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    这是一份高中英语考试高频熟词生义485大汇总,共39页。试卷主要包含了 absent 熟义, abuse 熟义, accept熟义, accmmdate 熟义, ache 熟义, act  vi.熟义, acknwledge  熟义, acrss  熟义等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2. absent 熟义: adj. 缺席的
    He lked at me in an absent way. adj. 茫然的, 恍惚的
    3. abuse 熟义: v 滥用,谩骂
    She is quite a successful career wman, but actually she’s much abused at hme. v. 虐待
    4. accept熟义: 接受
    I accept that the aircraft has n chice but t crash int the sea. v.认可,领受,认为
    5. accmmdate 熟义:住宿,留宿
    1) This htel can accmmdate mre than 500 guests. vt.容纳
    2) He accmmdated me when I asked him fr help. v.准予,提供
    6. ache 熟义: v. / n. 疼痛
    He was aching fr hme. v.渴望
    7. act vi.熟义: 行动
    It takes a cuple f minutes fr the drug t act.只需几分钟,药物就起作用了。(vi.起作用)
    8. acknwledge 熟义: vt. 承认,道谢
    He acknwledged me by lifting his hat. vt. 对...打招呼
    9. acrss 熟义: prep. 越过
    The tw rads cut acrss each ther. prep. 与...交叉,与...成十字
    10. advance 熟义: v. / n. 前进,推进
    1) she asked me fr an advance n her salary. n.预付(款)
    2) Share prices shwed significant advances tday. n.增加
    11. add 熟义: 加
    “They dn’t knw.” he added. vt.接着说, 又说;补充说
    12. address vt. 熟义:地址, 写地址
    1) The president shuld be addressed as “Mr. President.” v.称呼
    2) She turned t address the man n her left. v.直接向……说
    3) It is said that ur headmaster will address the meeting. v.向...发表演说
    13. admit vt. 熟义: 承认
    1) The servant pened the dr and admitted me (int the huse). v.允许进入
    2) The theatre nly admits 1,000 persns. v.容纳
    14. against 熟义: 反对, 违背
    The picture lks gd against the white wall.prep.衬着, 迎着, 靠着
    15. age 熟义: n.年龄
    Wrry aged him rapidly. v.使变老
    16. agree with 熟义: 同意
    1) Yur stry agrees with what I heard. v.与……一致
    2) Lng plane trips dn’t agree with me. v.协调,适合
    17. air 熟义: n.空气
    1) Dn’t air yur trubles t ften. v. 抒发; 倾诉; 传播
    2) There was a cmfrtable air abut her rm. n.样子, 神态, 气氛
    18. alive 熟义: adj. 活着的
    The street are alive with peple. adj. 充满(活的或动的东西)
    19. alne 熟义: adv. 单独地,一个人地
    She alne was able t answer the questin. adv. 仅仅,只有
    20. amunt 熟义: n. 量
    The cst amunted t $ 2000. v. 达到, 共计
    What yu have said amunts t a refusal. 相当于
    21. annunce 熟义:宣布
    Warm sunshine annunces the cming f spring. vt. 显示, 预告
    22. appreciate 熟义: v. 欣赏, 感激, 感谢
    I appreciate that I may be wrng. v. 意识到=realize
    23. arrival 熟义: n. 到达
    All std up t welcme the new arrival. n. 到达的人或事物
    24. at all熟义: 常与nt连用,构成nt at all:不用谢,一点也不。
    If it is at all fggy, I shall nt g ut. 真的, 确实
    This is the first time that I have ever been abrad at all.真的, 确实
    25. arm 熟义: n.手臂
    Lay dwn yur arms r we’ll fire! n.武器; v.武装
    26. attend 熟义: 出席
    1) I have sme urgent business t attend t. v.处理
    2) The nurse attended t him day and night. v.看护;治疗

    27. arrange 熟义: v. 安排; 整理
    I’ve arranged with the neighbrs abut filling the manager’s jb. v.商量
    28. arrest 熟义: vt. 逮捕
    The new medicine arrested the spread f the disease. vt.停止, 阻止
    29. assume 熟义: vt. 假定, 以为
    He will assume the directrship f the prject. vt.担任
    30. abslute 熟义: adj. 完全的,绝对的
    The plice have abslute prf that he was the murderer. adj. 确切的
    31. accmpany 熟义: vt. 陪伴,伴奏
    Strng winds accmpanied the heavy rain. v.伴随
    32. accunt fr 熟义:占...比例
    His illness accunts fr his absence. 解释说明...的原因
    33. aggressive 熟义: adj. 好斗的, 侵略的
    If he wants t succeed, he has t be aggressive. adj.进取的
    34. alike 熟义: adj. / adv. 相似的
    Teachers shuld care fr all the pupils alike. adv.同样地
    35. allergic 熟义: adj. 过敏的
    I am allergic t thse wh culd nt give help. adj.对...十分厌恶
    36. allw 熟义: v. 允许
    This diet allws yu ne glass f wine a day. vt.使可能
    37. ample 熟义: adj. 足够的,丰裕的
    That yu stay abrad will give yu ample chances t learn a new language. adj.广泛的
    38. aspect 熟义: n. 方面
    He is a man with an impressive aspect. n.面貌, 外表, 样子, 外观
    39. available熟义: adj. 可得到的, 可找到的
    The wrthy prfessr is nw available. (人)有空的
    40. advise 熟义: vt. 建议
    Please advise us f the arrival f the gds. vt.通知
    41. balance 熟义: n. / v. 平衡
    1) I must check my bank balance. n.差额, 余款
    2) The schl aims t balance the amunt f time spent n arts and science subjects. v.权衡
    42. back 熟义: n.背
    Many f his friends backed his plan. vt.支持
    43. badly熟义: adv.坏
    The by badly wants a new bike. adv. 迫切
    44. bar 熟义: 棒, 条, 酒吧
    Pr health may be a bar t success in life. n.障碍
    45. becme 熟义: v. 变得,变成
    Her new hat certainly becmes her. vt.适于, 适合
    46. befre cnj. 才;就(熟义: 以前)
    1) It was a lng time befre I gt t sleep again. 过了很久我才再睡着。
    2) I hadn’t waited lng befre he came. 我没有等多久,他就来了。
    47. behavir 熟义: n. 举止,行为
    The behavir f this cmputer is mderately gd. n.性能,特点
    48. blank 熟义: adj. 空白的 n. 空白
    1) The stranger returned my greeting with a blank lk. adj.没表情的, 空虚的, 没兴趣的
    2) I can’t remember where I’ve left my umbrella; my mind’s a cmplete blank. n.记忆中的空白, 遗忘
    49. blue 熟义: adj. / n. 蓝色
    His sngs always make me feel blue. adj.忧伤的
    50. beside 熟义: prep. 在...旁边
    Beside yur earlier wrk, this piece seems rather disappinting. prep. 与...相比
    51. bare 熟义: adj. 裸露的
    He likes t bare his heart / sul with his clse friends. vt.向某人袒露心声
    52. bear 熟义: vt. 忍受,容忍
    He was badly wunded in the war and still bears the scars. v.显示, 带有
    53. bitter 熟义: adj. 苦的,痛苦的
    Why was she s bitter against Mr. Smith? adj.强烈的 (...如此强烈反对...)
