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    第Ⅰ卷 客观题
    一、第一部分:听力,第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(7.5分)(共5题;共37.5分)
    1. Wh graduated frm Nanjing Nrmal University?
    2. Why did the accident happen?
    3. What prgramme cmes first n TV?
    4. Hw did the man feel after watching the vide?
    5. Where will the man be?
    第Ⅱ卷 主观题
    二、第一部分:听力,第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(22.5分)(共15题;共22.5分)
    6. Why des the girl want a baby brther? A . T please her dad. B . T enjy being a big sister. C . T raise 'animals tgether with him.
    7. What des the girl hpe t d at last? A . Keep a dg. B . Get a cute cat. C . Lk after her brther.
    8. What is the prbable relatinship between Neil and Tim? A . Bss and secretary. B . Husband and wife. C . Driver and passenger.
    9. When will Neil and Tim get t the airprt tmrrw? A . At abut 8:00 am. B . At abut 9:00 am. C . At abut 5:00 pm.
    10. Hw is Belinda's skin? A . Dry. B . Dark. C . Smth.
    11. What des Belinda quit drinking nw? A . Sda. B . Juice. C . Cffee.
    12. What is the best fr skin accrding t Belinda? A . Skin care prducts. B . Regular exercise. C . Gd sleep.
    13. What did the by help his mther d last week? A . He aired quilts. B . He did the laundry. C . He did nthing.
    14. Why des Sherry refuse the by's suggestin? A . She hates t d husewrk. B . He wn't d husewrk with her. C . Their mther has dne husewrk.
    15. What is Sherry prbably ding? A . Repairing her camera. B . Lking fr her camera. C . Watering the flwers.
    16. What will the by d next? A . D sme shpping. B . Eat snacks. C . Change clthes.
    17. Where is the speaker wrking nw? A . In Texas. B . In Califrnia. C . In Ohi.
    18. When did the speaker decide t becme a pilt? A . When he visited his dad's wrkplace. B . When he majred in astrnmy. C . When he jined a flying club.
    19. What did the man think hardest during the training? A . Dealing with emergencies. B . Estimating the required fuel. C . Remembering the flight rutes.
    20. What des the speaker think f his jb? A . Tiring. B . Interesting. C . Demanding.
    三、第二部分 阅读,第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)(共15题;共37.5分)
    "Where shuld I eat?" We hpe t answer that age-ld questin. This simple list prvides a view int Mntreal's gd restaurants.
    Chef Simn Mathys is celebrated as ne f the best in the business. He wns and runs Mastard with his wife, Viki Brissn-Sylvestre. At Mastard, fficially pened in January 2021, Mathys prepares five-curse menus that are lcal-prduct driven, seasnal, inventive and delicius. Vin Mn Lapin
    When this restaurant said, mid-COVID, that it wuld be dubling its space, it may have sunded like a risky mve — but it paid ff. Mn Lapin has been ne f the httest tables arund since it pened in March 2018. Its menu changes with the seasns, featuring fresh veggies and seafd. Chez Ma Tante
    Started in 1929, this Quebec-style restaurant first served steamed (蒸的) ht dgs ut f a hrse-drawn carriage (四轮马车). Later, it mved int a building n Fleury Street. Old-schl in the best way, Chez Ma Tante remains ne f the tp ht dg suppliers (供应商) in the city. Open until 4 a.m. daily.Dbe & Andy
    Open since 1982, Dbe & Andy is Chinatwn's leading Hng Kng-style barbecue restaurant. It is nw run by secnd-generatin wners, the Ku brthers. Since taking ver frm their father, they have made sme tasty additins, but the time-hnured char siu prk, crispy rast prk and rast duck remain headliners.
    21. What d Mastard and Vin Mn Lapin have in cmmn? A . They bth ffer seasnal menus. B . They bth have five-curse menus. C . They bth have wrld-famus chefs. D . They bth enlarged their restaurants in 2021.
    22. What is special abut Dbe & Andy? A . It is run by a married cuple. B . It prvides varius Chinese dishes. C . It remains ne f the tp ht dg makers in the city. D . It is ne f the mst ppular Quebec-style restaurants in the city.
    23. Of the fllwing restaurants, which is the ldest? A . Mastard. B . Vin Mn Lapin. C . Chez Ma Tante. D . Dbe & Andy.
    I had nt hugged a friend r a family member since the pandemic until recently when my sister-in-law flew in fr a brief visit. Fr everyne's safety, we met utside. Despite the wintry weather, her hug warmed me frm the inside ut. It's strange, but nly nw d I truly realize hw much I've missed embracing lved nes.
