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    这是一份2024年北京市房山区中考二模英语试题(学生版+教师版),文件包含2024年北京市房山区中考二模英语试题教师版docx、2024年北京市房山区中考二模英语试题学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
    1. Mary and Mike have the same reading habit. ________ g t the Reading Crner twice a week.
    A. TheyB. IC. WeD. Yu
    2. The schl science festival will run frm Mnday ________ Friday next week.
    A. withB. atC. tD. f
    3. With the encuragement f my teachers and classmates, I’ve becme much than befre.
    A. cnfidentB. mre cnfidentC. mst cnfidentD. the mst cnfident
    4. When yu crss the street, yu ________ stp at the red light.
    A. canB. culdC. mayD. must
    5. —Excuse me, can I get t the Temple f Heaven?
    —Take bus N.17 r 54.
    A. hwB. whatC. whenD. where
    6. — I want t be an artist when I grw up.
    — Wrk hard, ________ yur dream will cme true.
    A rB. butC. andD. fr
    7. Tm ________ the vlunteer prgram with his friends at this time yesterday.
    A. discussesB. will discussC. is discussingD. was discussing
    8. My mm ________ zngzi fr us every Dragn Bat Festival. I like zngzi with red beans.
    A. madeB. makesC. will makeD. has made
    9. — Hw was yur May Day hliday?
    — Wnderful, I ________ with my parents. We had a great time.
    A. travelledB. will travelC. travelD. am travelling
    10. Mamianqun, r hrse-faced skirt, ________ ppularity fr many years in China.
    A. was enjyingB. enjyedC. has enjyedD. will enjy
    11. — What d yu think f AI?
    — It’s very useful. I think it in a wider field in the future.
    A. usedB. will useC. was usedD. will be used
    12. — Culd yu please tell me ________ this pht s much?
    — Because it shws the launch f Chang’e 6 in Wenchang. I’m prud f it.
    A why d yu valueB. why yu value
    C. why will yu valueD. why yu will value
    At arund 8:30 pm, Steve and Hannah were driving hme with their three daughters when they nticed smething unusual. There were flames (火焰) cming frm a chimney (烟囱).
    “I was staring at the flames and trying t find ut what it was,” Steve said. “It wasn’t until I passed the huse that it hit me. Oh, the huse is n ___13___!”
    They immediately stpped the car by the rad. When the cuple ___14___ ut f the car, they culd see a man sitting in the living rm with the fireplace n. Steve ran t the frnt dr ___15___ and kept kncking n it t warn the hmewner.
    The man was caught ff guard, “What d yu want!”
    Steve kept shuting, “Yur chimney is burning!”
    “Oh, my gdness! My kids are upstairs,” the hmewner pened the dr.
    Withut a secnd thught, Steve started t ___16___ the hmewner. The hmewner ran t pen the windws while Steve carried the fire extinguisher by the fireplace t put ut the fire. Hwever, when the windws pened, the fire at the tp f the chimney became very intense (强烈的), hitting the rf and siding badly. In the meantime, Hannah called the fire department. Just as the firefighters arrived, Steve and his family left. Luckily, the fire was put ut and the hme was ___17___ and there were n injuries t the family.
    After the fire, the hmewner created a pst in the media in hpe f finding the ___18___ cuple. “Lking fr a wnderful cuple wh saved my family and ur hme!”, said the hmewner n the media. “We were shcked, trying t get the kids ut and putting the fire dwn. It’s a ___19___ that we didn’t get t say thank yu.”
    With the help f media, the tw families were finally reunited. When asked what made yu d this, Steve replied, “I just had t help this gd family and they had yung kids t. I’m really happy we stpped the ___20___ and culd help smebdy. Yu never want t see a family get hurt r lse belngings r their hme.”
    13. A. saleB. fireC. handD. shw
    14 A. rushedB. fellC. mvedD. climbed
    15. A. quietlyB. angrilyC. wrriedlyD. plitely
    16. A. warmB. stpC. faceD. back
    17. A. savedB. freedC. caredD. supprted
    18. A. busyB. kindC. patientD. hnest
    19. A. surpriseB. fearC. pleasureD. pity
    20. A. mistakeB. attackC. accidentD. pllutin
    Ways t Manage Stress
    There was nce an ld man wh went t the seaside every mrning walking alng the beach drawing pictures and enjying the beautiful sea. One mrning, he came acrss a beach accidentally where thusands f starfish had washed up.
