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    Arrangements fr the Beijing Tur
    Day 1
    Any visit t Beijing is incmplete withut a hike n the Great Wall.Hwever,it is thusands f miles lng and the Beijing sectin is nly a small part f the Great Wall.The first chice is Badaling,but we recmmend Juyng Pass,which is less crwded but n less impressive.Depending n yur health and preference,yu can climb very steep steps r have a walk n the relatively flat areas.There are many lcatins fr great pht pprtunities.
    Day 2
    Start at the Temple f Heaven.where emperrs used t hld ceremnies t pray.Stp at the Ech Wall and discver the wnder f vices buncing (弹跳) back and frth.Pass thrugh the guard-prtected Glden Water Bridge,and g t visit the Palace Museum.
    Day 3
    Yu can pay a visit t Capital Museum where the exhibits have mre surprises.Take a walk alng Wangfujing Street,a mdern shpping street.The walking is much less intensive and the budgeted time much mre flexible.If yu are crazy abut Peking Opera,Natinal Centre fr the Perfrming Arts is an ideal place t g.
    Day 4
    The Summer Palace in a nrthwestern suburb f the city is a beautiful place.A shrt taxi ride nrth will take yu t Qianmen Street.This retail centre was renvated (翻新) fr the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics.Here are sme f the ldest businesses f the city,including the famus Peking Duck.
    1.What can visitrs d n Day 1? ______
    A. Visit Capital Museum.B. Hike n the Great Wall.
    C. Taste the Peking Duck.D. Walk alng Qianmen street.
    2.Wh might pay a visit t Natinal Centre fr the Perfrming Arts? ______
    A. Peking Opera lvers.B. Architecture lvers.
    C. Adventure lvers.D. Climbing enthusiasts.
    3.Where is the text prbably taken frm? ______
    A. A textbk.B. A science reprt.
    C. A persnal diary.D. A travel magazine.
    What a day!I started at my new schl this mrning and had the best time.I made lts f new friends and really liked my teachers.I was nervus the night befre,but I had n reasn t be.Everyne was s friendly and plite.They made me feel at ease.It was like I'd been at the schl fr a hundred years!
    The day started very early at 7:00 am.I had my breakfast dwnstairs with my mm.She culd tell that I was very nervus.Mm kept asking me what was wrng.She tld me I had nthing t wrry abut and that everyne was ging t lve me.If they didn't lve me,Mm said t send them her way fr a gd talking t.I culdn't stp laughing.
    My mm drpped me ff at the schl gate abut five minutes befre the bell.A little blnde girl gt drpped ff at the same time and started waving (招手) at me.She ran ver and tld me her name was Abigail.She was very nice and we became clse straight away.We spent all mrning tgether and began t talk t anther girl called Stacey.The three f us sat tgether in class all day and we even made ur way hme tgether!It went s quickly.Our teacher tld us that tmrrw we wuld really start learning and develping new skills.
    I cannt wait until tmrrw and feel as thugh I am really ging t enjy my time at my new schl.I nly hpe that my new friends feel the same way t.
    4.Hw did the authr feel n the first day f her new schl? ______
    A. Exhausted.B. Relaxed.C. Wrried.D. Nervus.
    5.Why did the authr's mther keep asking her what was wrng? ______
    A. Because her mther sensed that she was nervus.
    B. Because her mther wanted t tell her a funny stry.
    C. Because her mther wanted t talk with her friends.
    D. Because her mther was eager t knw her classmates.
    6.What can we learn frm paragraph 3? ______
    A. Her mther drpped her ff very early.
    B. She arrived at schl late n the first day.
    C. She went hme tgether with tw nice girls.
    D. She has learned sme new skills n the first day.
    7.What can be a suitable title fr the text? ______
    A. My first new schl dayB. My mther's amazing advice
    C. My new friends at new schlD. My great thanks t my mther
    Salad seeds (生菜种子) that went n a rund trip t uter space and back grew at a slightly slwer rate than the nes n earth.scientists have fund,thanks t thusands f yung peple wh helped cnduct an ut-f-this-wrld experiment.
