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      浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版含解析.docx
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      浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期末联考英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷Word版含解析docx、浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷Word版无答案docx、1mp3、10mp3、2mp3、3mp3、4mp3、5mp3、6mp3、7mp3、8mp3、9mp3等12份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本卷共10页满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
    2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字。
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    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman plan t buy fr Cindy?
    A. A dress.B. A bag.C. A watch.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the man ging t d next?
    A. Clean the bedrm.B. Play ftball.C. Watch TV.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw much did the wman pay fr the refrigeratr?
    A. $1,500.B. $1,000.C. $500.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the street.B. In a hspital.C. In a stre.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why des the man make the phne call?
    A. T get sme infrmatin.B. T make an appintment.C. T ask fr permissin.
    6. What is Sphie ding nw?
    A. Putting up psters.
    B. Cleaning the street.
    C. Cllecting rubbish frm the bushes.
    7. What will Daniel d next?
    A. Paint the wall.
    B. Ask mre peple fr help.
    C. Help Jack carry the rubbish.
    8. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends.B. Husband and wife.C. Custmer and waitress.
    9. Hw many peple will the man enjy the meal with?
    A. Tw.B. Three.C. Fur.
    10. Why des the man change the dish?
    A. He desn’t like eating them.
    B. The vegetables aren’t fresh.
    C. His sn likes mashed ptates.
    11. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She is a tur guide.B. She nce studied abrad.C. She will g n a business trip.
    12. What is the main purpse f the man’s visit t Rme next week?
    A. T travel.B. T study.C. T wrk.
    13. What will the man prbably d next?
    A. G t his ffice.B. Surf the Internet.C. G traveling.
    14. What des the man prbably d?
    A. He’s a dctr.B. He’s a nutritinist.C. He’s a fitness instructr.
    15. What can we learn abut the man?
    A. He has t rush t wrk in the mrning.
    B. He prefers smething sweet.
    C. He thinks highly f cffee.
    16. What will the wman have fr dinner?
    A. A sandwich.B. Vegetable salad.C. Fruit.
    17. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Cking meals.B. Buying healthy fd.C. Making a diet plan.
    18. Wh is the speaker?
    A. A parent.B. A student.C. A teacher.
    19. What des the speaker cnsider mst imprtant when peple face stress?
    A. A healthy bdy.B. A right attitude t failure.C. A relaxing envirnment.
    20. What des the speaker suggest peple d in the end?
    A. Draw pictures.B. G sightseeing.C. Study hard.
    Yur hme can be a dangerus place. But, if yu understand what yu can d t make yur hme safer, yu can prevent accidents. And always keep a first-aid kit in yur hme—just in case there is an accident.
    The kitchen, bathrm and bedrm are the mst unsafe places. Cmmn accidents in these rms include falls, fires, pisning, cuts, ht water burns and electric shcks.
    Make sure the flr is nt wet r slippery.
    Always use a ladder (梯子) t reach high cupbards; never stand n a chair.
    Always cut away frm yur bdy when yu use a knife.
    Fllw directins fr all electrical appliances carefully.
    Unplug (拔掉插头) all appliances, especially irns, after use.
    Keep matches ut f the reach.
    Stre all cleaning materials and pisnus materials in a lcked cupbard.
    Never smke in bed
    Unplug electric blanket (毯子) when nt in use.
    Have a telephne near the bed, especially if ill.
    Dn’t plug in an electrical appliance r use it while standing in water.
    Dn’t use a hair dryer near a bath cntaining water.
    Never leave a little child alne in the bath.
    Fires can cause terrible damage t yur hme and terrible injuries t peple. But peple are mre imprtant than things; s, if there is a fire, get everyne ut f the huse safely. Then call fr help. Never g back int a burning building t save yur things.
    Have fire extinguishers in the huse, which can be quite helpful at the beginning f a fire.
    Buy clthes, curtains and tys that d nt burn easily.
    Put screens in frnt f fires
    Use heaters very carefully as they can set bjects n fire. Place them away frm furniture.
    When cking, d nt let il tuch flames r ther surces f heat.
