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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    1.What is the man ding?
    A.Asking the way.B.Giving directins.C.Crrecting the mistake.
    2.Where are the speakers?
    A.At a bus stp.B.At hme.C.At the airprt.
    3.Hw is the weather tday?
    4.What did the speakers d last weekend?
    A.They studied at hme.B.They went hiking.C.They played tennis.
    5.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Friends.B.Bss and secretary.C.Waitress and custmer.
    6.What is Tm busy ding?
    A.Raising mney.B.Writing a lab reprt.C.Giving classes t children.
    7.Wh might be able t help Tm this week?
    8.Wh will take Le t the festival?
    A.His brther.B.His cusin.C.His sister.
    9.Hw will Le g t the festival?
    A.By car.B.By bus.C.By bicycle.
    10.What will Le take with him?
    11.What field has the wman been wrking in?
    12.What did the wman d every year?
    A.She published an article.B.She made the yearbk.C.She wrte a textbk.
    13.What des the wman think f the publishing wrk?
    14.What is matter with the by?
    A.He has spts n his neck.B.He feels cld.
    C.He has a fever.
    15.Hw des the by want the wman t help?
    A.By taking him t the dctr.
    B.By putting sme makeup n him.
    C.By telling the schl nurse abut the prblem.
    16.What may happen if the by has t stay hme?
    A.He wn’t make the team.
    B.He can try ut fr the team later.
    C.He’ll have t write a nte t the cach.
    17.Wh is the speaker?
    A.A guide.B.A teacher.C.A cach.
    18.When will the students leave fr the museum?
    19.What will the students d at 1:15?
    A.See a film.B.Meet at a café.C.Visit a gallery.
    20.Where can the students find mre infrmatin?
    A.Frm teachers.B.Frm a website.C.Frm a bk.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Museums are an imprtant means fr cultural exchange and enrichment as well as the develpment f mutual understanding and cperatin amng peple. Here are sme f the museums wrth visiting. It’s time t decide yur next travel destinatin.
    The Musée du Luvre, Paris, France
    It is the wrld’s largest art museum and a histrical landmark f Paris. Hused in the Luvre Palace, the museum has been extended many times since its pening in 1793.Its eye-catching glass pyramid in the main curtyard was designed by Ieh Ming Pei, a Chinese American architect, and it later became a symbl f the museum.
    Metrplitan Museum f Art, New Yrk, US
    Cmmnly knwn as the Met, the museum is amng the must-visit attractins in New Yrk. It stands n the eastern edge f Central Park. The Met maintains extensive hldings f African, Asian, Oceanian, Byzantine and Islamic art. Every May, the museum hlds the luxurius, blckbuster(大片) Met Gala, grabbing glbal attentin like the Oscars.
    Natinal Museum f China, Beijing, China
    Near Tian’anmen Square in Beijing, it’s ne f the largest museums in the wrld and the secnd mst visited art museum in the wrld, just after the Luvre. Cvering a time span frm 1.7 millin years ag t the Qing Dynasty, the museum pssesses arund 1.05 millin items — and many cannt be fund in museums elsewhere.
    Vatican Museums, the Vatican City
    If yu are int Rman histry and Renaissance art, the Vatican Museums will be yur ideal destinatin. Alng the exhibitin rute, visitrs can enjy the marvelus Sistine Chapel decrated by Michelangel and the Stanze di Raffaell decrated by Raphael.
    21.What d we knw abut the Musée du Luvre?
    A.It is the ldest museum in the wrld.B.It has an attractive glass pyramid.
    C.It has been rebuilt many times.D.It was designed by Ieh Ming Pei.
    22.If yu are int African culture, which museum shuld yu visit?
    A.The Musée du Luvre.B.Natinal Museum f China.
    C.Metrplitan Museum f Art.D.Vatican Museums.
    23.What d Natinal Museum f China and Vatican Museums have in cmmn?
    A.Bth feature many ancient buildings.B.Bth ffer exhibitin rutes.
    C.Bth have ver ne millin items.D.Bth appeal t histry fans.
    It was a stry abut brccli sup that really brught hme t Shirley Zhu the value f the wrk she was ding. She and her twin sister Annie, wh are 18, were delivering bxes f fd t peple struggling t get affrdable, nutritius fd in their hme city f Hustn. One wman, wh Shirley was visiting fr the secnd time, was excited t tell her that she had made brccli sup fr her and her yung daughter with the previus fd package.
