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    这是一份2024年上海市崇明区高三上学期期末高考一模英语试卷含详解,共38页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1. A. In a htel.B. In a bank.C. In a classrm.D. In a bx ffice.
    2. A. 18:25.B. 18:55.C. 19:05.D. 19:15.
    3. A. There are different kinds f flders.
    B. It desn’t matter which clr she uses.
    C. This decisin requires careful thught.
    D. The clr shuldn’t suggest the cntent.
    4. A. He desn’t like the man.
    B. He started the semester in a bad md.
    C. He isn’t usually bad-tempered.
    D. He’ll be under great pressure next week.
    5. A. Find an apartment sn.
    B. Apply fr campus husing.
    C. Avid living near the campus.
    D. Share the place he’s renting.
    6. A. Their plans in the new semester.
    B. The items they’re ging t deliver.
    C. Their part-time jbs in the vacatin.
    D. The daily rutines they share at schl.
    7. A. Buy Daisy a new ntebk.
    B. Aplgize t Daisy again by phne.
    C. G t see Daisy immediately.
    D. Leave Daisy alne fr the time being.
    8. A. She desn’t have a cmputer.
    B. She needs t have her cmputer repaired.
    C. She can’t understand the instructins.
    D. She has a dctr’s degree in cmputer science.
    9. A. He frgt t cancel the reservatin.
    B. He desn’t knw hw t get t the restaurant.
    C. They can g t the restaurant late at night.
    D. They dn’t have a reservatin at the restaurant.
    10. A. He’s willing t help run the experiment.
    B. He’s busy wrking n his wn experiment.
    C. He can act as a subject in the experiment.
    D. He thinks the experiment is hard t understand.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f them. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    A. A new educatinal thery.
    B. An innvative try at teaching.
    C. A diligent university student.
    D. A serius subject in a university.
    A. Serius subjects t write abut.
    B. Fierce cmpetitin amng students.
    C. Happy and cperative learning.
    D. Varius tpics fr students t vte fr.
    A. Suspicius at first but psitive later.
    B. Welcme at first but uncertain later.
    C. Disapprving at first but shcked later.
    D. Excited at first but disappinted later.
    A. They are beneficial t his mind.
    B. They are helpful t his scial relatinship.
    C. They can bst the ty industry.
    D. They can attract attentin t lder peple.
    A. They nly reduce lneliness.
    B. They limit reasning r thinking abilities.
    C. They can’t imprve specific skills.
    D. They can’t help maintain independent living.
    A. The necessity f develping tys fr lder peple.
    B The type f tys that lder peple are interested in.
    C. Ty makers’ effrt t prduce games fr lder peple.
    D. Different views n the effects f tys n lder peple.
    17. A. A ghst stry.B. The bears’ habits.C. A scary mvie.D. The camping atmsphere.
    A. They may get lst in the dark.
    B. Their fd may be stlen by bears.
    C. Bears may mistake her fr fd.
    D. There may appear ghsts in the wds.
    A. Teach her wilderness first aid skills.
    B. Share his rich camping experiences.
    C. Guide her t breathe fresh air deeply.
    D. Distract her attentin with ghst stries.
    A. He dislikes watching mvies.
    B. He’s fnd f being expsed t nature.
    C. He’s gt little experience in camping.
    D. He believes there are n bears in the wds.
    II. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    Life May Actually Flash Befre Yur Eyes n Death
    New data frm a scientific “accident” has suggested that life may actually flash befre ur eyes as we die.
    A team f scientists set ut t measure the brainwaves f an 87-year-ld patient wh ___21___ (develp) epilepsy (癫痫) fr many years. But during the neurlgical (神经学的) recrding, he suffered a fatal heart attack, ___22___ (ffer) an unexpected recrding f a dying brain.