    The prject started in 2015,when British astrnaut (宇航员) Tim Peake tk a millin rcket seeds with him n his jurney t the Internatinal Space Statin(ISS).The seeds spent six mnths there befre they were sent back t Earth in 2016.In a message sent frm the ISS,Peake said the science experiment was t find ut if the cnditins in space affected the seeds' ability t grw.
    Arund 600,000 pupils at 8.600 schls in the UK were then asked t grw the rcket seeds that had been t space,alng with regular seeds that had never left the planet.Peake described the experiment as "ne f the largest and mst inspiratinal experiments f its kind. "
    The results f the study,which have just been published,fund that the space seeds grew mre slwly than the nes that had stayed n Earth.Researchers n the experiment said this was due t the stresses f space travel,such as the zer-gravity atmsphere and high levels f csmic rays (宁宙射线),which slwed the grwth f the plants.
    Nw researchers are hpeful that if the seeds are prperly prtected,it might be pssible t grw plants during future space tasks t ther planets.Dr Jake Chandler,frm University f Lndn,wh led the study,said, "The pssibility f eating hme-grwn salad n Mars may be ne small step clser."
    8.What's the purpse f the science experiment? ______
    A. T cmplete a rund trip t the uter space.
    B. T prduce enugh fd fr astrnauts in space.
    C. T test the effect f space n the grwth f seeds.
    D. T develp yung peple's interest in gardening.
    9.Hw did Tim Peake feel abut the experiment? ______
    A. Disappinting.B. Meaningless.C. Dubtful.D. Significant.
    10.What affected the rcket seeds' ability t grw accrding t the researchers? ______
    A. The size f the seeds.B. The quality f the seeds.
    C. The cnditin f the sil.D. The stresses f space travel.
    11.What can we infer frm the passage? ______
    A. Seeds that had never left the earth grew faster.
    B. It will be impssible t eat hme-grwn salad n Mars.
    C. The result f the experiment had nthing t d with cmic rays.
    D. Pupils were just asked t grw seeds that had never been t space.
    Mst students d an IQ test early in their schl career.Even if they never see their results,they feel that their IQ is what determines hw well they are ging t d in life.When they see ther students ding better than them,they usually believe that thse students have a higher IQ and that there is nthing they can d t change this fact.Hwever,new research int EQ suggests that success is nt simply the result f a high IQ.
    While yur IQ tells yu hw intelligent yu are.yur EQ tells yu hw well yu use yur intelligence.Prfessr Salvey suggests that when predicting smene's future success,their EQ might actually cunt mre than their IQ.Fr example,have yu ever wndered why sme f the smartest students in yur class,wh yu think deserve gd grades,smetimes end up failing exams?Perhaps their failure is because f their lw EQ.
    It is generally believed that peple with high EQs are pen t new ideas and have psitive attitudes twards life.They are als less likely t be trubled by prblems.On the ther hand,there is little dubt that peple with lw EQs ften have prblems getting n with ther peple and dealing with difficult situatins;thus they have a harder time surviving in life.
    The gd news is that mst scial scientists agree that EQ has a lt t d with educatin.Cmpared with IQ that seems t be fixed the mment yu were brn,EQ culd be imprved with right appraches.Sme are trying t study the pssibility f imprving a persn's EQ,especially when it cmes t "peple's skills",such as understanding and cmmunicatin.
    T get ahead in the wrld and lead a happy successful life means getting n with ther peple and being able t understand and react t situatins in the best way.This requires a high EQ —the higher,the better.
