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    Interested in writing,phtgraphy r current events?Lking fr an experience t inspire yur cllege essays?Or hping t explre a wrld-class city with new friends this summer?If s,check ut the Bstn University Summer Jurnalism Academy.It's a prgram created and run by Bstn University,where high schl students:
    Learn frm award-winning,wrking jurnalists—including tw wh have shared in Pulitzer Prizes fr their reprting.
    Reprt n actual events arund Bstn r yur hmetwn.
    Place stries with Bstn's Daily Free Press,ne f the tp cllege newspapers.
    Imprve their writing,interviewing,and research skills—applicable fr any majr and career.
    The academy ffers tw ptins:an n-campus,residential prgram ver three weeks fr students with jurnalism experience,and a learn-frm-hme prgram ver tw weeks fr all experience levels.Fr students interested in phtgraphy,we ffer a special phtjurnalism track fr bth.Every ptin is rganized in three sectins:
    Classrm starts each day with a review f jurnalism fundamentals in a cllegiate frmat.A university-level jurnalism textbk prvides daily readings and writing assignments.
    Newsrm prvides time fr students t apply what they learn in the Classrm t hands-n jurnalism assignments.Over the rest f their day,students cnduct interview s and gather infrmatin.
    Guest Talks ffer students advice and insight frm jurnalism experts in tpics such as radi reprting and studying jurnalism in cllege.Sessins feature a Guest Talk during each three-week sessin frm jurnalism experts.Students als visit city newsrms t hear frm famus reprters.
    Applicatins fr the n-campus sessin June 24 t July 12 are due:April 19.Applicatins fr learn-at-hme sessins starting June 17,July 1 and July 15 are due:May 10.
    On Campus,residential:Three weeks,including tuitin (学费),activity fees,rm and bard:$ 6,200.($400 discunts fr Early Bird applicants by Mar 8!)
    Learn-frm-Hme:Tw weeks,tuitin:$ 1,500.($ 200 discunts fr Early Bird applicants by Mar 8!)
    1.In the prgram,participants can ______ .
    A. develp their interviewing skills
    B. finish their cllege essays with help
    C. get inspiratin frm retired jurnalists
    D. publish stries in Bstn fficial website
    2.If ne chses t learn in n-campus prgram,ne needs t ______ .
    A. pay at mst $1,500B. apply befre May 10
    C. have jurnalism experienceD. have knwledge in phtgraphy
    3.What will the three sectins prvide fr participants? ______
    A. Advice and insight frm tp phtgraphers.
    B. Reviews f reading and writing fundamentals.
    C. A weekly talk with leading jurnalism experts.
    D. Chances t put jurnalism knwledge int practice.
    As mst f yu knw,the first year f university is always the hardest t adapt t.The additin f taking care f yurself,making new friends,learning hw t get arund campus,and schl can smetimes be t much t bear.
    I wuld like t attend medical schl after my fur-year undergraduate.It is well-knwn that medical schls are very cmpetitive and require extremely high marks.I had always knwn that I was meant fr medical schl and wrked hard all thrughut high schl.I engaged in life sciences and knew that I wanted t d a duble majr in neurscience (神经科学) and psychlgy,but f curse,I wasn't s fnd f the precnditins t get t that stage.I had t take math and physics in my first year.
    S after the chke I call the first term,I lked back n my grades and fund that I had never seen numbers like this befre.I really didn't even think they were pssible.I had heard that medical schls liked t see an upward trend,s I was discuraged and hurt,but tried nt t think abut it.Having yur grades taken away frm yu when that was all yu had was a huge thing I had t vercme—I defined my wrth by hw "smart " I was and getting past that mindset was the hardest thing I've ever dne.
    After I saw my grades,I realized the mistake I made taking a bunch f unnecessarily challenging curses.At the end f my secnd term,my grades weren't as high as I wanted them t be,but I accepted it.I knew that there were reasns fr the differences between individuals,but I still saw a huge imprvement in my marks frm the first term.I had enjyed my time in my secnd term and even thugh I wasn't where I wanted t be,it had nthing t d with my place in the university.It was very eye-pening and taught me what I needed t d in rder t achieve MY best—nt what everyne else cnsidered t be the best.
    I'm nw taking a summer schl curse and my marks are incredibly better than what I was getting during my first year f schl.Thugh I had a rugh start,I'm sure my lessns and new attitude will carry me much farther than just t medical schl.
    4.The authr wanted t take a duble majr because she ______ .
    A. liked the tw majrs better
    B. was preparing herself fr her gal
    C. tried t prve her academic ability
    D. decided t challenge herself in university
    5.Hw did the authr feel when reviewing her grades after the first term? ______
    A. Satisfied.B. Surprised.C. Calm.D. Angry.
    6.In the secnd term,the authr ______ .
    A. accepted the grades and did nthing
    B. tried t learn mre necessary curses
    C. viewed learning frm a different angle
    D. fcused n learning medical knwledge
    7.What can we learn frm this passage? ______
    A. A fresh start leads t mre challenges.
    B. Hard wrk will pay ff sner r later.
    C. Stick t yur plan and yu will succeed.
    D. Prper adjustment will take yu farther.
    Baleen whales play a vital rle in ecsystems.T cmmunicate acrss vast distances and find each ther,baleen whales depend critically n the prductin f sunds that travels far in dark ceans.Hwever,since whale sngs were first discvered mre than 50 years ag,it remained unknwn hw baleen whales prduce their cmplex vcalizatins (发音).
