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    专题四 阅读理解 考法4 主旨大意题(教师版+学生版)---高考英语精选考点专项突破
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      专题一 阅读理解 考法4 主旨大意题(教师版)---高考英语精选考点专项突破.docx
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      专题一 阅读理解 考法4 主旨大意题(学生版)---高考英语精选考点专项突破.docx
    专题四  阅读理解  考法4 主旨大意题(教师版+学生版)---高考英语精选考点专项突破01
    专题四  阅读理解  考法4 主旨大意题(教师版+学生版)---高考英语精选考点专项突破02
    专题四  阅读理解  考法4 主旨大意题(教师版+学生版)---高考英语精选考点专项突破03
    专题四  阅读理解  考法4 主旨大意题(教师版+学生版)---高考英语精选考点专项突破01
    专题四  阅读理解  考法4 主旨大意题(教师版+学生版)---高考英语精选考点专项突破02
    专题四  阅读理解  考法4 主旨大意题(教师版+学生版)---高考英语精选考点专项突破03
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    专题四 阅读理解 考法4 主旨大意题(教师版+学生版)---高考英语精选考点专项突破

    这是一份专题四 阅读理解 考法4 主旨大意题(教师版+学生版)---高考英语精选考点专项突破,文件包含专题一阅读理解考法4主旨大意题教师版---高考英语精选考点专项突破docx、专题一阅读理解考法4主旨大意题学生版---高考英语精选考点专项突破docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共47页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    What is the... paragraph mainly abut?
    What is the best title fr the text?
    What is the text mainly abut?
    What may be the best title fr the text?
    What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    技巧1 速读文章,明确主题
    ③、段落中出现表转折的词或短语(如 hwever, but, in fact, actually等)时,该词或短语后的句子很可能是主题句。
    [全国I 2020·D] The cnnectin between peple and plants has lng been the subject f scientific research. Recent
    studies have fund psitive effects. A study cnducted in Yungstwn, Ohi, fr example, discvered that greener areas f the city experienced less crime. In anther, emplyees were shwn t be 15% mre prductive when their wrkplaces were decrated with huseplants.
    32. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. A new study f different plants. B. A big fall in crime rates.
    C. Emplyees frm varius wrkplaces. D. Benefits frm green plants.
    【解析】根据第一段中的 psitive及所举的两个例子(绿化的区城犯罪率低以及绿植多的办公区城员工的工
    技巧2 瞻首顾尾,定位中心句
    [全国Ⅱ 2020·B]
    Sme parents will buy any high-- tech ty if they think it will help their child, but researchers said puzzles help children with math-related skills... .
    The researchers analyzed vide recrdings f 53 child-parent pairs during every -day activities at hme and fund children wh play with puzzles between 26 and 46 mnths f age have better spatial skills when assessed at 54 mnths f age... .
    The findings were published in the jurnal Develpmental Science.
    27. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. A mathematical methd. B. A scientific study. C. A wman psychlgist. D. A teaching prgram.
    技巧3 确定概括范围,关注题目特点
    【例】Tw fur-kilmeter rad tunnels are being built belw the central area f the city, ne fr traffic t the nrth and the ther fr the traffic t the suth. The tw tunnels are abut 20 meters belw the surface and are 12 meters wide, prviding fr tw lanes f traffic in each directin.
    In the upper part f the tunnel, tw air cnditining pipes remve the waste gas f trucks and cars and keep the quality f air inside the tunnel. The lighting is at the tp f the tunnel, practically at its highest pint. There will als be electric signs at frequent intervals. They shw traffic cnditins ahead and can be seen clearly by drivers. The wall is made up f fur main elements, which include a waterprf cvering and, n the inside f the tunnel, a cncrete lining. Other systems in the tunnel will include emergency phnes.
    What is the main idea f the passage?
    The cnstructin f tw lanes. B. The functin f a rad.
    C. The slutin t cars' pllutin. D. The design f tw tunnels.
    【解析】本段没有主题句,考生需要对文章进行整体概括。考生应多注意文章中反复出现的中心词 the tunnel
    Passage 1
    (2022·全国·高考甲卷真题)Smetime in the early 1960s, a significant thing happened in Sydney, Australia. The city discvered its harbr. Then, ne after anther, Sydney discvered lts f things that were just srt f there — brad parks, superb beaches, and a culturally diverse ppulatin. But it is the harbr that makes the city.
    Andrew Reynlds, a cheerful fellw in his early 30s, pilts Sydney ferrybats fr a living. I spent the whle mrning shuttling back and frth acrss the harbr. After ur third run Andrew shut dwn the engine, and we went ur separate ways — he fr a lunch break, I t explre the city.
    “I’ll miss these ld bats,” he said as we parted.
    “Hw d yu mean?” I asked.
    “Oh, they’re replacing them with catamarans. Catamarans are faster, but they’re nt s elegant, and they’re nt fun t pilt. But that’s prgress, I guess.”
    Everywhere in Sydney these days, change and prgress are the watchwrds (口号), and traditins are increasingly rare. Shirley Fitzgerald, the city’s fficial histrian, tld me that in its rush t mdernity in the 1970s, Sydney swept aside much f its past, including many f its finest buildings. “Sydney is cnfused abut itself,” she said. “We can’t seem t make up ur minds whether we want a mdern city r a traditinal ne. It’s a cnflict that we aren’t getting any better at reslving (解决).”
    On the ther hand, being yung and ld at the same time has its attractins. I cnsidered this when I met a thughtful yung businessman named Anthny. “Many peple say that we lack culture in this cuntry,” he tld me. “What peple frget is that the Italians, when they came t Australia, brught 2000 years f their culture, the Greeks sme 3000 years, and the Chinese mre still. We’ve gt a fundatin built n ancient cultures but with a drive and dynamism f a yung cuntry. It’s a pretty hard cmbinatin t beat.”
    He is right, but I can’t help wishing they wuld keep thse ld ferries.
    32.What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A.Sydney’s striking architecture.B.The cultural diversity f Sydney.
    C.The key t Sydney’s develpment.D.Sydney’s turist attractins in the 1960s.
    【答案】 C
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Smetime in the early 1960s, a significant thing happened in Sydney, Australia. The city discvered its harbr. (20世纪60年代初,澳大利亚悉尼发生了一件大事。这座城市发现了它的港口) ”以及“But it is the harbr that makes the city. (但是是港口造就了城市)”可知,本段主要介绍了悉尼发展的关键是港口。故选C项。
    Passage 2
    (2022·全国·高考乙卷真题)Can a small grup f drnes (无人机) guarantee the safety and reliability f railways and, at the same time, help railway peratrs save billins f eurs each year? That is the very likely future f applying tday’s “eyes in the sky” technlgy t making sure that the millins f kilmetres f rail tracks and infrastructure (基础设施) wrldwide are safe fr trains n a 24/7 basis.
    Drnes are already being used t examine high-tensin electrical lines. They culd d precisely the same thing t inspect railway lines and ther vital aspects f rail infrastructure such as the crrect psitin f railway tracks and switching pints. The mre regularly they can be inspected, the mre railway safety, reliability and n-time perfrmance will be imprved. Csts wuld be cut and peratins wuld be mre efficient (高效) acrss the bard.
