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    海南省海口市海南中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次(6月)月考试题 英语 Word版含解析
    海南省海口市海南中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次(6月)月考试题 英语 Word版含解析01
    海南省海口市海南中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次(6月)月考试题 英语 Word版含解析02
    海南省海口市海南中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次(6月)月考试题 英语 Word版含解析03
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    海南省海口市海南中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次(6月)月考试题 英语 Word版含解析

    这是一份海南省海口市海南中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次(6月)月考试题 英语 Word版含解析,共34页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What part f maths is the wman bad at?
    A. Shapes B. Numbers C. Angles
    2. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends B. Brther and sister C. Dctr and patient
    3. What industry des the wman hpe t wrk in?
    A. Travel B. Finance C. Medicine
    4. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. In a classrm B. In the wild C. In a hspital
    5. When will the wman’s mther prbably arrive?
    A. At abut 12:00 p. m. B. At abut 3:00 p. m. C. At abut 6:00 p. m.
    6. What upsets the wman?
    A. Her campus life B. Her friends’ attitude C. Her recent schlwrk
    7. What is the man like accrding t the wman?
    A. Strict B. Psitive C. Knwledgeable
    8. What is the man’s jb prbably?
    A. A tur guide B. A ship captain C. A seaprt manager
    9. Which cuntry is the wman frm?
    A. China B. Singapre C. Italy
    10. What d the speakers mainly talk abut?
    A. Rbts will take jbs frm humans.
    B. Rbts will replace humans entirely.
    C. Rbts will be intrduced int hmes.
    11. Hw des the man think abut rbts?
    A. They are nt very friendly.
    B. They break dwn regularly.
    C. They d mre with less cst.
    12. What percentage f jbs will be at risk during the next decade?
    A. 3% B. 15% C. 33%
    13. What is the man’s jb abut?
    A. Observing the planets
    B. Ding research in space
    C. Teaching thers knwledge
    14. What is the man lking at tday?
    A. Mars B. Venus C. The Mn
    15. Where will the wman have lunch?
    A. At the man’s ffice B. At a café C. At her hme
    16. What will the wman d next?
    A G hme B. Use the telescpe C. Have lunch
    17. During which seasn did the speaker’s jurney take place?
    A. Winter B. Fall C. Summer
    18. What is the speaker’s biggest challenge?
    A. Traveling alne B. Bearing the heat C. Cycling fr lng
    19. What did the family d fr the speaker?
    A. They invited him t their huse.
    B. They taught him a new language.
    C. They guided him thrugh the desert.
    20. What ffers inspiratin fr the speaker’s new bk?
    A. New friends B. The landscape C. Lcal fd
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    The Biggest Events in the States
    Mardi Gras
    Mbile, Alabama
    Attendance: One millin
    Believe it r nt, the Mardi Gras celebratin in Mbile is even lder than the ne in New Orleans since this Gulf Cast city has much f the same French and Cajun culture as the latter. The celebratin dates back t 1703 and includes nearly a mnth f parades, running frm mid-January up thrugh Late February.
    Munt Marathn Race
    Seward, Alaska
    Attendance: 40, 000
    This 103-year ld traditin is the 10th-ldest ft race in America, but it’s by far the mst scenic. The shrt-but-dangerus cmpetitin is held every July 4, racing up the side f Seward’s Munt Marathn thrugh cliffs, waterfalls, and breathtaking views f sutheast Alaska. Once at the tp, racers lk back dwn t the finish line with tp finishers cmpleting the three-mile rundtrip in just ver 40 minutes.
    Little Rck Riverfest
    Little Rck, Arkansas
    Attendance: 100, 000—200, 000
    This annual music festival held alng the Arkansas River has been running fr ver 40 years, bringing sme f the biggest names in rck music. The festival runs every Memrial Day weekend, and this year featured Peter Framptn, Yung the Giant, and Highly Suspect.
    St. Patrick’s Day Parade
    Nrwich, Cnnecticut
    Attendance: 300,000
    In just five shrt years, little Nrwich, Cnnecticut, has develped ne f the biggest St. Patrick’s Day celebratins in the cuntry, with an estimated 300, 000 peple cming t this twn f 40, 000 fr bagpipes, beer, and plenty f Irish fd. The mile-lng parade is held n March 4, the early date giving peple with ther St. Patrick’s plans the chance t have tw hlidays, which might be a big reasn fr its ppularity.
    1. What d Mbile and New Orleans have in cmmn?
    A. They are castal cities.
    B. They have large ppulatins.
    C. They are related t French culture.
    D. They enjy a histry f abut 300 years.
    2. What’s special abut the event held in Seward?
    A. It has the mst participants f all.
    B. Racers see striking scenery alng the way.
    C. Racers run great risks n the muntaintp.
    D. It is the ldest marathn event in America.
    3. Which event will be mst attractive t fd lvers?
    A. Mardi Gras.B. Little Rck Riverfest.
    C. Munt Marathn Race.D. St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
    In May 2019, a friend wh had previusly been invlved in the Restless Develpment Sierra Lene Business Brains prject encuraged me t apply fr the “Saving Lives II” prject. Seeing this as an pprtunity t mve clser t my ambitin f wrking in the medical field in the near future, I eagerly seized the chance. Frtunately, my perfrmance during the interview led t me being awarded the rle.
    Fllwing the basic training, I was sent t vlunteer in Kurubnla, a remte cmmunity lcated in the nrthern regin f Sierra Lene. This assignment presented challenges such as limited rad access and cmmunicatin netwrks. At first, I felt cncerned abut being sent there, but with a determined mindset, I set ut n the jurney, driven by a passin t cntribute t my cuntry’s develpment and t push my persnal bundaries.
    As I gt t knw the cmmunity, I quickly realized that the challenges extended beynd language barriers and cultural differences; there was als a sense f islatin frm my peers. Hwever, I refused t allw these challenges t stp me. I threw myself in my duties, wrking tgether with lcal leaders and cmmunity members t identify the mst pressing needs. Tgether, we carried ut the prjects aimed at imprving healthcare, educatin, and infrastructure (基础设施). Additinally, I rganized wrkshps and training curses t share my knwledge and skills with the lcals.
    Over time, I witnessed the psitive impact f ur cllective effrts. Healthcare facilities imprved, the number f students in schls increased, and the verall quality f life in the cmmunity shwed signs f imprvement. These achievements were nt slely mine; they were a testament t the cperative spirit and cmmitment f the entire cmmunity.
    4. What d we learn abut the authr frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. He was unwilling t vlunteer in Sierra Lenne.
    B. He felt excited abut the assignment in Kurubnla.
    C. He applied fr the “Saving Lives Ⅱ” prject fr his future prmise.
    D. He was immediately sent t Kurubnla after he was awarded the rle.
    5. What can we infer frm paragraph 3?
    A. He assisted in the prjects led by the lcals.
    B He met with nly language and cultural barriers.
    C. He vercame challenges t serve the cmmunity.
    D. He attended the training curses rganized by the lcal leaders.
    6. Which f the fllwing best describes the authr’s persnality?
    A. Devted but stubbrn.B. Determined and passinate.
    C. Cnfident and cautius.D. Mtivated but mdy.
    7. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. The authr’s grwth thrugh vlunteering.
