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      四川省宜宾成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次阶段性考试英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      四川省宜宾成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次阶段性考试英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份四川省宜宾成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次阶段英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含四川省宜宾成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次阶段性考试英语试题Word版含解析docx、四川省宜宾成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次阶段性考试英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What will the man d tmrrw evening?
    A. Attend a meeting. B. Wrk ut a schedule. C. Have dinner with Mr Smith.
    2. Hw much des the wman need t pay?
    A 20 dllars. B. 30 dllars. C. 60 dllars.
    3. What des the mar think f Jessica’s perfrmance in the film?
    A. Nt very satisfactry. B. S disappinting. C. Excellent.
    4. Hw lng will the man rent the huse?
    A. Fr a mnth. B. Fr three mnths. C. Fr six mnths.
    5. What is the man ding?
    A. Making an invitatin. B. Offering a suggestin. C. Asking fr permissin.
    6. Where are the speakers mst prbably?
    A. At the airprt. B. On a flight. C. At a htel.
    7. When will the man prbably have t leave?
    A. At 12 nn. B. At 1:00 pm. C. At 3:00 pm.
    8. Hw much did the man pay fr the htel a night?
    A. 200 yuan. B. 300 yuan. C. 400 yuan.
    9. What can’t we find in the htel?
    A. A swimming pl B. A garden. C. A shp.
    10. What will the wman d next?
    A. Take a bus B. Take a rest C. Take a shwer.
    11 Hw des the wman feel at first?
    A. Tired. B. Wrried. C. Hungry.
    12. Which place are the speakers ging t?
    A. A service statin. B. A train statin. C. A stre.
    13. What is the man likely t d next?
    A. Drive slwly. B. Have a meal. C. Take a rest.
    14. When did the washing machine first break dwn?
    A. A few weeks ag. B. Abut five days ag. C. Yesterday.
    15. What des the man think f the prblem?
    A. Special. B. Annying. C. Easy.
    16. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Pay fr his wrk. B. Get him smething t drink. C. Buy a new washing machine.
    17. What is the speaker?
    A. An editr. B. A writer. C. A reprter.
    18. Why d sme writers use animals in their stries?
    A. T help tell the stries.
    B. T encurage kids t lve animals.
    C. T make stries mre enjyable.
    19. What d writers use t shw persnal develpment?
    A. Eagles. B. Snakes. C. Fish.
    20. What will prbably happen if a snake appears?
    A. Smething bad is n the way.
    B. A big change is abut t happen.
    C. A character’s behavir will turn bad.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分)
    The mst-visited museums in the United States
    The Natinal Museum f Natural Histry
    It is free f charge and is pen 364 days a y year. Opening its drs in 1910, the museum has a cllectin f ver 14646 millin specimens (标本) f plants, animals, rcks, human remains, and human cultural artifacts, the largest natural histry cllectin in the wrld. It is als hme t abut 180 prfessinal natural histry scientists wh fcus n the study f natural and cultural histry in the wrld.
    The Natinal Callery f Art
    Open t the public and free f charge, the museum was privately established in 1937. Its cllectin includes many dnated wrks f art . The Gallery’s cllectin f paintings , drawings, sprints, phtgraphs, medals, and decrative arts traces (追溯) the develpment f Western art frm the Middle Ages t the present, including the nly painting by Lenard da Vinci in the Americas and the largest mbile created by Alexander Calder.
    The Metrplitan Museum f Art
    It is the largest art museum in America. It was s funded in 1870 with its missin t bring art and art educatin t Americans. The museum’s cllectin cntains wrks f art dating back t the ancient Near East and ancient Egypt. It includes wrks f art frm many Eurpean Old Masters as well as many cllectins f American art. The museum is hme t cllectin f musical instruments, cstumes, and decrative arts.
    The Museum f Mdern Art
    It is an art museum lcated in Midtwn Manhattan, New Yrk City. The institutin was cnceived (构想) in 1929. It mved t several lcatins in its early years, and Jhn D. Rckefeller Jr. finally dnated the land fr its permanent (永久的) site. The cllectin includes architecture, drawings, paintings, phtgraphs, prints, artists’ bks, films, and electrnic media.
