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    ( 英语 )学科考试题
    Shuld yu find yurself in pssessin f an additinal sum f $100, hw might yu emply this financial increment t cultivate an atmsphere f benevlence within yur lcal sciety? If yu pssess an imaginative reply t this inquiry, peruse ur Frequently Asked Questins belw and put frth yur applicatin fr ur recurring cmpetitin.
    What is the nature f this initiative? Kindness-In-Actin is a prgram dedicated t facilitating the realizatin f benevlent cncepts. Individuals frm acrss the glbe prffer their prpsals n the actins they wuld undertake if bestwed with an extra $100, and KindSpring designates a victr n a mnthly basis.
    What is the peratinal mechanism? Initially, yu are t prffer yur cncept; upn its selectin, yu will be cntacted by ne f ur vlunteer adjudicatrs t crdinate a telephnic r Skype cnversatin. Subsequently, we will dispatch a check t yu, and yu will be granted a mnth t actualize yur cncept within yur cmmunity. Fllwing the implementatin, yu are t cnvey yur narrative and phtgraphic dcumentatin t the KindSpring cmmunity. Mrever, yur endeavr will be highlighted in ur mnthly bulletin, which has a readership extending t ver 100 thusand individuals acrss 150 natins, thereby enabling the prpagatin f the cncept and the amplificatin f its cmpassinate influence.
    What are the evaluative standards fr selectin? The criteria fr selectin encmpass yur intrinsic mtivatin, the innvative utilizatin f Smile Cards, the prspective cascading impact within the lcal sciety, and the endrsements frm the KindSpring cmmunity—current members are entitled t lg in and cast their vtes. Fundamentally, ur bjective is t incite mdest acts f kindness, nt grand gestures.
    What was the genesis f this endeavr? In the mnth f May, we received an unfreseen cntributin. In the spirit f sharing the elatin, we psted a succinct annuncement within ur virtual cmmunity sliciting ideas. Within a frtnight, we received mre than 50 submissins, and numerus individuals assisted us in the appraisal prcess by bestwing "smiles". On the first f July, we prclaimed ur inaugural winner and pledged t perpetuate this initiative. The nging purpse f this venture is t: inspire inventive acts f kindness within lcal scieties, t empwer individuals t exercise munificence, t exemplify a trust-based philanthrpic apprach, and t disseminate beneficial cncepts.Click Here t Apply. Or jin ur cmmunity and help us select the next winner.
    1.What can we learn frm the text?
    A. A winner is selected every year.
    B. Only peple frm America can submit their ideas.
    C. An unexpected act f kindness cntributes t its rigin.
    D. The ne selected needs t use his r her wn mney t implement the idea.
    2.What's the purpse f Kindness-In-Actin?
    A. T chse mre wise cnsumers.
    B. T prmte internatinal cperatin.
    C. T aruse peple t express themselves.
    D. T encurage acts f kindness and spread gd ideas.
    3.Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A textbkB. A guidebkC. A websiteD. A reprt.
    Upn my arrival at Falcnwd Apiary, Kaat Kaye is already engrssed in the meticulus inspectin f the apian dmiciles, blivius t my arrival. I find myself privy t her sft murmurings directed twards the bees, their mellifluus drne resnating thrugh the atmsphere, interspersed with her gentle wrds f encuragement and cmprmise.
    Kaye was brn with prfund auditry impairment. Althugh she has the capacity t perceive sunds with the aid f auditry prsthetics, she ften dispenses with them during her labrs. "Acustic sensatins are alien t my experience," she elucidates. "I revel in the tranquility and stillness. In the cmpany f bees, aural perceptin is superfluus. My cncentratin is heightened when nt beset by incessant auditry distractins."
    Adrned with naught but her cwl, apiarian instrument, and device fr the emissin f smke, Kaye prceeds with a measured and deliberate gait. In cntrast, I am excessively attired, having dnned a cmprehensive prtective garment fr ur encunter. She advises me t shed the glves I've brught alng and directs me t a psitin that will minimize the agitatin f the bees. Kaye's tender and cautius methdlgy instills a sense f calm in my presence amng her charges. As ur time tgether accrues, my admiratin fr Kaye's fervr fr apiculture and the manner in which her auditry limitatins have sculpted her distinctive methdlgy deepens.