    It revealed that in the 30 secnds befre and after, the man’s brainwaves fllwed the same patterns as dreaming r recalling memries. Brain activity f this srt culd suggest that a final “recall f life” may ccur in a persn’s last mments, the team wrte in their study, ___23___ (publish) in Frntiers in Aging Neurscience n Tuesday.
    Dr Ajmal Zemmar, a c-authr f the study, said that what the team, then based in Vancuver, Canada, accidentally gt, ___24___ (cnsider) the first-ever recrding f a dying brain. S will we get a glimpse back at thse mments ___25___ we stayed with lved nes and ther happy memries? Dr Zemmar said it was impssible ___26___ (tell). “If I were t jump t the philsphical area, I wuld guess that if the brain did a flashback, it wuld prbably like t remind yu f gd things, rather than the bad things,” he said. “But ___27___ is memrable wuld be different fr every persn.”
    Dr Zemmar, nw a neursurgen at the University f Luisville, said in the 30 secnds ___28___ the patient’s heart stpped supplying bld t the brain, his brainwaves fllwed the same patterns as when we carry ut high-cgnitive demanding (高认知要求的) tasks, like cncentrating, dreaming r recalling memries. It cntinued 30 secnds after the patient’s heart stpped beating. “I think there’s ___29___ mysterius and spiritual abut this whle near-death experience,” Dr Zemmar said. “And findings like this — it’s a mment ___30___ scientists live fr.”
    Sectin B
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in each blank with a prper wrd given in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Hw Digital Mdeling Plays a Key Rle in Restring the Ntre Dame Cathedral (巴黎圣母院)
    It’s been mre than fur years since a fire damaged Ntre Dame, the Cathlic cathedral in Paris that’s histrically drawn millins f visitrs every year.
    Since then, peple frm arund the wrld have united t supprt an effrt, ___31___ by French President, that’s intended t have the building back pen t the public by the end f next year. Teams wrking t restre the Gthic cathedral have ___32___ t rebuild much f the damaged sectins using materials like ak wd (橡木) and stne that have std the test f centuries.
    But the builders, architects and engineers d have the ___33___ f sme 21st century technlgies, including mdern building infrmatin mdeling (BIM) sftware that enables them t wrk with a(n) ___34___ detailed 3D digital mdel f the cathedral and surrunding site, backed by pwerful clud cmputing technlgy.
    “It allws yu t really understand a lt f hw a building fits tgether, hw it’s cnstructed,” says Andrew Anagnst, CEO f design sftware ___35___ Autdesk. It has cntributed technical cnsulting, sftware and financial assistance t the prject since shrtly after the fire. A digital mdel, which tk mre than a year t create, includes mre than 12,000 bjects.
    It was a cmplex prcess. Onsite wrkers captured the pint-by-pint 3D ___36___ f the cathedral with laser (激光) and pht equipment. Then thers turned the data pints frm that prcess int detailed shapes and bjects, dwn t individual building stnes. That let experts see hw the building shifted in the fire — imprtant fr ___37___ any stability issues — and plan ut the prcess f recnstructin.
    “It’s like Missin: Impssible when they plan,” says Niclas Mangn, VP f architecture, engineering and cnstructin industry strategy at Autdesk. “Every little piece is dne ___38___, and with the 3D mdel yu can simulate (模拟) everything.”
    Even when the cathedral is ___39___, the mdel may still serve imprtant rles. Mangn says the cmpany is currently in discussins abut using it t manage aspects f the cmplex ging frward, ___40___ using sensrs that culd shw the exact lcatin f any future fires.
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    Sea levels alng castlines in the United States will rise abut ne ft by 2050, with larger increases n the East and Gulf casts, accrding t a cmprehensive new reprt by climate scientists.
    Oceans have already risen abut ne ft in the last century, as climate change melts glaciers (冰川) and ice caps arund the wrld. But the pace is ___41___ scientists warn, and the next 30 years will see the same amunt f sea level rise as the previus 100.
    The reprt gives the mst cncrete and certain sea level ___42___ ever published fr the U.S. And advances in cmputer mdels and real-wrld infrmatin abut rising seas make it pssible t see the future mre ___43___ than ever.
