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    这是一份江西省重点中学协作体2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题(Word版附解析),共33页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, Wh is Mr等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    考试用时 120分钟。
    第I卷(选择题,共95 分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Why des Linda refuse t g t the cncert?
    A. She isn't interested in it. B. She wants t rest at hme. C. She hasn't finished her hmewrk.
    2. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A. Their favrite languages.
    B. Methds f memrizing wrds.
    C. Difficulties in learning English.
    3. Hw was the weather during the wman's hliday?
    A. Sunny. B. Cludy. C. Rainy.
    4. What is the wman ding?
    A. Having an interview. B. Learning a language. C. Giving an English class.
    5. Where might the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a library. B. In a cinema. C. In a bkstre.
    第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5分)
    听第6段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
    6. When did Jean start her science hmewrk?
    A. The day befre yesterday. B. Yesterday. C. Tday.
    7. Wh is Mr. Wds prbably?
    A. Jean's father. B. Jean's teacher. C. Jean's dctr.
    听第7段材料,回答第 8、9题。
    8. What is Frank usually respnsible fr at hme?
    A. Ding the washing. B. Cleaning the huse. C. Preparing the fd.
    9. What des Frank think Karen shuld d?
    A. Relax mre. B. Study harder. C. D sme chres (家务活).
    听第8段材料,回答第10至 12题。
    10. Wh is the man prbably?
    A. A bus driver. B. A passenger. C. A passer-by.
    11. Hw much shuld the wman pay in ttal?
    A.45 cents. B.80 cents. C.90 cents.
    12. What shuld the wman d if she wants t get ff the bus?
    A. Shut at the man. B. Press the buttn. C. Shw the man her ticket.
    第9段材料,回答第13 至 16 题。
    13. Hw lng will the man stay in Ri?
    A. Fr a few weeks. B. Fr several days. C. Fr mre than a week.
    14. Where will the man meet his girlfriend?
    A. In Ri. B. In Santiag. C. In Lima.
    15. Hw lng will the man's summer hliday last?
    A. A mnth. B. Three weeks. C. Tw mnths.
    16. Hw will the man travel frm ne place t anther?
    A. By ship. B. By car. C. By plane.
    听第 10段材料,回答第17 至 20题。
    17. Why d peple all ver the wrld enjy sprts?
    A. Because sprts are exciting.
    B. Because sprts have a lng histry.
    C. Because sprts enable them t live lnger.
    18. When d peple get excited while watching the games?
    A. When their favrite team wins.
    B. When they win the game.
    C. When they get gd news.
    19. What sprt has a lng histry?
    A. Basketball. B. Jumping. C. Sailing.
    20. Which is ne f the newest in the family f sprts?
    A. Martial arts. B. Swimming. C. Water-skiing
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    The Best Bks Abut Scientists
    The best bks abut scientists are the nes that als give yu a peek int the everyday life f a genius at wrk. Yu can learn abut their mtivatins, their struggles, and their triumphs.
    Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale f Lve
    By LaurenRedniss
    Price: $22
    This Natinal Bk Award Finalist cmbines phts, images, and drawings t tell the stry f legendary scientist Marie Curie and her husband and cllabratr Pierre Curie. Reviewers praise this “sumptuusly illustrated” narrative as a must-read fr science enthusiasts f all ages. The bk als inspired a majr mvie.
    On the Mve: A Life
    By Oliver Sacks
    Price: $ 17 (Nw 32% Off)
    When Oliver Sacks was twelve-years-ld, his reprt card read: “Sacks will g far if he des nt g t far.” In this hnest and charming memir, the late neurlgist and science writer shares the struggles and triumphs that fueled him t help cuntless patients and change the way the wrld viewed the human mind.
    Einstein: His Life and Universe
    By Walter Isaacsn
    Price: $ 21(Nw 42% Off)
    Walter Isaacsn— wh has written bigraphies f Lenard da Vinci, Steve Jbs, Benjamin Franklin, and thers — cnsistently kncks it ut f the park when it cmes t telling the life stries f public figures. His bigraphy f Albert Einstein is n exceptin. This bk shws hw Einstein’s persnality enabled his brilliant research—and hw his findings helped shape the mdern age fr better.
    The Wman Whse Discveries Changed the Wrld
    By Shelley Emling
    Price: $19
    The famus researcher Stephen J. Guld nce called Mary Anning “prbably the mst imprtant unsung her in the histry f palentlgy (古生物学)”. Brn in 1799 Anning spent her childhd hunting fr fssils as a surce f incme fr her family. Her palentlgical finds wuld eventually catch the attentin f museums and academics—and help inspire and supprt Charles Darwin's wrk n evlutin.
    1. What is special abut Marie &Pierre Curie: A Tale f Lve?
    A. It is a science-fictin.B. It is a film based n lve.
    C. It's an illustrated bk.D. It is the mst ppular bk nw.
    2. Wh wrte the stries abut himself?
    A. Oliver SacksB. Lauren RednissC. Walter IsaacsnD. Shelley Emling
    3. Which bk is the cheapest t buy nw?
    A. On the Mve: A LifeB. Einstein: His Life and Universe
    C. Mari e & Pierre Curie: A Tale f LveD. The Wman Whse Discveries Changed the Wrld
    Under a nearly full mn in the darkness f the night sky ver Kansas, a grup f student star watchers sat in a circle taking turns n the telescpe. They seem very happy, very cheerful, and excited t experience new things.
    It was a bnding experience that was ut f this wrld, especially cnsidering that nly a day befre they were as freign t each ther as the mn landscape itself.
    This past summer mre than 300 high schl graduates signed up fr the unique student exchange prgram. Unlike the well-knwn freign exchange mdel that affrds students a chance t study abrad, this prgram gives students the pprtunity t sak in a brand-new culture withut ever leaving the cuntry.
    It’s called the American Exchange Prject, r AEP fr shrt, c-funded by 29-year-ld Franely McCullugh, grandsn f the late Pulitzer Prize-winning histrian David McCullugh. “We fund kids t spend a week in the summer after senir year in an American twn that is sci-ecnmically and culturally different frm the ne that they’re grwing up in.” McCullugh said.
    Fr the past three years McCullugh’s been giving high schl graduates that same experience, and s far at least, it’s having the impact he hped it wuld. A week may nt seem like a lt f time, but at the end f thse seven days, yu can see the kids have been bnded s much. One girl frm Suth Dakta said, “I’ve never been a part f a cmmunity where I’m nt the minrity. S, this is very much an experience that I really appreciate s much.”
    McCullugh hpes t ffer the prgram t a millin students by decade’s end, and all free f charge, thanks t big name dnrs, including the likes f Steven Spielberg. “I think this all ught t be as typical t the American high schl experience as the graduating party,” McCullugh said. “I think every kid in every twn shuld have an experience like this.”
    4. What d the wrds “ut f this wrld” mean in paragraph 2?
    A. Wnderful.B. Cnfusing.C. Challenging.D. Meaningless.
    5. What can we learn abut the AEP prject?
    A. It’s a summer camp fr senir students.B. It’s a free week-lng trip in a new twn.
    C. It’s in hnur f a late famus histrian.D. It’s a freign exchange prgram in America.
    6. Why des the authr mentin Suth Dakta in paragraph 5?
    A. T shw the impact f the prject.B. T explain the rigin f the prject.
    C. T predict the future f the prject.D. T invite mre kids t jin the prject.
    7. What is the best title f the text?
    A. Students explring the universe by the telescpe
    B A new American twn being pen t the students
    C. The big names dnating fund t the students’ grwth
    D. Students building bridges acrss the American divide
    Lake Titicaca is a freshwater lake in the Andes muntains n the brder f Blivia. It’s the largest lake in Suth America. Dtted alng the lake’s western crner, yu can find dzens f artificial islands. Several thatched (茅草的) huses and structures sit n each island, sme f which are nly 30 meters r s wide, althugh larger nes exist.