    B. Language and culture in vluntary wrk.
    C. Cllective effrts in cmmunity develpment.
    D. Vlunteers’ challenges in remte cmmunities.
    When yu think f a new place fr grwing fd, yu might think f Mars. But ne Italian family believes ne pssible place is right here n the Earth: the cean.
    Nem’s Garden is the wrld’s first underwater system f land plants. Lcated ff the cast f Nli, Italy, it cnsists f several greenhuses called bispheres, each f which is attached t the seaflr. “The aim f it is t change agriculture, and add a pssibility fr grwing prduce in the cean,” says c-funder Luca Gamberini.
    His father Sergi Gamberini came up with the idea by cmbining his tw passins — diving and gardening. In 2012, the prject began with planting basil (罗勒) underwater. Nw Nem’s Garden is grwing strng.
    “Our limited number f resurces can nt prmise sustainable (可持续的) develpment,” Luca says, “and we believe that underwater gives us sme advantages ver traditinal agriculture.”
    Flating six t ten meters underwater, plants in Nem’s Garden are separated frm any utside pathgens (病原体). Als, the temperature f the cean water is an ideal envirnment fr plant life. Besides, Nem’s Garden uses a technique that uses water-based nutrients (养分) instead f sil. “Als, there is little interactin with the underwater envirnment and related ecsystems, which means n harm is caused t sea creatures,” adds Luca.
    Everything is mnitred n land thrugh cameras and sensrs, and settings can be adjusted. When it’s time t harvest, a diver will cut the vegetatin, place it in bags and flat them t the surface.
    The team at Nem’s Garden has plans fr even bigger bispheres in the future, as well as ther lcatins. Luca believes the future f Nem’s Garden will be mstly alng the castlines where cmmunities culd benefit frm the added space it ffers.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “it” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. The greenhuse.B. The seaflr.C. Underwater system.D. Nem’s Garden.
    9. Why did Luca start the underwater system?
    A. T cmbine his tw hbbies.B. T feed the grwing ppulatin.
    C. T seek sustainable farming.D. T develp healthy ways f life.
    10. What’s the main idea f paragraph 5?
    A. The advantages f Nem’s Garden.B. The cnstructin f Nem’s Garden.
    C. The structure f Nem’s Garden.D. The techniques used in Nem’s Garden.
    11. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A research paper.B. A science magazine.C. A jurnal entry.D. A science fictin.
    This week, Ggle researchers published a paper describing results frm an AI tl built t create music. The tl, called MusicLM, is nt the first AI music tl t be launched. But the examples Ggle prvided demnstrate musical creative ability based n a limited set f descriptive wrds.
    Several different music examples prduced by MusicLM were published nline. Sme f the generated music came frm just ne- r tw-wrd descriptins, such as “jazz”, “rck” r “techn (高科技舞曲)”. The tl als created ther examples frm mre detailed descriptins cntaining whle sentences.
    In ne example, Ggle researchers included these instructins t MusicLM, “It is a sundtrack f a game. It is fast-paced and upbeat, with a catchy electric guitar riff (反复乐节). The music is repetitive and easy t remember, but with unexpected sunds ...” In the resulting recrding, the music seemed t keep very clse t the descriptin. The team said the mre detailed the descriptin was, the better the system culd attempt t prduce it.
    The MusicLM mdel perates similarly t the machine-learning systems used by ChatGPT. ChatGPT and MusicLM bth require pwerful cmputers t perate cmplex machine-learning mdels. The San Francisc-based cmpany OpenAI launched ChatGPT late last year. ChatGPT has recently received a lt f attentin because f its ability t generate cmplex writings and ther cntent frm just a simple descriptin in natural languages. Such tls can prduce human-like results because they are trained n huge amunts f data. Many different materials are fed int the systems t permit them t learn cmplex skills t create realistic wrks.
    Hwever, the MusicLM researchers said there were sme risks linked t the new tl. One f the biggest issues the researchers identified was biases (偏好) present in the training data. A bias might be including t much f ne side and nt enugh f the ther. The researchers said this raised a questin abut apprpriateness fr music generatin fr cultures underrepresented in the training data.
    12. What can we learn abut MusicLM?
    A. It is the first AI music tl t be launched.
    B. It requires detailed descriptins f full sentences.
    C. It creates music based n simple descriptive wrds.
    D. It generates cmplex writings frm a simple descriptin.
    13. What is the similarity between ChatGPT and MusicLM?
    A. They can take the place f musicians.B. They have gained cmmercial success.
    C. They dn't have any practical use in life.D. They are based n huge amunts f data.
    14. Which f the fllwing is an issue f the MusicLM mdel?
    A. Creating music with strng biases.B. Requiring t much training data.
    C. Being difficult fr sme peple t use.D. Prducing music wrks with n creativity.
    15. What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A. The future f humans with AIB. A new AI tl t make music
    C. Music created by sme AI tlsD. AI and its functin in culture develpment
    Scial media scam is a frm f phishing in which cybercriminals cnnect with their victims thrugh scial media platfrms. ___16___ After the victim accepts it, they sn frm a cnversatin. They can als publish a link that sunds attractive (“put yur data and win a car”). Belw, see hw t prtect yurself frm scammers n scial media;
    Accept friend requests with cautin.
    ___17___ Yu shuld pay attentin t when the accunt is registered and wh accepts their friend request. Als remember t check the kind f infrmatin the persn publishes.
    Avid links that request persnal data.
    N scial media platfrm will ask its users t click an utside link t update their persnal infrmatin. Check with the fficial custmer supprt if yu are unsure. Internet users shuld apply the principle better safe than srry.
    D nt use the same passwrd acrss all yur nline accunts. If ne accunt gets hacked, all f them will. It is always better t have distinct lgin details fr each platfrm as well.
    Make sure nt t reveal persnal infrmatin.
    D nt publish yur address, phne number, r place f wrk n yur scial media accunt fr yur safety. ___19___ Always be cautius if smene shws t much interest in yur persnal affairs. Even yur friends might have been backed, s be careful.
    Check whether the accunt is verified when apprached with ffers.
    When yu get a strange message, r an ffer t buy r sell smething n scial media, first check if the accunt is verified. ___20___
    Scial media scams can be financially damaging and emtinally distressing. We hpe that these tips will cme in handy fr yu. Remember, safety first in the nline wrld just as it is in the real wrld.
    A. D nt send mney t anyne befre that.
    B It usually starts by sending a friend request.
    C. Always use a strng passwrd t imprve security.
    D. Create a unique lgin and passwrd fr each platfrm.
    E. Als, d nt give away this infrmatin t strangers in cnversatins.
    F. Be careful f friend requests frm unknwn individuals, as they may have ill intent.
    G. Befre making friends with smene that yu d nt knw, carefully examine the accunt.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    In traditinal Chinese culture, fish has rich meanings. It ___21___ wealth. Fish als stands fr harmny and happy marriages ___22___ they multiply rapidly and sme times swim in pairs. Fish is an imprtant ___23___ in traditinal values and are amng the signs shwing that smething is ___24___ t be successful. The mst ppular fish theme fund in Chinese art and ___25___ is that f the carp (鲤鱼). The ___26___ f “bneless” techniques makes the swimming fish mre real and cnvincing. Knwn t mst Westerners as ki fish (锦鲤), the Chinese carp has ___27___ symblic values within Chinese culture. The carp is a pwerful symbl f ___28___. The scales and whisker (须) f the carp is ___29___ t that f a dragn, a great symbl f pwer in China. During the Spring Festival “lucky mney” is ___30___ in red envelpes decrated with a carp and symbls f lng life ___31___ peaches and pine trees. There are many different ___32___ f the carp, with the majr nes being black, white, red and yellw.
