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    北师大版高考英语一轮复习必修第2册UNIT4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY课件
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    北师大版高考英语一轮复习必修第2册UNIT4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY课件

    这是一份北师大版高考英语一轮复习必修第2册UNIT4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了内容索引,强基础 语基自测,研考点 核心突破,测效果 课堂评价,练续写 锤炼技能,研真题 链接高考,归纳 ,fancy ,press ,理清脉络 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    一、核心单词1.       vt.使可能,使发生 2.       n.效应;影响 3.       n.影响;作用 4.       n.建议,提议;推荐 5.       n.多样化,变化 6.       adv.显而易见地,明显地 7.       vi.& vt.做试验;进行实验 n.实验 8.       vt.& vi.打;打字 n.类型,种类 9.       vt.欺骗;欺诈 10.       vt.看,把……视为 
    11.       adj.效能高的;强有力的;强壮的 12.       adj.最新的;最近的 13.       n.现实;真实 14.       n.账户 15.       n.计算机软件 16.       n.设置,装置 17.       vt.确认;证实 18.       n.错误;失误 19.       n.内容 20.       vi.& vt.集中(注意力) n.焦点 
    21.       adj.简洁的,简明的 22.       n.位置;地点 23.       adj.可选择的;非强制的 24.       n.作者,作家 25.       adj.了不起的;惊人的 26.       adj.易懂的;易得到的 
    Ⅰ.在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式1.A cllege educatin will enable me              (specialize) in a certain field f knwledge,such as medicine r law,preparing me t becme a prfessinal. 2.Yu shuld nt          (cheat) a girl like Xiali wh has always been the salt f the earth. 3.Increased use f digital       (device) steals away children’s playtime. 4.The elder shuld be             (accessible) t new things and the yunger shuld shw mre respect t the advisable prpsals frm parents. 
    5.      (view) frm the nrth side,the beautiful fall just lks like a fairy with lng hair. 6.Unless yu can sleep well,yu will lse the ability          (fcus),plan and stay mtivated after ne r tw nights. 7.Exactly,these gases accunt       nearly half the amunt f greenhuse gas emissins. 8.      (lcate) in suthwestern part f China,Sichuan is famus fr its fd,natural scenery,lng histry and culture. 
    二、派生单词1.       adj.方便的→       adv.方便地→       n.方便,便利 2.       adj.对……着迷的;沉迷的→      vt.沉溺;使……上瘾 n.上瘾的人 3.       vi.& vt.递送;传送→       n.递送;传送 4.       vt.探究;探讨;探险→       n.探险者→       n.探险 5.       n.人→       adj.个人的→        adv.就个人而言,亲自地→       n.个性,性格 
    6.       vi.& vt.承认→       n.加入许可;承认 7.       n.图像;形象→       v.想象→      adj.想象的,虚构的→      n.想象 8.       vt.& n.伤害,损害→       adj.有害的→       adj.有害地→       adj.无害的 9.       adj.创造性的→       adv.有创造力地,创造性地→         vt.创造→       n.创造,创造力 10.       vt.使忧虑;与……相关→       adj.担心的→       prep.关于 11.      vi.争吵,争辩→      n.论点;论据 
    Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Sam,as a       by,likes       things that shw his high talent.One f his       fr which he gt a patent will sn be put int use in a large cmpany.Sam prmises that he will       make as many things as he can.(create) 2.Children are ften very       .What they       is ften beynd       .Lk at this picture.It was       and drawn by a fur-year-ld by.(image) 
    3.We humans ften d       t the wildlife.In fact,the wild animals and plants are s imprtant t us that we must prtect them.While sme wild animals may treat us       ,they seldm attack us.Besides,mst wildlife is       t us.(harm) 4.As is knwn t all,Chinese high-speed railways prvide peple with great         t travel frm ne place t anther.Even in many villages it’s very         fr peple t take a train.Traveling         withut dubt imprves the develpment f ecnmy.(cnvenient) 
    三、重点短语1.              尝试;试验;实验 2.             期盼,期待 3.             努力改进 4.             理解,解决,算出 5.             根据,基于 6.             沉溺于,对……上瘾 7.             在移动,在行进中 8.             各种各样的 9.             关心…… 10.             专注 
    11.             此外 12.             对比,比较 13.             指出 
    Ⅲ.用左栏所给短语的正确形式填空1.A gd parent-children relatinship shuld be set up                 mutual understanding and respect. 2.Because few culd          what t d with the plastic,much f it wund up buried in landfills. 3.Cral is nt a plant but            animal life f different shapes and bright clurs. 4.            learning abut the past,histry can help students cultivate their critical thinking skills. 5.          the yunger me,I like wh I am nw.Thugh I am nt yung anymre,I have wisdm and experience at this mment. 