    1. Which museum wuld yu g t if yu are curius abut Western art histry?
    A The Natinal Gallery f Art.B. The Museum f Mdern Art.
    C. The Metrplitan Museum f Art.D. The Natinal Museum f Natural Histry.
    2. Why did peple build the Metrplitan Museum f Art in 1870?
    A. T stre wrks f art f different cuntries.B. T satisfy peple’s thirst fr museums.
    C. T make Americans learn abut art.D. T dcument American histry.
    3. What d we knw abut the Museum f Mdern Art?
    A. It nce changed lcatins fr several times.B. It was recmmended by Jhn D. Rckefeller
    C. It has histrical and natural cllectins.D. It was funded in Midtwn Manhattan in 1929.
    I ften hear kids say, “I’m nt a math persn” r “I’m just nt gd at math.” These statements reflect what’s called a “fixed mindset”, which is ften assciated with a sense f discuragement, pwerlessness and inability t imprve ne’s situatin. A fixed mindset is extremely cmmn in math classrms, but with the help f teachers, students can adpt a “grwth mindset”.
    This means believing in their ptential t acquire the skills and knwledge. In strng, prductive teacher-student relatinships, teachers nurture (培养) grwth mindsets. And there are sme key steps in building these relatinships, starting with giving instructin that meets the skill levels f individual students. Besides, it’s imprtant t give students scial and emtinal supprt, s they culd develp scial awareness self-management, decisin-making and relatinship skills.
    Hw culd teachers d these amng class prep and grading duties? I believe in applying educatinal technlgies. With the right tls, teachers can skillfully manage t individualize instructin and meet scial-emtinal needs.
    Razzaq, a math teacher at Dherty High Schl, has students frm different sciecnmic backgrunds, and sme were still learning English alngside math. The schl nce placed a student in her class, wh hadn’t been in frmal schl since third grade. Students have different levels and scial-emtinal needs that demand attentin frm teachers. Smetimes they’re nt aware r cmmunicative f the areas in which they need help. Razzaq gives tests with the help f sme educatinal platfrms, which generate reprts that summarize individual weak pints. Then Razzaq culd give instructins suiting their academic situatins, making prductive use f class time. She als uses technlgies that prvide insights int scial-emtinal experiences such as attentiveness and time management. The data enables her t initiate cnversatins that make a difference in students’ educatin.
    Mre imprtantly, we need t examine ur apprach t educatin. Are we creating an envirnment where children can develp healthily? Hw are we satisfying the needs f ur future generatins? Only by knwing ur visin can we decide the technlgy t cmplete the picture.
    4 Which f the fllwing prblems d students ften have abut learning math accrding t the text?
    A. Persnal interest.B. Lw cnfidence.
    C. Pr self-cntrl.D. Pr learning ability.
    5. Hw des the authr shw the rle f educatinal technlgies?
    A. By giving an example.B. By cnducting research.
    C. By analyzing statistical data.D. By making sme cmparisns.
    6. What can we learn abut the educatinal platfrms mentined in the text?
    A. They encurage students t cmmunicate.
    B. They prvide suggestins n math teaching.
    C. They crrect the mistakes students make in tests.
    D. They give infrmatin abut students’ learning situatin .
    7. What is the authr prbably?
    A. A technician.B. A psychlgist.
    C. An educatinist.D. A mathematician.
    When we’re studying a new language, many f us apprach it with dread. If we make a mistake r say smething wrng, we judge urselves strictly. But as it turns ut, hwever, we’d benefit by shifting (转移) ur fcus and wrrying less abut getting it right, accrding t Marianna Pascal, a cmmunicatin skills trainer.
    As a teacher wh’s spent 20 years in Malaysia helping peple speak better English, Pascal nticed that sme students didn’t get a high language level but culd still cmmunicate very effectively. She remembers ne specific student named Faisal. Despite nt knwing much English, she says, “This guy culd just sit and listen t anybdy very calmly, clearly, and then he culd respnd and express his thughts beautifully.”
