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    时间100分钟 总分120分
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The Supreme Curt is the highest curt in the United States. Let’s meet sme f the great wmen wh have left their mark n ur cuntry’s highest curt.
    Margaret Brent
    In the early years f ur natin, wmen were generally prevented frm practicing law. Hwever, there were sme exceptins. One such exceptin was Margaret Brent, wh settled in Maryland with her sisters in 1638 and became a wealthy landwner. Brent appeared befre curts several times t file lawsuits against peple wh wed her mney.
    Lucy Terry Prince
    Lucy was well-knwn fr her skills as a public speaker, and in 1796 she became the first black wman in America t argue befre a Supreme Curt justice. The case arse frm a land dispute, and Lucy argued against tw leading lawyers. Chief justice Samuel Chase, wh versaw the case, said that Prince “made a better argument than he had ever heard frm a lawyer in Vermnt.”
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg
    Brn in Brklyn, New Yrk, in 1933, Ginsburg attended Crnell University and Clumbia Law schl. Between 1972 and 1978, Ginsburg argued six cases befre the Supreme Curt cncerning laws that kept wmen ut f certain ccupatins. She wn five f them. In the spring f 1993, Justice Byrn White retired frm the Supreme Curt. President Bill Clintn then picked Ginsburg t be his replacement.
    Myra Bradwell
    In 1872, the Illinis Supreme Curt denied Myra Bradwell’s admissin t the Illinis Bar despite the fact that she had passed the state bar exam. Bradwell then asked the U. S. Supreme Curt t verturn the Illinis curt’s decisin. Unfrtunately fr Bradwell, the tables weren’t turned. The Supreme Curt claimed that there was nthing uncnstitutinal abut denying a wman the chance t practice as a lawyer.
    21. Which f the fllwing describes Margaret Brent?
    A. Brave and determinedB. Generus and friendly
    C. Cnsiderate and ptimisticD. Traditinal and schlarly
    22. What was Samuel Chase’s attitude t Lucy’s argument?
    A. FavrableB. UncaringC. DubtfulD. Grateful
    23. What des the authr mean by the underlined sentence in the text?
    A. Bradwell failed the state bar exam
    B. Bradwell’s request was uncnstitutinal
    C. The Illinis Supreme Curt brke the law
    D. The Supreme Curt ruled against Bradwell
    Riding a mtrbike in Uganda was smething nly men culd d. At least that is what Allen Kisakye Butundu was tld when she said she wanted t learn t ride ne. “The cmmunity were shcked t see a female rider. Sme peple wuld even shut things at me and chase me,” she says.
    The 27-year-ld decided t learn t ride a mtrbike tw years ag. Initially, the decisin was t save mney n travel between the capital, Kampala, and the mre rural areas where she wrked as a scial wrker. But she is nw ne f just a few female riders f bda bda, as mtrbike taxis are knwn, in Uganda.
    Butundu earns up t £10 a day n her mtrbike and is the chief breadwinner fr her children and husband, a trained vet, wh has regular perids withut wrk. But the jurney has nt been easy in a sciety with engrained gender rles. Her husband “refused cmpletely” when she asked him t teach her hw t ride.
    “I didn’t give up,” she says. “I stpped bda bda drivers n the rad and said: ‘I’m nt a custmer but I want t learn hw t ride this bike, I want t d yur business.’”
    Butundu was taught by ther riders, paying them a small fee r buying petrl. Her husband eventually came arund t her new passin and bught a £1,400 bike. Last year, she became a full-time driver. Wrking frm abut 10 am t 6 pm mst days, Butundu says she decided t give up her frmer career because she culd be mre flexible with her hurs. She has recently bught anther bike and rents ne ut t a friend.
    Being a wman can have benefits, she says. Riders are cnstantly trying t avid plice fficers in central Kampala as they weave (穿梭) in and ut f heavy traffic. This ften leads t the plice frcing drivers t pay large fines. “But when they ntice I am a wman, instead f being tugh, they start smiling and they let me g,” she laughs.
    Butundu hpes her stry will encurage ther wmen t start riding bda bda in Uganda. She is determined t keep n breaking gender bundaries. “Thse wh talk, let them talk,” she laughs. “This wman is serius nw.”