    “Yu are nt ___33___, s hw wuld yu knw the happiness f fish? ” Chuang Tsu created this famus saying when he ___34___ an issue with Hui Tsu. The message f the stry is that smene has his wn enjyment while thers can ___35___ appreciate that.
    21. A. prducesB. spreadsC. determinesD. represents
    22. A. sB. becauseC. unlessD. thugh
    23 A. pictureB. animalC. fdD. symbl
    24. A. usedB. afraidC. frcedD. likely
    25. A. technlgyB. cultureC. transprtD. educatin
    26. A. identityB. applicatinC. shrtcmingD. insurance
    27. A. selflessB. peacefulC. numerusD. infrmal
    28. A. beautyB. strengthC. smartnessD. wisdm
    29. A. helpfulB. trueC. similarD. rude
    30. A. cut ffB. taken awayC. given utD. used up
    31. A. such asB. as a result fC. wing tD. in frnt f
    32. A. namesB. wnersC. sheltersD. clurs
    33. A. fishB. histryC. waterD. air
    34. A. wrteB. testedC. perfrmedD. discussed
    35. A. alwaysB. neverC. easilyD. mstly
    Mst f the Chinatwn in San Francisc ____36____ (destry) in the 1906 earthquake, but the city and residents rebuilt it, taking care t include lts f Chinese architecture. ____37____ (traditinal), visitrs enter Chinatwn thrugh the legendary Dragn Gate, which was built using materials ____38____ (dnate) frm China. Other famus sites include the Tin Hw Temple and Ban k f Cantn, t name but a few. Visitrs can als spend hurs just explring the interesting sights, smells, and sunds f China. Prtsmuth Square is als a key site, being the centre f Chinatwn. It has a lng and famus histry, ____39____ the authr Rbert Luis Stevensn having spent much time writing there. These days, the square is a great place t see traditinal Chinese culture in real life, such as games f Chinese chess, and peple ____40____ (practise) tai chi.
    The stres in the Chinatwn ffer ____41____ unique range f suvenirs, gds, and clthing. All kinds f traditinal Chinese herbal medicine can be fund, t, ____42____ there are Chinese tea stres, where visitrs can taste and buy varieties f Chinese tea.
    But perhaps ____43____ many turists and San Franciscans treasure mst abut Chinatwn is its fd. There is Chinese fd ____44____ (suit) everyne’s taste, with traditinal dishes frm all ver China.
    Chinatwns are an imprtant part f the ____45____ (diversity) culture f the USA. They allw visitrs wh have never been t China t experience traditinal Chinese culture first hand.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假设你是李华,请向你校英文报“城市风采”栏目写一篇短文,介绍一个国内你喜欢或去过的地方。内容包括:
    47. 读后续写
    Erie raised his daughter Riley alne. One day, Eric nticed a yung teenage by standing in frnt f a drugstre. He apprached him, and fund ut that the by wanted t buy medicine fr his sick mther, but had n mney. The by cried ut, “if I dn’t bring hme medicine, my mm will die. But I wn’t be able t handle it.”
    Upn hearing this Erie didn’t hesitate t pay fr the medicine. “I’ll pay fr the medicine n his behalf,” he said, handing the pharmacist (药剂师) a cuple f bills frm his pcket. The by lked at Erie with grateful eyes, and cried, “Thank yu s much. Yu are heaven-sent.”
    “There will always be peple willing t help yu, sn,” Eric tld him befre handing him tw prtins f fd. “Here, take this t yur mm and have a ht meal with her,” he said befre letting the by g.
    His daughter Riley saw the whle scene and said, “Dad, we have barely enugh mney. Why did yu pay fr the medicine?” “Riley, the gd yu put ut int the wrld will eventually find its way back t yu. Just keep ding gd,” Eric tld his daughter.
    When Riley turned thirty, she needed an peratin urgently after being tld there was smething wrng with her heart. With difficulty breathing, Eric rushed Riley t the hspital in an ambulance. “Yu’ll be alright, Riley.” he cried. “Dn’t wrry, Daddy is here. We’ll get thrugh this tgether,” he prmised her.
    Eric did try his best t find the mney fr bis daughter’s peratin. He asked all f his friends, but it was still nt enugh. Therefre, Eric decided t sell their huse. It was enugh t pay fr her peratin, but they wuld be left with nthing, “it’s kay,” he tld himself. I will be able t earn mney again, but if I lse my daughter, nthing will ever bring her back.”
    By the time Erie made it back t the hspital, Riley was in her hspital rm, weak and pale. He sat beside her bed and held her hand. “Yu’ll be kay, my sweet daughter. We’ll sn have the mney fr the peratin,” he prmised her.
    1. 续写词数应为: 150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Para 1: Eric suddenly nticed an envelpe n the bed.
    Para2: He ran t the dctr’s ffice and hugged him.
    听力1-5 BACBC 6-10 BBCBA 11-15 CCACB 16-20 BCAAA
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What part f maths is the wman bad at?
    A. Shapes B. Numbers C. Angles
    2. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends B. Brther and sister C. Dctr and patient
    3. What industry des the wman hpe t wrk in?
    A. Travel B. Finance C. Medicine
    4. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. In a classrm B. In the wild C. In a hspital
    5. When will the wman’s mther prbably arrive?
    A. At abut 12:00 p. m. B. At abut 3:00 p. m. C. At abut 6:00 p. m.
    6. What upsets the wman?
    A. Her campus life B. Her friends’ attitude C. Her recent schlwrk
    7. What is the man like accrding t the wman?
    A. Strict B. Psitive C. Knwledgeable
    8. What is the man’s jb prbably?
    A. A tur guide B. A ship captain C. A seaprt manager
    9. Which cuntry is the wman frm?
    A. China B. Singapre C. Italy
    10. What d the speakers mainly talk abut?
    A. Rbts will take jbs frm humans.
    B. Rbts will replace humans entirely.
    C Rbts will be intrduced int hmes.
    11. Hw des the man think abut rbts?
    A. They are nt very friendly.
    B. They break dwn regularly.
    C. They d mre with less cst.
    12. What percentage f jbs will be at risk during the next decade?
    A. 3% B. 15% C. 33%
    13. What is the man’s jb abut?
    A. Observing the planets
    B. Ding research in space
    C. Teaching thers knwledge
    14. What is the man lking at tday?
    A. Mars B. Venus C. The Mn
    15. Where will the wman have lunch?
    A. At the man’s ffice B. At a café C. At her hme
    16. What will the wman d next?
    A. G hme B. Use the telescpe C. Have lunch
    17. During which seasn did the speaker’s jurney take place?
    A. Winter B. Fall C. Summer
    18. What is the speaker’s biggest challenge?
    A. Traveling alne B. Bearing the heat C. Cycling fr lng
    19. What did the family d fr the speaker?
    A. They invited him t their huse.
    B. They taught him a new language.
    C. They guided him thrugh the desert.
    20. What ffers inspiratin fr the speaker’s new bk?
    A. New friends B. The landscape C. Lcal fd
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    The Biggest Events in the States
    Mardi Gras
    Mbile, Alabama
    Attendance: One millin
    Believe it r nt, the Mardi Gras celebratin in Mbile is even lder than the ne in New Orleans since this Gulf Cast city has much f the same French and Cajun culture as the latter. The celebratin dates back t 1703 and includes nearly a mnth f parades, running frm mid-January up thrugh Late February.
