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    这是一份江苏省江阴市某校2023-2024学年高一下学期5月学情调研英语试题,文件包含高一英语下学期5月考试卷docx、高一英语下学期5月考答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (试卷满分150分, 考试时间120分钟)
    第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Hw will the man travel there?
    A. By air.B. By ship.C. By train.
    2. Why des the man suggest ging t the park?
    A. It’s big.B. It’s quiet.C. It’s new.
    3. What time is it nw?
    A. 6:00 a.m.B. 6:30 a.m.C. 6:00 p.m.
    4. Where will the wman g t celebrate her mm’s birthday?
    A. Crest Café.B. King Lees.C. Blue Plate.
    5. What happened t the man this mrning?
    A. He was hit by a taxi.B. He tk the wrng bus.C. His cmputer was brken.
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What happened t the man?
    A. He quit his jb.B. He lst his reprt.C. He had a car accident.
    7. Where are the speakers?
    A. At an ffice.B. At the hspital.C. At the man’s hme.
    8. What animal did the man feed when he was a kid?
    A. Pigs.B. Rabbits.C. Dgs.
    9. What des the man think f the jb?
    A. It’s tiring.B. It’s lw-paid.C. It’s interesting.
    10. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Father and daughter.B. Teacher and student.C. Interviewer and interviewee.
    11. Hw lng has the wman lived here?
    A. Six years.B. Tw years.C. A week.
    12. Wh lived in Italy?
    A. Alice.B. Tm.C. Tm’s brther.
    13. What des the wman d?
    A. An accuntant.B. A math teacher.C. A cllege student.
    14. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Cking sme dishes.B. Making a TV prgram.C. Having a cking lessn.
    15. Hw des the man prbably feel at first?
    A. Nervus.B. Cnfused.C. Cnfident.
    16. Where is the man wrking nw?
    A. In a five-star htel.B. In a French restaurant.C. In a small upstairs café.
    17. What is the man’s dream?
    A. T be a famus ck.
    B. T start a cking schl.
    C. T pen a restaurant f his wn.
    18. What is the speech intended t d?
    A. T build a new university.
    B. T hld a celebratin party.
    C. T celebrate the pening f a new museum.
    19. What des the museum cllect?
    A. The artists’ artwrks.B. The students’ artwrks.C. The teachers’ artwrks.
    20. Wh des the speaker thank mst?
    A. The parents.B. The teachers.C. The students.
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Bstn University Summer Term High Schl Prgrams
    Sessin Start: June, July
    Sessin Length: Tw Weeks, Three Weeks, Six Weeks
    Entering Grade: 9th t 12th
    Minimum (最低的) Cst: $1,500-$2,999
    Call: (617) 353-1378
    Bstn University Summer Term High Schl Prgrams invite yu t experience pre-cllege summer study at ne f the wrld's tp teaching and research universities.
    With fur prgrams t chse frm, yu can earn cllege credits, discver new subject areas, perfrm research in university labs, r imprve yurself thrugh hands-n learning. Yu will have the pprtunity t push yurself academically while experiencing cllege life and making friends with ther students frm 87 cuntries.
    Sessin Infrmatin
    ● High Schl Hnrs — Rising senirs and utstanding rising junirs take undergraduate curses and earn up t 8 cllege credits. Six weeks — July 2-August 15.
    ● Research in Science and Engineering (RISE) — Rising senirs cnduct university-level research with sme f the natin's brightest minds. Six weeks — July 2-August 11.
    ● Academic Immersin (AIM) — Rising junirs and senirs fcus n ne subject, cmbining classrm wrk with hands-n experiential learning. Three track ptins: Intrductin t Experimental Psychlgy (心理学), Intrductin t Medicine, r Creative Writing. Three weeks — Psychlgy: July 2-July 21; Medicine, r Creative Writing: July 23-August 11.
