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    北师大版高考英语一轮复习必修第1册UNIT1 LIFE CHOICES课件
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    北师大版高考英语一轮复习必修第1册UNIT1 LIFE CHOICES课件

    这是一份北师大版高考英语一轮复习必修第1册UNIT1 LIFE CHOICES课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了内容索引,强基础 语基自测,研考点 核心突破,测效果 课堂评价,练续写 锤炼技能,研真题 链接高考,归纳 ,辨析 ,Revise ,apply 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    一、核心单词1.       adj.较高的,高级的 2.       n.校园 3.       n.日程表,计划表 4.       n.公寓套房 5.       n.压力 6.       n.慈善机构,慈善团体 7.       adj.有利的,好的 prep.加 8.       n.格言,谚语 9.       n.生活方式 10.       vi.& n.闲谈,聊天 
    11.       n.联系,联络 vt.(写信,打电话)联系(某人) 12.       n.少年,十几岁的孩子 13.       n.一系列;范围 14.       adj.困难的,难办的 15.       n.质量,品质 16.       n.供应,供给 17.       n.目标,目的 18.       adv.与此同时 19.       vi.& vt.复习 20.       n.目标 
    21.       vi.& vt.遭受(痛苦) 22.       n.专家,行家 23.       n.职位;位置 24.       n.程度 25.       vt.寻求;请求 26.       n.电,电力;力量 27.       vt.以……为特色,是……的特征 28.       v.运转,工作 n.功能 
    Ⅰ.在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式1.The mnsn rains arrived at the end f May as         (schedule),but then slwed dwn. 2.This pwer statin keeps half the cuntry       (supply) with electricity. 3.Xu Rui,an 18-year-ld student frm Kunming,         (suffer) frm malnutritin since she was 2 years ld. 4.At that mment Mrs.Jnes’      (pwer) vice interrupted them,annuncing a visitr. 5.He is an expert       learning and he is invited t share his expertise with educatrs and their students. 
    6.The family          (seek) a way t get rid f the prblem caused by the damp f grund flr befre the rainy seasn came. 7.After many years f study,n ne knws hw much sleep we need         (functin) nrmally. 8.The latest mdel       (feature) metal wheels and an electrnic alarm,which is quite different frm the ld editin. 9.Many       (charity) sent mney t help the victims f the famine. 10.      (revise) fr exams gives yu a chance t bring tgether all the individual parts f the curse,which greatly increases the likelihd t pass them. 
    二、派生单词1.       adj.充满压力的,紧张的→       n.压力,忧虑,紧张 vt.强调→       adj.焦虑的,紧张的 2.       vi.不同,不一样,有区别→       adj.不同的→       adv.不同地→      n.不同,差别 3.       n.期待;预料,预期→       vt.期待;预料→       adj.预料的;预期的;期望的→       adj.期待的;期望的;怀有希望的 4.       adj.自信的→       adv.自信地→       n.自信,信心;信赖 5.       vi.恢复健康,康复→       n.恢复;康复 
    6.       n.伤,损害→       vt.伤害,损害→       adj.受损害的;受伤的 7.       n.必需品→       adj.必需的→       adv.必需地 8.       adj.方便的,便利的→       adv.方便地→       n.方便,便利;便利的事物 9.       n.对……着迷的人 v.使沉迷;使上瘾→       adj.上瘾的,着迷的→        n.沉溺;上瘾;入迷 10.       n.距离,间距→       adj.远的;疏远的;关系远的→       adv.远离地;关系较远地;遥远地 
    11.       adj.鼓舞人心的→       vt.鼓励,激励→       n.灵感;妙计,好办法;鼓舞人心的人或事 12.       v.申请;请求;应用→       n.申请;应用→       n.申请人 13.       adj.责任的;有责任心的→      adv.有责任地;应负责任地→       n.责任 14.       adj.有吸引力的;好看的,美观的→       vt.吸引→       n.吸引→       adv.吸引人地 15.       vt.(使)适应→       n.适应;改写本;改编→       adj.适合的;适应的 
    Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空1.The prfessr’s         stry really       thse children wh were anxius fr knwledge.In fact,many f the prfessr’s stries prvided his students with       .(inspire) 2.Life in a decade will definitely       frm that f tday.Peple may live and wrk       .Why will it be s       ?It’s the rapid develpment f science and technlgy that will make a       .(differ) 3.Hearing what the suspect said,the pliceman respnded,“It’s ur       t lk int the matter.Anyne wh is       fr it shuld admit his fault       .” Then the suspect kept silent in respnse t the pliceman.(respnsible) 
    4.Wherever yu g nw,yu can get in tuch with yur friends and family members very      thrugh the Internet,which brings yu great       .Besides,it’s       fr yu t buy things anywhere.(cnvenient) 5.T the kids’ delight,their grandfather      frm the deadly disease.It was the kids’ careful attendance that cntributed t his       .(recver) 6.Thse wh are       t smking cigarettes suffer greatly frm nictine       and they have n idea that nly several packets f cigarettes will hurt their lungs.(addict) 
    7.The       shuld nly       fr the psitins they are qualified fr,and make each       cunt,which require them t persnalize each cver letter and update their resume.(apply) 8.Regarded as the mst       sightseeing turist       ,the little bridge n the canal is where many famus paintings were created.(attract) 
    三、重点短语1.              和……不同 2.             有时;偶尔;间或 3.             从……中恢复 4.             根据,按……所说 5.             易于做某事 6.             遭受……(痛苦) 7.             因为 8.             从……毕业 9.             申请 10.             对……负责 
    11.             以及…… 12.             适应某事 13.             期待,盼望 14.             网上冲浪,浏览因特网 15.             取得进步,获得成功 
    Ⅲ.用左栏所给短语的正确形式填空1.He has          in his study due t his using the Internet prperly. 2.As a matter f fact,many students          play nline games as well as chatting with their e-pals r even strangers t much. 3.Therefre,students shuld learn t               mdern life,using the science technlgy in a right way. 4.American visitrs t Asia are ften surprised and puzzled by hw Asian cultures and custms             thse in the United States. 5.Fr ther peple,the harvest festival is a time t lk back n the past and               the future. 