    54. blanket 熟义: n. 毯子
    The whle village was blanketed with heavy snw. vt.以厚层覆盖
    55. break dwn熟义:(机器等)坏了
    All ur plans brke dwn. (计划)失败, 坚持不下去

    56. bring 熟义: 带来
    The cries brught the neighbrs running. v.引起
    57. build 熟义: v.修建
    The ftball player has a slid build. n.身材, 体型
    58. build up 熟义: 建立,增强...体质
    The nise is building up until she culd nt stand it. 增高, 加强
    59. burst 熟义: v. 使爆炸,破裂
    The strm burst and we all gt wet. v.突然爆发
    60. bnd 熟义: v. 使牢固结合 adj. 一定会
    1) Free frm the bnds f cnventin and the fear f what thers may think. n.约束
    2) Mthers wh are depressed smetimes fail t bnd with their children. v. 发展或建立信赖和亲切关系
    61. burning 熟义: adj. 炽热的
    She is burning t tell yu the news. adj.感情等强烈的
    62. can熟义: 能
    Mther cans fruit. n.罐头; vt.做成罐头
    63. capital 熟义: n. 首都,首府;资本
    Our capital task at the mment is t persuade her t calm dwn. adj.极严重的, 根本的
    64. cause 熟义: n.起因; v.引起
    The UN has dne a lt fr the cause f wrld peace. n.事业
    We are struggling fr revlutinary cause. n.事业
    65. celebrate 熟义: vt. 庆祝
    He celebrated her fr her curage. vt.称颂,赞扬
    66. chance 熟义: 机会
    1) There is a chance that I will see him. n.可能性
    2) We chanced t be ut when she called. v.碰巧
    67. check 熟义: vt. 检查
    We shuld check the spread f the disease. vt.阻止,制止
    68. chice 熟义: n. 选择
    Sme f his remarks are really chice. adj.斟酌得当的
    69. civil 熟义: adj. 公民的,国内的
    He is a civil persn. adj. 有礼貌的,彬彬有礼的
    70. class 熟义: n. 班级
    It is n dubt that the prfessinal classes d a much better jb than thse wh are nt. n.阶级, 阶层, 等级
    71. climate 熟义: n. 气候
    The cultural climate here is smehw a little upsetting. n.风气;思潮;倾向
    cludy 熟义: adj. 阴天的,多云的
    Wh did it still remains cludy. adj.不明朗的,不清晰的
    72. cach 熟义: n. 教练
    She cached me in English. v.辅导,指导
    73. cmmand 熟义: v. 命令,指挥
    His bravery cmmanded ur respect. v.博得,赢得
    74. cntain 熟义: v. 含有,包含;克制
    1) The man was later cntained by the plice. v.制服
    2) He is t excited t cntain his laughter. vt.抑制
    75. cunt 熟义: n. / v. 计算,数
    1) There are 10 peple in the classrm cunting tw teachers. vt.包括
    2) It is nt hw much yu read but what yu read that cunts. vt.重要, 有价值
    3) She was cunted amng the greatest dancers. vt.视为, 以为
    76. cuple 熟义: n. 一对,一双;一对夫妇或情侣
    The dining car was cupled nt the last cach. v. 连接,联合(餐车与最后一节车相连)
    77. cme back熟义: 回来
    1) D yu think lng dresses will ever cme back? 重新流行
    2) He came back at her with a nasty remark. 回击, 顶嘴
    3) It’s suddenly t cme back where I saw yu last. 回想起来
    78. cme in熟义: 进来
    1) This style is certain t cme in this year. 开始流行
    2) If the Wrkers’ Party cmes in at the next electin, a lt f industry will be state-wned. 上台执政
    3) Here is the plan f attack, and this is where yu cme in. 承担(任务)
    79. cme n熟义: 快过来
    1) Hw has he cme n at schl this year? 进行, 进展
    2) The rain has just cme n. 开始(下雨)
    3) The next exam cmes n in early summer. 举行,上映, 上演
    80. cme ut熟义: 出来 / 生义: ①出版;②开花;③结果(如何)
    Everything will cme ut all right.一切都会好的。
    81. cmpany熟义: 公司
    1) Yu may knw a man by the cmpany he keeps. n.伙伴, 朋友(不可数)
    2) He came in cmpany with a grup f girls. n.陪伴
    82. cncert 熟义: 音乐会
    1) The varius gvernments decided t act in cncert ver this matter. n.互相配合
    2) The team made a cncerted effrt t win the game. n.协作,一致
    83. cst熟义: 花费;值……
    The patient’s dangerus cnditin cst the dctrs and nurses many a sleepless night. vt.使失去
    84. cunt 熟义: 数(数目)
    1) Every minute cunts. vi.重要
    2) On the whle she cunted herself a frtunate wife.vt.认为
    85. cver 熟义: v.走完(一段路),看完(多少页书);涉及;报导,覆盖
    Here is£5; that shuld cver all yur expenses.v. 够付(费用)
    86. curse 熟义: n. 课程,过程
    The main curse was a vegetable stew. n.一道菜
    87. crss 熟义: v. 跨越,横穿 n. 十字
    Dn’t be crss with him—after all, he meant t help. adj.生气的
    88. cut 熟义: vt 砍,割,切
    His rude remarks cut me. vt.伤感情
    89. case 熟义: n. 情况,状况
    There are three cases f fever in schl. n.病例,案例
    90. casual 熟义: adj. 偶然的,随意的
    He was emplyed as a casual labrer. adj.临时的
    91. cater 熟义: v. 为社交活动提供饮食;承办酒席
    TV must cater fr many different tastes. v.满足需要,迎合
    92. cautin 熟义: n. 谨慎
    The teacher cautined him against being late. v.告诫,提醒
    93. chance 熟义: n. 机会
    She chanced t be in when he called. v.碰巧
    94. chke 熟义: v. 窒息,哽咽
    I managed t chke back my tears. v.强忍住, 抑制, 克制
    95. charge 熟义: 索价,收费;指控,控告
    Mther charged Alice t take gd care f the baby. v.赋予...责任或义务
    96. challenge 熟义: v. 挑战
    I challenged him t a game f chess. v.强烈建议干某事
    97. clean 熟义: adj. 干净的
    I clean frgt abut it. adv.彻底地, 完全地
    98. cnduct 熟义: v. 组织,实施,指挥,引导
    He cnducted himself far better than expected. v.举止, 表现
    99. cngratulate 熟义: v. 祝贺
    I cngratulated myself n my escape. v.为成功感到高兴或自豪, 恭喜
    100. cnsume 熟义: vt.消耗, 消费
    The fire sn cnsumed the ld wden buildings in the neighbrhd. vt.烧毁, 毁灭
    101. damage 熟义: v. / n. 损坏
    He claimed $ 7000 damages frm the taxi cmpany. n.(损害)赔偿金
    102. dash 熟义: v. 猛冲
    1) Being badly ill, he was dashed t hspital. vt.急送
    2) His mther dashed him int ging t schl every day. vt.催促
    103.dawn 熟义: n.拂晓; v.破晓, 天亮
    The truth began t dawn n him. vt.开始明白
    104. desert 熟义: n.沙漠
    1) He deserted his wife and children and went abrad. v.抛弃, 离弃
    2) We sheltered frm the strm in a deserted hut. 我们在一间空无人住的茅屋里躲暴风雨。
    105. develp 熟义: v.发展, 开发, 研制
    1) develp a disease 得病
    2) develp a habit 逐渐形成一个习惯
    106. difficult 熟义: adj. 困难的
    Yu must get the permissin f yur difficult mther befre getting married. adj.难以取悦的, 不易满足的
    107. deal with 熟义: 处理;对付
    1) D yu deal with Smith, the butcher? 与……做生意
    2) This bk deals with a cmplex issue. 涉及 / 论及

    108. dismiss 熟义: v.解雇, 开除
    He just laughed and dismissed my suggestin as unrealistic. vt.拒绝考虑某人的意观点等
    109. d 熟义: 做, 制作
    1) The shes wn’t d fr muntain-climbing. vi.可以, 适合
    2) Practice and determinatin will d wnders. vt.创造
    3) Everything is ding well. vi.进展
    110. dwn 熟义: adv. 向下, 在下面
    I paid $1000 dwn n the car. adv.预付款(=prepayment / advance)
    111. draw 熟义: 画
    1) The ftball match between the Krean team and the American team was s wnderful that it drew a lt f peple, thugh in the end they drew the match. v.吸引; 不分胜负地结束
    2) What mral are we t draw frm the stry. v.获得, 取得, 推断出
    112. drive 熟义: v.驾驶
    Hunger drve her steal. / It drives me crazy. v.迫使某人做不好的事
    113. delicate 熟义: adj. 精巧的, 微妙的, 脆弱的
    I admired yur delicate handling f the situatin. adj.巧妙的
    114. deliver 熟义: 递送, 发表演说, 接生
    Only educatin can deliver peple frm misery. vt.解救, 拯救, 使摆脱
    115. depsit 熟义: v. 把钱存入银行
    He depsited the bk n the desk. vt.放下, 放置
    116. divrce 熟义: v. 离婚
    Yu can’t divrce science frm ethical questins. v.使分离, 使脱离
    117. easy 熟义: 容易的
    Nw we are leading an easy life. adj.舒适的, 安分的, 轻松的
    118. elect 熟义: v. 选举, 推选
    She elected t becme a lawyer. v.选择/决定做
    119. embarrass 熟义: vt. 使尴尬
    What embarrasses yur making an early start? vt.阻碍
    120. emply 熟义: v.雇佣
    The plice emplyed frce t pen the dr. v.使用, 利用
    121. engage 熟义: vt.从事
    A persnal cmputer engages his interest nw. vt.吸引
    122. escape 熟义: 逃走
    His name escaped me fr the mment. v.被忘记,一时想不起
    123. eat ne’s wrds收回前言,认错道歉(切勿望文生义,解为“食言”)
    He basted that he wuld thrw me dwnstairs; but I made him eat his wrds.