    A new study in the jurnal Nature reprts that baleen whales develped unique structures in their larynx (喉) that enable their lw-frequency vcalizatins,but als limit their cmmunicatin range.The study was led by vice scientists Prfessr Cen Elemans and Prfessr Tecumseh Fitch."The tthed whales and baleen whales were initially land animals that had a larynx serving tw functins:prtecting the airways and sund prductin.Hwever,their switching t living in the water placed new and strict demands n the larynx t prevent chking underwater," says Tecumseh Fitch.
    The study shws that baleen whales nevertheless can still prduce sund with their larynx,but they have develped new structures t d s,which nly exists in baleen whales."This is prbably t keep a rigid pen airway when they have t mve huge amunts f air in and ut during explsive surface breathing," states Fitch."We fund that this U-shaped structure pushes against a big fatty cushin (垫) n the inside f the larynx.When the whales push air frm their lungs past this cushin,it starts t shake and this generates very lw frequency underwater sunds," says Elemans.
    T understand hw muscle activity culd change the calls,the researchers built a cmputatinal mdel f the entire whale larynx.The mdel predicted the natural vcalizatins f the whales very well.Hwever,these newly discvered features that allwed whales t successfully cmmunicate in the vast ceans als pses huge physilgical (生理的) limits fr many baleen whales.Cmbining experiments and mdels,the researchers prvide the first evidence that baleen whales are physilgically incapable f escaping nise caused by humans,because it cvers up their vices,and thus limits their cmmunicatin range."Unfrtunately,the main frequency and depth f man-made nise caused by shipping traffic cver the frequency range and maximum cmmunicatin depth f100 meters that we predicted," Elemans says.
    The first vice recrdings f a certain whale sng by Rger and Katy Payne in1970 attracted glbal interest in sea cnservatin effrts.The Payne's made peple aware hw quiet the seas were befre humans started the widespread use f machine ships.Elemans adds: "Cmpared t the seventies,ur ceans are nw even mre filled with human-made nise,which affects the whales,because they are dependent n sund fr cmmunicatin.Nw we shw that despite their amazing physilgy,they literally cannt escape the nise humans make in the ceans."
    8.What can we knw abut baleen whales' vcalizatin system? ______
    A. Their airways are clsed during explsive surface breath.
    B. Their larynx has difficulty preventing chking underwater.
    C. Their vcalizatin system changed when they were land animals.
    D. Their fatty cushin shakes t make lw frequency underwater sunds.
    9.The researchers' experiments and mdels shw that ______ .
    A. baleen whales are incapable f recgnizing humans' nise
    B. the muscle activity is related t the vcalizatins f the whales
    C. human-made nises disturb baleen whales' cmmunicatin range
    D. the bdily features in baleen whales limit their cmmunicatin depth
    10.What can we infer frm the last paragraph? ______
    A. Sea cnservatin effrts used t be better than nw.
    B. The special structure prtects Baleen whales frm nises.
    C. Actins shuld be taken t regulate human activities at sea.
    D. The applicatin f technlgy cntributes t sea cnservatin.
    In 1992,Edward de Bn argued that "creativity is the mst imprtant human resurce f all." But might cmputers have the capacity t be creative?Culd artificial intelligence utperfrm us in even the mst human f phenmena?These questins have mved t the frefrnt f sciety with the launch f ChatGPT and DALL-E,tw pwerful deep learning mdels capable f creating art.
    Where human creativity cmes frm is a cmplex and heavily-debated tpic.One thery suppses that creativity emerges frm slving prblems in new ways.The game designer Mark Rsewater explains that "if yu use the same neural pathways,yu get t the same answers,and with creativity,that's nt yur gal."But studies frm the University f Virginia suggest humans mst default (默认)t slving prblems by building n knwn slutins,restricting riginality.Sme neurscientists prpse anther thery regarding creativity.Research frm the University f Calgary reveals that when being creative,humans dn't use the same brain regins assciated with thught and prblem-slving,implying that creativity is primarily an uncnscius prcess.Accrding t this thery,the brain slves prblems best when nt directly fcusing n them using the frntal lbe (前额叶),instead letting the ther parts f the brain take ver.
    currently emulate (仿真) the full cmplexity f the human mind.D these deep learning netwrks even have the required cmpnents that we use when we are creative?Duglas Hfstadter explains hw "emergent phenmena," such as creativity,crrespnd t cnnectins between levels within mental systems.Similar cnnectins culd exist in artificial neural netwrks,even if the mechanics differ.Fr example,mdern artificial intelligence emplys attentin circuits that may cause it t behave similarly t the frntal lbe where mst f the brain's fcusing tendencies cme frm.
    The emergent nature f creativity pens the dr fr similar tendencies in machines,but they are tuned s carefully t cpy existing ideas that it may nt be enugh fr true 's thery n creativity suggests that fr be creative,it shuld be able t slve prblems in new ways,which is difficult because based s heavily n already existing ideas.Alternatively,if creativity is an uncnscius prcess as the University f Calgary research suggests,then it ccurs mstly utside the frntal lbe and may nt exist in machine learning netwrks.Either way,current lacks the capacity fr genuine creativity and riginality,but it can cmbine existing ideas in interesting ways.