    四、典型句式1.nce引导条件状语从句教材原句:Once I play games fr mre than an hur,a bell rings t remind me that my time is have been表示推测教材原句:There must have been an 引导让步状语从句教材原句:While the Internet can bring peple clser tgether,it can als harm matter引导让步状语从句教材原句:Yu can stay in tuch with friends n matter where yu are r what yu are ding.
    Ⅳ.微写作1.一旦友谊建立在信任的基础上,它就有可能持久。                                ,it has the ptential t endure fr an extended perid f time. 2.杰克看上去很快乐,那个问题一定已经解决了。Jack lks jyful.                         . 
    3.尽管那件衬衫很贵,戴维还是给他爸爸买了。                  ,David bught it fr his father. 4.无论人们身在何处、走了多远,在春节期间,他们都会回家享受团圆时光。                  and n matter hw far they g,they will g back hme enjying family time during the Spring Festival.  
    1.recmmendatin n.建议,提议;推荐→recmmend vt.推荐,介绍;建议,劝告[练会]单句语法填空①(2021新高考全国Ⅰ卷)If I had t make just ne       (recmmend) fr where t stay in Rme,it wuld be Yellw Hstel. ②The writer recmmended that we          (read) classics,which helps t crss the time and space gap,imprving ur state f survival and mindset. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵③我建议你选择沿长江旅行,因为你可以了解很多关于中国和中国人民的历史。(应用文之建议信)I                 the tur alng the Yangtze River because yu can learn a lt abut the histry f China and Chinese peple. 
    佳句 Frm the teacher’s cnfused lk,we culd see that he hadn’t expected that we culd raise such a cnfusing questin t him.Anyway,he still prvided us with recmmendatins sincerely.(读后续写之人物描写)从老师脸上困惑的表情我们可以看出,他没有预料到我们会向他提出这样令人困惑的问题。无论如何,他仍然真诚地为我们提供了建议。
    2.admit vt.& vi.允许进入……;允许参加……;接纳;招认,承认→admissin n.入场券;承认[练会]单句语法填空①The narrw windws admit little light       the rm. ②It’s said that         (admit) t British universities nly depends n examinatin results. 
    [写美]一句多译·背诵不要害怕承认自己的错误。相反,你应该学会接受它们作为你生活中必要的一部分。(应用文之建议信)→③                               .Instead,yu shuld learn t accept them as a necessary part in yur life. →④Dn’t be afraid t                     .Instead,yu shuld learn t accept them as a necessary part in yur life. 
    佳句 I made direct eye cntact instead f aviding it,and admitted that I was nt a gd cmpanin,but I wuld try t make up fr it.(读后续写之动作描写)我没有躲避而是直接迎着他的目光,并且承认我不是一个合格的同伴,但是我会尽力弥补。
    3.cncern vt.使忧虑;与……相关 n.担心,忧虑→cncerned adj.担心的,烦恼的,忧虑的→cncerning prep.关于[练会]单句语法填空①(人教选必一Unit 5)Hwever,what       (cncern) him mst was that farmers ften had pr harvests and smetimes even had a serius shrtage f fd t eat. ②(人教选必三Unit 3)Lcal fficials were cncerned       the pllutin was damaging the natural envirnment and felt that urgent steps shuld be taken t restre the river’s riginal beauty. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵③在我看来,中国书法对中国人民及全世界人民都产生了深远的影响。(应用文之中华传统文化)                 ,Chinese calligraphy has a far-reaching influence n Chinese peple and peple all ver the wrld. 