    四、典型句式1.since引导时间状语从句结构教材原句:I’m a “digital native”—I’ve been using the cmputer since I was a makes sb+adj.+t d sth做……使某人……教材原句:It always makes me excited t wrk hard and achieve a team gal tgether.
    3.s that引导目的状语从句结构教材原句:I am always attentive in all classes and think actively,s that I can have mre free time t d ther things that I’m interested in after 引导主语从句教材原句:What made him feel satisfied was that his students were able t read,speak and write in English,and they became mre cnfident in learning.
    Ⅳ.微写作1.自从到青岛工作以来比尔一直住在海边。Bill               near the sea                     in Qingda. 2.作为志愿者工作让我觉得棒极了。                  as a vlunteer. 
    3.李海选择学中医以便帮助更多的人。Li Hai chse t learn Chinese medicine                          .  4.这幅画最令人惊异的是画家能够以一种创新的方式对光与影进行灵活使用,这是绘画领域的一次革新。                  is that the artist can use light and shadw flexibly in an innvative way,which is a revlutin in the field f painting.  
    1.differ vi.不同,不一样,有区别→different adj.不同的→difference n.不同;差异→differently adv.不同地[练会]单句语法填空①(2023新高考全国Ⅰ卷)There,yu will find them prepared       (different)—mre dumpling and less sup,and the wrappers are pressed by hand rather than rlled. ②While watching the beautiful scenes and experiencing the flk custms,it is a must fr the turists t taste the genuine Qingda cuisine that is different      theirs. [写美]句式升级·背诵
    ③Learning nline differs frm attending face-t-face classes,fr students spend much time befre the screen.(应用文之学校生活)→                   ,learning nline requires students t spend much time befre the screen.(用分词短语作状语改写) 
    佳句 It’s true that we were brn differently,but it’s nt ur birth but ur later hard wrk that makes a difference.(应用文之演讲稿)的确,我们生而不同,但并非我们的出生,而是我们后来的努力会产生影响。
    2.recver v.恢复健康;痊愈,康复;找回,重新获得;收回→recvery n.恢复;康复[练会]单句语法填空①(2022新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Curtin is CEO f DC Central Kitchen in ,which       (recver) fd and turns it int healthy meals. ②(2021全国乙卷)We had a wman patient wh was recvering          a knee replacement peratin. 
    ③It’s been gd t have a few days ff s that I culd make a full       (recver) and nw return t wrk as strng as ever. [写美]同义句转换·背诵④I felt s happy as with my special care my mther recvered quickly.(应用文之日记)→I felt s happy as with my special care                    . 
    佳句 Listening t music is the best way t recver frm depressin as it has the same cmfrting effect as a sympathetic friend.(读后续写之情感描写)听音乐是从沮丧中恢复的最好方式,因为它就像一名富有同情心的朋友,能起到同样的舒缓的作用。
    3.injury n.伤,损害→injure vt.使受伤→injured adj.受伤的[练会]单句语法填空①(2023新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Once there,Lenue was assessed and later taken t a hspital,where she learned that she had serius       (injure) in ne f her knees. ②Ding sme warm-up exercises befre running can reduce the chance t d yurself      injury. 
    ③Sn after the accident happened,the ambulance arrived and tk the       (injure) t the nearby hspital. [写美]微写作·背诵④我在比赛中受伤了,很长时间才能恢复。(应用文之日记)I          in the game and it wuld take quite a lng time t recver. 
    词义辨析  injure,hurt和wundinjure表示身体或精神上各种性质及任何程度的伤害,多表示意外受伤hurt多用来表示身体或身体的某一部位受伤,剧烈的疼痛或精神上受到伤害wund主要指在战斗中武器或凶器等造成的外伤或剧烈的痛苦
    4.arise vi.(问题或困难)出现,发生;起身,起立[练会]单句语法填空/用arise,aruse,rise或raise的恰当形式填空①Many diseases arise       what peple really dn’t knw abut in their daily life. ②(2022新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Nw a team f researchers led by Dami?n Blasi at the University f Zurich,Switzerland,has fund hw and why this trend       . ③Dn’t tell her abut the jb until yu knw fr sure—we dn’t want          her hpes. 