    24. Why did Butundu learn t ride a mtrbike?
    A. She was unhappy with her jb.
    B. She was encuraged by her family.
    C. She was mving t a rural area.
    D. She wanted t reduce her travel expenses.
    25. What des the underlined wrd ‘engrained’ mean?
    A. Flexible.B. Difficult.C. Fixed.D. Creative.
    26. What made Butundu g full time?
    A. The chance t earn a higher salary.
    B. The chance t chse her wrking hurs.
    C. The chance t give rides t friends.
    D. The chance t learn frm ther riders.
    27. What can we infer frm the final paragraph?
    A. She thinks wmen are better bda bda riders.
    B. She is recnsidering her career chice.
    C. She cares little abut thers’ negative pinins.
    D. She thinks gender bundaries are easily brken.
    Restaurants, farmers and fd businesses are turning t chemistry and physics t deal with the prblem f fd waste. Sme cmpanies are testing cverings t slw the fruits’ ripening (成熟) prcess and packets t keep fd fresh. Others are develping digital sensrs that can tell when meat is safe t eat.
    Experts say grwing awareness f the csts f fd waste has led t mre effrts t deal with the prblem. ReFED is a grup that studies fd waste. It estimates 225,000 kilgrams f fd can be kept ut f waste areas each year with special high-tech cverings.
    But the cst can be a barrier fr sme cmpanies and shppers. Krger, the largest fd-stre cmpany in the US, ended its deal with Apeel Sciences in 2022. The deal ended because Krger said shppers were nt willing t pay mre fr fruits with Apeel’s special cvering t keep them fresh.
    Many cmpanies are wrking n ways t help reduce fd waste. A Sweden-based cmpany is trying develping a sensr that can shw if meat is safe t eat by measuring the buildup f bacteria inside its cntainer. And Ryp Labs, based in the US and Belgium, is wrking n a sticker fr fruits and vegetables that wuld release (释放) gas t slw ripening.
    Sme cmpanies find it better t use prven technlgy in new ways. Fr example, Chicag-based Hazel Technlgies has been trying selling a chemical cmpund (化合物), called 1-MCP, which is used in a rm t slw the fruits’ ripening prcess. The cmpany nw sells packets that can slwly release 1-MCP int small cntainers f fruits.
    “The science is prmising, but it is nly part f the slutin,” said Yvette Cabrera. She is the directr f fd waste fr the Natural Resurces Defense Cuncil. “Mst fd waste happens at hme. Reducing fd sizes, buying smaller quantities r imprving the accuracy f freshness date culd have even mre effects than new technlgy. Overall as a sciety, we dn’t value fd as it shuld be valued,” Cabrera said.
    28. Hw des the authr start paragraph 1?
    A. By shwing experiments.B. By quting experts’ wrds.
    C. By listing data.D. By giving examples.
    29. Why did Krger give up Apeel’s prducts?
    A. They were nt cnvenient t use.
    B. Fd stres fund them ineffective.
    C. Custmers disliked paying extra mney.
    D. They might cause pllutin t the fruits.
    30. What d Ryp Labs and Hazel Technlgies bth try ding t slw fruits’ ripening?
    A. Building strage rms.B. Using chemical methds.
    C. Making packets.D. Develping a sensr.
    31. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Ways f reducing fd waste.B. Benefits f saving fd at hme.
    C. Kinds f fresh fd in the market.D. Funds f dealing with fd waste.
    “Farm t table” is the name f a mvement that encurages peple t eat lcally grwn fd. The farm-t-table idea has becme mre ppular in recent years. But there is als a mvement that brings “table t farm”. Its purpse is t cnnect peple t the land and t hnr lcal farmers by creating a srt f restaurant withut walls.
    Its funder, Jim Denevan, gt the idea fr this kind f “culinary adventure (美食探险)”, as he called it, ten years ag. He recently prepared tables fr mre than a hundred peple at Briars Farm in Virginia. He and his eight-member team arrived the night befre. Chefs (厨师) frm a lcal restaurant prepared the dinner.
    Jim Denevan’s brther is a farmer and he himself is a chef. He thught that the idea f a meal served right n the farm made sense, thugh nt everyne agreed.
    “But I wanted t make the idea wrk, s I decided t crss the cuntry,” said Denevan. “I went all the way acrss the United States and set the table n farms, ranches (大牧场) and beaches, and all the places where fd came frm.”
    “This kind f event cnnects us with a lt f enthusiastic peple, peple that we can frm relatinships with,” said Matt Szechenyi, wh perates Briars Farm.
    The tur f the farm ends at the dinner table. The meats in the meal cme frm Matt Szechenyi’s farm.
    The vegetables cme frm nearby farms. Guests and lcal farmers sit tgether.
    Annica Ingram came with a friend. “The fd is wnderful. I appreciate their hard wrk. I see everything they have t d t take care f the animals and make sure they are well-cared-fr. Withut them, I think, we’ll have big prblems,” she said.