    佳句 It’s pintless t be cncerned with things yu can’t cntrl,but taking charge f what yu can allws fr pssible slutins instead f unnecessary wrry.(读后续写之人生感悟)花时间去担心那些你无法控制的事情是没有意义的,而处理好你所能做的事情可以让你得到可能的解决方案,而不是不必要的担心。
    4.view n.视力,视野;风景,景色;看法,想法,观点 v.考虑;认为;查看[练会]单句语法填空①(2023新高考全国Ⅱ卷)       a 21st-century pint f view,the printed bk is certainly ancient,but it remains as interactive as any battery-pwered e-reader. ②Yu culd hear the rar and see the mist rise int the air befre the falls       (cme) int view. ③      his mdernist view,beauty lies in simplicity and elegance. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵④在我看来,孩子们需要明确的规则,但更多的是学会如何与他人相处,并意识到他们不是世界的中心。(应用文之家庭教育)           ,children need clear rules,but mre than that they need t learn hw t get n with ther peple and realize they are nt the center f the wrld. 
    佳句 She went thrugh the dr,where a splendid garden came int view,which was full f the mst beautiful flwers and herbs.(读后续写之环境描写)她穿过了那扇门,在那里,一座美丽的花园映入眼帘,花园里长满了最美丽的花草。
    5.cnfirm v.证实→cnfirmatin n.证实;确认书→cnfirmable adj.可证实的→cnfirmed adj.习惯的;根深蒂固的;得到确认的[练会]单句语法填空①It has been cnfirmed by the data f btany and eclgy       suthwestern China is the riginal area f tea prductin. ②(译林选必四Unit 3)Remember,be an early bird and arrive at least half an hur befre yur        (cnfirm) interview time. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵③交作业前,我们数学老师总是提醒我们要确认所有答案都是正确的。Befre handing in ur wrk,ur maths teacher always reminds us              all the answers are crrect. 
    佳句 The expressin n his face cnfirmed me in my belief that he must have had an excellent perfrmance in the final.他脸上的表情让我更加坚信他在决赛中一定表现十分出色。
    6.deliver vt.递送,传送;宣布,发表;投递,交付;接生;履行诺言→delivery n.传递,递送,运送;生产,分娩;讲话方式,风度[练会]单句语法填空①(2021新高考全国Ⅰ卷)The sn f a grcer,he’d spent the summers f his childhd       (deliver) fd in Benardsville,New Jersey. ②Free hme        (deliver) service is nt uncmmn t be seen in China. ③(人教必修一 Unit 4)Hwever,dangerus cnditins and damaged rads will make it difficult          (deliver) fd and supplies. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵④为了作出清晰的展示,我慢慢地详细解释了传统的制茶步骤。(应用文之中华传统文化)In rder t                 ,I slwly explained the traditinal prcedure f making tea in detail. 
    佳句 It was the first time that I had delivered a speech in frnt f the public.Overwhelmed by anxiety,I fund myself unable t cntrl the tremble in my legs.(读后续写之情绪描写)这是我第一次在公众面前发表演讲。由于极度焦虑,我发现自己无法控制双腿的颤抖。
    7.favur n.偏爱;赞同;善行 vt.赞成;喜爱;有助于→favurable adj.赞成的;有利的;讨人喜欢的[练会]单句语法填空①The majrity f students believe that learning English well will put them in a         (favur) psitin in the future jb markets. ②Culd yu d me       favur and tell Kelly that I can’t accmpany her n vilin? 
