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    1.全卷满分120分。考试时间为100分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
    2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将 自己的姓名、考试证号用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。
    3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
    第I卷(选择题 共55分)
    Ⅰ.单项选择(共10题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
    从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    1.I read Harry Ptter last mnth. ________ bk made me fall in lve with magic nvels at nce.
    2.We all knw that children in China start schl ________ 6 years ld.
    3.—It is said that mre and mre peple cme t visit Huai’an during hlidays.
    —Yes. Huai’an is a very ________ city nw.
    4.Hard wrk is the ________ that Chinese yung peple shuld have in the new era(时代).
    5.All the teachers and students wrk tgether t make a better schl. That’s why ur schl is develping s _______.
    6.Our gvernment ________ lifts(电梯)in sme ld cmmunities s that peple can g up and dwn easily.
    A.puts inB.puts thrughC.puts nD.puts ut
    7.________ great fun we had picking strawberries last weekend!
    A.WhatB.What aC.HwD.Hw a
    8.Yu had better g ver what yu have learnt as ften as pssible r yu ________ it easily.
    A.frgtB.frgetsC.will frgetD.is frgetting
    9.—I wnder ________.
    —Yes. The art festival is held nce a year in ur schl.
    A.why yu have an art festival in yur schl
    B.that d yu have an art festival in yur schl
    C.whether yu have an art festival in yur schl
    D.when d yu have an art festival in yur schl
    10.—Are yu sure t g camping with us tmrrw?
    —________, if yu insist.
    A.Never mindB.All rightC.Believe it r ntD.Dn’t mentin it
    Ⅱ.完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
    My 12-year-ld niece was staying with us fr a little while. One night we stayed up talking abut hw we used t 11 and take part in randm (随机的) acts f kindness. We talked abut hw s much had changed, and hw it wuld be 12 t d s many f thse things nw, 13 when it came t helping ut strangers.
    The next day, I 14 smething frm dwntwn and tk her with me. As we walked arund, we heard a beautiful male vice singing. We turned arund t see a middle-aged man 15 n a crner with his guitar. A cuple was sitting n a bench nearby and listening t his 16 .
    After I ran my errand (差事), we expected t sit at an utdr restaurant acrss frm him n 17 side f the street. My niece kept 18 and saying hw wnderful his singing was. Seeing hw mved she was by his music, at the end f ur 19 , I gave her a $10 bill and asked her t put it in his bwl.
    She was 20 , but headed ver. As she gt 21 , the man was just finishing a sng, and they had a cnversatin. She tld him hw tuched she was 22 his music, and he tld her she made 23 day exciting. As she was excitedly talking abut the 24 with me, she mentined, “He didn’t even knw hw much it was. He just 25 that smene was enjying his music.”
    17.A.therB.the therC.thersD.the thers
    25.A.thught abutB.thught fC.cared abutD.cared fr
    Ⅲ.阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)
    请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    26.If Mr. White gets up at 10:00 a.m, he can start the tur at ________.
    A.9:00 p.m.B.1:00 p.m.C.2:00 p.m.D.6:00 p.m.
    27.Visitrs can visit ________ places.
    28.What can we knw frm the table?
    A.The guides can speak three languages.
    B.The Drum Twer has a histry f mre than 600 years.
    C.Visitrs can drink sme tea in Dajinsi Hutng.
    D.The Prince Gng’s Mansin is the last place t visit.
    Tess’s little brther was very sick. Only an peratin culd save him, but Tess’s father and mther didn’t have mney. Her Daddy said, “Only a miracle (奇迹) can save him nw.”
    Tess went t her bedrm and pulled a glass jar (罐子) with her pcket mney inside. She cunted it carefully. Then she went t the pharmacy (药房).
    She tk a quarter frm her jar and banged (猛摔) it n the glass cunter.
    “And what d yu want?” the pharmacist asked unhappily. “I’m talking t my brther frm Chicag whm I haven’t seen in ages,” he said impatiently.
    “Well, I want t talk t yu abut my brther,” Tess answered back in the same annyed tne. “His name is Andrew and he has smething bad grwing inside his head and my Daddy says nly a miracle can save him nw. S hw much des a miracle cst?”
    “We dn’t sell miracles here, little girl. I’m srry I can’t help yu,” the pharmacist said.
    “Listen. I have the mney t pay fr it. If it isn’t enugh, I will get the rest. Just tell me hw much it csts.” Tess shuted.
    Then the pharmacist’s brther stped (弯腰) dwn and asked the little girl, “What kind f a miracle des yur brther need?”