    ● Summer Challenge — Rising sphmres (二年级学生), junirs, and senirs explre tw subjects f their chice and experience cllege life. Tw weeks — Sessin 1: June 18-June 30; Sessin 2: July 9-July 21; Sessin 3: July 23-August 4.
    21. What d we knw abut the prgrams?
    A. They are free f charge.B. They run frm June t July.
    C. They prepare students fr cllege life.D. They are aimed at US high schl students.
    22. Wh can take part in all fur prgrams?
    A. Rising freshmen.B. Rising sphmres.
    C. Rising junirs. D. Rising senirs.
    23. Which prgram shuld a student chse t learn abut the study f illness?
    A. High Schl Hnrs. B. Research in Science and Engineering.
    C. Academic Immersin.D. Summer Challenge.
    In recent years, little free libraries f all shapes and sizes have ppped up. Often built by cmmunity members, they culd be fund n street crners and the sidewalks acrss the United States, hping t share their bk cllectins with their neighbrs. Minneaplis, Minnesta, even hsted the first Little Free Library Festival, where bk fans came tgether t prmte literacy (读写能力) in their cmmunities.
    Fr the mst part, little free libraries have mre in cmmn with bk sharing shelves in htels, lcal parks, cffee shps and ther public spaces than the traditinal public library. Based n the rule f “take a bk, leave a bk,” these little libraries can take many frms frm birdhuse-like wden structures t redesigned newspaper selling machines, Rbert Wirsing writes fr the Brnx Times.
    The little free library rganizatin began when a citizen f Hudsn, Wiscnsin, named Tdd Bl built a little ne-rm schlhuse, filled it with bks and placed it in his frnt yard t hnr his mther wh passed away in 2009. Tgether with a lcal educatr named Rick Brks, the tw began placing little free libraries acrss Wiscnsin and sharing the idea with peple acrss the cuntry.
    “Smething we are eager fr in this infrmatin age is that cnnectin between peple,” Bl tells Margret Aldrich fr Bk Rit. “I want t shw hw Little Free Library is abut readers inspiring readers. It ges n and n.”
    While Little Free Libraries seem like a harmless means t prmte literacy by sharing bks with neighbrs, a few f the radside landing libraries have caused minr legal prblems. fficials in Ls Angeles and Shreveprt, Luisiana, have tld sme citizens that their hmemade libraries brke city rles and that they wuld have t remve them t avid being fined.
    Still, little free libraries have been well accepted by their cmmunities. Fr anyne interested in making their wn at hme, the rganizatin has psted helpful tips and guides fr building the little bk lending bxes in their neighbrhds.
    24. What can we knw abut the little free libraries in America?
    A. They are state-wned.B. They are ppular natinally.
    C. They are set up t sell bks.D. They help thse with n bks t read.
    25. What is a cmmn character f little free libraries?
    A. They lie in many public places.
    B. They share a large cllectin f bks.
    C. They cmpete with traditinal public libraries.
    D. They exist mainly in the frm f wden huses.
    26. What is Tdd Bl’s primary aim f building a library?
    A. T remember his dead mther.
    B. T help peple frm a habit f reading.
    C. T set an example t ther cmmunities.
    D. T share his knwledge, with ther citizens.
    27. What des Tdd Bl think f the little free libraries?
    A. They cause minr legal prblems.
    B. They shuld cntinue t exist.
    C. They mean a lt t cmmunity members.
    D. They shuld be supprted by the gvernment.
    Fr many Americans, hme is where the heart is. Hwever, sme peple are frced t leave their hmes because f rising csts.
    “Hawaii is everything. Of curse, it’s very beautiful. The weather is beautiful, but yu nly get a deeper cnnectin t a place when it’s cnnected t yu,” said Lehua Kalima, wh grew up and raised her kids in Hawaii.
    Nearly three years ag, Kalima and her husband left the Hawaiian islands fr Clark Cunty, Nevada. Accrding t United Van Lines, the US’s largest husehld gds mver, Clark Cunty has abut 20,000 native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. The Kalimas represent sme f the 7 millin Americans wh mve t a different state every year.
