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    这是一份湖南省衡阳市第八中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题(Word版附解析),共12页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37,5分,满分15分), 词汇激活等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Half f all peple will have significant amunts f grey hair by the age f 50.If greying ccurs befre the age f 30, it is knwn as premature greying. Pssible reasns fr this happening:
    ·lng-term dieting
    ·lack f prtein and nutrients
    ·extreme mental and emtinal stress
    ·lack f irn, cpper, zinc, and Vitamin B12
    “If yu clr yur hair t ften with strng chemicals and put them n scalps (头皮) that are still grwing, the cells in yur hair might get damaged. This can change hw melancytes (生黑色素细胞) wrk. Because f this, they may stp making clr earlier than nrmal,” says Trichlgist and Directr f Hari and Scalp Clinic, HairMantra, Dr Padmaja Redekar. She recmmends yearly scalp check-ups shuld be as rutine as annual medicals.
    “At HairMantra, yu will receive expert advice with slutins fr yur whle lifestyle, prducts and supplements fr yur hair prblems, and a hair care rutine t use at hme. Call us tday and balance yur hair health frm the inside ut,” Padmaja adds.
    1.What is cnsidered a pssible reasn fr grey hair shwing up early?
    A.Occasinal dieting.
    B.Genetic prblems.
    C.Extreme physical stress.
    D.Insufficient prtein and nutrient.
    2.What wuld Dr Padmaja Redekar mst likely t recmmend?
    A.Clring yur hair as yu wish.B.Changing hw melancytes wrk.
    C.Prtecting the cells in yur hair earlier.D.Getting yur scalp checked every year.
    3.Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A.An encyclpedia.B.A healthcare reprt.
    C.An advertisement.D.A medical brchure.
    In 2017, an earthy bicycle repairer appeared n the stage f the TV shw Chinese Petry Cngress.
    Wang Haijun, 65 in 2017, was brn in Inner Mnglia, and he lved reading since he was little. Hwever, when he was in the furth grade, Wang had t drp ut f schl because his father wanted him t herd sheep t make a little bit extra.
    Frm then n, Wang nly reads after a day’s wrk. Rmance f the Three Kingdms and Three Hundred Tang Pems were his favrite bks. “There weren’t any bkstres arund, s I brrwed them frm thers. I read them s much that the pages began t tear ff.” Later, Wang and his wife mved t Shijiazhuang where he set up a stall and repair bicycles fr mre family incme.
    The jb is nt busy, s Wang has time t read. Once, he heard in a radi prgram that a disabled girl wrte sme excellent pems. Encuraged by the stry, Wang began t write his wn pems n the back f the package paper f the tires with a pencil. At night, he wrte with a trch in the dark. He even gt a small blackbard frm the recyclers and put pems n it. He hung the chalkbard in his stall and asked the passers-by t help him imprve his pems. If anybdy’s advice was adpted, he wuld buy him r her a bttle f beer.
    In 2017, when Wang was invited t Chinese Petry Cngress, he thught “it was a fraud”, because he never imagined that peple wuld appreciate the pems written by a bicycle repairer. “But it turned ut t be a great experience reading my pems n the stage.” he said.
    After the shw, many peple came t his stall t discuss petry with him. “It feels like a dream cme true. Petry belngs t everyne. Even a bicycle repairer like me can still dream abut such a petic life.”
    4.What inspired Wang t write pems?
    A.ATV shw.B.Petry bks.
    C.His family.D.A radi stry.
    5.What des the underlined wrd “fraud” mean in paragraph 5?
    6.Which f the fllwing best describes Wang?
    A.Creative and helpful.B.Energetic and generus.
    C.Optimistic and determined.D.Ambitius and cncerned.
    7.What can we learn frm the stry?
    A.It’s never t late t learn.B.A gd bk is a gd friend.
    C.A gd beginning is half dne.D.Actins speak luder than wrds.
    A user culd ask ChatGPT t write a cmputer prgram r summarize an article, and the AI chatbt wuld likely be able t prduce useful cde. Hwever, smene culd als ask fr instructins t build a gun, and the chatbt might be able t prvide thse, t.