    The questin f machine creativity has repercussins in many areas,such as develping law regarding ,cnsidering in art cntests,and determining the use f ChatGPT as a tl fr schl assignments.Creativity may be,at least fr nw,a unique human quality.Cmputers are nt yet starting revlutinary artistic mvements,but they are already cmbining what exists int smething new,challenging us t lk deeper int ur wn creativity.
    11.Abut the surce f human creativity,research frm the University f Calgary discvers that ______ .
    A. human creativity heavily relies n the existing ideas
    B. dealing with prblems helps develp human creativity
    C. being creative is clsely related t certain brain regins
    D. human creativity is a prcess that happens autmatically
    12.The authr wuld prbably agree that ______ .
    A. effrts shuld be put int the study f human creativity
    B. creativity can be attained cnsciusly n mst ccasins
    C. better than humans in sme areas at present
    D. humans need machines t be mre creative in varius areas
    13.What des the underlined wrd "repercussins" in Paragraph 5 prbably mean? ______
    A. Influences.B. Objectins.C. Dubts.D. Causes.
    14.Which wuld be the best title fr the passage? ______
    A. Cmputing Creativity:Is it a gd thing?
    B. Cmputing Creativity:Can it be pssible?
    C. Human Creativity:Why des human develp it?
    D. Human Creativity:Hw can human create?
    Everyne carries a shield (屏障).Our shields prtect what we dn't want thers t see,frm ur embarrassing secrets t ur unpredictable feelings.(1) ______ But the prblem is that shields can becme heavy burdens—easy t put n yet difficult t remve—with terrible effects.
    Since shields encurage us t hide negative parts f urselves,we can start t believe that we aren't wrth shwing.We might fear hw ur friends will judge ur struggles r hw ur families will view ur ambitins.(2) ______
    Hwever,we have t remember that we aren't perfect,nr shuld we expect t be.We need t find and cure the wunds underneath ur shields,but that means we have t let dwn ur guard.We may even have prblems we haven't admitted t urselves.(3) ______ Even if it seems insignificant,every prblem shuld be acknwledged befre it grws.Befre being cured,we must knw that we need t be cured,and be kay with admitting that.
    Knwing this takes bravery and patience,s it'll be hard.(4) ______ Yet asking fr help means admitting ur prblems t smebdy else—it means letting them see what's behind ur shields.T make it easier,we can reveal urselves t smebdy clse t us wh we trust will understand us and prvide persnal supprt.Or,if we fear judgement,we can pen up t smene distant but knwledgeable,such as a cunsellr r a help line.N matter what,we can find help when we begin searching.
    ( 5) ______ We can be mre frgiving f faults s we can becme cmfrtable with urs and encurage thers t fllw.Mst imprtantly,we can let peple knw that we are willing t listen and help and make it easier t let dwn ur shields.
    A.This is nt a bad thing.
    B.We need t be understd.
    C.We shuldn't expect t d any f it withut help.
    D.In shrt,we have the pwer t change this phenmenn.
    E.Hence we decide t hide urselves underneath ur masks.
    F.If yu can't trust yur partner,it wn't be easy t let them in.
    G.Maybe we're hiding smething frm a friend r scared t admit an errr.
    15.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    It was my first day f high schl,and it was my first day f schl in a new city.There was nly ne thing n my mind:what t wear.A gd image is everything,s it was imprtant fr me t (1) ______ the peple wh I wuld spend the next fur years with.
    Fr the first time in my life,I thught abut hw cnvenient it wuld be t wear the schl unifrm.After carefully selecting,I emerged prudly in a patterned dress.An hur later,I felt (2) ______ as I stepped ff the bus and headed tward rm 1136.But as I turned the crner int my first class,my jaw drpped t the flr.
    Sitting at her desk was Mrs.Hutfilz,my English teacher,( 3) ______ the exact same dress as I.I kept my head dwn and tipted t my seat,but the first day meant intrductins in frnt f the whle class,and sn enugh it was my(4) ______ .I made it thrugh my minute speech,until Mrs.Hutfilz std up,jkingly adding that she liked my (5) ______ .Althugh this was the mment I had been wrrying frm the mment I walked in,all the (6) ______ that had increased surprisingly melted away;the students wh had previusly been staring at their phnes (7) ______ their heads as I shared my stry.My smile grew as I laughed with my peers,ending my speech with "And I am very stylish,much like my first perid (8) ______ ." After class,I stayed behind and talked t Mrs.Hutfilz,sharing my previus wrry abut cming int a new schl and city.I was (9) ______ t make a humrus and genuine cnnectin with my first teacher,ne that wuld cntinue fr the rest f the year.
    While my first perid f high schl may nt have gne exactly the way I thught it wuld,it certainly made the day (10) ______ in the best way,and taught me that Mrs.Hutfilz has an awesme sense f style!
    20.A. impressB. surpriseC. pleaseD. encurage
    21.A. shyB. luckyC. freeD. pwerful
    22.A. preparingB. wearingC. hidingD. designing
    23.A. turnB. chanceC. rewardD. slutin
    24.A. writingB. styleC. speechD. vice
    25.A. happinessB. cnfidenceC. bredmD. anxiety
    26.A. nddedB. buriedC. raisedD. tuched
    27.A. neighbrB. peerC. teacherD. friend
    28.A. relievedB. nervusC. patientD. embarrassed
    29.A. unpredictableB. unfrgettableC. unbearableD. unchangeable
    30.A Released n Aug 30,2023,a three-episde web series (1) ______ ( title)Escape Frm the British Museum has becme ppular nline fr its tuching and innvative stry.The series fllws the jurney hme f a Chinese jade teapt that has cme t life as a girl.She runs away frm the British Museum and cmes acrss a Chinese jurnalist (2) ______ helps the artifact (文物) return t China.The series aims t raise brader awareness f Chinese artifacts that (3) ______ (keep) abrad.