    In her vcatin, she champins rganic apicultural practices that minimize the utilizatin f chemical treatments. Mrever, she gathers all the requisite intelligence fr the stewardship f the hives by depending n her nn-auditry senses. Perhaps mst ntably, what renders Kaye an extrardinary apiarist is almst metaphysical. Excelling in her vcatin is inextricably linked t adaptability, navigating the myriad uncertainties that emerge n any given day. Is precipitatin excessive? Scarce? When will the flra reach full blm? Will it yield a buntiful harvest f hney? She respnds with alacrity, ensuring nt t disrupt the bees' cadence and equilibrium.
    "There is a prfund, almst spiritual dimensin t the craft f beekeeping," she remarked. "Yu cannt exert abslute dminin ver them, akin t any element f the natural wrld, indeed. Sme years bestw upn us an abundant hney harvest. Other years are fraught with adversity, resulting in the lss f half f the hive. There is cnsiderable srrw but als cnsiderable delight, t, in simply tiling in the great utdrs with these sentient beings—a living, cmplex superrganism."
    4.Why des Kaye wrk withut hearing aids?
    A. T feel at ease.
    B. T better cncentrate.
    C. T reduce dependence n them.
    D. T avid the humming nise f the bees.
    5.What can be inferred frm paragraph 3?
    A. Kaye knws the bees very well.
    B. A prtective suit is necessary fr Kaye.
    C. Lsing hearing brings truble t Kaye's wrk.
    D. The authr is t frightened t fllw Kaye's instructins.
    6.What matters mst fr Kaye t becme an exceptinal beekeeper?
    A. Her remarkable hney prductin.
    B. Her natural beekeeping techniques.
    C. Her knwledge n weather cnditins.
    D. Her capability f handling daily uncertainties.
    7.What is Kaye like?
    A. Creative and brave.B. Passinate and skilled.
    C. Deaf but ambitius.D. Heartbrken but determined.
    The rejuvenating effects f a restrative ncturnal repse are widely recgnized; it can engender a state f enhanced well-being. Academics in the field psit that the excellence f ne's slumber may indeed be instrumental in the prlngatin f ne's lifespan.
    Male subjects wh enjy a state f smnlent tranquility culd ptentially extend their existence by a span f nearly five decades in cmparisn t thse bereft f such repse. The female cunterparts stand t gain an increment f tw decades. Additinally, it has been bserved that yuthful individuals wh adhere t salutary smniferus rutines are less susceptible t a premature demise. Hwever, the mere quantity f repse is insufficient t reap the ptential healthful dividends; the caliber f ne's slumber is equally pivtal.
    The parameters f cmmendable slumber were delineated by a quintet f distinct criteria. These encmpassed an ptimal duratin f seven t eight hurs f repse per ncturnal cycle; experiencing difficulty in the initiatin f sleep n mre than twice per hebdmadal perid; similar challenges in maintaining smnlence n mre than twice weekly; abstaining frm the cnsumptin f any sprific pharmaceuticals; and awakening with a sensatin f invigratin n n fewer than five days per septenary cycle.
    The cnclusins derived frm the study intimate that apprximately 8% f fatalities, irrespective f their etilgy, culd be imputed t inadequate smniferus patterns. Dr. Frank Qian, a resident physician specializing in internal medicine at the Beth Israel Deacness Medical Center in Bstn, America, remarked, "A distinct prprtinal respnse relatinship was discerned. Cnsequently, an increase in the beneficial elements pertaining t the quality f sleep crrelates with a prgressive diminutin in mrtality frm all causes."
    The research cllated data frm a ppulace f 172,321 individuals with an average age f 50, f which 54% were female. These participants were engaged in the Natinal Health Interview Survey, spanning the years 2013 t 2018, which sught t scrutinize the well-being f the American ppulace, inclusive f inquiries int their smniferus habits.