    ④Nise pllutin is such a serius prblem that it          cncerns frm the whle sciety. ⑤Her vice       in anger. [写美]句式升级·背诵⑥(2021全国乙卷)A lt f APPs fr learning arise,and it’s mre cnvenient fr us t study nline.(应用文之网络)→                          ,it’s mre cnvenient fr us t study nline.(用with复合结构改写) 
    佳句 Emtinal prblems can arise frm a physical cause,s it is very imprtant t stay physically healthy.(应用文之提出建议)身体不适可引起情绪问题,所以保持身体健康很重要。
    5.cnvenient adj.方便的,便利的→cnveniently adv.方便地,便利地→cnvenience n.便利[练会]单句语法填空①The shp assistants sell gds frm dr t dr       the cnvenience f the masses. ②With the specially designed pen,kids find it        (cnvenience) and fun t learn. 
    ③It’s very cnvenient fr yu          (travel) in the three cities because there are many means f transprtatin fr yu t chse,such as buses,tubes,trains,taxis,and shared bikes. [写美]句式升级·背诵④The Internet nw prvides individuals with significant cnvenience fr interpersnal cmmunicatin.(应用文之科技发展)→                      individuals with significant cnvenience fr interpersnal cmmunicatin nw.(用强调句改写) 
    点津 cnvenient可用作定语或表语,当其作表语时不可说sb is cnvenient,而应用it’s cnvenient fr sb (t d)。佳句 My huse is cnveniently lcated just ff the High Street.It’s cnvenient fr yu t drp in.Please cme at yur cnvenience.(应用文之邀请信)我家正好位于大街上。你来是非常方便的。在你方便的时候来吧。
    6.aim n.目标;目的,意图;瞄准 vi.& vt.瞄准;对准;针对;(朝某方向)努力;力求达到[练会]单句语法填空①(2023新高考全国Ⅱ卷)The prgram aims           (help) students develp science skills,envirnmental awareness,and healthy lifestyles. ②(2019北京卷)Earth Day,marked n 22 April,is an annual event       (aim) t raise public awareness abut envirnmental prtectin. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵③我写信邀请你参加这项旨在提高学生的听说能力的活动。(应用文之邀请信)I’m writing t invite yu t take part in this activity                    the students’ ability f listening and speaking. 
    点津 应用文写作中,可用以下方式表达活动的目的:serve the purpse f ding sthserve as a tl t d sth
    7.suffer v.遭受(痛苦);忍受;经历→suffering n.痛苦[练会]单句语法填空①(2022新高考全国Ⅰ卷)It is als being used t help patients       (suffer) dementia,a serius illness f the mind. ②I always harbr in mind sympathy and respect t thse wh suffer       the pain f disability but wear a smile t live. ③The ld man went thrugh a lt f         (suffer) in the ld days. 
    [写美]句式升级·背诵④Althugh he had suffered bad injuries in the match,ur captain carried n playing n the field,kicking tw gals at last.(应用文之体育运动)→               bad injuries in the match,ur captain carried n playing n the field,kicking tw gals at last.(用分词短语作状语改写) 
    点津 suffer(vi.)frm 的宾语一般是痛苦的原因,表示“因……而受苦”;suffer(vt.)的宾语往往是非疾病类的词语,如失败、损失、惩罚、困难等。佳句 Suffering frm a serius disease,Jack never gave up fighting fr his dream and made an inventin.(应用文之人物介绍)杰克虽患严重疾病,却从未放弃为他的梦想而奋斗,并做出了一项发明。
    8.reduce vt.减少;降低;缩小 vi.减肥→reductin n.减少,降低[练会]单句语法填空①China prmised t reduce its carbn emissins      75 percent by 2035,which represented the respnsible attitude f the great pwer. ②(2023全国乙卷)Nt nly d they lk beautiful,but studies have shwn that they can prmte peple’s wellbeing by imprving their md(心情),     (reduce) stress and helping their memry. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵③每个人都可以在减少浪费方面发挥作用,无论是在每周购物中购买的食物不超过必要量,还是要求餐馆不添加你不会吃的配菜。(应用文之环境保护)Everyne can                        ,whether by nt purchasing mre fd than necessary in yur weekly shpping r by asking restaurants nt t include the side dish yu wn’t eat. 
    佳句 His brakes failed n a slippery rad,and the car came t a stp when it hit a tree n the side f the rad.He was reduced t tears when he fund the tyre gt stuck n the stump.(读后续写之经历描写)在一条湿滑的路上,他的刹车失灵了,车子撞在路边的一棵树上停了下来。当他发现轮胎卡在树桩上时,他流下了眼泪。
    9.remve vt.移走;去掉→remval n.移动;搬迁;调动;除去[练会]单句语法填空①(2023全国乙卷)There is als research shwing that pt plants can clean the air arund them by      (remve) harmful gases,such as carbn dixide. ②(2021全国乙卷)If yu’re the hst,yu can ask them t help yu in the kitchen with smething and just remve them       the situatin. ③The kidney plays a vital rle in the        (remve) f waste prducts frm the bld. 
