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    这是一份浙江省9+1高中联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考考试英语试题,共7页。试卷主要包含了阅读选择,完型填空,语篇填空 (10空,共15分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Writing Cntest: Tell A Stry
    It's Natinal Tell a Stry Mnth, and we're excited t hear yurs! Fr this cntest, submit yur best fictinal stries. Yur stries will be judged based n imagery, nvelty and riginality. There is n specific genre (体裁) fr yur stry. S g ahead and get t writing. We can't wait t read what yu have in stre fr us.
    Deadline: Octber 1,2023.
    *Yu must be a teen (aged 13-19) with a Teen Ink accunt t enter.
    *N inapprpriate cntent.
    * Submissins must relate t the tpic (A stry).
    Guidelines and Details:
    *Yur entry must be between abut 5-15 minutes(pages) lng.
    *There is n limit t the number f plays yu can submit.
    Hw t Submit:
    * Submit entries thrugh ur website. All entries submitted t TeenInk are autmatically cnsidered fr the cntest. See ur submissin guidelines fr mre infrmatin.
    * Submit yur wrk t the Fictin categry f Teen Ink. Yu can find this selectin after selecting the initial "Article/Petry" submissin type.
    * Imprtant!! We get a lt f fictin submissins every mnth. If yu want t submit yur wrk fr this cn test in particular, include the wrds "Tell A Stry" in yur submissin's tags(标签). Yu can d this by using the "additinal tags" field in yur submissin frm.
    * Winner(and hnrable mentins, if space allws) will have their scripts published in Teen Ink magazine.
    *The verall winner will receive a $25 Amazn gift card.
    1. What is a criterin used t evaluate the entries?
    A. It shuld be a true stry. B. Its cntent shuld be creative.
    C. Its theme shuld be abut teens. D. It shuld fllw a particular genre.
    2. Which f the fllwing will lead t failed participatin?
    A. Being a 10-year-ld girl.
    B. Writing an entry f 10 pages.
    C. Submitting befre Octber 1, 2023.
    D. Chsing t use a Teen Ink accunt.
    3. What's the purpse f writing the text?
    A. T infrm teenagers f a cntest.
    B. T encurage the use f Teen Ink.
    C. T stress the significance f writing.
    D. T select hnrable teenage writers.
    Aasritha Duriseti, an eighth-grade student at Carsn Middle Schl wanted t help her grandmther wh struggled t pen bttle caps. She fund a slutin in her engineering class, where students were tasked with adapting existing prducts t make daily life easier fr peple with physical disabilities.
    Aasritha's creativity kicked in as she researched existing bttle-pening devices. "The shape and size f a cellphne are familiar," she said. T create a better bttle pener, Aasritha used a piece f wd. It was shaped like a cellphne. Next, she put three hles in the wd. The hles were in different sizes s that they culd match cmmn bttle cap sizes. Each hle als had a layer f dried ht glue, prviding a strng hld fr the bttle caps. With a simple twisting mtin, her grandmther culd pen bttles withut assistance.
    While addressing challenges thse with learning disabilities, mvement challenges and ther issues face, students like Aasritha used mre than their math, physics, and tl skills. They als learned abut empathy(共情). "Empathy is lking at prblems frm anther persn's pint f view," Aasritha's teacher, Mark Blt, said. "It's an imprtant part f engineering. Engineers need t put themselves in their prduct users' shes t build effective slutins." It was empathy, while watching friends and family deal with daily tasks, that pushed ther students' prjects.
    Student Michael nticed hw reading disrder made it difficult fr his friends t fllw alng n pages full f text. Their brains tend t cnfuse the rder f numbers, letters, and ther images. S Michael created a small adjustable windw-blind-style device. "My friend culd separate small sectins f text while reading," he said.
    In the prcess, students tried different versins f their prducts t make the best ne t shw the class. Rather than having step-by-step directins fr the prjects, Blt preferred t leave students' creative paths pen. "If we want t d better, we have t have a chance t fail," he said.
