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    这是一份浙江省9+1高中联盟2023-2024学年高三下学期3月联考英语试题含答,共13页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.本卷满分150分,考试时间 120分钟;
    3.答题时,请按照答题纸上“注意事项”的要求,在答题纸相应的位置上规范作答, 在本试卷上的作答一律无效;
    4.选择题一律使用2B铅笔填涂答案, 非选择题一律用0.5毫米黑色字迹中性笔写在答题纸上相应区域内;
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where are the speakers?
    A. At schl. B. On the field. C. In a hspital.
    2. What shuld the wman d first?
    A. Arrange a meeting. B. Finish the reprts. C. Order sme paper.
    3. What are the speakers discussing?
    A. A reader. B. A bk. C. An authr.
    4. Hw des the man prbably feel nw?
    A. Anxius. B. Cnfused. C. Pleased.
    5. What is the ttal value f the ty cars?
    A. £ 50. B. £ 130. C. £ 150.
    第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What is the man ging t d?
    A. D an experiment. B. Have a class. C. Play sprts.
    7. Wh will recrd the time?
    A. Galile. B. Lenard. C. Alessandr.
    8. Why des the wman grw her wn garden?
    A. T kill time.
    B. T develp a new hbby.
    C. T eat healthy fd.
    9. What is the wman mainly grwing in her garden?
    A. Fruits. B. Vegetables. C. Grains.
    10. What's the wman ding?
    A. Picking strawberries. B. Watering plants. C. Eating vegetables.
    听第8段材料, 回答第11至13题。
    11. What did the man d during the cnversatin?
    A. He signed his name. B. He paid sme mney. C. He parked the car.
    12. Wh will drive t the airprt?
    A. The man. B. The man's wife. C. A taxi driver.
    13. Where des the man cme frm?
    A. America. B. Canada. C. Australia.
    14. What have the speakers been ding up until nw?
    A. Eating. B. Hiking. C. Dancing.
    15. Which clr can be seen in the waterfall?
    A. Green. B. Blue. C. Red.
    16. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Waiter and custmer. B. Guide and turist. C. C-wrkers.
    17. What d the speakers plan t d first?
    A. Have lunch. B. Make sandwiches. C. G back t the twn.
    18. Wh is the speaker prbably?
    A. The headmaster. B. A student. C. A teacher.
    19. Where d all f the students have t g at 10:00 a. m?
    A. T the parking lt. B. T the cafeteria. C. T the library.
    20. What will the fllwing speaking be abut?
    A. A lack f mney fr schl spending.
    B. An emergency fire preparatin drill.
    C. A serius strm and a game.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Bruce Museum
    Cnsistently vted the "Best Museum" by area media, the Bruce Museum in Greenwich is an educatinal institutin which, thrugh its varied exhibitins and cllectins in the arts and sciences, prvides prgrams fr diverse audiences.
    Bruce Beginnings
    Tuesdays, 11:00 t 11:45 am
    Bruce Beginnings prgrams are designed fr children frm 2.5–5 years f age and their adult caregivers, wh will explre the museum's cllectins and exhibitins thrugh picture bks and hands-n activities. Space fr these prgrams is limited; participants must see the Visitr Service desk upn arrival t the museum.
    Science Slvers r Art Adventure
    Select Sundays, 1:00 t 3:00 pm
    Drp-in mnthly prgrams are designed fr children ver the age f 4 and their families t explre simple science and art cncepts while taking part in kid-friendly experiments, prjects, r crafts inspired by the museum's exhibitins and cllectins.
    Family Studi Wrkshps
    Select Sundays, 1:00 t 2:30 pm
    A prgram fr children ver the age f 4 with their families. Participants will create a wrk f art inspired by the museum's cllectins and exhibitins! This prgram is $7 per persn fr members and $15 fr nn-members, plus the cst f Museum admissin.