    The ld man nticed a little girl was cming in the distance. As she walked, she wuld stp t bend dwn (弯下腰) and pick up an bject and thrw it int the sea.
    The man walked clser asking what she was ding by the seaside. She stpped, lked up, and replied, “Thrwing starfish int the sea.”
    The man asked her why, t which she replied, “The sea has washed them up nt the beach and they can’t g back t the sea by themselves. When the sun gets high, they will die, unless I thrw them back int the water.”
    The man nted, “But there are miles and miles f beach and there are thusands f starfish all alng every mile, hw will yu make much f a difference?”
    The girl bent dwn, picked up anther starfish and threw it as far as she culd int the sea. Then she turned twards the ld man, gave a smile and said, “I made a difference t that ne!”
    After hearing the girl’s explanatin, the ld man was shcked. Peple ften think they can’t d enugh t make a big difference s they put ff their actins r wait fr smene else t take the lead.
    Hwever, the little girl taught the ld man a very imprtant lessn. Everyne has the pprtunities t create psitive changes. One small step twards changing the wrld can make a big difference. Be the change fr smene and inspire thers t d the same. While yu may nt be able t change the whle wrld, yu can make a big difference fr a small part f it.
    24. What did the little girl d by the seaside?
    A. She drew pictures t enjy the beautiful sea.
    B. She washed the starfish and made them clean.
    C. She threw the starfish int the sea t save them.
    D. She walked alng the beach and was bathed in the sun.
    25. Hw did the ld man feel after hearing the girl’s explanatin?
    A. Shcked.B. Wrried.C. Excited.D. Relaxed.
    26. What can we learn frm the stry?
    A. Cnfidence can make wishes cme true.
    B. Taking a small step can make a big difference.
    C. Changing thers is necessary if they are wrng.
    D. Peple can change the wrld when they grw up.
    Yu are what yu eat. Hw des eating meals right benefit yur health?
    D yu have a balanced diet? Nutritinist (营养学家) Lambert believes it’s mre imprtant what yu eat than when yu eat. “Yur nutritin has mre meaning than a time schedule r a number f meals. The fds yu chse t cnsume (摄入) will have an effect n yur whle health,” she says. A balanced diet, Lambert adds, shuld include a handful f carbs (fr example, rice, pasta), an utstretched handful f prtein (chicken, tfu), tw handfuls f vegetable, and a thumb-sized part f fat (live il fr cking), but hw many meals yu chse t eat and their size depend n persnal preference, lifestyle, and health gals. If, fr example, smene wants t lse weight and sits all the time in the evening, Lambert suggests that a smaller part at dinner than lunch wuld make sense.
    When did yu last eat? “Timing is a key factr,” says Hyde, nutritinal therapist. “Lking at the best times t eat can nt nly help yu cntrl weight, but als reduce inflammatin (炎症) and help yu sleep better.” Intermittent (间歇性的) fasting (禁食) has becme ppular ver the years, meaning that yu can cnsume fd within a 10-hur time windw and fast fr 14 hurs vernight. Then, cnsider the time between yur last bite and ging t sleep. Anther nutritinist Mark says, “Yu shuld stp eating tw hurs befre ging t bed.” Different lifestyles can make this difficult. If yu’re getting hme late, and therefre dn’t have that tw-hur windw befre bed, Mark suggests a smaller, lighter dinner, such as a bwl f sup.
    The sunds yu make while chewing (咀嚼) have an imprtant effect n the amunt f fd yu eat, a new study has fund. Researchers carried ut an experiment, and the results suggest that peple are likely t cnsume less if they can hear themselves eating. S Elder said, “Chew each muthful, enjy it and think f the taste, then yu will start t realize when yu’re full. S take yur time and yu wn’t have chclate afterwards.”
    In a wrd, whether yu try t cntrl the fd yu eat r the time yu eat it, yu shuld chse the mst suitable eating style that can cntinue, rather than it being an instant return.