    [写美]句式升级·背诵④Many f these bks are far remved frm the reality f the children’s lives,s they can’t help kids create images in their mind.→           the reality f the children’s lives,many f these bks can’t help kids create images in their mind.(用过去分词短语作状语改写) 
    佳句 The first time I made a cake,I really made a lt f mess.I didn’t knw hw much water I shuld put int the flur and when the cake was dne,I frgt t remve it frm the ven.(读后续写之经历描写)我第一次做蛋糕的时候,真的弄得一团糟。我不知道应该在面粉里放多少水,并且蛋糕做好后,我忘了把它从烤箱里拿出来。
    10.seek v.寻求;请求[练会]单句语法填空①(2023新高考全国Ⅱ卷)     (seek) and accepting cnstructive feedback (反馈) is crucial t grwth. ②(2021全国甲卷)In my pinin,when in truble,we shuld seek help      thse we trust mstly. ③Did yu seek an educatin in active perfrmance,r did yu seek              (educate) in passive receptin?  注意educate与其逻辑主语的关系
    [写美]微写作·背诵④你现在应该做的是努力找到一种与周围的人相处好的方法。(应用文之建议信)What yu shuld d nw is                      t get alng well with the peple arund yu. 
    佳句 If yu hpe t jin the club,yu can seek relevant infrmatin abut it nline and then cntact it by email.如果你希望加入该俱乐部,可以在网上查询其相关信息,然后发邮件联系。
    11.inspire v.启发,鼓励,激励→inspiratin n.灵感,好主意,鼓舞人心的人或事→inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的→inspired adj.品质优秀的,能力卓越的[练会]单句语法填空①(2023新高考全国Ⅱ卷)These small studies prvide       (inspire) and may be a springbard fr mre cmplex wrks in the future. ②(2022全国甲卷)       (inspire) by the Belt and Rad Frum fr Internatinal Cperatin held in Beijing,Ca decided t cver the rute by hiking as a tribute (致敬) t the ancient Silk Rad. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵③高老师经常给我们讲一些历史上的鼓舞人心的故事,并激励我们为国家做出贡献。(应用文之学校生活)Mr.Ga ften tells us sme inspiring stries in histry and                ur cuntry. 
    佳句 Qi Baishi drew inspiratin frm everyday life,and his paintings always fcused n the living animals and plants that are cmmn in daily life.(应用文之人物介绍)齐白石从日常生活中得到灵感,他的画作总是以日常生活中常见的有着鲜活生命力的动植物为主题。
    12.apply vi.申请;请求;使用;有效 vt.涂;敷;搽;应用;运用;脚踩→applicatin n.申请,应用→applicant n.申请人[练会]单句语法填空①He was just ne f the 30       (apply) fr the manager’s psitin,s he had n cnfidence in himself. ②In my view,the fficial rule applies       all  依我看the emergencies that ccur.
    ③I’m writing t apply       the vluntary jb,which I think I am qualified fr.(应用文之申请信) ④Knwing a Chinese painting exhibitin will be held at the gallery next mnth,I am writing t apply          (becme) a vlunteer.(应用文之申请信) 
    [写美]句式升级·背诵If yu apply yurself t the task,yu will finish it n time.→⑤                   ,and yu will finish it n time.(用“祈使句+and+陈述句”升级句子) →⑥                   ,yu will finish it n time.(用分词短语作状语升级句子) 
    点津 表达“致力于做某事”的表达方式总结:devte neself t (ding) sth/be devted t (ding) sthcmmit neself t (ding) sth/be cmmitted t (ding) sthdedicate neself t (ding) sth/be dedicated t (ding) sthapply neself t (ding) sth佳句 Only when yu apply yurself t reading the whle passage can yu find ut the right answer t this questin.(应用文之建议信)你只有专心阅读全文,你才能找到这个问题的正确答案。
    13.eager adj.热切的;渴望的→eagerly adv.热切地;渴望地→eagerness n.渴望[练会]单句语法填空①(2023新高考全国Ⅱ卷)Thugh sme are initially scared f the insects and turned ff by the dirt,mst are eager          (try) smething new. ②Grandma Ma was        (eager) lking abut her,glad t see everything s neat. ③(外研必修一Unit 1)I wke up early and rushed ut f the dr in my       (eager) t get t knw my new schl. 