    That includes huge savings in maintenance csts and better prtectin f railway persnnel safety. It is calculated that Eurpean railways alne spend apprximately 20 billin eurs a year n maintenance, including sending maintenance staff, ften at night, t inspect and repair the rail infrastructure. That can be dangerus wrk that culd be avided with drnes assisting the crews’ effrts.
    By using the latest technlgies, drnes culd als start prviding higher-value services fr railways, detecting faults in the rail r switches, befre they can cause any safety prblems. T perfrm these tasks, drnes fr rail dn’t need t be flying verhead. Engineers are nw wrking n a new cncept: the rail drnes f the future. They will be mving n the track ahead f the train, and prgrammed t run autnmusly. Very small drnes with advanced sensrs and AI and travelling ahead f the train culd guide it like a c-pilt. With their ability t see ahead, they culd signal any prblem, s that fast-mving trains wuld be able t react in time.
    31.Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A.What Faults Can Be Detected with Drnes B.Hw Prductin f Drnes Can Be Expanded
    C.What Difficulty Drne Develpment Will Face D.Hw Drnes Will Change the Future f Railways
    【答案】 D
    主旨大意题。根据文章主题段第一段“Can a small grup f drnes(无人机)guarantee the safety and reliability f railways and, at the same time, help railway peratrs save billins f eurs each year? That is the very likely future f applying tday’s “eyes in the sky” technlgy t making sure that the millins f kilmeters f rail tracks and infrastructure(基础设施)wrldwide are safe fr trains n a24/7 basis.(一小群无人机能否在保证铁路安全可靠的同时,帮助铁路运营商每年节省数十亿欧元?这很可能是应用今天的“空中之眼”技术的未来,以确保全球数百万公里的铁路轨道和基础设施全天候安全运行。)”以及后文第二段讲到了使用无人机检查电力线路使无人机应用于铁路线路成为可能;第三段讲到了使用无人机大幅节省维护成本和更好地保护铁路人员安全;第四段讲到了通过使用最新的技术,无人机还可以开始为铁路提供更高的价值,可知文章主要讲述了无人机将如何改变铁路的未来,所以D项“无人机将如何改变铁路的未来。”符合文章中心思想,适合作为本文的最佳标题。故选D。
    Passage 3
    (2022·全国新高考II卷真题)Over the last seven years, mst states have banned texting by drivers, and public service campaigns have tried a wide range f methds t persuade peple t put dwn their phnes when they are behind the wheel.
    Yet the prblem, by just abut any measure, appears t be getting wrse. Americans are still texting while driving, as well as using scial netwrks and taking phts. Rad accidents, which had fallen fr years, are nw rising sharply.
    That is partly because peple are driving mre, but Mark Rsekind, the chief f the Natinal Highway Traffic Safety Administratin, said distracted(分心)driving was "nly increasing, unfrtunately."
    "Big change requires big ideas." he said in a speech last mnth, referring bradly t the need t imprve rad safety. S t try t change a distinctly mdern behavir, lawmakers and public health experts are reaching back t an ld apprach: They want t treat distracted driving like drunk driving.
    An idea frm lawmakers in New Yrk is t give plice fficers a new device called the Textalyzer. It wuld wrk like this: An fficer arriving at the scene f a crash culd ask fr the phnes f the drivers and use the Textalyzer t check in the perating system fr recent activity. The technlgy culd determine whether a driver had just texted, emailed r dne anything else that is nt allwed under New Yrk's hands-free driving laws.
    "We need smething n the bks that can change peple's behavir,” said Félix W. Ortiz, wh pushed fr the state's 2001 ban n hand-held devices by drivers. If the Textalyzer bill becmes law, he said, "peple are ging t be mre afraid t put their hands n the cell phne."
    31.What is a suitable title fr the text?
    A.T Drive r Nt t Drive? Think Befre Yu Start B.Texting and Driving? Watch Out fr the Textalyzer
    C.New Yrk Banning Hand-Held Devices by Drivers. D.The Next Generatin Cell Phne: The Textalyzer-
    【答案】 B
    主旨大意题。纵观全文,第一段和第二段阐述的是“虽然大多数州已经尝试了各种各样的方法来说服人们在开车时放下手机。可是问题却越来越严重”。第三段中“That is partly because peple are driving mre.”(部分原因是开车的人越来越多)可知,解释了该行为产生的部分原因。第四段至第五段讲述的是为了解决该问题是纽约立法者提出了一个新的想法即利用Textalyzer技术,来监控司机在开车的时候是否使用了手机。最后一段讲述的是:相关人士呼吁该项技术能够成为真正的法案由此才能真正的改变人们的行为。故B选项Texting and Driving? Watch Out fr the Textalyzer(发短信还是在开车?防范短信监控器。)适合文章的标题。故选B。
    Passage 1 (2022·江西·一模)
    Discussins abut the impact f false news ften center n ur preference f cnfirmatin: we tend t believe and share things that fit with ur prir beliefs. A new study finds that we're pr judges f truthfulness even when we can't trust a particular surce—and we verestimate ur pwers f judgment.
    In three experiments, the researchers asked participants t recrd tw shrt vides, ne t describe a real-life news event and ne t make up an event. They were tld they wuld get a reward if viewers thught that the events described in either vide were true. Viewers, fr their part, were paid bth fr accuracy and fr crrectly estimating their accuracy.
    Acrss all the experiments, viewers’ ability t distinguish lies frm truth stayed at r just abve 50%, just like flipping(抛) a cin t decide. They believed false vides and dubted true nes. Mre than 65% f men and 61% f wmen thught they'd perfrmed better than they actually had.
    In ne f the experiments, the researchers explred whether certain behavirs exhibited in the vides were assciated with lying. This pinted t several clues, and analysis suggested that viewers nticed the clues, but they tended t interpret them in the wrng directin. Fr example, they judged wrdier vides t be true.
    In the final experiment, sme viewers were shwn eight vides, including ne shared by a previus viewer because he r she fund it t be interesting and believable. They selected ne f the eight t watch and assess fr truthfulness. Knwing that a vide had been shared greatly increased the chances that participants wuld chse it t watch, and they believed what the previus viewer had thught t be true. Actually mst f the shared vides were false and had been misjudged by the first viewers.
    “The cmbinatin f vercnfidence and being bad at detecting lies, with an verreliance n shared cntent, may explain why fake news is s prminent and influential,” the researchers write.
    1.Hw d peple judge false news accrding t the new study?
    A.On the basis f careful research.B.Accrding t persnal preferences.
    C.Based n the influence f the news.D.After attending a grup discussin.
    2.What can we learn abut the participants in the experiments?
    A.Mst f them perfrmed better than expected. B.Sme f them flipped cins t make a judgment.
    C.They tended t see the clues in the ppsite way. D.They made gd judgment when given gd clues.
    3.What affected the judgment f sme participants in the final experiment?
    A.The pinins f previus viewers.B.Their ability t tell lies frm truth.
