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    1.. What’s the purpse f the abve webpage?
    A. T guide peple t invest in a sustainable business.
    B. T attract dnatins t Natinal Gegraphic Sciety.
    C. T appeal t peple t preserve ancient heritage sites.
    D. T publicize the missin f Natinal Gegraphic Sciety.
    2.T make yur cntributin twice as much, what can yu d?
    A. Make it a gift in the name f yur friend.
    B. Supprt the mst pressing emplyer.
    C. Reduce the tax attached t the dnatin.
    D. Try yur cmpany’s matching gift prgrams.
    3.What can be learned abut Natinal Gegraphic Sciety?
    A. It needs n perating csts.B. Its missin hasn’t been recgnized.
    C. It is dedicated t prtecting nature.D. Its emplyees needn’t pay incme tax.
    The Giza Pyramids are relics f Egypt’s Old Kingdm era and were cnstructed 4,500 years ag. Pharah (法老) Khufu was the first Egyptian king t build a pyramid in Giza, a prject he began arund 2550 BC. His Great Pyramid is the largest in Giza and riginally twered 481 feet abve the plateau. Its estimated 2.3 millin stne blcks each weigh an average f 2.5 — 15 tns.
    Khufu’s sn, Khafre, built the secnd pyramid at Giza arund 2520 BC. His burial grund stands ut because it als includes the Sphinx, a limestne mnument with the bdy f a lin and the head f a pharah. The third pyramid at Giza is cnsiderably smaller than the first tw—less than half their height at abut 218 feet. Built by Khafre’s sn Menkaure arund 2490 BC, the pyramid’s cmplex includes tw separate temples and three individual queens’ pyramids.
    Accrding t scientists, the builders were skilled Egyptian wrkers wh lived in a nearby temprary city. Batmen used the Nile and a netwrk f artificial waterways t bring materials t the Giza Plateau, including cpper cutting tls frm the Sinai Peninsula and timber (木材) frm Lebann. T sustain the wrkers, they als delivered cattle frm farms near the Nile Delta. Cmmunities acrss Egypt prbably cntributed wrkers, as well as fd and ther essentials.
    It’s generally believed that the Egyptians mved massive stne blcks t the heights alng large ramps (坡道) using a system f rpes, rllers, and levers. Sme suggest exterir ramps arund each pyramid were applied, while a mre cntrversial thery suggests internal ramps were used. Perhaps future imaging technlgy will reveal hw Egyptian builders created these timeless mnuments.
    As the pyramids helped t build ancient Egypt, they als preserved it. “Many peple think f the site as just a tmb in the mdern sense, but it’s a lt mre than that,” says Harvard University Egyptlgist Peter Der Manuelian. “Almst any subject yu want t study abut the Pharanic civilizatin is available n the tmb walls at Giza—s it’s nt just abut hw the ancient Egyptians died but hw they lived.”
    4.What d the first tw paragraphs mainly talk abut?
    A. The histry f the Giza Pyramids.B. The height f the Giza Pyramids.
    C. The significance f the Giza Pyramids.D. The preservatin f the Giza Pyramids.
    5.What can be inferred abut the cnstructin f the pyramids frm Paragraph 3?
    A. It resulted in scial cnflicts.B. It was intended t remain safe.
    C. It invlved multiple effrts.D. It did damage t lcal peple.
    6.What is still under debate abut the Giza Pyramids?
    A. Hw they were intercnnected.B. Hw they wrked in the past.
    C. Hw they were cnstructed.D. Hw they were restred.
    7.What might be Manuelian’s pinin abut the pyramids in Giza?
    A. They are a key symbl f ancient civilizatin.B. They allw us t explre a disappeared wrld.
    C. They have played a rle in prtecting Egypt.D. They help push frward imaging technlgy.
    Mst teachers assign nvels fr students t read nt write. But many teachers natinwide are nt nly asking students t read nvels but als giving them a mnth t write them. Yes, yu read that right: ne mnth.
    Hwever, students participating in Nvember’s Natinal Nvel Writing Mnth (NaNWriM) d nt cmplain abut being verwrked. Instead, they have been knwn t ask, “Can we wrk n ur nvels tday?” That’s because, abve all, NaNWriM is meant t be fun. An exercise in “seat-f-yur-pants” nvel writing, it has almst n rules.
    The Office f Letters and Light is the nnprfit behind the event. It believes this carefree apprach encurages writers t take imaginative risks and truly enjy their wrk. Funded in 1999, the adult versin f the event requires nly that yu cmmit yurself t making an attempt at nvel writing and submitting a nvel f 50,000 wrds, n matter hw gd r bad they are, by the end f Nvember.
    Since 2005, NaNWriM has entered many classrms, including thse f Natinal Writing Prject teachers, thrugh its Yung Writers Prgram. In additin, teachers receive a classrm kit featuring a prgress chart, stickers t mark wrd cunts, and buttns fr writers wh crss the finish line.