    [写美]句式升级·背诵④We were s eager that the mment we gt ff the bus we rushed int the field and began t wrk.(应用文之日记)→                    the mment we gt ff the bus we rushed int the field and began t wrk.(用倒装结构改写) 
    点津 “渴望做某事”的更多表达:be desperate t d sth/lng t d sth/be dying t d sth/desire t d sth佳句 A nise at a windw caught my attentin,s I entered it,where I saw a hummingbird eagerly trying t escape.(读后续写之动作描写)窗户上的声音引起了我的注意,于是我走了进去,看到一只蜂鸟急切地想要逃脱。
    14.respnsible adj.负责的;有责任心的→respnsibility n.责任;义务→respnsibly adv.认真负责地;可信赖地,可靠地[练会]单句语法填空①(2023全国甲卷)She warns f the envirnmental dangers facing sciety,and she teaches that peple must take        (respnsible) fr saving their envirnment. ②Residents are respnsible       keeping their rms,kitchens and shwer rms clean and tidy. ③It’s her respnsibility          (ensure) the prject finishes n time. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵④我最后想要强调的是,充分利用水资源是每个人的责任,比如在日常生活中循环利用水和节约用水。(应用文之建议信)I’d like t stress at last                     t make gd use f water,such as recycling and saving water in ur daily life. 
    佳句 Every citizen shuld take n the respnsibility t keep public areas clean in rder t build a mre beautiful city.(应用文之倡议信)为了建设一座更加美丽的城市,每个公民都应该承担起保持公共场所清洁的责任。
    15.intend vt.计划,打算,想要,意图;意指→intentin n.意图;目的[练会]单句语法填空①(2023全国甲卷)Behind the simple style,hwever,is a serius message       (intend) fr everyne. ②(2022新高考全国Ⅰ卷)The GPNP is intended          (prvide) strnger prtectin fr all the species that live within the Giant Panda Range and significantly imprve the health f the ecsystem in the area. ③(2020全国Ⅲ卷)Understanding her gd      (intend),I eat all the fd that is prvided by Mm with appreciatin. 
    [写美]句式升级·背诵The Spken English Club was set up with the intentin f supplying us students with mre chances t speak English.→④The Spken English Club,                    ,was set up.(用非限制性定语从句改写) →⑤The Spken English Club,                    ,was set up.(用过去分词短语作定语改写) 
    佳句 He is intended t visit the “Wrld Kite Capital” f Weifang in Shandng Prvince where peple are attracted by the exquisite craftsmanship,materials,painting in kite making.(应用文之传播中国文化)他打算参观“世界风筝之都”山东潍坊,在那里人们被风筝制作的精湛工艺、材料和绘画所吸引。
    16.adapt vt.(使)适应;改编 vi.适应,适合→adaptable adj.能适应的,适应性强的→adaptatin n.改编(本);适应[练会]单句语法填空①The       (adapt) f desert species t the heat is a case f survival f the fittest. ②(2020全国Ⅲ卷)Peple in Ethipian highlands have adapted t      (live) at high altitudes.其中t是介词 ③Sme peple speak highly f mvies        (adapt) frm nvels,while thers hld the view that the riginal bk is a better chice. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵④达尔文的学说解释了物种为什么对它们的环境适应得如此之好,也分析了新物种是如何形成的。(应用文之人物介绍)Darwin’s thery explained why species were                 their envirnment and hw new species wuld frm. 
    佳句 I suggest that yu shuld fcus n the lcal culture because it is the culture,rather than the language,that makes it hard fr yu t adapt t the new envirnment.(应用文之建议信)我建议你应该关注当地的文化,因为是文化,而不是语言,让你很难适应新的环境。
    17.tend t d sth 易于做某事[练会]单句语法填空①(2023全国乙卷)Althugh landscapes in the Midwest tend          (be) quite similar,either farm fields r highways,smetimes I find distinctive character in the hills r lakes. ②Amng the yung peple there is a grwing      (tend) t regard mney mre highly than quality f life. ③I tend       travel with a few f my friends t state parks r t the cuntryside t g n adventures and take phts alng the way. 
    [写美]同义句转换·背诵④Nwadays many peple usually wrk at hme rather than in ffices.(应用文之现代科技)→Nwadays           fr many peple t wrk at hme rather than in ffices. 
    佳句 Peple wh knw what they want tend t get it because they are fcused and psitive,and this is reflected utward and inward in their attitude.知道自己想要什么的人往往会实现自己的目标,因为他们做事专注并且积极乐观,而且这也由内而外反映在他们的态度上。
    18.get ahead 取得进步,获得成功[练会]单句语法填空①Cncentrate n what yu’re ding,and yu will really get ahead       it. ②The time in Lndn is five hurs ahead      that in New Yrk. ③This brings me an imprtant lessn:when it cmes t ur career,it is critical t lk       . [写美]词汇升级·背诵④With the assistance f Prfessr Jin,we have made cnsistent advancements in ur pursuit f physics knwledge.→With Prfessr Jin’s assistance,we                   ur pursuit f physics knwledge. 