    The flating platfrms are built by piling layers upn layers f mixed ttra (芦苇) rts. The ttra plant is necessary t life n the lake. Its strng rt fibers are used t make huses, bats, rfs, mattresses, and mre, as well as used t make tea, traditinal medicine, and tasty dishes knwn as “lake banana”.
    S the stry ges, this unusual living arrangement emerged in the pre-Clumbian era when the ambitius Inca Empire began invading (入侵) int the mainland villages f Urs. The Urs villages mved t Lake Titicaca where they built these flating platfrms. If invading Inca came their way, the Urs culd push these artificial islands ut t the middle f the lake and flee their attack.
    The threat f the Inca Empire has lng passed, but the traditin remains strng. Even tday, it’s estimated that arund 1,300 peple live n sme 100 cnstructed islands n Lake Titicaca. Maintaining the lifestyle isn’t easy. While ttra is a tugh material, the thatched rganic material degrades due t the frces f nature ver time, meaning the islands and hmes are in a cnstant state f repair.
    Hwever, the traditinal way f life isn’t withut its mdern benefits. Many f the islands have slar panels that pwer lights, radis, and televisin satellites. The lake’s artificial islands have als becme a must-see spectacle fr turists, with sme lcals even renting ut their ttra-thatched hmes t travelers n Airbnb.
    8. What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The value f the ttra plant.B. The prcess t build the islands.
    C. The islands made f water plants.D. The traditin and histry f the Urs.
    9. Why did Urs build dzens f artificial islands in the lake?
    A. T live an independent life.B. T preserve their ld lifestyle.
    C. T build thatched huses n them.D. T prtect themselves frm invading Inca.
    10. What wuld visitrs like t see n the artificial islands?
    A. The Urs’ centuries-ld traditin.B. The ruins f ttra-thatched hmes.
    C. The mdern devices invented by Urs.D. The Inca Empire in the pre-Clumbian era.
    11 What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T persuade.B. T intrduce.C. T advertise.D. T educate.
    When my students ask me hw t imprve themselves, I always recmmend persnality imitatin (模仿). I believe imitatin is ne f the fastest frms f learning.
    Fr example, befre writing my first scientific paper, I made a small pile f published articles that were especially attractive and understandable. Then I reread them. And I made ntes n the side: Begins with a qute. Shrt sentence at end f paragraph. Big idea in the end. And then, withut delay, I sat dwn t imitate what I’d bserved.
    It may seem that cpying what ther peple d is cheating. Many f my students assume that I want them t figure everything ut n their wn. But it turns ut that a great deal f human learning is imitatin. We were all brn t cpy-paste (复制粘贴).
    A few years ag, I had a cnversatin with Tby Csgrve, the frmer chief executive f Cleveland Clinic. I asked him hw smene wh at the beginning f his career was tld he lacked talent later became the mst famus cardithracic surgen in the wrld. This was his respnse:
    “I wrked and wrked and wrked at first. And then I changed the way I did things ver time. I went and watched ther peple d things. In fact, I used t call them my ‘innvatin trips’. I wuld g all ver the wrld and take my ntebk and watch ther surgens and varius techniques, and I wuld pick things up frm them and put them in my practice. It was a cnstant quest and I was always lking fr ways t d smething better.”
    These stries are supprted by science. Sme experiments cn-firm that cpy-pasting the successful strategies f thers can help yu reach yur wn gals. Therefre, dn’t think that cpy-pasting what yu admire is by definitin cheating. Withut questin, it’s wrng t take smene else’s wrk and pass it ff as yur wn. But it’s right t find inspiratin in the way ther peple live their lives.
    12. Hw des the authr supprt his pinin?
    A. By making cmparisns. B. By analyzing causes and effects.
    C. By sharing his wn experience. D. By explaining ways t be helpful.
    13. What d sme students think is the best way f learning?
    A. Turning t teachers fr help.B. Cpying what ther peple d.
    C. Cnducting experiments with thers.D. Wrking ut prblems by themselves.
    14. Which wrd has the similar meaning as the underlined “quest” in paragraph 5?
    A. Explratin.B. Educatin.C. Experiment.D. Entertainment.
    15 What des the authr mainly stress in the text?
    A. Imitating is cheating.B. Imitatin is inspiratin.
    C. Imitatin is a brn ability.D. Imitatin is the best chice.
    第二节 (共5 小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
    Intrducing Myself: A Jurney f Self-Discvery and Grwth
    I am a unique individual, with my wn passins, talents, and experiences that make me wh I am. ____16____ And I cntinue t develp and learn mre abut myself every day.
    My Passins
    ____17____ Whether it’s creating fictinal wrlds and characters r sharing my wn persnal experiences and insights, writing prvides me with a way t express myself and cnnect with thers n a deeper level. I am als deeply passinate abut learning, especially when it cmes t tpics like psychlgy, philsphy, and spirituality.
    My Talents
    Beynd writing, I have several ther talents that bring me jy and fulfillment. I am a skilled musician and enjy playing the guitar and singing. ____18____ Additinally, I am a natural prblem slver and enjy tackling challenges in bth my persnal and prfessinal life.
    My Experiences
    My experiences have played a significant rle in shaping wh I am tday. I have traveled t many different cuntries and have been expsed t a wide range f cultures and perspectives. ____19____ Hwever, these experiences have taught me resilience and perseverance (坚韧).
    My Future
    While I am prud f wh I am tday, I am always wrking hard t becme the best versin f myself. In the future, I hpe t cntinue expanding my skill set, pursuing my passins, and helping thers thrugh my writing and ther effrts. ____20____
    A. One f my greatest devtins is writing.
    B. Dn’t be afraid t risk and try smething new.
    C. I have als faced many challenges and setbacks.
    D. Life is a jurney, and I am excited t see where it will take me next.
    E. My jurney t self-discvery and grwth has led me dwn many paths.
    F. I als have a hbby fr cking and lve experimenting with new recipes.
    G. Here are sme things t remember as yu begin the jurney f self-discvery.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    I wrked at a small stre that sld electric scters (滑板车). That was back in 2018 when they were still _____21_____ t mst peple. At ur stre, we had a cuple f mdels that ur custmers culd _____22_____ ride. An ld lady, wh seemed t be seventy, came int the stre. She had seen anther custmer riding a scter, and she was _____23_____ t ride ne herself.
    My bss gave the ld lady a(an) _____24_____ t hw everything wrks. The ld lady rde away at full speed. My bss’s jaw _____25_____ ! Was she ging t lse cntrl, crash, and get seriusly injured? _____26_____ , that didn’t happen. Thirty secnds later, the ld lady was back with the biggest _____27_____ n her face.
    The ld lady called ludly, “I’ll _____28_____ it!”
    We _____29_____ and assembled her new scter. She then had us take a _____30_____ f her standing prudly n her new scter because she was ging t _____31_____ that t her grandkids! We thanked her fr her _____32_____ and waved ur gdbyes befre she rde ff n her new scter.
    I _____33_____ these scters in my spare time, and I ften meet peple wh _____34_____ these things are fr yunger peple and that they’re t _____35_____ fr an electric scter. When they tell me that, I tell them the tale abut the ld lady wh bught a scter.
