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    这是一份英语:湖南省岳阳市岳阳楼区2022-2023学年高一下学期期末试题(解析版),共19页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37,99 per mnth)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(略)
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Best apps t learn hw t play guitar
    TrueFire is a vide lessn platfrm with a lt f big-name teachers. Curses range frm the intrductin f whle types t deep-dives int specific thery cncepts. Fr mst curses, there’re multiple camera angles ffering clse-ups f the left and right hands. Because f this presenting style, hwever, things can get crwded n the mbile app—it’s definitely a platfrm that wrks better n a desktp.
    Curses can be purchased individually, but this’ll be expensive if yu’re planning n buying mre than a cuple. Grabbing an All Access subscriptin will instead give yu unlimited streams f TrueFire’s entire list.
    Price: Either per-curse, r $ 29/mnth r $249/year
    The Gibsn App
    Gibsn’s new smartphne app is aimed at guitarists f all levels. Essentially, this is a system that respnds t yu as yu play alng t lessns and exercises, making the experience feel like an interactive lessn. What we especially like abut the app is hw players get a free ne-n-ne vide guidance with a prfessinal Gibsn guitar tech.
    Price: $ 14.99 a mnth r $ 89.99 a year
    Yusician is designed fr bth beginners and intermediate players. Suitable fr guitar, bass and even ukulele, the app ffers step-by-step vide tutrials, plus the ability t prvide instant feedback n yur perfrmance. The app is free t dwnlad but it des require a subscriptin fr unlimited and uninterrupted playtime acrss all platfrms.
    Price: Free (subscriptin service ffered starting at $19.99 per mnth)
    BandLab is the perfect DAW(Digital Audi Wrkstatin) fr cperatin. Yu can uplad tracks t the clud-based wrkstatin t further yur music with ver 100 guitar and bass presets. Nt in the md t write? Then discver and stream millins f tracks made by emerging and established artists t stimulate yur creativity. It’s als ttally free, with n paywalls r subscriptins.
    Price: Free
    1. What is suggested fr the first app?
    A. Using it n a desktp.B. Selecting yur favrite teacher.
    C. Buying the curses individually.D. Starting with specific thery cncepts.
    2. What d The Gibsn App and Yusician have in cmmn?
    A. Neither f them can be dwnladed fr free.
    B. Neither f them is suitable fr beginners.
    C. They bth prvide paid vide tutrials.
    D. They bth prvide real-time feedback.
    3. Which app can be used ttally free?
    A. TrueFireB. BandLabC. YusicianD. The Gibsn App
    【答案】1. A 2. D 3. B
    【详解】1. 细节理解题。根据 TrueFire 部分中的”Because f this presenting style, hwever, things can get crwded n the mbile app — it’s definitely a platfrm that wrks better n a desktp”(然而,由于这种呈现风格,移动应用程序上的东西可能会变得拥挤——这绝对是一个在桌面上运行得更好的平台。)可知,该课程利用多镜头,从多角度对左手和右手进行了特写,在移动设备上观看的话,画面会显得很拥挤。因此,作者建议用户在台式电脑上使用该应用程序。故选A。
    2. 细节理解题。根据The Gibsn App中的“this is a system that respnds t yu as yu play alng t lessns and exercises, making the experience feel like an interactive lessn”(这是一个系统,当你跟着课程和练习一起玩的时候,它会对你做出反应,让你的体验感觉像是一个互动的课程。)和Yusician 中的“plus the ability t prvide instant feedback n yur perfrmance”(以及对你的表现提供即时反馈的能力。)可知,这两个应用程序都会实时对用户的学习情况进行反馈。故选D。
    3. 细节理解题。根据 BandLab 部分中的“It’s als ttally free, with n paywalls r subscriptins”(它也是完全免费的,没有付费墙和订阅。)和“Price: Free”(价格:免费)可知,BandLab是一个完全免费的应用程序。故选B。
    Jim Savage was setting ut fr a day’s fishing ff the Flrida cast when he heard the cries f a baby dlphin in truble. The three-mnth-ld had gt her tail caught in the rpes f an abandned crab trap. Jim knew that if he left her, the dlphin wuld have little chance f survival. He cut her free and gt in cntact with the authrities. She was taken t Clear water Marine Aquarium, but her injuries were s severe that she lst her tail.
    The aquarium staff named the baby dlphin Winter and she gradually learned hw t swim again. Unfrtunately, because f the way she was mving in the water withut her tail, she was in danger f develping a prblem with her spine (脊椎). Kevin Carrll and Dan Strzempka, wh ran a cmpany making artificial limbs, heard abut the prblem and had a brilliant idea. Kevin and Dan tld the staff at the aquarium that they wuld make an artificial (人造的) tail fr Winter!