    “Yu knw, we were already wrking really hard t make ends meet, but with three cllege tuitins (学费) nw t pay, it was almst impssible,” Kalima said.
    United Van Lines has lng tracked state-t-state migratin (移居), as well as the main reasns peple mve. In 2018, nearly half f the peple surveyed said they mved due t changes in emplyment. Fur years later, a third f respndents said emplyment was the reasn they mved. A rising number said they wanted t be clse t family, and 8% stated a reasn that three years earlier wasn't even n the survey — the imprved cst f living.
    “If yu have rts in a place, yu have a relatinship with a place, with a piece f land, nly then can yu really understand what it’s like t have t g away frm it,” Kalima said.
    Despite missing her hme, Kalima lks at the ther side f things.
    “The things we d in life dn’t necessarily keep us in ne place. Smetimes they take us t all kinds f different places, but that's necessary because, yu knw, that'll take us t where we're eventually suppsed t be,” Kalima said.
    28. What was the Kalimas’ life like befre mving t Nevada?
    A. They had nwhere t live.B. They lived beynd their means.
    C. Kalima and her husband lst their jbs.D. Kalima’s children failed t get int cllege.
    29. What d the numbers in paragraph 5 mainly shw?
    A. The effects f state-t-state migratin.
    B. The change f American family cnnectins.
    C. The reasns fr peple mving t ther states.
    D. The cnnectin between emplyment and migratin.
    30. What feeling did Kalima express in paragraph 6?
    A. Her pain f being away frm hme.
    B. Her wrries abut her life in Nevada.
    C. Her fear f being misunderstd by thers.
    D. Her dissatisfactin with new scial relatinships.
    31. What is Kalima’s attitude t life?
    A. Dubtful. B. Passive. C. Uninterested. D. Psitive.
    Due t scial events in recent years, the relatinship between scial media and teenagers mental health has been under heated discussin.
    On Sept 30 a British curt decided that cntent n scial media platfrms cntributed t the depressin f 14-year-ld Mlly Russell. Russell interacted with 2,100 psts related l pessimistic, self-harm in the six mnths, leading up t her depressin, reprted the Observer website.
    The cnnectin has als been prved by science. A study in 2019 shwed that the frequent use f scial media by teenagers can lead t a decrease in their mental health.
    S, hw can we make sure that teenagers wn’t get hurt while using scial media? Chan, 18, frm the University f Maca shared her experience. Chan said that she nce came acrss shrt vides rmanticizing mental illnesses such as depressin and anxiety. She immediately reprted them t the platfrm.
    But she said that the users’ pwer t regulate vides is still limited. “It is ultimately the respnsibility f the scial media platfrms t filter (过滤) ut cntent that is ptentially harmful.” She als nticed that the age f scial media users has becme increasingly yunger. Sciety shuld pay attentin t this, she said. “Since it’s nt pssible t cut ff access t scial media fr yunger users, why nt intrduce a ‘supervisin mde’ with which parents can regulate the cntent t be viewed by teenagers befrehand?” she said.
    Wu Chengyu, 18, studies at Tianjin Experimental High Schl. He said that several years ag he came acrss a game that tricks teenagers t self-abuse and depressin. He quickly chse t ignre it s he wuldn’t be influenced. This is the same way he reacts when expsed t negative cntent n scial media.
    In Wu’s pinin, teenagers tday shuld imprve their scial media literacy (素养), telling real frm fake and gd frm bad. “Als, everyne can be a cntent creatr n scial media.” he said, “We shuld all strengthen ur awareness f ethics”.