    27. Frm Paragraph 2, we can knw ________.
    A. eating less at lunch can help us lse weight
    B. the amunt f fd we eat depends n its taste
    C. a balanced meal depends n persnal preference
    D. the fd we eat has a great influence n ur whle health
    28. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Lambert believes peple shuld have their wn lifestyles.
    B. Hyde says the time yu eat is clsely related t what yu eat.
    C. Mark pints ut that it is better nt t eat tw hurs befre ging t bed.
    D. Elder thinks peple cnsume mre if they pay attentin t the chewing sund.
    29. What is the writer’s main purpse in writing this passage?
    A. T intrduce beneficial eating styles.
    B. T stress the ppularity f intermittent fasting.
    C. T explain the relatinship between eating and sleeping.
    D. T shw sme advantages f eating different kinds f fd.
    Yu’ve prbably heard abut narcissism (自恋). A narcissist is all abut “me, me, me.” But d yu knw there’s a ttally ppsite type f persn? Echists are always putting thers first. Smetimes, thugh, it’s necessary t take care f themselves.
    Being an echist r a narcissist can have a majr influence n mental health. If yu r smene yu knw is suffering frm that, it’s gd t recgnize it early.
    Narcissists think very highly f themselves and feel they are the mst imprtant. They are self-centered and verly fcus n their lks and persnality. This makes them t act in a harmful way and even causes prblems in many areas f life, such as relatinships with thers, and the ability f cmmunicatin at wrk, r at schl, r in a family. Peple with narcissism ften want admiratin frm thers and take advantage f thers t get what they want. They becme impatient r angry when they dn’t receive special treatment.
    Echists are afraid f being t self-centered, s they are always quiet. They are ften very giving but might nt get much in return. They spend much time caring fr thers and nt enugh fr themselves. They ften meet the needs f thers rather than expressing their wn. Echists als behave shyly and fear being a burden in scial situatins. They believe that ther peple’s needs and happiness cme befre their wn. Furthermre, they fcus n being supprtive and may take n ther peple’s prblems as if they were their wn.
    It’s kay t help thers, but being an echist can smetimes lse yur wn interests. Echists always try their best t priritize thers. Fr example, echists might chse t make sure smene else is happy instead f caring abut their wn needs. Remember as lng as it desn’t harm the cllective gd, yu are the mst imprtant persn in yur life, and it’s fair fr yur needs t cme first smetimes. Take time t understand yur wants and needs, separate frm what thers want. This way, yu knw what matters t yu when yu try t achieve yur gals.
    Persnally, I think bth echists and narcissists g t far. If yu want t live cmfrtably, yu shuld set limits fr yurselves. If yu are a narcissist, spend mre time caring fr thers. If yu are an echist, dn’t neglect (忽视) yur wn needs, learn t say ‘n’ , just like everyne else. Imprve yurself prperly, yu can have a better life.
    30. What can we learn abut narcissists frm the passage?
    A. They may have gd relatinships with thers.
    B. They always put themselves first in life.
    C. They usually behave in a harmless way.
    D. They are ften admired by thers.
    31. What des Paragraph 4 mainly talk abut?
    A. What kind f persn an echist is.
    B. The authr’s attitude twards echists.
    C. Hw echists are better than narcissists.
    D. The differences between echists and narcissists.
    32. The wrd “priritize” in Paragraph 5 prbably means “ ”.
    A. lk dwn upnB. give first place tC. catch up withD. depend n
    33. Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Be an Echist r a NarcissistB. Echism: Hiding frm Others
    C. Narcissism: Centering n SelfD. Echists? Narcissists? Neither!
    It’s never t early t start ding gd deeds fr thers. A kindhearted 9-year-ld by Pavel shws that an early age can d mre t uplift thers. He decided that he wuld take up the cause f helping animals.
    Pavel had this wnderful idea fr helping animals when his family lst ne f their wn pets, which hit the family quite hard. He als began t grw cncerned ver the situatin f stray (流浪的) animals wandering in the city. In rder t help the stray animals, he set up a prject called “Kind Paintbrush”.
    In this prject, Pavel uses his talent t achieve his gal. There is nly ne animal shelter (收容所) in the twn, and Pavel is its yungest vlunteer. T supprt the animal shelter, Pavel draws pet pictures t exchange fr animal fds and supplies, which are dnated t the lcal shelter.