    Afternns at the Bruce
    Select schl vacatin days, 2:00 t 4:30 pm
    Spend the afternn ff frm schl discvering, learning and creating! Wrkshps are designed fr gradesK-5 and explre the museum's cllectins and exhibitins. Members $15, and $25 fr nn-members. Snacks included! Advancedregistratinisrequiredatbrucemuseum.rg/site/events.
    21. What is special abut the prgrams lasting less than an hur?
    A. Prviding hands-n activities. B. Taking place at weekends.
    C. Limiting the number f participants. D. Targeting kids f different age grups.
    22. What d the secnd and the third prgrams have in cmmn?
    A. They cst nthing. B. They include art appreciatin.
    C. They are designed fr kids nly. D. They are hsted n schl hlidays.
    23. Which f the fllwing requires early registratin?
    A. Bruce Beginnings. B. Afternns at the Bruce.
    C. Family Studi Wrkshps. D. Science Slvers r Art Adventure.
    In 1975, a San Dieg hmemaker named Marjrie Rice came acrss a clumn in Scientific American abut tiling(瓷砖). There is a prblem which has interested mathematicians since ancient Greek times. After Rice's chance encunter with tiling, family members ften saw her in the kitchen cnstantly drawing shapes. "I thught she was just drawing casually(随意)," her daughter Kathy said. But Rice wh tk nly ne year f math in high schl, was actually discvering never-befre-seen patterns.
    Brn in Flrida, she lved learning and particularly her brief expsure t math, but tight budget and scial culture prevented her family frm even cnsidering that she might attend cllege. "Fr Rice, math was a pleasure," her sn David nce said.
    Rice gave ne f her sns a subscriptin t Scientific American partly because she culd read it carefully while the children were at schl. When she read Gardner's clumn abut tiling as she later recalled in an interview: "I thught it must be wnderful that smene culd discver these beautiful patterns which n ne had seen befre." She als wrte in an essay, "My interest was engaged by the subject and I wanted t understand every detail f it. Lacking a mathematical backgrund, I develped my wn symbl system and in a few mnths discvered a new type."
    Astnished and delighted, she sent her wrk t Gardner, wh sent it t Dris, a tiling expert at Mravian Cllege. Dris cnfirmed that Rice's finding was crrect.
    Later, Rice declined t lecture n her discveries, citing shyness, but at Dris's invitatin, she attended a university mathematics meeting, where she was intrduced t the audience. Rice still said nthing f her achievements t her children, but they eventually fund ut as the awards munted.
    24. Why did Rice ften draw shapes in the kitchen?
    A. T becme a mathematician. B. T explre the secret f tiling.
    C. T fill her leisure time. D. T shw her passin fr drawing.
    25. What can we learn abut Rice frm Paragraphs 2 and 3?
    A. She lnged t start a clumn. B. She was rejected frm a cllege.
    C. She was gd at designing patterns. D. She succeeded in develping a system.
    26. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The magic f math. B. The effrts f Rice.
    C. The humility f Rice. D. The patterns f tiling.
    27. What can we learn frm the Rice's experience?
    A. Nthing is impssible t a willing mind. B. Actins speak luder than wrds.
    C. Every clud has a silver lining. D. Practice makes perfect.
    Researchers have lng knwn that the brain links kinds f new facts, related r nt, when they are learned abut the same time. Fr the first time, scientists have recrded rutes in the brain f that kind f cntextual memry, the frequent change f thughts and emtins that surrunds every piece f newly learned infrmatin.
    The recrdings, taken frm the brains f peple awaiting surgery fr epilepsy(癫痫), suggest that new memries f even abstract facts are encded(编码) in a brain-cell rder that als cntains infrmatin abut what else was happening during and just befre the memry was frmed.