    “I just knw he’s really sick and Mmmy says he needs an peratin.” Tess replied.
    “Hw much d yu have?” asked the man frm Chicag.
    “One dllar and eleven cents,” Tess answered. “And it’s all the mney I have.”
    “Well, what a cincidence (巧合)!” the man smiled. “A dllar and eleven cents is exact the price f a miracle fr little brthers.”
    “Take me t where yu live. Let’s see if I have the kind f miracle yu need.”
    That well-dressed man was Dr. Carltn Armstrng, a surgen, specializing in neursurgery (神经外科). The peratin was cmpleted successfully and fr free.
    Mm and Dad were very happy. “That dctr,” her Mm whispered, “was a real miracle. I wnder hw much it wuld have cst?”
    Tess smiled.
    29.Tess cunted her pcket mney in the glass jar t ________.
    A.buy smething fr herselfB.give it t her parents
    C.help her little brtherD.send it t the dctr
    30.The underlined wrd “annyed” means ________.
    31.The man frm Chicag said the price f a miracle was a cincidence because ________.
    A.the miracle was a daydreamB.he wanted t play a trick n Tess
    C.the miracle was mre expensiveD.he decided t give a helping hand
    32.What’s the best title f the article?
    A.A girl and her brtherB.The price f miracle
    C.An imprtant peratinD.A kind dctr
    Smetimes a bk can help change histry. One bk that certainly did was Uncle Tm’s Cabin, written by Stwe. It was a bk that spke ut against slavery (奴隶制度).
    As Stwe wrte her bk, there were ver 3.5 millin slaves in the United States. Slaves were usually in the cttn grwing states f the Suth. The Nrthern States had ended slavery. Yet, mst Nrtherners were nt strngly against, slavery. They did nt mind that slavery cntinued in the Suth.
    Stwe decided t make peple understand that slavery was very bad. Each night after putting her six children t bed, she wrked n her bk. She tld the stry f an ld slave, Tm and Simn, a slave wner. She als tld hw the slaves tried t run away fr freedm. Uncle Tm’s Cabin first came ut in 1852. Over 300,000 bks were sld ut in a year.
    Peple had different ideas abut the bk. In the Nrth, many peple finally believed that slavery must be ended after they read the bk. In the Suth, many peple were very angry at the peple in the Nrth. By 1861 the tw parts f the cuntry were at war. The Civil War (南北战争), which lasted until 1865, finally brught an end t slavery at last.
    Of curse, there were many things that made the Civil War happen. Yet, Uncle Tm’s Cabin surely played a part. Stwe met President Lincln in 1862. As Lincln tk her hand, he said, “S yu are the little wman wh started the big war.”
    33.Uncle Tm’s Cabin was ________.
    A.a bk abut StweB.a histry bk
    C.a bk that helped change histryD.a bk abut the American Civil War
    34.Befre Uncle Tm’s Cabin came ut, mst Nrtherners ________.
    A.were slaves in the SuthB.understd that slavery was wrng
    C.kept slaves in their hmesD.did nt knw hw bad slavery was
    35.While many Nrtherners agreed with Stwe, ________.
    A.many Sutherners disagreed with herB.many Sutherners did nt read the bk
    C.many Sutherners wanted warD.sme slaves tried t run away frm the Nrth
    36.Frm the text, we can see that ________.
    A.Stwe was a very yung wman
    B.Stwe’s husband was dead when she wrte the stry
    C.Stwe culd nt wrk n her bk at all during the daytime
    D.Stwe wrte the bk with stries frm her six children
    Nwadays, many children spend hurs a day lking at cmputer screens r ther digital (数码的) prducts. Sme eye dctrs say all the screen time has caused mre children t have what they call cmputer visin syndrme (视力综合症). Nathan Warfrd is an ptmetrist (验光师) in the US. He says he has seen mre children having eye prblems.
    “Mre children cme int my ffice because their parents have nticed that they have headaches r red eyes,r because their degree f shrt-shrtsightedness appears t be increasing (增加) very fast and they’re wrried,” he said.
    Dr.Warfrd says part f the prblem is that even if their eyes start t feel uncmfrtable r they start t get a headache, sme children dn’t tell their parents, because they dn’t want their games r the cmputer t be taken away.
    Anther part f the prblem is that peple blink (眨眼睛) less ften when they lk at the screen. A persn wh uses a cmputer r a digital prduct blinks abut ne third as much as we nrmally d in everyday life. If eyes can’t stay wet r are t tired, they will nt be prtected like nrmal.