    T prevent this and ther safety issues, cmpanies that build large language mdels typically safeguard them using a prcess called red-teaming. Teams f human testers write prmpts (提示词) aimed at triggering (引发) unsafe text frm the mdel being tested. These prmpts are used t teach the chatbt t avid such respnses.
    But this nly wrks effectively if engineers knw which txic (有害的) prmpts t use. If human testers miss sme prmpts, which is likely given the number f pssibilities, a chatbt regarded as safe might still be capable f prducing unsafe answers.
    Researchers frm Imprbable AI Lab at MIT and the MIT-IBM Watsn AI Lab used machine learning t imprve red-teaming. They develped a technique t train a red-team large language mdel t autmatically create diverse prmpts that trigger a wider range f undesirable respnses frm the chatbt being tested. They d this by teaching the red-team mdel t be curius when it writes prmpts, and t fcus n new prmpts that trigger txic respnses frm the target mdel.
    The technique perfrmed better than human testers and ther machine-learning appraches by creating mre distinct prmpts that triggered increasingly txic respnses. Nt nly des their methd significantly imprve the cverage f inputs being tested cmpared t ther autmated methds, but it can als draw ut txic respnses frm a chatbt that had safeguards built int it by human experts.
    “Right nw, every large language mdel has t g thrugh a very lng perid f red-teaming t ensure its safety. That is nt ging t be sustainable if we want t update these mdels in rapidly changing envirnments. Our methd prvides a faster and mre effective way t d this quality assurance,” says Zhang Weihng, a lead authr f a paper n this red-teaming apprach.
    8.What is the purpse f red-teaming?
    A.T safeguard sme large cmpanies.
    B.T help build typical language mdels.
    C.T teach AI chatbt t deal with hard wrk.
    D.T prevent AI frm causing safety prblems.
    9.What is the prblem f the red-team f human testers?
    A.It is nt as curius as machines.
    B.Its language mdel is much smaller.
    C.It ften fails t recgnize safe prmpts.
    D.It is likely t miss sme txic prmpts.
    10.What is paragraph 5 mainly abut?
    A.The wrking principles f the new technique.
    B.Different types f machine-learning appraches.
    C.The advantages f the new methd f red-teaming.
    D.The difference between human testers and machines.
    11.What des Zhang Weihng think f the methd?
    A.It takes mre time.B.It is updated rapidly.
    C.It prves successful.D.It is envirnmentally friendly.
    Mre than 4.85 billin peple have access t the Internet. Online, they can find all the infrmatin available t humankind and frm their wn pinin abut anything. This has cmpletely changed sciety. But what disturbs mst is the new technlgical ability f the large number f peple t express themselves. It is nt free access t infrmatin but access t self-expressin that changes the wrld. We are living thrugh an unexpected explsin f authrship.
    Thе bk Human as Media gives us a vivid picture f this explsin f authrship. Humankind had 300 millin authrs in 5,000 years f written civilizatin and, all f a sudden, this number has risen t 4.85 billin in the space f 40 years. Such authrship has given us pprtunities t express urselves freely, but it has als led t thughtless self - expressin.
    Scial media such as Facebk and Twitter are cmmnly blamed fr creating cultural mess. Peple can express this r that pinin as they like. But what really matters is that scial media prvide chances fr billins wh can reach ut t thers beynd their physical and scial limits. This itself has becme an imprtant factr t shape sciety, regardless f the cntent. In reality, scial media are specifically taking advantage f ur desire t “struggle fr recgnitin”. We humans need t feel a sense f being tgether. S is ur thirst fr respnse. Scial media prvide, r at least ffer, respnses t even the smallest activities f a user such as likes, psts, and cmments. I click, therefre I am.
    But with this great service cmes great risks. Thse self-expressins are expsed t sme extent unseen befre. Unprepared and unhesitating judgments regarding smene’s persnal matters r public affairs increase incredibly. Persnal becmes public and public becmes persnal.