    Abut 1,800 classrms and 45,000 kids and teens participated last year. The rules fr under-18 writers are the same as thse fr adults. But there is ne imprtant exceptin: yung writers can pick their wn “reasnable yet challenging” wrd length. If a student elects t write, say, 18,000 wrds and achieves this gal in a mnth, he r she is a winner. Awards include a “handsme winner’s certificate” and a prmtinal cde t receive a free bund prf cpy f the finished nvel.
    The Yung Writers Prgram als facilitates Script Frenzy, a similar scriptwriting (剧本写作) event that happens each April and challenges participants t write a 100-page script in 30 days.
    While yung writers wrk primarily as individuals, teachers are als encuraged t write alng with them.
    8.Hw d students usually feel after participating in NaN WriM?
    A. Curageus.B. Distracted.C. Pleased.D. Overwhelmed.
    9.What is “seat-f-yur-pants” nvel writing mentined in Paragraph 2?
    A. The participants have t stick n their seats fr lng writing nvels.
    B. The nvel writing activity gives its participants pants as awards.
    C. The nvel writing activity needs new rules fr participants t fllw.
    D. The participants are free t write whatever nvels they can imagine.
    10.What can be learned abut the rules fr adlescent writers?
    A. They shuld submit nvels n their teachers’ recmmendatin.
    B. They can decide n their nvels’ wrd cunts themselves.
    C. They can lengthen the duratin f their writing prcess.
    D. They shuld crss the finish line befre participating.
    11.What is this passage mainly aimed at?
    A. Explaining the bjectives f an event.
    B. Illustrating the benefits f nvel writing.
    C. Giving a general intrductin t an event.
    D. Attracting teachers t jin a writing prgram.
    “Assume yu are wrng.” The advice came frm Brian Nsek, a psychlgy prfessr, wh was ffering a strategy fr pursuing better science.
    T understand the cntext fr Nsek’s advice, we need t take a step back t the nature f science itself. Yu see despite what many f us learned in elementary schl, there is n single scientific methd. Just as scientific theries becme cmplex and change, s d scientific methds.
    But methdlgical refrm hasn’t cme withut sme wrries and frictin. Unpleasant things have been said by and abut methdlgical refrmers. Few peple like having the value f their life’s wrk called int questin. On the ther side, few peple are gd at vicing criticisms in kind and cnstructive ways. S, part f the challenge is figuring ut hw t bake critical self-reflectin int the culture f science itself, s it unflds as a welcme and integrated part f the prcess, and nt an embarrassing sideshw (附带事件).
    What Nsek recmmended was a strategy fr changing the way we ffer and respnd t critique. Assuming yu are right might be a mtivating frce, sustaining the enrmus effrt that cnducting scientific wrk requires. But it als makes it easy t interpret criticisms as persnal attacks. Beginning, instead, frm the assumptin yu are wrng, a criticism is easier t interpret as a cnstructive suggestin fr hw t be less wrng—a gal that yur critic prbably shares.
    One wrry abut this apprach is that it culd be demralizing fr scientists. Striving t be less wrng might be a less effective mtivatin than the prmise f being right. Anther cncern is that a strategy that wrks well within science culd backfire (适得其反) when it cmes t cmmunicating science with the public. Withut an appreciatin fr hw science wrks, it’s easy t take uncertainty r disagreements as marks against science, when in fact they reflect sme f the very features f science that make it ur best apprach t reaching reliable cnclusins abut the wrld. Science is reliable because it respnds t evidence: as the quantity and quality f ur evidence imprves, ur theries can and shuld change, t.
    Despite these wrries, I like Nsek’s suggestin because it builds in cgnitive (认知的) mdesty alng with a sense that we can d better. It als builds in a sense f cmmunity—we’re all in the same bat when it cmes t falling shrt f getting things right.
    Unfrtunately, this still leaves us with an untested hypthesis (假说): that assuming ne is wrng can change cmmunity nrms fr the better, and ultimately supprt better science and even, perhaps, better decisins in life. I dn’t knw if that’s true. In fact, I shuld prbably assume that it’s wrng. But with the benefit f the scientific cmmunity and ur best methdlgical tls, I hpe we can get it less wrng, tgether.
    12.What can we learn frm Paragraph 3?
    A. Peple hld wrng assumptins abut the culture f science.
    B. The scientific cmmunity shuld practice critical self-reflectin.
    C Scientists are unwilling t express kind criticisms.
    D. Refrmers tend t devalue researchers’ wrk.
    13.What may the strategy f “assuming yu are wrng” cntribute t?
    A. The enrmus effrts f scientists at wrk.
    B. The public’s passin fr scientific findings.
    C. The imprvement in the quality f evidence.
    D. The reliability f ptential research results.
    14.What des the underlined wrd “demralizing” in Paragraph 5 mean?
    A. misleadingB. ineffectiveC. discuragingD. unfair
    15.What’s the tne the authr uses in talking abut the untested hypthesis?
    A. reflective and persuasiveB. uncertain but sincere
    C. authritative and directD. disapprving but sft
    16.Students’ Jurney t Empwer Rural Heritage
    Frm Aug 18 t 22 a team f 15 Tsinghua University students, representing diverse backgrunds frm China, Suth Krea, Malaysia, and Indnesia, set ft n an verseas research explratin fcusing n rural revitalizatin (振兴) in Indnesian villages, particularly within Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB).