    In the new study, dctrs frm the University f Pennsylvania and Vanderbilt University tk recrdings frm a small piece f metal implanted in the brains f 69 peple with severe epilepsy. The implants allw dctrs t pinpint the lcatin f the flash flds f brain activity that cause epileptic happening. The patients perfrmed a simple memry task. They watched a series f nuns appear n a cmputer screen, and after a brief disturbance recalled as many f the wrds as they culd, in any rder. Repeated trials, with different lists f wrds, shwed a predictable effect: The participants tended t remember the wrds in grups, beginning with ne and recalling thse that were just befre r after.
    This pattern, which scientists call the cntiguity effect, is similar t what ften happens in the card game cncentratin, in which players try t identify pairs in a rw f cards lying face-dwn. Pairs verturned clse are ften remembered tgether. The way the prcess wrks, the researchers say, is smething like recnstructing a night's activities after a hangver: remembering a fact (a brken table) recalls a scene (dancing), which in turn brings t mind mre facts, like the ther peple wh were there.
    Sure enugh, the peple in the study whse neural(神经) updating signals were strngest shwed the mst striking pattern f remembering wrds in grups. "When yu activate ne memry, yu are reactivating a little bit f what was happening arund the time the memry was frmed, and this prcess is what gives yu that feeling f time travel," said Dr Michael J. Kahana.
    28. What des "cntextual memry" refer t accrding t the text?
    A. Memries abut the past facts.
    B. Unrelated facts linked tgether.
    C. Ideas and feelings arund new facts.
    D. New facts encded int brain alne.
    29. What is the purpse f studying patients with epilepsy?
    A. T track the brain activity f cntextual memry.
    B. T find the brain activity causing epilepsy.
    C. T shw the frmatin f memry.
    D. T test the new cure fr epilepsy.
    30. What d the underlined wrds "cntiguity" mean in paragraph 4?
    A. Implicatin. B. Similarity. C. Cntrast. D. Neighbrhd.
    31. What is paragraph 5 mainly abut?
    A. The feature f the research methd. B. The categry f the research subjects.
    C. A brief summary f the research prcess. D. A further explanatin f the research results.
    Nwadays, the wrld is slwly becming a high-tech sciety and we are nw surrunded by technlgy. Facebk and Twitter are innvative tls; text messaging is still a smewhat existing phenmenn and even e-mail is nly a flashing spt n the screen when cmpared with ur lng histry f snail mail. Nw we adpt these tls t the pint f essentialness, and nly rarely cnsider hw we are mre fundamentally affected by them.
    Scial media, texting and e-mail all make it much easier t cmmunicate, gather and pass infrmatin, but they als present sme dangers. By remving any real human engagement, they enable us t develp ur abnrmal self-lve withut the risk f disapprval r criticism. T use a theatrical metaphr(隐喻), these new frms f cmmunicatin prvide a stage n which we can each create ur wn characters, hidden behind a furth wall f tweets, status updates and texts. This unreal state f uncncern can becme addictive as we separate urselves a safe distance frm the cruelty f ur fleshly lives, where we are imperfect, pwerless and insignificant. In essence, we have been prvided nt nly the means t be mre free, but als t becme new, t create and prject a mre perfect self t the wrld. As we becme mre reliant n these tls, they becme mre a part f ur daily rutine, and s we becme mre restricted in this fantasy.
    S it is that we live in a cld era, where names and faces represent tw different levels f clseness, where wrking relatinships ccur nly thrugh the magic f email and where lve can start r end by text message. An envirnment such as this reduces interpersnal relatinships t mere digital exchanges.
    Wuld a celebrity have been s daring t d smething dishnrable if he had had t d it in persn? Dubtful. It seems he might have been lst in a fantasy wrld that ultimately cnvinced himself int believing the digital self culd bey different rules and regulatins, as if he culd cntinually push the limits f what's acceptable withut facing the cnsequences f "real life."