    21. A. imprtantB. expensiveC. newD. necessary
    22. A. shareB. testC. fferD. affrd
    23. A. afraidB. eagerC. anxiusD. prud
    24. A. intrductinB. interviewC. cmmentD. recmmendatin
    25. A. flewB. spreadC. disappearedD. drpped
    26 A. FinallyB. LuckilyC. ObviuslyD. Generally
    27. A. angerB. regretC. smileD. shck
    28. A. bringB. takeC. fetchD. carry
    29. A. unbxedB. changedC. updatedD. dwnladed
    30. A. breakB. chanceC. sightD. picture
    31. A. returnB. dnateC. explainD. send
    32. A. purchaseB. presentatinC. genersityD. kindness
    33. A. sellB. shwC. rideD. imprve
    34. A. realizeB. understandC. recgnizeD. think
    35. A. heavyB. smartC. ldD. strng
    第II卷(非选择题,共55 分)
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Wrld Tea Day is celebrated annually n May 21st _____36_____ (prmte) and raise awareness abut the imprtance f tea and _____37_____ (it) cultural, histrical and health significance arund the wrld.
    Accrding t archaelgical (考古的) and histrical recrds, China _____38_____ (cnsider) the birthplace f tea. The earliest dcumented use f tea dates back t the Zhu Dynasty, _____39_____ tea as a drink became ppular during the Han Dynasty. With trade alng the Silk Rad, tea spread frm China t varius parts f the wrld, _____40_____ (great) influencing glbal tea culture. China basts the mst diverse range f teas glbally, each f _____41_____ has its unique prductin methd and flavrs.
    West Lake Lngjing is ne f China’s famus green teas, prduced in Lngjing Village and its _____42_____(surrund) areas in the West Lake area f Hangzhu, Zhejiang prvince. It is renwned fr its unique appearance, arma and taste. With a lng histry _____43_____ (date) back t the Tang Dynasty, West Lake has been mentined in Lu Yu’s “Classic f Tea” fr tea prductin in Hangzhu’s Tianzhu and Lingyin Temple.
    The picking f Lngjing tea is meticulus, with _____44_____ highest quality Lngjing tea harvested arund the Qingming Festival. West Lake Lngjing tea is knwn fr its _____45_____ (benefit) such as refreshing the mind, quenching thirst, and reducing neutral fats and chlesterl in the bld.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文(满分15 分)
    46. 假定你是李华。暑假将至,你打算到加拿大游玩,请你给渥太华的笔友Peter写封邮件,向他咨询相关信息,内容包括:
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I cme frm a family that had never had a single recrd f autism (自闭症) until the day I was brn. When I was tw years ld, my parents nticed sme f my “ut f rdinary” behavirs. I seldm played with ther children. I ften gt angry easily and was difficult t deal with.
    Sn after my parents nticed these signs, they tk me t a child psychiatrist (精神科医生), wh eventually infrmed them that I have been diagnsed with a type f autism called PDD-NOS, a disrder that delays the grwth f a child’s brain, which included separating frm friends r family and slw prcessing f speech, thinking and learning skills. My parents were initially shcked at this disease but they were prepared t psitively changed my life.
    As I gt lder, I began t ntice hw the ther kids were able t answer questins in class a lt faster than I culd understand. Frm that year n, I had received special accmmdatins fr my cursewrk, such as sit-ting in frnt f the class t read the bard better, and taking lnger time n tests.
    Since furth grade, I jined my schl’s marching band, smething I never had any interest in, but my mm cnvinced me that it was a great way t nt nly make friends, but t help gain mre cnfidence in myself. I played the trumpet fr tw years, and after that, I played the hrn.
    At the same time during furth grade, I discvered my talent fr creative writing. I wrte my first Spider-Man stry. After that I ften helped my fellw classmates and peer grups write essays. As the years passed, I became mre cnfident. When I was fifteen years ld, I was elected as class president in a high schl, but I was still unaware abut my diagnsis.
    One day after schl I came hme and entered my parents’ huse.
    I was mved t tears when I read the dctr’s diagnsis.
    1~5 ACBAC 6~10 CBACA 11~15 CBBCB 16~20 CCABC
    英 语
    考试用时 120分钟。
    第I卷(选择题,共95 分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Why des Linda refuse t g t the cncert?
    A. She isn't interested in it. B. She wants t rest at hme. C. She hasn't finished her hmewrk.
    2. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A. Their favrite languages.
    B. Methds f memrizing wrds.
    C. Difficulties in learning English.
    3. Hw was the weather during the wman's hliday?
    A. Sunny. B. Cludy. C. Rainy.
    4. What is the wman ding?
    A. Having an interview. B. Learning a language. C. Giving an English class.
    5. Where might the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a library. B. In a cinema. C. In a bkstre.
    第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5分)
    听第6段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
    6. When did Jean start her science hmewrk?
    A. The day befre yesterday. B. Yesterday. C. Tday.
    7. Wh is Mr. Wds prbably?
    A. Jean's father. B. Jean's teacher. C. Jean's dctr.
    听第7段材料,回答第 8、9题。
    8. What is Frank usually respnsible fr at hme?
    A. Ding the washing. B. Cleaning the huse. C. Preparing the fd.
    9. What des Frank think Karen shuld d?
    A. Relax mre. B. Study harder. C. D sme chres (家务活).
    听第8段材料,回答第10至 12题。
    10. Wh is the man prbably?
    A. A bus driver. B. A passenger. C. A passer-by.
    11. Hw much shuld the wman pay in ttal?
    A.45 cents. B.80 cents. C.90 cents.
    12. What shuld the wman d if she wants t get ff the bus?
    A. Shut at the man. B. Press the buttn. C. Shw the man her ticket.
    第9段材料,回答第13 至 16 题。
    13. Hw lng will the man stay in Ri?
    A. Fr a few weeks. B. Fr several days. C. Fr mre than a week.
    14. Where will the man meet his girlfriend?
    A. In Ri. B. In Santiag. C. In Lima.
    15. Hw lng will the man's summer hliday last?
    A. A mnth. B. Three weeks. C. Tw mnths.
    16. Hw will the man travel frm ne place t anther?
    A. By ship. B. By car. C. By plane.
    听第 10段材料,回答第17 至 20题。
    17. Why d peple all ver the wrld enjy sprts?
    A. Because sprts are exciting.
    B. Because sprts have a lng histry.
    C. Because sprts enable them t live lnger.
    18. When d peple get excited while watching the games?
    A. When their favrite team wins.
    B. When they win the game.
    C. When they get gd news.
    19. What sprt has a lng histry?
    A. Basketball. B. Jumping. C. Sailing.
    20. Which is ne f the newest in the family f sprts?
    A Martial arts. B. Swimming. C. Water-skiing
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    The Best Bks Abut Scientists
    The best bks abut scientists are the nes that als give yu a peek int the everyday life f a genius at wrk. Yu can learn abut their mtivatins, their struggles, and their triumphs.
    Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale f Lve
    By LaurenRedniss
    Price: $22
    This Natinal Bk Award Finalist cmbines phts, images, and drawings t tell the stry f legendary scientist Marie Curie and her husband and cllabratr Pierre Curie. Reviewers praise this “sumptuusly illustrated” narrative as a must-read fr science enthusiasts f all ages. The bk als inspired a majr mvie.
    On the Mve: A Life
    By Oliver Sacks
    Price: $ 17 (Nw 32% Off)
    When Oliver Sacks was twelve-years-ld, his reprt card read: “Sacks will g far if he des nt g t far.” In this hnest and charming memir, the late neurlgist and science writer shares the struggles and triumphs that fueled him t help cuntless patients and change the way the wrld viewed the human mind.
    Einstein: His Life and Universe
    By Walter Isaacsn
    Price: $ 21(Nw 42% Off)
    Walter Isaacsn— wh has written bigraphies f Lenard da Vinci, Steve Jbs, Benjamin Franklin, and thers — cnsistently kncks it ut f the park when it cmes t telling the life stries f public figures. His bigraphy f Albert Einstein is n exceptin. This bk shws hw Einstein’s persnality enabled his brilliant research—and hw his findings helped shape the mdern age fr better.
