the desk. There are two…Then Ss show their pictures.2. Show your room with your cards, and then make a dialogue.Step Ⅴ: Sum-up1.Review the sentences, and retell the dialogue all together.2.Self-assessmentA complete structureFluent expressionsNo mistakesHow many stars can you get?作业1.Listen to the radio and read it to your friends.(P51)2.Describe your ideal room to your parents.板书设计教学反思本节课通过情境的创设给学生提供了一个有趣、轻松、活泼、竞争的氛围,让学生在具体情境中体会句子的意义和用法,收到了较为理想的效果。第5课时课时内容B Read and write &C Story time上课时间审核人教材分析What:本节课是一节读写课,通过Mr. Jones写给Robin的邮件了解了脏乱房间的摆放,形成反差。最后利用“易拉罐回家”的故事,学生独立阅读并且分享环保小故事。Why:在语境中,通过脏乱房间的摆放,形成反差,引导学生主动收拾房间,保持环境整洁。利用“送易拉罐回家”的故事,增强了学生的环保意识。How:通过邮件、故事阅读的形式,以问题带动语篇教学。教学目标语言能力:学生能够读懂电子邮件,完成阅读任务。学生能够在语境中理解新单词move、dirty、everywhere、mouse、live及nature的意义。3.学生能够理解故事情节并进行角色扮演。二、学习能力:1. 能够听懂,读懂并内化Read and write的内容,并能书写邮件。2.能够掌握良好的阅读策略,积极大胆地尝试写作,并能提高自主学习的能力。3.学生能够了解is、are与名词单复数的搭配。文化意识:1.能够养成整理房间保持物品整洁的习惯。2.能够学习垃圾分类、废物循环利用的知识,增强环保意识。思维品质:1.能够认真观察图片,推断信息,提高观察能力和推断能力。2.能够在完成各类型的作业的过程中锻炼自己的想象力和创造力。教学重难点一、教学重点:1.能够听懂,读懂并内化Read and write的内容,发展阅读技巧;能用正确的语音语调朗读文本,培养学生良好的语感。2.学生能够了解is、are与名词单复数的搭配。二、教学难点:1.能够书写邮件。2.学生能够了解is、are与名词单复数的搭配。教具准备PPT教 学 过 程个性修改Step1: Revision观看歌曲视频—A photo of me并跟唱。转盘游戏,根据句型模板和指针停住的位置进行问答。Lead in.教师利用图片呈现“What’s in the room?”“There is a...” “There are...”,复习本单元的重点句型。介绍新词dirty、everywhere、move、mouse。A. 教师对上一环节的图片进行总结:The room is clean. 随后出示脏乱的房间,引导学生说出:The room is dirty. 引出生词everywhere的学习:There is trash everywhere.T: Guess: A kind of animal likes living in it. What is it?B. 课件出示老鼠进入房间并发出声音,教读mouse,引入move into,并且运用move into说句子如:The mouse moves into the house.Step2:Read and write教师出示Mr. Jones的图片,并让学生预测内容:Who is he? Is he happy? Is his house clean or dirty?Fast reading: Read and answer.① Who writes the email?(Mr. Jones.)② Who is Mr. Jones? (He’s Binbin’s art teacher.)③ Is his house clean or dirty? (His house is dirty.)Careful readingRead, tick or cross.① Mr. Jones moved into a new house.② There are some pictures and photos in the room.③ He lives near the nature park.④ He saw a mouse in front of the computer.同时教学生词nature及词组nature park.Read and tick.学生仔细阅读,选择与课文内容相匹配的图片并画上勾。Read and imitate.Fill in the blanks.复述课文内容,并将邮件缺失的部分部分完整。Think and write.T: Mr. Jones’ room is dirty. How about your room? What’s in your room? Please write three sentences.(引导学生养成整理房间保持物品整洁的习惯)Post-reading.教师带领学生一起了解email格式及其组成部分,随后学生完成写一封email,然后用幻灯机展示学生的writing,其他学生进行评价。Step3: Let’s check出示该部分的图片,教师对图片内容进行提问,学生用句型“There is/ are...in the picture.”回答。教师播放该部分的录音,学生听关键词并在图片旁用“√”或“×”表示听到或没听到的内容,随后师生共同核对答案。再次播放录音,学生补全句子。随后师生共同核对答案。Step 4: Let’s wrap it up课件出示该部分的图片和内容,学生齐读表示方位的介词及词组。随后观察图中的连线,将给出的例句读出来。学生四人一组,根据图片给出的信息进行造句,哪个组在规定的时间内说出的句子最多即为获胜。学生用句型“There is/are...”写三个句子。Step 5: Story Time教师出示易拉罐的图片,让学生观察并回答:① Where is he? (He is beside the river. )② Is he happy? (No. He is sad.)Watch and answerT: The can wants to go home. But he lost his way. Who can help him? Let’s find out.Read the story.教师播放录音,学生跟读录音,教师同时帮助学生理解故事大意。T: Where is the can’s home?Ss: In the trash bin.(引导学生学习垃圾分类、废物循环利用的知识,增强环保意识)Retell the story.Act out the story.教师提醒学生扮演故事角色时,需要注意模仿语音、语调及表情。Step 6&7 : Language Points and Exercise将本课时重点知识,进行具体汇总讲解,配合适量的题目训练,请学生课上完成并回答。