    B In America,peple use bth "fall" and "autumn" t describe the (4) ______ (three) seasn f the year.Accrding t Dictinary.cm,these tw wrds were first dcumented within a few (5) ______ ( century).The perid between summer and winter was called "harvest"(6) ______ ld English.This wrd has Germanic rigins highlighting the act f gathering and preserving crps befre winter.In the 1500s,English speakers (7) ______ ( begin) referring t the seasn between cld and warm mnths as the "fall f the leaf" which later shrtened t "fall".
    C Wake up early enugh and prbably yu (8) ______ ( hear) a pleasant chrus f birds.This early singing can start as early as 4 last fr several hurs.Birds d it (9) ______ ( attract) mates and warn ther birds t avid their place.One thery as t (10) ______ they chse the early mrning t cmmunicate these imprtant messages is that the lw visibility makes it hard t d ther bird activities,like searching fr fd.Keeping their activity level lw,they chse t sing instead.
    31.I always wanted t be like explrers Marc Pl r Ibn Battuta.They traveled the wrld with curisity and a desire t share with thers the marvels they discvered.They had n Internet,guidebks,scial media,blgs,vlgs,reviews,r slideshws.And with s much infrmatin available,hw can ne pssibly be like these travel writing pineers?
    The answer may shck yu as it did my travel jurnalism students.I plan nthing in advance except fr a place t stay and let the place reveal itself t me n its wn terms.And hw des that wrk ut?I have cntributed t 130 internatinal publicatins with articles abut what I discvered.
    I d nt recmmend this apprach t everyne.But what I d suggest is that yu give up yur desire t have everything planned in advance,and that yu stp bsessing abut all the trip details and trying t make it a perfect trip.Whether yu are traveling with a tur grup,friends,family,r sl,leave unstructured time,s magic can happen.
    Many peple I knw apprach travel like a jb,and a stressful ne at that.They want t make sure they cver all the bases and dn't miss anything.But in my pinin,they cpy what thers have dne befre them and check each site ff n a list.
    S hw d yu make yur trip unique?I call it slw travel.It's nt just abut slwing dwn.Instead f running frm place t place,yu lk arund yu,yu take yur envirnment in,yu ntice things that perhaps n ne has ever nticed befre.Yu can start talking t peple.Randm peple yu meet and talk t are a key element yu cannt plan fr.They may tell yu abut places and events that will enrich yur trip.They give yu lcal insider tips.They may even accmpany yu r invite yu t jin them fr an experience.They have enriched every trip I have taken.And the mre yu talk t peple—even if yu are shy—the mre yu develp the self-cnfidence t d mre f it.And then yu are really in the present,having an experience that is uniquely yurs.
    (1) Why des the authr's way f travelling shck her students? ______
    (2) What des the authr think f mst peple's way f travelling? ______
    (3) Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement,then underline it and explain why. ______
    Yu can make yur trip unique by making a detailed plan,nticing new things in the place and meeting lcal peple t experience lcal life. ______
    (4) Besides slw travel,in what ther aspect(s) in ur life d yu think we shuld slw dwn?Why?( In abut 40 wrds) ______
    32.假设你是高三年级学生李华,近期你的社区将举办一次以"未来社区(Future Cmmunity)"为主题的设计展,你的作品也在展览之列,请你发邮件邀请你的英国朋友Jim 参观展览,内容包括:
    (1)词数100 左右;