    124. entertain 熟义: vt.款待
    He entertained a belief that his sn wuld rise in the wrld. vt.怀有, 抱有
    125. example 熟义: 例子, 榜样
    Let this be an example t yu. n.警告
    126. even 熟义: adv 甚至, 更
    1) The rad wasn’t even. adj.平坦的, 平的, 平滑的
    2) Her teeth were white and even. adj.齐的, 同样的, 一致的
    3) The scre is nw even. adj.相等的, 对等的, 均等的
    4) The car went with an even mtin. adj.均匀的, 平稳的
    5) She evened the edges by trimming (清理焊缝) them. vt.弄平, 使平坦
    6) Our team evened the scre in the last minute. vt.使相等
    127.excite 熟义: vt.使激动
    The recent discveries have excited new interest amng dctrs. vt.激起
    128. excuse 熟义: n. 借口; v. 原谅
    He was excused frm pian practice. vt.免除某人的职务
    129. express 熟义: v. 表达
    1) His express wish was that yu shuld cme here by air. adj.明确的
    2) Is there an express frm Nanjing t Shanghai? n.快车
    130. encurage 熟义: vt. 鼓励, 激励
    Gd health encurages clear thinking. v.促进, 助长, 刺激
    131. enterprise 熟义: n. 公司, 企业单位, 事业单位
    He gt the jb because he shwed the spirit f enterprise. n.事业心, 进取心
    132. exit 熟义: v. 出去, 离去; n. 出口
    At the end f the third scene the actress exits. v.退场
    133. explde 熟义: v. 爆炸, 爆裂
    I’m abut t explde! He brke my vilin. v.勃然大怒, 大发雷霆
    134. explit 熟义: v. 开发, 开采, 剥削
    Yu must explit every pprtunity t learn new things. v.利用
    135. extend 熟义: 扩大, 使扩展, 使伸长
    1) He extended his hand t new emplyees. v. 伸出/舒展(手脚)
    2) I’m writing t extend my sincere gratitude t yu fr yur help. v.表达
    136. fail 熟义: 失败, 不及格
    1) Our water supply failed. 我们供水不足了。
    2) He is failing in health. / His health is failing. v.衰退, 衰弱
    3) He failed t lend her a hand. v.未能
    4) He never fails t write t his mther every mnth. 他从来不忘记每月写信给他的母亲。
    137. familiar熟义: 熟悉
    Are yu n familiar terms with Tm? adj.密切的, 亲密
    138. family熟义: 家
    Des he have any family? n.子女
    139. fan熟义: 扇子
    The famus film star has n time t deal with the fan mails. n.狂热者, 迷, 粉丝
    140. far frm 熟义: 离……远
    The shw was far frm being a failure; it was a great success. 远远不是
    141. fashin 熟义: n. 时尚, 时装
    He behaves in a peculiar fashin. n.方式
    142. fast 熟义: adj. / adv. 快的/地
    1) His tears fell fast. adv.接连不断, 快速不断地
    2) He’s fast asleep. adv. =He has a heavy sleep. adv.完全地
    3) She climbed the staircase cautiusly, hlding fast t the rail. adv.紧紧地
    142. fever 熟义: n. 发烧, 发热
    He is in a fever f her arrival. n.狂热, 高度兴奋
    143. figure 熟义: n.数字; 雕塑, 人物
    1) She figured that she wuld be next. v.认为, 想象
    2) I culdn’t figure ut what he meant. v.明白
    144. fill 熟义: v. 填满
    His answer did nt fill ur need. vt.满足
    145. find 熟义: vt.找到
    The curt fund him guilty. vt.判决

    146. fine 熟义: adj. 美好的, 很棒的, 晴朗的
    1) There’s a fine distinctin between the meanings f the tw wrds. adj.微妙的
    2) The man will get a fine if he parks the car there. n.罚款
    147. fix 熟义: v. 固定, 安装, 修理
    The extrardinary man fixed ur attentin. vt.吸引
    148. fld熟义: 洪水
    I received a fld f letters this mrning. n.大量的东西; vt.大量而来, 充满
    149. fnd 熟义: adj. 喜欢的, 慈爱的, 深情的
    Fnd parents will spil their child. adj.溺爱的
    150. frce 熟义: vt. 强迫
    The pliceman frced the knife frm the criminal’s hand. vt.夺取
    151. fr every每……就……(表示比例关系)(切勿望文生义)
    Fr every Mr. Winter, we have 5 t 10 peple that will never be given the chance that Mr. Winter was given. 我们给了温特尔先生一个(捐赠肝脏), 那么就有5至10个人得不到温特尔先生所得到的机会。
    152. fr gd永远(勿望文生义)
    She’ll sn leave Lndn fr gd. 她将永远离开伦敦。
    153. freign熟义: 外国的
    1) The subject is freign t me. adj.陌生/不熟悉
    2) Telling lies is freign t her nature. adj.和...格格不入的
    154. frm 熟义: vt.形成
    I cannt frm an pinin abut it. vt.想出
    155. free 熟义: 自由的, 有空的
    1) Mst f the rads are free f snw. adj.没有
    2) Is the way free? adj.畅通的, 无阻碍的
    156. freeze 熟义: 冻结, 冻冰
    Freeze! Drp yur arms! v.不许动, 停止走动
    157. fade 熟义: v. 褪色
    All memry f her childhd had faded frm her mind. v.逐渐消失
    158. fly 熟义: v.飞, 飞翔, 飞行 n. 苍蝇
    The children flew t meet their mther. v.疾驰, 疾行
    159. fresh 熟义: adj. 新鲜的
    She is quite fresh t ffice wrk. adj.无经验的
    160. fllw 熟义: v.跟着; 仿效
    He fllwed a legal career. v.从事(某职业); 遵循(某生活方式)
    161. gain 熟义: v. 获得,赢得
    1) Dn’t wrry. My watch gains. We still have time. v.表走的快
    2) The car gained speed gradually. vt.增加(速度或重量)
    162. game 熟义: 游戏, 比赛
    Are yu game t climb the muntain? adj.愿意(去做难而危险之事)的
    163. g 熟义: vi. 去, 变得
    1) This infrmatin ges t prve my pint. vi.对...有助
    2) It ges by electricity. vi.机器运行, 运转, 工作
    3) The sfa can g against the wall. 沙发可靠墙安放。
    4) Pink and range dn’t g. 粉红色与橘色不相配(=match)。
    5) He is getting ld and his sight is starting t g.他老了, 视力也下降了。
    164.get away with 熟义: 带着……逃跑
    The child ught t be punished. Yu shuldn’t let him get away with telling lies. (做坏事)不受惩罚
    165. get back 熟义: 回来/去, 拿回来/去
    He will get back at yu fr this. 报复
    166. get dwn 熟义: 下来, 使下来, 写下
    All this waiting and delay is really getting her dwn. 使情绪低落, 身体虚弱
    167. get dwn t (ding) 着手干某事 (勿望文生义)
    It’s time I gt dwn t marking the papers. 是我开始批改试卷的时候了。
    168. get ff 熟义: 下车, 离开, 动身
    1) I’ll have t get this letter ff by tnight. 今晚我一定得把信寄出去。
    2) I’ll pay anything yu ask if yu manage t get her ff. 如果你能使她不受惩罚,你要什么我可以给什么。
    169. get n (with)=get alng (with) 熟义: 与……相处
    Hw are yu getting n at university? 进展
    170. get thrugh 熟义: 接通(电话)
    1) He gt thrugh£300in a week. 用完
    2) Such a radical prpsal wuld never get thrugh parliament. (使)通过(考试、议案)
    3) The message was finally getting thrugh t him. 理解
    171. give away 熟义: 赠送
    Please dn’t give my secret away. 泄露(机密); 暴露(身份); 出卖(朋友)
    172. give ut 熟义: 散发(传单)等
    1) He gave ut that he was ging t America. 宣布/透露
    2) The fuel gave ut. 被用完
    3) All machines give ut eventually. 运转失灵
    4) The fire can be cmpared with the sun, and bth all give ut light and warm up. 发出(光/热)
    173. given(熟义: 被给予)
    Given the general state f his health, it may take him a while t recver frm the peratin. prep.考虑到(=cnsidering)
    174. g ut 熟义: 出去
    1) The fire went ut. 熄灭
    2) Wrd went ut that the President was dead. 公开
    175. as gd as 熟义: 与…一样好
    He as gd as said I was a liar. 差不多, 几乎
    176. make gd成功, 补偿, 赔偿(勿望文生义)
    1) All the damage has been made gd. 所有损失都已赔偿。
    2) He went t Shenzhen, where he sn made gd. 他去了深圳,在那里不久就成功了。
    177. grade 熟义: n. 年级
    1) He gt excellent grades in exams. n.分数, 等级
    2) Eggs are graded frm small t extra-large. v.分等, 给分数
    178. green 熟义: adj. 绿色的, 青的
    Greens are vital t ur health. n.(pl.) 绿色蔬菜
    179. grund熟义: 地面
    He has strng grunds fr mre mney. n.理由
    180. glare 熟义: v. 怒目而视
    The sun glared ut f the blue sky. v.发出刺眼的光
    181. gvern 熟义: v. 管理, 控制
    The law f supply and demand gverns the prices f gds. vt.影响, 支配
    182. grw up 熟义: 长大, 成熟
    A warm friendship grew up between the tw men. 逐渐发展, 形成
    183. hand 熟义: 手
    1) It’s really heavy—can yu give me a hand? n.帮助
    2) The bys have gt ut f hand. n.控制
    184. handsme 熟义: adj. 英俊的, 端庄的, 美观的
    I hpe I will get a handsme present at my birthday. adj.大方的, 慷慨的
    185. heavy 熟义: adj.重的
    1) Heavy fighting erupted there tday after a tw-day ceasefire. adj.激烈的
    2) The man’s heavy mustache hid his upper lip cmpletely. adj.浓密的
    3) My father is a heavy smker. adj.超出一般规模、数量、力量的
    4) The traffic tday is especially heavy. adj.交通拥挤的
    186. height 熟义: n. 高度, 身高
    In the height f the summer many peple chse t visit the seaside. n.顶点, 极度
    187. happen 熟义: 发生
    It happened that the new persn in the ffice was the wman he had met at the party.