    [写美]一句多译·背诵我提议我们去参观长城,大多数人都支持。→③ →④ →⑤ →⑥ 
    点津 表示“支持某人/物”的结构还有be fr...,agree with...,supprt...,be in supprt f...等。佳句 Opprtunities and success tend t be in favur f thse wh are ready.(应用文之演讲稿)机遇和成功往往青睐那些有准备的人。
    8.harm vt.& n.伤害,损害→harmful adj.有害的→harmless adj.无害的[练会]单句语法填空①(2023全国乙卷)There is als research shwing that pt plants can clean the air arund them by remving       (harm) gases,such as carbn dixide. ②While the sun’s rays can age and       (harm) ur skin,they als give us beneficial vitamin D. 
    [写美]一句多译·背诵众所周知,玩太多电脑游戏对我们的学习有害。(应用文之网络科技)→③What is knwn t us is that playing t many cmputer games             ur study. →④What is knwn t us is that playing t many cmputer games             ur study. 
    佳句 I knew,f curse,that he meant n harm,but in the heat f the mment I culd nt cntrl my anger against him.(读后续写之心理描写)当然,我知道他没有恶意,但一时的情绪化让我控制不住地将火发到他的身上。
    9.cncentrate vi.& vt.集中(思想、注意力等);使……集中(或集合、聚集)→cncentrated adj.集中的;浓缩的;全神贯注的→cncentratin n.专心;集中(注意力)[练会]单句语法填空①(人教必修一 Unit 1)Sme students even becme addicted t the Internet and cannt cncentrate       schl and family life. ②Drinking enugh water can help bst yur       (cncentrate) as well as keep yu frm vereating. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵③在过去的两个月,我们一直专注练习打排球,希望赢得冠军。(应用文之活动介绍)During the last tw mnths we                  playing vlleyball,hping t win the champin. 
    归纳cncentrate n/upn专注于……cncentrate ne’s attentin n/upn...把某人的注意力集中在……佳句 The end was just in frnt f him,and he lked straight ahead,cncentrating n his breath,and struggled frward.(读后续写之动作描写)终点就在他面前,他直视前方,专注自己的呼吸,奋力向前。
    10.cntent n.容纳的东西;目录;容量 vt.使满足 adj.满足的,满意的(不用作定语)→cntentment n.满意,知足→cntented adj.满意的(作定语或表语)→discntent n.不满;不满足[练会]单句语法填空①(外研选必三Unit 5)Frm his petry,we can learn that althugh his life was arduus,he succeeded in finding       (cntent) in its simplicity and in drawing pleasure frm nature. ②Pursue and cherish the present,and what yu have in frnt f yu becmes a      (cntent) enjyment. ③Curisity and       (cntent),which we were brn with,dn’t have t be learned. 
    佳句 Weak in physics as Michael is,he is always very cnfident and he is als cntent with his psitive attitude t it.Therefre,everyne believes that he will imprve his physics.(应用文之学校生活)虽然迈克尔的物理很弱,但他总是很自信,他也很满足于他对物理的积极态度,因此,每个人都相信他的物理会有所提高。
    11.fcus n集中(光束)于,聚集于[练会]单句语法填空 ①(2023新高考全国Ⅱ卷)We see scenes f children learning t read at hme r at schl,with the bk as       fcus fr relatins between the generatins. ②The latest mdel f camera can autmatically bring the bject       fcus,with which even a child can sht very well. ③Fcus       the small steps and it’s nly a matter f time befre the bigger picture cmes int play. 
    [写美]句式升级·背诵④We fcused ur energy n ur vluntary wrk,s we spared n time t share ur pinin with her.→                                ,we spared n time t share ur pinin with her.(用with复合结构改写) 
    佳句 If praise is sincere and fcused n the effrt nt the utcme,yu can give yur child smething that deserves a verbal reward.(读后续写之主题升华)如果表扬是真诚的,关注的是付出的努力而不是结果,你可以给你的孩子一些值得口头奖励的东西。
    12.in additin另外,除此之外[练会]单句语法填空①       additin,it is imprtant t keep in mind that the quality f yur praise hlds greater significance than its quantity. ②In additin       the winding rad,the bad weather added t ur difficulties f climbing the muntain. 