    The subjects were tracked fr a mean perid f 4.3 years, during which 8,681 succumbed t death. Of these fatalities, 2,610 (30%) were attributable t cardivascular afflictins, 2,052 (24%) t nclgical disrders, and 4,019 (46%) t a miscellany f ther causes. Amng the male and female participants wh reprted adherence t all five indices f quality sleep (an ptimal quintile scre), the expectancy f life was augmented by 4.7 years fr males and by 2.4% fr females, in cntradistinctin t thse wh pssessed nne r a slitary factr.
    Further schlarly endeavr is warranted t elucidate the raisn d'être fr the dichtmy in the enhancement f life expectancy, with males exhibiting twice the increment bserved in females despite equivalent smniferus quality.
    A caveat f the study lies in the reliance n self-reprted smniferus habits, which were nt subjected t bjective quantificatin r verificatin.
    8.Wh is mst likely t have a gd sleep?
    A. Alice, wh falls asleep as sn as she tuches the pillw after taking a sleeping pill every day.
    B. Betty, wh falls asleep quickly and has a nightmare at least 3 times a week.
    C. Candy, wh feels refreshed after sleeping tight weekdays.
    D. David, wh cunts sheep and has a sund sleep every day.
    9.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. The sleep habits in the study were reprted by the test subjects.
    B. Quantity f sleep was enugh t achieve the health benefits.
    C. Men had duble the life span cmpared with wmen.
    D. Pr sleep pattern caused 8% f deaths frm all causes f cancer.
    10.Hw did the researchers cme t their findings ?
    A. By referring t anther study.
    B. By cnsulting the authritative agencies.
    C. By interviewing the prfessinals.
    D. By cnducting data analysis.
    11.What is the writerˈs attitude t the the finding f the study?
    A. AmbiguusB. ObjectiveC. IndifferentD. Dubtful
    Max Du emerged victrius at the Canada-Wide Science Fair with his innvative prject: an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) designed t assist individuals experiencing cardiac arrests. His ingenuity was sparked during the Christmas recess f the preceding year. "I received a recreatinal drne as a gift frm my parents, yet I was unable t perate it alft due t the snwy cnditins," Max recunted. "Cnsequently, I experimented with it indrs, which led me t cntemplate the ptential fr a drne t serve as an autmated indr apparatus that culd render assistance t peple in need."
    Apprximately 35,000 Canadians succumb t cardiac arrests annually, with the majrity f these incidents ccurring beynd the cnfines f a hspital, resulting in a survival rate f less than 10 percent. Max was cnvinced that a drne culd prvide mre expeditius assistance and expedite the delivery f vital medical treatments, but t validate this hypthesis, he was cmpelled t cnstruct the device himself.
    The prcess f refining his drne spanned a perid f six mnths, during which Max's parents had t tlerate the persistent buzzing and crashing f the machine within their dmicile. With each innvative feature he devised, such as a telescpic appendage, the drne's verall mass increased, leading t frequent disassembly. This necessitated the prcurement f an entirely new set f cmpnents. Max persevered, experimenting with mre lightweight cnstructin materials until he achieved a mre harmnius equilibrium in his design.
    Thrugh a methdical prcess f iterative refinement, the 14-year-ld prdigy ultimately perfected his inventin. His drne is nw capable f manipulating a dr handle, navigating thrugh the air, and alighting gently n the grund. An innvative, extendable arm can be deplyed t either administer an injectin r deliver a life-saving pharmaceutical t a patient. Additinally, an integrated camera facilitates real-time cmmunicatin with an emergency respnse team, enabling remte mnitring f the patient's cnditin.
    Max is intent n pursuing the acquisitin f a patent t frge alliances within the healthcare sectr and bring his inventin t fruitin. He dedicated his summer t the study f artificial intelligence at Stanfrd University in Califrnia, where he was ne f nly 32 yung schlars chsen glbally. Subsequently, he will prceed t the University f Pennsylvania t enrll in a cllegiate-level rbtics curse befre resuming his high schl studies in September.
    12.Why did Max Du design a drne by himself?