    Dear Jim,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第五段Imprve their writing,interviewing,and research skills—applicable fr any majr and career.(提高他们的写作、采访和研究技能——适用于任何专业和职业。)可知在项目中,参与者可以锻炼自己的采访技能。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第六段The academy ffers tw ptins:an n-campus,residential prgram ver three weeks fr students with jurnalism experience,and a learn-frm-hme prgram ver tw weeks fr all experience levels.(该学院提供两种选择:为有新闻经验的学生提供为期三周的校内住宿课程,以及为所有经验水平的学生提供为期两周的在家学习课程。)可知如果一个人选择在校内学习,他需要有新闻工作经验。故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第七段A university-level jurnalism textbk prvides daily readings and writing assignments.(大学新闻学教科书提供日常阅读和写作作业);第八段Newsrm prvides time fr students t apply what they learn in the Classrm t hands-n jurnalism assignments.(《新闻编辑室》为学生提供了时间,让他们将在课堂上学到的知识应用到实际的新闻作业中。)以及第九段Students als visit city newsrms t hear frm famus reprters.(学生们还参观城市新闻编辑室,听取著名记者的报道。)可知这三个部分将为参与者提供将新闻知识付诸实践的机会。故选D。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段的I wuld like t attend medical schl after my fur-year undergraduate.It is well-knwn that medical schls are very cmpetitive and require extremely high marks.I had always knwn that I was meant fr medical schl and wrked hard all thrughut high schl.I engaged in life sciences and knew that I wanted t d a duble majr in neurscience (神经科学) and psychlgy,but f curse,I wasn't s fnd f the precnditins t get t that stage.I had t take math and physics in my first year(我想在四年制本科毕业后进入医学院学习。众所周知,医学院竞争激烈,要求极高的分数。我一直知道我是医学院的学生,整个高中都很努力。我从事生命科学,知道我想攻读神经科学的双专业,神经科学和心理学,但当然,我不太喜欢进入那个阶段的先决条件。我第一年就必须学习数学和物理),可知作者想修双专业,因为她要为自己的目标(即:毕业后进入医学院学习)做准备,故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段的 S after the chke I call the first term,I lked back n my grades and fund that I had never seen numbers like this befre.I really didn't even think they were pssible(因此,在我称之为第一学期的窒息之后,我回顾了我的成绩,发现我以前从未见过这样的数字。我真的不认为这是可能的),可知作者对于自己在第一学期结束后复习的成绩感到惊讶,故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第四段的At the end f my secnd term,my grades weren't as high as I wanted them t be,but I accepted it.I knew that there were reasns fr the differences between individuals,but I still saw a huge imprvement in my marks frm the first term.I had enjyed my time in my secnd term and even thugh I wasn't where I wanted t be,it had nthing t d with my place in the university.It was very eye-pening and taught me what I needed t d in rder t achieve MY best—nt what everyne else cnsidered t be the best(在我的第二个学期结束时,我的成绩没有我想要的那么高,但我接受了。我知道个人之间的差异是有原因的,但我仍然看到我的成绩比第一个学期有了巨大的进步。我在第二学期过得很愉快,尽管我没有达到我想要的水平,但这与我在大学的位置无关。这让我大开眼界,教会了我需要做什么才能达到最好——而不是其他人认为最好的),可知在第二个学期,作者从不同角度看待学习,故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。通读全文,特别是根据最后一段的I'm nw taking a summer schl curse and my marks are incredibly better than what I was getting during my first year f schl.Thugh I had a rugh start,I'm sure my lessns and new attitude will carry me much farther than just t medical schl(我现在正在参加暑期学校的课程,我的成绩比我第一年的成绩好得多。尽管我有一个艰难的开始,但我相信我的课程和新的态度会让我走得更远,而不仅仅是去医学院),可知作者在实现目标的过程中,不断的调整自己的心态和方法,所以从本文我们知道:适当的调整会让你走得更远,故选D。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据文章第三段"We fund that this U-shaped structure pushes against a big fatty cushin (垫) n the inside f the larynx.When the whales push air frm their lungs past this cushin,it starts t shake and this generates very lw frequency underwater sunds," says Elemans.("我们发现这种U形结构推着一个大脂肪垫(垫)在喉内侧。当鲸鱼将空气从肺中推出经过这个气垫时,气垫开始震动,这产生了非常低频率的水下声音,"Elemans说。)可知须鲸的脂肪垫抖动发出低频水下声音。故答案为D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段Cmbining experiments and mdels,the researchers prvide the first evidence that baleen whales are physilgically incapable f escaping nise caused by humans,because it cvers up their vices,and thus limits their cmmunicatin range(结合实验和模型,研究人员提供了第一个证据,证明须鲸在生理上无法逃避人类发出的噪音,因为这掩盖了它们的声音,从而限制了它们的交流范围)可知研究人员的实验和模型显示,人类制造的噪音干扰了须鲸的交流范围。故答案为C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Elemans adds: "Cmpared t the seventies,ur ceans are nw even mre filled with human-made nise,which affects the whales,because they are dependent n sund fr cmmunicatin.Nw we shw that despite their amazing physilgy,they literally cannt escape the nise humans make in the ceans."