    Sea level rise ___44___ dramatically fr different parts f the U.S. cast. The cean is nt like a bucket f water that rises at the same time as mre liquid is ___45___. Ocean ___46___ push mre water int sme areas than thers. Ice in different regins melts at different rates. In many parts f the wrld, sea level rise is ___47___ because castal land is sinking.
    The new reprt adds up all thse factrs t give ___48___ estimates fr different parts f the U.S. The authrs predict abut a ft and a half f sea level rise fr the Gulf Cast by 2050, with particular ht spts frm Texas t Mississippi, where explitatin f undergrund il, gas and drinking water is causing the land t rapidly ___49___ int the rising cean water. There are ___50___ ht spts in the Mid-Atlantic regin, including Annaplis, Md. and Nrflk, Va. Overall, the East Cast is ___51___ t experience a little mre than a ft f sea level rise in the next 30 years.
    Sea level rise is happening mre ___52___ n the West Cast, including much f suthern and western Alaska, the reprt finds. The authrs predict abut six inches f sea level rise by 2050.
    William Sweet, a sea level rise expert with the Natinal Oceanic and Atmspheric Administratin (NOAA) and ne f the authrs f the new reprt, says cities that are nt yet flded shuld ___53___ nw. Quickening sea level rise may require that humans ___54___ where and hw we build hmes, ffices, rads and anything else that is better dry than wet. Right nw, develpment in fld-prne (易发洪水的) areas is increasing, despite climate change.
    Beynd 2050, the reprt makes clear that humans have a ___55___: reduce greenhuse gas emissins and cntrl sea level rise, r keep burning fssil fuels and face ceans that are tw, three r even 10 feet higher than tday.
    41. A. dying dwnB. paying backC. hlding nD. speeding up
    42. A. recrdsB. extremesC. predictinsD. slutins
    43. A. flexiblyB. clearlyC. randmlyD. incredibly
    44. A. cntinuesB. impactsC. multipliesD. varies
    45. A. addedB. drainedC. spiltD. needed
    46. A. creaturesB. currentsC. ecsystemsD. vyages
    47. A. stableB. crucialC. unlikelyD. wrse
    48. A. natinalB. reginalC. apparentD. apprximate
    49. A. digB. turnC. cllapseD. dive
    50. A. similarB. sceneryC. distantD. diverse
    51. A. prjectedB. bligedC. permittedD. nticed
    52. A. sharplyB. mysteriuslyC. unexpectedlyD. slwly
    53. A. make senseB. take nticeC. keep paceD. stay prud
    54. A. schemeB. cancelC. changeD. delay
    55. A. prmiseB. quarrelC. chiceD. prtest
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    Mst teachers assign nvels fr students t read nt write. But many teachers natinwide are nt nly asking students t read nvels but als giving them a mnth t write them. Yes, yu read that right: ne mnth.
    Hwever, students participating in Nvember’s Natinal Nvel Writing Mnth (NaNWriM) d nt cmplain abut being verwrked. Instead, they have been knwn t ask, “Can we wrk n ur nvels tday?” That’s because, abve all, NaNWriM is meant t be fun. An exercise in “seat-f-yur-pants” nvel writing, it has almst n rules.
    The Office f Letters and Light is the nnprfit behind the event. It believes this carefree apprach encurages writers t take imaginative risks and truly enjy their wrk. Funded in 1999 the adult versin f the event requires nly that yu cmmit yurself t making an attempt at nvel writing and submitting a nvel f 50,000 wrds, n matter hw gd r bad they are, by the end f Nvember.
    Since 2005, NaNWriM has entered many classrms, including thse f Natinal Writing Prject teachers, thrugh its Yung Writers Prgram. In additin, teachers receive a classrm kit featuring a prgress chart, stickers t mark wrd cunts, and buttns fr writers wh crss the finish line.