    37.Which f the fllwing may be caused by t much screen time?
    A.Having headaches. B.Having wet eyes. C.Having small eyes.D.Having a tthache.
    38.Why dn’t sme children tell their parents when their eyes start t feel cmfrtable?
    A.They think it is nt serius.B.They want t cntinue playing cmputer games.
    C.They dn’t want their parents t wrry.D.Their parents dn’t care abut them.
    39.Frm the passage, we can learn that ________.
    A.tears can’t prtect eyes.B.blinking is gd fr eyes.
    C.It’s useless t blink.D.children shuld blink as much as pssible.
    40.What is the passage mainly abut?
    A.Sme infrmatin abut the latest digital prducts.
    B.Dr. Warfrd’s experience f wrking ut eye prblems.
    C.It’s bad t use cmputers.
    D.Eye prblems in children caused by using digital prducts.
    Ⅳ.词汇运用(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    41.—Why nt invite him t play ftball tgether?
    —Because he has his hbby.
    42.I feel stressed when my English teacher talks with me.
    43.Smetimes it’s difficult fr us t between study and play.
    44.He has drunk water, but he still feels thirsty.
    45.Simn was this afternn and he didn’t want t talk t anyne.
    46.His parents are him in his study and life.
    47. they were very tired, they went n wrking fr a lng time.
    48.Li Lei has since he came here.
    根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。
    49.If the prblem can be (peace) slved, we can avid a lt f truble.
    50.When the sunshine falls n the Earth, it will be turned int (ht) and energy.
    51.We hpe that China will be ne f (wealth) natins in the near future.
    52.The champin (present) with a gld at tmrrw’s meeting.
    53.Zhang Sngwen is nw ne f the mst ppular (act). I like him very much.
    54.Bad luck! The new watch I bught last week was (break).
    55.Sme birds are (active) in the daytime. They like t cme ut at night.
    V.完成句子(共5小题;每小题 2分, 满分10分)
    根据所给中文意思, 用英文完成下列各句。
    Her md began t be and this attentin.
    the girl dances every day! I’m sure she in passing the dancing test.
    The is very lw. Please buy me tw because I am with husewrk t d that.
    We these bks fr 2 weeks and we can brrw three bks .
    Tell Tm nt t lse heart when he and nt when he takes the lead.
    Ⅵ.任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题2分, 满分20分)
    Bazi is ne f the cmmn Chinese fd fr breakfast. Wh wuld have thught that this simple meal wuld becme a leading character in a film, and even win an Oscar?
    On February 24, 2019, the shrt film Ba wn the Oscar fr Best Animated Shrt Film. In the film, a small bazi cmes t life and becmes the “sn” f a lnely Chinese wman in an immigrant (移民的) family in Canada.
    Dmee Shi, Pixar’s first Chinese-Canadian wman directr, gt the idea frm her wn experience. When Shi grew up, she wasn’t free and spent little time with her mther.
    Ba explres the life f an empty-nest (空巢的) Chinese-Canadian mther wh feels lnely after her sn leaves hme t g fr his wn life.
    In the film, many details shw the way the Chinese wman lves her “sn”. She prepares delicius fd, cleans up the huse and always buys “him” snacks. These details are true t the strng and prtective lve f Chinese parents fr their children.
    “Traditinally, Chinese parents dn’t say ‘I lve yu’ t their kids. I didn’t use dialgue in the film because I wanted it t be a stry that spke t everyne arund the wrld,” said Shi at an interview.
    Mrever, this film can serve as a bridge t help parents and children better understand each ther and learn hw t express lve.
    61.When did the shrt film Ba win the Oscar fr Best Animated Shrt Film?

    62.What made Dmee Shi get the idea abut the film?

    63.Hw did the Chinese wman in the film shw her lve t her sn? Give ne example.

    64.Was the film a stry that spke t everyne arund the wrld accrding t Dmee Shi?

    65.What des the name f the film Ba symblize (象征) in the passage?

    There are many ways t help imprve yur health like eating healthy fd, taking exercise and getting medical help. But the easiest and cheapest way t imprve yur health is just t sleep eight hurs r mre every night. The general sleeping rule is that the yunger yu are, the lnger sleep yu need.
    The prblem with sleep is that mre and mre peple in the wrld are nt sleeping enugh. The Wrld Health Orientatin (WHO) says, ver half f the peple in the wrld may be sleep-deprived (睡眼不足的). Having less sleep nt nly makes peple feel tired but als causes accidents. In the United States alne, sleepy drivers cause at least 100, 000 traffic accidents a year.