    32. What can we knw abut new cmmunicatin tls?
    A. Destrying ur life ttally. B. Psing mre dangers than gd.
    C. Helping us t hide ur faults. D. Replacing traditinal letters.
    33. What is the ptential threat caused by the nvel cmmunicatin tls?
    A. Sheltering us frm virtual life. B. Remving face-t-face interactin.
    C. Leading t false mental perceptin. D. Making us rely mre n hi-tech media.
    34. What can be inferred frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. Technlgies have changed ur relatinships.
    B. The digital wrld is a recipe fr pushing limits.
    C. Lve can be better cnveyed by text message.
    D. The digital self need nt take respnsibility.
    35. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Addictin t the Virtual Wrld B. Cst f Falling int Digital Life
    C. Interpersnal Skills n the Net D. The Future f Scial Media
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    One f my bad habits is saying "busy" when peple ask me hw I'm ding. Smetimes it's because I actually am busy, but ther times it's because that's what I think I'm suppsed t say. That's what imprtant r prmted peple say. 36 S why are we s prud t talk abut hw busy we are all the time?
    In 2016, researchers cnducted a study t figure it ut. 37 And interestingly, these status attributins(归属) are heavily influenced by ur wn beliefs. In ther wrds, the mre we believe that ne has the pprtunity fr success based n hard wrk, the mre we tend t think that peple wh always skip leisure and wrk are f higher standing.
    That's why we feel like we have t appear busy, and there's a real perceptin that if smene is knee-deep in meetings, emails, and stress, then they're prbably a big deal. 38 Accrding t a recent study, ne in five highly engaged emplyees is at risk f burnut.
    39 It sunds self-righteus (自以为是) and sets the wrng tne. Phrases like "I have limited access t email" and "I'll respnd as sn as I get back" sund like yu're being held against yur will frm wrking as ppsed t making the mst f yur time ff.
    That's why we recently launched the Out f Office Email Generatr, a free tl yu can use befre yur next lng weekend r trip. 40 Managers need t think twice abut emailing their teams n the weekend and talking abut hw busy they are, and s d leaders.
    A. Actually, leading a busy life can be avidable.
    B. But wrking lng hurs desn't drive better results.
    C. A persn f high status feels tired when prmted.
    D. Busy peple are fund t be thse with high scial rank.
    E. Yu can share yu wn't be checking the mailbx till yu return.
    F. This culture f busyness is making it hard t find wrk-life balance.
    G. Persnally, I'm ging t stp saying "busy" when peple ask me hw I am.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Last year, my friend, Kydee Williams, and I started a nn-prfit prject because we wanted t d charity wrk differently. Thus, The Pp-Up Care Shp was 41 .
    TPUCS is a traveling shp f 42 dnated gds fr peple in need. During the hlidays, we 43 clthing drives and then went t wmen's shelters. Our main gal was t help inspire wmen wh were 44 with hpe as well as bring a little hliday cheer t ur lcal cmmunities. 45 any prject r mvement wasn't easy. Brainstrming and cming up with cl ideas was the 46 part, but actually bringing thse ideas t life can seem almst 47 at times. Hwever, there were lessns abut 48 that we didn't fully realize until we started this jurney.
    Frm ur experience, we learned smaller shelters, especially thse in less-cmmercialized areas were ften 49 when it came t getting cmmunity supprt. Actually, they were typically mre 50 t new and creative ideas and wuld greatly welcme 51 wh ffered help. Under ur inspiratin, many 52 peple devted themselves t nn-prfit wrk. Many shelters are understaffed and the staff verwrked. Wrking directly with them helped us 53 the specific needs f the shelter.
    While material things like fd, clthes, mney, and shelter can help peple survive, what 54 helps peple live is the intangible(无形) necessities like lve, presence, patience. Even thugh we can't help every single persn in the wrld, we can 55 a wrld f difference fr at least ne persn.