    Abut 1,800 classrms and 45,000 kids and teens participated last year. The rules fr under-18 writers are the same as thse fr adults. But there is ne imprtant exceptin: yung writers can pick their wn “reasnable yet challenging” wrd length. If a student elects t write, say, 18,000 wrds and achieves this gal in a mnth, he r she is a winner. Awards include a “handsme winner’s certificate” and a prmtinal cde t receive a free bund prf cpy f the finished nvel.
    The Yung Writers Prgram als facilitates Script Frenzy, a similar scriptwriting (剧本写作) event that happens each April and challenges participants t write a 100-page script in 30 days.
    While yung writers wrk primarily as individuals, teachers are als encuraged t write alng with them.
    56. It can be inferred that students usually ________ after participating in NaNWriM.
    A. enjy themselvesB. verlad themselvesC. lk curageusD. becme distracted
    57. By “seat-f-yur-pants” in paragraph 2, the authr means ________.
    A. the nvel writing activity gives its participants pants as awards
    B. the participants have t stick n their seats fr lng writing nvels
    C. the participants are free t write whatever nvels they can imagine
    D. the nvel writing activity needs new rules fr participants t fllw
    58. What can be learned abut the rules fr adlescent writers?
    A. They shuld crss the finish line befre participating.
    B. They can lengthen the duratin f their writing prcess.
    C. They can decide n their nvels’ wrd cunts themselves.
    D. They shuld submit nvels n their teachers’ recmmendatin.
    59. The passage is mainly aimed at ________.
    A. explaining the bjectives f an event
    B. giving a general intrductin t an event
    C. illustrating the benefits f nvel writing
    D. attracting teachers t jin a writing prgram
    60. The abve webpage is aimed at ________.
    A. appealing t peple t preserve ancient heritage
    B. guiding peple t invest in a sustainable business
    C. attracting dnatins t Natinal Gegraphic Sciety
    D. publicizing the missin f Natinal Gegraphic Sciety
    61. T make yur cntributin twice as much, yu can ________.
    A. supprt the mst pressing emplyerB. reduce the tax attached t the dnatin
    C. make it a gift in the name f yur friendD. try yur cmpany’s matching gift prgrams
    62. What can be learned abut Natinal Gegraphic Sciety?
    A. It needs n perating csts.B. It is dedicated t prtecting nature.
    C. Its missin hasn’t been recgnized.D. Its emplyees needn’t pay incme tax.
    Mre than three billin peple rely n the cean t make a living, mst f whm are in develping cuntries. As the glbal ppulatin increases, the demand fr seafd is expected t rise, t.
    Althugh cean ecsystems are stretched t the limit by climate change, verfishing and mre, studies nevertheless suggest that seafd can be expanded sustainably t meet future fd demands. Success will depend n small-scale fisheries. These fisheries can be remarkably efficient. Almst everything that hand-t-muth fisheries catch is cnsumed. By cntrast, arund 20% f the fish caught by industrial ships is estimated t be wasted, mainly because f unwanted by-catch.
    Small fishers rarely have the right resurces t expand their peratins, r even t survive. If they d scale up, they might lse sme f their current advantages r engage in the same harmful practices as d large cmmercial fisheries. Managed with care, hwever, small fisheries culd prvide win-wins fr livelihds and the envirnment.
    Mst natins already have management plicies fr marine ecsystems that prvide fr small-scale fisheries. But small-scale fishers’ rights t access are ften prly defined, ineffectively enfrced r unfairly distributed (分配). Gvernment subsidies (补贴) als require refrm. One estimate fund that large-scale fishers receive abut 3.5 times mre subsidies than small-scale fishers d. Instead, subsidies and ther funds shuld be directed twards small-scale fishers t let them expand their access t markets, while keeping them frm adpting the negative practices f large-scale peratins.