    Munt Marathn Race
    Seward, Alaska
    Attendance: 40, 000
    This 103-year ld traditin is the 10th-ldest ft race in America, but it’s by far the mst scenic. The shrt-but-dangerus cmpetitin is held every July 4, racing up the side f Seward’s Munt Marathn thrugh cliffs, waterfalls, and breathtaking views f sutheast Alaska. Once at the tp, racers lk back dwn t the finish line with tp finishers cmpleting the three-mile rundtrip in just ver 40 minutes.
    Little Rck Riverfest
    Little Rck, Arkansas
    Attendance: 100, 000—200, 000
    This annual music festival held alng the Arkansas River has been running fr ver 40 years, bringing sme f the biggest names in rck music. The festival runs every Memrial Day weekend, and this year featured Peter Framptn, Yung the Giant, and Highly Suspect.
    St. Patrick’s Day Parade
    Nrwich, Cnnecticut
    Attendance: 300,000
    In just five shrt years, little Nrwich, Cnnecticut, has develped ne f the biggest St. Patrick’s Day celebratins in the cuntry, with an estimated 300, 000 peple cming t this twn f 40, 000 fr bagpipes, beer, and plenty f Irish fd. The mile-lng parade is held n March 4, the early date giving peple with ther St. Patrick’s plans the chance t have tw hlidays, which might be a big reasn fr its ppularity.
    1. What d Mbile and New Orleans have in cmmn?
    A. They are castal cities.
    B. They have large ppulatins.
    C. They are related t French culture.
    D. They enjy a histry f abut 300 years.
    2. What’s special abut the event held in Seward?
    A. It has the mst participants f all.
    B Racers see striking scenery alng the way.
    C. Racers run great risks n the muntaintp.
    D. It is the ldest marathn event in America.
    3. Which event will be mst attractive t fd lvers?
    A. Mardi Gras.B. Little Rck Riverfest.
    C. Munt Marathn Race.D. St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
    细节理解题。根据Mardi Gras中的“Believe it r nt, the Mardi Gras celebratin in Mbile is even lder than the ne in New Orleans since this Gulf Cast city has much f the same French and Cajun culture as the latter.(信不信由你,Mbile的Mardi Gras狂欢节庆祝活动甚至比New Orleans的还要古老,因为这个海湾沿岸的城市和New Orleans有着很多相同的法国和卡津文化。)”可知,Mbile和New Orleans这两个城市都有丰富的法国和卡津文化。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Munt Marathn Race中的“This 103-year ld traditin is the 10th-ldest ft race in America, but it’s by far the mst scenic. The shrt-but-dangerus cmpetitin is held every July 4, racing up the side f Seward’s Munt Marathn thrugh cliffs, waterfalls, and breathtaking views f sutheast Alaska.(这个有103年历史的传统是美国第10古老的徒步比赛,但它是迄今为止风景最美的。该短而险的赛事每年7月4日举行,通过悬崖,瀑布和阿拉斯加东南部的壮丽景色,在苏厄德山马拉松的一边比赛)”可知,这个只有3英里的高山马拉松沿途经过了悬崖峭壁和瀑布,一路都有让人惊叹的自然风光。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据St. Patrick’s Day Parade中的“In just five shrt years, little Nrwich, Cnnecticut, has develped ne f the biggest St. Patrick’s Day celebratins in the cuntry, with an estimated 300, 000 peple cming t this twn f 40, 000 fr bagpipes, beer, and plenty f Irish fd.(在短短5年的时间里,康涅狄格的小诺里奇已经发展出全国最大的圣帕特里克节庆祝活动之一,估计有30万人来到这个4万人口的小镇,品尝风笛、啤酒和大量的爱尔兰食物。)”可知,盛大的St. Patrick’s Day节日游行活动中的特色有风笛、啤酒和爱尔兰美食。故选D。
    In May 2019, a friend wh had previusly been invlved in the Restless Develpment Sierra Lene Business Brains prject encuraged me t apply fr the “Saving Lives II” prject. Seeing this as an pprtunity t mve clser t my ambitin f wrking in the medical field in the near future, I eagerly seized the chance. Frtunately, my perfrmance during the interview led t me being awarded the rle.
    Fllwing the basic training, I was sent t vlunteer in Kurubnla, a remte cmmunity lcated in the nrthern regin f Sierra Lene. This assignment presented challenges such as limited rad access and cmmunicatin netwrks. At first, I felt cncerned abut being sent there, but with a determined mindset, I set ut n the jurney, driven by a passin t cntribute t my cuntry’s develpment and t push my persnal bundaries.
    As I gt t knw the cmmunity, I quickly realized that the challenges extended beynd language barriers and cultural differences; there was als a sense f islatin frm my peers. Hwever, I refused t allw these challenges t stp me. I threw myself in my duties, wrking tgether with lcal leaders and cmmunity members t identify the mst pressing needs. Tgether, we carried ut the prjects aimed at imprving healthcare, educatin, and infrastructure (基础设施). Additinally, I rganized wrkshps and training curses t share my knwledge and skills with the lcals.
    Over time, I witnessed the psitive impact f ur cllective effrts. Healthcare facilities imprved, the number f students in schls increased, and the verall quality f life in the cmmunity shwed signs f imprvement. These achievements were nt slely mine; they were a testament t the cperative spirit and cmmitment f the entire cmmunity.
    4. What d we learn abut the authr frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. He was unwilling t vlunteer in Sierra Lenne.
    B. He felt excited abut the assignment in Kurubnla.
    C. He applied fr the “Saving Lives Ⅱ” prject fr his future prmise.
    D. He was immediately sent t Kurubnla after he was awarded the rle.
    5. What can we infer frm paragraph 3?
    A. He assisted in the prjects led by the lcals.
    B. He met with nly language and cultural barriers.
    C. He vercame challenges t serve the cmmunity.
    D. He attended the training curses rganized by the lcal leaders.
    6. Which f the fllwing best describes the authr’s persnality?
    A. Devted but stubbrn.B. Determined and passinate.
    C. Cnfident and cautius.D. Mtivated but mdy.
    7. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. The authr’s grwth thrugh vlunteering.