    With the diverse cultural heritage, Indnesia is hme t ver 83,000 villages, each radiating its wn charm and character. ①______
    The research missin tk the students t Sukarara and Sade villages, tw f NTB’s turist destinatins. ②______. Sukarara and Sade are a wrld apart frm the busy cities t which mst f the students are accustmed, but the villages are a living test t Indnesia’s rich culture and its devtin t preserving traditins. Revitalizing these villages ges beynd mere ecnmic develpment. ③______. The weaving skills and architectural techniques f Sukarara and Sade villages are nt nly beautiful, but they are als an inseparable part t the identity f these cmmunities. It’s essential that they strike a balance between prgress and preservatin.
    ④______. They carried with them nt nly the memries f their experiences there, but als the respnsibility t make a psitive impact n these remarkable places. ⑤______. They were ptimistic that Indnesian villages culd experience meaningful develpment, ultimately leading t increased pprtunities fr emplyment and an imprved quality f life.
    A. In Sukarara, a lcal traditin requires girls master weaving skills befre marriage
    B. They decided t be a bridge between traditin and prgress, united fr their grwth
    C. Bth were selected fr revitalizatin effrts led by the Village Revitalizatin Team
    D. While these villages pssess undeniable fascinatin, many remain underdevelped
    E. It’s abut preserving the cultural heritage and ensuring traditins being passed dwn
    F. As the jurney came t an end, all the students regarded it as a rewarding experience
    G. This effrt includes the knwledge exchange between the students and lcal villagers
    I recently attended a wedding in Canada, in the cuntryside. When the taxi driver sent me back at midnight, I was 1 wrried all the way hme abut tipping him since I was nt rich. I searched nervusly in my purse and 2 that all I had was a $100 nte, which I was keeping fr a(n) 3 , and tw chclates frm the wedding. But I had t tip him, s I was 4 between a rck and a hard place. I handed in the nte at last, cntrlling the urge t ask fr 5 .
    Tipping has lng been a surce f 6 interactins thrughut the wrld. Tipping custms 7 wildly frm cuntry t cuntry, which generates n small amunt f 8 . Nrwegians, wh cme frm a culture where salaries are high and tips are lw, culd 9 peple in Las Vegas with their tiny fferings. 10 , high-tipping Americans might anger peple in Tky because gd service in Japan is a 11 f hnur.
    Such an embarrassing mess ften ccurs 12 there’s n standard t any f this. Nne! A 2016 study frm Crnell University 13 that peple are twice as likely t tip a supermarket delivery persn than a supermarket stre wrker. Why is that? Nbdy can wrk ut the reasns fr this 14 .
    Perhaps, tipping ne and nt the ther nly 15 in terms f what has becme custmary.
    17.A. superblyB. secretlyC. curiuslyD. primitively
    18.A. selectedB. blessedC. realizedD. suspected
    19.A. tipB. pursuitC. awardD. emergency
    20.A. stuckB. submittedC. buriedD. banned
    21.A. chargeB. permissinC. changeD. privilege
    22.A. cmmnB. enjyableC. civilD. embarrassing
    23.A. varyB. spreadC. wrkD. grw
    24.A. panicB. cnfusinC. bndD. mercy
    25.A. ignreB. embraceC. rejiceD. anny
    26.A. TherefreB. FurthermreC. LikewiseD. Otherwise
    27.A. bnusB. chiceC. matterD. trick
    28.A. even ifB. unlessC. s thatD. because
    29.A. qutedB. resignedC. suggestedD. frecast
    30.A. assumptinB. differenceC. principleD. guidance
    31.A. makes senseB. takes shapeC. weighs nD. pays ff
    32.Archaelgists have made a stunning discvery f mre than 80 stne carvings and building units, dating back abut 1,300 years, at the Leigutai caves f the Lngmen Grttes in Luyang, Henan prvince. The Lngmen Grttes Research Institute, ①______ versees the UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site, made the annuncement as the Leigutai caves repened t the public n Wednesday after renvatin.
    The relics, unearthed during renvatin inside the west wall f the suth cave f Leigutai, are believed t have been used as materials ②______ (strengthen) the wall during restratin wrk after an earthquake struck the area in the 16th century.
    “This is the first time archaelgists ③______ (find) statues inside a wall at the Lngmen Grttes,” Lu Wei, directr f the histry and humanities research center f the institute, tld China Daily. A well-preserved stne Buddha head, 38 centimeters in height and 22 centimeters in ④______ (wide), is amng the stunning finds. “Judging ⑤______ the verall appearance, it has a distinctive artistic style ⑥______ (assciate) with the zenith f the Tang Dynasty,” he said.
    Lu said the relics inside the wall ⑦______ (be) prbably part f cave debris after the quake. “The discvery has shed light n Buddhist statue art during the Tang Dynasty, the develpment f the Leigutai area, ancient sciecnmic develpment ⑧______ religius practices,” he said.