    The ttal glbal lss and waste frm fisheries is estimated at between 30% and 35% annually primarily due t a lack f technlgy, gd manufacturing practices, and infrastructure such as decent rads and cld strage. Public and private investment in cld-strage facilities and prcessing equipment culd help. One prmising strategy is t pair internatinal r natinal funding with direct cntracts fr feeding prgrammes linked t schls, hspitals and similar facilities. Such arrangements wuld prvide small fisheries with large, cnsistent markets and strage infrastructure that bsts lcal cnsumptin and des nt incentivize (刺激) verfishing.
    Mrever, simple incentive prgrammes culd be cnducted by funders, managers and lcal gvernments trying t prmte sustainable fisheries. Fr example, lcal markets culd display a rating system fr individual fishers r small fisheries. This culd include varius elements f sustainability ther than envirnmental nes — such as prviding infrmatin n the type f fishing equipment, lcatin f the catch and freshness. Prmting the rating as a scial respnsibility cncept wuld infrm cnsumers f the need t supprt sustainable fisheries.
    Anyway, nly jint prblem-slving effrts can deliver seafd prtein, sustainably, t a wrld that increasingly needs it.
    63 The passage mainly tells us that ________.
    A. small fisheries can help the wrld if managed with care
    B. the glbal demand fr seafd is increasing dramatically
    C. small-scale fisheries need t be cmmercialised urgently
    D. peple in develping cuntries are mre reliable n fishing
    64. Small-scale fisheries are mre efficient because ________.
    A. what they catch is hardly wastedB. their by-catch accunts fr a larger share
    C. they catch fish by industrial meansD. their peratin is limited within a small area
    65. What can be inferred abut small fisheries’ current situatin?
    A. They gain n supprt frm gvernments.B. They are expanding t meet lcal demands.
    C. They have little access t gd resurces.D. They impact marine ecsystems negatively.
    66. T prmte sustainable fisheries, which f the fllwing is ne f the authr’s suggestins?
    A. T initiate a rating system fr small fishers t evaluate the lcal markets.
    B. T prvide technlgy fr small fisheries t bst their fishing efficiency.
    C. T inspire a sense f scial respnsibility in large-scale fishers and cnsumers.
    D. T facilitate direct cperatin between small fisheries and feeding prgrammes.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Nightly Sleep Is Key t Student Success
    Fr yung adults, cllege is a time f transitin. It may be the first time students have the freedm t determine hw t spend their time, but this freedm cmes with cmpeting interests frm academics, scial events and even sleep.
    A multi-institutinal team f researchers cnducted the first study t evaluate hw the duratin f nightly sleep early in the semester affects first year cllege students’ end-f-semester grade pint average (GPA). Using sleep trackers, they fund that students n average sleep 6.5 hurs a night, but negative utcmes built up when students received less than six hurs f sleep a night. ___67___
    David Creswell, the William S. Dietrich II Prfessr in Psychlgy and Neurscience at the Dietrich Cllege f Humanities and Scial Sciences, led a team f researchers t evaluate the relatinship between sleep and GPA.
    “Animal studies have shwn hw critical sleep is fr learning and memry,” said Creswell. “___68___ The less nightly sleep a first-year cllege student gets at the beginning f the schl term predicts lwer GPA at the end f the term. Lack f sleep may be hurting students’ ability t learn in their cllege classrms.”
    ___69___ The researchers fund that students wh receive less than six hurs f sleep experienced a prnunced decline in academic perfrmance. In additin, each hur f sleep lst crrespnded t (相对应) a 0.07 decrease in end-f-term GPA.
    “Once yu start drpping belw six hurs yu are starting t add massive sleep debt that can harm a student’s health and study habits, damaging the whle system,” said Creswell. “___70___”
    “A ppular belief amng cllege students is valuing studying mre r partying mre ver nightly sleep,” said Creswell. “Our wrk here suggests that there are ptentially real csts t reducing yur nightly sleep n yur ability t learn and achieve in cllege. There’s real value in budgeting fr the imprtance f nightly sleep.”