    B. Language and culture in vluntary wrk.
    C. Cllective effrts in cmmunity develpment.
    D. Vlunteers’ challenges in remte cmmunities.
    【答案】4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A
    细节理解题。由第一段中“Seeing this as an pprtunity t mve clser t my ambitin f wrking in the medical field in the near future, I eagerly seized the chance (我认为这是一个机会,让我在不久的将来更接近我在医疗领域工作的抱负,我急切地抓住了这个机会。)”可知,作者认为这是他实现在医学领域工作梦想的机会,他申请了“拯救生命Ⅱ”项目。故选C。
    推理判断题。由第三段中“Hwever, I refused t allw these challenges t stp me. I threw myself in my duties, wrking tgether with lcal leaders and cmmunity members t identify the mst pressing needs. (然而,我拒绝让这些挑战阻止我。我全身心投入到自己的职责中,与当地领导人和社区成员一起努力,找出最迫切的需求。)”可知,作者不畏惧挑战,而是全身心投入到自己的使命中。故选C。
    推理判断题。由第二段中“At first, I felt cncerned abut being sent there, but with a determined mindset, I set ut n the jurney, driven by a passin t cntribute t my cuntry’s develpment and t push my persnal bundaries. (起初,我对被送到那里感到担心,但带着坚定的心态,我开始了这段旅程,为我的国家的发展做出贡献,并突破我的个人界限。)”可知,作者有坚定的信念和热情。故选B。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第一段中“In May 2019, a friend wh had previusly been invlved in the Restless Develpment Sierra Lene Business Brains prject encuraged me t apply fr the “Saving Lives II” prject. Seeing this as an pprtunity t mve clser t my ambitin f wrking in the medical field in the near future, I eagerly seized the chance. (2019年5月,一位曾参与“不宁发展塞拉利昂商业大脑”项目的朋友鼓励我申请“拯救生命II”项目。我认为这是一个机会,让我在不久的将来更接近我在医疗领域工作的抱负,我急切地抓住了这个机会。)”和第二段中“At first, I felt cncerned abut being sent there, but with a determined mindset, I set ut n the jurney, driven by a passin t cntribute t my cuntry’s develpment and t push my persnal bundaries. (起初,我对被送到那里感到担心,但带着坚定的心态,我开始了这段旅程,为我的国家的发展做出贡献,并突破我的个人界限。)”可知,全文讲述作者从申请参加“拯救生命II”这个项目,到遇到困难,再到克服困难,最后体验成长的过程。故选A确。
    When yu think f a new place fr grwing fd, yu might think f Mars. But ne Italian family believes ne pssible place is right here n the Earth: the cean.
    Nem’s Garden is the wrld’s first underwater system f land plants. Lcated ff the cast f Nli, Italy, it cnsists f several greenhuses called bispheres, each f which is attached t the seaflr. “The aim f it is t change agriculture, and add a pssibility fr grwing prduce in the cean,” says c-funder Luca Gamberini.
    His father Sergi Gamberini came up with the idea by cmbining his tw passins — diving and gardening. In 2012, the prject began with planting basil (罗勒) underwater. Nw Nem’s Garden is grwing strng.
    “Our limited number f resurces can nt prmise sustainable (可持续的) develpment,” Luca says, “and we believe that underwater gives us sme advantages ver traditinal agriculture.”
    Flating six t ten meters underwater, plants in Nem’s Garden are separated frm any utside pathgens (病原体). Als, the temperature f the cean water is an ideal envirnment fr plant life. Besides, Nem’s Garden uses a technique that uses water-based nutrients (养分) instead f sil. “Als, there is little interactin with the underwater envirnment and related ecsystems, which means n harm is caused t sea creatures,” adds Luca.
    Everything is mnitred n land thrugh cameras and sensrs, and settings can be adjusted. When it’s time t harvest, a diver will cut the vegetatin, place it in bags and flat them t the surface.
    The team at Nem’s Garden has plans fr even bigger bispheres in the future, as well as ther lcatins. Luca believes the future f Nem’s Garden will be mstly alng the castlines where cmmunities culd benefit frm the added space it ffers.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “it” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. The greenhuse.B. The seaflr.C. Underwater system.D. Nem’s Garden.
    9. Why did Luca start the underwater system?
    A. T cmbine his tw hbbies.B. T feed the grwing ppulatin.
    C. T seek sustainable farming.D. T develp healthy ways f life.
    10. What’s the main idea f paragraph 5?
    A. The advantages f Nem’s Garden.B. The cnstructin f Nem’s Garden.
    C. The structure f Nem’s Garden.D. The techniques used in Nem’s Garden.
    11. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A research paper.B. A science magazine.C. A jurnal entry.D. A science fictin.
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. A 11. B
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文。这篇文章主要讲述了意大利的Nem's Garden项目,这是世界上第一个水下种植系统,旨在通过在海洋中种植作物来改变农业,并在海洋中增加种植农产品的可能性。
    词句猜测题。根据划线词前面的内容“Nem’s Garden is the wrld’s first underwater system f land plants. (Nem’s Garden是世界上第一个水下陆地植物系统。)”以及“Lcated ff the cast f Nli, Italy,(它位于意大利诺利海岸,)”可知,此处划线词it指代的是前文的Nem’s Garden。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中““Our limited number f resurces cannt prmise sustainable (可持续的) develpment,” Luca says, “and we believe that underwater gives us sme advantages ver traditinal agriculture.”(“我们有限的资源无法保证可持续的发展,”卢卡说,“我们相信,与传统农业相比,水下农业给了我们一些优势。”)”可知,因为有限的资源无法保证可持续的发展,因此卢卡开始水下农业的目的是为了寻找可持续发展的农业。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第五段“Flating six t ten meters underwater, plants in Nem’s Garden are separated frm any utside pathgens (病原体). Als, the temperature f the cean water is an ideal envirnment fr plant life. Besides, Nem’s Garden uses a technique that uses water-based nutrients (养分) instead f sil.( Nem’s Garden的植物漂浮在水下6到10米的地方,与外界的病原体隔绝。此外,海水的温度是植物生存的理想环境。此外,Nem’s Garden采用了一种利用水基养分而不是土壤的技术。)”可知,Nem’s Garden能够与外界的病原体隔离,以及该项目采用的是利用水基养分而不是土壤的技术,由此概括本段主要讲述的是Nem’s Garden项目的优势。故选A。
    推理判断题。通读全文,这篇文章主要讲述了意大利的Nem’s Garden项目,这是世界上第一个水下种植系统,旨在通过在海洋中种植作物来改变农业,并在海洋中增加种植农产品的可能性。整个种植过程通过摄像头和传感器在陆地上监控,收获时潜水员会将植物切割并浮到水面。未来,Nem’s Garden团队计划在更大的生物圈中扩展项目,并选择其他地点,主要集中在沿海地区,以便社区可以从增加的种植空间中受益。故推断本文出自于一篇科学杂志。故选B。
    This week, Ggle researchers published a paper describing results frm an AI tl built t create music. The tl, called MusicLM, is nt the first AI music tl t be launched. But the examples Ggle prvided demnstrate musical creative ability based n a limited set f descriptive wrds.
    Several different music examples prduced by MusicLM were published nline. Sme f the generated music came frm just ne- r tw-wrd descriptins, such as “jazz”, “rck” r “techn (高科技舞曲)”. The tl als created ther examples frm mre detailed descriptins cntaining whle sentences.
    In ne example, Ggle researchers included these instructins t MusicLM, “It is a sundtrack f a game. It is fast-paced and upbeat, with a catchy electric guitar riff (反复乐节). The music is repetitive and easy t remember, but with unexpected sunds ...” In the resulting recrding, the music seemed t keep very clse t the descriptin. The team said the mre detailed the descriptin was, the better the system culd attempt t prduce it.