    188. head 熟义: 头
    The ship was heading fr Shanghai. v.动身去
    189. help 熟义: 帮助
    There are sme things yu just can’t help but talk abut. 避免; 抑制
    190. high熟义: 高的
    1) a high wind强风 / high summer盛夏 adj.正盛的
    2) The meat has a high flavr. adj.开始有臭味的
    191. hme 熟义: 家
    The cars are made fr the hme market. adj.本国的, 国内的
    192. hld熟义: 握; 拿; 举行
    1) The case can hld all my clthes. vt.容纳
    2) His prmise still hlds. vi.有效, 适用
    193. hld n 熟义: 别挂断; 等一等
    They didn’t knw if they wuld be able t hld n until help arrived. 继续坚持做(难做之事)
    194. hld ut熟义: 伸出
    The peple f Hechuan held ut fr 36 years n the Fishing Castle. 够用; 坚持(抵抗)
    195. hit 熟义: v. 击中, 打击
    The film Her is quite a hit f this year. n.成功, 红极一时的人或事
    196. ht 熟义: adj.炎热的
    We’re waiting fr the ht news n the electin results. adj.最新的
    197. hunt 熟义: v. 猎杀, 追猎
    Please hunt the cat away frm the garden. vt.驱赶
    198. if 熟义: 如果
    If she is pr, she is hnest. cnj.即使;虽然
    199. ill 熟义: adj. 生病的
    It’s n gd speaking ill f thers. adj. / adv. 坏的/地
    200. industry熟义: n.工业
    His success was due t industry. n.努力, 勤勉
    201. immediate 熟义: adj. 立刻的,即时的
    Is there a pst ffice in the immediate neighbrhd? adj.最近的
    202. instead f熟义: 代替
    Instead f disturbing her, the news had a strangely calm effect. 不仅没有……反而
    203. institute熟义: 学院、研究所
    The gvernment instituted a cnsumer prtectin agency. vt.建立(机构、制度等); 开始执行
    204. instruct(熟义: 命令, 指示)
    I instruct yu in English. =I teach yu English. v.教, 训练
    205. intelligence 熟义: n. 智力, 脑力
    Scientist manage t get imprtant intelligence thanks t satellite.
    n.情报, 信息(尤其指有军事价值的)
    206. interest 熟义: 兴趣
    1) Dn’t lk after yur wn interests. n.利益
    2) Our family has interest in the business. n.利益, 股份
    207. disinterested adj.公正无私的(勿望文生义)
    His actin was nt altgether disinterested. 他的行为不完全公正。
    208. intrduce熟义: 介绍、引进
    The cmpany is intrducing a new family saln this year. v.初次投入使用或运作 / 采用
    He intrduced his speech with a jke. v.以... 开始
    209. invent 熟义: v. 发明
    He invented an excuse fr his being late. v.捏造, 虚构
    210. invite熟义: 邀请
    Dn’t leave the windws pen—it’s inviting thieves t enter. v.招引, 吸引
    211. irn 熟义: 铁
    Mther is irning my shirt with an electric irn. n.&v.熨斗; 用熨斗烫
    212. identify 熟义: v. 鉴定, 说明身份
    One can’t identify happiness with wealth. v.认为某事物等同于
    213. indicate 熟义: v. 表明, 显示
    I indicated that his help was nt welcme. v.暗示; 间接提及; 示意
    214. inspire 熟义: v. 激励; 鼓舞
    His best music was inspired by the memry f his mther. v.启发
    215. institutin 熟义: n. 机构
    Giving presents n Christmas is an institutin. n.由来已久的风俗习惯; 制度
    216. impress 熟义: v 给...留下印象
    He impressed the imprtance f their wrk n them. v.使意识到(重要性或严重性)
    217. jam 熟义: 果酱
    1) He jammed fur apples in his pcket. vt.塞进
    2) The accident jammed the main rad fr 2 hurs. vt.堵塞
    2) The are traffic jams every day n this rad. n.堵塞
    218. jacket n. (动物的)毛皮; 马铃薯皮; 公文套(熟义: 短上衣)
    He desn’t like eating ptates biled in their jackets.他不喜欢吃连皮煮的马铃薯。
    219. jar熟义: n. 罐子
    1) Their lud vices jar n my nerves. vi.发出刺耳声
    2) I fell frm the tree and jarred my back. vt.剧烈震动, 刺激
    220. jb 熟义: 工作
    1) Waxing the car was quite a jb. n.费力的事情
    2) He jbbed his sn int the psitin. v.假公济私
    221. Jump 熟义: 跳
    Last week the price f gds jumped. n.&vi. (大幅度)上涨
    222. just 熟义: adv. 正好; 恰好
    Yu are a just persn. adj.公正的
    223. keep熟义: vt.保持, 保留
    1) Her grandfather kept a hair dresser’s shp. vt. 经营,管理(=run)
    2) She kept her sister’s children.vt. 照顾
    3) He needs mre mney t keep his wife and children. vt.养活(=supprt)
    4) Everyne must keep the law. vt.遵守(=bserve)
    5) We keep the Spring Festival at hme. vt.庆祝
    224. key 熟义: 钥匙, 答案
    The key factr in their success is hard wrk. n.&adj. 关键(的), 关键性的人物
    225. kick n.劲头, 味道, 乐趣(熟义: 踢)
    1) The swimmer has a strng kick. 游泳运动员兴致勃勃。
    2) She gets a kick ut f driving a car at high speed. 驾驶汽车飞奔, 她感到很刺激。
    226. kid 熟义: v.小孩
    Take it easy. I’m just kidding. v.开玩笑; 欺骗
    227. kill 熟义: 杀
    1) It kills him t admit he is wrng. vt.痛得要死, 使难受之极
    2) His jke killed the audience.vt.使笑
    3) The guy fls arund all day lng, killing time. v.消磨(时间)
    228. knck 熟义: 敲, 打
    The critics kncked his latest play. vt.批评, 说……不好
    229. knw熟义: 知道, 认识
    I dn’t knw Miss Green frm Miss Smith. vt.辨认(=distinguish)
    Thse wh have nt knwn hunger can never imagine hw it feels. vt.经历(=experience)
    230. labr熟义: 劳动
    They labred thrugh the thick frest and up the steep hill. vi.费力地行走, 干苦活
    231. land 熟义: vi. 登陆, 降落
    He landed a cntract fr building a factry. vt.获得
    232. at large 逍遥自在地, 逍遥法外; 详尽地; 普遍地; 随便地(勿望文生义)
    1) The suspect is still at large. 嫌疑犯仍逍遥法外。
    2) Bys at large like games. 一般说来, 男孩喜欢运动。
    233. last 熟义: 最后的
    1) He is the last persn t tell a lie. adj.最不可能的
    2) Her hlidays were t last six weeks.v.延续
    3) The fd will last three weeks. 够用(多久)
    234. late熟义: 迟到的, 晚的
    1) She was an admirer f the late president. adj.前任的
    2) She missed her late husband very much. adj.已故的
    235. lay熟义: 放, 摆设
    1) The prisner laid an escape plan. vt.制定
    2) The fundatins f the huse are being laid tday. v.铺, 铺设
    236. learn熟义: 学习
    I learned f that yesterday. v.听到, 获悉
    237. lecture 熟义: 演讲
    My father gave me a lecture fr smking. n.&v.训斥, 教训(批评)
    238. lead n.铅(熟义: 领导, 引导, 通向)
    What led yu t think s? vt.致使
    239. lessn熟义: 课
    Pearl Harbr was a painful lessn fr the US. n.教训(不悦的经历)
    240. level 熟义: n. 水平,水平线,强度
    Nt all the parts f ur life lng jurney are level. adj.水平的, 平坦的, 同一水准的
    241. let 熟义: v. 让
    The cuple decided t let ff the smaller flat at a lwer price. v.出租
    242. let dwn熟义: 放下来
    He said he wuld be here by 12’clck, but he let us dwn. 辜负, 使失望
    243. let ut 熟义: 让……出去
    1) I’ll never tell yu anther secret if yu let this ne ut. 泄露(机密)
    2) When she saw him, she let ut a cry f hrrr. 发出(声)
    3) The huse has been let ut. 出租
    244. liberal熟义: 开明的, 自由的
    1) He is liberal with his mney. adj.慷慨的
    2) My father gave a liberal amunt f mney each week. adj. 数量大的
    245. library 熟义: n.图书馆
    Pr. Lin has a large library f bks. n.收藏, 收藏量
    246. life熟义: 生活
    The children are full f life. n.活力, 劲头
    247. nt n yur life 无论如何也不(勿望文生义)
    “D yu appreciate it?” “Nt n yur life.” 你喜欢它吗?一点也不喜欢。
    248. can’t fr the life f me 即使要我的命也不能(勿望文生义)
    I can’t fr the life f me see why yu are s annyed.我无论如何也不明白你为何如此生气。
    249. lift 熟义: n.电梯
    1) Can yu give me a lift t the statin? n.搭便车
    2) His reprt gave us a great lift.n. 鼓舞
    250. lift 熟义: v.举起
    Jan’s depressin seemed t be lifting at last. v.消散
    251. light 熟义: n.光亮; adj.浅色的, 轻的;v.点燃
    1) It’s beginning t get light. adj.有光亮的, 明亮的, 充满自然光的
    2) A smile lit up her face.v.开朗起来
    252. lively 熟义: adj.生动活泼的
    The rm is lively with children singing and dancing. adj.生气勃勃的
    253. lse 熟义: v.失去, 丢失
    Please hurry! My watch lses 10 minutes. vi.钟表慢(与gain 快)相对
    254. lt 熟义: 量, 批
    It is difficult fr us t find a parking lt utside sme shpping centers. n.作某种用途的场地
    255. in a…light 以……目光, 对……有……看法(勿望文生义)
    There was Brian, pushing the pram, and I suddenly saw him in a new light.