    Luyang was the natinal capital during Empress Wu’s reign. Many members f the ryal family and aristcracy then held the belief ⑨______ building caves wuld bring them gd frtune, thus gradually frming the large-scale Lngmen Grttes. During the Nrthern Sng perid (960-1127), Emperr Zhenzng (968-1022) paid a visit t the grttes and rdered a majr renvatin at the site, repairing mre than 15,000 statues.
    In Nvember 2000, the Lngmen Grttes were included n the UNESCO Wrld Heritage list, ⑩______ first such hnr fr an archaelgical site in Henan.
    33.假定你是李华,一个月前你给校英文报新开设的专栏“Heritage in Danger”投稿,但尚未收到校报编辑的回复。请你写一封邮件问询,内容包括:
    1. 简述稿件内容;
    2. 询问稿件情况。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Editr,
    Li Hua
    34.“Bang. . !” Sara pushed the dr pen. She threw her schl bag nt the flr and called ut, “I’m hme!” N answer. The huse was silent. It sunded empty, but she knew it wasn’t. Her mum and dad were wrking upstairs.
    Sara gt a glass f range juice, went int the cnservatry (玻璃房) and sat dwn in her favurite chair. The garden was still in the dark afternn. On ne side, her mum’s garden was neat and tidy with bring shrt grass, bring straight flwerbeds and bring straight paths. But n the ther side, Sara’s Nature Garden lked wild and exciting with big dead sunflwers and tall grasses.
    “Nbdy is interested in me. Mum and dad nly think abut their wrk,” she thught sadly.
    Then she recalled: One mnth earlier, she learned in a magazine that many dgs were abandned because their wners gt bred with them; One hur earlier, she saw a cute dg wagging its tail and licking her friend’s face.
    Sara knew tday was special. Tday things were changing. She culdn’t wait any lnger. It’s time t talk t her parents.
    S Sara gt up frm her chair and climbed all the way t the lft (阁楼). “Mum, I want a talk.” said Sara. “Just a minute!” Her mum clicked n the keybard, tk ff her glasses and turned t her daughter. Sara cughed, tk a deep breath, and tld her mum that she wanted a dg. “N, Sara. That’s impssible,” her mum said firmly. Sara went t her father but gt the same answer. She rushed int her rm angrily and slammed the dr shut.
    Later, Sara’s mum kncked at the dr and went in. “Darling, we knw this is imprtant t yu. Yu can have a dg if yu take the respnsibility. But lk at yur Nature Garden, yur schl bag, yur bedrm! What a mess! D yu think yu can take gd care f a dg?” said her mum.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Sara was lst in thught and decided t make sme changes.
    With the dg’s cmpany Sara began her busy but jyful life.
    解析:推理判断题。根据表格第二行右侧“We’are built a sustainable .innvative business mdel that allws us t invest every dllar yu dnate directly t ur Explrers and prgrams.(我们已经建立了一个可持续的、创新的商业模式,使我们能够将您捐赠的每一美元直接投资于我们的探索者和项目)”以及“Yur generus cntributin will immediately g t wrk supprting the things yu care passinately abut nt perating csts.(您的慷慨捐助将立即用于支持您热衷的事情,而不是运营成本)”可知,上述网页介绍了国家地理学会的模式、目的以及捐款用途和好处,旨在为其吸引捐款。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据表格最后一行中间“Yu give an amunt and yur cmpany dnates the same. Duble yur impact by explring yur emplyer 'smatching gift prgrams.(你捐出一笔钱,你的公司也会捐出同样的钱。通过探索雇主的配套礼品计划使您的影响力翻倍)”可知,探索雇主的配套礼品计划可以使影响力翻倍,所以要使你的捐款是原来的两倍,你可以尝试公司的配套礼品计划。故选D,