    A. He had sympathy fr thse with heart attacks.
    B. He had nthing t d in Christmas hlidays.
    C. He wanted use it t help his parents.
    D. He tried t make it fly in the snw.
    13.What can we learn frm paragraphs 2 and 3?
    A. Mst f the peple with cardiac arrests in Canada can survive.
    B. Maxˈs parents were unwilling t help during his drne design.
    C. Itˈs very imprtant t cntrl the balance f the drne.
    D. Maxˈs design f the extendable arm is very smth.
    14.What des paragraph 4 mainly talk abut?
    A. The instructins fr using the drne.B. The reasn fr applying fr a patent.
    C. The prcess f Maxˈs success.D. The functins f the new drne.
    15.Which f the fllwing can best describe Max?
    A. Cnsiderate and brave.B. Talented and creative.
    C. Clever and hnest.D. Helpful and lyal.
    It is ften a cmplex and tiring task t live a healthy life, but that isnˈt always the case. (16) Itˈs time t change the classrm envirnment fr the health f the children.
    (17) Itˈs nt surprising that sitting fr lng as a child is assciated with health prblems as an adult. Frtunately, thereˈs a simple, verlked slutin t these prblems—standing desks.
    Over the last few years, a number f studies have shwn that the benefits f the increased range f mvement students experience when using standing desks are surprisingly brad. (18) Besides, standing desks encurage higher levels f teamwrk and participatin amng students. Standing desks als help t reduce the risk f sme diseases. They can help t prevent fatness, heart disease and lw spirits. Sedentary(久坐的)lifestyles are a majr reasn why teenagers suffer frm pr mental health, while higher activity levels reduce the chances f a child experiencing such an illness.
    The benefits f bringing standing desks int classrms are bvius. (19) Otherwise they will likely hurt their muscles when standing fr a lng time. Standing desks usually ffer a full range f mtin, which includes the ptin t sit r lean(倾斜身体)withut lsing eye-level f the rest f the class, and that full range f mtin is imprtant.
    Sitting isnˈt hrrible. It isnˈt a thing we shuld never d. The prblem is that we d it t much, and s d ur children, which makes children less likely t succeed and keep healthy. (20)
    A.It is time fr us t stand up t stay healthy.
    B.But it is imprtant fr children t use them gradually.
    C.Children spend mst f their schl day sitting at desks.
    D.Thus itˈs necessary t break up the sitting with standing desks.
    E.Smething as cheap as a desk culd be making a majr difference.
    F.Right nw there is smething we can d easily t keep ur children healthy.
    G.Fr example, they help students keep fit and avid putting n t much weight.
    Vlunteering has been a way f life fr me fr the past five years since I was fifteen.
    In 2020 I (21) with a newly funded scial enterprise, which cnducted cking lessns fr visually impaired (视障) trainee (22) . I abslutely lved it as it invlved meaningful (23) with peple and I was fully (24) thrughut the entire time I was there. This was unlike sme ther types f vlunteering, which may invlve mstly behind-the-scenes wrk that can get (25) after a while.
    We called urselves “sighted assistants” and each f us was (26) with a visually impaired trainee chef. As a vlunteer, I wuld walk with the trainee t the Enabling Village (27) , and then ensure their (28) as they learned t ck a new dish. This included helping them (29) the psitin f the sink, ensuring prper use f electrical appliances, (30) biling and ht bjects, as well as being careful with knives amng ther things.
    Being there with them made me truly (31) appreciate hw difficult life can be when yu are partially sighted r cmpletely blind. Every tiny task (32) requires massive effrt. There are s many peple with visual impairments, I realized. While medicine still des nt have the pwer t cure all f these cnditins, we are never shrt f ways t empwer these individuals by making life (34) easier and (35) mre meaningful fr them.