(Elemans补充说:"与70年代相比,我们的海洋现在更加充满了人造噪音,这影响了鲸鱼,因为它们依赖声音进行交流。现在我们证明,尽管它们的生理机能惊人,但它们确实无法逃脱人类在海洋中制造的噪音。")可知我们从最后一段推断应该采取行动管制人类的海上活动。故答案为C。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段中Research frm the University f Calgary reveals that when being creative,humans dn't use the same brain regins assciated with thught and prblem-slving,implying that creativity is primarily an uncnscius prcess.(卡尔加里大学的研究表明,当人们富有创造力时,大脑中负责思考和解决问题的区域并不相同,这意味着创造力主要是一个无意识的过程。)可知,关于人类创造力的来源,卡尔加里大学的研究发现人类的创造力是一个无意识、自动发生的过程。故选D。
    (2)观点态度题。根据第二段中Where human creativity cmes frm is a cmplex and heavily-debated tpic.One thery suppses that creativity emerges frm slving prblems in new ways.The game designer Mark Rsewater explains that "if yu use the same neural pathways,yu get t the same answers,and with creativity,that's nt yur gal."But studies frm the University f Virginia suggest humans mst default t slving prblems by building n knwn slutins,restricting riginality.Sme neurscientists prpse anther thery regarding creativity.Research frm the University f Calgary reveals that when being creative,humans dn't use the same brain regins assciated with thught and prblem-slving,implying that creativity is primarily an uncnscius prcess.(人类的创造力从何而来是一个复杂而备受争议的话题。一种理论认为,创造力来自于用新的方法解决问题。游戏设计师Mark Rsewater解释道:"如果你使用相同的神经通路,你就会得到相同的答案,而创造性并不是你的目标。"但弗吉尼亚大学(University f Virginia)的研究表明,人类大多默认通过建立已知的解决方案来解决问题,限制了独创性。一些神经科学家提出了另一种关于创造力的理论。卡尔加里大学(University f Calgary)的研究表明,当人们富有创造力时,大脑中负责思考和解决问题的区域并不相同,这意味着创造力主要是一个无意识的过程。)可知,作者认为人类的创造力很复杂;结合最后一段中Creativity may be,at least fr nw,a unique human quality.Cmputers are nt yet starting revlutinary artistic mvements,but they are already cmbining what exists int smething new,challenging us t lk deeper int ur wn creativity.(创造力可能是人类独有的品质,至少目前是这样。计算机还没有开始革命性的艺术运动,但它们已经将现有的东西结合成新的东西,挑战我们更深入地审视自己的创造力。)可知,作者可能会认同的观点是应该努力研究人类的创造力。故选A。
    (3)词义猜测题。根据最后一段中The questin f machine creativity has repercussins in many areas,such as develping law regarding ,cnsidering in art cntests,and determining the use f ChatGPT as a tl fr schl assignments.(机器创造力的问题在许多领域都有repercussins,比如制定关于人工智能作品的版权法,考虑人工智能在艺术比赛中的提交,以及确定将ChatGPT用作学校作业的工具。)划线词后面的such as develping cpyright law regarding ,cnsidering in art cntests,and determining the use f ChatGPT as a tl fr schl assignments.举例可猜测,repercussins意思是"影响"。A.Influences影响;B.Objectins异议;C.Dubts怀疑;D.Causes原因。故选A。
    (4)标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章主要探讨了计算机是否具备创造力的问题。创造力是最重要的人力资源,但人们开始思考人工智能是否能在创造力方面超越人类,并通过讨论人类创造力的来源及其与人工智能的对比,最终肯定了创造力可能仍然是人类的独特品质。B选项Cmputing Creativity:Can it be pssible?(计算创造力:这可能吗?)突出了中心,体现了文章的主旨大意,适合作本文标题。故选B。
    【解析】(1)联系上文题。根据上文Everyne carries a shield (屏障).Our shields prtect what we dn't want thers t see,frm ur embarrassing secrets t ur unpredictable feelings.(每个人都有一面盾牌。我们的盾牌保护着我们不想让别人看到的东西,从我们尴尬的秘密到我们不可预知的感受。)可知这是一个事实描述,而A选项"这并不是一件坏事"则是对这个事实的评价和接受,符合语境。故选A。
    (2)联系上文题。根据上文We might fear hw ur friends will judge ur struggles r hw ur families will view ur ambitins.(我们可能会担心朋友会如何评价我们的奋斗,或者家人会如何看待我们的抱负。)可知这暗示了我们会因为担心别人的看法而隐藏自己。因此,我们决定在面具下隐藏自己,即选项E"所以我们决定在我们的面具下隐藏自己"。故选E。
    (3)联系上文题。根据上文We may even have prblems we haven't admitted t urselves.(我们甚至可能有自己没有承认的问题。)可知我们可能有连自己都没有承认过的问题,因此我们需要正视这些问题。G选项"也许我们在朋友面前隐藏了一些事情,或者害怕承认一些事情"与上文内容相符,说明我们需要面对并处理这些问题。故选G。
    (4)联系下文题。根据下文Yet asking fr help means admitting ur prblems t smebdy else—it means letting them see what's behind ur shields.(然而,寻求帮助意味着向别人承认我们的问题——意味着让他们看到隐藏在我们盾牌后面的东西。)可知这表明我们需要别人的帮助来解决问题。因此,C选项"我们不应该期望没有帮助就能做到这一切"符合语境,强调了我们需要他人的帮助来克服问题。故选C。