    C.The number f vides ffered t them.D.The nature f the behavirs in the vides.
    4.What's the text mainly abut?
    A.It's imprtant t tell false news frm real news. B.Shared vides usually carry misjudged news.
    C.False news is made by cmbining several frces. D.Preferences determine ur judgment f fake news.
    1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C
    1.细节理解题。根据第一段的句子“ tend t believe and share things that fit with ur prir beliefs.(我们倾向于相信并分享与我们先前的信念相符的东西。)”可知,我们会相信与我们的信念一致的新闻。故选B项。
    2.细节理解题。根据第四段的句子“This pinted t several clues, and analysis suggested that viewers nticed the clues, but they tended t interpret them in the wrng directin.(这指向了一些线索,分析表明,观众注意到了这些线索,但他们往往以错误的方向解读它们。)”可知,实验参与者错误地解读了视频中线索。故选C项。
    3.细节理解题。根据第五段的句子“Knwing that a vide had been shared greatly increased the chances that participants wuld chse it t watch, and they believed what the previus viewer had thught t be true.(知道一段视频被分享后,参与者选择观看的几率大大增加,他们会相信之前的观众认为真实的东西。)”可知,之前的观众认为真实的东西,他们看了后也会相信。故选A项。
    4.主旨大意题。通过文中的三个实验,特别是最后一段研究人员的总结“The cmbinatin f vercnfidence and being bad at detecting lies, with an verreliance n shared cntent, may explain why fake news is s prminent and influential.(过度自信、不善于识破谎言,再加上对共享内容的过度依赖,或许可以解释假新闻为何如此突出和有影响力)”可知,虚假新闻的存在是由几种因素造成的。故选C项。
    Passage 2 (2022·青海·模拟预测)
    An experimental cleanup device called RemveDebris has successfully cast a net arund adummy (仿造的) satellite, simulating (模拟) a technique that culd ne day cllect spacebrne garbage.
    The test, which was carried ut this week, is widely believed t be the first successful demnstratin f space cleanup technlgy, experts tld CNN. And it signals an early step tward dealing with what is already a key prblem: rubbish in space.
    Millins f pieces f junk are turning arund in rbit, the result f 50 years f space travel and few regulatins t keep space clean. At rbital speeds, even a small bit f paint crashing with a satellite can cause serius damage.
    Varius cmpanies have plans t send thusands f new satellites int lw-Earth rbit, already the mst crwded area.
    The RemveDebris experiment is run by a cmpany and researchers led by the UK’s Surrey Space Centre and includes Airbus, Airbus-wned Surrey Satellite Technlgy Ltd. and France’s Ariane Grup.
    Guglielm Aglietti, the directr f Surrey Space Centre, said that an peratinal versin f the RemveDebris technlgy wuld cast ut a net that remains fastened t the main satellite s the debris can be dragged ut f rbit. It culd target large pieces f junk, including dead satellites up t 10meters lng.
    The RemveDebris satellite will cnduct a few mre experiments in the cming mnths, including testing navigatin systems that culd help guide the satellite t a specific piece f debris. Jnathan McDwell, an astrphysicist at the Harvard Smithsnian Centre fr Astrphysics, said the success f this week’s experiment was exciting, but he cautined against “ver-publicizing” it. There are still big barriers t clear befre peratinal cleanup tasks will be underway, he said, and the biggest challenge is figuring ut hw t fund such prjects.
    Aglietti, the Surrey prfessr wh helped lead the RemveDebris prject, said “the challenge will be t cnvince the relevant authrities t spnsr these tasks”. Aglietti said he hpes RemveDebris will cnduct a few cleanup tasks per year, targeting the largest pieces f rubbish in the mst crwded rbits. Aglietti is hpeful.
    5.What attracts peple t invent RemveDebris?
    A.Explring space.B.Testing an rbit.
    C.Cleaning satellites.D.Remving waste in space.
    6.Hw des the RemveDebris wrk?
    A.It thrws a net t take junk frm rbit.B.It fastens junk t the main satellite.
    C.It targets large pieces f junk carefully.D.It drags junk up t 10 meters lng.
    7.What d we knw abut RemveDebris?
    A.It is successful in cleanup tasks. B.It still needs t be bradcasted widely.
    C.It shuld get sme financial help frm authrities. D.It helps researchers t find a specific junk.
    8.What’s the best title f the text?
    A.Space Garbage Causes Severe Damage B.Researchers Advertise Waste Cllecting Satellite
    C.Authrities Spnsr RemveDebris Prject D.Satellite First Time Cllects Waste
    5.D 6.A 7.C 8.D
    5.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“The test, which was carried ut this week, is widely believed t be the first successful demnstratin f space cleanup technlgy, experts tld CNN.(专家告诉CNN,本周进行的测试被广泛认为是太空清理技术的首次成功示范。)”以及文章第三段“Millins f pieces f junk are turning arund in rbit, the result f 50 years f space travel and few regulatins t keep space clean. At rbital speeds, even a small bit f paint crashing with a satellite can cause serius damage. (数以百万计的垃圾正在轨道上旋转,这是50年来太空旅行的结果,而且几乎没有保持太空清洁的法规。在轨道速度下,即使是很小的油漆与卫星相撞也会造成严重的破坏。)”可知,由于太空中的垃圾过多,所以人们有了发明RemveDebris来清理太空垃圾的想法。故选D。
    6.细节理解题。根据文章第六段“Guglielm Aglietti, the directr f Surrey Space Centre, said that an peratinal versin f the RemveDebris technlgy wuld cast ut a net that remains fastened t the main satellite s the debris can be dragged ut f rbit.(萨里太空中心主任Guglielm Aglietti说,RemveDebris技术的一个操作版本将会在主卫星上撒下一张网,这样碎片就可以被拖出轨道。)”可知,这项技术是通过在主卫星上撒网将碎片拖出轨道的方式运行的。故选A。
    7.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段“There are still big barriers t clear befre peratinal cleanup tasks will be underway, he said, and the biggest challenge is figuring ut hw t fund such prjects. (他说,在开展行动清理工作之前,仍有许多重大障碍需要清除,最大的挑战是弄清楚如何为此类项目提供资金。)”可知,该项目需要有人资助才可以继续进行。故选C。
    8.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“An experimental cleanup device called RemveDebris has successfully cast a net arund adummy (仿造的) satellite, simulating (模拟) a technique that culd ne day cllect spacebrne garbage.(一种名为RemveDebris的实验性清理设备成功地在人造卫星周围撒下了一张网,模拟了一种将来可以收集太空垃圾的技术。)”以及第二段“The test, which was carried ut this week, is widely believed t be the first successful demnstratin f space cleanup technlgy, experts tld CNN. And it signals an early step tward dealing with what is already a key prblem: rubbish in space. (专家告诉CNN,本周进行的测试被广泛认为是太空清理技术的首次成功示范。这标志着我们在解决太空垃圾这个已经成为关键问题的问题上迈出了早期的一步。)”可知,文章主要介绍了如何成功发明了一个名为RemveDebris的卫星,用来清理太空垃圾,并详述了其工作原理和工作过程。所以“Satellite First Time Cllects Waste(卫星第一次收集垃圾)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选D。
    Passage 3 (2022·陕西西安·一模)
    Yu prbably dn’t think f scientific r medical instruments as the kind f instruments that actually make music. But nw researchers have built a scientific instrument specifically designed t detect cunterfeit (伪造的) medicatins thrugh sund.