    The MusicLM mdel perates similarly t the machine-learning systems used by ChatGPT. ChatGPT and MusicLM bth require pwerful cmputers t perate cmplex machine-learning mdels. The San Francisc-based cmpany OpenAI launched ChatGPT late last year. ChatGPT has recently received a lt f attentin because f its ability t generate cmplex writings and ther cntent frm just a simple descriptin in natural languages. Such tls can prduce human-like results because they are trained n huge amunts f data. Many different materials are fed int the systems t permit them t learn cmplex skills t create realistic wrks.
    Hwever, the MusicLM researchers said there were sme risks linked t the new tl. One f the biggest issues the researchers identified was biases (偏好) present in the training data. A bias might be including t much f ne side and nt enugh f the ther. The researchers said this raised a questin abut apprpriateness fr music generatin fr cultures underrepresented in the training data.
    12. What can we learn abut MusicLM?
    A. It is the first AI music tl t be launched.
    B. It requires detailed descriptins f full sentences.
    C. It creates music based n simple descriptive wrds.
    D. It generates cmplex writings frm a simple descriptin.
    13. What is the similarity between ChatGPT and MusicLM?
    A. They can take the place f musicians.B. They have gained cmmercial success.
    C. They dn't have any practical use in life.D. They are based n huge amunts f data.
    14. Which f the fllwing is an issue f the MusicLM mdel?
    A. Creating music with strng biases.B. Requiring t much training data.
    C. Being difficult fr sme peple t use.D. Prducing music wrks with n creativity.
    15. What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A The future f humans with AIB. A new AI tl t make music
    C. Music created by sme AI tlsD. AI and its functin in culture develpment
    【答案】12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“But the examples Ggle prvided demnstrate musical creative ability based n a limited set f descriptive wrds.(但谷歌提供的例子展示了基于有限的描述性词语的音乐创作能力。)”和第二段中“Several different music examples prduced by MusicLM were published nline. Sme f the generated music came frm just ne- r tw-wrd descriptins, such as ‘jazz’, ‘rck’ r ‘techn (高科技舞曲)’. (MusicLM制作的几个不同的音乐示例在网上发布。一些生成的音乐仅来自一两个词的描述,如‘爵士’、‘摇滚’或‘科技’。)”可知,关于MusicLM我们能了解到它能根据简单的描述词创作音乐。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“Such tls can prduce human-like results because they are trained n huge amunts f data. (这些工具可以产生类似人类的结果,因为它们经过了大量数据的训练。)”可知, ChatGPT和MusicLM之间的相似之处是它们都是基于大量的数据。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“One f the biggest issues the researchers identified was biases (偏好) present in the training data. A bias might be including t much f ne side and nt enugh f the ther. (研究人员发现的最大问题之一是训练数据中存在的偏见。偏见可能是包括了太多的一方面,而没有足够的另一方面。)”可知,MusicLM模型的问题是创作带有强烈偏见的音乐。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段中“This week, Ggle researchers published a paper describing results frm an AI tl built t create music. The tl, called MusicLM, is nt the first AI music tl t be launched. (本周,谷歌研究人员发表了一篇论文,描述了一种用于创作音乐的人工智能工具的结果。这个名为MusicLM的工具并不是第一个推出的人工智能音乐工具。)”并结合全文可知,本文讲述了谷歌研发出叫做MusicLM的AI智能工具,这种AI工具可以根据书面描述和其他输入创建音乐。选项B符合主题,故选B项。
    Scial media scam is a frm f phishing in which cybercriminals cnnect with their victims thrugh scial media platfrms. ___16___ After the victim accepts it, they sn frm a cnversatin. They can als publish a link that sunds attractive (“put yur data and win a car”). Belw, see hw t prtect yurself frm scammers n scial media;
    Accept friend requests with cautin.
    ___17___ Yu shuld pay attentin t when the accunt is registered and wh accepts their friend request. Als remember t check the kind f infrmatin the persn publishes.
    Avid links that request persnal data.
    N scial media platfrm will ask its users t click an utside link t update their persnal infrmatin. Check with the fficial custmer supprt if yu are unsure. Internet users shuld apply the principle better safe than srry.
    D nt use the same passwrd acrss all yur nline accunts. If ne accunt gets hacked, all f them will. It is always better t have distinct lgin details fr each platfrm as well.
    Make sure nt t reveal persnal infrmatin.
    D nt publish yur address, phne number, r place f wrk n yur scial media accunt fr yur safety. ___19___ Always be cautius if smene shws t much interest in yur persnal affairs. Even yur friends might have been backed, s be careful.
    Check whether the accunt is verified when apprached with ffers.
    When yu get a strange message, r an ffer t buy r sell smething n scial media, first check if the accunt is verified. ___20___
    Scial media scams can be financially damaging and emtinally distressing. We hpe that these tips will cme in handy fr yu. Remember safety first in the nline wrld just as it is in the real wrld.
    A. D nt send mney t anyne befre that.
    B. It usually starts by sending a friend request.
    C. Always use a strng passwrd t imprve security.
    D. Create a unique lgin and passwrd fr each platfrm.
    E. Als, d nt give away this infrmatin t strangers in cnversatins.
    F. Be careful f friend requests frm unknwn individuals, as they may have ill intent.
    G. Befre making friends with smene that yu d nt knw, carefully examine the accunt.
    【答案】16. B 17. F 18. D 19. E 20. A
    上文“Scial media scam is a frm f phishing in which cybercriminals cnnect with their victims thrugh scial media platfrms.(社交媒体诈骗是网络犯罪分子通过社交媒体平台与受害者联系的一种网络钓鱼形式)”说明了社交媒体诈骗的定义,下文“After the victim accepts it, they sn frm a cnversatin.(受害者接受后,他们很快就形成了对话)”说明了受害者与诈骗者如何建立联系,B项“它通常从发送好友请求开始。”承上启下,it指代上文的Scial media scam,a friend request与下文的it呼应,符合语境。故选B项。
    上文“Accept friend requests with cautin.(谨慎地接受好友请求)”作为本段的小标题,概括段落大意,下文“Yu shuld pay attentin t when the accunt is registered and wh accepts their friend request.(您应该注意帐户何时注册以及谁接受他们的好友请求)”说明要关注好友请求的账号,F项“小心陌生人的交友请求,因为他们可能有恶意。”对小标题进行进一步解释,friend requests与上下文相呼应,符合语境。故选F项。
    下文“D nt use the same passwrd acrss all yur nline accunts. (不要在所有在线帐户中使用相同的密码)”说明不要使用同一个密码,空处作为小标题应该扩本段内容,D项“为每个平台创建独特的登录名和密码。”承接下文,符合语境。故选D项。
    上文“D nt publish yur address, phne number, r place f wrk n yur scial media accunt fr yur safety.(为了您的安全,不要在您的社交媒体帐户上公布您的地址、电话号码或工作地点)”说明不要在网上公布个人信息,空处承接上文,E项“此外,不要在谈话中向陌生人透露这些信息。”与上文构成并列关系,this infrmatin与上文yur address, phne number, r place f wrk相呼应,符合语境。故选E项。
    上文“When yu get a strange message, r an ffer t buy r sell smething n scial media, first check if the accunt is verified(当收到奇怪的信息或在社交媒体上有买卖物品的提议时,首先检查该账号是否经过验证)”说明收到奇怪信息或转账要求时,应先检查该帐户是否经过验证,A项“在此之前不要给任何人汇款。”承接上文,that指代上文first check if the accunt is verified,符合语境。故选A项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    In traditinal Chinese culture, fish has rich meanings. It ___21___ wealth. Fish als stands fr harmny and happy marriages ___22___ they multiply rapidly and sme times swim in pairs. Fish is an imprtant ___23___ in traditinal values and are amng the signs shwing that smething is ___24___ t be successful. The mst ppular fish theme fund in Chinese art and ___25___ is that f the carp (鲤鱼). The ___26___ f “bneless” techniques makes the swimming fish mre real and cnvincing. Knwn t mst Westerners as ki fish (锦鲤), the Chinese carp has ___27___ symblic values within Chinese culture. The carp is a pwerful symbl f ___28___. The scales and whisker (须) f the carp is ___29___ t that f a dragn, a great symbl f pwer in China. During the Spring Festival “lucky mney” is ___30___ in red envelpes decrated with a carp and symbls f lng life ___31___ peaches and pine trees. There are many different ___32___ f the carp, with the majr nes being black, white, red and yellw.