    She als bserved sme students knew quite a bit f English but struggled t make themselves understd. Pascal nticed that a lt f these students’ attitude twards English is like her daughter’s attitude twards playing the pian. Pascal says her daughter hated pian and hated practicing, because she was afraid f being wrng. T her, her success in pian was measured by hw few mistakes she made.
    Then she shared her experience in a cafe. The persn sitting next t her was playing a game while his friends watched, and he just wasn’t a very gd player. But at the same time, she saw smething amazing. Even thugh this guy was terrible and his friends were watching him, there was n embarrassment r shyness. There was n feeling f being judged. Instead, he fcused cmpletely n the task at hand. Pascal says, “I suddenly realized that this is it. This is the same attitude that peple hike Faisal have when they speak English.”
    Pascal believes that speaking a language isn’t like thse exams many f us had t take in grade schl, where a tiny mistake wuld result in a big red X frm the teacher, In the real wrld, what matters is whether we can make urselves understd. She says, “If yu want t speak English well, dn’t fcus n yurself but fcus n the ther persn and the gal yu want t achieve.”
    8. What des the underlined wrd “dread” mean in paragraph 1?
    A. Fear.B. Dubt.C. Curisity.D. Cnfidence.
    9. Why des Pascal mentin her daughter?
    A. T prvide sme advice.B. T ffer sme details.
    C. T state a reasn.D. T present a fact.
    10. What did Pascal see frm the man playing a game?
    A. Never minding thers’ pinins.B. Nt judging a persn t sn.
    C. Imprving thrugh practicing.D. Playing a game with patience.
    11. What might Pascal agree with ?
    A. It is imprtant fr teachers t encurage students in exams.
    B. It is OK t make small mistakes in speaking a language.
    C. Language has t be fluently spken in daily life.
    D. Language is an art difficult t fully master.
    What has the size f a sccer ball but can jump frm the Statue f Liberty’s feet t her eye level? A new recrd-setting rbt. An engineer at the University f Califrnia, Santa Barbara, Ellit Hawkes, has been wrking n this rbt fr seven years with his clleagues. “It started ut as a stick with weights and rubber bands (橡皮筋)”, he remembers. After years f wrk, the rbt has reached heights f 30 meters, higher than any ther jumping rbt r living animal.
    These researchers studied hw animals jump. They lked int leaping (跳跃的) frgs, spiders, kangars, dgs and mre. But Hawkes’ grup didn’t want t cpy any f these animals. Instead, the team learned what features set the limits fr animal jumpers.
    “It’s very exciting,” says Cynthia Sung, a rbticist at the University f Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. She was impressed with hw high the rbt jumped. And getting as high as pssible was the main gal here. Hwever, fr the rbt t be useful, it will need sme imprvements. “They dn’t have any steering (转向装置) at all,” ntes Sung. That means this rbt can’t cntrl its jump height r directin. Sung’s team has made its wn jumping rbt, named REBOund. That rbt can’t jump very high. But it can be prgrammed t jump t any f several different heights.
    Hawkes’ team is wrking t add steering t their rbt. These researchers hpe t send their rbt t the mn, s they als want t find a way fr it t make cllectins there. A jumper can g t places a rbt with wheels can’t. Hawkes’ team is already wrking with NASA. They hpe t turn their rbt int a space explrer.
    12. Why did the researchers lk int hw animals jump?
    A. T draw inspiratin fr the rbt’s appearance.B. T find reasns fr their jumping limits.
    C. T make the rbt jump like them.D. T develp new rubber bands
    13. What des Cynthia Sung want t shw thrugh her wrds?
    A. Her REBOund is much better.B. Her REBOund is a big breakthrugh.
    C. Hawkes’ new rbt can jump much higher.D. Hawkes’ new rbt needs t be mre practical.
    14. What is Hawkes’ team’s attitude t their rbt?
    A. They seem reserved abut it.B. They are dubtful abut it.
    C. They have high hpes fr it.D. They are very cncerned abut it.
    15. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. A new way t explre the mn.B. A new methd f building rbts.