    There were a lt f challenges that Kevin and Dan had t deal with alng the way, like trying t fit an artificial tail n a playful yung dlphin that desn’t want t stay still! It tk ver fifty prttypes (模型) and a year and a half befre Winter finally gt her new 30-inch tail. After seeing her swim with it fr the first time, Kevin said that the mnths f hard wrk had been truly wrth it.
    Making the tail was nly half the stry, thugh. Fr Winter t be able t swim prperly, the artificial tail needed t be held in place withut damaging her skin. Specialists came up with a sft material that firmly hlds the skin and desn’t hurt. Designed especially fr Winter, this material was s successful that “WintersGel” is nw being used t make artificial limbs mre cmfrtable fr peple with false arms and legs all arund the wrld.
    In 2011 the tale (故事) was made int a film, “Dlphin Tale”, starring Winter herself. It’s abut a dlphin that wuld have died, but survived because a few peple cared.
    4. What d we knw abut Jim?
    A. He wrked at an aquarium.B. He freed a dlphin frm a trap.
    C. He injured a dlphin accidentally.D. He kept a baby dlphin fr three mnths.
    5. What did Kevin and Dan decide t d accrding t paragraph 2?
    A. Teach Winter t swim.B. Set up a branch cmpany.
    C. Help straighten Winter’s spine.D. Make a man-made tail fr Winter.
    6. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Kevin and Dan’s wrk in paragraph 3?
    A. Dangerus.B. Imaginative.C. Interesting.D. Difficult.
    7. What culd be the best title fr the text?
    A. A tale f a tail.B. A lessn frm a dlphin.
    C. An imprtant survival skill.D. A chance encunter with a dlphin.
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. D 7. A
    【4题详解】细节理解题。由文章第一段中“Jim Savage was setting ut fr a day’s fishing ff the Flrida cast when he heard the cries f a baby dlphin in truble. The three-mnth-ld had gt her tail caught in the rpes f an abandned crab trap. Jim knew that if he left her, the dlphin wuld have little chance f survival. He cut her free and gt in cntact with the authrities. (Jim Savage在佛罗里达海岸出海捕鱼时,听到了一只小海豚陷入困境的哭声。这个三个月大的小海豚的尾巴被一个废弃的捕蟹器的绳子缠住了。吉姆知道,如果他离开她,这只海豚几乎没有生存的机会。他割断了她的绳子,并与当局取得了联系。)”可知,他把一只海豚从捕蟹器中救了出来。故选B。
    【5题详解】细节理解题。由文章第二段中“Kevin and Dan tld the staff at the aquarium that they wuld make an artificial (人造的) tail fr Winter! (Kevin和Dan告诉水族馆的工作人员,他们将为Winter做一条人造尾巴!)”可知,Kevin和Dan决定为Winter做一条人造尾巴。故选D。
    【6题详解】推理判断题。由文章第三段“There were a lt f challenges that Kevin and Dan had t deal with alng the way, like trying t fit an artificial tail n a playful yung dlphin that desn’t want t stay still! It tk ver fifty prttypes (模型) and a year and a half befre Winter finally gt her new 30-inch tail. After seeing her swim with it fr the first time, Kevin said that the mnths f hard wrk had been truly wrth it. (Kevin和Dan一路上遇到了很多挑战,比如给一只顽皮的小海豚装上一条人造尾巴,它不想静止不动!在Winter最终得到30英寸的新尾巴之前,我们花了一年半的时间做了50多个模型。在第一次看到她带着它游泳后,凯文说这几个月的努力是值得的。)”可知,在Kevin和Dan为Winter做人造尾巴的过程中遇到许多挑战,花了一年半的时间做了50多个模型后才成功;由此可知,Kevin和Dan的工作很难。故选D。
    【7题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第四段中“Making the tail was nly half the stry, thugh. Fr Winter t be able t swim prperly, the artificial tail needed t be held in place withut damaging her skin. Specialists came up with a sft material that firmly hlds the skin and desn’t hurt. (不过,制造尾巴只是故事的一半。为了让温特能够正常游泳,人工尾巴需要固定到位,同时不损害她的皮肤。专家们想出了一种柔软的材料,它能牢牢地抓住皮肤,不会受伤。)”可知,文章主要讲述了人们救助一条小海豚,并最终为海豚安上一条人造尾巴的故事。选项A“A tale f a tail. (一个关于尾巴的故事)”能够概括文章主旨,适合作为最佳标题。故选A。
    ChatGPT, a new chatbt mdel develped by US-based AI research labratry OpenAI, has quickly becme a hit glbally due t its advanced cnversatinal capabilities,
    It can write emails, cmputer cdes, even academic papers and pems, and has passed a number f tests within secnds. Academicians wrldwide are discussing whether AI shuld be used in educatin. Sme universities have banned it. The New Yrk City’s Department f Educatin, fr example, banned the chatbt frm its public schl devices and netwrks, with sme peple warning that it culd encurage mre students t cheat, especially in exams.