    4. What might be a slutin t Aasritha's engineering class task?
    A. T invent new prducts. B. T better wheelchairs.
    C. T raise mney fr the disabled. D. T teach lwer-grade students engineering.
    5. Why are the three hles' sizes different in Aasritha's bttle pener?
    A. T ensure a wider use. B. T make the mst f space.
    C. T beautify the bttle pener. D. T make the pener easier t hld.
    6. Accrding t Mark Blt, while designing prducts engineers shuld ____________________________________.
    A. ask fr the users'advice B. be thughtful f their users
    C. imprve their wrk effectiveness D. fcus mre n the peple arund them
    7. What des Mark Blt think is imprtant in the students' creatin?
    A. Aiming t be the best creatr.
    B. Having rm fr free explratin.
    C. Fllwing a strict set f rules and steps.
    D. Serving different functins in different situatins.
    It is generally acknwledged that yung peple frm prer sci-ecnmic backgrunds tend t d less well in the educatin system. In an attempt t help the children f pr families, a natinwide prgram called "Headstart" was started in the US in 1965. A lt f mney was pured int it. It tk children int pre-schl institutins at the age f three and was suppsed t help them succeed in schl. But the results have been disappinting because the prgram began t late. Many children wh entered it at three were already behind their peers in language and intelligence and the parents were nt invlved in the prcess. At the end f each day, "Headstart" children returned t the same disadvantaged hme envirnment.
    T imprve the results, anther prgram was started in Missuri that cncentrated n parents as the child's first teachers. This prgram was based n research shwing that wrking with the family is the mst effective way f helping children get the best pssible start in life. The fur-year study included 380 families wh were abut t have their first child and represented different sci-ecnmic status, age and family structure. The prgram invlved trained educatrs visiting and wrking with the parent r parents and the child. The prgram als gave the parents sme guidance, and useful skills n child develpment.
    At three, the children invlved in the "Missuri" prgram were evaluated with the children selected frm the same sci-ecnmic backgrunds and family situatins. The results were bvius. The children in the prgram were mre advanced in language develpment, prblem slving and ther intellectual skills than their peers. They perfrmed equally well regardless f sci-ecnmic backgrunds r family structure. The ne factr that was fund t affect the child's develpment was the pr quality f parent-child interactin. That interactin was nt necessarily bad in prer families.
    The "Missuri" prgram cmpares quite distinctly with the "Headstart" prgram. Withut a similar fcus f parent educatin and n the vital imprtance f the first three years, sme evidence indicates that it will nt be enugh t vercme educatin unfairness.
    8. What caused the failure f the "Headstart" prgram?
    A. The large number f pr families. B. The disapprval frm children.
    C. The late start f the prgram. D. The lng perid f time.
    9. What d we knw abut the "Missuri" prgram?
    A. It fcused n the children's first schl teachers.
    B. It helped the children return t the same hme.
    C. It made the children imprve in many aspects.
    D. It gave the parents advice n their develpment.
    10. Accrding t the passage, what is likely t influence children's perfrmance?
    A. The number f family members. B. The teacher-student relatinship.
    C. The intelligence f their parents. D. The parent-child cmmunicatin.
    11. Hw des the authr develp the passage?
    A. By listing figures. B. By making cmparisns.
    C. By presenting ideas. D. By drawing cnclusins.
    The decline in mral standards - which has lng cncerned scial analysts-has at last captured the attentin f average Americans. And Jean Bethke Elshtain, fr ne, is glad.
    The fact that rdinary citizens are nw starting t think seriusly abut the natin's mral climate, says this ethics(伦理学) prfessr at the University f Chicag, is reasn t hpe that new ideas will cme frward t imprve it.
    But the challenge is nt t be underestimated. Materialism and individualism in American sciety are gaining ppularity. "The thught that ‘I’m in it fr me' has becme deeply rted in the natinal cnsciusness," Ms. Elshtain says.