    C. A new apprach t jumping higher.D. A new recrd-setting leaping rbt.
    Regret is a very real reactin t a disappinting event in yur life a chice yu made that can’t be changed, smething yu said that yu can’t take back. ____16____ Regret can increase ur stress, negatively affect physical health and disturb the balance f ur immune systems.
    ____17____ One is what researchers refer t as the actin path and the ther is the inactin path. That is, we can regret the things we did r we can regret the things we did nt d. Research suggests that actin-related regret, althugh painful, encurages peple t learn frm their mistakes and mve n. ____18____ This kind f regret is mre likely t lead t depressin and anxiety.
    As with ther negative emtins, it desn’t wrk t avid, deny r try t destry regret. ____19____ Rather than stay put, peple can manage these emtins in fur steps: First, accept the fact that yu are feeling them; determine why yu are feeling them; allw yurself t learn frm them: and, finally, release them and mve frward.
    Yu can help release these feelings f regret by practicing self-cmpassin (自我同情).This means reminding yurself that yu are human, yu are ding the best yu can and yu can learn frm past decisins and grw. ____20____
    Nticing, acknwledging and then frgiving yur thughts are a pwerful step twards vercming regret.
    A. Dealing with regret is even mre difficult.
    B. Regret is nt nly unpleasant, but als unhealthy.
    C. There are basically tw ways t experience regret.
    D. But regret related t the inactin path is harder t fix.
    E. Seeing the situatin in a different way may help reduce regret.
    F. In the lng run, these strategies nly increase negative feelings.
    G. Shwing this cmpassin t yurself can help yu accept and mve past the regret.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    The ther day, while I was grcery shpping, an lder man suddenly put his hand n my shulder, making me jump. My first instinct was t get ___21___ and ask him nt t tuch me. Then I nticed the man was crying, lking upset and ___22___ .
    Suddenly, he asked, “D yu knw where my ___23___ is? I've been lking fr her.” I tld him I didn't knw and suggested seeking help at the stre's frnt. His ___24___ grew, “She was right here.” I ffered t walk with him t the custmer service cunter t make a(n) ___25___ fr him. He agreed.
    There, the wman asked fr a name. He ___26___ me, expecting an answer. ___27___ , I explained he was a stranger and I had n further infrmatin. By then, it became ___28___ t me that this man was suffering frm Alzheimer's. Having experienced this with my grandfather, I recgnized the ___29___ all t well.
    I asked if he had a phne, and he wasn't sure. With his ____30____ , I checked his pckets and fund a small phne. Brwsing thrugh his ____31____ , I sptted ne labeled “Daughter Krissy” and dialed it.
    His daughter answered quickly, and I explained the situatin. She ____32____ me t keep him frm wandering ff until she arrived, and I prmised t d s. Fr 20-smething minutes, I stayed with the weeping man, prviding supprt and ____33____ . Finally, a yung wman rushed in, his daughter Krissy. “Thank yu,” she said. “I had t leave fr just an hur, and this ____34____ . I'm s srry.” She explained that he smetimes runs ff and lks fr his wife, wh passed away 13 years ag.
    Helping him up, she expressed her gratitude again, and as they left, I heard him inquire abut his wife again. My heart ____35____ , but I was s happy t see him with his family again.