    Many mre welcme this app, claiming that, like mst technlgical advances and grundbreaking innvatins in histry, ChatGPT is a pwerful tl fr the develpment f higher educatin.
    Embracing AI as early as pssible is advisable. Higher educatin institutins shuld make preparatins fr including AI in their syllabus (教学大纲). They can start by ffering related curses, because by understanding hw it wrks, they can make better use f it. Besides, students with gd knwledge f AI are mre cmpetitive when it cmes t getting a gd jb, as an increasing number f jbs are being dne by cmputer prgrammes-sme in cperatin with humans, AI-pwered educatin technlgies can be adpted t make the learning experience mre suitable fr each student based n his r her strengths and weaknesses. As fr prfessrs, AI can free them frm ding sme dull tasks s they can cncentrate n teaching and interacting with students.
    Since we cannt avid ChatGPT and ther AI-pwered applicatins frm entering the field f higher educatin, we shuld make cllective effrts t ensure they have a psitive impact n sciety and the future f educatin Despite AI helping make learning much mre interesting and enjyable, humans need t wrk very hard t win the race with technlgy.
    8. Why d sme higher educatin institutins frbid ChatGPT?
    A. ChatGPT can write emails and cmputer cdes quickly.
    B. Sme prfessrs might nt perfrm their duties prperly.
    C. Students wuld have cnversatins with each ther via it.
    D. Students might seek help frm it in cmpleting the exams.
    9. What is the authr’s attitude twards AI applicatins in educatin?
    A. Fearful.B. Disapprving.C. Supprtive.D. Uncertain.
    10. Hw can AI benefit students f higher educatin?
    A. It ffers students an increasing number f jbs.
    B. It persnalizes students’ learning experience.
    C. It equips students with cmpetitive skills t cperate with humans.
    D. It handles uninteresting tasks s students can better fcus n learning.
    11. What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A. We shuld guard against AI apps.
    B. AI will be mre widely used in educatin.
    C. The future f educatin relies n AI apps.
    D. Humans will be left behind by technlgy.
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. B 11. B
    【8题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“The New Yrk City’s Department f Educatin, fr example, banned the chatbt frm its public schl devices and netwrks, with sme peple warning that it culd encurage mre students t cheat, especially in exams.(例如,纽约市教育部禁止该聊天机器人进入其公立学校的设备和网络,一些人警告说,这可能会鼓励更多学生作弊,尤其是在考试中)”可知,该一些高等教育机构禁止ChatGPT,因为学生可能会在考试中寻求帮助。故选D项。
    【9题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第四段中的“Embracing AI as early as pssible is advisable.(建议尽早拥抱人工智能)”和最后一段中的“Since we cannt avid ChatGPT and ther AI-pwered applicatins frm entering the field f higher educatin, we shuld make cllective effrts t ensure they have a psitive impact n sciety and the future f educatin.(既然我们无法避免ChatGPT和其他人工智能应用进入高等教育领域,我们应该共同努力,确保它们对社会和教育的未来产生积极影响)”可推知,作者支持人工智能在高校教育中的运用。故选C项。
    【10题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第四段“AI-pwered educatin technlgies can be adpted t make the learning experience mre suitable fr each student based n his r her strengths and weaknesses.(可以采用人工智能教育技术,根据每个学生的优势和劣势,使学习体验更适合每个学生)”可知,人工智能能够根据学生个人情况定制学习体验。故选B项。
    【11题详解】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Since we cannt avid ChatGPT and ther AI-pwered applicatins frm entering the field f higher educatin, we shuld make cllective effrts t ensure they have a psitive impact n sciety and the future f educatin. Despite AI helping make learning much mre interesting and enjyable, humans need t wrk very hard t win the race with technlgy.(既然我们无法避免ChatGPT和其他人工智能应用进入高等教育领域,我们应该共同努力,确保它们对社会和教育的未来产生积极影响。尽管人工智能有助于使学习变得更有趣、更愉快,但人类需要非常努力地工作才能赢得与技术的竞争)”可推知,我们不能避免人工智能进入高校教育,要与时俱进,确保人工智能发挥积极作用。故选B项。
    Natural Disasters Require Special Building Design
    Natural disasters happen everywhere in the wrld. Many cause prperty damage and lss f life. But researchers say the severity (严重性) f their effects can be reduced if peple take steps t prepare.
    A new exhibit teaches what gvernments and individuals can d t lessen the effects. Chrysanthe Briks rganized the exhibit at the Natinal Building Museum. She says large buildings and ther structures can survive strng earthquakes if they are built with sme level f flexibility. In ther wrds, they need t be able t bend and mve as the earth shakes.