    12.Why des the authr mentin the bk Human as Media in Paragraph 2?
    A.T explain a rule.
    B.T prvide a prf.
    C.T clarify a cncept.
    D.T make a predictin.
    13.What can we infer abut scial media?
    A.They blame humans’ desire fr fame.
    B.They ffer a platfrm fr self-expressin.
    C.They prvide users with different activities.
    D.They benefit users by judging them carefully.
    14.What is the authr’s attitude t self-expressins?
    15.Which f the fllwing culd be the best title fr the text?
    A.The Internet encurages self-expressin
    B.Scial media realize nline users’ dreams
    C.Netwrk mixes persnal with public affairs
    D.Technlgies prmte netwrk develpment
    Risks f Overtraining
    Getting in shape and training fr an event such as a marathn requires lng-lasting and intense physical cmmitment. 16 But the truth is, smetimes the very acts we d t get healthy can actually push us past ur physical limits.
    Specifically, vertraining is a set f signs that ccur when yur bdy is nt able t recver sufficiently befre ging int yur next wrkut. 17 Peple tend t ignre them. Over time, the cycle f starting the next training sessin befre allwing recvery causes breakdwn f the very parts f the bdy that yu wrk s hard t build up.
    The structures and systems f yur bdy adapt t the demands yu have placed n them befre the rest time. If yur wrkut slightly ges beynd yur current ability, it will adapt tward what yu did in a psitive way. 18
    Tw main factrs are necessary in recvery: nutritin. and rest. Gd nutritin, including water and prtein intake, is extremely imprtant, especially within 40 minutes f yur wrkut. 19 Yur bdy uses the nutrients yu have given it during the rest time. especially sleep, t strengthen.
    One f the best ways t prevent vertraining is t fcus n yur mrning resting heart rate. 20 Generally, yu will detect an increase in yur heart rate befre the ther signs shw up. Tracking it in a lg can be a great way t mnitr yur recvery.
    A.It's easy t measure and track.
    B.Allwing time fr recvery is als essential.
    C.The prblem is that they shw up very gradually.
    D.Belw are the signs and symptms f vertraining.
    E.Listening t yur bdy will assure yu f yur fitness gals.
    F.If far beynd, it'll take lnger t adapt and may cause injury.
    G.We generally assume regular intense exercise gd fr ur health.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    While taking a 20-hur train ride alng the edge f the Taklimakan Desert in nrthwestern China, I had the kind f humbling, educatinal, and abve all else, wnderful 21 with a lcal that all travelers lng fr. A yung Chinese man 22 me n the train. My 23 friend spke virtually n English, s I happily tk the 24 t practice my Chinese.
    Over several hurs, he wuld tell me abut hw he had 25 a tw-year prfessinal schl t quickly find a jb 26 highways in rder t help supprt his family. Perhaps the mst 27 , hwever, was the fact that this man spent hurs studying every day after hard physical labr. Withut batting an eye, he wuld 28 a translated Emersn passage befre asking abut the literary influence f American 29 as a whle. ”And what d yu all learn abut Russian authrs?” I 30 him asking at ne pint.
    It wuld have been easy t 31 my assumptins abut this highway builder wh had never been mre than a few hundred miles frm hme. But this highly infrmed, 32 , and admirable persn prevented me ding s. In the curse f a cuple f hurs, he 33 me just hw much ne can gain frm 34 with an pen mind, and a willingness t 35 with lcals frm all walks f life.
    31.A.lk intB.rely nC.g verD.deal with
    Heatherwick Studi recently built a greenhuse at the edge f the Natinal Trust’s Wlbeding Gardens. This beautiful structure, named Glasshuse, is at the centre f a new garden that shws hw the Silk Rad influences English gardens even in mdern times.
    The latest 36 (engineer) techniques are applied t create this prtective 37 (functin) structure that is als beautiful. The design features ten steel “sepals (萼片)” made f glass and aluminium (铝). These sepals pen n warm days 38 (give) the inside plants sunshine and fresh air. In cld weather, the structure stays 39 (clse) t prtect the plants.