    “Yu are nt ___33___, s hw wuld yu knw the happiness f fish? ” Chuang Tsu created this famus saying when he ___34___ an issue with Hui Tsu. The message f the stry is that smene has his wn enjyment while thers can ___35___ appreciate that.
    21. A. prducesB. spreadsC. determinesD. represents
    22. A. sB. becauseC. unlessD. thugh
    23. A. pictureB. animalC. fdD. symbl
    24. A. usedB. afraidC. frcedD. likely
    25. A. technlgyB. cultureC. transprtD. educatin
    26. A. identityB. applicatinC. shrtcmingD. insurance
    27. A. selflessB. peacefulC. numerusD. infrmal
    28. A. beautyB. strengthC. smartnessD. wisdm
    29. A. helpfulB. trueC. similarD. rude
    30. A. cut ffB. taken awayC. given utD. used up
    31. A. such asB. as a result fC. wing tD. in frnt f
    32. A. namesB. wnersC. sheltersD. clurs
    33. A. fishB. histryC. waterD. air
    34. A. wrteB. testedC. perfrmedD. discussed
    35. A. alwaysB. neverC. easilyD. mstly
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. D 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. A 34. D 35. B
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它代表了财富。A. prduces生产;B. spreads展开;C. determines决定;D. represents代表。根据下文“als stands fr”可知,空格处动词与stands fr同义,表示“代表”。故选D项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:鱼也代表和谐和幸福的婚姻,因为它们繁殖迅速,有时还成双成对地游泳。A. s因此;B. because因为;C. unless除非;D. thugh虽然。“繁殖迅速,有时还成双成对地游泳”是“鱼也代表和谐和幸福的婚姻”的原因,用连词because引导原因状语从句。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:鱼在传统价值观中是一个重要的象征,是预示某事可能成功的标志之一。A. picture图片;B. animal动物;C. fd食物;D. symbl象征,符号。根据上文“In traditinal Chinese culture, fish has rich meanings.”和“Fish als stands fr harmny and happy marriages”可知,鱼在传统文化中有诸多的含义,也代表着和谐和幸福的婚姻,所以它是传统价值观中是一个重要的象征。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:鱼在传统价值观中是一个重要的象征,是预示某事可能成功的标志之一。A. used用过的;B. afraid害怕的;C. frced被迫的;D. likely可能的。根据上文“In traditinal Chinese culture, fish has rich meanings.”和“Fish is an imprtant 3 in traditinal values”可知,鱼在传统文化和传统价值中有着重要的意义,结合常识可推知,它是预示某事可能成功的标志之一。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在中国艺术和文化中,最受欢迎的鱼题材是鲤鱼。A. technlgy技术;B. culture文化;C. transprt运输;D. educatin教育。根据上文“In traditinal Chinese culture, fish has rich meanings.”和空格前“Chinese art”可知,鲤鱼是中国艺术和文化中最受欢迎的题材。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“没骨”手法的运用,使游鱼的形象更加真实可信。A. identity身份;B. applicatin应用;C. shrtcming缺点;D. insurance保险。结合常识可知,“‘bneless’ techniques (没骨画法)”是一种中国画技法,所以句中指这种技法的运用。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:中国鲤鱼被大多数西方人称为锦鲤,在中国文化中有许多象征意义。A. selfless无私的;B. peaceful和平的;C. numerus许多的;D. infrmal非正式的。根据上文“In traditinal Chinese culture, fish has rich meanings.”可知,鱼在传统文化中有诸多的含义,鲤鱼也是如此。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:鲤鱼是力量的有力象征。A. beauty美丽;B. strength力量;C. smartness机灵;D. wisdm智慧。根据下文“The scales and whisker (须) f the carp is 9 t that f a dragn, a great symbl f pwer in China.”可知,作者把鲤鱼与龙进行对比,龙是权力的象征,所以鲤鱼也象征着力量。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:鲤鱼的鳞片和胡须与龙的相似,龙在中国是权力的象征。A. helpful有帮助的;B. true真实的;C. similar相像的;D. rude粗鲁的。结合常识可知,鲤鱼的鳞片和胡须与龙的相似。故选C项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:春节期间,“压岁钱”是用鲤鱼和桃子、松树等象征长寿的东西装饰的红包分发的。A. cut ff切断;B. taken away拿走;C. given ut分发;D. used up用完。结合常识可知,春节要分发压岁钱。故选C项。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:春节期间,“压岁钱”是用鲤鱼和桃子、松树等象征长寿的东西装饰的红包分发的。A. such as比如;B. as a result f作为……的结果;C. wing t因为;D. in frnt f在……前面。下文“peaches and pine trees”是对“symbls f lng life”的举例说明。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:鲤鱼有许多不同的颜色,最主要的有黑色、白色、红色和黄色。A. names名字;B. wners业主;C. shelters庇护所;D. clurs颜色。根据下文“with the majr nes being black, white, red and yellw”可知,鲤鱼有很多不同的颜色。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:子非鱼,安知鱼之乐? A. fish鱼;B. histry历史;C. water水;D. air空气。结合常识和下文“hw wuld yu knw the happiness f fish?”可知,这里是名句“子非鱼,安知鱼之乐?”。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:创祖在与惠祖讨论问题时创造了这句名言。A. wrte写;B. tested考验;C. perfrmed执行;D. discussed讨论。结合常识和下文“an issue with Hui Tsu”可知,这是创祖在与惠祖在讨论问题时留下的名句。故选D项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:这个故事传达的信息是,有些人有自己的乐趣,而其他人永远不会理解。A. always总是;B. never决不;C. easily容易地;D. mstly多半。根据我们对名词“子非鱼,安知鱼之乐?”的理解和上文“s hw wuld yu knw the happiness f fish?”可知,其他人不会理解别人的乐趣。故选B项。
    Mst f the Chinatwn in San Francisc ____36____ (destry) in the 1906 earthquake, but the city and residents rebuilt it, taking care t include lts f Chinese architecture. ____37____ (traditinal), visitrs enter Chinatwn thrugh the legendary Dragn Gate, which was built using materials ____38____ (dnate) frm China. Other famus sites include the Tin Hw Temple and Ban k f Cantn, t name but a few. Visitrs can als spend hurs just explring the interesting sights, smells, and sunds f China. Prtsmuth Square is als a key site, being the centre f Chinatwn. It has a lng and famus histry, ____39____ the authr Rbert Luis Stevensn having spent much time writing there. These days, the square is a great place t see traditinal Chinese culture in real life, such as games f Chinese chess, and peple ____40____ (practise) tai chi.