    “When yu supprt the Natinal Gegraphic Sciety nt nly are yu supprting yur passin fr the planet but yu als help prtect its wnder. Yu ensure ur missin lives n s we can cntinue explring the planet, saving wildlife, prtecting ur cean, empwering the wrld's mst innvative scientists t help slve the planet's mysteries and challenges, and preserving ur ancient heritage fr future generatins(当你支持国家地理学会时,你不仅支持你对地球的热情,而且还帮助保护了它的奇迹。你确保我们的使命得以延续,使我们能够继续探索地球,拯救野生动物,保护海洋,赋能世界上最具创新精神的科学家来帮助解决地球的奥秘和挑战,并为后代保存我们的古老遗产”可知,国家地理学会的目的是保护地球及其野生动物等,保存古老遗产,即该组织致力于保护自然。故选C。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“The Giza Pyramids are relics f Egypt's Old Kingdm era and were cnstructed 4.500 years ag .Pharah(去者)Khufu was the first Egyptian king t build a pyramid in Giza, a prject he began arund 2550 BC. His Great Pyramid is the largest in Giza and riginally twered 481 feet abve the plateau. Its estimated 2.3 millin stne blcks each weigh an average f 2.5-15 tns(吉萨金字塔是埃及古王国时代的遗迹,建于4500年前。法老胡夫是第一个在吉萨建造金字塔的埃及国王,他大约在公元前2550年开始这项工程。他的大金字塔是吉萨最大的金字塔,最初高出高原481英尺。据估计,它有230万块石块,每块平均重2.5至15吨)”以及第二段“'Khufu's sn, Khafre, built the secnd pyramid at Giza arund 2520 BC. His burial grund stands ut because it als includes the Sphinx, a lime stne mnument with the bdy f a lin and the head f a pharah. The third pyramid at Giza is cnsiderably smaller than the first tw-less than half their height at abut 218 feet. Built by Khafre's sn Menkaure arund 2490 BC, the pyramid's cmplex includes tw separate temples and three individua) queens’pyramids.(胡夫的儿子哈夫拉于公元前2520年左右在吉萨建造了第二座金字塔。他的墓地引人注目,因为它还包括狮身人面像,一个石灰岩纪念碑,狮子的身体和法老的头。吉萨的第三座金字塔比前两座要小得多,只有218英尺高,不到前两座的一半。金字塔群由哈夫拉的儿子门卡拉于公元前2490年建造,包括两座独立的神庙和三座独立的女王金字塔)”可知,前两段主要讲了吉萨金字塔的历史。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“Batmen used the Nile and a netwrk f artificial waterways t bring materials t the Giza Plateau, including cpper cutting tls frm the Sinai Peninsula and timber (木材) frm Lebann.T sustain the wrkers, they als delivered cattle frm farms near the Nile Delta. Cmmunities acrss Egypt prbably cntributed wrkers, as well asfd and ther essentials.(船夫们利用尼罗河和人工水道网络将材料运送到吉萨高原,包括西奈半岛的铜切割工具和黎巴嫩的木材。为了维持工人的生计他们还从尼罗河三角洲附近的农场运来牛。埃及地的社区可能提供了工人、食物和其他必需品)”可知,金字塔的建造过程涉及多方努力。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“Sme suggest exterir ramps arund each pyramid were applied, while a mre cntrversial thery suggests internal ramps were used.(一些人认为每个金字塔周围都有外部坡道,而一个更有争议的理论认为使用了内部坡道)”可知,关于吉萨金字塔是如何构造的还有争论。故选C。
    解析:】细节理解题。根据最后一段““Many peple think f the site as just a tmb in the mdern sense, but it's a lt mre than that," says Harvard University Egyptlgist Peter Der Manuelian.“Almst any subject yu want t study abut the Pharanic civilizatin is available n the tmb walls at Giza-s it's nt just abut hw the ancient Egyptians died but hw they lived.”(“许多人认为这个遗址只是现代意义上的坟墓,但它远不止于此,”哈佛大学埃及古物学家彼得·德·马努埃利安说。“几乎所有你想研究的关于法老文明的主题都可以在吉萨的墓墙上找到--所以这不仅仅是关于古埃及人是如何死亡的,还有他们是如何生活的。”可知,马努埃利安认为吉萨金字塔让我们探索一个消失的世界。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段中“That's because ,abve all, NaNWriM is meant t be fun.(原先这是因为,NaNWriM旨在为学生带来快乐。)”可知,学生在参加NaNWriM后通常会感到开心,故选C项。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据第二段“An exercise in“'seat-f-yur-pants" nvel writing, it has almst n rules.(作为.…..练习,它几乎没有任何规则。)”可知,该小说写作练习没有规则限制学生,“seat-f yur-pants”nvel writing指的是参与者可以自由地写任何他们能想到的小说,故选D项,
    解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中“The rules fr under-18 writers are the same as thse fr adults. But there is ne imprtant exceptin: yung writers can pick their wn “reasnable yet challenging’ wrd length.(18岁以下作家的规则与成人作家的规则相同。但有一个重要的例外:年轻作家可以选择自己“合理但具有挑战性”的擅长。)”可知,青少年作者可以自己决定所写的小说的字数,故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“Mst teachersassign nvels fr students t read nt write. But manyteachers natinwide are nt nly asking students t readnvels but als giving them a mnth t write them. Yesyu read that right: ne mnth.(大多数老师布置小说让学生阅读,而不是写作。但全国许多老师不仅要求学生读小说,还给他们一个月的时间写小说。是的,你没看错:一个月。)”及第二段“Hwever, students participating in Nvember's Natinal Nve Writing Mnth (NaNWriM) d nt cmplain abut being ver wrked. Instead, they have been knwn t ask, “Can we wrk n ur nvels tday?’ That's because,abve all,NaNWriM is meant t be fun. Anexercise in “'seat-f-yur-pants" nvel writing, it has almst n rules.