    [写美]同义句转换·背诵③Additinally,Mr.Wu always explained the prblems that seemed difficult with practical examples and in simple language.(应用文之人物介绍)→         ,Mr.Wu always explained the prblems that seemed difficult with practical examples and in simple language. 
    点津 “此外”的表达方式还有:besides,further,mrever,furthermre。佳句 I think she has many gd qualities in additin t her exceptinal physical appearance.(读后续写之外貌描写)我认为她除了出众的外表外,还有很多优秀的品质。
    ★补遗缺 微点练全Ⅰ.一词多义容纳的东西(常用复数) B.n.内容 C.adj.满足的;满意的 D.vt. 满足于①He wisely cntented himself with his family and his lve f nature.   ②These ntes prvide a cmprehensive review f the curse cntent,in rder t help final exams.   ③Althugh Nicle was cntent with this way f life,she still dreamed f mving t the Eastern cast t becme a clthing designer.   ④I emptied the cntents f the fridge int carrier bags.   
    诡计;戏法;花招;骗术;诀窍;技巧;技艺 B.vt.欺骗,欺诈;诈骗;打扮或装饰某人/某物①T get ahead,we have asked five successful writers t reveal sme f the tricks.   ②The by fund it useless t fl his parents with the ld trick.   ③If yu are nt lucky enugh,yu are likely t be tricked int buying fake gds.   ④He tricked his way int her hme by pretending t be a pliceman.   
    1.nce引导条件状语从句[教材原句] Once I play games fr mre than an hur,a bell rings t remind me that my time is up.一旦我玩了一个多小时的游戏,铃声就会响起,提醒我时间已到。[练会]单句语法填空①         we grw up,it’s better that we abandn the safe shelter f ur parents’ prtectin as sn as pssible. ②Once       (lse) interest in what yu’re ding,yu can take a shrt escape frm it. ③Once yu start eating in a healthier way,weight cntrl         (becme) much easier. 
    [写美]句式升级·背诵④Once nature is destryed,it will punish us humans the mst strictly.(应用文之环境保护)→           ,nature will punish us humans the mst strictly.(用省略结构改写) 
    归纳(1)nce此处表示“一旦”,用以引导条件状语从句,如果主句用一般将来时态,nce引导的条件状语从句应用一般现在时态代替将来时态。(2)在nce引导的条件状语从句中,如果从句主语和主句主语一致,且从句谓语动词含有be动词,则可将从句主语和be动词省去。佳句 It was nt until then did I get that nce yu get an pprtunity r an idea that can mve yu twards yur gals,yu need t take actin at nce.(读后续写之主旨句)直到那时我才明白,一旦你有了一个能让你朝着你的目标前进的机会或想法,你就需要立即采取行动。
    2.must have been表示推测句型[教材原句] There must have been an errr.一定出了什么错。[练会]单句语法填空①I have read yur Weib abut the upcming Music Festival t be held in ur schl,s yu       have heard f it. ②Yu might nt           (ntice),but I am currently ccupied with a significant wrklad. ③I       have lent yu a hand,but at that mment I was nt available. ④I’m surprised that Kim shuld         (make) such great prgress in her Chinese in such a shrt time. 
    点津 表示对现在和将来的推测应用“can/may/might/culd/must d”结构。佳句 His beaming smile lights up his dark face,and his strng build gives ff a sense f energy.N dubt,it must have been thse hurs he spent wrking in the fields that made him int the man he is tday.(读后续写之人物描写)他灿烂的笑容照亮了他黝黑的脸,他强壮的体格散发出一种活力。毫无疑问,一定是他在田里工作的那些时间造就了他今天的样子。
    3.while引导让步状语从句[教材原句] While the Internet can bring peple clser tgether,it can als harm friendships.互联网虽然可以让人们更亲近,但它也会损害友谊。[练会]单句语法填空①       he failed t win the champin,his spirits wn his ppnent’s and all the audience’s respect and admiratin. ②While       (think) abut the questin,we came acrss a recently published article,which prpses an interesting new slutin. ③English is understd all ver the wrld      Turkish is spken by nly a few peple utside Turkey itself. 