    32. What is the main purpse f the mvement “table t farm”?
    A. T prvide peple with healthy fd.
    B. T help farmers earn mre mney.
    C. T hnr farmers fr their hard wrk.
    D. T encurage peple t wrk less and practice mre.
    33. Members f the mvement “table t farm” will prbably nt ________.
    A. make new friendsB. walk arund the farms
    C. cmmunicate with farmersD. build restaurants fr farmers
    34. Annica’s attitude twards farmers’ wrk is ________.
    A. WrriedB. gratefulC. dubtfulD. supprtive
    35. What kind f writing is the passage likely t be?
    A. A travel guide.B. A news reprt.C. A diary.D. Ppular science.
    Starting high schl means changes in yur life. Mst teenagers lk frward t the first day f high schl, but still feel a little bit nervus. 36
    Learn all that yu can abut yur first day befre the first schl day. Take part in sme activities that are held at the schl fr new students t knw the schl better. If parents are invited t the activities, take yurs with yu. Carefully lk ver all the materials (材料) yu receive. 37
    38 Buy the things suggested n yur teachers’ supply lists and place yur materials fr each class separately.
    Keep pace with yur high schl wrklad (工作量). If yu find yu’re nt ding well in a subject, make use f after-schl study grups r ask yur teacher t help yu with yur schlwrk. 39
    There are mre after-class activities in high schl than in middle schl, such as clubs, music and theatre grups, the students’ unin, and sprts teams. Make friends and take part in such schl activities. 40 Ask smene in the schl ffice abut chances t take part in schl activities if yu dn’t knw hw. This is a gd time t d what yu like and a chance t try new things. Wh said schl has t be all wrk and n play?
    A. There is n useful infrmatin.
    B. Get the things yu will need fr class.
    C. All wrk and n play makes Jack a dull by.
    D. Make sure f the lcatin f the schl’s buildings.
    E. Cnsider private lessns t get yu thrugh a difficult time.
    F. Jin a club r ther rganizatins t meet peple and develp friendship
    G. In rder t make yur high schl life easier, yu can fllw these tips.
    On Oct. 11, hundreds f runners cmpeted in a crss-cuntry race in Minnesta. Melanie Bailey shuld have 41 the curse earlier than she did. Her 42 came because she was carrying a 43 acrss the finish line.
    As reprted by a lcal newspaper, Bailey was mre than tw-thirds f the way thrugh her 44 when a runner in frnt f her began crying in pain. She 45 t help her fellw runner, Danielle Lenue. Bailey tk her arm t see if she culd walk frward with 46 . She culdn’t. Bailey then 47 t let Lenue climb nt her back and carried her all the way t the finish line, then anther 300 feet t where Lenue culd get 48 attentin.
    Once there, Lenue was 49 and later taken t a hspital, where she learned that she had serius injuries in ne f her knees. She wuld have struggled with extreme 50 t make it t that aid checkpint withut Bailey’s help.
    As fr Bailey, she is mre 51 abut why her act is cnsidered a big 52 . “She was just crying. I culdn’t 53 her,” Bailey tld the reprter. “I feel like I was just ding the right thing.”
    Althugh the tw yung wmen were strangers befre the 54 , they’ve since becme friends. Neither wn the race, but the 55 f human kindness wn the day.
    41. A. designedB. fllwedC. changedD. finished
    42. A. delayB. chanceC. trubleD. excuse
    43. A. judgeB. vlunteerC. classmateD. cmpetitr
    44. A. raceB. schlC. twnD. training
    45. A. agreedB. returnedC. stppedD. prmised
    46. A. curageB. aidC. patienceD. advice
    47. A. went awayB. std upC. stepped asideD. bent dwn
    48. A. medicalB. publicC. cnstantD. equal
    49. A. interruptedB. assessedC. identifiedD. appreciated
    50. A. hungerB. painC. cldD. tiredness
    51. A. wrriedB. ashamedC. cnfusedD. discuraged
    52. A. gameB. prblemC. lessnD. deal
    53. A. leaveB. cureC. btherD. understand
    54. A. rideB. testC. meetD. shw
    55. A. secretB. displayC. benefitD. exchange
    When eight-year-ld Adra Svitak sat dwn at a cmputer keybard, her fingers flew. 56.__________ (type) 60 wrds a minute, she wrte dwn the stries 57.__________ stayed in her mind. But Adra didn’t keep her lve f stries t 58.__________ (she). She shared it with kids all ver the cuntry, mtivating them t read and write.
    Frm her hme in Redmnd, Washingtn, Adra traveled t schls, talking t kids abut reading and writing. She used her laptp t shw hw she made 59.__________ stries. She als brught stuffed animals t use as prps, and she spke f hw the things arund her inspired her stry ideas.