    The stres in the Chinatwn ffer ____41____ unique range f suvenirs, gds, and clthing. All kinds f traditinal Chinese herbal medicine can be fund, t, ____42____ there are Chinese tea stres, where visitrs can taste and buy varieties f Chinese tea.
    But perhaps ____43____ many turists and San Franciscans treasure mst abut Chinatwn is its fd. There is Chinese fd ____44____ (suit) everyne’s taste, with traditinal dishes frm all ver China.
    Chinatwns are an imprtant part f the ____45____ (diversity) culture f the USA. They allw visitrs wh have never been t China t experience traditinal Chinese culture first hand.
    【答案】36. was destryed
    37. Traditinally
    38. dnated
    39. with 40. practising
    41. a 42. and
    43. what 44. t suit
    45. diverse
    考查动词时态和语态。句意:旧金山的大部分唐人街在1906年的地震中被毁,但城市和居民重建了它,并小心翼翼地加入了许多中国建筑。destry作本句谓语,和主语Mst f the Chinatwn之间是被动关系,用被动语态,根据时间状语in the 1906可知,用一般过去时,主语Mst f the Chinatwn作为整体看,为第三人称单数。故填was destryed。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:传统上,游客要通过传说中的龙门进入唐人街,龙门是用中国捐赠的材料建造的。本句已有谓语动词was built,所以dnate用非谓语形式,作后置定语,和逻辑主语materials之间是被动关系,用过去分词表被动。故填dnated。
    考查冠词。句意:唐人街的商店提供各种独特的纪念品、商品和服装。此处是固定搭配:a range f意为“一系列”,unique发音是以辅音音素开头,应用不定冠词a。故填a。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:有适合每个人口味的中国菜,有来自中国各地的传统菜肴。此处是非谓语动词作后置定语,被修饰词Chinese fd是动词suit的执行者,应用不定式作后置定语。故填t suit。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假设你是李华,请向你校英文报“城市风采”栏目写一篇短文,介绍一个国内你喜欢或去过的地方。内容包括:
    The mst beautiful place I like best is definitely my hmetwn, Haiku, the capital city f Hainan Prvince, neighbring Guangdng Prvince. Being a charming castal city. Haiku enjys a histry f several hundred years and has a ppulatin f abut three millin.
    My city is renwned fr its pleasant climate and the picturesque scenery, making it a ppular turist destinatin, which attracts lts f visitrs frm hme and abrad. What’s mre, it is abundant in tasty trpical fruits, mst f which are exprted t ther cuntries. Besides, Haiku als basts a vibrant cultural scene, with a blend f traditinal Hainanese culture and mdern urban life t ffer, like Haiku Cavalry Old Street.
    In a wrd, every bit f Haiku impresses me and the lnger I stay here, the mre I lve it.
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    1. 迷人的:charming→captivating
    2. 另外:what’s mre→mrever
    3. 提供:ffer→prvide
    4. 总之:in a wrd→in shrt
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Besides, Haiku als basts a vibrant cultural scene, with a blend f traditinal Hainanese culture and mdern urban life t ffer, like Haiku Cavalry Old Street.
    拓展句:Besides, Haiku als basts a vibrant cultural scene, which is a blend f traditinal Hainanese culture and mdern urban life, ffering attractins like Haiku Cavalry Old Street.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]My city is renwned fr its pleasant climate and the picturesque scenery, making it a ppular turist destinatin, which attracts lts f visitrs frm hme and abrad.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]What’s mre, it is abundant in tasty trpical fruits, mst f which are exprted t ther cuntries.(mst f which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    47. 读后续写
    Erie raised his daughter Riley alne. One day, Eric nticed a yung teenage by standing in frnt f a drugstre. He apprached him, and fund ut that the by wanted t buy medicine fr his sick mther, but had n mney. The by cried ut, “if I dn’t bring hme medicine, my mm will die. But I wn’t be able t handle it.”
    Upn hearing this, Erie didn’t hesitate t pay fr the medicine. “I’ll pay fr the medicine n his behalf,” he said, handing the pharmacist (药剂师) a cuple f bills frm his pcket. The by lked at Erie with grateful eyes, and cried, “Thank yu s much. Yu are heaven-sent.”
    “There will always be peple willing t help yu sn,” Eric tld him befre handing him tw prtins f fd. “Here, take this t yur mm and have a ht meal with her,” he said befre letting the by g.
    His daughter Riley saw the whle scene and said, “Dad, we have barely enugh mney. Why did yu pay fr the medicine?” “Riley, the gd yu put ut int the wrld will eventually find its way back t yu. Just keep ding gd,” Eric tld his daughter.
    When Riley turned thirty, she needed an peratin urgently after being tld there was smething wrng with her heart. With difficulty breathing, Eric rushed Riley t the hspital in an ambulance. “Yu’ll be alright, Riley.” he cried. “Dn’t wrry, Daddy is here. We’ll get thrugh this tgether,” he prmised her.
    Eric did try his best t find the mney fr bis daughter’s peratin. He asked all f his friends, but it was still nt enugh. Therefre, Eric decided t sell their huse. It was enugh t pay fr her peratin, but they wuld be left with nthing, “it’s kay,” he tld himself. I will be able t earn mney again, but if I lse my daughter, nthing will ever bring her back.”
    By the time Erie made it back t the hspital, Riley was in her hspital rm, weak and pale. He sat beside her bed and held her hand. “Yu’ll be kay, my sweet daughter. We’ll sn have the mney fr the peratin,” he prmised her.
    1. 续写词数应为: 150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Para 1: Eric suddenly nticed an envelpe n the bed.
    Para2: He ran t the dctr’s ffice and hugged him.
    Eric suddenly nticed an envelpe n the bed. It was addressed t him. He pened it and was surprised t find a check inside and a nte that read: “Yu’d saved a by’s mther years befre. Thank yu s much fr the three packs f medicine, and tw prtins f fd.” Immediately, Eric remembered the by he had helped a lng time ag. He went t the nurse statin and asked them wh visited Riley. The nurse tld him there was n ne except the dctr. Eric came t realize the dctr was exactly that by.
    He ran t the dctr’s ffice and hugged him. “Thank yu, sn,” Eric cried. The dctr said, “It's I wh shuld say thanks. That day, yu saved my mther’s life. Since then, I prmised myself that I wuld study hard t becme a dctr t help mre peple. Nw I have achieved the dream.” “I am prud f yu,” Eric said with happiness. The dctr smiled and prmised t arrange the peratin fr Riley sn and take care f her during her hspitalizatin. Riley realized that what her dad said was true -- the gd yu put ut int the wrld will find its way back t yu.
    ①打开信封:pen the envelpe/unwind the envelpe
    ②感到骄傲:be prud f/take pride in
    【点睛】[高分句型1]It's I wh shuld say thanks.(运用了it 的强调句型)
    [高分句型2]Since then, I prmised myself that I wuld study hard t becme a dctr t help mre peple.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    听力1-5 BACBC 6-10 BBCBA 11-15 CCACB 16-20 BCAAA

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