    The Wrld Health Organizatin estimates abut 10 percent f the medicatins in lw and middle-incme cuntries are fakes. Smetimes, dangerus nes. S the idea here is t fill the tube with a sample that’s knwn t be safe. Then cmpare it t a bttle yu’re nt s sure abut.
    “If yu get the same pitch (音高) ut f thse tw samples, it’s very gd evidence that they’re prbably the same material, and the suspect substance is a safe drug t take. But if yu get a different pitch ut f the tw samples, that’s abslute prf that thse tw samples are chemically different. And that shws yu there’s smething wrng with the sample yu were given and yu prbably shuldn’t take it.”
    The instrument is designed t test nly liquid samples fr nw. And while the human ear is sensitive enugh t hear the difference between samples f air and water, the difference between a real and a cunterfeit drug might be imperceptible t ur ears. S Grver built a free website where users can uplad recrdings f the instrument, frm their smartphne r cmputer, and analyze the hertz. Then repeat it with the suspect sample.
    …in the hpe f inspiring peple arund the wrld t build these things themselves. “I can literally make ne f these ut f junk in yur garage in abut five minutes prbably. The hardest thing t cme by is tubing. We’ve made them ut f bent cpper tubing like yu get ut f a radiatr. Just junk, lying arund. It’s remarkable hw easy they are t make. My dream wuld be t have the instructins fr making them and using them shared as widely as pssible.”
    It is, admittedly, a pretty cnvincing pitch.
    9.What’s the passage mainly abut?
    A.A scientific instrument.B.A pretty cnvincing tube.
    C.A suspect sample.D.A dangerus instrument.
    10.What’s the functin f the instrument accrding t the passage?
    A.T give the buyer mre drugs as a gift.B.T make the wnderful music.
    C.T carry the liquid.D.T test fake medicatins thrugh sund.
    11.Where can yu get the material t build this kind f scientific instrument?
    A.The junk in the garage.B.The junk in the drugstre.
    C.The junk in the supermarket.D.The junk in the factry.
    12.What can we learn abut the instrument frm the passage?
    A.Everyne can make it easily.B.It can play the music yu like.
    C.There is a lng way t g.D.It is widely used t test medicine.
    9.A 10.D 11.A 12.C
    9.主旨大意题。根据第一段的“But nw researchers have built a scientific instrument specifically designed t detect cunterfeit (伪造的) medicatins thrugh sund. ( 但是现在,研究人员已经建造了一种专门设计用来通过声音检测假药的科学仪器)”结合下文对该仪器的介绍可知,文章主要介绍了一种可以通过声音来检测假药的科学仪器。故选A。
    10.细节理解题。根据第一段的“But nw researchers have built a scientific instrument specifically designed t detect cunterfeit (伪造的) medicatins thrugh sund. ( 但是现在,研究人员已经建造了一种专门设计用来通过声音检测假药的科学仪器)”可知,该仪器可以通过声音来检测假药。故选D。
    11.细节理解题。根据最后一段的“I can literally make ne f these ut f junk in yur garage in abut five minutes prbably. (我可以用你车库里的垃圾在五分钟内做出一个这样的东西)”可知,在车库的垃圾可以找到制作这种科学仪器的材料。故选A。
    12.推理判断题。根据最后一段的“My dream wuld be t have the instructins fr making them and using them shared as widely as pssible. 我的梦想是尽可能让更多的人知道如何制作和使用它)”推知,这种仪器想要推广普及还有很长的路要走。故选C。
    Passage 4 (2022·宁夏·平罗中学模拟预测)
    When yu were at schl, were yu ever tld t stp daydreaming and cncentrate? It was easy fr yur mind t wander if yu weren’t interested in what yu were learning r if yu had better things t think abut. Staying fcused can still be a challenge in adult life, but understanding hw t d it, and knwing what is distracting yu, can help.
    Scientists have lked at what makes us delay and fund a number f ways t help us stay in the zne. One f the mst bvius things is eliminating nise. Research by Science Fcus magazine fund silence is best fr cncentratin, r a gentle backgrund hum and cffee shp nise is great! It als fund turning ff ntificatins n yur phne, r switching it ff altgether, remves a majr distractin and helps us fcus n the task at hand.
    Anther pssible cure fr a shrt attentin span is brain training. Psychlgists and neurscientists are increasingly interested in ur ability t settle dwn and have lked at what we can change inside ur head t make us cncentrate. An article fr BBC Future by Carline Williams says that “Attentin Researcher Nilli Lavie f University Cllege Lndn has fund that making a task mre visually demanding takes up mre prcessing pwer and leaves the brain nthing left t prcess distractins.” S, keeping yur mind busy might be the answer.
    There are mre practical tips t keeping yur mind fcused. These include making a list r timetable f the tasks yu have t d, finding a wrkspace where yu’re nt tempted t d ther things, r chewing sme gum! It’s pssible the mvement in yur muth ccupies parts f the brain that might therwise get distracted.
    But accrding t Science Fcus magazine, distractin isn’t all bad. “If we were always s fcused that we never gt distracted, we’d miss ptential changes, such as threats, in ur envirnment. Distractin is vital fr survival.”
    13.Which f the fllwing places is better t make yu keep fcused accrding t the research?
    A.An unquiet library.B.A crwded hall.
    C.A classrm with lud nise.D.A cafe with sft music.
    14.Why des the authr suggest keeping ur mind busy?
    A.T intrduce a mental recvery. B.T explain a cultural phenmenn.
    C.T train ur brain t cncentrate. D.T recmmend an intelligent train.
    15.What is Science Fcus magazine’s attitude t distractin?