    (5)联系下文题。根据下文We can be mre frgiving f faults s we can becme cmfrtable with urs and encurage thers t fllw.Mst imprtantly,we can let peple knw that we are willing t listen and help and make it easier t let dwn ur shields.(我们可以更加宽容自己的错误,这样我们就能对自己的错误感到舒适,并鼓励别人效仿。最重要的是,我们可以让人们知道我们愿意倾听和帮助,让他们更容易放下我们的盾牌。)最后一段进行总结。因此,D选项"简而言之,我们有能力改变这种现象"是对全文的总结,符合语境。故选D。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.impress留下印象;B.surprise使惊讶;C.please使高兴;D.encurage鼓励。句意:一个好的形象就是一切,所以对我来说,给那些将与我共度未来四年的人留下深刻印象是很重要的。根据常识和上句A gd image is everything可知一个好的形象就是一切,说明给那些将与我共度未来四年的人留下深刻印象是很重要的。故答案为A。
    (2)考查形容词及语境理解。A.shy害羞的;B.lucky幸运的;C.free自由的;D.pwerful强大的。句意:一个小时后,当我走下巴士走向1136号房间时,我感觉很有力量。根据上句After carefully selecting,I emerged prudly in a patterned dress可知经过仔细挑选后,我穿着一件有图案的衣服自豪地出现了。说明我感觉很有力量。故答案为D。
    (3)考查动词及语境理解。A.preparing准备;B.wearing穿着;C.hiding躲藏;D.designing设计。句意:坐在桌前的是我的英语老师哈菲尔茨夫人,她穿着和我一模一样的衣服。根据空后the exact same dress as I可知她穿着和我一模一样的衣服。故答案为B。
    (5)考查名词及语境理解。A.writing写;B.style风格;C.speech演讲;D.vice声音。句意:我低着头,踮着脚走到座位上,但第一天意味着要在全班同学面前做介绍,很快就轮到我了。根据常识和下句I made it thrugh my minute speech,until Mrs.Hutfilz std up,jkingly adding that she liked my (5).可知我完成了我的一分钟演讲,直到Hutfilz夫人站起来,开玩笑地补充说她喜欢我的风格。说明很快就轮到我做自我介绍了。故答案为B。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.happiness高兴;B.cnfidence自信;C.bredm厌烦;D.anxiety焦虑。句意:虽然这是我从走进来的那一刻起就一直担心的时刻,但所有增加的焦虑都令人惊讶地融化了;当我分享我的故事时,之前一直盯着手机的学生抬起了头。根据后文My smile grew as I laughed with my peers,ending my speech with "And I am very stylish,much like my first perid (8)." 可知当我和我的同龄人一起笑的时候,我的笑容越来越多,以"我非常时尚,很像我的第一节课老师"结束了我的演讲。说明所有增加的焦虑都令人惊讶地融化了。故答案为D。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.ndded点头;B.buried埋葬;C.raised提升;D.tuched触摸。句意:虽然这是我从走进来的那一刻起就一直担心的时刻,但所有增加的焦虑都令人惊讶地融化了;当我分享我的故事时,之前一直盯着手机的学生抬起了头。根据常识和空前the students wh had previusly been staring at their phnes可知当我分享我的故事时,之前一直盯着手机的学生抬起了头。故答案为C。
    (8)考查名词及语境理解。A.neighbr邻居;B.peer同龄人;C.teacher老师;D.friend朋友。句意:当我和我的同龄人一起笑的时候,我的笑容越来越多,以"我非常时尚,很像我的第一节课老师"结束了我的演讲。根据前文Sitting at her desk was Mrs.Hutfilz,my English teacher,( 3)the exact same dress as I可知坐在桌前的是我的英语老师哈菲尔茨夫人,她穿着和我一模一样的衣服。说明我的笑容越来越多,以"我非常时尚,很像我的第一节课老师"结束了我的演讲。故答案为C。
    (9)考查形容词及语境理解。A.relieved宽慰的;B.nervus紧张的;C.patient耐心的;D.embarrassed尴尬的。句意:我松了一口气,与我的启蒙老师建立了幽默而真诚的联系,这种联系将持续到今年余下的时间。根据常识和空后t make a humrus and genuine cnnectin with my first teacher,ne that wuld cntinue fr the rest f the year.可知与我的启蒙老师建立了幽默而真诚的联系,这种联系将持续到今年余下的时间。说明这让我非常宽慰。故答案为A。
    (10)考查形容词及语境理解。A.unpredictable难以预测的;B.unfrgettable难以忘记的;C.unbearable难以忍受的;D.unchangeable不能改变的。句意:虽然我高中的第一阶段可能并不像我想象的那样顺利,但它无疑以最好的方式让这一天变得令人难忘,并让我认识到Hutfilz夫人有一种令人敬畏的时尚感!根据前文My smile grew as I laughed with my peers,ending my speech with "And I am very stylish,much like my first perid (8)." 可知当我和我的同龄人一起笑的时候,我的笑容越来越多,以"我非常时尚,很像我的第一节课老师"结束了我的演讲。说明虽然我高中的第一阶段可能并不像我想象的那样顺利,但它无疑以最好的方式让这一天变得令人难忘,故答案为B。
    【解析】(1)考查过去分词。句意:《逃出大英博物馆》于2023年8月30日开播,这部三集的网络剧因其感人和创新的故事而在网上走红。title和它所修饰的词a three-episde web series之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词作后置定语,故填titled。
    (2)考查定语从句。句意:她逃离了大英博物馆,遇到了一位中国记者,他帮助文物回到了中国。先行词为a Chinese jurnalist,指人,在定语从句中作主语,所以用wh或that引导,故填wh/that。
    (3)考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:该系列旨在提高人们对保存在国外的中国文物的认识。描述现状,所以用一般现在时态,keep和主语之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,that指代的先行词Chinese artifacts,为名词复数,所以be动词为are,故填are kept。
    (5)考查可数名词的复数。句意:根据Dictinary.cm的说法,这两个词最早出现在几个世纪前。前面有a few,所以用名词复数,故填centuries。
    (7)考查动词时态。句意:16世纪,说英语的人开始把寒冷和温暖月份之间的季节称为"落叶",后来缩写为"fall"。根据时间状语In the 1500s,可知用一般过去时态,故填began。
    (8)考查动词时态。句意:早起的话,你可能会听到鸟儿欢快的合唱。此句为"祈使句+and",and后面的句子用一般将来时态,故填will hear。
    (9)考查动词不定式。句意:鸟类这样做是为了吸引配偶,并警告其他鸟类远离它们的地方。此处为动词不定式作目的状语,故填t attract。
    这是三个片段:A 这是一篇新闻报道,主要报道了三集的网络剧《逃出大英博物馆》。B 这是一篇说明文,主要介绍了英语中"fall"和"autumn"两个词的来历。C 这是一篇说明文,主要讲述了鸟儿唱歌的原因。
    31.【答案】【小题1】The authr plans nthing in advance except fr a place t stay and let the place reveal itself t him/her n its wn terms.