    Further, the Silk Rute Garden arund the greenhuse 40 (walk) visitrs thrugh a jurney influenced by the ancient Silk Rad, by which silk as well as many plant species came t Britain fr 41 first time. These plants included mdern Western 42 (favurite) such as rsemary, lavender and fennel. The garden als cntains a winding path that guides visitrs thrugh the twelve regins f the Silk Rad. The path ffers ver 300 plant species fr visitrs t see, t.
    The Glasshuse stands 43 a great achievement in cntemprary design, t huse the plants f the suthwestern part f China at the end f a path retracing (追溯) the steps alng the Silk Rute 44 brught the plants frm their native habitat in Asia t cme t define much f the 45 (rich) f gardening in England.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假设你是李华,你校近期要举行演讲比赛,请以你的经历写一篇“Music has helped me”为题的演讲稿进行参赛。写作要点如下:1。介绍你所经历的困难;2.音乐对你的影响。
    阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Having held the interschl (校际) stry tell g champinship fr the past tw years, I was the shining star f my schl. When it came t chsing the right candidate (候选人) t participate in such cmpetitins, I was always the first chice. Naturally, I was nce again selected t represent my schl in the appraching cntest this year.
    Upn hearing the fact that I was chsen again, my classmates and friends acknwledged that I wuld undubtedly be the champin again. Cnsequently, I became cnceited (自负的). I was s prud that I ignred the imprtance f practicing fr the cntest.
    A week befre the cntest, my teacher Ms. Sara asked, “Selena, wuld yu like t stand in frnt f the class t rehearse (排练) fr the cntest?” She had tutred me in the past tw cmpetitins and knew hw imprtant practice was. “Just imagine yu are n the stage
    in the audience,” she added.
    “I’m srry, Ms. Sara,” I replied. “I have a bit f a sre thrat.”
    This was usually the lie I wuld tell whenever my teacher requested me t practice in frnt f the class. I always fund excuses t avid ding it because I believed that I was the best and therefre the practice was unnecessary. On ne ccasin, I event ld Ms. Sara nt t wrry t much as I was well prepared fr the cntest. In fact, I did everything but practice my script (讲稿) .I nly managed t glance briefly thrugh the stry the day befre the cntest. As the best stryteller amng the students f the lcal secndary schls, I was t vain t practice and expected everything t be fine.
    The cntest was being held in the lcal cmmunity hall. On the day f the cntest, the hall was crwded with peple. My schlteachers and principal were there alng with many f my classmates and schlmates. I was the eighth cntestant ut f twenty in ttal. Thse wh spke befre me did extremely well. On seeing their fascinating and utstanding perfrmance, I began t lse cnfidence in myself. My palms (手掌) sweated heavily and I started t feel nervus.
    Sn it was my turn t talk.
    Finally, I heard the results annunced after the cntest and felt sad.