    那就是布莱恩, 推着童车, 突然间我对他有了新的认识。
    256. see the light一下子明白, 开窍; 问世(勿望文生义)
    He explained his reasn and then I saw the light. 他解释原因后, 我一下子就明白了。
    257. list 熟义: n.清单
    Mther listed the items she wanted t buy. v.列清单
    258. live thrugh 经历(而活下来) (勿望文生义)
    He lived thrugh the 1961 famine. 他经历了1961年的饥荒。
    259. live up t 使行为和…相符
    The WTO cannt live up t its name if it des nt include a cuntry that is hme t ne fifth f mankind. 如果WTO不包括一个占世界人口五分之一的国家, 那就名不副实。
    260. live with 接受(某局面,事实等) (勿望文生义)
    Yu must live with the fact that yu are n lnger as active as yu were.
    261. lck (熟义: 锁)
    They were lcked in each ther’s arms. v. 挽在一起, 互相揪 / 扭在一起

    262. in the lng run 长远来说, 最后(勿望文生义)
    It is difficult t save mney nw, but it is wrth it in the lng run.
    现在存钱很困难, 但从长远来讲是值得的。
    263. as / s lng as 熟义: 与……一样长
    Yu can g ut t play as lng as yu stay in the back yard. 只要
    264. lng 熟义: 长, 久
    He lnged t read the nvel by Jack Lndn. v.渴望
    265. lk up 熟义: 向上看
    1) Lk me up next time yu are in Beijing. 看望, 拜访
    2) The wrst is ver nw, and things are beginning t lk up. 好转,改善
    3) Yu can lk up and select frm existing users in the database. 查阅
    266. lk up t 尊敬(勿望文生义)
    Schl bys usually lk up t ftball players. 学生通常都很崇拜足球运动员。
    267. lk 熟义: 看
    1) She kept her lks even in her ld age. n.美貌
    2) The accusing lk in her eyes cnveyed her sense f betrayal. n.表情
    268. be lst 熟义: 被丢失
    He is lst withut his wife. 不知如何是好
    269. be lst in =lse neself in 熟义: 消在…中
    He is lst in thught / the bk. 聚精会神于, 迷上, 陷入
    27. marry 熟义: v.结婚, 与某人结婚
    This pem marries theme and style well. v.使紧密结合, 使混为一体(=cmbine)
    271. be mad abut 特别喜欢(勿望文生义)
    Sme girls are mad abut ging t dances. 有些女孩特别喜欢跳舞。
    272. majr熟义: adj. 主要的, 重大的
    I majred in English. v.主修
    273. make (熟义: 成; 使 )
    1) She will make a gd wife and mther. v.成为
    2) We at last made the party because we made the statin n time and made the train.
    等于; 搭上(车, 船) ; 赶上(会议等) ; 到达; 走了(路程)
    274. make a difference有关系, 有影响(勿望文生义)
    It des nt make a bit f difference if yu are late fr my party.如果参加我的晚会迟到, 没有一点关系。
    275. make a hit 很成功, 很受欢迎(勿望文生义)
    Alice was s happy that her byfriend made a hit with her parents.
    276. make believe 假装(勿望文生义)
    The little girl made believe she was a princess.
    287. make d with凑合用(吃) (勿望文生义)
    He did nt have a hammer, and he had t make d with a heavy rck.
    278. make gd 实现(诺言),赔偿, 改过自新, 有出息 (勿望文生义)
    All the damage has been made gd. 所有损失都已赔偿。
    279. make it 按时到达某地; 成功(勿望文生义)
    Yu can make it if yu hurry. 如果赶快点, 你会按时到达的。
    280. make f 熟义: 由……制成
    What d yu make f what he said? 对……有看法
    281. make ut 熟义: 开出发票
    1) I cannt make ut his ideas. v.理解
    2) Hw are yu making ut with Mary? 进展/相处
    3) He made ut that he had nt dne it. 装出
    282. make up 熟义: 编造
    1) They quarreled, but made up after a while. 和解
    2) We must make up the wrk we missed. 弥补
    3) Farmers make up 80 percent f the ppulatin f China. 构成(用被动时加f)
    283. make up ne’s mind 熟义: 决定, 下决心
    He made up his mind that the peple had t leave because they had cut dwn all the trees. 断言
    284. mass 熟义: 一堆, 大量
    The masses are true makers f histry. (复数) 群众
    285. match (熟义: 比赛, 火柴)
    N ne can match him in English. n. & vt.和……相比的人, 对手, 匹配
    286. mean 熟义: 意思是
    1) I had meant t g n Mnday but have stayed n. v.有……意图, 打算
    2) It’s mean f yu t eat up all the apples. adj.自私的, 卑鄙的, 吝啬的
    287. by n means完全不(勿望文生义)
    He is by n means stupid. (= at n time / n n accunt / under n circumstances)

    288. measure熟义: 量……的尺寸
    What measures were taken t prevent fires? n.措施(可数)
    289. meet v.满足(要求), 符合(要求), 应付 (熟义: 碰头, 迎接)
    I culd nt meet the bills this mnth. 这个月我入不敷出。
    290. message 熟义: n. 信息, 口信
    I’d like t see a film with a message. n.教益; 寓意
    291. might 熟义: 或许
    I sue all my might t pen the dr. n.力量, 权威
    292. mind 熟义: 介意; 心思
    Mind yur head!当心! v.当心, 注意
    293. minute 熟义: n.分钟
    1) They held a minute inspectin f the grunds. adj.微小的, 详细的, 仔细而准确的
    2) Please read thrugh the minutes first. n.会议记录
    294. mix 熟义: vt.混合
    He mixes very little with his wife’s friends. vt.交往, 来往
    295. mnitr 熟义: 班长
    The Plice had mnitred all f his phne calls. n. & v.监控(器), (电脑)显示器
    296. n 比……更不, 非常不(勿望文生义)
    He is n mre fit t be a minister than a schlby wuld be.
    他根本不适合当部长, 连小学生都不如。
    297. mve 熟义: 移动
    1) Even Father was deeply mved. v.使感动
    2) I mve that we accept the prpsal. v.提议
    298.multiply 熟义: v.乘; 繁殖
    We can multiply ur chances f success. v.成倍增加; 迅速增加
    299. narrwly adv.差点儿没; 仔细地(勿望文生义)
    One car went t fast and narrwly missed hitting the ther ne.