    The Wman Whse Discveries Changed the Wrld
    By Shelley Emling
    Price: $19
    The famus researcher Stephen J. Guld nce called Mary Anning “prbably the mst imprtant unsung her in the histry f palentlgy (古生物学)”. Brn in 1799, Anning spent her childhd hunting fr fssils as a surce f incme fr her family. Her palentlgical finds wuld eventually catch the attentin f museums and academics—and help inspire and supprt Charles Darwin's wrk n evlutin.
    1. What is special abut Marie &Pierre Curie: A Tale f Lve?
    A. It is a science-fictin.B. It is a film based n lve.
    C. It's an illustrated bk.D. It is the mst ppular bk nw.
    2. Wh wrte the stries abut himself?
    A. Oliver SacksB. Lauren RednissC. Walter IsaacsnD. Shelley Emling
    3. Which bk is the cheapest t buy nw?
    A. On the Mve: A LifeB. Einstein: His Life and Universe
    C. Mari e & Pierre Curie: A Tale f LveD. The Wman Whse Discveries Changed the Wrld
    【答案】1. C 2. A 3. A
    细节理解题。根据Mari e & Pierre Curie: A Tale f Lve下文“Reviewers praise this “sumptuusly illustrated” narrative as a must-read fr science enthusiasts f all ages. The bk als inspired a majr mvie. (评论家称赞这本“插图华丽”的故事是所有年龄的科学爱好者的必读之作。这本书还被改编成了一部大电影。)”可知,评论家们称赞这篇“插图丰富”的叙述是所有年龄段科学爱好者的必读之作。由此可知,该书插图很多。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据On the Mve: A Life下文“In this hnest and charming memir, the late neurlgist and science writer shares the struggles and triumphs that fueled him t help cuntless patients and change the way the wrld viewed the human mind. (在这本诚实而迷人的回忆录中,这位已故的神经学家和科学作家分享了他的挣扎和胜利,这些挣扎和胜利促使他帮助了无数的病人,并改变了世界对人类思维的看法。)”可知,在这本诚实而迷人的回忆录中,这位已故神经学家和科学作家分享了他帮助无数患者、改变世界看待人类思维方式的斗争和胜利。由此可知,Oliver Sacks 讲述的自己的故事。故选 A。
    细节理解题。 根据所列书价Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale f Lve下的“Price: $22(价格:22美元)”,On the Mve: A Life下的“Price: $ 17 (Nw 32% Off)(价格:17美元(现在打3.2折))”,Einstein: His Life and Universe下的“Price: $ 21(Nw 42% Off)(价格:21美元(现在打4.2折))”以及The Wman Whse Discveries Changed the Wrld下的“Price: $19(价格:19美元)”可知,On the Mve: A Life折后价格为17×0.68=11.56美元。所以该书现在买价格最低。故选 A。
    Under a nearly full mn in the darkness f the night sky ver Kansas, a grup f student star watchers sat in a circle taking turns n the telescpe. They seem very happy, very cheerful, and excited t experience new things.
    It was a bnding experience that was ut f this wrld, especially cnsidering that nly a day befre they were as freign t each ther as the mn landscape itself.
    This past summer mre than 300 high schl graduates signed up fr the unique student exchange prgram. Unlike the well-knwn freign exchange mdel that affrds students a chance t study abrad, this prgram gives students the pprtunity t sak in a brand-new culture withut ever leaving the cuntry.
    It’s called the American Exchange Prject, r AEP fr shrt, c-funded by 29-year-ld Franely McCullugh, grandsn f the late Pulitzer Prize-winning histrian David McCullugh. “We fund kids t spend a week in the summer after senir year in an American twn that is sci-ecnmically and culturally different frm the ne that they’re grwing up in.” McCullugh said.
    Fr the past three years McCullugh’s been giving high schl graduates that same experience, and s far at least, it’s having the impact he hped it wuld. A week may nt seem like a lt f time, but at the end f thse seven days, yu can see the kids have been bnded s much. One girl frm Suth Dakta said, “I’ve never been a part f a cmmunity where I’m nt the minrity. S, this is very much an experience that I really appreciate s much.”
    McCullugh hpes t ffer the prgram t a millin students by decade’s end, and all free f charge, thanks t big name dnrs, including the likes f Steven Spielberg. “I think this all ught t be as typical t the American high schl experience as the graduating party,” McCullugh said. “I think every kid in every twn shuld have an experience like this.”
    4. What d the wrds “ut f this wrld” mean in paragraph 2?
    A. Wnderful.B. Cnfusing.C. Challenging.D. Meaningless.
    5. What can we learn abut the AEP prject?
    A. It’s a summer camp fr senir students.B. It’s a free week-lng trip in a new twn.
    C. It’s in hnur f a late famus histrian.D. It’s a freign exchange prgram in America.
    6. Why des the authr mentin Suth Dakta in paragraph 5?
    A. T shw the impact f the prject.B. T explain the rigin f the prject.
    C. T predict the future f the prject.D. T invite mre kids t jin the prject.
    7. What is the best title f the text?
    A. Students explring the universe by the telescpe
    B. A new American twn being pen t the students
    C. The big names dnating fund t the students’ grwth
    D. Students building bridges acrss the American divide
    【答案】4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D
    词句猜测题。根据第一段“Under a nearly full mn in the darkness f the night sky ver Kansas, a grup f student star watchers sat in a circle taking turns n the telescpe. They seem very happy, very cheerful, and excited t experience new things. (在堪萨斯州漆黑的夜空中,一轮接近满月的月光下,一群学生围成一圈轮流坐在望远镜前。他们看起来很开心,很高兴,对体验新事物很兴奋。)”和划线词后文“especially cnsidering that nly a day befre they were as freign t each ther as the mn landscape itself.(尤其是考虑到就在一天前,他们彼此还像月球风景一样陌生。)”可推断,这是一种不同寻常的亲密体验。所以划线部分ut f this wrld意思为“非常好的”,与wnderful意思一致。故选 A。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中““We fund kids t spend a week in the summer after senir year in an American twn that is sci-ecnmically and culturally different frm the ne that they’re grwing up in.” McCullugh said.(‘我们资助孩子们在高中毕业后的夏天在一个社会经济和文化上与他们成长的城市不同的美国城镇度过一周。’麦卡洛说。)”可知,AEP 是在一个新的城镇进行为期一周的免费之旅。故选 B。
    推理判断题。根据第五段“Fr the past three years McCullugh’s been giving high schl graduates that same experience, and s far at least, it’s having the impact he hped it wuld. A week may nt seem like a lt f time, but at the end f thse seven days, yu can see the kids have been bnded s much. One girl frm Suth Dakta said, “I’ve never been a part f a cmmunity where I’m nt the minrity. S, this is very much an experience that I really appreciate s much.”(在过去的三年里,麦卡洛一直在为高中毕业生提供同样的体验,至少到目前为止,它已经产生了他希望的影响。一周的时间似乎并不长,但在这七天结束的时候,你可以看到孩子们的关系是如此紧密。一个来自南达科他州的女孩说:‘我从来没有在一个我不是少数群体的社区里生活过。所以,这是我非常感激的一次经历。)”可知,作者提及Suth Dakta是为了引用来自此地的一个女孩的话,来展示AEP这个项目所产生的影响。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第四段“It’s called the American Exchange Prject, r AEP fr shrt, c-funded by 29-year-ld Franely McCullugh, grandsn f the late Pulitzer Prize-winning histrian David McCullugh. “We fund kids t spend a week in the summer after senir year in an American twn that is sci-ecnmically and culturally different frm the ne that they’re grwing up in.” McCullugh said. (它被称为美国交流项目,简称AEP,由29岁的弗兰利·麦卡洛共同创立,他是已故普利策奖得主历史学家大卫·麦卡洛的孙子。“我们资助孩子们在高中毕业后的夏天在一个社会经济和文化上与他们成长的城市不同的美国城镇度过一周。”麦卡洛说。)”及全文可知,文章主要介绍美国交流项目 AEP,这个项目资助孩子们在高中结束后的夏天,在一个与他们成长的地方社会经济和文化不同的美国小镇度过一周。由此可知,“学生们架起跨越美国鸿沟的桥梁”能够概括文章主旨,适合作为文章标题。故选 D。
    Lake Titicaca is a freshwater lake in the Andes muntains n the brder f Blivia. It’s the largest lake in Suth America. Dtted alng the lake’s western crner, yu can find dzens f artificial islands. Several thatched (茅草的) huses and structures sit n each island, sme f which are nly 30 meters r s wide, althugh larger nes exist.