    佳句 My father had always impressed upn me that if I wrked hard I wuld succeed and get ahead in life,which became my guiding principle.(读后续写之人生经历)父亲总是让我牢记,如果我努力工作,我就会成功,在生活中出人头地,这成为我的指导原则。
    19.give up 放弃[练会]单句语法填空①(2023新高考全国Ⅰ卷)When I finally finished it,the thught f winning had given way       the enjyment f writing. ②(2021全国甲卷)Can ur planet affrd t have any great thinkers becme discuraged and give      ? [写美]微写作·背诵③如果一个人在困难面前选择放弃,那么他就不会体验到征服障碍的满足感。(应用文之人生感悟)If a persn chses t          in the face f difficulties,then he will nt experience the satisfactin f cnquering bstacles. 
    佳句 As lng as yu persist,the whle wrld will give way t yu.只要你坚持不懈,整个世界都会给你让路。
    ★补遗缺 微点练全Ⅰ.一词多义较年幼的;资历较浅的;地位(或职位,级别)较低的,初级的 B.n.年少者;晚辈;等级较低者①They prmted a man wh was junir t me and made him my bss.   ②As a junir,we shuld respect the ld.   ③The girl yu talked abut just nw is junir t me.   ④She’s my yunger sister,wh is my junir by fur years.   
    公司;商行 B.n.陪伴 C.n.同伴,伙伴①The jurney was lengthy,and I deeply appreciated his cmpany.   ②The cmmercial future f the cmpany lks very prmising.   ③The peple’s perceptin f yu is influenced by the cmpany yu keep.   
    1.since引导时间状语从句结构[教材原句] I’m a “digital native”—I’ve been using the cmputer since I was a kid.我是“数字原生代”——从我还是个孩子的时候我就一直使用电脑。[练会]单句语法填空①(2023新高考全国Ⅱ卷)Since June 2017,right befre the arrival f the tw new pandas,Meng Meng and Jia Qing,I              (help) the panda keepers at the z t feel mre cmfrtable and cnfident speaking English. ②It is three years       he came t China and he has fallen in lve with Chinese culture. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵③自从他来到中国,过去的三年见证了他沉浸在中国文化中。(应用文之申请信)The past three years                 in Chinese culture since he arrived in China. 
    佳句 It’s been tw mnths since we returned t China.We’re s grateful fr what yu have dne during ur stay in Lndn.(应用文之感谢信)我们回到中国已经两个月了。我们非常感谢在伦敦期间您所做的一切。
    2.s that 引导目的状语从句结构[教材原句] I am always attentive in all classes and think actively,s that I can have mre free time t d ther things that I’m interested in after schl.我在所有课上总是专心听讲并积极思考,这样放学后我就有更多可支配的时间做我感兴趣的事情。
    [练会]单句语法填空①(2023新高考全国Ⅱ卷)And fr that t happen,we als need t prtect nature s       we can interact with it... 
    [写美]一句多译·背诵为了能欣赏到最美丽的日出,我们一大早就出发了。→②              enjy the mst beautiful sunrise,we set ut early in the mrning. →③We set ut early in the mrning             we can enjy the mst beautiful sunrise. →④We set ut early in the mrning              enjy the mst beautiful sunrise. →⑤We set ut early in the mrning                 we can enjy the mst beautiful sunrise. 
    佳句 Please cme up with a wrkut schedule and stick t it s that yu can get in shape sn.(应用文之建议信)请制订一个锻炼计划并坚持下去,这样你就可以很快恢复体型。
    3.It makes sb+adj.+t d sth做……使某人……[教材原句] It always makes me excited t wrk hard and achieve a team gal tgether.全力以赴,一起实现团队目标,总是让我兴奋不已。[练会]单句语法填空①It ften makes me happy            (discuss) prblems with my deskmate. ②What made the painting       (strike) was that viewers can have different visual effects frm different angles. 
    [写美]句式升级·背诵③When I lked at the pht,I thught f the ld days when I lived with my grandmther.→Lking at the pht                          when I lived with my grandmther.(用make复合结构改写) ④The girl cried,and we didn’t knw what t d.→That the girl cried                         .(用make复合结构改写) 
    点津 make sb d sth中宾语补足语为不带t 的不定式,改为被动形式时要加t。佳句 At first it made me very stressed t make a speech befre s many peple and my trembling vice made me almst frget what t say next.(读后续写之心理描写)一开始,在这么多人面前发表演讲让我十分有压力,并且我颤抖的声音让我几乎忘记了接下来要说什么。
    Ⅰ.单句语法填空——分层级强化高频考点A组 基础必练1.Can’t yu see?Yur uncle was       (definite) prud f his excellent sn then. 2.The pssibility that there is life n ther planets in the universe has always inspired scientists           (explre) the uter space. 3.After the ball is rlling,yu’ll build      (cnfident) and things will keep getting easier. 4.Hearing that she has a distant cusin,Julia lks frward t       (see) him.               (make) waves in Bangkk’s culinary scene since it pened in 2009. 
    B组 高考链接6.(2023新高考全国Ⅱ卷)As an artist wh shares her jurney n scial media,I’m ften asked by curius fllwers hw t begin an art jurney.      (frtune),there is n magic list I can ffer. 7.(2023新高考全国Ⅱ卷)Enhance yur phtgraphy skills — jin Yellwstne’s park phtgrapher fr a hands-n prgram          (inspire)new and creative ways f enjying the beauty and wnder f Yellwstne. 