    [写美]句式升级·背诵④While the students were picking apples with the farmers,they develped a gd relatinship with them.(应用文之社会实践)→  (用省略结构改写) 
    佳句 While he gt an injury in the previus match,Steven persevered and cmpeted in the fllwing game,ultimately cntributing t ur team’s victry.(读后续写之优秀品质)虽然史蒂文在上一场比赛中受了伤,但接下来他坚持比赛,最终为我们队的胜利做出了贡献。
    4.n matter引导让步状语从句[教材原句] Yu can stay in tuch with friends n matter where yu are r what yu are ding.无论你在哪里,在做什么,都可以和朋友保持联系。
    [练会]单句语法填空①All wmen,men and children,n matter      they are r where they live,shuld have access t health care. ②(2020天津卷)Fr years I wanted t d everything my elder brther Tysn did,but n matter       hard I tried,I was always the neglected (被忽略的) ne. ③(2022全国甲卷)Knwing sme tips will help ensure that yu have an enjyable meal with friends r family—n matter       yu are in the wrld. [写美]翻译句子·背诵④无论多么忙碌,你每天都应该抽出时间进行锻炼。(应用文之建议信) 
    点津 n matter where/when/hw/what/which等引导让步状语从句时可分别用wherever/whenever/hwever/whatever/whichever等代替。佳句 N matter where yu live r hw many times yu relcate,as lng as yur family can live tgether happily,there will be n sense f unfamiliarity.(读后续写之亲情)不管你住在哪里,也不管你搬了多少次家,只要你的家人能幸福地生活在一起,就不会有陌生感。
    Ⅰ.单句语法填空——分层级强化高频考点A组 基础必练1.With the final rund drawing near,I feel mre and mre nervus,but I’m ding everything enabling me t relax and         (fcus) n my game. 2.Lk!Here are sme ftprints.Smene must         (enter) ur rm. 
    3.If yu are lking t enjy autumn scenery in Beijing,it is highly           (recmmend) that yu see the red leaves f Fragrant Hill. 4.A stry is a made-up descriptin f      (imagine) r real events and peple. 5.I fund it hard t keep my        (cncentrate) with such a nise ging n. 
    B组 高考链接6.(2023新高考全国Ⅰ卷)When Jhn Tdd was a child,he lved            (explre) the wds arund his huse,bserving hw nature slved prblems. 7.(2023新高考全国Ⅱ卷)Besides,wrking in the garden seems t have a calming effect       Jaramill’s special educatin students,many f whm have emtinal cntrl issues. 8.(2022全国乙卷)It is believed that tday’s children and teenagers are cnsuming three times the       (recmmend) level f sugar,putting them at a higher risk f the disease. 9.(2021新高考全国Ⅰ卷)Htel and Hstel Des Artistes is       (lcate) just a 10-minute walk frm the central city statin and it’s clse t all f the city’s main attractins. 
    Ⅱ.语篇填空——语境中应用单元要点Living in mdern sciety nwadays,we all feel very prud and happy.Infrmatin technlgy has a great impact 1.       everyne’s life.If yu plan t travel,2.         instant yu bk a ticket nline,yu can receive the infrmatin.It’s 3.       (amaze),isn’t it?Online lessns are als f great help.They are 4.       (access) s that many learners are int nline learning.In 5.      (real),in China,n matter 6.       yu g,yu need t bring with yu just tw things,yur ID card and yur smartphne.
    With yur smartphne,yu can pay fr what yu buy and determine yur 7.       (lcate).Its 8.        (recmmend) f the rute yu need t take is 9.       (general) accurate.Hwever,we need fcus n Internet safety.Never 10.          (cheat). 