    300. cme near t 差一点就(勿望文生义)
    She came near t killing him. 她差点儿置他于死地。
    301. nbdy(熟义:没有人)
    “I want t be famus! I am tired f being a nbdy,” he said. n.小人物
    302. lk dwn ne’s nse at 看不起(勿望文生义)
    The Turners always lk dwn their nses at their neighbrs. 特纳家总看不起邻居。
    303. nte 熟义: n.笔记
    Learn the ntes by heart. n.台词
    304. nvel 熟义: 小说
    Jb-sharing is still a nvel cncept and it will take a while fr emplyers t get used t it. adj. 新颖的
    305. bject熟义: 宾语; 物件
    They bjected t leaving schl and ging t wrk. v.反对
    306. ccur熟义: 发生
    It did nt ccur t me that yu wuld bject. v.被想到
    307. be well / badly ff经济状况好/坏(勿望文生义)
    He is well ff, it appears, and willing t wrk fr nthing. 似乎他很富裕, 愿意白干。
    308. gd ffices 帮忙, 斡旋(勿望文生义)
    Thrugh the gd ffices f a friend, I was able t get a ticket. 在朋友的帮助下,我才弄到一票。
    309. take ffice就职(勿望文生义)
    She tk ffice at a difficult time. 她就职于困难时期。
    310. be well n in / int很晚(勿望文生义)
    Althugh it was well n in the evening, we decided t try ur luck at fishing again.
    311. at nce;(熟义: 马上)
    1) Dn’t all speak at nce! One at a time. 同时
    2) She is at nce clever and mdest. 既, 又
    312. pen 熟义: v.开; adj.开着;打开的
    They left the matter pen. adj. (问题/议事等) 未解决的
    313. perate (熟义: 动手术)
    1) The medicine began t perate at nce. vi.运转, 起作用
    2) It gained a licence t perate as a bank frm the Bank f England in 1981. vt.经营
    314. rder (熟义:命令)
    1) Have yu rdered yur meal? v.定购
    2) And let me assure yu I will use whatever frce is necessary t restre rder. n.秩序
    315. therwise 熟义: adv. 否则, 要不然
    Yu knw what it is abut. Why d yu pretend therwise? adv.在其他方面
    316. utging 熟义: adj.爱交际的, 友好的, 外向的
    The utging president Bush attended the pening ceremny f the Beijing Olympics. adj.将卸任/离职的
    317. utspken 熟义: adj.直率的, 坦诚的
    She was very utspken abut her wish t be married. adj.直言不讳的
    318. utstanding 熟义: adj.优秀的, 杰出的
    Sme f the wrk is still utstanding. adj.(款项/工作/困难等) 未支付的; 未完成的; 未决的
    319. wn 熟义: vt.拥有
    He wned the child as his daughter. vt.承认
    320. pack v.包装; 收拾行李; 挤满(熟义: 包)
    Yu g and pack yur things. 你去收拾行李吧。
    321. paragraph 熟义: n.段落
    There is a paragraph abut the accident in the lcal newspaper. n.报纸上短篇报道
    322. park 熟义: 公园
    A car park is a place where yu may park yur car. v.停车, 放置; n.停车场
    323. part 熟义: n.零件; 角色; 部分
    I hpe we’ll never part. v.分手/离
    In rder t raise mney, he had t part with sme f his mst treasured pssessins. v.放弃, 卖掉
    324. party 熟义: n.党派; 聚会
    The slutin is acceptable t bth parties. n.契约或争论的双方
    325. play a…part / rle in… 起……作用(勿望文生义)
    The wmen played an imprtant part / rle in the task. 妇女在这次任务中起了重要作用。
    326. take part in… 参与; 起……作用(勿望文生义)
    I nce tk part with him in a debate. 我曾经与他进行过辩论。
    327. pass v.经过, 通过, 过去, 度过; n.传球, 通行证, 关口 (熟义: 递给)
    1) Yu must pass yur pass t him at the pass r yu can’t pass yur summer hlidays there.
    在关口你必须把通行证递给他, 否则, 你无法去那儿度暑假。
    2) I have n idea what passed in my absence. vi.发生, 产生(=happen)
    328. bring…t pass vt. 使发生(cme t pass vi.发生) (勿望文生义)
    His wife’s death brught a change t pass in his attitude tward religin.
    329. passage 熟义: 文章
    The huse has an undergrund passage. n.通道; 走廊; 通过
    330.patient 熟义: n.病人
    Just be patient. I think yu’re next. adj.耐心的
    331. pay 熟义: 付款
    He says farming desn’t pay. 他说做农活划不来。(vi.合算)
    332. peach 熟义: n.桃子
    He has peached me and all the thers t save his life. vt.告发; vi. 告密
    333. perfrm v.履行; 执行(熟义: 表演)
    1) Perfrm yur prmise. 请说话算数。
    2) The dctr perfrmed the peratin. 医生做了手术。
    334. in persn 亲自(勿望文生义)
    Yu can cmplain t the manager in persn. 你可以亲自去向经理投诉。
    335. physical adj.身体的; 物质的; 自然的 (熟义: 物理的)
    We shuld help the peple with mental r physical disabilities.
    336. picture n.形象, 样子, 描绘; v.描绘, 想像 (熟义: 图片)
    Can yu frm a picture in yur mind f what I pictured t yu? 你能想像得出我所描述的东西吗?
    337. pick up 熟义: 拾起, 捡起
    1) Train picked up the timber wrkers wrking in the frest farm every day. 用车接人
    2) Where did yu pick up yur English? 学会, 得到(情报, 知识)
    3) Chinese fficials hpe that trade will pick up when the tw cuntries switch t hard currency. (贸易/经济)好转, 改善
    4) A gd dse f tnic will help yu t pick up. (健康)好转, 恢复
    338. pilt adj.试验性的; v.带领 (熟义:飞行员)
    If the pilt survey ges well, we’ll g int full prductin. 如果试产顺利, 我们将面推广。
    339. place n.职位, 地位, 第……名; v.放置, 安排职位 (熟义: 地方)
    She fund a place in a stre. 她在商店找到个工作。
    340. take place vi. 发生(勿望文生义)
    The wedding will take place next week. 婚礼将在下周举行。
    341. take the place f=take ne’s place接替(注意与上条的区别)
    My brther is ill and I’ve cme t take his place. 我哥病了, 我来接替他的工作。
    342. in place 在本来的地方; 适当(勿望文生义)
    I hpe yu left all the bks in the library in place. 希望你把图书馆的书放在应放置。

    343. in place f=instead f而不是(勿望文生义)
    We use chpsticks in place f knives and frks. 我们用筷子而不用刀叉。
    344. in the place f=in ne’s place处于……的情况; 代替(勿望文生义)
    What wuld yu d in my place? 如果你处于我的情况, 你怎么办?
    345. plane 熟义:飞机
    1) We felt we were living life n several different planes. n.水平, 层次(=level)
    2) The cllectr is applied in cllectin and drainage f rainwater and snw water n the plane rf. 平坦的
    346. plant 熟义:n. 植物;工厂
    My parents planted a garden at the ft f the hill. vt.种植,栽种某物
    347. platfrm 熟义:n. 平台;讲台;站台
    The platfrm f the new party attaches great imprtance t envirnmental prtectin. n. 纲领; 宣言
    348.please 熟义:请
    She des what she pleases. v.(使)高兴;愿意
    349.pcket 熟义:n.衣袋v.把……放入衣袋
    It’s simple—we buy them fr $5,sell them fr $8,and we pcket the difference.vt.侵吞;赚得
    350. plicy 熟义:n. 政策
    He tk ut a fire insurance plicy fr his huse. n.保险单,保险凭证

    351. plish 熟义:vt. 擦亮;磨光
    His essay needs plishing. vt.润色
    352. pl 熟义:n. 水池;水塘
    If we pl the idea, we may find a better slutin t the prblem. v.集中
    353. practically adv.熟义:实际上,从实际出发
    The hall was practically empty. 几乎,确实
    354.practice n.熟义:实践;练习
    Accrding t the internatinal practice, he shall be punished. n.惯例,习俗
    355. psitin 熟义:n.位置;职位
    What’s yur psitin n the prblem. n.立场,观点
    356. pssess 熟义:vt. 拥有
    A vilent anger pssessed him. vt.(感情,情绪等)支配;控制
    357. pund 熟义:n. 磅;英镑
    N ne can stand cntinuus punding n the head. n.猛击;连续重击
    358. present(熟义:n.礼物adj.现在的;到场的)
    On Teachers’ Day, students usually present flwers t the teachers. vt.介绍; 赠送; 表达
    359. press 熟义:v. 压
    He pressed her guests t stay a little lnger. vt.劝说
    360. prmise熟义: 答应
    The dark cluds prmise rain. v.有希望;可能会有
    361. n prblem熟义: 没困难
    “Culd yu help me?”“N prblem.” 愿意干;不用谢;没关系
    362. previus 熟义:adj. 先前的,以往的
    He died previus t my arrival. adj.时间上稍前的
    363. prduce 熟义:v. 生产
    Please prduce yur ticket fr inspectin. v. 拿出;出示
    364. prnunce 熟义:v.发音
    The judge prnunced against her appeal. v.判决;宣布;宣称
    365. put away熟义:收起来放好
    He puts a little away every week fr his grandsn.存储;打消;吃掉
    366. put dwn熟义:放下
    The bus stpped t put dwn the passengers.写下;镇压;让……下车
    367. put up 熟义:张贴,举起,修建
    Culd yu put me up fr the night?留……住宿
    368. ut f the questin不可能;不允许(勿望文生义)/ ut f questin 没问题
    Withut a passprt, leaving the cuntry is ut f the questin.