    8.(2022全国乙卷) has a      (respnsible) t wrk with ther cuntries t prmte the healthy develpment f the tea industry. 9.(2022全国甲卷)Sme f these cultural dining etiquette rules may seem randm and strange,but they are imprtant in        (vary) cuntries. 10.(2021全国甲卷)When          (cntribute) were made by geniuses utside the club—wmen,r peple f a different clr r belief—they were unacknwledged and rejected by thers. 
    Ⅱ.语篇填空——语境中应用单元要点Many students may suffer 1.       stress during their senir high schl.They can’t deal with things 2.          (dependent).Frankly 3.       (speak),I 4.              (experience) pressure since I attended my present senir high schl. I was 5.       (intend) t d 6.        (vary) things but my schlwrk is always 7.       (challenge) s that 8.       is impssible fr me t achieve anything.I 9.       (seek) help frm my father this mrning wh prvided me with much 10.       (functin) advice.I hpe,with my father’s help,I will sn be able t adapt t my new schl life. 
    Ⅲ.话题微写作——场景中提升写作技能(黑体部分用本单元词汇表达)应用文写作——建议信第一步 单句写作1.面对压力,我们应该有一个正确的态度,因为只有经历压力我们才能取得进步。(get ahead)Faced with stress,we are suppsed t have a right attitude twards it because                when we experience stress. 2.要从压力中恢复过来首先应找到压力的原因,并设法找到解决的方法。(deal with;recver frm)              ,we shuld first find ut the cause f it and manage t cme up with                 it. 
    3.减轻压力的方式有很多:闲暇时间锻炼身体让自己精力充沛,听音乐让自己感到放松,也可向老师或同学求助。(varius;reduce stress;in ne’s leisure time;dynamic)There are          .In ur          ,we can wrk ut t               and listen t music t make us relaxed.Of curse,we can als turn t ur teachers r classmates fr help. 4.记住,永远不要放弃,你会移除压力的。(give up;remve)Remember,never          ,and yu’ll              . 
    第二步 句式升级5.用nly+状语置于句首的倒装句将句1升级Faced with stress,we are suppsed t have a right attitude twards it because nly when we experience stress                 . 6.用动词-ing形式作主语改写句2        the cause f stress first and                        f dealing with it can help us recver frm stress. 
    第三步 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文)
    (一)情感描写之“喜悦” Ⅰ.语块必记1.light up喜形于色2.brighten ne’s heart 使某人心情愉快3.be jyful ver/abut 因……而高兴4.yell with delight 乐得大叫5.be wild with delight 欣喜若狂6.glw with happiness洋溢着幸福7.tears f happiness高兴的泪水8.clap ne’s hands in delight高兴地拍手9.be filled with delight/happiness/jy满心欢喜10.thump/pund with jy/happiness高兴得心怦怦跳
     Ⅱ.佳句背诵1.直陈式表述直接表达主人翁当时高兴或变得高兴的心情。直接表述是最基础、最简单的表述方式。Tm was happy.汤姆很高兴。I was wild with delight.我欣喜若狂。
    2.描述性表述陈述主人翁高兴时的动作或状态及其变化。这是一种最常见的表达形式,因为句子中很少或没有直接表达高兴的词语,它们是相对委婉的、高级的表达方式。She shed tears f jy.她流下了高兴的眼泪。Laughter lingered arund the rm.笑声在房间里回荡。She hugged them t her chest,and at last she was able t lk up with tearful eyes and a smile.她把它们抱在胸前,终于能够含着泪水抬起头来,露出微笑。Seeing the ak tree full f yellw handkerchiefs,they all jumped up frm their seats,dancing and screaming with jy.看到橡树上挂满了黄手帕,他们都从座位上跳了起来,高兴得又跳又叫。
    3.比喻性表述运用明喻或借喻的修辞手法来表达高兴或变得高兴的心情,是一种高级表述方式。A ripple f excitement ran thrugh them.一阵兴奋的涟漪在他们中间涌动。Unfrgettable were her eyes that shne like diamnds and lips held in a steady smile.令人难忘的是,她的眼睛像钻石一样闪闪发光,嘴唇上挂着坚定的微笑。
    4.夸张性表述充分运用我们的想象力,将高兴的心情想象成有形事物进行描述,并加以放大。这也是一种高级的表达方式。Jy welled up inside her.她心里充满了喜悦。Her pulses beat fast,and the bld warmed and relaxed every inch f her bdy.她的心跳加快,热血温暖了全身,身心完全地放松下来。
    5.拟人式表述根据想象将抽象的高兴的状态及其变化当作人来叙述或描写,使这种抽象的状态具有人一样的言行、神态、思想和感情。从更宽泛的角度,我们表述时可以把这种高兴的状态赋予生命的特质。A wild gaiety tk hld f her.她感到一阵狂喜。Because f that smile,ur hearts jumped and danced fr jy,sweet frm the heart filled t the bdy.因为那微笑,我们的心高兴得跳了起来,甜蜜从心里蔓延到全身。
    1.用表示“喜悦”的表达完成下列各句(2021新高考全国Ⅰ卷,读后续写“母亲节的早餐”片段)①妈妈一睁开眼睛,双胞胎就高兴地叫道:“母亲节快乐!”The mment the mther pened her eyes,                  ,“Happy Mther’s Day!” ②母亲看到桌上的早餐,感到一股幸福的暖流涌上心头。At the sight f the breakfast n the table,the mther felt                               . 