    16.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Hw t stay fcused B.The harm f distractin
    C.The Benefits f keeping fcused D.The research abut distractin
    13.D 14.C 15.B 16.A
    13.细节理解题。由第二段中的“Research by Science Fcus magazine fund silence is best fr cncentratin, r a gentle backgrund hum and cffee shp nise is great! (《科学聚焦》杂志的一项研究发现,沉默最有利于注意力的集中,或者是柔和的背景嗡嗡声和咖啡馆的噪音也很好!)”可知,诸如有柔和音乐的咖啡馆这样安静的地方更能让你保持专注。故选D项。
    14.推理判断题。由第三段“Anther pssible cure fr a shrt attentin span is brain training. Psychlgists and neurscientists are increasingly interested in ur ability t settle dwn and have lked at what we can change inside ur head t make us cncentrate. An article fr BBC Future by Carline Williams says that “Attentin Researcher Nilli Lavie f University Cllege Lndn has fund that making a task mre visually demanding takes up mre prcessing pwer and leaves the brain nthing left t prcess distractins.” S, keeping yur mind busy might be the answer. (另一种可能的短期注意力治疗方法是大脑训练。心理学家和神经科学家对我们安定下来的能力越来越感兴趣,并研究了我们可以通过改变大脑内部的哪些因素来集中注意力。卡罗琳·威廉姆斯为英国广播公司未来频道撰写的一篇文章称,“伦敦大学学院的注意力研究员尼利·拉维发现,让一项任务更视觉化需要更多的处理能力,让大脑无法处理分心的事情。”所以,让你的头脑保持忙碌可能是答案)”可知,让你的头脑保持忙碌,你的大脑就无法处理分心的事情,你只能集中注意力,可得出作者建议让我们的大脑保持忙碌是为了训练大脑集中注意力。故选C项。
    15.推理判断题。由最后一段“But accrding t Science Fcus magazine, distractin isn’t all bad. “If we were always s fcused that we never gt distracted, we’d miss ptential changes, such as threats, in ur envirnment. Distractin is vital fr survival.”(但据《科学聚焦》杂志称,分心并不都是坏事。“如果我们总是如此专注,从不分心,我们就会错过环境中的潜在变化,例如威胁。分心对生存至关重要。”)”可知,分心有好处也有坏处,可得出《科学焦点》杂志对分心的态度是全面(全面的)。故选B项。
    16.主旨大意题。由第一段中的“Staying fcused can still be a challenge in adult life, but understanding hw t d it, and knwing what is distracting yu, can help. (在成年人的生活中,保持专注仍然是一个挑战,但了解如何做到这一点,知道什么让你分心,会有所帮助)”,第二段中的“Scientists have lked at what makes us delay and fund a number f ways t help us stay in the zne. One f the mst bvius things is eliminating nise. (科学家们已经研究了是什么让我们拖延,并找到了一些方法来帮助我们留在这个区域。最明显的事情之一就是消除噪音)”,第三段中的“Anther pssible cure fr a shrt attentin span is brain training. (另一种可能的短期注意力治疗方法是大脑训练)”和第四段中的“There are mre practical tips t keeping yur mind fcused. (有更多实用的技巧来保持你的注意力集中)”可知,文章主要说明了成年人容易分心,对此科学家研究了导致分心的原因并给出了一些有助于保持专注的方法,A选项“Hw t stay fcused(如何保持专注)”最符合文章标题。故选A项。
    Passage 5 (2022·广西·南宁三中一模)
    When yu think f Chinese fd in the US, fried rice, r General Ts’s chicken may first cme t mind. But a new museum exhibitin in New Yrk City is trying t expand visitrs’ palates (味蕾). It features stries f famus cks like Martin Yan and hme cks whse fd represents 18 different reginal cking styles f China.
    “I think it’s unfair t just classify Chinese cking as ne,” says Kian Lam Kh, an rganizer f “Sur, Sweet, Bitter, Spicy: Stries f Chinese Fd and Identity in America” at the Museum f Chinese in America. “Even with the same dish r same cuisine, every family has a different variatin.” That’s why the rganizers say if yu want t taste the full range f Chinese cuisine in the US, yu’ll need t g beynd restaurants and int hme kitchens, which can play a central rle in many immigrants’ lives.
    “The kitchen itself is kind f a cmfrt when yu cme t a new cuntry. That’s the ne place where yu set up as yur hme base, and yu ck things that yu remember frm yur past,” explains Audra Ang, anther rganizer.
    One f the hme cks shwcased in the exhibitin is Ni Biying, 80, f Manhattan. She wrked as a live-in babysitter fr years befre she culd finally affrd t rent a hme with her wn kitchen. These days, yu can usually find her mving arund her ne-bedrm apartment as a sweet smell f vinegar and rice wine flats frm her stve. Fr Ni, a small dinner fr friends and family means preparing almst a dzen different dishes. She learned sme f her techniques frm her father, wh made mst f her family’s meals when she was a child. “I still miss the beef with stir-fried celery my father used t ck,” she says. And it’s the kind f cmfrt fd that defines Chinese fd fr Ni.
    17.What is the new museum exhibitin mainly abut?
    A.Cuisine f different cuntries.B.Explratin f famus restaurants.
    C.Histry f Chinese immigratin.D.Stries f Chinese fd and cks.
    18.Why des the kitchen play a key rle in many immigrants’ lives?
    A.It prvides a wealthy life.B.It brings a sense f belnging.
    C.It helps them t accept new cultures.D.It enables them t frget the past.
    19.What can we learn abut Ni Biying frm Paragraph 4?
    A.She wrked in a Chinese restaurant. B.She made mst meals as a child.
    C.She learned cking frm her father. D.She lives with a big family.
    20.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Cuisine Gains New Variatins B.Hme Cking Brings Mre t the Table
    C.Immigrants Seek Their Frtune in the US D.Chinese Restaurant Tells Immigrant Tales
    17.D 18.B 19.C 20.B
    本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了纽约市一个新的博物馆展览。该展览讲述了中国食物和厨师的故事,介绍了厨房及家常菜在移民生活中起的关键作用,结合厨师Ni Biying的故事指出,家常菜为餐桌带来了更多乐趣。
    17.细节理解题。根据第一段的“But a new museum exhibitin in New Yrk City is trying t expand visitrs’ palates (味蕾). It features stries f famus cks like Martin Yan and hme cks whse fd represents 18 different reginal cking styles f China.(但在纽约市举行的一个新的博物馆展览正试图扩大游客的味蕾。它的特点是拥有马丁·燕等著名厨师和家庭厨师的故事,他们的食物代表了中国18不同的地区烹饪风格)”可知,新的博物馆展览主要与中国食物和厨师的故事有关。故选D。
    18.细节理解题。根据第三段内容““The kitchen itself is kind f a cmfrt when yu cme t a new cuntry. That’s the ne place where yu set up as yur hme base, and yu ck things that yu remember frm yur past,” explains Audra Ang, anther rganizer.(“当你来到一个新的国家时,厨房本身是一种安慰。那是你可以作为大本营的地方,你可以烹饪你记忆中的东西,” 另一个组织者奥郎解释说)”可知,厨房可以给许多移民带来归属感,这正是厨房在许多移民的生活中起着关键作用的原因所在。故选B。
    19.细节理解题。根据第四段的“She learned sme f her techniques frm her father, wh made mst f her family’s meals when she was a child.(她从父亲那里学到了一些技巧,在她还是个孩子的时候,家里大部分的饭菜都是父亲做的)”可知,Ni Biying从她父亲那里学到了一些烹饪技巧。故选C
    20.主旨大意题。文章第一、二段介绍了纽约市一个新的博物馆展览活动的内容,该展览讲述了中食物和厨师的故事。第三段介绍了厨房在许多移民的生活中起关键作用的原因所在。最后一段结合厨师 NiBiying 的故事指出, 家常菜为餐桌带来了更多乐趣。由此可知,选项 B“家庭烹饪给餐桌带来更多”适合作本文标题。故选B。
    Passage 5 (2022·江苏省泰州市教育局模拟预测)
    A bld test that accurately predicts a patient’s likelihd f dying frm heart disease r a strke (中风) has been develped.