    369. race 熟义:vt. 和...比赛 n. 赛跑
    Race t see what is happening. v.快速移动;快速运转
    370. raise 熟义:举起,提高
    The farmer raises cws and crn. 饲养;种植;引起;招募
    371. rate 熟义:n. 比率;速度
    These ptates rate amng the best. v.对...做出评价;被评价为;被认为
    372. rather than而不是,宁愿……也不愿……
    Rather than cause truble, he left.他宁愿离去,也不愿自找麻烦。
    373. r rather更确切地(勿望文生义)
    He wrked till late last night, r rather, early this mrning.
    374. raw 熟义:adj. 材料未加工的
    These fish are ften eaten raw. adj. (食物等)生的,未煮的
    375. reach熟义:到达
    I culdn’t reach him by phne this mrning. v.伸出(手/脚等); 与……取得联系
    376. read 熟义:v. 阅读
    I didn’t read mther’s thughts at that time. v.理解;领会
    377. realize熟义:认识到
    He realized the huse.v.实现;换成现款
    378. receipt 熟义:n. 收据,收条
    I will pay the mney n receipt f the gds. n.接收,收到
    379. recver 熟义:v. 恢复健康,痊愈
    He almst fell, but succeeded in recvering himself. v.恢复;重新控制
    380. refer t熟义:指的是;提到
    The speaker ften refers t his ntes. v.查阅;归功于
    381. reflect 熟义:vt. 映出;反射;表现
    I need time t reflect n yur ffer. v.沉思,思考(与n/upn 连用)
    382. refresh 熟义:vt 使恢复精力
    Her wrds refreshed my memry. vt.提醒,提示,使想起
    383. refreshments 熟义:使感到清新的东西
    The hstess served refreshments after the tennis match. 茶点/饮料
    384. relate 熟义:v. 与...有关;相关
    I related my adventure t my family. v.讲述
    385. religin 熟义:n. 宗教
    Tennis is a religin with Jhn. n.特别的兴趣
    386. remain 熟义:剩下
    The dr remains clsed. v.(继续)保持;(继续)存在
    387. remember熟义:记得
    Please remember the waiter.v.记得给小费
    388. remte 熟义:adj. 偏远的,偏僻的
    He is a remte relative f mine. adj.关系较远的,远亲的
    388. repair 熟义:v./n. 修理
    Hw can I repair the damage I have caused? v.补救,弥补
    389. rest 熟义:v./n. 休息
    1) She rested her head n his shulder. v. 把...靠在...上
    2) Its success rested n the labr f half a millin slaves. v. 依靠,依赖
    390. respect 熟义:v./n. 尊敬;敬意
    He has n respect fr the feelings f thers. n. 重视;尊重;维护
    391. result in引起(注:result frm因……而产生)
    The accident resulted in three deaths.
    392. return熟义:回来;归还
    D yu want a single r a return?n.来回车票
    393. review 熟义:vt. 复习
    She reviewed what had happened. vt.回顾
    394. rund 熟义:prep./adv. 环绕,围着;圆形的
    We are lsing the game in the last rund due t ur cmplacency. n. 回合,局;轮,场
    395. run 熟义:跑
    1) Teach me hw t run the business.经营 / 管理
    2) He is running fr gvernr. 竞选
    3) He is always running after smething, hping fr smething. 追赶; 追求,努力获得
    4) The machine runs well. 运转
    396. run ut熟义:从……跑出去
    All ur supply f fd has run ut. 用完
    397. safe 熟义:adj. 安全的
    He is a safe man. Yu can cunt n him. adj. 谨慎的,不冒险的
    398. the salt f the earth 非常正派、诚实的人(勿望文生义)
    Yur grandmther is the salt f the earth.你祖母是个很诚实的人。
    399. at the same time熟义:同时
    It cst a lt f mney. At the same time, I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful. 尽管如此;但是
    400. satisfy 熟义:使满意
    1) The cld water satisfied ur thirst.消除/缓解
    2) He satisfied me that he culd d the wrk well.使确信
    3) There are three main cnditins yu must satisfy if yu wish t be a member f this club. 符合

    401. save 熟义:挽救
    1) They are saving fr a huse.储蓄; 节省
    2) Will yu save me a seat n the bus?留给(某人)
    402. Yu said it!我同意你的意见(勿望文生义)
    —Let’s g hme.
    —Yu said it. I’m t tired nw.
    403. say 熟义:vt. 说
    1) Say that war breaks ut, what will yu d? vt.假定
    2) Her passprt says he is nineteen. vt.(书面材料或可见的东西) 提供信息, 指示
    404. scene熟义:风景,场景
    If yu dn’t sit dwn and stp making a scene, I’m leaving. 吵架
    405. schlarship 熟义:n. 奖学金
    A writer with great schlarship can achieve great success. n.学问,学识;学术成就
    406. screen(熟义:屏幕)
    The curtain screened ut sunlight. vt.保护; n.纱窗/筛子
    407. secnd 熟义:第二
    1) Mrs. Smith prpsed the vte f thanks, and Mr. Jnes secnded. v. 随声附和
    2) He raised a prpsal that is secnded by few. v.赞成
    408. see熟义:看见
    1) The next years saw a series f bad harvests.vt.(在某段时期) 发生
    2) This century has seen t many wars. vt.经历; 有...的经验;体验
    409. see ut(熟义:送某人出门)
    I dn’t like the curse but I’ll see it ut. (耐着性子)进行到底
    410. see t处理;负责(做);照顾(勿望文生义)
    I’ll have t see t the windw—the wd is rtten. 我得弄一下这窗户———这木头都烂了。
    411. seeing cnj.既然;考虑到(勿望文生义)
    We culd have a jint party, seeing(that)yur birthday is the same day as mine. (=cnsidering / prviding that)
    412. seize 熟义:vt. 抓住;强夺
    I culdn’t seize the meaning f his remarks. vt.掌握,把握
    413. set 熟义:adj.确定的;v.放置;确定;n.一套
    1) Are yu all set fr the jurney?adj.准备好;可能 (你们都为这次旅行准备好了吗?)
    2) She is having her hair set fr the party. v.做头发
    414. shall aux.v.(在官方文件中用)表示“规定”(熟义:将)
    All payments shall be made by the end f the year.所有帐目务必在年底付清。(区别于shuld)
    415. sharp 熟义:adj. 锋利的,锐利的
    I felt a sharp pain in my stmach. adj.剧烈的,猛烈的
    416. sht 熟义:v. 射中,射击
    1) The trees give ut new shts in spring. n.嫩芽,新枝
    2) sht a picture / vide v.拍照/录像
    417. sht up 迅速增长(勿望文生义)
    Yur sn’s really sht up since we last saw him.从我们上次见到他之后,你儿子像射箭一般地长高了许多。
    418. a big sht 重要人物(勿望文生义)
    His father is a big sht in the steel industry. 是钢铁工业部门重要人物。
    419. shulder 熟义:n. 肩膀
    Yung peple shuld learn t shulder the duty / blame. vt.承担
    420. simply 熟义:adv. 仅仅;只不过
    It is simply wnderful t see yu! adv.(强调某说法)确实,简直
    421. sink 熟义:v. 下沉;沉没
    Price are sinking slwly. v.下降,降低 ~(dive v.快速下降)
    422. smebdy prn.有一定地位的人物(熟义:某人)
    He is smebdy in his twn but he is nbdy here.
    423. smehw adv. 熟义: 以某种方式
    Smehw he is afraid f her. 也不知道是什么原由;不知道怎么搞的
    424. smething f 可以说是一个(勿望文生义)
    He is smething f a liar. 他不太老实。
    425. the life and sul关键人物;中心人物(勿望文生义)
    He’s such a gd jke teller;he is the life and sul f any party.