    “We need t let buildings mve and we can actually understand where they might fail, and then g in and design buildings with that in mind.”
    One building design is called a “special mment frame”. It enables mvement at pints where large lad-bearing supprts jin each ther. Rubber-based fundatin blcks let buildings mve, while huge shck absrbers (缓冲器) help t limit the shaking.
    The museum exhibit has a mdel f a wind wall. The mdel shws hw sme rfs r tps f buildings are mre likely t be destryed than thers because f the strng winds f hurricanes. Chrysanthe Briks says tests shw that a reasnable angled rf is best able t withstand wind strms. In areas with pwerful winds, researchers have strngly urged the creatin f at least ne “safe rm”. This is a place where building ccupants can spend the mst dangerus part f the strm.
    Anther cncern is hw t deal with strms and flding. Sme castal cmmunities in the U.S. have made artificial reefs frm ysters (牡蛎) shells instead f rcks. The builders use shells cllected frm restaurants t create the barriers. Chrysanthe Briks als suggests setting aside land alng the cast fr parks instead f husing. She says this is mre natural and keeps valuable prperty away frm danger.
    As fr frest fires, researchers nw suggest clearing an area abut 60 meters wide arund a single-family huse.
    “What that means is trying t keep that area free f material that easily burns.”
    12. What des Chrysanthe Briks think abut the buildings that can survive strng earthquakes?
    A. They shuld be fixed enugh.B. Their height needs t be reasnable.
    C. Their lcatin is the mst imprtant.D. They are mbile and bendable.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “that” in the third paragraph refer?
    A. Lessening the effects.B. Where they might fail.
    C. Designing buildings.D. Special mment frame.
    14. Which f the fllwing belngs t the measures t deal with strms and flding?
    A. Dn’t build huses alng the cast.
    B. Set aside land fr parking cars.
    C. Make artificial reefs frm rcks.
    D. Raise ysters in large number.
    15. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. Different types f natural disasters. B. Preparatins fr natural disasters.
    C. Reactins t natural disasters. D. Effects f natural disasters.
    【答案】12. D 13. B 14. A 15. B
    【12题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中“She says large buildings and ther structures can survive strng earthquakes if they are built with sme level f flexibility. In ther wrds, they need t be able t bend and mve as the earth shakes.(她说,大型建筑和其他结构如果在建造时具有一定程度的灵活性,就可以在强震中幸存下来。换句话说,它们需要能够在地震时弯曲和移动)”可知,Chrysanthe Briks认为可移动和可弯曲的建筑能在强震中幸存下来。故选D项。
    【13题详解】词句猜测题。分析划线单词,可知是代词,代指前文提到的人或事,根据第三段“We need t let buildings mve and we can actually understand where they might fail, and then g in and design buildings with that in mind.(我们需要让建筑移动,这样我们才能真正了解它们可能会在哪里倒塌,然后在设计建筑时考虑到这一点)”可知,that代指的是“它们可能会在哪里倒塌”。故选B项。
    【14题详解】细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中“Anther cncern is hw t deal with strms and flding. Sme castal cmmunities in the U.S. have made artificial reefs frm ysters shells instead f rcks. The builders use shells cllected frm restaurants t create the barriers. Chrysanthe Briks als suggests setting aside land alng the cast fr parks instead f husing.(另一个问题是如何应对风暴和洪水。美国的一些沿海社区用牡蛎壳代替岩石制作了人工珊瑚礁。建造者使用从餐馆收集的贝壳来建造屏障。Chrysanthe Briks还建议将沿海的土地留作公园而不是住宅)”可知,Chrysanthe Briks建议不要沿着海岸建房子。故选A项。
    【15题详解】主旨大意题。根据第一段“Natural disasters happen everywhere in the wrld. Many cause prperty damage and lss f life. But researchers say the severity f their effects can be reduced if peple take steps t prepare.(自然灾害发生在世界各地。许多事故造成财产损失和生命损失。但研究人员表示,如果人们做好准备,其影响的严重程度可以降低)”可知,这篇文章主要讲的是为自然灾害作准备。故选B项。
    Hw t Stp Life Getting Yu Dwn
    There’s a saying—“If yu and everyne else threw yur prblems nt the pile, yu’d take yurs back immediately nce yu saw everyne else’s”. ____16____ Others are prbably dealing with their wn prblems just like yu. S when things start t get yu dwn, hw can yu pick yurself back up?
    ____17____ If yu’re struggling r feeling dwn, always remember that yu dn’t have t be alne. Yu dn’t need t be n yur wn, either. ____18____ If yu dn’t feel able t talk t yur parents r yur sisters, yu’ll find supprt grups that can prvide yu with ideas r at least listen t yu. Yu’ll als find that scial media sites can prvide pprtunities t cnnect and ask fr help.