    Researchers tk samples f bld frm 22,949 peple and analyzed the levels f abut 5,000 prteins within it. They then used machine learning t detect whether there was a link between the prteins that circulate in a persn’s bldstream and their risk f heart disease. The study identified a particular “prtein signature” that accurately predicts the chance f suffering a heart attack, strke r heart failure ver a fur-year perid.
    Currently, dctrs assess the likelihd f patients suffering heart prblems by lking at factrs including weight, bld pressure, age and chlesterl (胆固醇) levels. Hwever, bld prtein analysis can prvide mre accurate clues t the state f a persn’s health. The technlgy was fund t be twice as accurate as existing tls at measuring a patient’s heart risk. The bld test culd als prvide a faster way f detecting whether patients’ existing medicatin (药物治疗) is wrking and helping t reduce their risk. Existing risk assessments struggle t d this.
    The bld test was develped by SmaLgic, based in Bulder, Clrad. The cmpany is als wrking with scientists at Imperial Cllege Lndn t help develp a bld test t detect cancer. Prfessr Eli Ribli said this culd lead t widespread screening fr many different types f cancers, which is nt pssible using existing techniques. His team will wrk with SmaLgic t analyze 15,000 bld samples frm peple wh had develped cancer, cmparing them with 10,000 samples frm peple wh did nt. The results will be used t establish whether there are prtein markers that culd indicate if smene is at risk frm the disease.
    In 2019, a trial began in Leeds t use SmaLgic’s technlgy t assess peple’s risk f diabetes, and als the effectiveness f lifestyle changes in preventing the cnditin. Dr Michael Messenger, head f the Leeds Centre fr Persnalized Medicine and Health, said that it culd help tailr treatments t individual patients. “Persnalized medicine lets us take a deeper lk at each persn’s individual bilgy, s we can better understand what the right advice r treatment, at the right time, might be.”
    21.What can be learned frm the secnd paragraph?
    A.Abut 5,000 prteins exist in peple’s bld.
    B.Different methds were adpted in the research.
    C.Altgether 22,949 peple vlunteered fr the study.
    D.The “prtein signature” in the bld causes heart diseases.
    22.Hw is the third paragraph develped?
    A.By giving examples.B.By making classificatins.
    C.By making cmparisns.D.By analyzing cause and effect.
    23.What can be learned frm the passage?
    A.Persnalized medicine is becming a tendency.
    B.Prtein markers will indicate sme risks f cancer.
    C.SmaLgic’s technlgy will have a wider applicatin.
    D.Bld prtein analysis is mst advanced in predicting diseases.
    24.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.New appraches t ding bld tests. B.An easy way t prevent deadly diseases.
    C.The advantages f bld prtein analysis. D.A bld test t predict the risk f heart attack death.
    21.B 22.C 23.C 24.D
    21.推理判断题。根据第二段关键句“Researchers tk samples f bld frm 22,949 peple and analyzed the levels f abut 5,000 prteins within it. They then used machine learning t detect whether there was a link between the prteins that circulate in a persn’s bldstream and their risk f heart disease.”(研究人员采集了22949个人的血液样本,分析了其中约5000种蛋白质的含量。然后,他们利用机器学习来检测血液中循环的蛋白质与心脏病风险之间是否存在联系。)可知,研究中分别采用了采集血液样本和利用机器检测等方式,由此可知,研究中采用了不同的方法。故选B项。
    22.推理判断题。根据第三段关键句“Hwever, bld prtein analysis can prvide mre accurate clues t the state f a persn’s health. The technlgy was fund t be twice as accurate as existing tls at measuring a patient’s heart risk.”(然而,血液蛋白质分析可以为一个人的健康状况提供更准确的线索。研究发现,该技术在测量患者心脏风险方面的准确度是现有工具的两倍。)可知,第三段中将血液检测和现有工具在测量患者心脏风险方面的准确度上进行了对比,血液蛋白质分析能够提供更准确的线索,准确度是现有工具的两倍,由此可知,第三段是通过进行比较展开的。故选C项。
    23.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Prfessr Eli Ribli said this culd lead t widespread screening fr many different types f cancers, which is nt pssible using existing techniques. ”(埃利奥·里博利教授说,这可能导致对许多不同类型癌症的广泛筛查,而这是使用现有技术所不可能做到的)可知,由此可知,SmaLgic的技术将有更广泛的应用。故选C项。
    24.主旨大意题。通读全文,结合第一段内容“A bld test that accurately predicts a patient’s likelihd f dying frm heart disease r a strke (中风) has been develped.”(一种能够准确预测患者死于心脏病或中风可能性的血液测试已经开发出来。)可知,文章主要介绍了一种新开发出来的血液测试,能够准确预测患者死于心脏病或中风的可能性,由此可知,文章主要讲的是预测心脏病发作死亡风险的血液测试。故选D项。
    Passage 7 (2022·江苏省泰州市教育局模拟预测)
    Climate change is an nging and ever-present threat t the Earth and all living things upn it. Unchecked industrialism and the burning f fssil fuels have resulted in the creatin f harmful greenhuse gases. Human greed has led t massive defrestatin and clearcutting f frests t make way fr farmland. Pllutin blcks ur rivers, lakes, and ceans. The pint f n return may be fast appraching.
    After decades f harmful actins, many gvernments and businesses are nw struggling t find ways t lessen sme f their destructive effects and reach net-zer, which means nt adding t the amunt f greenhuse gases in the atmsphere. One f the ways they prpsed was the extensive tree-planting. The UK gvernment, fr example, has set ut its plan t plant 30,000 hectares f trees annually s as t absrb carbn dixide.
    Hwever, accrding t Oxfam, a British charity devted t helping peple in pr cuntries, thse plans never bre fruit. It issued clear and strng warnings against them—the area needed fr a tree-planting prject f this scale t successfully lwer carbn emissins t net-zer is estimated at 1.6 billin hectares, which is an area five times the size f India. That means the prject wuld intrude(侵占)n the land presently needed t grw enugh crps t feed the wrld’s expanding ppulatin.
    Such a massive campaign f turning farmland int frest culd give rise t a glbal interruptin t agriculture, and cause fd prices t rise by as much as 80% by 2050. In a wrld where millins f peple are already ging hungry, this culd have disastrus results. By trying t save the planet, gvernments and businesses may cause many millins f peple t die f starvatin. This paradx (悖论)perfectly illustrates the phrase “damned if yu d, and damned if yu dn’t.”
    25.The authr mentins the UK gvernment t shw _________.
    A.the utbreak f climate disasters has its ecnmic reasns
    B.there is still sme dubt whether the UK can reach net-zer
    C.cuntries and cmpanies are trying t deal with climate change
    D.net-zer makes sense nly when all cuntries make jint effrts
    26.What is Oxfam’s attitude twards the extensive tree-planting?
    27.What is the paradx assciated with the plans fr tree-planting?
    A.A vast area f the frest wuld burn dwn instead.
    B.Bigger frests culd result in a ppulatin explsin.
    C.India wuld lse 1.6 billin hectares f agricultural land.
    D.Planting trees culd lead t the starvatin f millins f peple.