    Grwing up thrugh war in my hmetwn f Sarajev, Bsnia, every mment was full f danger. On ne peaceful mrning, I had begged my mm t let me g utside after spending weeks indrs. She finally agreed. I was utside fr nly 10 minutes when I was caught in an explsin. I ran t my neighbr's huse fr safety and threw my arms arund her neck just as my legs cllapsed underneath me. She hugged me with bth arms and dragged me int her huse.
    Thankfully, I made a full physical recvery, but the emtinal scars never left me. Years later there was anther explsin near my huse. I was safe inside, but my father had left t buy a laf f bread. He had nly just missed the blast. When he came back inside, I gave him the biggest hug imaginable.
    It is yet anther sad aspect f ur pandemic lives that hugging a stranger is the last thing n ur minds. Fr many f us, even hugging a relative r a friend cmes with stress and anxiety. Perhaps we have undervalued the impact f a simple hug. As I lk back n my past, I cunt myself truly lucky t have been held, shielded and encuraged at sme f the mst key mments f my life by the almst super pwer f a hug. I pray that in the nt-s-distant future we can safely hld ne anther again - a friend, a relative, r even a stranger.
    24. Why did the authr mentin her sister-in-law's visit at the beginning? A . It reminded the authr f her past hugs. B . It encuraged the authr t hug strangers. C . It made the authr think f her large family. D . It made the authr frget the pandemic temprarily.
    25. What happened t the authr when she lived in her hmetwn? A . Her mther never allwed her t g ut. B . One f her legs cllapsed in an explsin. C . She was saved by her neighbr's timely hug. D . She recvered quickly frm the wunds f the war.
    26. Hw did the authr feel when she hugged her father? A . Frightened. B . Relieved. C . Embarrassed. D . Astnished.
    27. What is the authr's purpse in writing this article? A . T express hw she feels abut war. B . T share hw imprtant hugs are t her. C . T intrduce the ups and dwns in her life. D . T cmplain abut the impact f the pandemic.
    Taking an "ec-break" was nce almst the same as a weekend's hedge-laying r a summer spent cnserving wildlife. Here is hw things have changed: being a green traveler tday is n lnger restricted t ne-ff gestures but, rather, it's a state f mind. Influences include, but are nt limited t what we pack, hw we reach ur destinatin, where we stay and what activities we take part in.
    Such change has cme abut thanks t bth a grwing understanding f climate change and the pineering effrts f sme travel peratrs t shw the jy f ging green. Luxury camping specialists Feather Dwn Farms and Frest, fr example, led the glamping (豪华野营) revlutin. Digital platfrms such as Under the Thatch and Canpy & Stars have made bking lw-impact rural accmmdatins easier. Adventure peratrs such as TYF, Intrepid and Much Better Adventures set the agenda fr sustainable utdr relaxatin.
    But the increased appetite fr travel and the trend fr replacing annual trips with multiple shrter breaks has seen a rise in carbn-intensive air travel. Meanwhile, key verland rutes have been discntinued (such as ferry services t Scandinavia and vernight "train htels" thrugh France and Spain), and cuts in lcal transprt services have severely impacted car-free access t rural areas. Dishnest and immral businesses have als jumped n the "ec" travel wave, muddying the waters.
    There are, hwever, signs we're entering a glden age f green travel. Richard Hammnd, funder f the Green Traveler website, shares ver 20 years' wrth f expertise in his new guidebk utlying methds t explre the wrld sustainably. Many travel cmpanies are als starting t prvide tls t help travelers tell the genuinely green frm greenwashing peratins (Bking. cm and Ggle, fr instance, are wrking with nt-fr-prfit Travalyst t flag up fficially-apprved and ec-certified htels in their search results) while the upcming natinal rllut (推广) f electric car charging, the mdernizatin f crss-channel ferry services and the return f rail means chsing lwer-carbn verland travel is becming practical and mre appealing.
    28. Hw have things changed fr being green nw? A . Each stp n a rute is planned with care. B . Many aspects f ur travels are influenced. C . Wildlife preservatin is nt as essential as befre. D . The health cnditins f turists are cnsidered.