    Try ut a new hbby. Hbbies dn’t just fill time; they als help t give yu a sense f purpse. Try ut a new sprt, learn t dance r perhaps jin a chess club. Many hbbies als prvide pprtunities fr scial interactin. ____19____
    Appreciate little things. Thse that have bunced back frm a serius illness ften state that they’ve been given a new chance f life and that they wake each mrning grateful just t be waking up. ____20____ G ut fr dinner and make effrts t truly appreciate yur meal r lie back n yur bed, surrunded by ttal silence, and simply fcus n hw it feels t breathe and t relax. If yu can’t fcus n the silence, yu can instead chse backgrund nise.
    A. Reach ut.
    B. Turn t yur family.
    C. Friends will be willing t help yu.
    D. Bad experiences are part f life fr us all.
    E. Getting rid f ur bad emtin takes a lt f time.
    F. Making new friends and talking with them will raise yur spirits.
    G. A new attitude t rdinary life can make yu feel mre psitive.
    【答案】16. D 17. A 18. B 19. F 20. G
    【16题详解】根据前文“There’s a saying—‘If yu and everyne else threw yur prblems nt the pile, yu’d take yurs back immediately nce yu saw everyne else’s’. (有句话是这样说的:“如果你和其他人都把自己的问题扔到垃圾堆里,那么一旦看到其他人的问题,你就会立即把自己的问题拿回来。”)”用谚语提出了一个现象,即,每个人都会遭遇不愉快的事情,因此可推知,设空句应用平实的语言再次提出这个现象,以使读者更加明白文章要讨论的核心话题。选项D“Bad experiences are part f life fr us all.(糟糕的经历是我们生活的一部分)”再次总结了这一现象,符合分析。故选D项。
    【17题详解】分析全文的行文结构可知,设空处是本段的主旨句。根据后文“If yu dn’t feel able t talk t yur parents r yur sisters, yu’ll find supprt grups that can prvide yu with ideas r at least listen t yu. Yu’ll als find that scial media sites can prvide pprtunities t cnnect and ask fr help.(如果你觉得无法与父母或姐妹交谈,你会找到支持小组,他们可以为你提供想法,或至少倾听你的想法。你还会发现社交媒体网站可以提供联系和寻求帮助的机会)”可知,该段强调的核心是“寻求帮助”,A项“Reach ut.(提供援助。)”全面概括了这一段的内容。故选A项。
    【18题详解】根据空后的“If yu dn’t feel able t talk t yur parents r yur sisters, yu’ll find supprt grups that can prvide yu with ideas r at least listen t yu.(如果你觉得无法与父母或姐妹交谈,你会找到支持小组,他们可以为你提供想法,或至少倾听你的想法)”可知,设空句应提及“向家人求助”。B项“Turn t yur family.(向家人求助)”符合分析。故选B项。
    【19题详解】根据前文中提到“Many hbbies als prvide pprtunities fr scial interactin.(许多爱好也为社会交往提供了机会)”可推知,设空句应紧跟其后进一步讲述社交带来的好处。F项“Making new friends and talking with them will raise yur spirits.(结交新朋友并与他们交谈会提高你的精神)”与之呼应,讲到社交活动可以帮我们与人交流和结识新朋友。故选F项。
    【20题详解】空前“Thse that have bunced back frm a serius illness ften state that they’ve been given a new chance f life and that they wake each mrning grateful just t be waking up.(那些从严重疾病中恢复健康的人通常会说,他们获得了新的生命,每天怀着一颗感恩的心醒来)”提到了“每天怀着一颗感恩的心醒来”,这是一种态度的转变,因此可推知,设空句应讲述态度转变带来的好处。G项“A new attitude t rdinary life can make yu feel mre psitive.(用一种全新的态度对待平凡的生活能够让你感觉更加积极向上)”符合推断。故选G项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I’d spent mst f high schl struggling with chrnic (慢性的) illness. Fr almst three years, I bunced between hme tutring and shrt-lived returns t schl. “I dn’t want t be in this bdy anymre,” I tld my mm.
    One night Mm came hme with a yellw ____21____ and placed it in my hands. On the frnt was a pem entitled “Dn’t Quit.” “I want yu t ____22____ this,” said Mm. The pem was full f ___23___ wrds abut vercming challenges and it was ____24____ fr me. After each and every stanza (诗节) the refrain (叠句) almst ____25____ t me, “Dn’t Quit.”
    Slwly ver the next few days I began t write inside that jurnal. ____26____ had been my passin and smehw Mm ____27____ the cmfrt I’d find thrugh my wn wrds. In the passing weeks pems began t frm between the lined pages and I began t ____28____ the pain.