    28.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A.The Catch-22 f Net-zer B.New Respnses t Climate Change
    C.Planting Trees fr a Better-fed Wrld D.The Cntrl f Greenhuse Gas Emissin
    25.C 26.B 27.D 28.A
    25.推理判断题。由文章第二段“After decades f harmful actins, many gvernments and businesses are nw struggling t find ways t lessen sme f their destructive effects and reach net-zer, which means nt adding t the amunt f greenhuse gases in the atmsphere.(在几十年的有害行为之后,许多政府和企业现在正在努力寻找减少它们的一些破坏性影响的方法,以达到净零排放,这意味着不增加大气中温室气体的数量)”可知许多政府和企业现在正在努力寻找减少它们的一些破坏性影响的方法,然后举了英国政府的例子。说明英国政府例子是来证明各国和企业都在努力应对气候变化。故选C项。
    26.推理判断题。由文章第三段“thse plans never bre fruit. It issued clear and strng warnings against them .(这些计划从未取得成果。它对他们发出了明确而强烈的警告。)”可知这些计划从未取得成果,且对他们发出了明确而强烈的警告。 Oxfam对广泛植树是持批判态度的。故选B项。
    27.细节理解题。由文章最后一段“Such a massive campaign f turning farmland int frest culd give rise t a glbal interruptin t agriculture, and cause fd prices t rise by as much as 80% by 2050. In a wrld where millins f peple are already ging hungry, this culd have disastrus results.(如此大规模的退耕还林运动可能导致全球农业中断,并导致粮食价格在2050年前上涨80%。在一个数百万人已经挨饿的世界里,这可能会带来灾难性的后果。)”可知与植树计划有关的悖论是植树可能会导致数百万人挨饿。故选D项。
    Passage 8 (2022·福建省福州第一中学三模)
    All sunds that are luder than 85 decibels are a threat t yur hearing, especially if yur expsure is lng r repeated. That’s because lud sunds can injure r destry hair cells in yur inner ear that are invlved in sending sund signals t yur brain.
    Since mst f us dn’t carry decibel meters arund, yu can rely instead n this rule f thumb: if yu are required t raise yur vice t be heard by smene standing at arm’s length away then there’s ptential fr harm.
    Deafeningly lud nise is nt t blame fr all hearing lss, thugh. Occasinally, the rt f the prblem is an underlying cnditin such as a ruptured (破裂的) eardrum. In additin, the inner ear can als simply becme wrse as yu get lder, and unfrtunately, there’s n real way t prevent this.
    If yu suspect yu’ve lst sme hearing, see a GP r audilgist. A hearing aid culd imprve yur abilities nticeably, particularly when it’s a questin f picking up peple’s speech. The technlgy itself “can take a while t get used t because yur brain needs t readjust, “says audilgist Dr Gemma Twitchen. “Research shws this is much easier if yu take actin n getting yur hearing assessed early n, when yu first ntice it reducing”
    Anther pssible cnsequence f nise expsure r ageing is tinnitus. This phantm (幽灵似的) ringing, buzzing, hissing r raring is ften caused by the brain cmpensating fr missing sund input r by damaged ear hair cells sending randm signals t it. Althugh the cnditin affects each sufferer differently, sleep lss, stress and truble cncentrating are amng the ptential cnsequences. If yur tinnitus cmes with hearing lss—and they d ften shw up tgether—then a hearing aid culd ease it by giving yur brain external sunds t fcus n. Other ptentially helpful devices include sund generatrs that send ut gentle white nise that prevents the tinnitus frm develping.
    29.In mst cases, hw d we knw that nise is harmful?
    A.By carrying a decibel meter n us. B.By keeping thers at arm’s length.
    C.By having t talk ludly at shrt range. D.By sensing cncentratin truble.
    30.What is the third paragraph mainly abut?
    A.Cnsequences f lud nise. B.Surces f deafening nise.
    C.Ways t prevent hearing lss. D.Reasns fr hearing lss.
    31.What can we infer frm Paragraph 4?
    A.Mst GPs use hearing aids as a cure. B.This technlgy has been arund fr a while.
    C.Early hearing lss assessment is advisable D.Hearing lss takes sme time t readjust.
    32.What d we knw abut tinnitus?
    A.It impacts the quality f life. B.It is a direct result f hearing lss.
    C.It can be cured by a hearing aid D.It leads t missing sund input.
    29.C 30.D 31.C 32.A
    29.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Since mst f us dn’t carry decibel meters arund, yu can rely instead n this rule f thumb: if yu are required t raise yur vice t be heard by smene standing at arm’s length away then there’s ptential fr harm.”(因为我们大多数人都没有携带分贝计,所以你可以依靠这条经验法则:如果你被要求提高音量,让站在一臂远的人听到,那么就有潜在的伤害。)可知,近距离内需要提供音量让对方听到你的声音,这种环境中的声音就是噪音。故选C项。
    30.主旨大意题。根据第三段第一句“Deafeningly lud nise is nt t blame fr all hearing lss, thugh.”(然而,震耳欲聋的噪音并不是所有听力丧失的原因。)以及后文列举了另外两个造成听力损伤的原因,可知该段落主要在介绍听力损伤的原因。故选D项。
    31.推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句““Research shws this is much easier if yu take actin n getting yur hearing assessed early n, when yu first ntice it reducing””(“研究表明,当你第一次注意到听力下降时,如果你尽早采取行动进行听力评估,这就会容易得多。”)可知,应该尽早去评估听力受损情况。故选C项。
    32.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Althugh the cnditin affects each sufferer differently, sleep lss, stress and truble cncentrating are amng the ptential cnsequences.”(尽管这种情况对每个患者的影响不同,但睡眠不足、压力和注意力难以集中都是潜在的后果。)可知,耳鸣会影响到生活质量。故选A项。
    Passage 9 (2022·福建省福州第一中学三模)
    There have been few psitives during the pandemic but British academics may have unearthed ne peple lk mre attractive in prtective masks.
    Dr Michael Lewis, an expert in faces, said research carried ut befre the pandemic had fund that medical face masks reduced attractiveness because they were assciated with disease. “We wanted t test whether this had changed since face cverings became cmmn and understand whether the type f mask had any effect.” he said. “Our study suggests faces are cnsidered mst attractive when cvered by medical face masks. This may be because we’re used t health care wrkers wearing blue masks and nw we assciate these with peple in caring r medical prfessins.”
    The research was carried ut in February 202I by which time the British ppulatin had becme used t wearing masks in sme circumstances. Frty-three wmen were asked t rate n a scale f ne t 10 the attractiveness f images f male faces withut a mask, wearing a plain clth mask, a blue medical face mask, and hlding a plain black bk cvering the area a face mask wuld hide. The participants said thse wearing a clth mask were significantly mre attractive than the nes with n masks r whse faces were partly cvered by the bk. But the surgical mask—which was just a nrmal, dispsable kind—made the wearer lk even better.