    41. A. fund B. dnated C. brn D. purchased
    42. A. cheap B. free C. value D. messy
    43. A. quit B. chse C. frbade D. held
    44. A. hmeless B. fearless C. guiltless D. restless
    45. A. Ceasing B. Highlighting C. Starting D. Mnitring
    46. A. hard B. fun C. dd D. cre
    47. A. crucial B. unnecessary C. impssible D. lgical
    48. A. breaking dwn B. giving back C. keeping up D. pulling thrugh
    49. A. ignred B. emphasized C. mentined D. estimated
    50. A. harmful B. relevant C. ppsed D. pen
    51. A. shppers B. pineers C. fficers D. vlunteers
    52. A. reliable B. selfless C. creative D. curageus
    53. A. understand B. satisfy C. anticipate D. illustrate
    54. A. riginally B. slightly C. truly D. barely
    55. A. identify B. detect C. reveal D. make
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Every year in China, a day is set aside t hnur, and shw respect fr, the elders and senir citizens in the entire natin. As China has mre than 297 millin peple 56 (age) 60 and ver, accrding t the latest statistics, this day 57 (grw) in ppularity ver the years.
    In the early 1980s, the Chinese gvernment declared that the Chngyang Festival wuld be the day n which 58 (celebrate) the lives f China's elder citizens. Of curse, shwing respect and admiratin t 59 ld is a Chinese traditin dating back t ancient times, 60 therefre the peple easily and readily supprt this day. On this day, the gvernment and lcal cmmunities hld varius activities fr the elders, 61 free hair-cuts, cultural perfrmances and health-care cnsultatins.
    Hwever, respect fr the elders shuld be kept in mind firmly and shwing 62 (we) fr them is nt restricted t ne special day nly. Accrding t histrical recrds, elders ver 70 years ld enjyed special treatment and anyne nt shwing respect t them 63 (punish), which prves that respecting the elders was set in law back then.
    Apparently, respect fr the elders is the 64 (fund) f the Chinese mral system. Tday, thrughut China, we find many examples f yung peple 65 (carry) n this traditin f respect.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    It was a cld, snwy evening. Tmmy was running as fast as he culd, fcused n nthing but his destinatin— the shp n the street crner. Tw weeks ag he saw figurines f Marvel superheres n the shelves and felt he had t have ne. He's been walking the neighbr's dg ever since then t earn mney t realize his little dream. He was s excited and hardly nticing the wrld arund him. Maybe that's why he tripped ver the legs f a hmeless wman, wh was sitting n the sidewalk, her back against the wall. He murmured(低语) "srry" and mved n t his destinatin.
    Once he entered the shp, he went straight t the shelves with figurines. Hulk, Thr, Captain America, Irn Man, and many mre— all f his admired heres. With his heart punding like crazy he reached fr Spiderman.
    "Yu like these, true believer?"
    Tmmy turned arund. An ld man was standing behind him with a wide smile n his face. "Y-yes ... Yes, they're awesme!" answered Tmmy. "They're strng and fast and help ther peple a lt..." the by lked at figurines in admiratin. "I wish I culd be a superher t."
    "Then becme ne!" said the ld man.
    "Hw?" Tmmy asked in surprise. "I dn't have any superpwers."
    "And why wuld yu need them?" the ld man smiled. Seeing the cnfusin n the by's face, he squatted(蹲下) and put his hands n Tmmy's arms. "Did yu knw, that shpkeeper lady ver there has a disabled husband? She's been wrking hard and taking care f him fr years. I've never heard a wrd f cmplaint frm her. And this persn—" he pinted at a redhead man, wh just entered the shp. "He's a firefighter; he's saved cuntless lives. He never gives up, n matter hw dangerus the situatin seems t be."
    The ld man lked Tmmy in the eyes and smiled. "Yu dn't need a superpwer t be a her fr smene else. The path f a superher starts nt in the mind, nt in the muscles, but in the heart."