    In the days befre the Internet, ____29____ came in the ______30______ f pen pals, namely ther teenagers suffering frm chrnic illness. I made a lt f friends wh ______31______ me. I began cmpiling (编纂) the pems we ______32______. Then, it became a literary newsletter (简报). By the year’s end it was being sent ut t a dzen kids just like me acrss the cuntry. I became ______33______ because f that newsletter.
    I was nt a ______34______ f my circumstance. ______35______, I nw help teenagers navigate illness. It feels right smehw.
    21. A. newsletterB. penC. jurnalD. page
    22. A. readB. mailC. selectD. slve
    23. A. extraB. persnalC. inspiratinalD. frmer
    24. A. nrmalB. difficultC. strangeD. perfect
    25. A. sangB. belngedC. happenedD. trusted
    26. A. CmmentingB. WritingC. CllectingD. Chatting
    27. A. frgtB. cmparedC. refusedD. knew
    28. A. make sense fB. make use fC. put up withD. make up fr
    29. A. experienceB. luckC. supprtD. dnatin
    30. A. absenceB. frmC. rderD. request
    31. A. visitedB. remindedC. rememberedD. understd
    32. A. tradedB. dwnladedC. ignredD. replaced
    33. A. cnfusedB. psitiveC. wrriedD. generus
    34. A. winnerB. believerC. victimD. witness
    35. A. OtherwiseB. BesidesC. TherefreD. Instead
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. D
    【21题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:一天晚上,妈妈拿着一本黄色的日记本回到家,把它放在我手里。A. newsletter简讯;B. pen笔;C. jurnal日记,杂志;D. page页码。根据下文中的“Slwly ver the next few days I began t write inside that jurnal.”可知,作者慢慢的开始在那本日记里写东西,由此可知,此处指的是妈妈给作者拿来一本黄色的“日记本”符合语境。故选C项。
    【22题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我想让你读读这个,”妈妈说。A. read读;B. mail邮寄;C. select挑选;D. slve解决。根据语境和上文中的“On the frnt was a pem entitled “Dn’t Quit.””可知,作者生病在家,妈妈带来一本日记本,在日记本的正面是一首题为“不要放弃”的诗,妈妈应是想以此激励作者,由此可知,此处指的是作者想让作者“读”这首诗。故选A项。
    【23题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这首诗充满了关于克服挑战的鼓舞人心的话语,这对我来说是完美的。A. extra额外的;B. persnal个人的;C. inspiratinal鼓舞人心的;D. frmer以前的。根据上文中的“On the frnt was a pem entitled “Dn’t Quit.””可知,诗歌的标题“不要放弃”,由此可知,此处应是充满“鼓舞人心的”话语,符合语境。故选C项。
    【24题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这首诗充满了关于克服挑战的鼓舞人心的话语,这对我来说是完美的。A. nrmal正常的;B. difficult困难的;C. strange奇怪的;D. perfect正合适的。根据语境和上文中的“The pem was full f ______ wrds abut vercming challenges”可知,这首诗充满了关于克服挑战的鼓舞人心的话语,结合作者因病在家,由此可知,此处应指的是这对作者来说应该是“正合适的”符合语境。故选D项。
    【25题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:在每一节之后,叠句几乎都在对我唱:“不要放弃。”A. sang唱歌;B. belnged属于;C. happened发生;D. trusted相信。根据常识和上文中的“After each and every stanza (诗节) the refrain (叠句)”可知,诗歌可以吟唱,所以,此处指的是诗歌的每一节之后的叠句好像是在对作者“唱”着“不要放弃”符合语境。故选A项。
    【26题详解】考查动名词词义辨析。句意:写作一直是我的热情所在,不知怎的,妈妈知道我会从自己的文字中找到安慰。A. Cmmenting评论;B. Writing写作;C. Cllecting收集;D. Chatting聊天。根据上文中的“Slwly ver the next few days I began t write inside that jurnal.”可知,在接下来的几天,作者额开始在日记本的里面写作,由此可推断,“写作”是作者的热情所在。故选B项。
    【27题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:写作一直是我的热情所在,不知怎的,妈妈知道我会从自己的文字中找到安慰。A. frgt忘记;B. cmpared比较;C. refused拒绝;D. knew知道。根据上文中的“One night Mm came hme with a yellw ________ and placed it in my hands.”可知,妈妈给作者待会一个日记本,结合下文中的“the cmfrt I’d find thrugh my wn wrds.”可以推断,此处指的是妈妈给作者拿来日记本,妈妈“知道”作者喜欢写作,会在文字中找到“安慰”。故选D项。