    21.A. metB. cperatedC. startedD. vlunteered
    22.A. managersB. vlunteersC. chefsD. dctrs
    23.A. interactinB. appintmentC. greetingD. cnflict
    24.A. cnfusedB. engagedC. surprisedD. disturbed
    25.A. prmisingB. frighteningC. challengingD. bring
    26.A. facedB. cmparedC. pairedD. equipped
    27.A. lessnB. enterpriseC. rmD. kitchen
    28.A. satisfactinB. safetyC. pleasureD. success
    29.A. leave utB. miss utC. figure utD. pint ut
    30.A. avidingB. tuchingC. apprachingD. feeling
    31.A. appreciateB. imagineC. predictD. think
    32.A. temprarilyB. partlyC. accidentallyD. riginally
    33.A. simplifiesB. causesC. takesD. ffers
    34.A. disabilitiesB. difficultiesC. determinatinD. pwer
    35.A. luckierB. tugherC. happierD. easier
    High n the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (36) (lie) China's "water twer" Sanjiangyuan. It is hme t the headwaters f China's three rivers: the Yellw River, Yangtze River, and Lancang (Mekng) River. It is the three rivers (37) prvide water fr abut half the ppulatin f China. Hwever, human activities are putting this ecsystem (38) risk. Hpefully, thugh, we can change this damage. In 2016, the Chinese gvernment built Sanjiangyuan Natinal Park in Qinghai prvince. The park, (39) (schedule) t pen in 2020, has increased the area's green cverage and attracted mre wildlife. The lcal gvernment has als made great effrt t imprve bilgical diversity. The success f Sanjiangyuan will mark the start f a (40) (green) future. With Sanjiangyuan (41) (take) the lead, nine ther regins in China (42) (chse) by a field cnservatin statin t carry ut prjects ver the past three years, (43) will frm a natinal park system tgether. The idea f a natinal park system is still new in China, but (44) (it) realizatin is urgent. After all, building an eclgical civilizatin bears great (45) (imprtant) in the develpment and prgress f human civilizatin.
    46.假定你是李华,你校英文报“Mental Health”专栏正在征集文章,请你以“Cntrl Yur Emtin and Be Mentally Healthy”为题,向同学们推荐一种调节情绪的方法。内容包括:
    Cntrl Yur Emtin and Be Mentally Healthy
    47. Jim cllapsed in a state f despndency upn the sfa. The impending celebratin f the maternal anniversary, knwn as Mther's Day, was fast appraching, and he fund himself devid f any gift t bestw upn her. "What avenue is available t me fr the prcurement f a present when my financial resurces are nn-existent?" he pndered with a sense f urgency.
    In a bid t alleviate his melanchly, Jim retrieved the daily jurnal f current events that was casually dispersed acrss the sfa. His attentin was arrested by a prminent prclamatin n the initial page. A nearby establishment fr retail purpses was the prgenitr f a cmpetitin. "Articulate the unique qualities that render yur mther distinguished and stand a chance t acquire an uninhibited fray int ur marketplace fr her," the prclamatin declared.
    "This presents a serendipitus pprtunity!" Jim exclaimed inwardly. With alacrity, he prceeded t his chamber, clasping the jurnal in his grasp. Frm his study desk, he selected a writing utensil and an unmarked sheet f paper, and cmmenced t inscribe his thughts.
    "Her maternal excellence surpasses that f all ther mthers in the terrestrial sphere. She is perpetually in the act f preparing a repast fr my schlastic sjurn, and never des she verlk the prvisin f a sweetmeat. She indulges my desire fr tales by reading t me in the twilight hurs, and with unwavering diligence, she ensures the sub-lethal inspectin f my slumbering quarters fr any lurking ncturnal visitants. Furthermre, she bestws the mst affectinate embrace, yet with a cnsiderate discretin when in the cmpany f my cmrades, wh might ridicule such a display f familial affectin."
    Jim was well-pleased with his cmpsitin. He transcribed it with meticulus care and sught an envelpe and the necessary pstal insignia frm his paternal figure. With haste, he made his way t the receptacle fr utging crrespndence, his entry in hand, "Mther will revel in the unrestrained explratin f the marketplace," he mused.
    Jim dutifully mnitred the mailbx fr the arrival f his acclade. Time elapsed—a successin f days, then weeks. The eve f Mther's Day arrived, and still, there was n cmmunicatin regarding the utcme f the cntest.