    12.Why d mst students think thers have a better perfrmance? ______
    A. Because they have a higher EQ.B. Because their teachers help them.
    C. Because they have mre luck.D. Because they have a higher IQ.
    13.What des the underlined wrd " cunt" in paragraph 2 mean? ______
    A. Sum.B. Matter.C. List.D. Name
    14.What will peple with a high EQ usually d? ______
    A. They dn't accept new ideas.B. They are trubled by prblems.
    C. They get alng well with thers.D. They have negative attitudes.
    15.As fr EQ,which wuld the authr agree with: ______
    A. It is fixed the mment we were brn.
    B. It has little cnnectin with educatin.
    C. It can be imprved with right methds.
    D. It will surely lead t an unsuccessful life.
    Hw t Imprve Yur Written English
    There are many different aspects f learning English such as listening,speaking and writing Many peple think it is really difficult t imprve their wring in English.Dn't wrry,thugh.(1) ______
    Increase yur vcabulary.
    T express yurself clearly.yu need a gd active vcabulary.It nt just means being able t knw lts f wrds but als means actually being able t use them crrectly.(2) ______
    Read widely and ften.
    Peple ften say that we learn t write best by reading.Reading in English is useful in many ways.It is a great way t get an idea f the different writing styles.Reading shuldn't be bring.
    Chse bks r articles that interest yu.(3) ______ Finally,use them in yur writing.
    ( 4) ______
    Always check yur writing twice.The first time.lk fr general mistakes and the secnd time lk fr mistakes with the grammar pints yu are studying at the mment.
    Just d it.
    ( 5) ______ The best way t imprve yur writing is t get a pen and paper and write.Be prepared t write several versins f each text.
    A.Practice makes perfect.
    B.Duble check yur writing.
    C.Then remember their beautiful wrds.
    D.Yu'd better knw their settings and characters.
    E.The fllwing tips might help yu t imprve it.
    F.Use simpler language and shrter sentences t shw yur ideas.
    G.Thus,it is wise t enlarge yur vcabulary by using them in yur writing.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    Nthing is impssible with a strng will.Frm playing basketball in a wheelchair t establishing her wn spice (香料) business,Sadaf frm Kashmir has prven her (1) ______ despite her disability.
    Brn and raised in a harmnius family,life was (2) ______ fr Sadaf.But ne day,10-year-ld Sadaf returned hme running a high temperature.When her parents tk her t the dctr,they were tld that she wuld nt be able t (3) ______ ever again.They went t Mumbai where a surgery was perfrmed t treat her legs and the dctr ffered her specially-designed (4) ______ which helped Sadaf take small steps.But thse shes were very heavy,s she was frced t (5) ______ using them.
    ( 6) ______ ,Sadaf had t rely n a wheelchair t mve arund.During this time,she had t stay at hme,( 7) ______ her schl life.Things (8) ______ when her father passed away. "Except fr my father,everyne else dubted my capabilities.But he always (9) ______ me t dream big," she recalls.
    Sadaf als wanted t prve t the wrld that peple like her can als (10) ______ it.In 2015,she began t play (11) ______ .She has als been awarded many times by the Kashmir Basketball Assciatin.Recently,Sadaf turned t selling unique spices f her hmetwn and has established her wn (12) ______ .
    Sadaf believes that peple with disabilities shuld never (13) ______ themselves. "Instead f being depressed by (14) ______ emtins,try t empwer yurself.D nt let yur (15) ______ limit yu," she advises.