    A. Here we shw hw this wrk translates t humans.
    B. Many cllege students experience irregular and insufficient sleep.
    C. The study evaluated mre than 600 first-year students acrss five studies at three universities.
    D. Mst surprising t me was that n matter what we did t make the effect g away, it persisted.
    E. The results are available in the Feb. 13 issue f the Prceedings f the Natinal Academy f Sciences.
    F. Ttal nightly sleep is a ptentially imprtant and underappreciated behavir supprting academic achievement.
    IV. Summary Writing
    71. Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Call a Physical Therapist
    Yu get up frm the sfa and - w! Back pain takes yur breath away. D yu reach fr the pain pills? N! Call a physical therapist instead!
    Mre and mre, physical therapy, r PT, is a cmmn g-t fr treating aches and pains. A physical therapist can treat almst any injury t give a patient a better quality f life. When it cmes t treatment, ne size des nt fit all. A physical therapist persnalizes a treatment plan based n their bservatins and the patient’s cncerns. The gal is t help injured r ill peple imprve mvement and manage pain, s they can live life t the fullest. These therapists wrk with patients wh suffer frm back r neck injuries. They help peple recver frm brken bnes and surgeries as well as wrk- r sprts-related injuries. Physical therapists als teach peple hw t stay in shape and prevent further injuries. Their hands-n (动手的) therapy includes strengthening r stretching exercises, ice r heat and mre.
    N ne can becme a physical therapist withut getting a dctr f physical therapy degree. After cmpleting it, a persn must pass a prfessinal license exam befre beginning t practice. Further, being a physical therapist can be mentally and physically draining because f the hands-n, persnalized patient care required. A successful physical therapist needs t have great cmmunicatin skills and an eye fr detail. They shuld als be creative prblem slvers as well as resurceful.
    Fr thse lking fr a satisfying career, PT is ne t cnsider. The demand fr the prfessin is grwing faster than that f many ther careers. Private clinics and hspitals hire physical therapists. Sprts facilities and prfessinal sprts teams als emply them. Therapists may wrk in skilled nursing facilities r visit patients in their wn hmes. If smene wants t see the wrld, they may want t becme a travel physical therapist.
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    72. 这个保安负责又睿智,让公司避免了损失。(save) (汉译英)
    73. 他每月从生活费中留出一笔钱,以防患于未然。(case) (汉译英)
    74. 为了吸引听众的注意,这个心理专家在开始讲座前,分享了他自己悲伤却励志的成长故事。(draw) (汉译英)
    75. 这个导览机器人在很多方面有了改进,不仅可以为参观者提供需要的信息,甚至还能带他们去目的地。(which) (汉译英)
    VI. Guided Writing
    76. Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120—150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    1. 有关组织大课间活动的建议;
    2. 你的理由。
    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1. A. In a htel.B. In a bank.C. In a classrm.D. In a bx ffice.
    【原文】W: Excuse me, but I want t pen an accunt. Shall I fill in this frm?
    M: Yes. Yu need t fill in a frm, but nt this ne. G ver t that desk and the man there will help yu.
    Q: Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    2. A. 18:25.B. 18:55.C. 19:05.D. 19:15.
    【原文】W: As far as I knw, the film will start at a quarter t nineteen.
    M: Dn’t wrry. We’ve still gt 20 minutes and we can g t the bar and have a drink.
    Q: What time is it nw?
    3. A. There are different kinds f flders.
    B. It desn’t matter which clr she uses.
    C. This decisin requires careful thught.
    D. The clr shuldn’t suggest the cntent.
    【原文】W: I dn’t knw which clr flder t use, white r brwn?
    M: What difference des it make? It’s the cntent that’s imprtant.
    Q: What des the man mean?
    4. A. He desn’t like the man.
    B. He started the semester in a bad md.
    C. He isn’t usually bad-tempered.
    D. He’ll be under great pressure next week.
    【原文】M: What’s wrng with Rb tday? He shuted at me fr n reasn.