    Als, sleep prblems can cause medical prblems, such as high bld pressure.
    Why are s many peple sleep-deprived? Part f the reasns may be cultural. In the American culture, peple put a higher value n wrk than n sleep. In fact, peple wh sleep a lt are usually seen as “lazy”. Als, yu can smetimes hear sme peple say prudly that they dn’t have much time t sleep. They nly sleep fur r five hurs a night. It seems that the less yu sleep, the mre wrk yu’ll d.
    Hw d we teach these peple t learn the value f sleep? Perhaps they may listen t the advice f Dr. James Maas, an expert in sleep. He says, “Sleep is like a credit (信用) card. When yu sleep less, yu are nly brrwing time. Yu always have t pay it back. The mre hurs yu dn’t sleep, the mre hurs yu shuld sleep t ‘pay back’ the hurs n yur ‘sleep credit card’. ”
    Fr thse wh value wrk mre than sleep, they shuld listen t what a famus persn nce said, “Dn’t think yu will be ding less wrk because yu sleep during the night. That is a flish idea which is held by peple wh have n imaginatin. Yu will be able t d mre. ”
    66.We can imprve ur health thrugh but the easiest and cheapest way is t sleep 8 hurs every night.
    67.Mre and mre peple in the wrld dn’t have . the WHO, ver half f the peple in the wrld may be sleep-deprived.
    68.In the American culture, peple think that wrk is than sleep. It seems that sleeping less means .
    69. the advice f Dr. James Maas may help peple learn the value f sleep. He says, we need t the hurs n ur sleep credit card if we get less sleep.
    70.A famus persn nce tld that it was f yu t cnsider that yu wuld be ding less wrk sleeping during the night.
    71.ChatGPT 的出现使人工智能 AI (artificial intelligence)一度成为热门话题,同时也引发了人们对于人工智能取代人类的担忧。请以The develpment f AI为题,根据以下要点提示,写一篇英语短文:
    1. 告诉人们不必过于担心人工智能的发展;
    2. 列举人工智能发展带来的好处(至少两点),并举例说明;
    3. 谈谈你对未来人工智能发展的期待。
    注意:1. 文中不能出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息;
    2. 词数在80-100之间,已给出的文字不计入总词数。
    The develpment f AI
    The inventin f ChatGPT has made AI a ht tpic amng peple in ur sciety. Many peple feel wrried abut the develpment f AI.
    Beijing Half-day Tur
    We have mre than 20 guides and they can speak bth English and Chinese.
    Time and Place
    Our bus will wait fr yu at yur htel at 8:00 a.m. r 2:00 p.m. And we’ll drive yu back t yur htel at abut 1:00 p.m. r 7:00 p.m.
    Rute (行程)
    First, we will visit the Drum Twer. Yu can climb it and lk at the ld Beijing buildings-hutng and siheyuan. Then we will drive t Mr. Kang’s yard fr a cup f tea. After that, we can ride a bicycle t Dajinsi Hutng, the mst famus hutng in the Shichahai area. Then we will walk t the Prince Gng’s Mansin (恭王府). After that, we will g back t the htel.