    21.A. kindnessB. patienceC. capabilityD. humr
    22.A. cheerfulB. stressfulC. hrribleD. bring
    23.A. danceB. applaudC. diveD. walk
    24.A. buttnsB. shesC. clthesD. wheelchairs
    25.A. give upB. take upC. end upD. stay up
    26.A. OriginallyB. IncrediblyC. ObviuslyD. Finally
    27.A. pursuingB. discntinuingC. arrangingD. starting
    28.A. finishedB. exchangedC. wrsenedD. imprved
    29.A. encuragedB. frcedC. rderedD. warned
    30.A. putB. makeC. getD. help
    31.A. chessB. sccerC. tennisD. basketball
    32.A. businessB. restaurantC. classrmD. studi
    33.A. urgeB. dubtC. believeD. cheat
    34.A. nrmalB. cmplexC. negativeD. specific
    35.A. targetB. failureC. tensinD. disability
    36.Nanfan,the birthplace f "Chinese seeds",breeds (培育) mre than 70 percent f China's new seed(1) ______ (variety).Nanfan used t be a traditinal breeding base in China.Every winter and spring,abut 7,000.(2) ______ (agriculture) experts frm ver 800 scientific research institutes,universities(3) ______ cmpanies acrss the cuntry bring summer crps t Hainan fr research purpses.Nanfan(4) ______ (transfrm) itself frm a simple breeding base int a seed technlgical center s far.And(5) ______ (it) industry has changed(6) ______ simply breeding t nw invlving the entire seed industry chain.
    Nanfan has als advanced the(7) ______ (cnstruct) f research facilities and key cmmn platfrms.(8) ______ (fund) tw years ag,the Hainan Yazhu Bay Seed Labratry has develped rapidly,(9) ______ nw has 172,000 square meters f space,mre than 7,200 sets f scientific research equipment,and 12 pen sharing platfrms and scientific research facilities.Additinally,Nanfan is (10) ______ (current) training 3,299 master's and dctral students.
    37.假定你是高一学生李华,你校英文报正在举办以"My Senir Life"为主题的征文活动,请你写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:
    Ali and his yunger sister,Zahra,lived with their parents in a pr neighbrhd.Their mther was very sick and their father was struggling t find a jb,and they had nly a little mney with which t buy fd.As they had nt paid the rent fr several mnths,the landlrd was breathing dwn their necks (盯着他们).
    One day,Ali tk Zahra's shes t a she repairman t be fixed,but he lst them n the way hme.It wasn't until he gt hme that he realized he had lst the shes.He was afraid that his parents wuld be angry and disappinted,s he begged his sister t keep it secret.Zahra agreed and the tw decided t share Ali's running shes.Zahra's schl hurs were in the mrning,s she wuld wear them first.After schl,she wuld rush back and give them t Ali.He culd then run t his schl,which began in the afternn.Althugh he ran as fast as he culd,Ali ften arrived late and was warned by the schl.
    Ali heard abut a lng distance race that was held fr the bys in the city.When he learned that the third prize was a new pair f shes,he decided t take part.He ran hme excitedly and prmised his sister that he wuld win her the new shes.