(然而,参加11月全国小说写作月的学生们并没有抱怨过度劳累。相反,他们会问:“我们今天能写小说吗?”首先,这是因为NaNWriM旨在为学生带来快乐。它是一种“凭感觉””进行的小说写作练习,几乎没有任何规则。)”可知,文章主要讲述了全国小说写作月活动的相关情况,该活动鼓励学生尽情发挥想象力,享受写作的乐趣,充分发挥学生的写作自由,即这篇文章主要是对一场活动做一般性的介绍。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“S,part f the challenge is figuring ut hw t bake critical self .reflectin int the culture f science itself, s it unflds as a welcme and integrated part f the prcess. and nt an embarrassing sideshw(附带事件).(因此,挑战的部分是弄清楚如何将批判性的自我反思融入科学文化本身,以便它作为过程中一个受欢迎的和不可或缺的一部分展开,而不是一个令人尴尬的花絮。)”可知,科学社区应该实践批判性自我反思故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段“What Nsek recmmended was a strategy fr changing the way we ffer and respnd t critique. Assuming yu are right might be a mtivating frce, sustaining the enrmus effrt that cnducting scientific wrk requires. But it als makes it easy t interpret criticisms as persnal attacks. Beginning, instead, frm the assumptin yu are wrng, a criticism is easier t interpret as a cnstructive suggestin fr hw t be less wrng-a gal that yur critic prbably shares.(Nsek建议的是一种改变我们提供和回应批评的方式的策略。假设你是对的,这可能是一种动力,可以维持进行科学工作所需的巨大努力。但这也很容易将批评解释为人身攻击。相反,从你错了的假设开始,批评更容易被解释为关于如何减少错误的建设性建议--这是你的批评者可能分享的目标。)”可知,“assumingyu are wrng”这种策略有助于潜在研究结果的可靠性,故选D项。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据第五段中“One wrry abut this apprach is that it culd be demralizing fr scientists. Striving t be less wrng might be a less effective mtivatin than the prmise f being right Anther cncern is that a strategy that wrks well within science culd backfire (适得其反) when it cmes t cmmunicating science with the public Withut an appreciatin fr hw science wrks, it's easy t take uncertainty r disagreements as marks against science, when in fact they reflect sme f the very features f science that make it ur best apprach t reaching reliable cnclusins abut the wrld.(对i文种方法的一个担忧是,它可能会让科学家.。努力减少错误可能不如承诺正确有效。另一个担忧是,在与公众交流科学时,在科学领域行之有效的策略可能会适得其反。如果不了解科学的运作方式,就很容易将不确定性或分歧视为反对科学的标志,而事实上,它们反映了科学的一些特征,这些特征使我们成为对世界得出可靠结论的最佳方法。)”可知,在科学领域,追求完全正确往往是一个理想化的目标,因为实现这个目标可能是困难的,甚至是不可能的。相比之下,追求变得“不那么错误”可能更为现实和可行。这种方法鼓励科学家不断学习和改进,接受在研究过程中会犯错的可能性,从而更好地理解和解决问题。虽然这种方法可能会减轻一些压力,但也可能会在一定程度上降低科学家的动机和信心,因为他们可能会觉得自己永远无法达到完美的正确性。因此,“假定自己是错的”这种策略可能会让科学家感到士气低落,故demralizing的意思为“士气低落”,故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“Unfrtunately, this still leaves us with an untested hypthesis (假说): that assuming ne is wrng can change cmmunity nrms fr the better, and ultimately supprt better science and even, perhaps, better decisins in life. I dn't knw if that's true. In fact. shuld prbably assume that it's wrng. But with the benefit f the scientific cmmunity and ur best methdlgical tls, I hpe we can get it less wrng. tgether.(不幸的是,这仍然给我们留下了一个未经检验的假设:假设一个人错了,可以使社区规范变得更好,并最终支持更好的科学,甚至可能支持更好的生活决策。我不知道这是不是真的。事实上我可能应该认为这是错误的。但是,在科学界和我们最好的方法论工具的帮助下,我希望我们能一起减少错误。)”可知,作者一方面承认自己不确定这个假说是否正确,另一方面又对其抱有希望,因此作者对未经检验的假说持怀疑但又真诚的态度。故选B项。
    解析:①D上文“With the diverse cultural heritage. Indnesia is hme t ver 83.000 villages, each radiating its wn charm and character.(印尼拥有丰富多样的文化遗产,拥有83000多个村庄,每个村庄都散发着自己的魅力和特色”说明在印尼拥有很多有特色的村庄。空处承接上文,D项中的“these villages”和上文中的“ver 83,000 villages”相呼应,“fascinatin”和上文的“ charm”相呼应,说明D项“尽管这些村庄具有不可否认的魅力,但许多村庄仍不发达”符合语境,为上文提到的“乡村振兴的海外研究探索之旅”奠定背景。故选D。
    ②C上文“The research missin tk the students t Sukarara and Sade villages, tw f NTB's turist destinatins.(研究团将学生们带到了NTB的两个旅游目的地Sukarara和Sade村)”说明学生们去了Sukarara和Sade村。空处承接上文,C项中的Bth指代Sukarara and Sade villages,说明C项“两个村都被选中参加由乡村振兴工作队领导的振兴工作”符合语境。故选C。