    【28题详解】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:在过去的几个星期里,一行行的书页之间开始形成诗歌,我开始理解这种痛苦。A. make sense f理解;B. make use f利用;C. put up with忍受;D. make up fr弥补。根据上文中的“________ had been my passin and smehw Mm ________ the cmfrt I’d find thrugh my wn wrds.”以及“In the passing weeks pems began t frm between the lined pages”可知,写作是作者的热情所在,能在自己的写的话中的找到安慰,在过去的几个星期里,作者开始写诗,由此可知,作者能在其中“理解”这种痛,符合语境。故选A项。
    【29题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在互联网出现之前的日子里,支持来自笔友,即其他患有慢性疾病的青少年。A. experience经历;B. luck运气;C. supprt支持;D. dnatin捐赠。根据下文中的“I made a lt f friends”以及“namely ther teenagers suffering frm chrnic illness.”可知,作者结交了很多朋友,且他们都是一些患有慢性病的青少年,患有同样疾病的人更能相互理解,由此可知,此处指的是来自笔友的“支持”,故选C项。
    【30题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在互联网出现之前的日子里,支持来自笔友,即其他患有慢性疾病的青少年。A. absence缺席,不在场;B. frm形式;C. rder命令;D. request需求。根据上文中的“In the days befre the Internet”可知,此处讲述的是在互联网出现之前的交流方式,所以此处应为以笔友的“形式”进行交流,in the frm f意为“以……形式”。故选B项。
    【31题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我交了很多理解我的朋友。A. visited参观;B. reminded使想起;C. remembered记住;D. understd理解。根据上文中的“In the days befre the Internet, ________ came in the ________ f pen pals, namely ther teenagers suffering frm chrnic illness.”可知,作者在互联网出现之前,用结交笔友的形式与其他患有慢性病的青少年联系,有相同经历的人应是更能相互理解,由此可知,此处应为作者交了很多“理解”他的朋友。故选D项。
    【32题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我开始整理我们交换的诗歌。A. traded交换;B. dwnladed下载;C. ignred忽视;D. replaced取代。根据上文中的“In the days befre the Internet, ________ came in the ________ f pen pals, namely ther teenagers suffering frm chrnic illness. I began cmpiling (编纂) the pems”可知,作者与同样患有慢性疾病的人经常有书信来往,结合下文中的“Then, it became a literary newsletter (简报).”可知,坐着讲这些诗歌编纂成为简报,由此可知,此处指的是作者与笔友们“交换”的诗歌。故选A项。
    【33题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因为那份时事通讯,我变得积极起来。A. cnfused迷惑的;B. psitive积极的;C. wrried担忧;D. generus慷慨的。根据下文中的“I nw help teenagers navigate illness. It feels right smehw.”可知,作者现在帮助青少年找到正确的方法解决困难,由此可知,此处指的是这个简报应使得作者变得“积极”符合语境。故选B项。
    【34题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不是我所处环境的受害者。A. winner获胜者;B. believer信徒;C. victim受害者;D. witness目击证人。根据下文中的“I became ________ because f that newsletter.”可知,由于这份简报让作者变得积极,所以此处指的是作者不是所处环境的“受害者”符合语境。故选C项。
    【35题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,我现在帮助青少年应对疾病。A. Otherwise否则,要不然;B. Besides此外;C. Therefre因此;D. Instead反而。根据上文中的“I was nt a ________ f my circumstance.”和下文中的“I nw help teenagers navigate illness.”可知,作者不是所处环境的受害者,现在帮助青少年找到正确的方法解决困难,由此可知,此处表示“反而”符合逻辑。故选D项。
    When I’m in ____36____ bad md, I have a secret recipe t lift my spirits. It’s the perfect ____37____ (cmbine) f rice, milk, and sugar. ____38____ (think) f the lvely flavur, which wrks like a time machine ____39____ (immediate) transprting me back t my sunny childhd, I am happy again. The pwer f a particular type f cmfrt fd ____40____ (lie) in the assciatin it calls t mind. It ften makes up fr bad feelings by helping us recall happy____41____ (memry) . Our cmfrt fd varies frm persn t persn, depending n ____42____ shapes ur lives. Fr example, we ften cnnect chicken sup with a happy childhd and ____43____ (it) flavur can cheer us up when we eat it again. Accrding t sme fd experts, fr thse wh mve away frm their hme cuntry, fd tends t be linked with memry, family and place easily. It’s hardest ____44____ (give) up the fd that they grw up with. One muthful f cmfrt fd can give them the “taste f hme” that they cry ut ____45____ and help relieve feelings f hmesickness.