    The day f race arrived.Ali had a strng start,but halfway thrugh the race he began t get tired and his legs began t ache.
    He lked frward and fund three bys running ahead f him.________
    When Ali came t life,he was already at hme.________
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Day 1部分的Any visit t Beijing is incmplete withut a hike n the Great Wall(不徒步去长城,任何北京之行都是不完整的)可知,游客在第一天可以去长城徒步旅行。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Day 3部分的If yu are crazy abut Peking Opera,Natinal Centre fr the Perfrming Arts is an ideal place t g(如果你对京剧着迷,国家大剧院是一个理想的去处)可知,京剧爱好者可以参观国家大剧院。故选A。
    (3)文章出处题。通读全文,特别是根据第一段Arrangements fr the Beijing Tur(北京之旅的安排)可推知,文章选自旅行杂志。故选D。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Everyne was s friendly and plite.They made me feel at ease.It was like I'd been at the schl fr a hundred years!(每个人都很友好,很有礼貌。他们让我感到轻松。就像我在这所学校待了一百年一样!)可知,作者在新学校的第一天感到放松,故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段She culd tell that I was very nervus.Mm kept asking me what was wrng.(她看得出来我很紧张。妈妈一直问我怎么了。)可知,作者的妈妈一直问她怎么了,因为她的妈妈感觉到她很紧张。故选A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第三段A little blnde girl gt drpped ff at the same time and started waving(招手) at me.She ran ver and tld me her name was Abigail.She was very nice and we became clse straight away.We spent all mrning tgether and began t talk t anther girl called Stacey.The three f us sat tgether in class all day and we even made ur way hme tgether!(一个金发小女孩在同一时间下车,开始向我挥手。她跑过来告诉我她叫阿比盖尔。她人很好,我们很快就走得很近。我们整个上午都在一起,然后开始和另一个叫斯泰西的女孩聊天。我们三个整天坐在一起上课,我们甚至一起回家!)可知,通过第三段我们可以知道作者和两个友好的女孩一起回家了。故选C。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据第一段What a day!I started at my new schl this mrning and had the best time.I made lts f new friends and really liked my teachers.I was nervus the night befre,but I had n reasn t be.Everyne was s friendly and plite.They made me feel at ease.It was like I'd been at the schl fr a hundred years!(多么美好的一天!今天早上我去了我的新学校,度过了最美好的时光。我交了很多新朋友,也很喜欢我的老师。前一天晚上我很紧张,但我没有理由这么紧张。每个人都很友好,很有礼貌。他们让我感到轻松。就像我在这所学校待了一百年一样!)可知,文章主要讲述了作者在新学校第一天的感受和经历。因此,A.My first new schl day.(我新学校的第一天。)适合作本文标题。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据文章第二段In a message sent frm the ISS,Peake said the science experiment was t find ut if the cnditins in space affected the seeds' ability t grw.(在国际空间站发出的一条信息中,皮克说,这项科学实验是为了找出太空环境是否会影响种子的生长能力)可知,这个实验的目的是为了测试太空对种子生长的影响。故选C。
    (2)推理判断题。根据文章第三段Peake described the experiment as "ne f the largest and mst inspiratinal experiments f its kind."(皮克将该实验描述为"同类实验中规模最大、最鼓舞人心的实验之一")可推知,Peake觉得这次实验是意义重大的。A.Disappinting.令人失望的;B.Meaningless.无意义的;C.Dubtful.怀疑的;D.Significant.意义重大的。故选D。
    (3)细节理解题。根据文章第四段Researchers n the experiment said this was due t the stresses f space travel,such as the zer-gravity atmsphere and high levels f csmic rays,which slwed the grwth f the plants.(该实验的研究人员表示,这是由于太空旅行的压力,如零重力大气和高水平的宇宙射线,减缓了植物的生长)可知,据研究人员称,太空旅行的压力影响了火箭种子的生长能力。故选D。