    ③E上女“Sukarara and Sade are a wrld apart frm the busy cities t which mst f the students are accustmed, but the villages are a living test t Indnesia's rich culture and its devtin t preserving traditins. Revitalizing these villages ges beynd mere ecnmic develpment.(Sukarara和Sade与大多数学生习惯的繁忙城市截然不同,但这些村庄是对印尼丰富文化及其对保护传统的虔诚的活生生的考验。振兴这些村庄不仅仅是经济发展)”说明振兴这些村庄不仅仅是经济发展,还需要保护其丰富的文化以及传统。空处承上启下,E项中的It指代上文中“The Revitalizing these villages”,traditins和下文中“The weaving skills and architectural techniques”相呼应,说明E项“这是关于保护文化遗产和确保传统传承”符合语境。故选E。
    ④F下文“They carried with them nt nly the memries f their experiences there, but als the respnsibility t make a psitive impact n these remarkable places.(他们不仅带着对在那里经历的记忆,而且有责任对这些非凡的地方产生积极影响)”说明这次研究探索之旅结束后带来的意义。F项“旅程结束时,所有的学生都认为这是一次有益的经历”符合语境,能够引出下文。故选F。
    ⑤B上文““They carried with them nt nly the memries f their experiences there, but als the respnsibility t make a psitive impact n these remarkable places.(他们不仅带着对在那里经历的记忆,而且有责任对这些非凡的地方产生积极影响”说明学生们肩负着对这些非凡地方产生积极影响的责任,空处承接上文,B项中的They指代前文中(F顶中的)“all the students”,“be a bridgebetween traditin and prgress, united fr theirgrwth”和前文中的“respnsibility”相呼应,说明B项“他们决定成为传统与进步之间的桥梁,为自己的成长而团结一致”符合语境。故选B。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:当出租车司机在午夜把我送回时,我一路上都在暗自担心给小费的事,因为我不富裕。A.superbly极好地;B.secretly秘密地;C.curiusly好奇地;D.primitively原始地。根据“since I was nt rich”以及“searched nervusly in my purse”可知,作者是暗自担心小费的事。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我紧张地在钱包里翻找,意识到我只有一张用以应急的100美元钞票和两块婚礼上的巧克力。A.selected选择;B.blessed祝福;C.realized意识到;D.suspected怀疑根据“that all I had was a $100 nte”和“and tw chclates frm the wedding”可知,作者是意识到自己只有这些。故选C项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A.tip小费;B.pursuit追求;C.award奖赏;D.emergency紧急情况。根据“which I was keeping fr”以及“But I had t tip him. s I was between a rck
    and a hard place.”可推测,作者是把这100美元留作应急用的。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不得不给他小费,所以我进退两难。A.stuck卡住;B.submitted提交;C.buried埋葬;D.banned禁止。根据“between a rck and a hard place”可知,作者在这种情况下进退两难。故选A项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。我最后递给他那张钞票,强忍住不要求找零的冲动。A.charge收费;B.permissin许可;C.change零钱;D.privilege特权:根据前文作者左右为难的心境以及“I handed in the nte at last”和“cntrlling the urge t ask”可知,作者给了一张100美元的钞票,强忍住不要求找零。故选C项。
    enjyable愉快的;C.civil文明的;D.embarrassing尬的。根据后文“high-tipping Americans might angerpeple in Tky”以及“Such an embarrassing mess”可知,小费问题常常带来尴尬的互动。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:消费习俗因国家而异,这会造成不少困惑。A.vary变化;B.spread传播;C.wrk工作;D.grw增长。根据“'wildly frm cuntry t cuntry”以及“there's n standard t any f this”可知,不同国家的消费习俗有所不同。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:来自高工资低小费文化的挪威人,可能会用他们微薄的小费惹恼拉斯维加斯的人。A.ignre忽视;B.embrace拥抱:C.rejice高兴;D.anny惹恼。根据“Nrwegians, wh cme frm a culture where salaries are high and tips are lw”以及下文“high-tipping Americans”可知微薄的小费会惹恼习惯高小费的美国人。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A.bnus奖金;B.chice选择;C.matter事情;D.trick技巧根据“high-tipping Americans might anger peple in Tky”以及“gd service in Japan is a11fhnur”可知,在日本,良好的服务事关荣誉,无关金钱。故选C项。
    解析:考查连词词义辨析。句意:因为没有统一的标准,常常会出现这种尴尬的情况。A.even if即使:B.unless除非:C.s that以便:D.because因为。根据“Such an embarrassing mess ften ccurs”及“'there’s n standard t any f this”可知,二者之间存在因果关系,即问题的产生是因为没有统一的消费标准。故选D项。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:2016年康奈尔大学的一项研究表明,人们给超市送货员小费的可能性是给超市员工的两倍。A.quted引用;B.resigned辞职;C.suggested表明;D.frecast预测根据主语“A 2016 study”以及“that peple are twice as likely t tip a supermarket delivery persn”可知,研究表明了这一情况。故选C项。
    difference差异;C.principle原则:D.guidance指导根据“peple are twice as likely t tip a supermarket delivery persn than a supermarket stre wrker’户知,这是一种差异现象。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:也许,给其中一个人小费而不给另一个人小费只是符合了习惯。A.makes sense有意义;B.takes shape成型;Cweighs n压迫;D.pays f得到回报。根据前文“Nbdy can wrk ut the reasns”以及“Perhaps, tipping ne and nt the ther nly in terms f what has becme custmary.”可知,这种现象只有从民俗的角度才能解释得通。故选A项。
    32.答案:①which②t strengthen③have fund④width⑤frm##by⑥assciated⑦were⑧and⑨that⑩the