    1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Pssible reasns fr this happening: ·genetics ·lng-term dieting ·lack f prtein and nutrients ·extreme mental and emtinal stress ·lack f irn, cpper, zinc, and Vitamin B12”(可能的原因包括:遗传、长期节食、缺乏蛋白质和营养、极端的精神和情绪压力、缺乏铁、铜、锌和维生素B12)可推知,早期出现灰发的可能原因是蛋白质和营养不足。故选D。
    2.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“She recmmends yearly scalp check-ups shuld be as rutine as annual medicals.”(她建议每年进行一次头皮检查,就像每年的体检一样。)可推知,Padmaja Redekar博士最有可能推荐的是每年进行一次头皮检查。故选D。
    3.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“At HairMantra, yu will receive expert advice with slutins fr yur whle lifestyle, prducts and supplements fr yur hair prblems, and a hair care rutine t use at hme. Call us tday and balance yur hair health frm the inside ut,” Padmaja adds.(在HairMantra,你将得到专家的建议,解决你的整个生活方式,产品和补充剂解决你的头发问题,以及在家使用的头发护理程序。今天就打电话给我们,从内到外平衡你的头发健康,Padmaja补充道。)可推知,这篇文章可能来自于一个广告。故选C。
    4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A
    4.细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Once, he heard in a radi prgram that a disabled girl wrte sme excellent pems. Encuraged by the stry, Wang began t write his wn pems n the back f the package paper f the tires with a pencil. (有一次,他听到广播节目中说一个残疾女孩写了一些非常好的诗。受这个故事的鼓舞,王开始用铅笔在轮胎包装纸的背面写自己的诗。)”可知,他开始写诗是受到了广播中一位残疾女孩的鼓舞,故选D项。
    5.词句理解题。在第五段中“because he never imagined that peple wuld appreciate the pems written by a bicycle repairer. (因为他从未想过会有人欣赏一个自行车修理工写的诗)”,描述的是王海军最初对被邀请参加《中国诗词大会》的反应,他认为这是一个骗局,毕竟他自己只是一名普通的修理工。因此,“fraud”在这里的意思是“骗局”,故选B项。
    6.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Petry belngs t everyne. Even a bicycle repairer like me can still dream abut such a petic life. (诗歌属于每个人。即使是像我这样的自行车修理工,仍然可以梦想这样一个诗意的生活。)”及整篇文章可知,王海军虽然是一个自行车修理工,但他对诗歌的热爱和追求,以及他通过自己的努力实现梦想的故事,体现了他的乐观和决心。故选C项。
    7.推理判断题。根据第二段“Wang Haijun, 65 in 2017, was brn in Inner Mnglia, and he lved reading since he was little. (王海军,2017年时65岁,出生在内蒙古,从小就热爱阅读。)”以及全文可知,通过王海军的故事,我们可以学到,无论年龄多大,无论职业如何,只要有梦想并为之努力,就有可能实现。这与选项A It’s never t late t learn. (活到老,学到老)相呼应,故选A项。
    8.D 9.D 10.C 11.C
    8.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“T prevent this and ther safety issues, cmpanies that build large language mdels typically safeguard them using a prcess called red-teaming.”(为了防止这种和其他安全问题,构建大型语言模型的公司通常使用一种叫做红队测试的过程来保护它们。)可推知,红队测试的目的是防止AI造成安全问题。故选D。
    9.推理判断题。根据文章第三段“But this nly wrks effectively if engineers knw which txic (有害的) prmpts t use. If human testers miss sme prmpts, which is likely given the number f pssibilities, a chatbt regarded as safe might still be capable f prducing unsafe answers.”(但只有在工程师知道该使用哪种有毒提示符的情况下,这种方法才有效。如果人类测试者错过了一些提示(考虑到可能性的数量,这是很可能的),一个被认为安全的聊天机器人可能仍然有能力给出不安全的答案。)可推知,人类测试者的红队可能会遗漏一些有害的提示符。故选D。
    10.主旨大意题。根据文章第五段“Nt nly des their methd significantly imprve the cverage f inputs being tested cmpared t ther autmated methds, but it can als draw ut txic respnses frm a chatbt that had safeguards built int it by human experts.”(与其他自动化方法相比,他们的方法不仅显著提高了被测试输入的覆盖率,而且还可以从一个由人类专家内置的安全措施的聊天机器人中得出有害的反应。)可知,第五段主要讲述了新方法的优点。故选C。