    【小题2】In the authr's pinin,they cpy what thers have dne befre them and check each site ff n a list.
    【小题3】Yu can make yur trip unique by making a detailed plan,nticing new things in the place and meeting lcal peple t experience lcal life.
    【小题4】Accrding t the passage,the writer thinks we can make ur trip unique by slw travel.We can ntice things that perhaps n ne has ever nticed befre and talking with lcal peple.Making a detailed plan is nt part f slw travel.
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段I plan nthing in advance except fr a place t stay and let the place reveal itself t me n its wn terms.(我没有提前计划任何事情,除了一个住宿的地方,让这个地方按照自己的方式向我展示自己。)可知,作者没有提前计划任何事情,除了一个住宿的地方,让这个地方按照自己的方式向我展示自己。故填The authr plans nthing in advance except fr a place t stay and let the place reveal itself t him/her n its wn terms.
    (2)推理判断题。根据第四段Many peple I knw apprach travel like a jb,and a stressful ne at that.They want t make sure they cver all the bases and dn't miss anything.But in my pinin,they cpy what thers have dne befre them and check each site ff n a list.(我认识的很多人都把旅行当成一份工作,而且是一份压力很大的工作。他们想确保他们覆盖了所有的基地,不会错过任何东西。但在我看来,他们复制了其他人之前做过的事情,并在列表中对每个网站进行了检查。)可知,作者认识的很多人都把旅行当成一份工作,而且是一份压力很大的工作。他们想确保他们覆盖了所有的基地,不会错过任何东西。但在我看来,他们复制了其他人之前做过的事情,并在列表中对每个网站进行了检查。故填:In the authr's pinin,they cpy what thers have dne befre them and check each site ff n a list.
    (3)推理判断题。根据第三段I d nt recmmend this apprach t everyne.But what I d suggest is that yu give up yur desire t have everything planned in advance,and that yu stp bsessing abut all the trip details and trying t make it a perfect trip.(我并不向所有人推荐这种方法。但我建议你放弃提前计划一切的愿望,不要再纠缠于所有的旅行细节,努力让它成为一次完美的旅行。无论你是和旅行团、朋友、家人还是独自旅行,都要留出无组织的时间,这样魔法就会发生。)以及最后一段S hw d yu make yur trip unique?I call it slw travel.It's nt just abut slwing dwn.Instead f running frm place t place,yu lk arund yu,yu take yur envirnment in,yu ntice things that perhaps n ne has ever nticed befre.Yu can start talking t peple.(那么,你是如何使你的旅行与众不同的呢?我称之为慢速旅行。这不仅仅是放慢速度。你不是从一个地方跑到另一个地方,而是环顾四周,了解你的环境,注意到一些以前可能没有人注意到的事情。你可以开始与人交谈。)可知,作者并不向所有人推荐这种方法。作者认为我们可以通过慢速旅行使我们的旅行变得独特。我们可以注意到以前可能没有人注意到的事情,并与当地人交谈。制定详细的计划不是慢行的一部分。故填Yu can make yur trip unique by making a detailed plan,nticing new things in the place and meeting lcal peple t experience lcal life.Accrding t the passage,the writer thinks we can make ur trip unique by slw travel.We can ntice things that perhaps n ne has ever nticed befre and talking with lcal peple.Making a detailed plan is nt part f slw travel.
    (4)开放回答题。锻炼身体也应该慢下来。好多人带着减肥减脂的目的去锻炼,但忽略了运动本身给我们带来的乐趣。故填Exercise shuld als slw dwn.Many peple exercise with the purpse f lsing weight and fat,but ignre the fun that exercise itself brings t us.
    32.【答案】Dear Jim,
    Hw's everything ging?I just can't wait t tell yu an exhibitin themed"Future Cmmunity" will be held in ur cmmunity and the exciting news is that my wrk has been selected fr it!I am writing t invite yu t visit the exhibitin and see my wrk in persn.(写信目的)
    The exhibitin will take place n May 20,2024,lasting ne mnth,at the Cmmunity Center.【高分句型一】The event will shw varius artwrks and prjects visualizing the future f ur cmmunity.(活动的基本信息(时间、地点))
    I'm s happy t intrduce my art wrk t yu.It is titled Living the Smart Way,depicting a picture f future ec-friendly neighbrhd.【高分句型二】That means ur future cmmunity will have upgraded waste dispsal facilities and mre efficient ways t light and heat buildings.Amazing,right?I prmise yu it will be a wnderful exhibitin.(展览内容)
    Lking frward t yur arrival.(盼望)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:The exhibitin will take place n May 20,2024,lasting ne mnth,at the Cmmunity Center.
    分析:这句话使用了现在分词短语lasting ne mnth,at the Cmmunity Center作状语。
    高分句型二:It is titled Living the Smart Way,depicting a picture f future ec-friendly neighbrhd.
    分析:这句话使用了现在分词短语depicting a picture f future ec-friendly neighbrhd作状语。

    2024年江苏省宿迁市高考英语二模试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2024年江苏省宿迁市高考英语二模试卷(含详细答案解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024年北京市昌平区高考英语二模试卷(含解析): 这是一份2024年北京市昌平区高考英语二模试卷(含解析),共22页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,阅读表达,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024年河南省新乡市高考英语二模试卷(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2024年河南省新乡市高考英语二模试卷(含详细答案解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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