    (4)推理判断题。根据文章第四段The results f the study,which have just been published,fund that the space seeds grew mre slwly than the nes that had stayed n Earth.(这项刚刚发表的研究结果发现,太空种子的生长速度比留在地球上的种子要慢)可推知,从未离开过地球的种子长得更快。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段When they see ther students ding better than them,they usually believe that thse students have a higher IQ and that there is nthing they can d t change this fact.(当他们看到其他学生比他们做得更好时,他们通常会认为那些学生的智商更高,而且他们无法改变这一事实。)可知,大多数学生认为别人在学习中的表现更好是因为高智商。故选D。
    (2)词句猜测题。根据第二段Fr example,have yu ever wndered why sme f the smartest students in yur class,wh yu think deserve gd grades,smetimes end up failing exams?Perhaps their failure is because f their lw EQ. (例如,你有没有想过为什么你班上一些最聪明的学生,你认为他们应该得到好成绩,有时却考试不及格?也许他们的失败是因为他们的情商低。)可推断,情商实际上可能比智商更重要,划线词的含义为"重要"。A.Sum总结,概括;B.Matter要紧;C.List列清单;D.Name命名。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第三段On the ther hand,there is little dubt that peple with lw EQs ften have prblems getting n with ther peple and dealing with difficult situatins;thus they have a harder time surviving in life.(另一方面,毫无疑问,具有低情商的人经常难以与他人相处和处理困难的情况;因此,他们在生活中更难生存。)可推断,高情商的人会与他人友好相处。故选 C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据倒数第二段Cmpared with IQ that seems t be fixed the mment yu were brn,EQ culd be imprved with right appraches.(与你一出生就能固定下来的智商相比,情商可以通过正确的方法得到提高。)可知,作者认为正确的方式有助于提高情商,故选C。
    【解析】(1)联系上文题。根据上文There are many different aspects f learning English such as listening,speaking and writing Many peple think it is really difficult t imprve their wring in English.Dn't wrry,thugh.(学习英语有许多不同的方面,比如听、说、写。许多人认为提高英语写作水平是很困难的。不过别担心。)可知,提出提高英语写作水平很难这个问题,提出了有一些帮助改善英语写作的建议,E项The fllwing tips might help yu t imprve it.(下面的建议可能会帮助你改善它。)符合语境。故选E。
    (2)联系上文题。根据段落小标题Increase yur vcabulary.(增加你的词汇量。)可知,本段的关键词是"vcabulary",G项中的"enlarge yur vcabulary"和标题对应。G项Thus,it is wise t enlarge yur vcabulary by using them in yur writing.(因此,在写作中使用词汇来扩大词汇量是明智的。)符合语境。故选G。
    (3)联系上文题。根据上文Chse bks r articles that interest yu.(选择你感兴趣的书籍或文章。)可知,本段建议通过阅读来提高写作水平,C项中的"their"对应上文的"bks r articles"。C项Then remember their beautiful wrds.(然后记住他们美丽的话语。)符合语境。故选C。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据下文Always check yur writing twice.(一定要检查两遍你的书写。)可知,本段建议仔细检查书写。B项中的"Duble"和下文的"twice"对应。B项Duble check yur writing.(再次检查你的书写。)符合语境。故选B。
    (5)联系下文题。根据下文The best way t imprve yur writing is t get a pen and paper and write.Be prepared t write several versins f each text.(提高你的写作的最好方法是拿起纸和笔来写。准备好为每一篇文章写几个版本。)可知,要加强练习。A项Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧。)符合语境。故选A。
    【解析】(1)考查名词及语境理解。A.kindness善良;B.patience耐心;C.capability能力;D.humr幽默。句意:从坐在轮椅上打篮球到建立自己的香料生意,来自克什米尔的Sadaf证明了她的能力,尽管她有残疾。根据上句" Frm playing basketball in a wheelchair t establishing her wn spice (香料) business"可知,Sadaf尽管患有残疾,却证明了自己的能力。故选C。
    (2)考查形容词及语境理解。A.cheerful快乐的;B.stressful有压力的;C.hrrible可怕的;D.bring无聊的。句意:出生和成长在一个和谐的家庭,生活对Sadaf来说是愉快的。根据空前"Brn and raised in a harmnius family"可知,Sadaf的家庭生活很愉快。故选A。
    (3)考查动词及语境理解。A.dance跳舞;B.applaud鼓掌;C.dive潜水;D.walk走路。句意:当她的父母带她去看医生时,医生告诉他们,她再也不能走路了。根据下文"They went t Mumbai where a surgery was perfrmed t treat her legs"可知,Sadaf因为生病不能走路了。故选D。