    He is always eager t meet the wners f the pets, and he knws each name f the pets he has painted. He is ften tuched by stries f pets that have been rescued frm the streets, which makes him even mre mtivated t paint and help mre animals.
    This amazing prject has already grwn beynd the twn. Pavel has influenced the peple utside the twn. They either use their wn talents t exchange fr animals fds r pay mre animal fds t the prject.
    “Our family is prud f his wnderful prject. His days are scheduled t minutes and he wants t d abslutely everything, but there is just nt enugh time,” said his mther.
    “I’m happy we can make a difference in the lives f animals wh are in need f help. Everyne can d smething fr the stray animals, such as vlunteering at the animal shelters t help clean the animal living spaces, adpting ne instead f buying ne, and educating thers abut the imprtance f animals prtectin,” said Pavel.
    Pavel’s dreams fr the future are still tied t helping animals. He plans t becme an architect when he grws up and build a big animal shelter. But fr nw, he will d as much as he can with his art and lve fr animals.
    34. Why did Pavel set up the prject “Kind Paintbrush”?
    35. Hw des Pavel supprt the animal shelter?
    36. What influence des Pavel have n the peple utside the twn?
    37. What d yu think f “Kind Paintbrush” prject? What can yu d t help the stray animals? (Please write tw behavirs.)
    38. 假设你是李华,你的英国好友Peter正在做一项有关“中学生旅游”的调查,想了解让你难忘的一次旅游经历。请用英文给他回复一封电子邮件,介绍你去了哪里、你做了什么及你的收获。
    提示词语:the Great Wall, climb, the beautiful view, take phts, prud
    提示问题:● Where did yu g fr the trip?
    ● What did yu d there?
    ● What have yu learned frm the trip?
    39. 中华民族有五千年的文明,积淀了丰富多彩的传统文化,有精美的民间工艺如剪纸、风筝,有古老的民族艺术如京剧、国画等。
    提示词语:paper cutting, practice, make vides, intrduce, freigner
    提示问题:● What traditinal Chinese culture d yu like best?
    ● What can yu d t pass it n?
    D relaxatin activities
    Yu can achieve relaxatin with activities like meditatin, yga, and deep breathing exercises. These activities can help lwer yur bld pressure, heart rate and breathing rate, s yur stress will be reduced.
    Understand the expectatins
    Knwing yur study expectatins is a great way t manage stress. Being unsure f the requirements can cause stress. Ask yur parents r yur teachers fr their expectatins whenever yu need t.

    Spend quality time
    It can be hard t find time fr yurself in a clse relatinship, which can cause yu t feel stressed and a lss f freedm. It’s imprtant t spend quality time in yurself and in the things yu enjy.
    Imprve cmfrt
    The discmfrt caused by unsuitable chairs r desks, annying nises, and even clthing can make yu feel stressed. Imprve yur living envirnment and clthing as cmfrtable as pssible.
    Lucy and I are s clse friends that we spend almst all the time tgether, but smetimes I feel a lss f freedm.
    My parents are always pushing me t study, but I’m nt clear abut their requirements and expectatins.
    The chair I sit makes annying nises and the new clthes are a little bit small fr me. I feel uncmfrtable the whle day.
    Dear Peter,
    I’m glad t receive yur letter.
    I lk frward t yur early reply.
    Li Hua

    2024年广东省梅州市中考二模英语试题(学生版+教师版 ): 这是一份2024年广东省梅州市中考二模英语试题(学生版+教师版 ),文件包含2024年广东省梅州市中考二模英语试题教师版docx、2024年广东省梅州市中考二模英语试题学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共24页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024年北京市门头沟区中考二模英语试题(学生版+教师版): 这是一份2024年北京市门头沟区中考二模英语试题(学生版+教师版),文件包含2024年北京市门头沟区中考二模英语试题教师版docx、2024年北京市门头沟区中考二模英语试题学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024年北京市房山区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份2024年北京市房山区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年北京市房山区中考一模英语试题原卷版docx、2024年北京市房山区中考一模英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。







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