    解析:①which考查定语从句。句意:负责监督联合国教科文组织世界遗产的龙门石窟研究所宣布了这一消息,因为擂鼓台洞窟在翻新后于周三重新向公众开放。分析可知,本句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为The Lngmen Grttes Research Institute,空处作主语,故填which。
    ②t strengthen考查不定式。句意:这些文物是在擂鼓台南洞西墙翻修期间出土的,据信在16世纪该地区发生地震后的修复工作中被用作加固墙壁的材料。空处应为不定式作目的状语,表示“为了加固墙壁”故填t strengthen。
    ③have fund考查现在完成时。句意:“这是考古学家第一次在龙门石窟的墙内发现雕像,”该研究所历史与人文研究中心主任卢伟告诉《中国日报》。根据空前This is the first time可知空处应为现在完成时表示“第一次做某事”,故填have fund。
    ④width考查名词。句意:一个保存完好的石佛头,高38厘米,宽22厘米,是令人惊叹的发现之一,根据空前并列成分38 centimeters in height可知空处也为名词,表示“宽度”,in width宽度为..…,故填width。
    ⑤frm##by考查介词。句意:“从整体外观来看,它具有与盛唐时期相关的鲜明艺术风格,”他说。judging frm/by为固定短语,表示“根据来判断”,空处应为介词,故填frm/by。
    ⑥assciated考查固定短语。句意:“从整体外观来看,它具有与盛唐时期相关的鲜明艺术风格,”他说。assciated with为固定短语,表示“与...有关”,故填assciated
    ⑦were考查系动词。句意:卢说,墙内的遗迹可能是地震后洞穴碎片的一部分。主语the relics insidethe wall为复数,句中陈述为过去的事情,空处缺少系动词,故填were。
    ⑧and考查连词。句意:“这一发现揭示了唐代的佛教雕像艺术、擂鼓台地区的发展、古代社会经济发展和宗教习俗,”他说。分析可知,the develpment f the Leigutai area. Ancient sciecnmic develpment与religius practices列列成分,空处应为连词and,故填and。
    ⑨that考查同位语从句。句意:当时,许多皇室成员和贵族都认为建造洞穴会给他们带来好运,因此逐渐形成了大型的龙门石。building caves wuld bring them gd frtune具体解释了the belief,为同位语从句,空处在从句中无意义,只起连接作用,故填that。
    Dear Editr,
    I am writing t inquire abut the status f the article I submitted t the new clumn “Heritage in Danger” in ur schl’s English newspaper ne mnth ag.
    Titled “Helping the Wden Pagda”, my article delves int the urgent situatin facing the Wden Pagda f Yingxian Cunty, aiming t uncver the factrs cntributing t its damage and advcate the public t take actin t prtect and repair the pagda. In additin, I signed my name and class at the bttm f my article.
    Culd yu kindly update me n the status f my submissin? I am eager t knw if yu have received my article r if any revisins are needed. Lking frward t yur earliest reply.
    Li Hua
    询问:inquire abut→questin n/ask abut
    倡议:advcate→call fr
    比外:in additin->additinally/besides
    【高分句型1】I am writing t inquire abut the status f the article I submitted t the new clumn “Heritage in Danger’ in ur schl's English newspaper ne mnth ag.(运用了省略引导词的定语从句“ submitted t the new clumn 'Heritage in Danger’in ur schl's English newspaper ne mnth ag”,其先行词为“the article”,在从句中作宾语)
    【高分句型2】I am eager t knw if yu have received my article r if any revisins are needed.(“if yu have received my article r if any revisins are needed”为前列从句,均有i导,作动词“knw”的宾语从句)
    Sarah was lst in thught and decided t make a change. She went t the bedrm first, which was terrible. Sarah quickly began t sweep the flr, fld the clthes, and made the bed. Finally the bedrm made peple’s eyes light up. Then there was her natural garden, which als was a terrible place. But Sarah was nt discuraged. She spent tw hurs weeding and planting new flwers. Even if she was very tired, she did nt stp. Mther was very happy t see the change in her, and decided t buy Sarah a puppy.
    With the cmpany f the dg, Sarah began a busy and happy life. After she wke up in the mrning, she tk her dg fr a walk in the park. After cming back, she cleaned her rm and had breakfast delightedly. After schl, she went t the kennel and cleaned it . Having finished her hmewrk in the evening, she wuld help her mther with the husewrk. Lk at her garden, it was als neat and tidy, because f her tendency. Sarah was healthier and happier than befre.
    ③决定:decide/ determine
    【高分句型1】She went t the bedrm first, which was terrible.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Even ifshe was very tired, she did nt stp.(运用了Even if引导的让步状语从句)【高分句型3】Having finished her hmewrkin the evening, she wuld help her mther withthe husewrk.(运用了非谓语动词Having finished作状语)
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