    Check electrical wires a number f times a year t make sure they are in gd cnditin.
    Put cvers ver electrical utlets if yung children are at hme.
    21. Which f the fllwing electrical appliances is nt specially mentined in the passage?
    A. Irns.B. Cmputers.C. Hair dryers.D. Heaters.
    22. Which f the fllwing is suggested by the writer t prevent fires?
    A. Equip yur huse with fire extinguishers.
    B. Buy clthes that are fire prf.
    C. Change electrical wires several times a year.
    D. Cver the electrical appliances when nt in use.
    23. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A T remind readers f the danger f living at hme.
    B. T intrduce readers t the different styles f huses.
    C. T infrm readers f ways t prevent accidents at hme.
    D. T persuade readers t use electrical appliances less frequently.
    Pabl Picass brn in 1881 in Malaga, was an active artist fr mst f his lng life. His father, an artist himself, was his first and mst frmative art teacher. Picass had ne f the mst fruitful and creative careers in histry.
    Picass went thrugh many creative perids in his career. His “Blue Perid” started in 1901, when ne f his dear friends, a painter and pet named Carls, passed away in a cafe in Paris. Picass was deeply affected, and sank int a depressin that lasted several years.
    In 1904, Picass mved t Mntmartre in Paris, and settled int the cmmunity f artists and creatrs there. Cming ut f his depressin, Picass mved n frm dark and serius subjects in his paintings t mre lighthearted cmpsitins featuring harlequins, clwns and carnival perfrmers. His clr palette (调色盘) warmed up as well, with his paintings nw bathed in reds, ranges, pinks and earth tnes. This perid was knwn as Picass’s “Rse Perid” and it lasted until 1906.
    Frm 1906 t 1909 Picass was heavily inspired by African art, after he was expsed t traditinal African masks (面具) and ther art bjects cming frm Africa int French museums in Paris. This stage was called his “African Perid”, and was a precursr (先驱) t his mst famus perid, “Cubism”. Influenced by Paul Cezanne’s experimentatin with three-dimensinal spacing and perspective n art, Picass and Gerges Braque led the artistic mvement knwn as Cubism. This way f breaking dwn a frm t its mst basic frms and recnstructing them in an abstracted way is what Picass is mst knwn fr.
    Thrughut his life, Picass tk inspiratin frm everywhere in his life, whether it be wrking thrugh his emtins, respnding t a difficult life event, r the wrks f his fellw artists. In turn, his life’s wrks have inspired and influenced millins f peple arund the wrld and frever changed the histry f art.
    24. Which event caused Picass’s “Blue Perid”?
    A. His mving t Paris.B. The death f his friend.
    C. The influence f his father.D. The infectin f a serius disease.
    25. What can we learn frm the text?
    A. Picass’s paintings were warm-clred befre 1906.
    B. Picass went t Africa fr new ideas in the 1900s.
    C. Picass was the pineer in the use f 3D techniques.
    D. Picass’s painting style changed with his life experience.
    26. What’s purpse f this text?
    A. T shw the difficulties Picass met with in his life.
    B. T explre when Picass’s paintings std ut.
    C. T intrduce hw Picass gt inspired fr his art.
    D. T tell the way Picass’s success has influenced the wrld.
    27. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A guidebk.B. A bk review.C. A news reprt.D. A bigraphy.
    Life is precius, but health is mre precius than it because life withut health is just like fd withut taste. Health gives yu the pprtunity t live yur life full f jy and make yu able t d all f its activities as yu desire. When yu live a healthy lifestyle, yur bdy remains healthy, and yur mind stays fresh. S, this wuld prevent yu frm s many severe diseases, and live a healthy life t its full extent.
    Living a healthy lifestyle nt nly extends yur life but als rejuvenates yur bdy and mind; it will help yu feel better. Althugh a healthy habit is very hard t develp, it needs a change in ne’s mindset. But a firm will and a fcused gal will help yu t maintain a healthy lifestyle. Mst f us have sme kinds f health issues like verweight, lack f energy, and dull appearance. A gd healthy lifestyle plays an imprtant rle in vercming these issues. It will encurage yu t live yur life with n chance f a great difficulty in life.