    Shirley and Annie were 15 years ld when they began cllecting unsld fd frm grcery stres and bakeries in Hustn and distributing it t residents living in “fd deserts”—areas which dn’t have gd access t fresh, affrdable fd. Tgether with an initial team f 10 classmates at their high schl, they set up Fresh Hub. With the help f a smartphne app and autmated(自动化的)messaging service, they were able t infrm residents when fresh fd was available.
    Annie and Shirley started brainstrming in their bedrm, running thrugh ways in which they culd redistribute healthy fd at cmmunity events. They cntacted grcery stres and even farmers, but fund themselves turned dwn because they weren’t a registered charity, r smetimes simply because, as tw 15-year-lds, they weren’t taken seriusly. “We’re just high-schlers and we didn’t have a lt f credibility(可靠性),”says Shirley.
    They switched tactics. Instead f trying t build smething frm the grund up, they decided t jin frces with an rganizatin already ding this wrk. Secnd Servings, a Hustn-based nn-prfit, already had the vans, the equipment, and the skills in rescuing fd, which it dnates t hmeless shelters and ther places f need.
    “We were used t seeing ther adults being the heres in this situatin and taking actin and didn’t cnsider urselves as capable f making a change,” Shirley says. She nw believes that whatever smene’s age r resurces, it’s always pssible t d smething.
    24.What can we knw abut Fresh Hub?
    A.It was started by twin sisters three years ag.
    B.It riginally cnsisted f 10 students at high schl.
    C.It ffered service t grcery stres and bakeries in Hustn.
    D.It gt help frm a smartphne cmpany with messaging service.
    25.What difficulty did Shirley and Annie meet at the start?
    A.There were s many residents in need f fd.B.They were turned dwn by a registered charity.
    C.There weren’t many high-schlers t jin them.D.They weren’t trusted because f their yung age.
    26.Which is the clsest in meaning t the underlined wrd “tactics” in Paragraph 4?
    27.What is Shirley’s advice fr us?
    A.N ne can succeed easily.B.Actins speak luder than wrds.
    C.Dn’t allw age t get in ur way t success.D.Dn’t cnsider urselves as capable enugh.
    On December 28, 2023, a Chinese cmpany reached an imprtant milestne. It flew a cmpletely unmanned, autnmus spassenger drne n its first cmmercial flight in Guangzhu. Befre yu get t excited, here cme the details. The drne has a range f nly 22 miles and a tp speed f nly 81 mph. The drne is certainly quieter and greener, and may prve t be safer, but we’re a lng way frm phasing ut(逐步淘汰) rdinary helicpters, let alne seeing cars get replaced with little drnes.
    Still, I’m happy t see the little guy flying arund Guangzhu. It serves as a reminder that sme f the biggest questins abut the future aren’t abut what’s technlgically practicable r ecnmically practicable, s much as what’s scially practicable. J. Strrs Hall, a technlgist, insists the main barrier between us and flying cars has nt been a lack f technical prgress, r even high cst. The prblem, Hall writes, is that “cultural reactin and inflexible regulatin have cmbined t hld back the nrmal flw f experimentatin in high-pwer technlgy”.
    Will the public trust a self-pilted drne? Hw many heliprts exist, and what d they charge per flight? Hw lud an air taxi grup will residents f urban areas accept? These are all questins abut the public’s attitudes, nt the technical abilities. Even the range f the batteries r fuel cell systems in a flying car is, t a degree, scially determined: Gvernment subsidies(补贴) fr electric car batteries play a huge rle in hw thse technlgies develp, and hw efficient they’re able t get.
    The gd news is that the new range f flying cars prmises t remve sme f thse tradeffs (权衡). They can be quiet and carbn-free and pilted by AI systems less likely than humans t make stupid mistakes. We can chse that wrld by subsidizing it and clearing a regulatry(监管的)path fr it. But the technlgy alne wn’t create that wrld. We have t actively make it.
    28.What can we knw abut the drne?
    A.It ges much faster than helicpters.B.It is the safest vehicle fr passengers.
    C.It will be put int cmmercial use sn.D.It can’t replace helicpters r cars nw.
    29.Which factr influences the use f flying cars the mst?
    A.Scial factr.B.Ecnmical factr.
    C.Technical factr.D.Envirnmental factr.
    30.Why did the authr ask the questins in paragraph 3?
    A.T shw his puzzlement.B.T list varius mysteries.
    C.T intrduce a new theme.D.T make further discussin.
    31.What is the writer’s attitude twards the future f the new drnes?