    (4)考查名词及语境理解。A.buttns按钮;B.shes鞋;C.clthes衣服;D.wheelchairs轮椅。句意:他们去了孟买,在那里为她的腿做了手术,医生给她提供了特别设计的鞋子,帮助Sadaf迈出了一小步。根据下文"But thse shes were very heavy"可知,此处是信息词shes的词汇复现。故选B。
    (5)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.give up放弃;B.take up占据,从事;C.end up结束;D.stay up熬夜。句意:但是那双鞋很重,所以她被迫放弃使用它们。根据上句"But thse shes were very heavy"可知,特别设计的鞋子太重了,所以Safaf放弃使用它们。故选A。
    (6)考查副词及语境理解。A.Originally起初;B.Incredibly难以置信地;C.Obviusly明显地;D.Finally最终。句意:最后,Sadaf不得不依靠轮椅四处走动。根据上文"s she was frced t(5)using them."可知,Sadaf放弃使用特别设计的鞋子,最终只能依靠轮椅走动。故选D。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.pursuing追求;B.discntinuing终止;C.arranging安排;D.starting开始。句意:在此期间,她不得不呆在家里,中断了她的学校生活。根据上文"Sadaf had t rely n a wheelchair t mve arund."可知,因为行动不便,Sadaf中断了学校生活。故选B。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.finished完成;B.exchanged交换,交流;C.wrsened使恶化;D.imprved提高,改善。句意:她父亲去世后,情况变得更糟了。根据下文"Except fr my father,everyne else dubted my capabilities."可知,父亲去世使情况变得更糟糕了。故选C。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.encuraged鼓励;B.frced强迫;C.rdered命令;D.warned警告。句意:"但他总是鼓励我要有远大的梦想,"她回忆道。根据空后"dream big"可知,父亲总是会鼓励Sadaf。故选A。
    (10)考查动词及语境理解。A.put放置;B.make制作;C.get得到;D.help帮助。句意:Sadaf还想向世界证明,像她这样的人也能成功。根据上文"Frm playing basketball in a wheelchair t establishing her wn spice (香料) business,Sadaf frm Kashmir has prven her(1)despite her disability."可知,Sadaf还想向世界证明自己能获得成功,make it为固定搭配,意为"获得成功"。故选B。
    (11)考查名词及语境理解。A.chess国际象棋;B.sccer足球;C.tennis网球;D.basketball篮球。句意:2015年,她开始打篮球。根据上文"Frm playing basketball in a wheelchair"可知,此处是信息词basketball的词汇复现。故选D。
    (12)考查名词及语境理解。A.business生意,公司;B.restaurant餐馆;C.classrm教室;D.studi录音棚。句意:最近,Sadaf开始销售家乡特有的香料,并成立了自己的公司。根据上文"establishing her wn spice (香料) business"可知,此处是信息词business的词汇复现。故选A。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.urge催促;B.dubt怀疑;C.believe相信;D.cheat欺骗。句意:Sadaf认为,残疾人永远不应该怀疑自己。根据前文"Sadaf als wanted t prve t the wrld that peple like her can als(10)it."可知,Sadaf认为残疾人不应该怀疑自己的能力。故选B。
    (14)考查形容词及语境理解。A.nrmal正常的;B.cmplex复杂的;C.negative消极的;D.specific明确的,具体的。句意:不要被负面情绪所压抑,试着赋予自己力量。根据空后"try t empwer yurself."可知,不要被消极情绪所压抑。故选C。
    (15)考查名词及语境理解。A.target目标;B.failure失败;C.tensin紧张;D.disability残疾,缺陷。句意:不要让你的残疾限制你。根据上文"Sadaf believes that peple with disabilities shuld never(13)themselves."可知,Sadaf认为不要让残疾限制自己。故选D。
    【解析】(1)考查可数名词的复数。句意:南繁是"中国种子"的发源地,培育了中国70%以上的种子新品种。空处需填名词作宾语,由"mre than 70 percent"可知,此处为名词复数形式。故填varieties。
    (3)考查连词。句意:每年冬春两季,来自全国800多家科研院所、高校和企业的约7000名农业专家都会将夏季作物带到海南进行研究。scientific research institutes,universities和cmpanies为并列关系,需用连词and连接。故填and。
    (4)考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:到目前为止,南繁已经从一个简单的育种基地转变为一个种子技术中心。根据时间状语"s far"可知,此处为现在完成时,主语为Nanfan,助动词用has。故填has transfrmed。
    (6)考查介词。句意:其产业也从单纯的养殖发展到现在涉及整个种子产业链。change frm…t…为动词短语,意为"从……变成……"。故填frm。
    (8)考查过去分词。句意:海南亚洲湾种子实验室成立两年,发展迅速,现有占地面积17.2万平方米,科研设备7200多台,拥有12个开放式共享平台和科研设施。空处需填非谓语动词作状语,the Hainan Yazhu Bay Seed Labratry和fund为逻辑动宾关系,需用过去分词形式,位于句首,首字母需大写。故填Funded。