    "What am I t d at this juncture?" he questined himself. A gift remained elusive, as did the prspect f a shpping extravaganza, and his financial status remained unchanged. He was cmpelled t devise an alternative. With his eyes tightly shut, his tes curled in cncentratin, and his mind racing, Jim exerted such intense effrt in his cntemplatin that it induced a sensatin f discmfrt in his auditry rgans.
    Suddenly he had an idea._______
    The next mrning Jim handed his present t his mm._______
    答案:C 解析: 根据第一段的描述,KindSpring每月选择一个获胜者来实现他们的善举概念,因此A选项不正确。文中没有提及只有美国人可以提交想法,因此B选项不正确。D选项也不正确,因为获胜者会收到KindSpring寄来的支票来实施他们的概念。C选项正确,因为一个意外的善举促成了这个项目的起源。
    答案:D 解析: 根据第二段,Kindness-In-Actin项目的目的是激发小规模的善举,而不是宏大的姿态,并且传播有益的概念。
    答案:C 解析: 根据整篇文章的结构和内容,这篇文章很可能来自一个网站,因为它包含了互动性的元素,比如呼吁读者提交自己的想法和参与投票。
    答案:B 解析: 根据第三段,Kaye在工作时通常不使用助听器,因为她喜欢宁静和安静,并且在没有持续的听觉干扰时她的专注力会提高。
    答案:A 解析: 根据第三段,Kaye在没有听觉辅助工具的情况下工作,并且她以柔和和谨慎的方式与蜜蜂相处,这表明她非常了解蜜蜂。
    答案:D 解析: 根据第四段,Kaye成为一个杰出的养蜂人最重要的是她处理日常不确定性的能力。
    答案:B 解析: 根据最后一段,Kaye对养蜂工艺有着深刻的、几乎是精神层面的理解,并且她热爱与这些有感知能力的生物一起在户外工作,这表明她充满激情和技能。
    答案:C 解析: 根据第五段的描述,Candy在工作日晚上睡觉后感到精神焕发,这符合良好的睡眠标准。
    答案:A 解析: 根据最后一段,研究的结论表明,大约8%的死亡,无论其原因如何,可以归因于不良的睡眠模式。
    答案:D 解析: 根据最后一段,研究人员通过对来自美国国家卫生访谈调查的数据进行分析得出了他们的发现。
    答案:B 解析: 根据最后一段,研究的一个警告是依赖于自我报告的睡眠习惯,这些习惯没有经过客观量化或验证。
    答案:B 解析: 根据Max Du的描述,他设计无人机的原因是想帮助那些心脏病发作的人。
    答案:C 解析: 根据第二段和第三段,Max在设计过程中不断增加无人机的功能,导致整体质量增加,这强调了控制无人机平衡的重要性。
    答案:D 解析: 第四段主要描述了Max设计的无人机的功能,包括操纵门把手、空中导航、轻柔着陆以及创新的伸缩臂等。
    答案:B 解析: 根据整篇文章,Max展现了他的创新和创造力,他设计了一款可以帮助心脏病发作患者的无人机,并且他还在斯坦福大学学习人工智能,并计划在宾夕法尼亚大学学习机器人课程。
    答案:F 解析: 根据空格后的"It's time t change the classrm envirnment fr the health f the children.",可知前面的句子应该是提出一个解决方案,F选项"Right nw there is smething we can d easily t keep ur children healthy."符合。
    答案:C 解析: 根据空格后的"It's nt surprising that sitting fr lng as a child is assciated with health prblems as an adult.",可知C选项"Children spend mst f their schl day sitting at desks."提供了坐着的背景。
    答案:G 解析: 根据空格前的"the benefits f the increased range f mvement students experience when using standing desks are surprisingly brad.",G选项"Fr example, they help students keep fit and avid putting n t much weight."举例说明了站立课桌的好处。
    答案:B 解析: 根据空格后的"Otherwise they will likely hurt their muscles when standing fr a lng time.",可知B选项"But it is imprtant fr children t use them gradually."提到了使用站立课桌需要逐渐适应。
    答案:A 解析: 根据空格前的"The prblem is that we d it t much, and s d ur children, which makes children less likely t succeed and keep healthy.",A选项"It is time fr us t stand up t stay healthy."强调了站立的重要性。
    答案:D 解析: 根据下文描述,作者在过去五年里一直做志愿者,这里应该选择表示"志愿"的动词。
    答案:C 解析: 根据下文的"visually impaired trainee chef",可知这里是指视障的受训厨师。
    答案:A 解析: 作者喜欢这种志愿活动,因为它涉及与人们的有意义的互动。