    achieve a balance strict with in a bad md thugh
    at the mment a little bit plenty f given up made much prgress
    考查定冠词表特指。the表特指;an一,用于元音音素开头的单词前;a一,用于辅音音素开头的单词前;/不用冠词。根据“I read Harry Ptter last mnth.”可知应用定冠词特指上文提到的《哈利波特》这本书。故选A。
    考查介词辨析。in用于年、月前;n用于具体日期之前;at用于时刻或年龄之前;with有,表伴随。由“6 years ld”可知,此处说的是年龄。故选C。
    考查形容词辨析。lively生气勃勃的;alive活着的;living活着的;live活的,有生命的。根据“mre and mre peple cme t visit Huai’an during hlidays”和“Huai’an is a very ... city nw.”可知,越来越多的人来淮安旅游,说明淮安是一个生机勃勃的城市。故选A。
    考查名词辨析。spirit精神;recrd记录;victry胜利;service服务。根据“Hard wrk is Chinese yung peple shuld have in the new era(时代).”可知此处是指新时代中国年轻人应该有努力工作的精神,故选A。
    考查副词辨析。suddenly突然;rapidly快;quietly安静;especially尤其。根据“All the teachers and students wrk tgether t make a better schl.”可知,师生合作构造校园,是学校发展快的原因。故选B。
    考查动词短语。put in安装,(使)在内;put thrugh为……接通电话;put n穿上;put ut熄灭。根据“lifts(电梯)in sme ld cmmunities”可知是指在一些老社区安装电梯。故选A。
    考查what引导的感叹句。分析句子结构可知,此句是感叹句;由“…great fun”可知,此处是考查句型:What +adj.+不可数名词+主语+谓语!故选A。
    考查时态。根据“Yu had better g ver what yu have learnt as ften as pssible r yu ... it easily.”可知,r在此意为“否则”,表示转折关系,说明如果你不经常复习所学知识,你将会很容易遗忘;时态要用一般将来时,结构为will d。故选C。
    【详解】句意:——我想知道你们学校是否有艺术节。 ——是的。我们学校每年举行一次艺术节。
    考查宾语从句。根据“wnder”可知,空格处为宾语从句,应用陈述语序,结合“The art festival is held nce a year in ur schl.”可知,上句在问是否有艺术节。故选C。
    考查情景交际。Never mind没关系;All right好吧;Believe it r nt信不信由你;Dn’t mentin it不客气。根据“Are yu sure t g camping with us”以及“if yu insisit”可知此处表示同意,选项B符合语境。故选B。
    11.A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.A 21.D 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.C
    vlunteer做志愿者;exercise锻炼;cmmunicate交流;research研究。根据“take part in randm (随机的) acts f kindness”可知是谈论与做善事有关的话题,志愿者工作也是其中之一。故选A。
    easy容易的;difficult困难的;angry生气的;happy开心的。根据“One night we stayed up talking abut hw we used t…and take part in randm (随机的) acts f kindness. We talked abut hw s much had changed”可知,以前参与志愿者活动,现在变化很大,说明现在很难。故选B。
    prbably也许;luckily幸运地;usually通常;especially尤其。根据“when it came t helping ut strangers”可知此处特指帮助陌生人的情况。故选D。
    bught购买;fund找到;needed需要;chse挑选。根据“…smething frm dwntwn and tk her with me”可知,我需要去市中心买东西。故选C。
    sitting坐;speaking讲;shuting喊叫;crying哭泣。根据“n a crner with his guitar”可知,是拿着吉他坐在角落里。故选A。
    speech演讲;music音乐;stries故事;advice建议。根据上文“As we walked arund, we heard a beautiful male vice singing.”可知此处指听他唱歌。故选B。
    ther其他的,另外的,修饰名词;the ther两个中的“另一个”;thers其他人/物;the thers其余的(在一个范围内的其它全部)。根据“side f the street”可知此处应用the ther side f the street表示“街的对面”。故选B。
    asking询问;arguing争论;smiling微笑;jking讲笑话。根据下文“Seeing hw mved she was by his music”可知侄女被他的音乐所感动,因此应是一直微笑着。故选C。
    visit参观;talk谈话;shpping购物;meal(一)餐。根据上文“After I ran my errand (差事), we expected t sit at an utdr restaurant acrss frm him n…side f the street.”可知,在餐馆里应是在用餐。故选D。
    surprised惊讶的;wrried担心的;tired疲劳的;excited兴奋的。根据上文“I gave her a $10 bill and asked her t put it in his bwl.”可知,我给她一张10美元的纸钞让她放在他的碗里,她应是对我的这一举动感到惊讶。故选A。
    clsed关闭的;clsing结尾的;clses关闭,clse的三单形式;clse关闭,动词原形,靠近的,形容词。get为系动词,后接形容词作表语,get clse“靠近,接近”。故选D。
    with和;by被;at在;t到。根据“hw tuched she was…his music”可知此处指被他的音乐所感动,介词by表示“被”。故选B。