    (9)考查非限制性定语从句。句意:海南亚洲湾种子实验室成立两年,发展迅速,现有占地面积17.2万平方米,科研设备7200多台,拥有12个开放式共享平台和科研设施。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词the Hainan Yazhu Bay Seed Labratry,指物,在定语从句中作主语,需用关系代词which引导。故填which。
    (10)考查副词。句意:此外,南繁目前正在培养硕士生和博士生3299人。修饰动词is training,需用副词currently,作状语。故填currently。
    37.【答案】My Senir LifeHw time flies!One semester has passed since I came t Senir High.With my teachers and classmates' help,nt nly have I gradually adapted myself t life in senir high,but als I made great prgress in every aspect.【高分句型一】Every day I am ccupied with interesting classes.During my spare time,I take part in varius activities,including playing ftball and dancing,which makes my schl life rich and cheerful.【高分句型二】I have als made friends with many classmates.Whenever I encunter difficulties,they are willing t help me.(简要描述以及收获)
    Well begun,half dne!I'm sure my senir life will be amazing.(感想)
    【解析】高分句型一:With my teachers and classmates' help,nt nly have I gradually adapted myself t life in senir high,but als I made great prgress in every aspect.
    分析:本句运用了"nt als...不但……而且……"连接对等成分。
    高分句型二:During my spare time,I take part in varius activities,including playing ftball and dancing,which makes my schl life rich and cheerful.
    38.【答案】He lked frward and fund three bys running ahead f him.Tiredness and anxiety welled up in his heart,reminding him f his prmise t Zahra.【高分句型一】Regardless f his aching legs,Ali clenched his teeth,wiped the sweat ff his frehead,and headed fr the bys in frnt f him.Catching up with ne by,he felt a sense f achievement.He gathered all his strength and the finishing line was within a stne's thrw.Hwever,withut any warning he fell ver,uncnscius.(描写了阿里比赛的经过以及摔倒失去意识)
    When Ali came t life,he was already at hme.Opening his eyes,he eyed Zahra sitting beside his bed,cncerned and anxius.A big smile spread acrss her face. "Yu did it,my dear brther." she yelled as she waved a pair f new shes high in the air.Only then did Ali realize that he wn the third prize.【高分句型二】Ali and his sister kissed the prized shes ver and ver again,grinning frm ear t ear.The whle rm was filled with warmth with a ray f glden sunshine shining thrugh.(描写了阿里赢得了三等奖)
    高分句型一:Tiredness and anxiety welled up in his heart,reminding him f his prmise t Zahra.
    分析:本句运用了现在分词短语reminding him f his prmise t Zahra作状语。
    高分句型二:Only then did Ali realize that he wn the third prize.

    2023-2024学年山东省日照市高一(上)期末英语试卷(含解析): 这是一份2023-2024学年山东省日照市高一(上)期末英语试卷(含解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,单句语法填空,完成句子,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年山西省运城市高三(上)期末英语试卷(含解析): 这是一份2023-2024学年山西省运城市高三(上)期末英语试卷(含解析),共22页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达,周日下午1等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年河北省沧州市高一(上)期末英语试卷(含解析): 这是一份2023-2024学年河北省沧州市高一(上)期末英语试卷(含解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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