    答案:B 解析: 作者在参与志愿活动时感到全身心投入。
    答案:D 解析: 与作者参与的其他类型的志愿活动相比,有些可能主要是幕后工作,可能会变得无聊。
    答案:C 解析: 志愿者们被称为"sighted assistants",并且每位志愿者都与一位视障厨师配对。
    答案:D 解析: 志愿者们会陪伴视障厨师去Enabling Village的厨房。
    答案:B 解析: 志愿者们要确保视障厨师在学习新菜时的安全。
    答案:C 解析: 志愿者们帮助视障厨师弄清楚水槽的位置等。
    答案:A 解析: 志愿者们要确保视障厨师避免接触沸水和热物体。
    答案:A 解析: 与视障人士在一起让作者真正感激他们的生活是多么困难。
    答案:B 解析: 对于部分失明或完全失明的人来说,每一个小任务都需要付出巨大的努力。
    答案:D 解析: 尽管医学上还不能治愈所有的视觉障碍,但我们总有办法通过提供帮助使他们的生活更有价值。
    答案:B 解析: 使生活更轻松,这里应该选择"difficulties"。
    答案:C 解析: 使生活更有意义,这里应该选择"happier"。
    答案:lying 解析: 这里需要使用现在分词形式作为状语,表示高原上的三江源。
    答案:that/which 解析: 引导定语从句,修饰前面的"the three rivers"。
    答案:at 解析: 固定搭配"at risk"表示处于危险之中。
    答案:scheduled 解析: 这里需要使用过去分词形式作为定语,表示计划在2020年开放。
    答案:greener 解析: 形容词比较级形式,表示更绿色的未来。
    答案:leading 解析: 现在分词形式作为状语,表示三江源带头。
    答案:have been chsen 解析: 现在完成时的被动语态,表示这九个地区已经被选定。
    答案:will 解析: 这里需要使用将来时态,表示将来会一起形成一个国家公园系统。
    答案:its 解析: 代词,指代前面的"a natinal park system"。
    答案:imprtance 解析: 名词形式,表示建立生态文明在人类文明的发展和进步中具有重大意义。
    Cntrl Yur Emtin and Be Mentally Healthy
    One effective methd t regulate emtins is thrugh mindfulness meditatin. This practice invlves fcusing n the present mment nn-judgmentally, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. By being aware f ur thughts and feelings withut getting caught up in them, we can achieve a clearer state f mind and imprve ur mental well-being.
    Paragraph 1:
    Suddenly he had an idea. He culd create a handmade gift, smething frm the heart that his mther wuld cherish. Jim decided t craft a pht album filled with memries f their family, a testament t the lve and times they had shared tgether.
    Paragraph 2:
    The next mrning, Jim handed his present t his mm. As she pened it, her eyes welled up with tears f jy. The gift, thugh nt bught frm a stre, was a priceless treasure that reflected the depth f his feelings and the value he placed n their relatinship.

    广东省深圳市光明区光明中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(含答案): 这是一份广东省深圳市光明区光明中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(含答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了 答题前,考生务必用直径0, 本卷命题范围等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    广东省深圳市光明区光明中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题: 这是一份广东省深圳市光明区光明中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题,文件包含广东省深圳市光明区光明中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题pdf、24062A深圳光明中学-英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共10页, 欢迎下载使用。

    广东省深圳市光明中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题: 这是一份广东省深圳市光明中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了第二部分,阅读,第二节,七选五,第四部分 写作等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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