    The flating platfrms are built by piling layers upn layers f mixed ttra (芦苇) rts. The ttra plant is necessary t life n the lake. Its strng rt fibers are used t make huses, bats, rfs, mattresses, and mre, as well as used t make tea, traditinal medicine, and tasty dishes knwn as “lake banana”.
    S the stry ges, this unusual living arrangement emerged in the pre-Clumbian era when the ambitius Inca Empire began invading (入侵) int the mainland villages f Urs. The Urs villages mved t Lake Titicaca where they built these flating platfrms. If invading Inca came their way, the Urs culd push these artificial islands ut t the middle f the lake and flee their attack.
    The threat f the Inca Empire has lng passed, but the traditin remains strng. Even tday, it’s estimated that arund 1,300 peple live n sme 100 cnstructed islands n Lake Titicaca. Maintaining the lifestyle isn’t easy. While ttra is a tugh material, the thatched rganic material degrades due t the frces f nature ver time, meaning the islands and hmes are in a cnstant state f repair.
    Hwever, the traditinal way f life isn’t withut its mdern benefits. Many f the islands have slar panels that pwer lights, radis, and televisin satellites. The lake’s artificial islands have als becme a must-see spectacle fr turists, with sme lcals even renting ut their ttra-thatched hmes t travelers n Airbnb.
    8. What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The value f the ttra plant.B. The prcess t build the islands.
    C The islands made f water plants.D. The traditin and histry f the Urs.
    9. Why did Urs build dzens f artificial islands in the lake?
    A. T live an independent life.B. T preserve their ld lifestyle.
    C. T build thatched huses n them.D. T prtect themselves frm invading Inca.
    10. What wuld visitrs like t see n the artificial islands?
    A. The Urs’ centuries-ld traditin.B. The ruins f ttra-thatched hmes.
    C. The mdern devices invented by Urs.D. The Inca Empire in the pre-Clumbian era.
    11. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T persuade.B. T intrduce.C. T advertise.D. T educate.
    【答案】8. A 9. D 10. A 11. B
    主旨大意题。根据第二段“The flating platfrms are built by piling layers upn layers f mixed ttra (芦苇) rts. The ttr a plant is necessary t life n the lake. Its strng rt fibers are used t make huses, bats, rfs, mattresses, and mre, as well as used t make tea, traditinal medicine, and tasty dishes knwn as “lake banana”.(浮动平台是由层层叠加的芦苇混合而成。芦苇是湖上生活不可或缺的一部分。其坚固的根茎纤维用于制造房屋、船只、屋顶、床垫等,也用于泡茶、传统药物和被称为“湖香蕉”的烹饪菜肴。)”可知,该段主要讲述芦苇的价值所在。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段的“If invading Inca came their way, the Urs culd push these artificial islands ut t the middle f the lake and flee their attack.(如果印加人来袭,乌鲁斯人可以将这些人工岛推到湖中央,以逃避他们的攻击。)”可知,乌鲁斯人建这些人工岛屿是为了保护自己,逃避印加帝国的攻击。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“S the stry ges, this unusual living arrangement emerged in the pre-Clumbian era when the ambitius Inca Empire began invading (入侵) int the mainland villages f Urs. (据说,这种不寻常的生活方式出现在前哥伦布时代,当时野心勃勃的印加帝国开始入侵乌鲁斯大陆的村庄。)”以及最后一段中“Hwever, the traditinal way f life isn’t withut its mdern lake’s artificial islands have als becme a must-see spectacle fr turists, with sme lcals even renting ut their ttra-thatched hmes t travelers n Airbnb. (然而,传统的生活方式并非没有现代的好处……湖中的人工岛也成为游客必看的景观,一些当地人甚至在 Airbnb上将他们用芦苇做的茅草屋出租给游客。)”可知,这种传统生活方式已经具有几百年的历史,在湖中这些人工岛上,游客最感兴趣的可能是乌鲁斯人数百年之久的传统。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Lake Titicaca is a freshwater lake in the Andes muntains n the brder f Blivia. It’s the largest lake in Suth America. Dtted alng the lake’s western crner, yu can find dzens f artificial islands. Several thatched (茅草的) huses and structures sit n each island, sme f which are nly 30 meters r s wide, althugh larger nes exist.(的的喀喀湖是玻利维亚边境安第斯山脉的一个淡水湖。它是南美洲最大的湖泊。沿着西湖的西角,你可以看到几十座人工岛。每个岛上都有几座茅草屋和建筑,其中一些只有30米左右宽,尽管有更大的)”结合文章主要叙述几个世纪前土著乌鲁斯人在的的喀喀湖上建造了一些人工浮岛,其建造材料、原因及现今状况。由此推断,文章主要是对文化景点的介绍,所以这篇文章的目的是介绍。故选B。
    When my students ask me hw t imprve themselves, I always recmmend persnality imitatin (模仿). I believe imitatin is ne f the fastest frms f learning.
    Fr example, befre writing my first scientific paper, I made a small pile f published articles that were especially attractive and understandable. Then I reread them. And I made ntes n the side: Begins with a qute. Shrt sentence at end f paragraph. Big idea in the end. And then, withut delay, I sat dwn t imitate what I’d bserved.
    It may seem that cpying what ther peple d is cheating. Many f my students assume that I want them t figure everything ut n their wn. But it turns ut that a great deal f human learning is imitatin. We were all brn t cpy-paste (复制粘贴).
    A few years ag, I had a cnversatin with Tby Csgrve, the frmer chief executive f Cleveland Clinic. I asked him hw smene wh at the beginning f his career was tld he lacked talent later became the mst famus cardithracic surgen in the wrld. This was his respnse:
    “I wrked and wrked and wrked at first. And then I changed the way I did things ver time. I went and watched ther peple d things. In fact, I used t call them my ‘innvatin trips’. I wuld g all ver the wrld and take my ntebk and watch ther surgens and varius techniques, and I wuld pick things up frm them and put them in my practice. It was a cnstant quest and I was always lking fr ways t d smething better.”
    These stries are supprted by science. Sme experiments cn-firm that cpy-pasting the successful strategies f thers can help yu reach yur wn gals. Therefre, dn’t think that cpy-pasting what yu admire is by definitin cheating. Withut questin, it’s wrng t take smene else’s wrk and pass it ff as yur wn. But it’s right t find inspiratin in the way ther peple live their lives.