    Ⅲ.话题微写作——场景中提升写作技能(黑体部分用本单元词汇表达)续写微情景第一步 单句写作1.这三十年以来,为了承担起家庭的重担,管道工Jack把他所有的注意力都放在如何挣钱养活家庭上。(fcused all his attentin n)Fr 30 years,in rder t shulder the burden f his family,Jack the plumber has                                         . 
    2.虽然他没有想过要放弃工作去实现他的音乐梦想,但无论身在何处,他总是打开随身携带的小录音机,跟着音乐一起唱歌。(while;n matter where)While he never thught abut giving up his jb t fulfill his music dream,                   ,he always pened the small tape recrder he carried and sang alng with the music. 
    3.偶然一次,他在修理管道时的歌声吸引了一个路人。碰巧的是,这个路人原来是一家唱片公司的老板。(nce;turn ut t be)Once,a passer-by was attracted by his singing while he was repairing pipes,and cincidentally,                                     . 4.老板建议他去接受专业的培训,并承诺会帮助他获得听众的支持。(recmmend;get the favur f)The bss recmmended that                 and assured him f his assistance in                         . 
    第二步 句式升级5.用倒装句将句2升级
    第三步 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文)
    (四)情感描写之“紧张” Ⅰ.语块必记1.stress ut(使)焦虑,紧张2.a fld f tensin紧张情绪泛滥3.butterflies in ne’s stmach情绪紧张,心里发慌4.tighten ne’s face面孔僵硬5.reduce/relieve/ease tensin减轻/缓解/缓和紧张6.sense the tensin感到紧张7.make smene nervus弄得某人烦心,使某人紧张不安,使某人提心吊胆8.feel nervus感到紧张9.breathe rapidly呼吸急促10.bite ne’s nails咬指甲
     Ⅱ.佳句背诵1.直陈式表述我们可以直接表达主人翁当时紧张或变得紧张的情绪。She was very nervus.她非常紧张。Dart,wh had at first been very tense,at last relaxed.达特起初很紧张,最终放松了。When she heard the news,she was heightening tensin.当她听到这个消息时,她的紧张加剧了。
    I get very nervus because I’m using the expensive equipment.我很紧张,因为我用的是昂贵的设备。McKay walked slwly twards this screen,feeling a grwing tenseness.麦凯慢慢地走向屏幕,感到越来越紧张。I am t nervus t speak ut and just stand here,embarrassed and helpless,struggling in vain fr the right thing t say.我太紧张了,说不出话来,只是站在这里,尴尬而无助,徒劳地挣扎着想说正确的话。
    2.描述性表述常识告诉我们:人们紧张时,会心跳加速、脸色发红,严重的时候手心出汗、双腿颤抖、说话结巴。我们可以通过描述角色紧张时的表现来表达紧张。His heart beat wildly and his legs trembled.他的心狂跳着,双腿颤抖着。He was abut t respnd when he felt his tngue tied and palms sweating.他刚要回答,就觉得舌头打结,手心冒汗。
    As they were still ut f breath and their heart beat wildly,they were cnsequently cnvinced that what happened just nw was true.因为他们还上气不接下气,心跳得厉害,所以他们坚信刚才发生的事是真的。Sme peple gain their gal and directin frm their tensins and actually d better because f them.有些人从紧张中获得目标和方向,实际上也因此做得更好。
    3.比喻性表述用like或as加喻体来表达紧张的方式属于明喻。将本体直接说成喻体的方式属于暗喻或借喻。He shk all ver,feeling like being n pins and needles.他浑身发抖,感觉如坐针毡。
    4.夸张性表述我们也可以运用我们的想象力,将紧张的情绪想象成有形事物进行描述,并加以放大。Tensin flded ver him.紧张情绪淹没了他。A fld f tensin welled up in him.一阵紧张的情绪涌上了他的心头。He felt s nervus that he felt his thrat tightened.他紧张得喉咙发紧。
    5.拟人式表述我们也可以将紧张的情绪想象成一个人或是有生命的动物来描述它的言行。Tensin slwly creeps upn him.他慢慢感到紧张。The tensin sn transmitted itself t all the members f the crwd.紧张气氛很快传染给了人群中的所有人。6.反语式表述当然我们也可以把表达紧张的话语反过来说。He felt anything but relaxed.他一点也不感到放松。He fund n way t relax there.他在那里找不到放松的方法。
    1.按要求用表示“紧张”的表达完成下列各句。①玛丽紧张极了。她来回踱步,喉咙发紧,嘴里发干,双手颤抖。Mary lked extremely nervus.She paced up and dwn,                                          .(独立主格) ②她尝试了她能想到的每一种方法来减轻自己的焦虑,但都白费力气。She tried every technique she culd remember                   ,but in vain. 