    426. sul 熟义:n. 灵魂
    Hardly a sul is seen in the village. n. 人
    427. sund adj.熟义:n.声音;v.听起来
    1) The bdywrk’s sund but the engine needs repairing. (机器、身体等)没有毛病的
    2) It is imprtant t have a sund bdy. adj. 健康的
    3) My wife is a sund sleeper. adj. 酣睡的
    428. spare 熟义:adj.空闲的
    1) He’s a very busy man, and it’s gd f him t spare the time t visit us. v.抽出;匀出
    2) He spared the prisner.v.饶恕;放过
    429. spring 熟义:春天;泉水;弹簧
    Fast fd restaurants are springing up all ver the twn. v.猛然跳起;涌出
    430. stamp 熟义:n. 邮票
    He stamped his feet in anger v.跺脚,顿足
    431. stand 熟义:站立
    1) I can’t stand waiting any lnger.v.忍受
    2) The rder still stands.v.仍然有效
    3) As things nw stand, we shall win.v.保持原状
    432. stand fr熟义:代表
    The teacher wuld nt stand fr such behavir.容忍(常用于否定句)
    433. stand up 熟义:站起来
    Jane cried when Bill std her up n their first date. 对……失约
    434. start 熟义:v. 开始;发动;开创
    He started up frm his seat. v. 猛然跳起来;突然移动
    435. state熟义:州;状态
    They gave him five minutes t state his views. v.陈述;说明
    436. statin熟义:站,台,所,局
    A PLA unit is nw statined at Hng Kng. vt.驻扎
    437. steal 熟义:v. 偷
    He stle a glance f her in the mirrr. v.快速或偷偷地取得
    438. strength 熟义:n. 力气
    Math is nt my strength. 强项
    439. strike熟义:打击;袭击;罢工
    It struck me that he was nt telling the truth.v.突然想到(=ccur t)
    440. study熟义:学习;研究
    He has a beautiful small ld wden study. n.书房
    441. subject 熟义:主题;科目
    1) The subjects f this experiment were all men aged 18-25. n.(实验中)被试者
    2) These areas are subject t strng winds. adj.易遭受...的
    442. succeed熟义:成功)
    1) He will succeed Fley as speaker f the Huse. v.接替
    2) Jim has just succeeded a large frtune frm his uncle. v.继承
    443. surprise 熟义:v./n. 使惊讶,惊奇
    Our trps surprised the enemy in the midnight. v.出其不意地袭击或出现
    444. suppse=suppsing cnj.倘若(熟义:猜想;料想)
    Suppse it rains, what shall we d?假如下雨,我们怎么办?
    445. sympathy 熟义:n. 同情
    Annie’s sympathies lie firmly with the wrkers. n.赞同,支持
    446. swear t 熟义:v. 宣誓 (t d)
    I wuld swear t having met him smewhere.
    =I wuld swear t it that I had met him smewhere. v. 断言;肯定;保证
    447. take up 开始学习(某课程);从事(某活动)(熟义:占(时间/空间)
    He drpped medicine and tk up physics.他弃医从理。
    448. team 熟义:n. 队,组
    Wuld yu like t team up with us? v.(与某人)一起工作,合作
    449. tell熟义:告诉;讲述
    1) Gd teaching will always tell. 起作用;产生效果
    2) He culdn’t tell which huse it was. vt.判断/区分
    3) She cracked a smile that tld her jy. v.显示,显露
    450. thrugh 熟义:adj. 彻底的,完全的
    She is a very thrugh wrker. adj.做事深入细致的

    451. ticket 熟义:n. 票
    The new driver gt a ticket fr speeding. n.罚单,罚款单
    452. tie 熟义:vt. 栓,系
    They tied with the visiting team in the game. vi. 打成平手
    453. in time熟义:及时
    Dn’t wrry—I’m sure things will get better in time. 经过一段时间之后;最后
    454. tip 熟义:小费;尖端;梢
    Here is a useful tip n hw t deal with nline friends. n.点子;主意;劝告;情报
    455. tuch 熟义:n./v. 接触
    1) I feel a tuch f tenderness frm mm’s wrds. n. 少许,微量
    2) Vegetables were tuched by the frst(霜冻). vt. 害到,伤害
    456. treat 熟义:vt. 对待;处理;治疗
    1) Her sn’s visit are a great treat fr her. n.(难得的)乐事
    2) It’s my treat this time. n.请客,款待
    457. turn t熟义:翻到;转到;变成
    They always turned t me when they were in truble.找(某人寻求帮助等);求助于
    458. in turn 熟义:依次;轮流
    Thery is based n practice and in turn serves practice. 反过来
    459. twist 熟义:v. 使弯曲变形
    The river twisted tward the sea. v. (道路,河流等)曲折,蜿蜒
    460. travel 熟义:v./n. 旅行
    The news traveled fast. v. 以某速度传播
    461. understand 熟义:vt. 理解
    I understand that yu are planning t g t Africa. vt. 知悉,了解, 据闻
    462. unifrm 熟义:n. 制服
    The bxes are unifrm in weight. adj.相同的,一致的
    462. undertake 熟义:v. 承担;采取;从事
    I can’t undertake that yu will make a prfit. v.承诺;允诺;答应
    463. under way 在进行(勿望文生义)
    Plans t save the by are under way. 挽救那个男孩的计划正在进行中。
    464. vain 熟义:adj. 徒劳的,没结果的 (in vain)
    She is vain f her beauty. adj. 虚荣的;自视过高的
    465. vehicle 熟义:n. 交通工具
    We must find ut the vehicle f the disease at first. n.媒介;载体
    466. vte 熟义:投票
    I vte(that)we g hme. v.建议(口语)
    467. walk 熟义:v./n. 行走,步行
    This sciety welcmes peple frm all walks f life. n.行业
    468. wander 熟义:v. 漫游,游荡,漫步 (arund / abut)
    1) Dn’t wander frm the pint. v.离开原处或正道
    2) Her thughts wandered back t her yuth. v.走神;神志恍惚;思想开小差
    469. give way 崩溃;让步(勿望文生义)
    The thin ice gave way under the skater.薄冰在滑冰者的脚下崩裂了。
    470. wear 熟义:穿,戴
    1) His clthes began t wear. v.磨坏
    2) Yu’ll find this material wn’t wear. v.经磨; 耐用
    3) The girl always wears a happy smile. vt.表露
    4) The ld man wears a heavy beard. v.留;蓄
    471. weigh 熟义:v. 称...的重量;重达
    Please weigh the advantages and disadvantages f ding this. v.权衡;斟酌
    472. weight 熟义:n. 重量
    Hw much weight will be attached t his decisin? n.分量;重要性
    473. well ff 有钱;富裕(勿望文生义)
    His parents are quite well ff; they have just bught him a new car fr his birthday.
    474. while 熟义:当…时候;而
    1) While there is life, there is hpe. cnj.只要
    2) While she is a likeable girl, she can be difficult t wrk with. cnj.尽管
    475. will 毅力;遗嘱(熟义:将)
    1) His irn will frced us nt t give up. n.意志;意志力
    2) What did it say in the will. n.遗嘱
    476. with 熟义:prep. 与..., 以...
    With mre mney I wuld be able t buy it. prep. 若是
    477.wrk 熟义:n.工作,(书/画/音乐)作品
    1) Yes, I think yur plan will wrk. v.起作用
    2) The yung man wrked a large farm. vt.管理
    478. wrkshp 熟义:n. 车间;工场
    I attended an educatinal wrkshp nt lng ag. n.讲习班,研讨班
    479. wrk ut 熟义:算出;制定出
    1) Things will wrk ut if yu have patient. 得到圆满解决;进行情况(好/……)
    2) I can’t wrk ut the meaning f this pem. 理解
    480. whip 熟义:n. 鞭子 v 抽打,拍打
    She whipped it int her pcket. v.突然拿、取、移动
    481. wicked 熟义:adj. 邪恶的,恶劣的,缺德的
    Dave used t be a wicked child when he was yung. adj.淘气的,顽皮的
    482. wit 熟义:n. 智力,才智
    His remarks if filled with wits. n.风趣,妙语
    483. wrap 熟义:n. /vt. 包,裹
    Mind yu wrap up well if yu g ut. n.围巾,披肩
    484. yield 熟义:n. 产量,收益 v. 生产,出产
    I wuld rather die than yield. vi. 让步,屈服,投降
    485. yard 熟义:n. 院子,庭院;场院
    Can yu still buy clth by the yard in Britain? n. 码(1码 = 3英尺 = 36英寸 ≈ 0.914米)

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