    【答案】36. a 37. cmbinatin 38. Thinking 39. immediately 40. lies
    41. memries 42. what 43. its 44. t give 45. fr
    【36题详解】考查冠词。句意:当我心情不好的时候,我有一个让我振作起来的秘方。结合后文的bad md可知,本空填不定冠词a,in a bad md“心情不好”为固定短语。故填a。
    【38题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:想到这种可爱的味道,就像时光机一样,立刻把我带回了阳光明媚的童年,我又高兴了。本句系动词为am,此处应用非谓语动词,且主语I与think f“想起”为主动关系,应用现在分词,作状语,位于句首,首字母大写。故填Thinking。
    【40题详解】考查动词时态。句意:一种特殊的安慰食物的力量在于它能唤起人们的联想。lie in“在于”。分析句子结构可知,本空为句子谓语,结合句意和空后的calls可知,本句陈述事实,故时态用一般现在时,且主语The pwer f a particular type f cmfrt fd 为第三人称单数形式,故谓语用第三人称单数形式。故填lies。
    【44题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:要放弃伴随它们长大的食物是最难的。give up“放弃”。It为形式主语,故本空用不定式形式作真正的主语。故填t give。
    【45题详解】考查固定短语。句意:一口安慰的食物可以给他们带来他们渴望的“家的味道”,帮助缓解乡愁。结合句意和空前的cry ut可知,本空填介词fr,固定短语:cry ut fr“迫切需要”。故填fr。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    46. 假如你是李华,“学校科技节”即将到来,你校英文报正在开展主题为“Scientists wh changed the wrld”的征文活动,请用英文写一篇文章,介绍你最崇拜的科学家。文章内容包括以下三个方面:
    My favurite scientist is Marie Curie, wh was the first wman t receive a Nbel Prize.
    Tgether with Pierre, she made several imprtant scientific discveries: she discvered radium and plnium, and she develped the thery f radiactivity. They were awarded the Nbel Prize in Physics in 1903. After her husband’s death in 1906, she cntinued their wrk and discvered that radium culd be used t treat illnesses. I think that is her greatest cntributin t science. In 1911, Marie received her secnd Nbel Prize-this time in Chemistry. T this day, n ne else has received tw Nbel Prizes in different sciences. Marie Curie als did a lt fr ther peple. She helped injured sldiers during the First Wrld War. She als funded the Curie Institutes in Paris and in Warsaw, which are still majr centres f medical research tday.
    The reasn I admire Marie Curie is that she shwed the wrld that wmen can make imprtant cntributins t science. I hpe that ne day I can becme a scientist like her.
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料 ,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Caught in a fld
    Mary and her parents were dwnstairs in the living rm. Mary was lking thrugh the windws at the endless rain utside. It had been raining nn-stp fr three days. She had never seen a strm this bad. It was making her nervus. The wind rared the rain beat n the rf and windws. Dad was listening t a weather reprt n the radi, while Mum was putting their imprtant dcuments and disaster supplies int a bag.
    “Mum, Dad,” said Mary suddenly, “I think we shuld leave here right away!”
    “N” said Dad. “It’s t late! The radi says the city has already been flded.”
    “We can drive ur car thrugh the fldwater! Let’s just leave! I’m really scared!” cried Mary. “We can’t d that, hney,” explained Mum, “therwise the mving water culd wash the caraway!”
    Mary walked t the dr. She was curius t see hw much water there was utside.
    “Dn’t pen the dr!” shuted Mum and Dad at the same time. “The water may fld in!”
    Dad mved the dinner table against the dr, in case the fldwater frced the dr pen. Mum waved t Mary t sit n the sfa. “Mary, dn’t wrry. Everything’s ging t be OK,” she said sftly, trying her best t cmfrt Mary. Her vice was calm, but Mary culd tell she was wrried t.
    Withut saying a single wrd, Dad walked t the sfa, sat dwn and hugged his wife and daughter. The sudden silence in the huse seemed t make the wind and rain mre frightening utside. What culd they d?
    Para 1: After a brief discussin, Mum and Dad made a decisin.
    Para 2: Finally, the rain stpped.
    After a brief discussin, Mum and Dad made a decisin. They believed that they shuld stay in the huse. They thught it wuld be really dangerus t try t walk thrugh the water t get t higher grund. “Mary, we’ll have t g upstairs and wait there,” said Mum. “OK, Mum. If that’s what yu think is best,” Mary replied uncertainly. S they went upstairs and waited. Dwnstairs, water started flding int the living rm and kitchen. All three f them were nervus, but at least they had disaster supplies, including fd and drinking water.
    Finally, the rain stpped. But Mary and her family culdn’t leave while the huse was still flded. They listened t the radi and learnt that rescue wrkers in bats were cming t rescue peple wh were trapped in their hmes. They waited fr a bat t arrive at their huse. Their hme had been badly damaged, but they were all happy t be alive. Abut half an hur later, the bat arrived and tk Mary and her parents t a safe place.

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