    Sme f this can be attributed t the disintegratin (瓦解) f traditinal cmmunities, in which neighbrs lked ut fr ne anther, she says. With tday's greater mbility and with s many cuples wrking, thse bnds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis n self.
    In a 1996 pll f Americans, lss f mrality tpped the list f the biggest prblems facing the U. S. And Elshtain says the public is crrect t sense that: Data shw that Americans are struggling with prblems unheard f in the 1950s, such as classrm vilence and a high rate f births t unmarried mthers.
    The desire fr a higher mral standard is nt a lament(挽歌) fr sme nnexistent "glden age," Elshtain says, nr is it a wishful lnging fr a smash f the discriminatin that denied pprtunities t wmen and minrities. Mst peple, in fact, favr the lessening f prejudice. and minrities. Mst peple, in fact, favr the lessening f prejudice.
    Mral decline will nt be reversed(扭转) until peple find ways t ppse the materialism in sciety, she says. "Slwly, yu recgnize that the things that matter are thse that can't be bught."
    12. Prfessr Elshtain is pleased t see that Americans _______.
    A. have adapted t a new set f mral standards
    B. are lnging fr the return f the gd ld days
    C. have realized the imprtance f material things
    D. are awakening t the lwering f their mral standards
    13. The mral decline f American sciety is caused mainly by _______.
    A. the grwing wealth f the cuntry
    B. the self-centeredness f individuals
    C. underestimating the impact f scial changes
    D. the prejudice against wmen and minrities
    14. Which f the fllwing characterizes the traditinal cmmunities?
    A. Great mbility. B. Emphasis n individual effrt.
    C. Cncern fr ne's neighbr. D. Ever-weakening scial bnds.
    15. Accrding t Elshtain, the current mral decline may be reversed _______.
    There's a lng-standing argument in scientific circles ver hw t classify viruses. They're nt lifeless, because they multiply and have genes. Yet they're nt "alive," as they dn't have cells, and can't survive n their wn. Viruses reprduce by hijacking(劫持) the hst's cells, eventually causing them t burst and die. 16 In rder t prtect urselves frm them, we have t knw sme basic facts abut viruses.
    17 Peple ften think f just a few viruses—influenza, HIV, and nw crnaviruses—but they are the mst plentiful micrbes (微生物)n the planet. There are abut 320,000 types that infect mammals, but just 219 are knwn t infect humans.
    Yu can get sme viruses mre than nce. There's a ppular myth that nce yu've had a virus, yu're immune t (对……免疫) it. 18 When yu get a virus, yur bdy builds up antibdies t fight it. Hwever, nt everyne makes enugh antibdies, and they can wear ff ver time, which is why yu need bster shts f sme vaccines.
    Yu can be cntagius(传染性的) withut ever shwing symptms. Sme viruses can be spread via peple wh never had signs f the illness r wh dn't have symptms yet. Sme peple may even be "super-spreaders". 19 Take precautins t prevent spreading viruses. When yu get a virus, yur bdy builds up antibdies t fight it. Hwever, nt everyne makes enugh antibdies, and they can wear ff ver time, which is why yu need bster shts f sme vaccines.
    Yu can be cntagius(传染性的) withut ever shwing symptms. Sme viruses can be spread via peple wh never had signs f the illness r wh dn't have symptms yet. Sme peple may even be "super-spreaders". 20 Take precautins t prevent spreading viruses even when yu dn't feel sick.
    If yu're very verweight, yu need t be extra cautius. Obese peple are cntagius with the flu virus 42 percent lnger than thse wh aren't bese. Because besity is linked t many health prblems, it may affect yur immune system. 21
    A. But that's nt always the case.
    B. There are many mre viruses than yu think.
    C. Lss f taste r smell is an early warning sign.
    D. Extra weight may make the flu sht(流感疫苗) less effective t.
    E. Sleep as much as pssible t help yur bdy t recver.
    F. That's why viruses that infect humans nearly always cause illness.
    G. They will infect dzens t hundreds f ther peple withut even realizing it.
    二、完型填空 (共15空,15分)
    I was traveling n an vernight bus in Maharashtra. The bus was mre than packed; all 55 seats were 1 and there were sme 20 peple standing in the aisle. The air inside was ht and filled with strange, unpleasant smells. The ht day 2 the discmfrt f the 10-hur jurney n the rugh and rcky rad. Because I was traveling n a student pass, I culd nt 3 a reserved seat. I had n ptin but t stand—quite 4 .