    32. What led t Russell’s depressin accrding t a British curt?
    A. Her interactin with thers nline.
    B. Negative infrmatin n scial media platfrms.
    C. Shrt vides she watched n the Internet.
    D. Her addictin t nline psts.
    33. Which f the fllwing statements des Chan prbably agree with?
    A. The number f yunger Scial media users shuld be limited.
    B. Parents shuld mnitr the cntent t be viewed by teenagers in advance.
    C. A supervisin mde ught t be intrduced by parents.
    D. It is the respnsibility f the sciety t rmanticize mental illnesses.
    34. Wh shuld be ultimately respnsible fr remving negative cntent accrding t Chan?
    A. Parents.B. Scial media platfrms
    C. Cntent creatrs.D. Scial media platfrms.
    35. What des Wu suggest teenagers shuld d?
    A. Use scial media wisely.B. Reduce scial media usage.
    C. Stay away frm nline games.D. Learn mre abut scial media.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Have yu ever tried reading music? If s, yu prbably nticed a lt f new symbls and wrds. Maybe yu saw the wrd prest at the beginning. Perhaps yu read pian and crescend thrughut the sng. 36 Or maybe yu didn’t — if yu knew hw t read Italian!
    Italian is smetimes called the language that sings. 37 Hwever, the link between Italian and music is deeper than that. Tday, musical vcabulary is full f Italian wrds.
    Hwever, it wasn’t always s. Thusands f years ag, peple didn’t write music. Instead, they passed sngs dwn rally and taught each ther t play them n instruments. 38 Later, peple in Spain and Italy began putting music t paper fr use in church chirs (教堂唱诗班).
    Arund 1000 CE, an Italian man named Guid d’ Arezz came up with the fur-lined staff (四线谱), which eventually led t the develpment f the five-lined staff still used in mdern music tday. Over the next few centuries, many f the peple writing music were Italian. Of curse, peple in ther parts f the wrld were writing music, t. In an effrt t standardize written music, many f them used Italian terms. 39 Fr example, Beethven smetimes used German wrds instead f Italian. Claude Debussy used French in “Clair de Lune”.
    40 Yu might already be familiar with sme terms! One example is temp — the speed f a piece f music. Markings in written music tell the player when the music shuld be adagi (slw), r allegr (fast). The dynamics, r vlume, f a piece f music might begin with pian (sft), then crescend (get luder) and finally frtissim (very lud).
    A. Many think it sunds musical.
    B. Others wrte music in their wn languages.
    C. Still, Italian is the primary language used in music.
    D. Yu prbably needed t ask yur teacher what these wrds meant.
    E. Learning t read music is an imprtant part f practicing thse skills.
    F. Peple wh write music even have ways t cmmunicate techniques.
    G. Ancient peple in Babylnia, Greece, and Rme were sme f the earliest t write music.
    第三部分:语言知识运用(共三节; 满分40分)
    第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Sixty-year-ld Debra was diagnsed (诊断) with cancer after dctrs fund a tumr in her lung. As the mther-f-six received the 41 , she prepared fr what she feared might be her last Christmas with her family. The mther was still 42 by the ne persn wh was missing frm her dinner table.
    Jacb is the nly ne f Debra’s children wh has 43 away frm hme. Since he began studying engineering 1, 500 miles away in Califrnia five years ag, the expensive distance has 44 that it has been rare fr the student t fly hme. “Cming back was 45 difficult fr me.” said Jacb. “Being a full-time student, it’s hard t cme up with the mney fr 46 .”
    Hwever, Jacb saved up and brrwed mney frm friends s he culd fly hme and 47 her n Christmas Eve.
    Jacb’s sister Becky filmed the 48 mment that Debra pened the dr n December 24th and saw her sn fr the first time since her diagnsis. The heartwarming 49 shws Debra was excited as she hugged her sn and declares it “the 50 Christmas ever”.
    “When we received the diagnsis, it 51 me hard. Being s far away frm all yur lved nes during a time like this was almst unbearable,” says Jacb. “ 52 very kind friend wh lent the mney at the last minute, I wuldn’t have been able t make it. I bught a ticket and decided t surprise my mm by 53 n Christmas Eve.” This stry has a happy 54 : Debra has been mnitred again and still shws n 55 f cancer and she is healthy again.