    11.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“‘Our methd prvides a faster and mre effective way t d this quality assurance,’ says Zhang Weihng, a lead authr f a paper n this red-teaming apprach.”(“我们的方法提供了一种更快、更有效的方式来进行这种质量保证,”这篇关于红队测试方法的论文的主要作者张伟宏说。)可推知,张伟宏认为这种方法是成功的。故选C。
    12.B 13.B 14.C 15.A
    12.推理判断题。根据第二段中“Thе bk Human as Media gives us a vivid picture f this explsin f authrship. (Human as Media一书为我们生动地描绘了这种创作热潮。)”可知,作者提到了Human as Media这本书是为这种创作热潮提供证据。故选B项。
    13.推理判断题。根据第一段中“Online, they can find all the infrmatin available t humankind and frm their wn pinin abut anything. This has cmpletely changed sciety. But what disturbs mst is the new technlgical ability f the large number f peple t express themselves. (在网上,他们可以找到人类可用的所有信息,并对任何事情形成自己的看法。这完全改变了社会。但最令人不安的是,大量的人有了表达自己的新技术能力。)”可知,社交媒体提供了一个自我表达的平台。故选B项。
    14.推理判断题。根据最后一段“But with this great service cmes great risks. Thse self-expressins are expsed t sme extent unseen befre. Unprepared and unhesitating judgments regarding smene’s persnal matters r public affairs increase incredibly. Persnal becmes public and public becmes persnal. (但这项伟大的服务也伴随着巨大的风险。这些自我表达在某种程度上暴露出来,这是以前从未见过的。对某人的个人事务或公共事务毫无准备和毫不犹豫的判断令人难以置信地增加。个人的变成了公共的,公共的变成了个人的。)”可以推知,作者认为自我表达有巨大的风险,作者对自我表达的态度是消极的。故选C项。
    15.主旨大意题。通读全文,根据第一段中“Mre than 4.85 billin peple have access t the Internet. Online, they can find all the infrmatin available t humankind and frm their wn pinin abut anything. This has cmpletely changed sciety. But what disturbs mst is the new technlgical ability f the large number f peple t express themselves.(超过48.5亿人可以使用互联网。在网上,他们可以找到人类可用的所有信息,并对任何事情形成自己的看法。这完全改变了社会。但最令人不安的是,大量的人有了表达自己的新技术能力。)”可知,本文主要讲述了互联网鼓励了人们自我表达的现象。A“互联网鼓励自我表达”符合主题,故选A项。
    16.G 17.C 18.F 19.B 20.A
    16.根据下文“But the truth is, smetimes the very acts we d t get healthy can actually push us past ur physical limits.(但事实是,有时我们为了健康而做的事情实际上会让我们超越身体的极限)”可知,选项与下文为转折关系,说明人们关于高强度运动队健康的一般看法。故G选项“我们通常认为有规律的高强度运动对我们的健康有益。”切题。故选G项。
    17.根据上文“Specifically, vertraining is a set f signs that ccur when yur bdy is nt able t recver sufficiently befre ging int yur next wrkut.(具体来说,过度训练是当你的身体无法在下一次锻炼前充分恢复时出现的一系列迹象)”以及下文“Peple tend t ignre them.(人们往往会忽略它们)”可知,迹象出现的较为缓慢。故C选项“问题是,它们的出现非常缓慢”切题。故选C项。
    18.根据上文“If yur wrkut slightly ges beynd yur current ability, it will adapt tward what yu did in a psitive way.(如果你的锻炼稍微超出了你目前的能力,它会以一种积极的方式适应你所做的)”可知,选项承接上文说明锻炼严重超出了你目前的能力,会导致的结果。故B选项“如果锻炼严重超出了你目前的能力,需要更长的时间来适应,并可能导致受伤。”切题。故选B项。
    19.根据下文“Yur bdy uses the nutrients yu have given it during the rest time. especially sleep, t strengthen.(你的身体会利用你在休息时间给它的营养,尤其是要加强睡眠)”可知,要给恢复留出时间。故B选项“留出恢复的时间也很重要”切题。故选B项。
    20.根据上文“One f the best ways t prevent vertraining is t fcus n yur mrning resting heart rate.(防止过度训练的最好方法之一是关注你的晨间静息心率)”及下文“Generally, yu will detect an increase in yur heart rate befre the ther signs shw up.(一般来说,在其他迹象出现之前,你会发现心率的增加)”可知,心率很容易测量和跟踪。故A选项“它很容易测量和跟踪”切题。故选A项。