    英 语 参 考 答 案
    听力(共20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分 30分)
    1-5 CBBAC 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 ACABC 16-20 CABAC
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    21-25 CDBBD 26-30BACAD 31-35 DCCAB
    36-40 BDFGE
    41-45 CBDAC 46-50 BCBAD 51-55 DBACD
    语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    56. aged 57. has grwn 58. t celebrate 59. The 60. and
    61. like 62. urs 63. wuld be punished 64. fundatin 65. carrying
    New Members Wanted
    Welcme t the English Club! It serves as a platfrm t demnstrate yur utstanding English abilities. Yu can be invlved in a variety f activities, including staging musical dramas, attending grup discussins, watching Oscar-winning mvies, and taking part in speeches and debates.
    The abve activities are highly beneficial in multiple regards. First, yur active participatin will help in strengthening yur sense f respnsibility and develping interpersnal relatins. Secnd, varius activities rganized by us can imprve yur level f prficiency in English. A gd cmmand f English will enable yu t get an edge ver yur peers.
    Yucansubmitawrittenapplicatinfrmembershipturfficeremailusviaenglishclub@163.cm .The deadline fr applicatins is March 30. Cme and jin us nw!
    English Club
    读后续写(满分 25分)
    Tmmy lwered his head and lked at his shes thinking intensely. Finally, he raised his head. "S I am suppsed t ..." he stpped mid-sentence when he realized that he was alne. He turned his head left and right, but the ld man was nwhere t be seen. Tmmy sighed heavily —he already had an idea f what he shuld d. He lked at figurines fr the last time and mved twards the cunter. "Tw sandwiches and a cup f tea please," he said.
    The hmeless wman was right there, where he saw her last time. Tmmy came clser and carefully gave the wman his buys. Her eyes pened wide in surprise, then filled with tears. "Thank yu," she whispered. Tmmy bwed his head, turned arund and went back hme. He was mving faster and faster and finally he started t run. Strange energy filling his bdy made him feel like he culd fly. When he finally stpped, he was breathing heavily, but he didn't feel tired. He smiled happily—it was a wnderful feeling. And nthing culd stp it.
    1. 续写第一段要点: Tmmy的启发、顿悟、行动
    2. 续写第二段要点: Tmmy 对the wman实施的友善行为、the wman 的反应、Tmmy的感想和收获
    (Text 1)
    W: Hw is yur brken leg after the peratin?
    M: Oh, Dr. Smith, it's recvering well. Yesterday I managed t get t the schl and g back. The medicine yu gave me really wrks.
    W: That's nt bad. It's nly a mnth since the accident n the field.
    (Text 2)
    M: Jenny, after yu finish thse reprts, can yu start arranging a meeting and rdering sme paper fr the cmpany?
    W: OK, n prblem. I shuld be able t get started in a cuple f hurs.
    (Text 3)
    M: Have yu seen this authr's latest best-seller?
    W: I've just finished it.
    M: Oh, what d yu think f it?
    W: It was a great imprvement ver the last ne.
    (Text 4)
    W: I'm srry. When did yu see her last?
    M: We walked int the grcery stre tgether. Then I fllwed smene thught was her. But when I caught up with her, I realized she wasn't my mther.
    W: Dn't wrry. I'll make an annuncement t call her t the frnt desk.
    (Text 5)
    M: Hi, I'd like t make a ty dnatin.
    W: Oh, great! Thanks. Ww, these are great ty cars!
    M: Yeah, they were my sn's. There are 30 f them in that bag. They cst £5 each, if yu buy them new!
    (Text 6)
    W: Why are yu ging t the tp flr f the science building with a basketball and a vlleyball, Lenard? That lks very strange.
    M: We have t recreate Galile's famus study fr physics class. Alessandr is standing at the bttm with a watch waiting fr me t drp them.
    W: Cl! Which ne d yu think will hit the grund first?
    M: Dn't yu knw? Galile prved that they'll hit the grund at the same time, even thugh the basketball is heavier. I did it nce, but the watch fell, s I have t d it again.