    After arund tw lng hurs, I was beynd exhausted and bred. I kept trying t 5 myself, shifting my bdy weight frm ne leg t the ther t manage the discmfrt. I suddenly felt a sft hand 6 my elbw. Turning arund, I fund a middle-aged man with a kind smile lking up at me. He std up and said I culd take his 7 fr sme time. I was pleasantly surprised and immediately accepted his ffer. After 20 minutes, I 8 him t take back his space. A man, wh was sitting by the windw n the ther side f the bus, had bserved ur 9 .
    Just then, smething magic al happened. Our bserver 10 std up and ffered his seat t anther standing man. This game f seat-sharing 11 thrugh the bus and, befre lng, almst all the standers gt a chance t be seated. Peple even started chatting with each ther while exchanging 12 , and sn began sharing jke s and singing. The rest f the jurney was quite enjyable.
    The bus reached its destinatin in the early mrning. The grups quickly 13 and went their way. But this 14 experience has stayed with me even after all these years. It revealed t me an imprtant fact that we can all 15 what we have, including ur burdens, and help ur c-passengers in this jurney called life.
    1. A. extended B. stlen C. ccupied D. remved
    2. A. added t B. belnged t C. attended t D. turned t
    3. A. admit B. fetch C. withdraw D. claim
    4. A. freely B. uncmfrtably C. pleasantly D. guiltily
    5. A. bend B. bunce C. bw D. balance
    6. A. tapping B. hitting C. flipping D. dragging
    7. A. ticket B. seat C. venue D. chance
    8. A. spnsred B. instructed C. signaled D. licensed
    9. A. appintment B. vilence C. exchange D. cnflict
    10. A. ccasinally B. especially C. prperly D. vluntarily
    11. A. gt B. spread C. saw D. went
    12. A. pinins B. cards C. psitins D. addresses
    13. A. separated B. assembled C. negtiated D. resigned
    14. A. practical B. extrardinary C. randm D. absurd
    15. A. reflect B. treasure C. categrize D. share
    三、语篇填空 (10空,共15分)
    After realizing students at his elementary schl were ging hungry at hme, PE teacher Jasn Watsn gt a wave f inspiratin and a cl set f wheels. Jasn and his wife, Anne, bught 1. _________ used ice-cream truck and the cuple, bth aged 39, started t deliver ht hme-cked lunches and icy treats t kids in need in their twn 2. _________ the help f their wn kids.
    It all started back in 2016 when the pair engaged in an extracurricular prgram fr kids 3. _________ included free lunches. When the tugh time came in 2020, their in-persn utreach was paused indefinitely, s they purchased the truck in Octber and 4. _________ (be) hard at wrk since. The family nw ck all the meals themselves, 5. _________ (pst) n scial media the dates and times when they will be delivering. T date, it is estimated that they have served 6. _________(rugh)1, 500 lunches frm the truck. Their kindness is supprted by many ther warmhearted peple. When they launched a GFundMe 7. _________ (raise) mney fr the truck in June, 2022, they 8. _________ (blw) away by utpuring f dnatins. They raised mre than 10, 000 dllars.
    Encuraged by peple's 9. _________ (generus), they've decided t d mre. Their dream is t pssibly pen a free cafe where they can invite peple t sit, have a ht dinner 10. _________ then share life tgether.
    1-3 BAA 4-7 BABB 8-11 CCDB 12-15 DBCD 16-20 FBAGD
    1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. C9 . C 10. D 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. D
    a with that/which have been psting
    rughly t raise were blwn genersity and

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