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    高考真题之读后续写01 2023年2月四省联考(收养小松鼠)
    高考真题之读后续写01 2023年2月四省联考(收养小松鼠)01
    高考真题之读后续写01 2023年2月四省联考(收养小松鼠)02
    高考真题之读后续写01 2023年2月四省联考(收养小松鼠)03
    高考真题之读后续写01 2023年2月四省联考(收养小松鼠)04
    高考真题之读后续写01 2023年2月四省联考(收养小松鼠)05
    高考真题之读后续写01 2023年2月四省联考(收养小松鼠)06
    高考真题之读后续写01 2023年2月四省联考(收养小松鼠)07
    高考真题之读后续写01 2023年2月四省联考(收养小松鼠)08
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    高考真题之读后续写01 2023年2月四省联考(收养小松鼠)

    这是一份高考真题之读后续写01 2023年2月四省联考(收养小松鼠),共25页。

    I.文本呈现 My husband and I enjy seeing life thrugh the eyes f ur children. It’s amazing t watch as they discver their wrld. While we were utdrs last summer enjying the sunshine, ur ldest daughter, Kaytlin, called me t the drway. Beneath the steps was a baby red squirrel. We watched it frm a distance, nt wanting t disturb it r scare ff its mther. But after a lng wait – and lking all arund ur huse fr signs f a nest r a mther – we realized the tiny squirrel was lst. Shaking terribly, he was weak, thin, and hungry. We tried t find an expert t help, but the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website shwed that there were n wildlife experts in ur area. After sme quick research, we cncluded that the best way t give the squirrel a fighting chance was t care fr him urselves. S a trip t the lcal stre fr milk and supplies was in rder. Mre research taught us hw much t feed him, hw t estimate his age, hw and when t wean (断奶) him, and that we shuld let him g as sn as he culd survive n his wn. Our daughters and I tk turns in feeding ”Squirt”. Kaytlin tk n the mst respnsibility. She taught him t eat frm a bttle, and she wke in the night fr his feeds. T ur relief, Squirt sn became healthy and strng. Within a few weeks he became mre active. He wuld chatter (吱吱叫) fr his next meal, playfully g arund the girls, and lie dwn n them fr sleep. It wasn’t lng befre he was weaned nt slid fd and reintrduced t the wild. His first few visits t the great utdrs were funny. Just like a child, he wuld play in the grass sme and then run back t Kaytlin fr safety. Sn she had him climbing trees and finding nest material.注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 One day in the trees, Squirt met up with a family f gray squirrels.____________________________ One night, Squirt didn’t cme back t ur huse and it rained hard._______________________________
    1.在台阶下 2.把...吓跑3.一段漫长而沉默的等待 4.鸟窝或者妈妈的迹象 5.微小但是值得一搏的机会 6.轮流做某事 7.承担责任 8.嬉闹地在孩子身边转9.重新接触野外世界10.靠自己存活
    1.beneath the steps2.scare ... ff/away3.a lng and silent wait4.signs f a nest r a mther5.a fighting chance6.take turns in ding, take turns t d7.take n /shulder respnsibility8.playfully g arund the kids9.be reintrduced t the wild10.survive n ne’s wn
    Last summer while we were e__________ the sunshine, ur daughter Kaytlin fund a baby red squirrel beneath the steps, which was bviusly lst, weak, thin and h__________. Aftr many v_________ effrts and sme quick research. we started t care fr the baby squirrel by ________ (we), which we named Squirt. Frtunately, Squirt grew healthy, strng and active. Mre than that, he started t ______________ (reintrduce) t the utside wrld and develp sme __________(survive) skills, which meant that it wuld nt be lng __________ we shuld let him g t the wild, __________ he belnged. One day ______ the trees, Squirt met up with a family f gray squirrels...