    12. Hw des the authr supprt his pinin?
    A. By making cmparisns. B. By analyzing causes and effects.
    C. By sharing his wn experience. D. By explaining ways t be helpful.
    13. What d sme students think is the best way f learning?
    A. Turning t teachers fr help.B. Cpying what ther peple d.
    C. Cnducting experiments with thers.D. Wrking ut prblems by themselves.
    14. Which wrd has the similar meaning as the underlined “quest” in paragraph 5?
    A. Explratin.B. Educatin.C. Experiment.D. Entertainment.
    15. What des the authr mainly stress in the text?
    A. Imitating is cheating.B. Imitatin is inspiratin.
    C. Imitatin is a brn ability.D. Imitatin is the best chice.
    【答案】12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B
    细节理解题。根据文章首段“I believe imitatin is ne f the fastest frms f learning.(我相信模仿是最快的学习方式之一)”作者提出自己的观点:模仿是最快的学习方式之一,再根据第二段“Fr example, befre writing my first scientific paper, I made a small pile f published articles that were especially attractive and understandable. Then I reread them. And I made ntes n the side: Be-gins with a qute. Shrt sentence at end f paragraph. Big idea in the end. And then, withut delay, I sat dwn t imitate what I’d bserved.(例如,在写我的第一篇科学论文之前,我做了一小堆特别有吸引力和可理解的已发表文章。然后我又重读了一遍。我在边上做了注释:以引言开头。段落末尾有短句。好主意。然后,我毫不迟延地坐下来模仿我所观察到的)”作者举例详述了自己的做法。由此可知,作者是通过分享自己的经历来支持自己的观点。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“It may seem that cpying what ther peple d is cheating. Many f my students assume that I want them t figure everything ut n their wn.(模仿别人的做法似乎是作弊。我的许多学生都认为我希望他们自己解决所有问题)”可知,模仿别人的做法似乎是作弊。许多学生认为作者希望他们自己解决所有问题。由此推断,学生们认为独立解决问题是最好的学习方法。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据上文“I wrked and wrked and wrked at first. And then I changed the way I did things ver time. I went and watched ther peple d things. In fact, I used t call them my ‘innvatin trips’. I wuld g all ver the wrld and take my ntebk and watch ther surgens and varius techniques, and I wuld pick things up frm them and put them in my practice.(一开始我不停地工作。随着时间的推移,我改变了做事的方式。我去看别人做事。事实上,我曾经把它们称为我的“创新之旅”。我会带着我的笔记本去世界各地看其他的外科医生和各种各样的技术,我会从他们那里学到一些东西,并把它们应用到我的实践中)”可知,作者不断地努力,然后随着时间的推移,改变了做事的方式。作者去看其他人做事,把它们称为“创新之旅”。他会走遍世界各地,带着笔记本,观察其他外科医生和各种技术,从他们那里吸取经验,并将它们融入到自己的实践中。由此推断,这是一个持续不断的追求探索,所以quest应是“探索”之意,和A项意思相近。故选A。
    推理判断题。文章首段作者提出自己的观点:模仿是最快的学习方式之一。下文通过自己的经历阐述佐证自己的观点。最后一段“These stries are supprted by science. Sme experiments cn-firm that cpy-pasting the successful strategies f thers can help yu reach yur wn gals. Therefre, dn’t think that cpy-pasting what yu admire is by definitin cheating. Withut questin, it’s wrng t take smene else’s wrk and pass it ff as yur wn. But it’s right t find inspiratin in the way ther peple live their lives.(这些故事都有科学依据。一些实验证实,复制粘贴别人的成功策略可以帮助你实现自己的目标。因此,不要认为复制粘贴你欣赏的东西是定义上的欺骗。毫无疑问,把别人的工作当成自己的是不对的。但从别人的生活方式中寻找灵感是正确的)”由此推断,本文作者主要想强调模仿不是作弊,是获取灵感的好办法。故选B。
    第二节 (共5 小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
    Intrducing Myself: A Jurney f Self-Discvery and Grwth
    I am a unique individual, with my wn passins, talents, and experiences that make me wh I am. ____16____ And I cntinue t develp and learn mre abut myself every day.
    My Passins
    ____17____ Whether it’s creating fictinal wrlds and characters r sharing my wn persnal experiences and insights, writing prvides me with a way t express myself and cnnect with thers n a deeper level. I am als deeply passinate abut learning, especially when it cmes t tpics like psychlgy, philsphy, and spirituality.
    My Talents
    Beynd writing, I have several ther talents that bring me jy and fulfillment. I am a skilled musician and enjy playing the guitar and singing. ____18____ Additinally, I am a natural prblem slver and enjy tackling challenges in bth my persnal and prfessinal life.
    My Experiences
    My experiences have played a significant rle in shaping wh I am tday. I have traveled t many different cuntries and have been expsed t a wide range f cultures and perspectives. ____19____ Hwever, these experiences have taught me resilience and perseverance (坚韧).
    My Future
    While I am prud f wh I am tday, I am always wrking hard t becme the best versin f myself. In the future, I hpe t cntinue expanding my skill set, pursuing my passins, and helping thers thrugh my writing and ther effrts. ____20____
    A. One f my greatest devtins is writing.
    B. Dn’t be afraid t risk and try smething new.
    C. I have als faced many challenges and setbacks.
    D. Life is a jurney, and I am excited t see where it will take me next.
    E. My jurney t self-discvery and grwth has led me dwn many paths.
    F. I als have a hbby fr cking and lve experimenting with new recipes.
    G. Here are sme things t remember as yu begin the jurney f self-discvery.
    【答案】16. E 17. A 18. F 19. C 20. D
    根据上文“I am a unique individual, with my wn passins, talents, and experiences that make me wh I am. (我是一个独特的个体,我有自己的激情、才能和经历,这些造就了我。)”可知,作者是一个独特的人,有自己的激情、才能和经验,下文“And I cntinue t develp and learn mre abut myself every day. (我每天都在不断发展,不断了解自己。)”叙述作者每天仍在不断地发展和了解自己,故本句总结作者自己成长的道路。E选项“我的自我发现和成长之旅让我走了许多路。”符合语境。故选E。
    根据小标题“My Passins (我的激情)”可知,该段讲述作者的激情。根据后文“Whether it’s creating fictinal wrlds and characters r sharing my wn persnal experiences and insights, writing prvides me with a way t express myself and cnnect with thers n a deeper level. I am als deeply passinate abut learning, especially when it cmes t tpics like psychlgy, philsphy, and spirituality. (无论是创造虚构的世界和人物,还是分享我自己的个人经历和见解,写作都为我提供了一种表达自己的方式,并在更深层次上与他人联系。我对学习也充满热情,尤其是在心理学、哲学和灵性方面。)”可知,该空顺承下文,无论是创造虚构的世界和人物,还是分享自己的个人经历和见解,写作都为作者提供了一种表达自己和与他人更深层次联系的方式。故A选项“我最大的爱好之一就是写作。”符合语境。故选A。
    根据小标题“My Talents (我的才能)”以及上文“Beynd writing, I have several ther talents that bring me jy and fulfillment. I am a skilled musician and enjy playing the guitar and singing. (除了写作,我还有其他一些能给我带来快乐和满足的天赋。我是一个熟练的音乐家,喜欢弹吉他和唱歌。)”可知,该段主要介绍作者的才艺。故F选项“我也有烹饪的爱好,喜欢尝试新的食谱。”符合语境。故选F。
    根据上文“My experiences have played a significant rle in shaping wh I am tday. I have traveled t many different cuntries and have been expsed t a wide range f cultures and perspectives.(我的经历在塑造今天的我方面发挥了重要作用。我去过许多不同的国家,接触过各种各样的文化和观点)”可知,该段讲述作者认为自己的经历成就了自己。上文提到作者去过许多地方,体验过多种文化和视点,故本句对上文进行补充说明。故C选项“我也面临许多挑战和挫折”符合语境。故选C。
    根据小标题“My Future (我的未来)”以及上文“While I am prud f wh I am tday, I am always wrking hard t becme the best versin f myself. In the future, I hpe t cntinue expanding my skill set, pursuing my passins, and helping thers thrugh my writing and ther effrts. (虽然我为今天的自己感到骄傲,但我一直在努力成为最好的自己。在未来,我希望继续扩大我的技能,追求我的激情,并通过我的写作和其他努力帮助别人。)”可知,该段主要讲述作者未来的希望,推测本句承接上文,叙述作者对未来的期望。D选项“生活是一段旅程,我很高兴看到它接下来会把我带到何方。”符合语境。故选D。
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    I wrked at a small stre that sld electric scters (滑板车). That was back in 2018 when they were still _____21_____ t mst peple. At ur stre, we had a cuple f mdels that ur custmers culd _____22_____ ride. An ld lady, wh seemed t be seventy, came int the stre. She had seen anther custmer riding a scter, and she was _____23_____ t ride ne herself.