Step 8 : Summary 总结本课时重点音标、单词、句型和目标语法,要求学生一起回忆归纳。2.Self-assessmentA complete structureFluent expressionsNo mistakesHow many stars can you get?作业熟读并角色扮演“Main scene”及“Story time”部分的对话。2. 完成本单元的课后练习。3. 仿照“Read and write”中的电子邮件,给 Robin 回一封电子邮件。板书设计教学反思本节课主要是对本单元内容的综合复习和训练,培养学生听、说、读、写等多方面的能力。在阅读环节,我采取多种有效的方法,层层深入地引导学生阅读并理解文本,考查了学生对语篇结构的理解能力,注重渗透阅读策略。学中注重激发学生的学习兴趣,训练了学生的听力技巧,提升了学生自主学习的能力。整堂课体现学生的主体性,让学生主动参与并表达。第6课时课时内容A. Let’s spell上课时间审核人教材分析本节课是语音课,主要通过对辅音字母、元音字母,字母组合等语音教学,让学生循序渐进掌握字母组合ai 和ay 发音规则。教学目标1.能掌握字母组合ai、ay 在单词中的常见发音,即:/eɪ/;2.能读出符合ai、ay 发音规则的单词;3.能在四线格上完成抄写本课的 8 个重点单词,做到书写规范;4.能提高自主探究、归纳语音规则的能力;5.能够做到见到符合ai、ay 发音规则的单词能拼读。教学重难点教学重点1.了解字母发音规律,掌握发音方法;2.学生能读出符合ai、ay 发音规则的单词。规则的单词。教学难点1.准确读出书本上八个含有ai、ay 的单词。2.学生能读出符合ai、ay 发音规则的单词。教具准备PPT, word cards教 学 过 程个性修改StepⅠ. Warm-upGreet with the students.T: Hello, boys and girls! Today I want to introduce four friends to you. Look, they are coming! He is Rain, follow me /eɪ/ Rain. Please say hello to Rain. He is Gain. She is Fay. And she is May. Please say hello to them. They are good friends. What’s the same pronunciation of the 4 names?(通过跟图片中的四个小朋友打招呼,让学生初步感知/eɪ/ 的发音.并引出/eɪ/ 的发音。)StepⅡ. Presentation1.Lead in.T: They are having a birthday party. Look, there are so many gifts. They all hope to get more gifts. Can you help them?T: You are helpful. If you want to help them, you should fulfill some tasks. (Group1 you help Rain. Group2 help Gain. Group3 help Fay . Group 4 helpMay. )If you finish a task, you can get a gift.Let’s PK, ok? Ss: Ok!2.T: Now, let’s go to task 1: Let’s find. First, let’s listen to a chant.In this chant. There are some words with the sound of /ei/. Can you find out? Let’s listen and find. If you hear the sound of/eɪ/,say /eɪ/ loudly. OK?(播放自己编创录制的视频chant,通过听,读,唱让学生感受/eɪ/ 的发音,找到有含/eɪ/ 的发音的单词。并将单词卡呈现出来) T:Look at these words. What’s the same?帮助学生找出ay,ai 发的规律。T: They have the same of the pronunciation /eɪ/.卡片出示单词:say, way, birthday, Monday. 让学生去找出这几个单词的共同点。学生发现这几个单词都有 “ay”后,教ay 的读音。播放视频Let’s chant.(学生跟着拍手唱,通过chant 巩固ay 的读音) ay – /eɪ/, /eɪ//eɪ//eɪ/3.: Can you spell the words with “ay”? Let’s spell.(通过替换不同的辅音字母,来带学生拼读含有ay 的单词。)4.Use your letter cards to make some words with “ay”. Everybody choose a letter. Spell one by one.(小组操练自主探究、归纳语音规则的能力)5.Look at these words. They also have the sound of /eɪ/.What’s the same?(引导学生总结ai 也发/eɪ/的音。) T: Read follow me. ai-/eɪ/ ,/eɪ//eɪ//eɪ/ .Here is a chant for you . 6.Let’s spell.7.Play a game.Listen and make out the word. If your group finishes. Say bingo!(1)教师示范拼摆含有aid, ait, ain, ail 的单词,重点指导ain 和ail 的发音。(2)小组内拼摆单词。 (3)指名小组展示。StepⅢ.Practice.1.Can you read these words with “ai” and “ay” ? Let’s challenge. Discuss in your group.呈现课本中的 8 个含有“ai” 和 ”ay”的单词。2.Read these words together.3.Listen and circle.4.Look, listen and write.StepⅣ.Production(1)视频呈现绘本故事.In this story, also have some words with “ai” and “ay”. Let’s spell.(2)学生跟录音读.(3)Do role play in groups.(4)Act it out.StepⅤ.Summary1.T: What have we learned today? Ss:…2.小结小组评价结果。作业1.Read “Wait!Wait!Wait!” with emotion.2.Play letter games with your friends.板书设计教学反思小学英语语音教学的任务不是让小学生学习语音理论,而是让学生在实践中理解一些简单的语音知识,进而用于拼读、记忆单词。由于语音教学需要许多操练,往往很枯燥,稍不注意就有可能影响学生学习的积极性,导致学生对英语学习产生焦虑感。这就要求教师在语音教学中采用灵活多样的方法,才能很好地提高他们对英语的学习兴趣。