    my我的;yur你的;her她的;his他的。根据“he tld her she made…day exciting”可知,她让他的一天变得令人兴奋。应用his表示“他的”。故选D。
    cnversatin谈话;situatin情况;event事件;accident事故。根据上文“and they had a cnversatin”可知,此处指和我谈起她和那个唱歌的男人的谈话。故选A。
    thught abut考虑;thught f想起;cared abut关心,在意;cared fr照顾。根据“that smene was enjying his music”可知,有人喜欢他的音乐,这是那个男人所关心的事情。故选C。
    26.C 27.C 28.D
    26.细节理解题。根据“Our bus will wait fr yu at yur htel at 8:00 2:00 p.m.”可知, 公交车会在早上8点或下午2点在旅馆等候,如果怀特先生早上10点起床,他可以在下午2点开始旅游。故选C。
    27.细节理解题。根据“First, we will visit the Drum we will drive t Mr.Kang’s yard fr a cup f tea. After that, we can ride a bicycle t Dajinsi we will walk t the Prince Gng’s Mansin(恭王府). ”可知,参观了鼓楼、康先生的院子、大金寺胡同和恭王府四个地方。故选C。
    28.细节理解题。根据“Then we will walk t the Prince Gng’s Mansin (恭王府). After that, we will g back t the htel.”可知,恭王府是回酒店之前最后一个去参观的地方。故选D。
    29.C 30.A 31.D 32.B
    29.细节理解题。根据“Tess’s little brther was very sick. Only an peratin culd save him, but Tess’s father and mther didn’t have mney.”可知,Tess是为了帮助弟弟。故选C。
    30.词句猜测题。根据“the pharmacist asked unhappily”以及“Tess answered back in the same annyed tne”可知,Tess和药剂师的语气是一样的,他应该是生气的。故选A。
    31.推理判断题。根据“That well-dressed man was Dr. Carltn Armstrng, a surgen, specializing in neursurgery (神经外科). The peratin was cmpleted successfully and fr free.”可推知,他决定伸出援助之手。故选D。
    33.C 34.D 35.A 36.C
    【导语】本文主要介绍了一本反对奴隶制的书Uncle Tm’s Cabin,并简单的介绍了书的内容。
    33.细节理解题。根据“Smetimes a bk can help change histry. One bk that certainly did was Uncle Tm’s Cabin”可知,《汤姆叔叔的小屋》是一本能帮助改变历史的书。故选C。
    34.细节理解题。根据“Yet, mst Nrtherners were nt strngly against, slavery. They did nt mind that slavery cntinued in the Suth.”及“Stwe decided t make peple understand that slavery was very bad.”可知,在《汤姆叔叔的小屋》出版之前,大多数北方人并不强烈反对奴隶制,因此也不了解奴隶制的糟糕之处。故选D。
    35.细节理解题。根据“In the Nrth, many peple finally believed that slavery must be ended after they read the bk. In the Suth, many peple were very angry at the peple in the Nrth. ”可知,许多南方人不同意作者斯托的观点。故选A。
    36.细节理解题。根据“Each night after putting her six children t bed, she wrked n her bk.”可知,每天晚上把六个孩子哄上床后,她就开始写书,因此斯托白天根本不能写她的书。故选C。
    37.A 38.B 39.B 40.D
    37.细节理解题。根据“Mre children cme int my ffice because their parents have nticed that they have headaches r red eyes,”可知,看太多的屏幕会引起头疼和红眼病。故选A。
    38.细节理解题。根据“sme children dn’t tell their parents, because they dn’t want their games r the cmputer t be taken away.”可知,孩子不告诉家长的原因是因为害怕游戏和电脑被收走。故选B。
    39.推理判断题。根据“. A persn wh uses a cmputer r a digital prduct blinks abut ne third as much as we nrmally d in everyday life. If eyes can’t stay wet r are t tired, they will nt be prtected like nrmal.”可知,在看电脑和屏幕时,眨眼的次数变少,眼睛就不能保持湿润,故可推测眨眼有利于眼睛。故选B。
    40.主旨大意题。根据“. Sme eye dctrs say all the screen time has caused mre children t have what they call cmputer visin syndrme (视力综合症). ”可知,本文在讲述长时间看屏幕会引起视力综合征,即引起眼睛的很多问题。故选D。
    41.given up 42.a little bit 43.achieve a balance 44.plenty f 45.in a bad md 46.strict with 47.Thugh 48.made much prgress
    【解析】41.句意:——为什么不邀请他一起踢足球呢?——因为他放弃了他的爱好。根据“—Why nt invite him t play ftball tgether?”可知不邀请他一起去踢足球是因为他放弃了这爱好,由“has”可知此处是现在完成时,空处填given up“放弃”符合语境。故填given up。