    My bss gave the ld lady a(an) _____24_____ t hw everything wrks. The ld lady rde away at full speed. My bss’s jaw _____25_____ ! Was she ging t lse cntrl, crash, and get seriusly injured? _____26_____ , that didn’t happen. Thirty secnds later, the ld lady was back with the biggest _____27_____ n her face.
    The ld lady called ludly, “I’ll _____28_____ it!”
    We _____29_____ and assembled her new scter. She then had us take a _____30_____ f her standing prudly n her new scter because she was ging t _____31_____ that t her grandkids! We thanked her fr her _____32_____ and waved ur gdbyes befre she rde ff n her new scter.
    I _____33_____ these scters in my spare time, and I ften meet peple wh _____34_____ these things are fr yunger peple and that they’re t _____35_____ fr an electric scter. When they tell me that, I tell them the tale abut the ld lady wh bught a scter.
    21. A. imprtantB. expensiveC. newD. necessary
    22. A. shareB. testC. fferD. affrd
    23. A. afraidB. eagerC. anxiusD. prud
    24. A. intrductinB. interviewC. cmmentD. recmmendatin
    25. A. flewB. spreadC. disappearedD. drpped
    26. A. FinallyB. LuckilyC. ObviuslyD. Generally
    27. A. angerB. regretC. smileD. shck
    28. A. bringB. takeC. fetchD. carry
    29. A. unbxedB. changedC. updatedD. dwnladed
    30. A. breakB. chanceC. sightD. picture
    31. A. returnB. dnateC. explainD. send
    32. A. purchaseB. presentatinC. genersityD. kindness
    33. A. sellB. shwC. rideD. imprve
    34. A. realizeB. understandC. recgnizeD. think
    35. A. heavyB. smartC. ldD. strng
    【答案】21. C 22. B 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. D 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. C
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那是在2018年,当时它们对大多数人来说还很新鲜。A. imprtant重要的;B. expensive昂贵的;C. new新的;D. necessary必要的。根据前文“I wrked at a small stre that sld electric scters (滑板车).”可知,在2018年时,电动滑板车对大多数人来说还很新鲜。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我们的商店里,我们有几款车型供顾客试驾。A. share分享;B. test测试;C. ffer提供;D. affrd负担得起。根据后文“An ld lady, wh seemed t be seventy, came int the stre. She had seen anther custmer riding a scter”可知,一位老太太走进店里看到另一位顾客骑着摩托车,所以应是有几款车型供顾客试驾。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她看到另一位顾客骑着滑板车,她也很想自己骑一辆。A. afraid害怕的;B. eager渴望的;C. anxius焦虑的;D. prud骄傲的。根据后文“The ld lady rde away at full speed.”可知,老太太想自己骑一辆。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的老板向那位老太太介绍了工作原理。A. intrductin介绍;B. interview面试;C. cmment评论;D. recmmendatin推荐。根据后文“hw everything wrks”可知,应是作者的老板向那位老太太介绍了工作原理。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:老板惊得目瞪口呆!A. flew飞;B. spread传播;C. disappeared消失;D. drpped掉落。根据前文“The ld lady rde away at full speed.”可知,一位看上去有70岁的老太太全速驾驶电动滑板,应是让人大吃一惊的,所以此处用习语:ne’s jaw drpped意为“大吃一惊”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,这并没有发生。A. Finally最后;B. Luckily幸运地;C. Obviusly明显地;D. Generally一般地。根据前文“Was she ging t lse cntrl, crash, and get seriusly injured?”以及后文“that didn’t happen.”可知,老太太没有失去控制,所以是幸运地。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:30秒后,老太太回来了,脸上挂着灿烂的笑容。A. anger愤怒;B. regret后悔;C. smile微笑;D. shck震惊。根据后文“The ld lady called ludly, “I’ll 8 it!””可知,老太太要买这个电动滑板,所以是很喜欢它,此处应是挂着灿烂的笑容回来了。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:老太太大声喊道:“我买了!”A. bring带来;B. take买下;C. fetch去拿来;D. carry搬运。根据后文“I tell them the tale abut the ld lady wh bught a scter.”可知,老太太买了新滑板车。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们打开箱子,组装她的新滑板车。A. unbxed开箱;B. changed改变;C. updated更新;D. dwnladed下载。根据后文“assembled her new scter”结合常识可知,要组装她的新滑板车,需先开箱。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后她让我们拍了一张她骄傲地站在新摩托车上的照片,因为她要把这张照片送给她的孙子们!A. break中断;B. chance机会;C. sight景象;D. picture照片。根据后文“her standing prudly n her new scter”以及空前的take可知,此处应是“拍了一张她骄傲地站在新摩托车上的照片”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后她让我们拍了一张她骄傲地站在新摩托车上的照片,因为她要把这张照片送给她的孙子们!A. return返回;B. dnate捐赠;C. explain解释;D. send发送。根据前文“She then had us take a 10 f her standing prudly n her new scter”可知,老太太让作者给她拍了照片,应是把这张照片送给她的孙子们。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们感谢她的购买,并在她骑上她的新滑板车之前挥手告别。A. purchase购买;B. presentatin展示;C. genersity慷慨;D. kindness善良。根据后文“I tell them the tale abut the ld lady wh bught a scter.”可知,此处应是感谢她的购买。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在业余时间骑这些滑板车,我经常遇到一些人,他们认为这些东西是年轻人的东西,他们太老了,不适合骑电动滑板车。A. sell卖;B. shw展示;C. ride骑;D. imprve提高。根据后文“I ften meet peple”可知,应是在业余时间骑这些滑板车,才会经常遇到一些人。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在业余时间骑这些滑板车,我经常遇到一些人,他们认为这些东西是年轻人的东西,他们太老了,不适合骑电动滑板车。A. realize意识到;B. understand理解;C. recgnize认出;D. think认为。根据后文“these things are fr yunger peple and that they’re t 15 fr an electric scter.”可知,这些东西是年轻人的东西,他们太老了,不适合骑电动滑板车,这是一种认知,所以应是他们认为。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我在业余时间骑这些滑板车,我经常遇到一些人,他们认为这些东西是年轻人东西,他们太老了,不适合骑电动滑板车。A. heavy重的;B. smart聪明的;C. ld老的;D. strng强壮的。根据前文“these things are fr yunger peple”可知,有些人认为这些东西是年轻人的东西,所以是认为自己太老了,不适合骑电动滑板车。故选C项。
    第II卷(非选择题,共55 分)
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Wrld Tea Day is celebrated annually n May 21st _____36_____ (prmte) and raise awareness abut the imprtance f tea and _____37_____ (it) cultural, histrical and health significance arund the wrld.
    Accrding t archaelgical (考古的) and histrical recrds, China _____38_____ (cnsider) the birthplace f tea. The earliest dcumented use f tea dates back t the Zhu Dynasty, _____39_____ tea as a drink became ppular during the Han Dynasty. With trade alng the Silk Rad, tea spread frm China t varius parts f the wrld, _____40_____ (great) influencing glbal tea culture. China basts the mst diverse range f teas glbally, each f _____41_____ has its unique prductin methd and flavrs.