    “The pandemic has changed ur psychlgy in hw we perceive the wearers f masks.” said Lewis. “When we see smene wearing a mask we n lnger think that persn has a disease, I need t stay away’ Lewis said it was pssible that masks made peple mre attractive because they directed attentin t the eyes. Other studies had fund that cvering the left r right half f a face als made peple lk mre attractive, partly because the brain fills in the missing gaps and exaggerates the verall impact.
    33.Hw did peple wearing medical face masks use t strike thers?
    34.Accrding t the research, which f the fllwing is the mst appealing?
    A.Tm, hlding a blue medical face mask B.Mark, wearing a plain clth mask.
    C.Paul, a bk cvering the lwer area f the face D.Jasn, with a surgical mask cvering his face.
    35.What can be inferred abut the effect f the pandemic n peple frm the text?
    A.Peple have changed their attitude t medical wrkers.
    B.Peple prefer t wear masks when they are utdrs.
    C.Peple hld a mre psitive view n thse wearing masks
    D.Peple keep a psitive attitude t persns with illness
    36.What des the passage mainly talk abut?
    A.Masks help during the pandemic. B.Men need t wear masks.
    C.Find ways t becme attractive. D.Face masks make yu charming.
    33.C 34.D 35.C 36.D
    33.细节理解题。根据第二段的“Dr Michael Lewis, an expert in faces, said research carried ut befre the pandemic had fund that medical face masks reduced attractiveness because they were assciated with disease.(人脸专家迈克尔·刘易斯博士表示,在大流行之前进行的研究发现,医用口罩会降低吸引力,因为它们与疾病有关。)”可知,过去戴医用口罩的人是不受欢迎的,故选C。
    34.推理判断题。根据第二段的“Our study suggests faces are cnsidered mst attractive when cvered by medical face masks.(我们的研究表明,戴医用口罩的脸被认为最有吸引力。)”可知,戴着外科口罩的Jasn是最吸引人的,故选D。
    35.推理判断题。根据最后一段的“The pandemic has changed ur psychlgy in hw we perceive the wearers f masks.(疫情改变了我们看待口罩佩戴者的心理。)”和“When we see smene wearing a mask we n lnger think that persn has a disease, I need t stay away(当我们看到有人戴着口罩时,我们不再认为这个人有疾病,我需要远离他)”可知,流行病对人的影响是人们对戴口罩的人持更积极的看法,故选C。
    36.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段的“There have been few psitives during the pandemic but British academics may have unearthed ne peple lk mre attractive in prtective masks.(疫情期间很少有阳性结果,但英国学者可能发现了一个戴着防护口罩的人,他们看起来更有吸引力。)”可知,本文主要讲的是英国学者发现一个戴着防护口罩的人看起来更有吸引力,也就是“口罩让你迷人”,故选D。
    Passage 10 (2022·河南·通许县第一高级中学模拟预测)
    While vide games used t be cnsidered harmful t yung peple, varius studies have als prved the psitive effects f cmputer games, especially actin vide games.
    Angela Pasqualtt frm the University f Trent and her team have nw tested whether such vide games can help primary schl children learn t read. They’ve develped such a cmputer game called Skies f Manawak.
    “Reading invlves many imprtant skills, including knwing hw t mve ur eyes n the page r hw t use ur wrking memry t cnnect wrds int a meaningful sentence,” explains Pasqualtt. “It’s knwn that actin vide games imprve these still, such as visin, general attentin, wrking memry and cgnitive (认知的) flexibility.”
    Fr their study, the researchers tested 150 schl children between the ages f eight and twelve. Half f them played the game Skies f Manawak tw hurs a week fr six weeks. The ther half, the cntrl grup, received the educatinal game Scratch, which is intended t teach children the basics f prgramming. Bth games are basically t train the executive (执行的) functins f the brain.
    “We started by examining the children’s ability t read wrds, nn-wrds and paragraphs and their attentin cntrl,” explains Pasqualtt. “After six weeks, these skills were tested again.”
    “We fund a seven-fld imprvement in attentin cntrl in the children wh played ur actin vide game cmpared t the cntrl grup,” said Pasqualtt. The team als saw significant imprvements in reading speed and accuracy amng Skies f Manawak players—there were n imprvements in the kids wh played Scratch. It’s als wrth mentining that the children’s reading skills have imprved, althugh the game itself desn’t cntain any reading exercises.
    “Fr the study, we als carried ut three further evaluatin tests six, twelve and eighteen mnths after the training. Each time, the trained children perfrmed better than the cntrl grup,” adds Pasqualtt.
    Of curse, while the study suggests sme benefit in actin vide games, it des nt mean that ne must d nthing else.
    37.What did the 150 schl children d in the study?
    A.They received training n prgramming.B.They finished sme reading ability tests.
    C.They created vide games n their wn.D.They played games with reading exercises.
    38.What des the further evaluatin suggest abut Skies f Manawak?
    A.Its influence n reading skills is nt temprary.B.The study results abut it seem t be untrustwrthy.
    C.Reading ability can’t be imprved with its assistance.D.Kids need cnsistent reading training after playing it.
    39.What is the authr’s pinin n actin vide games?
    A.They have nthing t d with reading.B.Peple shuldn’t get addicted t them.
    C.Schl kids are suppsed t avid them.D.They shuld be replaced with Scratch.
    40.Which f the fllwing can serve as the best title fr the text?
    A.Vide Games Prve Harmless t Yung Peple at Schl
    B.Time fr Children t Play Vide Games Shuld Be Limited
    C.Children Easily Fall in Lve With Reading in a Vide Game
    D.Playing Actin Vide Games Imprves Kids’ Reading Skills
    37.B 38.A 39.B 40.D
    37.细节理解题。由文章第五段“We started by examining the children’s ability t read wrds, nn-wrds and paragraphs and their attentin cntrl .After six weeks, these skills were tested again.(我们从检查孩子们阅读单词、非单词和段落的能力以及他们的注意力控制开始。六周后,这些技能再次接受测试。)”可知参与研究的学生完成了一些阅读能力测试。故选B项。
    38.推理判断题。由文章第七段“Each time, the trained children perfrmed better than the cntrl grup.( 每一次,训练过的孩子都比对照组表现得更好。)” 后续的评估依然显示玩动作类电子游戏的孩子在阅读方面表现得更好。由此可推断,该款动作类电子游戏对阅读能力的影响是持续的。故选A项。
    39.推理判断题。根据最后一段“... while the study suggests sme benefit in actin vide games, it des nt mean that ne must d nthing else. (当然,虽然这项研究表明动作类电子游戏有一些好处,但这并不意味着人们就可以什么都不做。)” 可推断,作者认为玩动作类电子游戏虽然有益处,但是不能沉迷其中。故选B项。
    40.主旨大意题。根据第一段“While vide games used t be cnsidered harmful t yung peple, varius studies have als prved the psitive effects f cmputer games, especially actin vide games.”(虽然电子游戏曾经被认为对年轻人有害,但各种研究也证明了电子游戏的积极影响,尤其是动作电子游戏。)以及文章前三段及第六、七段可知,本文主要介绍了一个研究发现——动作类电子游戏有助于提高孩子的阅读能力。所以短文的最佳标题为“玩动作游戏可以提高孩子的阅读能力”。故选D项。

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