    A healthy lifestyle plays a vital rle in bsting the energy in a persn’s bdy and prviding a better perfrmance in every activity f life. It minimizes the chances f insufficient sleep, and a persn’s bdy will get all the essential nutrients (营养) that are required t functin precisely. A healthy lifestyle includes slight changes in life like daily habits and rutine, and the mst imprtant fd yu eat because the fd yu eat impacts directly n yur bdy and behavir.
    Bad habits in yur daily lifestyle may lead t a bad emtin, and yu can imprve it by adpting a healthy lifestyle. It will lead yu t a relaxed mind and keep yu energetic in a day. It is human nature that when a persn is happy and satisfied, he perfrms his wrk mre accurately and creatively, but if his md is nt refreshing then he can’t perfrm anything at his best. A fine and healthy lifestyle will help the persn t release stress and tensin frm his mind, s this persn can perfrm all the tasks in his best cnditin and give amazing results.
    28. Why des the authr mentin the imprtance f life?
    A. T prvide an example.B. T supprt the authr’s argument.
    C. T intrduce the tpic.D. T make cmparisns.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “rejuvenate” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Entertain.B. Refresh.C. Occupy.D. Shape.
    30. What helps t keep a healthy lifestyle?
    A. A firm determinatin and a clear gal.B. A slight change in fd and sleep.
    C. Prper daily stress and tensin.D. Large amunts f creative wrk.
    31. What is mainly talked abut in the text?
    A. Ways t have a healthy lifestyle.
    B. The significance f a healthy lifestyle.
    C. Hw t bst ne’s energy t be healthy.
    D. Hw t perfrm well with healthy habits.
    Clean energy may als be called renewable energy r green energy, and it specifically refers t energy prduced frm renewable resurces withut creating envirnmental prblems. There are several ther ways that this term can be explained, hwever. It may refer t energy prcesses that pllute less r, alternately, t energy that desn’t pllute at all and desn’t use resurces that can’t be easily renewed, The basic frms f clean energy are ften referred t as thse that cme frm water, wind, r sun.
    It’s hped that using this type f energy, especially as a ttal replacement fr use f things like il, might help t reduce glbal warming and greenhuse gas emissin, creating a safer wrld fr all peple. In reality, clean energy has its prblems t, which have nt been fully realized that it is nt a cmplete replacement fr energy created by nn-renewable resurces. Fr instance, wind farms that can prvide pwer may have significant effect n lcal bird ppulatins, and birds f sme types can face serius reductin f numbers when they live near wind farms.
    Nevertheless, these negative cnsequences tend t be smaller in cmparisn t the use f il r nn-clean cal. Many envirnmentalists reasn that, thugh n pwer surce is cmpletely withut risk, green energy culd have a wide-reaching effect n helping the planet t recver and perhaps stpping the trend f glbal warming. An additinal reasn why it can be s desirable is that it tends t cme frm surces that are free. While cntrlling this energy csts mney, wind and sun aren’t wned by anybdy in particular. Otherwise, plitical prblems may be created and wars may be fught fr a certain resurce. Fr example, mst f the il in the wrld is gathered in a few places, and the majrity is lcated in the Middle East. S they believe that wind r slar energy culd lead nt nly t a cleaner planet, but als a mre peaceful wrld.
    Much remains t be dne t figure ut hw t best cntrl renewable energy surces and hw t use them t their best advantage. One issue is hw t transprt cllected energy frm ne place t anther, since many places that prduce this energy are lcated in remte lcatins. Changing the pwer net t adapt t different surces f energy can help this prblem, but this has yet t ccur n a wide range.
    32. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The definitin f clean energy.B. The imprtance f clean energy.