    IC.文本解读 1.My husband and I enjy seeing life thrugh the eyes f ur children. It’s amazing t watch as they discver their wrld. 2.While we were utdrs last summer enjying the sunshine, ur ldest daughter, Kaytlin, called me t the drway. Beneath the steps was a baby red squirrel. 3. We watched it frm a distance, nt wanting t disturb it r scare ff its mther. But after a lng wait – and lking all arund ur huse fr signs f a nest r a mther – we realized the tiny squirrel was lst. 4.Shaking terribly, he was weak, thin, and hungry. We tried t find an expert t help, but the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website shwed that there were n wildlife experts in ur area. After sme quick research, we cncluded that the best way t give the squirrel a fighting chance was t care fr him urselves. S a trip t the lcal stre fr milk and supplies was in rder.
    第三段红色词都表明我们都很爱护动物、尊重动物。这些伏笔告诉读者最后松鼠一定会回到他应该有的生活,enjy the freedm t live in the wild with his peers.
    IC.文本解读 5.Mre research taught us hw much t feed him, hw t estimate his age, hw and when t wean (断奶) him, and that we shuld let him g as sn as he culd survive n his wn. 6. Our daughters and I tk turns in feeding ”Squirt”. Kaytlin tk n the mst respnsibility. She taught him t eat frm a bttle, and she wke in the night fr his feeds. 7. T ur relief, Squirt sn became healthy and strng. Within a few weeks he became mre active. He wuld chatter (吱吱叫) fr his next meal, playfully g arund the girls, and lie dwn n them fr sleep. It wasn’t lng befre he was weaned nt slid fd and reintrduced t the wild. 8. His first few visits t the great utdrs were funny. Just like a child, he wuld play in the grass sme and then run back t Kaytlin fr safety. Sn she had him climbing trees and finding nest material.
    第7-8段划线词表现了松鼠在我们照料下健康成长。从接受milk到slid fd,从室内到室外,从g arund girls到climb trees, find nest materials,为后续的回归自然做好了铺垫。
    Tip: 第7-8段有许多描写松鼠动作的词汇表达,要在续写部分加以调整性的运用,是描写生动形象。
    II.写作思路1.One day in the trees, Squirt met up with a family f gray squirrels. 思路1:①因为同类,被接纳,马上打成一片,和谐相处; ②我们不舍+高兴---③每天晚上还是回来,不过越来越迟(连接下段首句) 思路2:①因为毛色不同,谨慎试探,被接纳,和谐相处;②我们高兴--- ③每天晚上还是回来,不过越来越迟,和我们疏远,我们有点失落(连接下段首句)2.One night, Squirt didn’t cme back t ur huse and it rained hard. 思路1:担心被雨淋湿想不到躲藏处;当晚/ 第二天寻找,与新朋友相处挺好的,放心告别;永远离开/偶尔回来 思路2:担心被雨淋湿想不到躲藏处;当晚/ 第二天寻找,/被雨淋湿+饥寒,抱回家;一如往常每天回来; 思路3:在担心中度过一晚;第二天院子里见到松鼠和他的伙伴,与我们告别;感悟(给以关心,也要给以自由;或者呼应首段)
    II.写作思路-情节构建(Q-A)1.One day in the trees, Squirt met up with a family f gray squirrels.Q1:Hw did Squirt get alng with the gray squirrels? (动作+心理活动)Q2:Hw did we react t Squirt’s new cnditin? (不舍+高兴,心理活动)Q3: Did he cme back t ur huse every night?(下段首句)2.One night, Squirt didn’t cme back t ur huse and it rained hard.Q1:Hw did we feel abut Squirt’s absence in such terrible weather?(情感+心理活动)Q2:What did we d with the situatin? (动作)Q3: Hw wuld the stry end? What was my reflectin?(结尾+感悟) (回应文本首段 seeing life thrugh the eyes f ur children. It’s amazing t watch as they discver their wrld. 解读一个有爱和关心的世界)
    II.写作思路-表达1.One day in the trees, Squirt met up with a family f gray squirrels.Q1:Hw did Squirt get alng with the gray squirrels? (动作+心理活动)Curius t see creatures f his kind with just a different clr, Squirt felt a sense f natural clseness rising in his bdy. He tk ne step frward tentatively, but quickly jumped back. Hwever, the next mment, we fund that Squirt was playing with these gray squirrels merrily amng the branches, and chasing after each therAt first, he was hesitant t apprach them, but after a few tentative and cautius trials, he finaaly tk his first step t the grup. Surprised and excited, Squirt put his nse t them, appraching slwly and cautiusly.Squealing in delight, never had Squirt acted s delightedly in his life. He bunced up and dwn aming the trees as if annuncingprudly that he had fund his wn family.First hesitant, he sn grew curius and apprached them with cautin, his tiny red tail wagging back and frth.