    21.B 22.D 23.C 24.A 25.C 26.A 27.D 28.B 29.A 30.C 31.B 32.D 33.C 34.A 35.D
    21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我在中国西北部的塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘坐了20个小时的火车时,其间我与一个当地人有了一种谦卑、有教育意义的,最重要的是,美妙的邂逅,这是所有旅行者都渴望的。A. experiment实验;B. encunter邂逅;C. cmpetitin比赛;D. appintment任命。根据后文“with a lcal that all travelers lng fr”指作者和当地人有了一次美妙的邂逅。故选B。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一位年轻的中国男子在火车上向我走来。A. treated对待;B. saved拯救;C. lectured演讲;D. apprached靠近。根据后文“me n the train”以及后文两人交谈,可知一位年轻的中国男子在火车上向作者走来。故选D。
    23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的新朋友几乎不会说英语,所以我很高兴地抓住这个机会练习我的中文。A. true真的;B. s-called所谓的;C. new新的;D. lng-lst很久不见的。根据上文“A yung Chinese man”可知,两人是在火车上认识的,所以是新朋友。故选C。
    24.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的新朋友几乎不会说英语,所以我很高兴地抓住这个机会练习我的中文。A. chance机会;B. advice建议;C. truble麻烦;D. right权利。根据后文“t practice my Chinese”可知,作者抓住这个机会练习中文。故选A。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在几个小时里,他会告诉我他是如何参加了一个为期两年的专业学校,以便迅速找到一份工作,修建高速公路,以帮助支持他的家庭。A. visited拜访;B. financed提供资金;C. attended参加,上(学);D. funded成立。根据后文“a tw-year prfessinal schl”可知,指这个年轻人去上了一个为期两年的专业学校。故选C。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在几个小时里,他会告诉我他是如何参加了一个为期两年的专业学校,以便迅速找到一份工作,修建高速公路,以帮助支持他的家庭。A. building修建;B. sweeping打扫;C. checking检查;D. guarding守卫。根据后文“highways in rder t help supprt his family”可知,年轻人修建高速公路,以帮助支持他的家庭。故选A。
    27.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,也许最值得注意的是这个人每天在辛苦的体力劳动之后花几个小时学习。A. typical典型的;B. bvius显然的;C. natural自然的;D. remarkable引人注目的。根据后文“this man spent hurs studying every day after hard physical labr.”可知,这个人每天在辛苦的体力劳动之后花几个小时学习,这是最值得注意的品质。故选D。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他会眼都不眨地引用翻译的爱默生的一段话,然后再询问美国作家对文学的整体影响。A. publish出版;B. qute引用;C. cpy复制;D. dwnlad下载。根据后文“a translated Emersn passage”指引用翻译的爱默生的一段话,故选B。
    29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他会眼都不眨地引用翻译过的爱默生的一段话,然后再询问美国作家对文学的整体影响。A. writers作者;B. histrians历史学家;C. wrkers工人;D. students学生。根据上文“a translated Emersn passage befre asking abut the literary influence f American”以及后文“And what d yu all learn abut Russian authrs?(你们对俄罗斯作家有什么了解?)”可知,年轻人对美国和俄罗斯的作家感兴趣。故选A。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“你们对俄罗斯作家有什么了解?”我记得他曾经问过。A. anticipate预期;B. imagine想象;C. recall记起;D. catch抓住。根据后文“him asking at ne pint”可知,作者在回忆年轻人提过的问题。故选C。
    31.考查动词短语辨析。句意:对于这位从未离开过家乡几百英里的公路建设者,我很容易凭空想象。A. lk int调查;B. rely n依靠;C. g ver复习;D. deal with处理。根据后文“my assumptins abut this highway builder wh had never been mre than a few hundred miles frm hme”可知,年轻人从来没有离开过离家几百英里的地方,因此作者很容易依靠自己的假设对他进行判断。故选B。