    29. What is the authr's purpse in mentining sme travel peratrs? A . T cmpare their jbs in different fields. B . T ffer the readers select recmmendatins. C . T impress the readers with utdr activities. D . T shw their jint cntributins t green travel.
    30. What des the underlined wrd "greenwashing" in Paragraph 4 mean? A . Ec-unfriendly. B . Illegal. C . Disrderly. D . Evergreen.
    31. What can be a suitable title fr the text? A . Ging Green B . Csting the Earth Less C . Experiencing Rural Lifestyles D . Adventuring Int the Glden Age
    N ne likes interruptin. We are brn t seek balance and rder. N matter what it is that yu are ding, being interrupted invlves a frceful stp midway and then having t re-enter yur previus state, smetimes with great difficulty.
    Ppular belief has it that interruptin breaks the flw f yur thinking and affects prductivity negatively, and s it is advisable that yu have an uninterrupted sessin f intensive wrk befre yur next break.
    Hwever, a Russian psychlgist, Bluma Zeigarnik, might tell yu therwise.
    The cnnectin between interruptin and memry came t her attentin when she was dining in a restaurant. She nticed hw the waitresses had an amazing memry f the detailed rders yet t be paid fr, but scarce memry f the rders that were already cmpleted.
    Back in her labratry, she cnducted studies in which subjects were required t cmplete varius puzzles. Sme f the subjects were interrupted during the tasks. All the subjects were then asked t describe what tasks they had dne. It turns ut that adults remembered the interrupted tasks 90% better than the cmpleted tasks, and that children were even mre likely t recall the uncmpleted tasks. In ther wrds, uncmpleted tasks will stay n yur mind until yu finish them!
    In cmparisn t tasks that were already finished and nes that we haven't even started, half-dne prjects are given the pririty in the mental t-d list ur brains sketch ut fr us. Zeigarnik described this finding in her dctral thesis (论文) in the late 1920s, which was later called Zeigarnik effect.
    One pssible explanatin is that with interrupted tasks, we are desperate fr their clsure t reclaim a sense f balance. Finishing them als means that we can finally clear up the mental backlg (积压的工作) and give the space t mre upcming tasks.
    Zeigarnik's effect can be fund everywhere, especially used in media and advertising. Have yu ever wndered why cliffhangers wrk s well r why yu just can't get yurself t stp watching that series n Netflix?
    Ernest Hemingway nce said abut writing a nvel, "It is the wait until the next day that is hard t get thrugh." S next time, when yu are interrupted, appreciate it and take advantage f it t prmte yur prductivity.
    32. What is a cmmn practice t finish a task? A . Wrking in a fcused perid. B . Wrking with ccasinal breaks. C . Wrking with a stp midway. D . Wrking in an interrupted sessin.
    33. What is the finding f the Zeigarnik's experiment? A . Interruptin recalls details. B . Interruptin betters memry. C . Interruptin disturbs balance. D . Interruptin reduces prductivity.
    34. Which f the fllwing is an example f the applicatin f Zeigarnik's effect? A . Fashin shws. B . Online news. C . Talk shws. D . TV series.
    35. What is the pssible reasn behind Zeigarnik's effect? A . The desire fr balance. B . The physical backlg. C . The utside pressure. D . The upcming tasks.
    四、第二部分 阅读,第二节 阅读还原(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)(共1题;共12.5分)
    Traffic Regulatin and Accident Preventin
    We live in a remarkable time, and many f the nce fatal diseases can nw be cured with mdern medicine and surgery. 36 Expectatins f life have greatly increased. But thugh the pssibility f living a lng and happy life is greater than ever befre, every day we witness the incredible killing f men, wmen and children n the rads. Man fights against the mtr-car. It is a never-ending battle which man is lsing. 37
    Nthing can seriusly increase yur risk f ptentially fatal car accidents ther than speeding and failing t pay due attentin t weather cnditins. 38 There is n dubt that the mtr-car ften brings ut a man's very wrst qualities. Usually quiet and pleasant peple, when they are behind the steering wheel, will becme unrecgnizable. They are implite, aggressive, self-willed like tw-year-ld, cmpletely selfish. All their hidden frustratins, disappintments, and jealusy seem t be caused by driving.
    39 It's all fr his wn cnvenience. Due t a serius tragedy, the city is almst uninhabitable and the huge parking lt makes the twn ugly. The destructin f rural areas and the annual mass killings are just a statistic, easily frgtten. With regard t driving, the laws f sme cuntries are nt strict and even the strictest are nt strict enugh.