    41. A. invitatinB. treatmentC. educatinD. arrangement
    42. A. amazedB. cnfusedC. frightenedD. upset
    43. A. takenB. brkenC. mvedD. ran
    44. A. meantB. stressedC. intendedD. reminded
    45. A. widelyB. mainlyC. exactlyD. particularly
    46. A. bksB. medicinesC. flightsD. accmmdatins
    47. A. surpriseB. rewardC. transprtD. impress
    48. A. terribleB. specialC. awkwardD. creative
    49. A. videB. articleC. pictureD. stry
    50. A. lastB. bestC. wrstD. first
    51. A. hitB. pushedC. changedD. drve
    52. A. Due tB. Apart frmC. But frD. Instead f
    53. A. taking ffB. shwing upC. tuching dwnD. setting ut
    54. A. crssingB. turningC. endingD. beginning
    55. A. lssesB. detailsC. cluesD. signs
    第二节 语法填空 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Giant panda Fu Ba arrived at Chengdu Shuangliu Internatinal Airprt in Sichuan prvince n Wednesday, returning frm Suth Krea.
    Accrding t the agreement n giant panda 56.___________(prtect) and research cperatin, verseas-brn giant panda cubs are t return t China between the ages f 2 57. __________ 4. Fu Ba’s return 58.___________(schedule) fr this year. Accrding t Everland Park, ver 1,000 visitrs came daily t bid farewell t her befre the scheduled departure.
    59.___________(accmpany) by veterinarians and caregivers frm the China Cnservatin and Research Center fr the Giant Panda and Everland Park f Suth Krea, Fu Ba headed t the islatin and quarantine area.
    In 60. ___________(prepare) fr Fu Ba’s return, the giant panda center has set up a quarantine facility at the Wlng Shenshuping Base. During the islatin and quarantine perid, 61.________ team f experts will help it adapt t its new living envirnment.
    Fu Ba’s parents reached the park in March 2016 frm the giant panda center in China, 62.________ (mark) the beginning f cllabrative research between the tw cuntries. After giving birth 63.__________ Fu Ba in 2020, they bred anther pair f female twin cubs in July last year.
    Accrding t the giant panda center, China and Suth Krea 64.___________(cperate) in the fields f giant panda cnservatin and breeding, disease preventin and cntrl, and public educatin ver the past eight years, 65.___________(effective) prmting the cnservatin f endangered and vulnerable species in bth cuntries.
    单句语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)
    66. Jessie tk a deep breath, feeling ___________(relief) that she had finally slved the trublesme prblem.
    67. ___________(determine), curage and cnfidence are imprtant qualities if yu want t succeed.
    68. My rutine diet _____________(cnsist) f fruit, milk, vegetables and rice.
    69. When I arrived there, I ___________(strike) by the beauty f the snw-cvered rural landscape.
    70. The well­designed gallery huses 2,000 wrks f mdern art and is wrthy ___________ (visit).
    71. Mary, wh is disabled, is strngly ppsed t ___________ (treat) unfairly by thers.
    72. As is ___________ (apparent) shwn in the abve chart, there are abut 10% students supprting the idea.
    73. She std up suddenly, ___________ (upset) a glass f wine.
    74. Recycling the waste frm ur increased ___________ (cnsume) is better than burning it.
    75. My father is respnsible, wh always places great ___________(emphasize) n the imprtance f
    family life and ties.
    第四节 根据要求翻译下列句子 (共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)
    76. 这些治愈系食品往往与积极的情绪联系在一起。(link)
    孔子 (Cnfucius) 被认为是最重要的历史人物之一。(be believed t)
    我可以依靠他们向我介绍一些很棒的歌曲。(rely n)
    80. 无论我的心情有多糟糕,这种完美的组合总是足以振奋我的精神。(n matter+疑问词)
    第四部分 写作(满分20分)
    1. 写作词数应为100左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    参考词汇:爱国主义教育patritism educatin 合唱大赛 chrus cmpetitin

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