    In nly eight mnths, this yung writer had visited mre than 2,000 students in ten schls. “Smetimes I am nervus when I face big crwds,” said Adra. “60.__________ (especial) if the children are 61.__________ (ld) than me.” Her family’s 62.__________ (encurage) helped a lt. The writing tips Adra shared changed kid’s minds abut writing. Kids wh nce thught, “I dn’t want t write!” began t think, “If she can d it, 63.__________ can I.”
    Adra knew that reading and writing helped us all t understand things better. “If peple dn’t read well,” she said, “we will 64.__________ (understand) each ther.” Adra believed that “we are brn with gdness in ur hearts.” It was the gdness in her wn heart that led her 65.__________ (share ) her lve fr reading and writing with ther kids.
    第四部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
    66. 假定你是李华,你获悉你的美国网友Alice在前天学校举行的运动会上获得长跑比赛第一名。你打算给Alice写一封电子邮件表示祝贺,内容包括:
    1. 送去你真诚的祝贺;
    2. 对于她的成功给予高度评价;
    3. 说明Alice获胜的原因:
    4. 希望Alice在各个方面继续努力,取得更大的成就。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Alice,
    Li Hua
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    A first haircut can ften be scary fr little kids. Seeing a stranger cming ver yu with a pair f scissrs fr the very first time can ften leave children with a wrng first impressin f smething that mst f us g thrugh n a regular basis.
    In a recent vide shared by a barber (理发师), Jad Srur, attracted peple’s special attentin. In the vide, Jude, a yung by f abut fur r five years ld, culd be seen experiencing his very first haircut. When the barber put the scissrs t his hair, the by culdn’t keep the tears any lnger. As sn as Jude brke int tears, his mm, bviusly feeling her sn’s fear, was in tears as well. The barber stpped fr a while s that the by’s mm culd try t calm him dwn. After the mm finally calmed her by dwn, the barber cntinued thugh the by still wasn’t entirely happy with his situatin. Surprisingly, nce the barber cut the by lng hair dwn, the yung by smiled, and the eyes fcused n the hair and shne with tears.
    The vide f Jude’s haircut quickly spread. After seeing the by’s reactin t having his lng hair cut ff, many scial media users tk t criticize (批评) the by’s parents fr putting him thrugh smething that bviusly hurt him mentally.
    Cnsidering hw upset the little by seemed when the barber tuched his hair, many users wndered whether the by wanted t cut his hair. One persn cmmented, “Why did he have t cut his hair when he was clearly in pain abut it?” Other users even wndered why Jude’s parents let his hair get as lng as it did. They even wrte, “Why let it get uncntrllably lng?” “What a hrrible thing t d t a child. Shameful.” Many cmments seemed t be negative.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Then Jad tld the stry behind nline.
    When Jude was just brn, his parents happened t knw n TV that many kids with cancer had lst their hair.
    阅读理解21-23 AAD 24-27 DCBC 28-31 DCBA 32-35 CDBB 36-40 GDBEF
    完形填空41-45 DA DAC 46-50 BDABB 51-55 CDACB
    56. Typing 57. that/which 58. herself 59. up 60. Especially
    61. lder 62. encuragement 63. s 64. misunderstand 65. t share
    第一节One pssible versin:
    Dear Alice,
    I am writing t send my sincere cngratulatins t yu n yur winning the champinship in the lng-distance running race at the schl’s sprts meeting held the day befre yesterday! As yur friend, I just want yu t knw hw glad I am t hear abut yur success and I wuld like t sing high praise fr yur success.
    As I knw, yu are really talented in lng-distance running, but undubtedly, yu culdn’t have made such remarkable achievements withut yur cntinuus effrt. Mre imprtantly, yu shwed persistence in the cmpetitin, which cntributed t yur final success.
    I hpe yu will cntinue t wrk hard in all aspects and make greater achievements.
    Li Hua
    Then Jad tld the stry behind nline. “First f all, he is a by… It was Jude’s 5th birthday that day and it was the by’s first haircut,” Jad said. In the fllwing minutes, Jad said that it was actually Jude’s wn idea t cut his hair, which was quite a gd shck fr peple. He cntinued t uncver the facts. Jude didn’t cut befre because it was his parents persnal chice. Jude’s parents had let him grw his hair ut fr five years since he was brn fr a kind purpse.
    When Jude was just bring his parents happened t knw n TV that many kids with cancer had lst their hair. They decided t d smething fr thse sick kids tgether with his newbrn by, Jude. As time went by and Jude grew up, Jude was tld the plan by his parents. He was mre than prud and delighted that he culd dnate his hair t kids in need. On his 5th birthday, he made a wish f helping thers and decided it was time t cut his hair dwn. Althugh Jude was crying at the start f the haircut, he smiled and was happy fr what he had dne.

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