    II.写作思路-表达1.One day in the trees, Squirt met up with a family f gray squirrels.Q2:Hw did we react t Squirt’s new cnditin? (不舍+高兴,心理活动)We were relieved that he wuld finally return t his natural wrld, where he belnged. Meanwhile, we were sad because we had already made him a member f ur family, withut whm ur life wuld be much less vigrus. Squirt seemed t have fund a new family, and we culdn't help but feel a little bittersweet.The girls and I watched in amazement as he chased them up and dwn the tree trunks and branches. We knew that this was a great sign and that he was ready t be n his wn.Seeing this, we smiled in relief and watched them frm a distance, with a hpe that Squirt culd survive n his wn and back t the wild.At the sight f this, Kaytlin said, half jking and half serius, that Squirt wuld sn becme wild, t which we all respnded with a sad smile. As we bserved Squirt's interactins with the ther squirrels, a mix f pride and srrw washed ver us, knwing that it was time fr him t fully integrate back int the wild.
    II.写作思路-表达1.One day in the trees, Squirt met up with a family f gray squirrels.Q3: Did he cme back t ur huse every night?(下段首句)Day after day Squirt wuld hang ut with his peers and day by day he seemed less attached t us.Fr several days he played all day in the trees surrunding ur huse but came dwn at bedtime. Squirt seemed t have fund a new family, and we culdn't help but feel a little bittersweet watching him g.We knew that this was a great sign and that he was ready t be n his wn.They knew that it wuld be hard t say gdbye t Squirt, but they als knew that it was the right thing t d.Squirt ften went utdrs, lking fr new friends, but still came back hme at night.He still came back every night, but much later. And every mrning, he set ff early.Nt until then did we realize that it was time fr him t g back in the wild, where he belnged.
    II.写作思路-表达2.One night, Squirt didn’t cme back t ur huse and it rained hard.Q1:Hw did we feel abut Squirt’s absence in such terrible weather?Wrried, we searched every crner f the yard, praying that he culd be sheltering frm the rain smewhere, but in vain. Thrughut the night, we were dminated by anxiety, praying that he had fund shelter. We wrried abut his safety, wndering if he had fund a warm and dry place t shelter frm the big rain.Desperately, ur whle family put n ur raincats, tk ut ur headlights and searched every crner f ur garden.We called his name, but there was n respnse. We searched the trees and the bushes, but he was nwhere t be seen. We wrried abut him all night, hping he had fund a dry spt t shelter frm the rain.
    II.写作思路-表达2.One night, Squirt didn’t cme back t ur huse and it rained hard.Q2:What did we d with the situatin? Suddenly ut f a tree hle came this red creature, wh was sleepily lking at us and then jumped int Kaytlin’s arms. Our girls wanted t seek Squirt. We prevented them because it was t dangerus. But when the sun rse the next day, there was Squirt, begging fr fd. The next mrning, we went ut t search fr him, calling his name and lking everywhere. Finally, we fund him in a nearby tree, making himself a ball, shivering in the rain.But the next day he appeared n the branch f a tree near ur huse. He seemed t be saying gdbye t us befre he disappeared int the frest. Suddenly there came an excited cry, "Here he is!" We raced twards a big tree. There was a hle beneath a big branch, at the entrance f which Squirt was standing and chattered at us.I was awken by the cheerful chattering utside. As I peered thrugh the windw, I was greeted with Squirt and his squirrel buddies buncing arund in ur garden.