    32.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但这位见多识广、自学成才、令人钦佩的人阻止了我这么做。A. well-behaved行为端正的;B. multi-skilled多技能的;C. warm-hearted热心的;D. self-educated自学的。呼应上文“this man spent hurs studying every day after hard physical labr.(这个人每天在繁重的体力劳动之后花几个小时学习)”,指这个年轻人的自学能力。故选D。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在几个小时的时间里,他向我展示了带着开放的心态旅行,并愿意与来自各行各业的当地人打交道,会有多么大的收获。A. asked询问;B. warned警告;C. shwed展示;D. prmised承诺。根据后文“me just hw much ne can gain frm”指年轻人通过自己向作者展示了一个人可以从开放的心态和愿意与各行各业的当地人交往中获得多少收获。故选C。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在几个小时的时间里,他向我展示了带着开放的心态旅行,并愿意与来自各行各业的当地人打交道,会有多么大的收获。A. traveling旅行;B. reading阅读;C. searching搜索;D. teaching教学。根据后文“with an pen mind, and a willingness t”结合作者当时在乘火车旅行,所以是指带着开放的心态旅行,故选A。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在几个小时的时间里,他向我展示了带着开放的心态旅行,并愿意与来自各行各业的当地人打交道,会有多么大的收获。A. cperate合作;B. side边;C. negtiate协商;D. engage参与。根据后文“with lcals frm all walks f life”指和各行各业的当地人打交道,应用短语engage with表示“与……接触”。故选D。
    36.engineering 37.functinal 38.t give 39.clsed 40.walks 41.the 42.favrites 43.as 44.which/that 45.richness
    36.考查名词。句意:最新的工程技术被用来创造一个同样美丽的保护功能结构。根据句意可知,空处考查短语engineering techniques,意为“工程技术”,符合句意。故填engineering。
    38.考查非谓语动词。句意:温室在温暖的日子里开放,利用液压系统为内部植物提供阳光和通风。此处作目的状语,应用动词不定式。故填t give。
    40.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:此外,围绕温室的丝绸之路花园带领游客走过一段受古丝绸之路影响的旅程。walk sb. thrugh,意为“带领某人穿过……”,空处为本句谓语动词,根据上文可知,本句时态为一般现在时,主语the Silk Rute Garden为单数,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填walks。
    41.考查冠词。句意:亚洲和欧洲之间的贸易路线第一次为英国带来了丝绸、香料和许多植物。固定搭配:fr the first time,意为“第一次”,符合句意。故填the。
    42.考查名词的数。句意:这些植物包括现代西方最受喜爱的迷迭香、薰衣草和茴香。favrite是可数名词,意为“特别受喜爱的东西”,根据空后such as rsemary, lavender and fennel可知,空处应用名词的复数形式。故填favrites。
    46.Sn it was my turn t talk. Facing the crwd, I fund myself suffering frm stage fright. I spke nervusly and even stuttered a few times as I frgt parts f the stry. My legs trembled and s did my vice. On seeing my terrible perfrmance, the judges shk their heads. The supprters frm my schl lked at me in disappintment. I had never been s embarrassed in my life. In the end, I walked ff the stage, with my eyes filled with tears.
    Finally, I heard the results annunced after the cntest and felt sad. I did nt win any prizes, which was nt surprising at all. I felt rather ashamed when I faced my classmates and f curse, Ms. Sara. I regretted my flish behavir. On the fllwing day, I went t visit Ms. Sara and aplgized. Ms. Sara held my hands, seriusly saying, “It’s OK. But frm this, yu shuld learn that pride ges befre a fall and that practice makes perfect.” I ndded my head and prmised t keep this experience as a life-lng reminder.
    【详解】1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:上场——演讲——结束——公布结果——后悔羞愧——感悟
    3. 词汇激活
    ①结巴:stammer/speak withut fluency
    ②颤抖:be all f a tremble/shake
    ③后悔:repent f/regret
    ④低估:think prly f/underestimate
    ①尴尬:be embarrassed abut/awkward
    【点睛】[高分句型1]Facing the crwd, I fund myself suffering frm stage fright.(现在分词短语作状语)
    [高分句型2]I spke in an expressinless vice and even stuttered a few times as I frgt parts f the stry.(as引导的原因状语从句)
    [高分句型3]I felt ashamed when I faced my classmates and f curse, Ms. Sara.(when引导的时间状语从句)

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