    ③我问她感觉怎么样。她承认她感觉很糟,她的声音里透着紧张不安。I asked her if she was kay.She admitted she wasn’t and                               . ④我拍了拍她的肩膀,让她镇定下来,但她放松不下来,看着很不安。I patted her n the shulder and tld her t calm dwn,but she                               . 
    ⑤她颤抖着双腿上了舞台。她的心脏怦怦直跳,手心出汗。                                                    .(无灵主语句) ⑥她深深地吸了口气,艰难地咽了下口水才开口说话。                  ,she             befre she culd speak.(分词作状语) ⑦她说话声音紧张发抖,甚至结巴了几次。She spke                               and even stumbled a few times. 
    (2023新高考全国Ⅱ卷,阅读B)——介绍一个学校菜园项目Turning sil,pulling weeds,and harvesting cabbage sund like tugh wrk fr middle and high schl kids.And at first it is,says Abby Jaramill,wh with anther teacher started Urban Spruts,a schl garden prgram at fur lw-incme schls.The prgram aims t help students develp science skills,envirnmental awareness,and healthy lifestyles.
    Jaramill’s students live in neighbrhds where fresh fd and green space are nt easy t find and fast fd restaurants utnumber grcery stres.“The kids literally cme t schl with bags f snacks and large bttles f sft drinks,” she says.“They cme t us thinking vegetables are awful,dirt is awful,insects are awful.” Thugh sme are initially scared f the insects and turned ff by the dirt,mst are eager t try smething new.Urban Spruts’ classes,at tw middle schls and tw high schls,include hands-n experiments such as sil testing,flwer-and-seed dissectin,tastings f fresh r dried prduce,and wrk in the garden.Several times a year,students ck the vegetables they grw,and they ccasinally make salads fr their entire schls.
    Prgram evaluatins shw that kids eat mre vegetables as a result f the classes.“We have students wh say they went hme and talked t their parents and nw they’re eating differently,” Jaramill says.She adds that the prgram’s benefits g beynd nutritin.Sme students get s interested in gardening that they bring hme seeds t start their wn vegetable gardens.Besides,wrking in the garden seems t have a calming effect n Jaramill’s special educatin students,many f whm have emtinal cntrl issues.“They get utside,” she says,“and they feel successful.”
    二、真题再做24.What d we knw abut Abby Jaramill?A.She used t be a health grew up in a lw-incme wns a fast fd is an initiatr f Urban Spruts.
    25.What was a prblem facing Jaramill at the start f the prgram?A.The kids’ parents distrusted had little time fr her kids disliked garden was n space fr schl gardens.
    26.Which f the fllwing best describes the impact f the prgram?A.Far-
    27.What can be a suitable title fr the text?A.Rescuing Schl GardensB.Experiencing Cuntry LifeC.Grwing Vegetable LversD.Changing Lcal Landscape
    3.积累高频词块(1)turn sil  (2)pull weeds  (3)envirnmental awareness  (4)grcery stre  (5)turn ff  (6)g beynd  
    4.赏析续写佳句Sme students get s interested in gardening that they bring hme seeds t start their wn vegetable gardens.有些学生            ,他们带种子回家开始种植自己的菜园。 

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