    II.写作思路-表达2.One night, Squirt didn’t cme back t ur huse and it rained hard.Q3: Hw wuld the stry end? What was my reflectin?(结尾)The red baby squirrel left, turned back, left again and nce mre turned back befre finally disappearing amng the trees.Over the next few days, Squirt started cming back t visit us less frequently, until finally he stpped cming altgether. They knew that it wuld be hard t say gdbye t Squirt, but they als knew that it was the right thing t d.They were sad t see Squirt g, but they were als happy that he was finally back where he belnged.Watching Squirt enjying his feast, we realized that it was time t say gdbye t him, hwever unwilling we were.They knew that it wuld be hard t say gdbye t Squirt, but they als knew that it was the right thing t d.
    II.写作思路-表达2.One night, Squirt didn’t cme back t ur huse and it rained hard.Q3: Hw wuld the stry end? What was my reflectin?(感悟)Thugh a little sad, I exchanged an understanding smile with my husband, really glad that the bitter-sweet experience helped ur kids find their wrld f lve with Squirt fr cmpany.(回扣原文首句)Every time we tk a walk in the frest, I always felt there was a red figure nearly, as if the red Squirt was accmpanying us all the time, never really departing.We can shwer all the creatures with lve and care, but we als shuld allw them the freedm t return t the wild.Withut him, we wuld nt have learnt abut hw t care fr a squirrel and ur daughters wuld nt have learned s much abut respnsibility and empathy. It was a tearful mment, but we knew it was the right thing t d. Squirt had taught us s much abut caring fr thers and letting g. We will always remember the time we spent with Squirt and the lessns we learned abut the imprtance f taking care f ur wildlife.
    III.参考范文1 One day in the trees, Squirt met up with a family f gray squirrels. Unfrtunately, they were nt pleased with his presence and sclded him, swatting him away. Squirt quickly learned t be mre scially aware and, fr the next few days, he spent his time playing in the trees arund ur huse. At night, he wuld cme dwn t rest. Squirt's visits t the trees became a regular ccurrence, and he sn became familiar with the family f squirrels. He learned t respect their bundaries and, in return, they accepted him as part f their cmmunity. Squirt was nw a part f the family, and he enjyed his time in the trees with them. One night, Squirt didn't cme back t ur huse and it rained hard. Our girls fretted. But when the sun rse, there was Squirt, begging fr a bite t eat. And that remained the pattern fr a few weeks.Squirt became well knwn in ur neighbrhd, and visitrs knew t be n the lkut when they stpped by. But mstly he played in the trees, chattering away t anyne wh happened t crss his path and ccasinally swiping snacks frm ur tddler bys.The experience was entertaining and heartwarming fr ur family. In the wild and smewhat silly mments f raising an rphaned baby squirrel, ur children learned t value and appreciate life.
    III.参考范文2 One day in the trees, Squirt met up with a family f gray squirrels. At first Squirt was hesitant,but he sn realized that they were friendly and he started t play with them.The girls and I watched in amazement as he chased them up and dwn the tree trunks and branches. Kaytlin was thrilled t see Squirt making friends and becming mre cnfident. We knew that this was a great sign and that he was ready t be n his wn. One night, Squirt didn't cme back t ur huse and it rained hard. We were wrried abut him and thught that he might have gtten lst again, but the next mrning he appeared at the dr saking wet and shivering. Kaytlin tk him in and dried him ff,and we all breathed a sigh f relief.Over the next few days, Squirt started cming back t visit us less and less, until finally he stpped cming altgether. Althugh we missed him. we knew that this was a gd thing and that he was finally able t live his life in the wild,where he belnged.We will always remember the time we spent with Squirt and the lessns we learned abut the imprtance f taking care f ur wildlife.