    42.句意:当我的英语老师和我谈话时,我感到有点压力。根据“I feel…stressed”可知主句句子结构完整,结合备选词可填a little bit “一点点”修饰“stressed”,作状语。故填a little bit。
    43.句意:有时我们很难在学习和玩耍之间取得平衡。根据“it’s difficult fr us t…between study and play.”可知空处应填动词,结合句意及备选词可填achieve a balance“取得平衡”符合语境。故填achieve a balance。
    44.句意:他喝了很多水,但还是觉得口渴。根据“but he still feels thirsty”可知前句应是指“喝了很多水”,plenty f 意为“大量”,符合语境。故填plenty f 。
    45.句意:西蒙今天下午心情不好,他不想和任何人说话。根据“he didn’t want t talk t anyne.”可知推知西蒙心情不好,结合备选词可填in a bad md“心情不好”。故填in a bad md。
    46.句意:他的父母对他的学习和生活要求很严格。根据“His parents are…him in his study and life.”及备选词可知,此处填strict with与空前的be动词构成短语be strict with“对……严格”,指的是父母对他的学习和生活要求严格。故填strict with。
    47.句意:尽管他们很累,但他们还是继续工作了很长时间。根据“…they were very tired, they went n wrking fr a lng time.”可知前后是让步关系,此处填thugh“尽管”符合语境,置于句首,首字母大写。故填Thugh。
    48.句意:自从来到这里以来,李雷已经取得了很大的进步。根据“since he came here”可知此处为现在完成时,结合备选词可填made much prgress“取得很大进步”。故填made much prgress。
    【详解】句意:如果这个问题能和平解决,我们就能避免很多麻烦。peace“和平”,名词;peacefully“和平地”,副词。用副词修饰谓语动词be slved。故填peacefully。
    51.the wealthiest
    【详解】句意:我们希望中国在不久的将来成为最富有的国家之一。空处修饰名词natin,应用wealth的形容词wealthy“富有的”,“ne f the+形容词最高级+名词复数”表示“最……的……之一”, wealthy的最高级是wealthiest,故填the wealthiest。
    52.will be presented
    【详解】句意:冠军将在明天的比赛中获得一枚金牌。present“颁发”,主语the champin与谓语动词“颁发”之间是被动关系,用被动语态,且由“at tmrrw’s meeting”可知,时态是一般将来时,所以该空用一般将来时的被动语态“will be+过去分词”,present的过去分词是presented。故填will be presented。
    【详解】句意:张颂文是现在最受欢迎的演员之一。我非常喜欢他。“act”动词,“表演”,根据主语“Zhang Sngwen”可知,应用名词actr“演员”。ne f+最高级+名词复数“……中最……的之一”,actr的复数为actrs,故填actrs。
    【详解】句意:一些鸟在白天不活跃。它们喜欢晚上出来。根据对句子结构的分析可知,此处需填入形容词作表语。active“活跃的”,为形容词。又根据“They like t cme ut at night.”可知,这些鸟喜欢晚上出来,由此可以推测出,这些鸟白天不活跃。此处需用到active的反义词,无需改变词性,inactive“不活跃的”符合题意。故填inactive。
    56. ut f cntrl caught the plicemen’s/caught plicemen’s/attracted the plicemen’s/attracted plicemen’s/brught her t the plicemen’s/brught her t plicemen’s
    【详解】“失控”是介词短语ut f cntrl,“引起某人的注意”可用动词短语catch ne’s attentin、attract ne’s attentin或bring sb t ne’s attentin,根据“began”可知句子应用一般过去时,动词catch的过去式为caught,attract的过去式为attracted,bring的过去式为brught,“警察们的”应用名词所有格plicemen’s,其前也可用定冠词,主语为Her md,因此应用宾格her。故填ut f cntrl;caught (the) plicemen’s/attracted (the) plicemen’s/brught her t (the) plicemen’s。
    57. Hw seriusly will succeed/will be successful
    【详解】根据汉语提示和题干可知,第一空考查感叹句,“认真地”seriusly为副词,因此用hw引导感叹句;第二空需填宾语从句的谓语动词,结合语境,时态用一般将来时will d,“成功做某事”的表达为succeed in ding/be successful in ding。故填Hw seriusly;will succeed/will be successful。
    58. ticket price t busy
    【详解】“票价”是名词短语ticket price,根据“太忙于家务而不能买票”可知此处应用“t+形容词/副词+t d sth”来表示,“忙”用形容词busy表示。故填ticket price;t busy。
    59. have kept at a time
    【详解】根据“fr 2 weeks”可知句子应用现在完成时,且应用延续性动词keep来表示“借”,其谓语结构为:have/has+过去分词,主语为We,助动词应用have,动词keep的过去分词为kept。“一次”在此应用介词短语at a time来表示。故填have kept;at a time。
    60. falls behind t be prud
    【详解】“落后”是动词短语fall behind,结合语境,when引导的时间状语从句应用一般现在时,主语he为第三人称单数,谓语应用动词fall的三单形式falls;根据“tell Tm nt t”可知nt后接动词不定式t d作宾语补足语,“骄傲”是形容词prud,其前应用be动词。故填falls behind;t be prud。
    61.On February 24, 2019. 62.Her wn experience. 63.By preparing delicius fd. 64.Yes, it was. 65.Lve.