    Accrding t the Wrld Meterlgical Organizatin, July 2023 was the wrld’s warmest mnth n recrd. As heatwaves had spread acrss Nrth America, Asia and Eurpe, UN Secretary General Antni Guterres said in a speech that the planet is entering an “era f glbal biling”. Hw t cl the planet has lng been a trubling questin fr scientists. They are nw turning t sun-blcking technlgy, which refers t reflecting sunlight back int space in rder t keep dwn the temperature f the planet’s climate.
    Accrding t Eurnews, a Eurpean televisin news netwrk, ne idea invlves pumping sun-blcking particles(粒子) int the upper atmsphere. The particles will then stay in the air and redirect sunshine back upwards. It is like applying sunscreen n the utside f Earth. Researchers at Yale University, US, utlined a plan t use 125 high-flying planes t spread the particles at latitudes(纬度) f 60 degrees nrth and suth. The particles will then travel tward the ples, which culd pssibly cl the temperature there by 2℃. In the future, the planes culd be used t refreeze the ples, said the researchers.
    Anther very prmising technique is called “clud brightening”, accrding t Chris Sacca, a US climate expert. This methd invlves sending sea salt particles int cluds abve the sea, making them whiter and thus reflect mre sunlight back int space.
    In June, the US gvernment annunced in a reprt that it is nw ffering supprt fr slar engineering research as a way t slw the rise f glbal temperatures. Accrding t the reprt, the US gvernment believes that the technlgy “ffers the pssibility f cling the planet significantly n a timescale f a few years”.
    Hwever, fllwing the reprt, an pen letter by mre than 60 scientists called fr cautin and mre research first. Kristen Rasmussen, a climate scientist at Clrad State University, US, has been studying hw these sun-blcking methds will affect rainfall patterns. She said that apart frm rainfall, ecsystems and even human cmmunities will als be affected. “We need t be very cautius n this,” Rasmussen tld Scientific American.
    32.Which slutin is used t deal with glbal warming?
    A.Blcking the sunlight cming frm the sun.B.Using sunscreen n the surface f the Earth.
    C.Reflecting the sunlight back int the space.D.Applying advanced technlgy t weather cntrl.
    33.Which f the fllwing des the writer agree with accrding t the text?
    A.The sea-salt particles will reflect the sunlight back int the planet.
    B.Bth sun-blcking techniques are using the principles f light reflectin.
    C.The sun-blcking particles will cl the temperature at the ples t 2℃.
    D.The US gvernment believes that clud brightening will wrk well this year.
    34.What is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A.Cl Our Planet.B.Era f Glbal Biling.
    C.Pumping Blcking Particles.D.The Technique f Clud Brightening.
    35.Where is the passage prbably taken frm?
    A.A travel jurnal.B.A news reprt.C.A science magazine.D.A stry cllectin.
    Hw t Leave Yur Cmfrt Zne
    The cmfrt zne is a behaviral state within which a persn uses a limited set f behavirs t deliver a steady level f perfrmance, causing their prgress t stp. But life is full f pprtunities t step utside the cmfrt zne. Here are sme ways ne might try t d s.
    D everyday things differently. In everyday life, there are plenty f pprtunities t challenge yurself. Turn ff yur smartphne and televisin while having dinner, decide what t wear mre quickly, r just slw dwn t take in the surrundings n a walk. 36
    Try a new diet. Many peple want t imprve their diets and stp relying n “cmfrt fds”. 37 Shifting t a healthier diet can be as challenging as it is rewarding, with self-trust grwing as yu hit milestne gals alng the way.
    38 Many peple are lnging fr this gal. Fr sme, it can mean running their first 5K.But fr thers, it might be cmpleting a marathn. Aiming higher with exercise is representative f leaving the cmfrt zne and a great way t get the ball rlling.
    Get creative. Creativity — anything frm writing a pem t building a business — usually invlves an element f risk. 39 Therefre, failing and accmpanying learning are expected utcmes. Exercising creativity is a gd way t train yurself t have a grwth mindset and let g f a need fr perfectin frm the utset.
    Challenge yur beliefs. It’s easy t get stuck in ur ways, but this can lead t self-satisfactin —a feature f being in the cmfrt zne. 40 While this can be uncmfrtable, it enables grwth and insight by challenging deep-rted beliefs. This might take several frms, such as reading varied bk genres, diversifying wh yu talk t, and visiting new places.
    A.Take wrks t the next level.
    B.Mtivate yurself with a new sprt.
    C.Ding s ften means trying smething new.
    D.Creative effrts are abut stepping int the unknwn.
    E.Therefre, we need t explre alternative viewpints.
    F.These changes break yu ut f ld, cmfrtable rutines.