    III.下水作文 One day in the trees, Squirt met up with a family f gray squirrels. Curius t see these creatures, Squirt felt a sense f natural clseness rising in his bdy. He tk ne step frward tentatively, but quickly jumped back. Hwever, the next mment, we fund that Squirt was playing with these gray squirrels merrily amng the branches, and chasing after each ther. Seeing their relatinship bnded, we felt bth relieved and a bit sad, especially Kaytlin. We were relieved that he wuld finally return t his natural wrld, where he belnged. Meanwhile, we were sad because we had already made him a member f ur family. Day after day Squirt wuld hang ut with his peers and day by day he seemed less attached t us. One night, Squirt didn't cme back t ur huse and it rained hard. Wrried, we searchedevery crner f the yard, praying that he culd be sheltering frm the rain smewhere, but in vain. Nt wanting t give up the hpe f finding him, we pened ur umbrellas and with headlights headed fr the place where they used t play tgether. Suddenly ut f a tree hle came this red creature, wh was sleepily lking at us and then jumped int Kaytlin’s arms. “He is gng t leave us frever,” Kaytlin sighed. Thugh a little sad, I exchanged an understanding smile with my husband, really glad that the bitter-sweet experience helped ur kids find their wrld f lve with Squirt fr cmpany.
    III.原文本的故事 One day in the trees, he met up with a family f gray squirrels that was nne t happy abut his visit. They sclded and swatted at him, and he quickly learned sme scial skills. Fr several days he played all day in the trees surrunding ur huse but came dwn at bedtime. And then ne night, he didn't. The rain punded hard, and ur girls fretted. But when the sun rse, there was Squirt, begging fr a bite t eat. And that remained the pattern fr a few weeks. Squirt became well knwn in ur neighbrhd, and visitrs knew t be n the lkut when they stpped by. But mstly he played in the trees, chattering away t anyne wh happened t crss his path and ccasinally swiping snacks frm ur tddler bys. The experience was entertaining and heartwarming fr ur family. In the wild and smewhat silly mments f raising an rphaned baby squirrel, ur children learned t value and appreciate life.
    I was invited t a ckut n an ld friend’s farm in western Washingtn. I parked my car utside the farm and walked past a milking huse which had apparently nt been used in many years. A nise at a windw caught my attentin, s I entered it. it was a hummingbird (蜂鸟), desperately trying t escape. She was cvered in spider-webs (蛛网) and was barely able t mve her wings. She ceased her struggle the instant I picked her up. With the bird in my cupped hand, I lked arund t see hw she had gtten in. The brken windw glass was the likely answer. I stuffed a piece f clth int the hle and tk her utside, clsing the dr securely behind me.When I pened my hand, the bird did nt fly away; she sat lking at me with her bright eyes. I remved the sticky spider-webs that cvered her head and wings. Still, she made n attempt t fly. Perhaps she had been struggling against the windw t lng and was t tired? Or t thirsty? As I carried her up the blackberry-lined path tward my car where I kept a water bttle, she began t mve. I stpped, and she sn tk wing but did nt immediately fly away. Hvering (悬停), she apprached within six inches f my face. Fr a very lng mment, this tiny creature lked int my eyes, turning her head frm side t side. Then she flew quickly ut f sight. During the ckut, I tld my hst the hummingbird incident. They prmised t fix the windw. As I was departing, my friends walked me t my car. I was standing by the car when a hummingbird flew t the center f ur grup and began hvering. She turned frm persn t persn until she came t me. She again lked directly int my eyes, then let ut a squeaking call and was gne. Fr a mment, all were speechless. Then smene said, “ She must have cme t say gd-bye.”注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答 A few weeks later, I went t the farm again. I was just abut t leave when the hummingbird appeared.