    Traffic rules are fr everyne t fllw under any circumstances, and n ne can make an exceptin unless yu make a jke f yur wn life. Universally accepted standards can nly have a significant beneficial n the incidence f accidents. Gvernments shuld develp safety cdes fr manufacturers. 40 These measures may sund cruel. Hwever, if these measures result in a reductin in the lss f life every year, they shuld certainly nt be cnsidered serius. After all, the wrld belngs t humans, nt cars.
    五、第三部分 语言运用,第一节 语法填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)(共1题;共15分)
    Since 1960, cnsiderable scientific researches have been dne n chimps in their natural habitats. Astnishingly, scientists have fund ut that the scial 41 f Chimps are very similar t humans. Chimps will 42 in certain ways, like gathering tgether t prtect their land. But beynd the minimum requirements as scial beings, they have little instinct (本能) t 43 ne anther. Chimps in the wild seek fd fr themselves. Even chimp mthers regularly 44 t share fd with their children. Wh are able frm a yung age t gather their wn fd?
    In the labratry, chimps dn't 45 share fd either. If a chimp is put in a cage where he can pull in ne plate f fd fr himself r, with n greater effrt, a plate that als prvides fd fr a neighbr t the next cage, he will pull 46 -he just desn't care whether his neighbr gets fed r nt. Chimps are truly selfish.
    Human children, 47 , are extremely cperative. Frm the earliest ages, they desire t help thers, t share infrmatin and t participate in achieving cmmn gals. The psychlgist Michael Tmasell has studied this 48 in a series f experiments with very yung children. He finds that if babies aged 18 mnths see a wrried adult with hands full trying t pen a dr, almst all will immediately try t help.
    There are several reasns t believe that the urges t help, infrm and share are nt taught, but naturally 49 in yung children. One is that these instincts appear at a very 50 age befre mst parents have started t train their children t behave 51 . Anther is that the helping behavirs are nt imprved if the children are rewarded. A third reasn is that scial intelligence 52 in children befre their general cgnitive(认知的) skills, at least when cmpared with chimps. In tests cnducted by Tmasell, the human children did n better than the chimps n the 53 wrld tests but were cnsiderably better at understanding the scial wrld.
    The cre (核心) f what children's minds have and chimps' dn't is what Tmasell calls shared intentinality. Part f this ability is that they can 54 what thers knw r are thinking. But beynd that, even very yung children want t be part f a shared purpse. They actively seek t be part f a "we", a grup that intends t wrk tward a(n) 55 gal.
    六、第三部分 语言运用,第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)(共1题;共15分)
    Mrley Safer has wrked in televisin news fr 61 years. He's spent 46 f thse years n his bradcast, lnger than anyne else. As a 56 (travel), he hlds sme srt f recrd, 57 (take) planes, trains, bats, even bicycles t the ends f the Earth.
    When he was 24, a dr pened that wuld change his life. He was hired 58 a televisin news writer at the CBC, Canada's premier bradcasting netwrk. And sn enugh, he was 59 freign crrespndent(记者), the jb he'd dreamed f. His passprt filled up quickly. In late 1963, Mrley caught the eye f the American netwrk leaders, 60 hired him t jin the great CBS bureau in Lndn. Frm his base in Lndn, he cvered shting wars in Algeria and Cyprus.
    By the time he was 35, he 61 (cver) news in Eurpe, the Middle East and Sutheast Asia. It's fair 62 (say) that nbdy alive tday has seen as much and reprted n it as 63 (brilliant) as Mrley. Simply by example, he's made the rest f us better jurnalists. His writing 64 (cnsider) the best in the business. His tughness and kindness and sense f humr are legendary.
    In a business that's fast-mving and smetimes cmpetitive, he survived and prspered, either utwrking 65 utliving everyne else, trying t get t the bttm f things.
    66. 第一节书面表达
    假定你是校英语社社长李华,请给外教William 写一封邮件邀请他在校首届英语节上致开幕辞。
    内容包括:1. 英语节介绍;2. 开幕式的时间和地点等。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80词左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    I am Li Hua. Hw are yu getting alng? I am writing t invite yu t give the pening speech at the first English Festival in ur schl. The English Festival is a grand activity funded by the English Club f ur schl. Nt nly will the activity help us learn English culture, but als the cmmunicatin between English lvers will be imprved.