    (Text 7)
    W: Have yu seen my garden yet? It's my first time grwing ne and, s far, it's ging really well. I didn't have any
    time befre, but I decided it was time t develp a new hbby.
    M: That sunds interesting. What are yu grwing?
    W: Mstly fruits and sme grains because I dn't like eating mst vegetables. I knw vegetables and grains are healthier than fruits but they definitely dn't taste as gd.
    M: That's true! S, what are yu ding right nw?
    W: I'm just watering the strawberry plants and the range tree. I als wanted t grw a pear tree, but the dry climate
    here is nt right fr it.
    M: That sunds really cl.
    W: Maybe yu can have a try in yur garden as well.
    M: I'll cnsider it.
    (Text 8)
    W: Please put yur name there. Thank yu very much. I hpe yu enjyed yur vehicle during yur trip.
    M: I did. I parked it right there utside the windw, by the sign in yur parking lt.
    W: We have already inspected it. It lks gd, with n damage r any ther issues. Please wait here while I get yur initial security payment.
    M: My wife and I are in n rush, thank yu. Actually, we just bked a taxi t drive us t the airprt. The guy is still 20 minutes away, s take yur time. We'll be here fr a while.
    W: All right. We have a questin, sir. Wuld yu be OK with receiving yur mney in Canadian dllars?
    M: Actually, we are flying t Australia befre ging back t America. Can yu d Australian dllars?
    W: Unfrtunately nt, but I'm sure yu can change mney at the airprt.
    M: All right, then. Canadian dllars will d.
    (Text 9)
    M: I knw it has been hard hiking thrugh this river valley in the mud and the rain, but it is wrth it t see a view like that, isn't it?
    W: Yeah, it, s amazing! The sun has finally cme ut. It lights up the entire valley in all srts f shades f green. That waterfall is the mst unique ne that I've ever seen until nw.
    M: Beautiful, isn't it? The water is surrunded by a rainbw! There's nt blue water in sight!
    W: Just red, yellw and range! It lks like the clrs are dancing as the water purs dwn.
    M: Shall we sit dwn here? I've packed us an amazing lunch. We can have a bite t eat and enjy that beautiful view.
    W: Great idea. Ww! Egg sandwiches n brwn bread! I lve thse!
    M: I knw yu d. I've been wrking with yu lng enugh t knw what yur favrite sandwiches are! After all, we have lunch tgether every weekday.
    W: Right, befre we eat, let's take a picture. Cme n, stand clse t me with the waterfall in the backgrund…smile…Here we g!
    M: Can we eat nw? I'm starving. We need ur strength t walk back t the twn yet!
    W: Oh yes! I frgt abut that!
    (Text 10)
    Gd mrning, all f my fellw Barlw High Schl students! It's Jenny back again with the daily annuncements. Tday, we have an emergency fire preparatin drill starting in just tw hurs. The bell will ring at 9:55 a. m., which means yu'll have five minutes t get ut f the classrms, library, r cafeteria and int the parking lt in frnt f the schl. The tp tw classes that rganize the mst quickly and neatly will be awarded ur safety prize. At 2:00 p. m., befre the end f the schl day, Headmaster Jnes will annunce the winners f the recent charity cmpetitin. Over 100 students, including myself, have participated in gathering dnatins and funding frm peple and businesses in the cmmunity t help ur schl. We've all seen this schl suffer frm a lack f funding during the recent ecnmic crash. But thanks t an admirable grup f student bdy members, we'll start t turn that prblem arund. The tp ten students t bring in funding fr the schl will each receive a prize fr their cntributin, but this award will be kept a surprise until 2:00 p. m. Fr nw, that's all frm me. The next speaker is yur headmaster with imprtant infrmatin n this week's strm and ur hmecming ftball game. G Eagles!New Members Wanted
    Welcme t the English Club!
    English Club
    Tmmy lwered his head and lked at his shes thinking intensely.
    The hmeless wman was right there, where he saw her last time.

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