    C. The basic frms f clean energy.D. The bright future f clean energy.
    33. What can be inferred frm paragraph 2?
    A. Clean energy can be a ttal replacement fr ther resurces.
    B. The efficiency f clean energy is great enugh t stp glbal warming.
    C. It is nt a gd idea t build wind farms fr prducing energy.
    D. New prblems may be brught abut by using clean energy.
    34. Many envirnmentalists hld the view that ________.
    A. the negative part f clean energy can be ttally ignred.
    B. it is free f charge fr peple t cntrl clean energy.
    C. the pwer frm wind and sun is pen t everyne.
    D. using clean energy may lead t wars between cuntries.
    35. What’s the writer’s attitude twards renewable energy surces?
    A. Unclear.B. Psitive.C. Negative.D. Cautius.
    Imagine that yu are in a remte village smewhere with n medical clinic.___36___Once the dctrs get t yu, they examine yu and take bld samples, but they wn’t be able t help yu until they take the samples back t the hspital t find ut what is wrng.___37___ Thanks t engineer Andy Ozcan, many peple may never be in this situatin. He has invented an app that turns yur mbile phne int a diagnstic (诊断的) tl.
    Ozcan’s inventin is imprtant because it is very accurate and easy t use. In many remte places, even if dctrs have micrscpes and ther instruments t help them make diagnses, there may still be ther prblems. Many dctrs, fr example, dn’t have enugh training t crrectly interpret what they see. ___38___ With Ozcan’s mbile phne app, health wrkers can take a special pht f a bld sample and send it t a central cmputer at a hspital. The cmputer will then autmatically interpret the pht and send a diagnsis back in a few minutes.
    ___39___ His technlgy nly requires a mbile phne and an Internet cnnectin. As mre than fur billin peple already have cell phnes, the cst f establishing the diagnstic system is fairly lw.
    By inventing a medical tl that uses existing technlgy—mbile phnes—Ozcan has develped a medical tl that is bth practical and ecnmical. Therefre, it can be effectively almst anywhere. ___40___
    A. As a result, they may diagnse illnesses incrrectly.
    B. Peple are trying t reduce the cst f this new medical tl.
    C. This tl has becme much mre ppular all arund the wrld.
    D. Anther reasn that Ozcan’s inventin is imprtant is that it is inexpensive.
    E. Yu becme very sick and must wait days until a mbile medical unit arrives t help.
    F. Ozcan’s simple, cst-effective tl might just save millins f lives arund the wrld.
    G. Even thugh yu may nly have a simple infectin, yu might die because f the delay.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Sngs brings us thrugh ur life. Each time I listen t my favrite sng Reach, I’m deeply ____41____ by its lyrics: “If I culd reach higher, just ne mment tuch the sky…” When we hear this ____42____ sng sung by Glria Estefan, we can ____43____ imagine hw she managed t return t the stage after her serius back injury. In 1990, this Cuban singer was ____44____ in a terrible traffic accident, and the dctr declared that she might never walk again. But Glria didn’t give up and kept n wrking hard tward her ____45____. Just ne year after the disaster happened, she std up again and ____46____ this encuraging sng at the Atlanta Olympics.
    ____47____ I think f Glria, a memry crwds in my mind. When I entered university, naturally shy, rdinary lking, and with ____48____ scres in my lessn, just like an ugly duckling. I seemed t be the ____49____ utstanding ne in my class. Cntinuus failures drve me int ____50____. “Am I t take a back seat t everyne else?” ____51____ t give in t such a fate, I spared n effrt t wrk n my lessns and jined in many activities, such as English speech cntests and dramas. I just wanted t catch every little chance ____52____ myself. Luckily, all I had dne finally paid ff. I received sme ____53____. Mre imprtantly, I gained curage and cnfidence t face any difficulty in my life.