    G.Benefits f leaving the cmfrt zne wn’t happen vernight.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    The first time Richard Epstein went t his lcal ice-skating rink(溜冰场), he was handed a free pair f skates. They had been left behind by a(n) 41 custmer. “I d things ut f my cmfrt zne, and gd things 42 ,” he says. This wisdm was prved in December, 2023, when Epstein, nw 78, skated in his first 43 . His wife filmed this perfrmance, which he did with his cach. Then his eldest daughter 44 it n Twitter, alng with a nte that Epstein has stage fur cancer. Nearly 3 millin peple viewed the vide and gave millins f likes. Epstein was amazed by the respnse, 45 himself as “just an ld man ging 46 in circles”.
    As a child, Epstein was “really terrible” at 47 . He still feels 48 that he culdn’t thrw a ball straight. “I’m an active persn but ne f the wrld’s wrst 49 .” he says.
    He used t 50 his childhd self, and think that ne day he wuld feel “relaxed and cl and cmfrtable. I’m still waiting,” he says with a smile. Maybe ice-skating makes up fr clumsiness(笨拙) when he was 51 . Epstein has als tried snwbarding, rck climbing and inline skating, all f which 52 balance. He insists he desn’t mind falling.
    Epstein enjys hw the ice “takes me ut f my 53 ways”. There’s “the wind blwing thrugh my 54 . It is a jy t speed and 55 , t get n the inside edge f the skate n the ice.”
    50.A.lk frward tB.lk back nC.sign up frD.catch up with
    China 56 (make) anther histric step in its deep space explratin till nw. The Lng March-5 Y8 carrier rcket blasted ff(发射) frm the Wenchang Space Launch Site in Suth China’s trpical island f Hainan n Friday, 57 (aim) t bring back lunar samples frm the far side f the Mn.
    The China Natinal Space Administratin (CNSA) cnfirmed the success f the launch after tw pairs f slar panels f the spacecraft pened 58 (smth). The rund trip f Chang’e-6 will last abut 53 days, twice the 59 (lng) f the missin f Chang’e-5, 60 returned samples frm the near side f the mn in sme 23 days, media reprted.
    61 amunt f Mn samples t be returned this time is als expected t be 62 (large)than the Chang’e-5 missin. It is expected t bring back arund 2,000 grams f lunar dust and rcks, increasing 63 sme 270 grams frm the previus missin.
    The Chang’e-6 missin aims t pineer new 64 (area) in lunar rbit design, intelligent sampling n the mn’s far side, and ascent frm the lunar surface, while cnducting an autmated sample return frm the mn’s far side, alng with scientific explratin f the landing area 65 internatinal cperatin.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节(满分15 分)
    假定你是李华,你的英国笔友 Jim要来中国学习和生活,希望你能推荐一个生活中常用的App。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:
    第二节 (满分25分)
    I was sitting next t Missy in my ninth-grade wrld histry class when Mrs. Bartlett annunced a new prject. In grups, we were t create a newspaper arund the culture we were studying.
    On a piece f paper, we wrte the names f three friends we wanted in ur grup. After cllecting all the requests, Mrs. B infrmed us that she wuld take int cnsideratin the names we chse and wuld let us knw the results the next day. I had n dubt I wuld get the grup f my chice. Only a few peple behaved nrmally in the class, and Missy was ne f them. I knew we had chsen each ther.
    The next day, I anxiusly waited fr the class. After the bell rang, Missy and I stpped talking as Mrs. B called fr ur attentin. She started t call ut names. When she reached grup three, Missy’s name was called. S, I’m in grup three, I thught. The secnd, third and furth members f the grup were called. My name was nt included. There had t be sme mistake!
    Then I heard it. The last grup: “Maur, Juliette, Rachel, Karina.” I culd feel the tears well in my eyes. Hw culd I face being in that grup — the by wh rarely spke English, the ne girl wh was always cvered by skirts that went dwn t her ankles, and the ther girl wh wre strange clthes. Oh, hw badly I wanted t be with my friends.
    I fught back tears as I walked up t Mrs. B. She lked at me and knew what I was there fr. I was determined t cnvince her I shuld be in the “gd” grup. “” I started.
    She gently placed a hand n my shulder. “I knw what yu want, Karina,” she said, “but yur grup needs yu. I need yu t help them get a passing grade n this assignment(作业). Only yu can help them.”
    I was frzen. I was cnfused. I was amazed. She had seen smething in me I hadn’t seen.
    “Will yu help them?” she asked.
    I std straighter. “Yes,” I replied. I culdn’t believe it came ut f my muth, but it did. I had cmmitted.
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    I bravely walked t where the thers in my grup sat.
    In the end, Mrs. B gave us an A n that assignment.

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