    West Lake Lngjing is ne f China’s famus green teas prduced in Lngjing Village and its _____42_____(surrund) areas in the West Lake area f Hangzhu, Zhejiang prvince. It is renwned fr its unique appearance, arma and taste. With a lng histry _____43_____ (date) back t the Tang Dynasty, West Lake has been mentined in Lu Yu’s “Classic f Tea” fr tea prductin in Hangzhu’s Tianzhu and Lingyin Temple.
    The picking f Lngjing tea is meticulus, with _____44_____ highest quality Lngjing tea harvested arund the Qingming Festival. West Lake Lngjing tea is knwn fr its _____45_____ (benefit) such as refreshing the mind, quenching thirst, and reducing neutral fats and chlesterl in the bld.
    【答案】36. t prmte
    37. its 38. is cnsidered
    39. while##but
    40. greatly
    41. which 42. surrunding
    43. dating 44. the
    45. benefits
    考查非谓语动词。句意:每年的5月 21日是世界茶日,旨在促进和提高全世界对茶的重要性及其文化、历史和健康意义的认识。本句已有谓语动词is,所以prmte用非谓语形式,根据句意此处为动词不定式作目的状语。故填t prmte。
    考查代词。句意:每年的5月21 日是世界茶日,旨在促进和提高全世界对茶的重要性及其文化、历史和健康意义的认识。空处修饰名词significance,应用形容词性物主代词作定语。故填 its。
    考查动词时态语态。句意:根据考古和历史记录,中国被认为是茶的发源地。China与cnsider之间为被动关系,应用被动语态,描述客观事实,用一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数。故填 is cnsidered。
    考查副词。句意:随着丝绸之路的贸易往来,茶从中国传播到世界各地,极大地影响了全球茶文化。此处应用副词修饰现在分词influencing。故填 greatly。
    考查定语从句。句意:中国拥有全球种类最多的茶,每种茶都有其独特的生产方法和风味。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是teas,从句中缺少宾语,用which引导。故填 which。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:西湖龙井的历史源远流长,可以追溯到唐朝,在陆羽的《茶经》中,西湖龙井就被提及,用于杭州天柱和灵隐寺的制茶。此处是with引导的复合结构,histry与 date之间为主动关系,应用现在分词。故填 dating。
    考查冠词。句意:龙井茶的采摘一丝不苟,在清明节前后收获的龙井茶品质最高。形容词最高级 highest前用the。故填 the。
    考查名词的数。句意:西湖龙井茶以其提神、止渴、降低血液中中性脂肪和胆固醇等功效而闻名。空前是形容词性物主代词,所以空处应填名词作宾语,根据空后such as所列项目可知,此处名词为复数意义。故填 benefits。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文(满分15 分)
    46. 假定你是李华。暑假将至,你打算到加拿大游玩,请你给渥太华的笔友Peter写封邮件,向他咨询相关信息,内容包括:
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Peter,
    Summer vacatin is appraching. I’m planning t visit Canada during the break and I hpe yu can recmmend sme must-see attractins that I shuld visit when I am in Canada.
    Meanwhile I wuld appreciate it if yu culd give me sme advice abut traveling in Canada such as transprtatin, dining, and pssible accmmdatins. I want t make the mst ut f my trip and I knw that lcals always have the best insights.
    Thank yu in advance fr yur help and I’m lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    安排:plan→ arrange
    参观:visit→ pay a visit t
    推荐:recmmend→ suggest
    建议:advice→ prpsal
    原句:I’m planning t visit Canada during the break and I hpe yu can recmmend sme must-see attractins that I shuld visit when I am in Canada.
    拓展句:It is Canada that I’m planning t visit during the break and I hpe yu can recmmend sme must-see attractins that I shuld visit when I am in Canada.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m planning t visit Canada during the break and I hpe yu can recmmend sme must-see attractins that I shuld visit when I am in Canada.(运用了省略引导词that的宾语从句、that引导的限制性定语从句、when引导的时间状语从句)
    【高分句型2】Meanwhile I wuld appreciate it if yu culd give me sme advice abut traveling in Canada such as transprtatin, dining, and pssible accmmdatins.(运用了动名词traveling作宾语)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I cme frm a family that had never had a single recrd f autism (自闭症) until the day I was brn. When I was tw years ld, my parents nticed sme f my “ut f rdinary” behavirs. I seldm played with ther children. I ften gt angry easily and was difficult t deal with.
    Sn after my parents nticed these signs, they tk me t a child psychiatrist (精神科医生), wh eventually infrmed them that I have been diagnsed with a type f autism called PDD-NOS, a disrder that delays the grwth f a child’s brain, which included separating frm friends r family and slw prcessing f speech, thinking and learning skills. My parents were initially shcked at this disease but they were prepared t psitively changed my life.
    As I gt lder, I began t ntice hw the ther kids were able t answer questins in class a lt faster than I culd understand. Frm that year n, I had received special accmmdatins fr my cursewrk, such as sit-ting in frnt f the class t read the bard better, and taking lnger time n tests.
    Since furth grade, I jined my schl’s marching band, smething I never had any interest in, but my mm cnvinced me that it was a great way t nt nly make friends, but t help gain mre cnfidence in myself. I played the trumpet fr tw years, and after that, I played the hrn.
    At the same time during furth grade, I discvered my talent fr creative writing. I wrte my first Spider-Man stry. After that I ften helped my fellw classmates and peer grups write essays. As the years passed, I became mre cnfident. When I was fifteen years ld, I was elected as class president in a high schl, but I was still unaware abut my diagnsis.
    One day after schl I came hme and entered my parents’ huse.
    I was mved t tears when I read the dctr’s diagnsis.
    One day after schl I came hme and entered my parents’ huse. At sme pint, I fund sme papers scattered acrss the crner f ne rm near a filing cabinet. I picked them up and began reading because I was curius. The bttm f ne f the papers said, “Autism diagnsis cnfirmed,” and I kept reading thrugh the ther papers t find a checklist f my habits; it was frm that fateful psychiatrist appintment thirteen years prir t my discvery. In that mment, I finally learned the real truth abut myself.
    I was mved t tears when I read the dctr’s diagnsis. My parents kept it frm me because they thught it wuld affect my self-esteem t the pint that I felt like a strange child t thers, but I wasn’t mad at them. I understd why they’d hide this frm me because they really lve me, and ever since then, I’ve accepted wh I am, and I use my talents t help thers wh need a friend. This will brighten my way frward frever.
    【详解】1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:作者小时候被诊断患有自闭症——作者的父母在震惊过后,决定隐瞒病情并打算积极地改变作者的生活——作者也注意到自己与他人的不同,但是父母的鼓舞让作者越来越好——作者开始发现自己擅长写作——作者发现了实情,也为父母的付出所感动——作者更加积极地生活,并希望改变他人的生活。
    3. 词汇激活
    【点睛】[高分句型1]My parents kept it frm me because they thught it wuld affect my self-esteem t the pint that I felt like a strange child t thers, but I wasn’t mad at them.(because引导的原因状语从句)
    [高分句型2]I understd why they’d hide this frm me because they really lve me, and ever since then, I’ve accepted wh I am, and I use my talents t help thers wh need a friend. (why引导的宾语从句以及wh引导的定语从句)
    1~5 ACBAC 6~10 CBACA 11~15 CBBCB 16~20 CCABC

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    英语-江西省重点中学协作体2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试: 这是一份英语-江西省重点中学协作体2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试,共19页。

    浙江省山海协作体2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中联考英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份浙江省山海协作体2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中联考英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含浙江省山海协作体2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题Word版含解析docx、浙江省山海协作体2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

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