    ③“妈妈,尝尝吧,”杰夫建议道。母亲竭力抑制住自己的激动,但幸福的泪水却流了下来。“Mm,have a try,” Jeff suggested.The mther tried t hide her emtin,but                         .(无灵主语句) ④她满心欢喜地把他们搂在怀里,哽咽着说,“谢谢!”                      ,she gathered them int her arms and chked “Thank yu!”(独立主格) 
    ⑤父亲高兴地拍拍手说:“我们一起吃早饭吧!”                      ,“Let’s share the breakfast tgether!” ⑥双胞胎发出一声欢乐的尖叫,他们的双眼闪烁着喜悦的光芒。→(普通表达) The twins let ut a jyful scream and their eyes sparkled/twinkled/shined with jy.→(满分表达)                         ,                                    .(独立主格) 
    (2023新高考全国Ⅰ卷,阅读B)——介绍环境保护发明家Jhn TddWhen Jhn Tdd was a child,he lved t explre the wds arund his huse,bserving hw nature slved prblems.A dirty stream,fr example,ften became clear after flwing thrugh plants and alng rcks where tiny creatures lived.When he gt lder,Jhn started t wnder if this prcess culd be used t clean up the messes peple were making.After studying agriculture,medicine,and fisheries in cllege,Jhn went back t bserving nature and asking questins.Why can certain plants trap harmful bacteria(细菌)?Which kinds f fish can eat cancer-causing chemicals?With the right cmbinatin f animals and plants,he figured,maybe he culd clean up waste the way nature did.He decided t build what he wuld later call an ec-machine.
    The task Jhn set fr himself was t remve harmful substances frm sme sludge(污泥).First,he cnstructed a series f clear fiberglass tanks cnnected t each ther.Then he went arund t lcal pnds and streams and brught back sme plants and animals.He placed them in the tanks and waited.Little by little,these different kinds f life gt used t ne anther and frmed their wn ecsystem.After a few weeks,Jhn added the sludge.He was amazed at the results.The plants and animals in the ec-machine tk the sludge as fd and began t eat it!Within weeks,it had all been digested,and all that was left was pure water.
    Over the years,Jhn has taken n many big jbs.He develped a greenhuse-like facility that treated sewage(污水) frm 1,600 hmes in Suth Burlingtn.He als designed an ec-machine t clean canal water in Fuzhu,a city in sutheast China.“Eclgical design” is the name Jhn gives t what he des.“Life n Earth is kind f a bx f spare parts fr the inventr,” he says.“Yu put rganisms in new relatinships and bserve what’s happening.Then yu let these new systems develp their wn ways t self-repair.”
    二、真题再做24.What can we learn abut Jhn frm the first tw paragraphs?A.He was fnd f enjyed being had an inquiring lnged t be a did Jhn put the sludge int the tanks?A.T feed the build an prtect the test the ec-machine.
    26.What is the authr’s purpse in mentining Fuzhu?A.T review Jhn’s research shw an applicatin f Jhn’s cmpare Jhn’s different erase dubts abut Jhn’s is the basis fr Jhn’s wrk?A.Nature can repair need water t n Earth is tiny creatures live in grups.
    3.积累高频词块(1)clean up  (2)a series f  (3)little by little  (4)take n  (5)an inquiring mind  (6)lng t d sth  
    4.赏析续写佳句When Jhn Tdd was a child,he lved t explre the wds arund his huse,bserving hw nature slved prblems.当约翰·托德还是个孩子的时候,他喜欢探索房子周围的树林,                      。 

    人教版高考英语一轮复习必修第4册UNIT1 TEENAGE LIFE课件: 这是一份人教版高考英语一轮复习必修第4册UNIT1 TEENAGE LIFE课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了研考点 核心突破,目录索引 ,强基础 语基自测,测效果 课堂评价,研真题 链接高考,debate ,content ,title ,quit ,schedule 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Unit 1 Life Choices Topic Talk 一轮复习课件-2024届高三英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册: 这是一份Unit 1 Life Choices Topic Talk 一轮复习课件-2024届高三英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册,共19页。PPT课件主要包含了stressful,stressed,challenged,from,scheduled,to launch,competence,shifts,pressure,recovers等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    北师大版高考英语一轮复习必修第1册UNIT1 LIFE CHOICES课件: 这是一份北师大版高考英语一轮复习必修第1册UNIT1 LIFE CHOICES课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了senior,competence,recover,arise,definitely,convenient,actually,remove,absolutely,tension等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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