    21. A. curiusB. ashamedC. angryD. nervus
    22. A. tuchedB. disappintedC. shckedD. cnfused
    23. A. wifeB. daughterC. friendD. sister
    24. A. angerB. desperatinC. cnfidenceD. determinatin
    25. A. instructinB. appintmentC. reservatinD. annuncement
    26. A. argued withB. turned tC. listened tD. waved at
    27. A. HelplesslyB. ExcitedlyC. HpefullyD. Reluctantly
    28. A. naturalB. nrmalC. clearD. imprtant
    29. A. signsB. gesturesC. expressinsD. feelings
    30. A. guaranteeB. permissinC. insistenceD. explanatin
    31. A. cntactsB. phtsC. messagesD. apps
    32. A. requiredB. cmmandedC. rderedD. requested
    33. A. adviceB. reassuranceC. tleranceD. guidance
    34. A. changedB. remainedC. happenedD. wrsened
    35. A. beatB. pundedC. stppedD. hurt
    China has been wrking quietly t address air pllutin. In additin t bserving, I als cmmunicated with lcals and freigners ____36____ (learn) abut China’s effrts.
    Accrding t Cui Xiayi, a resident f Beijing, due t serius air pllutin the lcal administratin (行政部门) smetimes warned ____37____ elderly nt t g ut in the past . But Beijing ____38____ (see) a great imprvement in air quality ver the last few years. They n lnger need such emergency measures.
    Muhammad Asghar, a representative f the Assciated Press f Pakistan in China ____39____ has been living in Beijing fr the past few years, said that the green transprtatin and energy industries that China has develped ver the years have largely replaced fuel-pwered (燃料驱动的) cars, ____40____ that the Chinese peple are willing t use electric cars and public transprtatin.
    Asghar added that China has nt nly dne gd wrk t address air pllutin, but has als made cntributins ____41____ prmting greener practices. The living envirnment has been ____42____ (significant) imprved with the greening cverage f urban built-up areas natinwide ____43____ (increase) frm 39.22 percent t 42.06 percent between 2012 and 2021.
    The ideas ____44____ (share) by China in internatinal cnferences are impressive. Chinese netizens (网民) believe that rather than just talking abut it, it wuld be ____45____ (effect) if we put ur effrts int planting trees.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是高中学生李华,暑假期间美国志愿者Jhn来你校支教一个月。请你一封感谢信,内容包括:
    1. 喜欢他的英语课;并了解外国文化;
    2. 表达感谢;3. 邀请他再次来访。
    Dear Jhn,
    Best wishes!
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.
    It was a beautiful sunny day, and Mary and I were playing in her new basement because it was s ht utside. The tw f us were best friends, s we naturally did what best friends d-we did everything tgether. We went camping tgether, trusted each at her and always stuck up fr each ther.
    But that day, smething changed. I'll never frget the lk n Mary's face when she kncked ver her mther's favrite vase that was n the table. The flwers and vase crashed t the flr, and the vase cracked int tns f tiny little pieces. I lked at Mary and said, “There's n way t fix this!”
    Mary burst int tears. “What am I ging t d? What am I ging t say?” She lked at me while she wiped her tears and asked, “Can yu say that yu did it?”
    I was shcked. I didn't knw what t d r say, and I started t pace back and frth. “Okay, I'll d it.” I said.
    That very secnd, her mther came dwnstairs t ask abut the lud nise she had just heard. Mary said, “Mm, we were sitting n the cuch, and Michelle put her feet n the table and kncked n the vase.”
    Her mther lked at me and shk her head. “I dn't knw hw many times I have t tell yu girls, yu dn't put yur feet n the table.”
    I aplgized t Mary's mther and tld her I wuld buy her a new vase. She said nt t wrry, but us be mre careful. I felt s bad. I knew that I had kept Mary ut f truble, but I als felt that it wasn't right. I didn't g ver t Mary's fr a few days, and she didn't cme t my huse, either. I was busy cleaning and ding extra chre (杂活)
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
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    Finally I earned enugh mney and set ut t buy Mary's mther a new vase.
    Mary and I lked at each ther with relief.

    四川省成都市金牛区实验外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次月考英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份四川省成都市金牛区实验外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第二次月考英语试题(Word版附答案),共10页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    四川省成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份四川省成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(Word版附答案),文件包含四川省成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考试题英语Word版含答案docx、2024四川省成都外国语学校高二下学期3月月考英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

    四川省成都市金牛区成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省成都市金牛区成都外国语学校2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题(Word版附解析),共26页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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