    ____54____ is just like farming. Yu ____55____ what yu plant. Once yu have a dream, dn’t hesitate. Keep mving.
    41 A. cnvincedB. impressedC. disturbedD. discuraged
    42. A. entertainingB. bringC. inspiringD. puzzling
    43. A. easilyB. simplyC. finallyD. hardly
    44. A. pulled dwnB. turned dwnC. cut dwnD. kncked dwn
    45. A. jurneyB. galC. recveryD. achievement
    46 A. presentedB. cveredC. recrdedD. wrte
    47. A. WhateverB. whicheverC. WhereverD. Whenever
    48. A. excellentB. standardC. prD. high
    49. A. mstB. mreC. leastD. very
    50. A. hpelessnessB. weaknessC. trubleD. anger
    51. A. FreeB. UnwillingC. EagerD. Disappinted
    52. A. t satisfyB. t enjyC. t imprveD. t frgive
    53. A. awardsB. thanksC. giftsD. cmments
    54. A. BeliefB. CmpetitinC. LuckD. Life
    55. A. harvestB. reserveC. expandD. discver
    Lusifen, frm the suthern Chinese city f Liuzhu, is a symblic dish knwn fr its strng smell. The smell can be unpleasant fr first-timers, ____56____, thse wh brave it ften find the taste unfrgettable.
    ____57____ (cmbine) the traditinal fd f the Han peple with that f the Mia and Dng ethnic grups, lusifen ____58____ (make) by biling rice ndles with pickled bamb shts (腌笋), dried turnips (干萝卜), fresh vegetables and peanuts in spiced river snail (田螺) sup.
    Originating in Liuzhu in ____59____ 1970s, lusifen began as a cheap street snack that remained relatively unknwn utside the city. It was nt until 2012 ____60____ a hit Chinese fd dcumentary, “A Bite f China”, featured it that it became a husehld name.
    The develpment f the Internet, especially the rise f e-cmmerce and nline fd shws, has brught this Chinese passin ____61____ lusifen t a new level. Lusifen ____62____ (frequent) appears in vides by fd blggers and hsts f eating shws. One f the mst influential is Li Ziqi, wh has many fans n YuTube. Her vide n hw t make lusifen ____63____ (receive) mre than 61 millin views n the website s far.
    With its increasing ____64____ (ppular), the lcal gvernment is wrking n making it knwn internatinally. In 2019, authrities in Liuzhu City annunced plans ____65____ (seek) UNESCO’s recgnitin f lusifen as an intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产).
    66. 假定你是某国际学校学生会主席李华,你校将于近期举办一场有关急救知识的讲座。请你以学生会的名义写一则英语通知。内容包括:
    Ntice fr a Lecture n First Aid
    The Student Unin
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    A few years ag, the cmpany that I wrked fr sent my wife and me t live in New Yrk fr a year. I’ve always lved running, s I was really happy when I fund I lived next t Central Park. This meant that every mrning I culd g running befre I went t wrk.
    Because a lt f peple had tld me t be careful f rbbers (抢劫犯) in the park, s usually I didn’t take anything with me. Hw culd they rb me if I didn’t have anything? But ne mrning, my wife gave me 10 dllars and asked me t buy sme bread n the way. It was a beautiful mrning and the park was quiet with few peple walking r jgging arund. While I was running thrugh the park, anther jgger kncked int (撞到) me. He said srry t me and cntinued running. Fr a while, I didn’t think t much f it.
    Hwever, when I nticed the wide path where I was running, I thught it was a little strange. The warning f rbbers in the park hit me. “It culd have been a rbber!” I suddenly became anxius, s I checked my pcket and fund that the mney was missing. Withut thinking twice, I ran after that jgger. I finally caught up and held him by the arm. I shuted, “Give me the 10 dllars! Nw!” I am nt usually a ht-headed (性急的) persn, but I gt really angry this time. I culdn’t believe the rbbery was actually happening t me.
    Filled with anger, I shk my fist (拳头) at him. This seemed t frighten him. He quickly put his hand in his pcket and gave me 10 dllars. Then he ran away as fast as he culd. I bught the bread and went hme.
    As sn as I gt hme, I culdn’t wait t tell my wife the stry. “Yu wn’t believe what happened t me,” I said with pride. She immediately stpped me, “I knw, yu left the mney fr the bread n the kitchen table.”
    Lking at the mney n the table, I std there, shcked.
    But I didn’t give up finding him and fr several days, I waited at the same place in the park.

    浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语试卷Word版含解析docx、浙江省温州新力量联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语试卷Word版无答案docx、1mp3、10mp3、2mp3、3mp3、4mp3、5mp3、6mp3、7mp3、8mp3、9mp3等12份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

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