    The first English Festival will take place in ur classrm at 2 'clck n September 10th. After yur pening speech, there are als a few speeches delivered by sme student representatives. We are ging t sing sme sngs and perfrm a shrt play fr the audience. We have als prepared flwers and cards fr ur each teacher. Finally, we will take sme nice phts t remember the wnderful mment.
    Lking frward t yur cming.
    67. 读后续写,阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
    This fall break, I tk my sn Nels, aged 15 , fr ur lng-planned vacatin in a natinal park. We had a rented cttage at the ft f the muntain by a lake. And my niece Susan, aged 12, als jined us.
    On the first day, abundant items kept everyne ccupied: picnicking, caneing, shting. When night fell, we sat arund the campfire singing and dancing with ther vacatiners, all having a great day.
    Nevertheless, n the secnd day, I nticed Susan cnstantly checking her screen, busily texting. That day, she stayed indrs glued t her phne, playing Axe Climber. Then, I had an idea, annuncing, "Tmrrw, we'll hike t the tp f the Stne Muntains."
    Hearing this, Susan shrugged, as if t say, "Why?"
    Eyes fixed n Susan, I cntinued, "Put yur phne aside and climb a real muntain, OK?"
    "Well," Susan respnded reluctantly, "the Axe Climber is mving up t the final level, s I'll nt be available tmrrw."
    "Susan, that's nt the actual wilderness experience. I hiked a lt. It's greater fun," Nels said persuasively.
    "Sunds mre like punishment," she mumbled. "I hate sweating."
    "Never have yu been n a muntaintp. Susan, have a g this time, and yu are sure t lve the feeling and pleasure it brings."
    She finally ndded unwillingly, "Fine, I'll give it a try."
    I smiled. Anyway, she agreed. The next mrning, we awakened t the sund f birds singing. It was a nice day with the sun shining mildly and cluds flating leisurely. "A perfect day fr hiking," I said. "I will g, Uncle," Susan replied mechanically.
    Packing bread, bttled water and camera int the backpack, we set ut fr ur destinatin. Against the blue sky, a rugh trail wund its way t the tp f the muntain.
    "I still dn't think it's a gd idea," Susan cmplained, frwning.
    "N pains, n gains! Cme n!" I encuraged.
    Paragraph 1:
    Thus, Susan began hiking up.
    Paragraph 2:
    An hur later, we made it t the tp. "Hw awesme!" Susan yelled with wild jy. A . Nancy's mther.
    B . The wman.
    C . The man.
    A . One f the drivers drve after drinking.
    B . The traffic signal stpped wrking.
    C . The drivers didn't keep t the speed limit.
    A . A talent shw.
    B . A mvie.
    C . A basketball match.
    A . Cnfused.
    B . Tuched.
    C . Surprised.
    A . At hme.
    B . In a shp.
    C . In a theater.
    A. There are five reasns fr the accident and yu are guilty.
    B. Every year thusands f peple are hrribly killed, and we sit still and let it happen.
    C. Surprisingly, sciety shuld smile at the driver and frgive him.
    D. Smene has rightly said that when a persn is sitting behind the steering wheel, his car becmes an extensin f his persnality.
    E. All advertisements that emphasize pwer and perfrmance shuld be banned.
    F. It is time t develp a universal nrm t reduce this senseless waste f human life.
    G. It is almst certain that ne day a cure will be fund fr the rest f the diseases.
    A . structures
    B . respnsibilities
    C . plicies
    D . behavirs
    A . cnflict
    B . ffend
    C . cperate
    D . discuss
    A . help
    B . cntact
    C . divide
    D . trust
    A . manage
    B . decline
    C . attempt
    D . frce
    A . curiusly
    B . unwillingly
    C . naturally
    D . carelessly
    A . in turn
    B . with care
    C . at randm
    D . in advance
    A . all in all
    B . as a result
    C . in n case
    D . n the ther hand
    A . cperativeness
    B . availability
    C . attack
    D . attractiveness
    A . educated
    B . pssessed
    C . mtivated
    D . stimulated
    A . ld
    B . yung
    C . middle
    D . late
    A . creatively
    B . frmally
    C . cmpetitively
    D . scially
    A . develps
    B . decreases
    C . changes
    D . disappears
    A . invisible
    B . abstract
    C . physical
    D . imaginary
    A . infer
    B . adapt
    C . absrb
    D . balance
    A . realistic
    B . shared
    C . specific
    D . ambitius

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