    A few weeks later, I went t the farm again. I parked my car, stepped nt the blackberry-lined path and wandered my way t the milky huse. A sense f familiarity rse frm my feet, and sn I fund myself standing face t face with the milking huse where I met the hummingbird. The newly-installed windw was sparkling in the sunlight, reflecting the pure blue f the clear sky. I was delighted t find the windw fixed while at a lss that the little hummingbird was nwhere t be fund. Enjying a ckut n my ld friend's farm, I culdn't stp turning my head frm side t side, expecting t meet my little friend again. Hwever, my expectatin remained till the very end. I was just abut t leave when the hummingbird appeared. A familiar squeaking call flated int my ears, breaking the silence. Hardly had the sund vanished in the wind when I turned t the psitin where it came I waved my hand t greet the hummingbird. Hvering, she lked int my eyes with her bright eyes. Withut difficulty, she recgnized me, which left me in exhilaratin. Warmth filled up my bdy. Standing n the blackberry lined path where we separated last time, we lked int each ther’s eyes, the wind was strking my head and the sun was giving ff warmth and brightness. I turned back as the little creature squeaked and gne with n hpe f meeting her again. But I knew the experiences that I spent with her wuld never fade away as time went by.
    人与自然(动物)话题巩固练2:-20230215浙江省十校联考April Fls' Day
    Nat wke early and jumped ut f bed. Tday was the best day f the year fr him. Nat lved t play tricks, and tday was April Fls’ Day. Sme f Nat’s tricks were big hits. Last year, he shrt-sheeted his sister’s bed. She culdn’t understand what was ging n and started t think that her legs must have grwn much lnger during the day. When she realized what had happened, she laughed her head ff. Sme f Nat’s tricks were nt s successful. Mm didn’t think finding a furry ty muse in the fridge was humrus at all. After she calmed dwn a bit, she said, “That’s it! There’s a ban n Nat tricks fr tw weeks.” Nat was als the class clwn. He was always making jkes in class. He liked it when he made the ther kids laugh. Since it was April Fls’ Day, he felt like he had t cme up with smething really gd t prvide his classmates with sme really gd entertainment. Fr that, Nat thught lng and hard befre he came up with his brilliant idea. He bught tw ty frgs which were made ut f green plastic and lked very realistic. Nat knew just the trick he wuld play n his classmates. Nat arrived at schl early. T succeed in his plan, he needed t get int the classrm befre anyne else. Nat’s class had a rainfrest terrarium (饲养皿). It had plants, insects, and three frgs in it. Nat’s idea was t pretend that the frgs had escaped. He knew that Ms. Lpez, his teacher, wasn’t afraid f frgs but several f his classmates, including himself, were. Nat slipped int the classrm. Gd! There was nbdy here. He put ne f the ty frgs n the flr, near the terrarium and the ther n his friend Stacey’s desk. Nat knew that Stacey really didn’t nt like frgs. Als, she played a great trick n him last April Fls’ Day. T make his trick mre cnvincing, Nat pushed the lid f the terrarium pen. Then he rushed ff t mrning gathering.注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右: 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 When the students gt back t class, n ne nticed the ty frgs at first. Nat realized that he had pened the lid f the terrarium.
    参考范文-20230215浙江省十校联考April Fls' Day
    When the students gt back t class, n ne nticed the frgs at first. Then Stacey, wh finally nticed the frg, screamed and pinted at her desk. The whle class explded. A cuple f ther kids leapt ut f their seats and shrieked while the rest were laughing and banging their desks. Nat was feeling very pleased with himself. His trick was definitely a success. But he knew he had t hide his glee. He pretended that he was wrking and reached ut fr a piece f paper. It was then that smething cld and wet slithered滑动 past his fingers. It was a frg- a real ne! Nat realized that he had pened the terrarium. Suddenly, there came a lud crak呱呱地叫 frm under his chair. Nat almst jumped ut f his skin吓了一跳 with fright. Nw he became the laughingstck f the class. What scared him even mre was the nly persn wh remained serius-Ms. Lpez. She calmly walked dwn the aisle, scped up the frg and put it back int the terrarium. Then she came t Nat’s side, seemingly waiting fr his cnfessin. Nat felt his face burning and aplgized t Ms Lpez. He als prmised t be cnsiderate frm then n.

    考点45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01 (原卷版+解析版): 这是一份考点45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01 (原卷版+解析版),文件包含专题45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01原卷版docx、专题45-读后续写-历年真题综合习作01解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共319页, 欢迎下载使用。

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