    61.根据第二段的“On February 24, 2019, the shrt film Ba wn the Oscar fr Best Animated Shrt Film. ”可知2019年2月24日,短片《包子》获得奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖。故填On February 24, 2019.
    62.根据第三段的“Dmee Shi, Pixar’s first Chinese-Canadian wman directr, gt the idea frm her wn experience. ”可知皮克斯的第一位华裔加拿大女导演多梅·施从自己的经历中得到了这个想法。故填Her wn experience.
    63.根据第五段的“She prepares delicius fd, cleans up the huse and always buys “him” snacks. These details are true t the strng and prtective lve f Chinese parents fr their children.”可知她准备美味的食物,打扫房子,总是给“他”买零食。这些细节真实地表达了中国父母对孩子的强烈和保护的爱。故填By preparing delicius fd.
    64.根据倒数的二段的“I didn’t use dialgue in the film because I wanted it t be a stry that spke t everyne arund the wrld,”可知我在电影中没有使用对话,因为我希望它是一个讲给世界各地的每个人的故事。故填Yes, it was.
    66. many ways at least 67. enugh sleep Accrding t 68. mre valuable ding mre wrk 69. Listening t pay back 70. flish because f
    66.根据第一段中的“There are many ways t help imprve yur health like eating healthy fd, taking exercise and getting medical help. But the easiest and cheapest way t imprve yur health is just t sleep eight hurs r mre every night.”可知,我们可以通过很多方法来改善我们的健康,但最简单和最便宜的方法是每晚至少睡8小时。at least“至少”。故填many ways;at least。
    67.根据“The prblem with sleep is that mre and mre peple in the wrld are nt sleeping enugh.”以及“The Wrld Health Orientatin (WHO) says, ver half f the peple in the wrld may be sleep-deprived (睡眼不足的). ”可知,世界上越来越多的人没有足够的睡眠。据世界卫生组织称,世界上超过一半的人可能睡眠不足。accrding t“依据”,句首单词首字母大写。故填enugh sleep;Accrding t。
    68.根据“In the American culture, peple put a higher value n wrk than n seems that the less yu sleep, the mre wrk yu’ll d.”可知,在美国文化中,人们认为工作比睡眠更有价值。似乎睡得少意味着做得多。故填mre valuable;ding mre wrk。
    69.根据“Perhaps they may listen t the advice f Dr. James always have t pay it back.”可知,听从Dr. James Maas的建议可以帮助人们了解睡眠的价值。他说,如果我们睡得更少,我们需要偿还睡眠信用卡上的时间。listen t“听”,句首单词首字母大写。故填Listening t;pay back。
    70.根据“Fr thse wh value wrk mre than is a flish idea which is held by peple wh have n imaginatin.”可知,一位名人曾经说过,如果你认为因为晚上睡觉而减少了工作量,那你就太愚蠢了。because f“因为”。故填flish;because f。
    The develpment f AI
    The inventin f ChatGPT has made AI a ht tpic amng peple in ur sciety. Many peple feel wrried abut the develpment f AI. There is n need fr peple t wrry t much abut the develpment f AI. AI will never cmpletely take the place f human beings. Instead, it has mre advantages.
    First f all, AI can be used t d dangerus jbs and keep wrkers safe. If peple dn’t want t repeat the same bring and tiring wrk day after day, they can ask AI fr help. As a result, peple can free themselves frm ver-wrk and spend mre time n what they are interested in. AI can als help a lt in scientific develpment. It imprves the accuracy f data and helps scientists t d research. That’s why ur gvernment pay mre attentin t it.
    In my pinin, AI is a trend f the wrld. We will live happily and mre cnveniently with the help f it. Let’s enjy ur AI life.
    ① 题材:本文是一篇说明文,为材料作文;
    ② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
    ③ 提示:写作要点已经给出,考生注意不要遗漏要点;注意适当发挥,突出写作重点。
    ① take the place f 替代
    ② day after day 日复一日
    ③ pay attentin t 注意
    ① There is n need fr peple t wrry t much abut the develpment f AI. (there be句型)
    ② If peple dn’t want t repeat the same bring and tiring wrk day after day, they can ask AI fr help.(if引导的条件状语从句)

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