    W: Dn’t wrry. It’s just the end f the semester pressure. He’ll be his ld self next week.
    Q: What des the wman say abut Rb?
    5. A. Find an apartment sn.
    B. Apply fr campus husing.
    C. Avid living near the campus.
    D. Share the place he’s renting.
    【原文】M: Gerge needs t find anther place t live. The apartment he rents nw has been sld t a new wner.
    W: He’d better start lking right away. When all the students cme back in a few weeks, he wn’t find any near the campus.
    Q: What des the wman suggest Gerge d?
    6. A. Their plans in the new semester.
    B. The items they’re ging t deliver.
    C. Their part-time jbs in the vacatin.
    D. The daily rutines they share at schl.
    【原文】M: Washing dishes at the cafeteria every day is really bring. There’re still three weeks t g befre the new semester.
    W: Why dn’t yu quit and deliver flwers with me?
    Q: What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    7. A. Buy Daisy a new ntebk.
    B. Aplgize t Daisy again by phne.
    C. G t see Daisy immediately.
    D. Leave Daisy alne fr the time being.
    【原文】M: Daisy was annyed yesterday because I lst her ntebk. Shuld I g t see her and aplgize again?
    W: Well, if I were yu, I’d let her cl ff a few days befre I apprach her.
    Q: What des the wman suggest the man d?
    8. A. She desn’t have a cmputer.
    B. She needs t have her cmputer repaired.
    C. She can’t understand the instructins.
    D. She has a dctr’s degree in cmputer science.
    【原文】M: I see yu haven’t gt that prgram t run n yur cmputer yet. Want me t g ver the instructinal manual with yu?
    W: That wuld be great. I need a Ph.D. t understand it.
    Q: What can be inferred abut the wman?
    9. A. He frgt t cancel the reservatin.
    B. He desn’t knw hw t get t the restaurant.
    C. They can g t the restaurant late at night.
    D. They dn’t have a reservatin at the restaurant.
    【原文】W: I’m srry. I need t wrk late tnight, s yu shuld prbably cancel ur reservatin at the restaurant.
    M: Oh, actually I’ve never gt rund t making ne in the first place.
    Q: What des the man mean?
    10. A. He’s willing t help run the experiment.
    B. He’s busy wrking n his wn experiment.
    C. He can act as a subject in the experiment.
    D. He thinks the experiment is hard t understand.
    【原文】W: Yu knw I’ll be cnducting my psychlgical experiment this Saturday. Culd yu help me register the subjects?
    M: I’ve gt sme wrk f my wn t d. But I guess I can make sme time. Just let me knw what I’m suppsed t d.
    Q: What des the man mean?
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f them. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    A. A new educatinal thery.
    B. An innvative try at teaching.
    C. A diligent university student.
    D. A serius subject in a university.
    A. Serius subjects t write abut.
    B. Fierce cmpetitin amng students.
    C. Happy and cperative learning.
    D. Varius tpics fr students t vte fr.
    A. Suspicius at first but psitive later.
    B. Welcme at first but uncertain later.
    C. Disapprving at first but shcked later.
    D. Excited at first but disappinted later.
    【答案】11. B 12. C 13. A
    【原文】 Maggie, a bilgy and chemistry student at Jhn Carrll University, never thught that ne day she wuld be in a classrm where an English teacher asked her t play a bard game in rder t learn abut climate change.
    Debra Rsenthal is the English prfessr. At first, Maggie said she was uncertain abut Rsenthal’s bard game idea. Hwever, Rsenthal thught her students wuld gain a greater understanding abut hw their wn ideas and experiences affect climate change. After testing the games with sme adults, she gt permissin t buy six cpies f a game called Slutins. The gal is t pick cards and then add them t the game bard in a way that helps reduce glbal temperatures. Students d nt cmpete against each ther. They wrk tgether t chse the best plan f actin. The game is different frm ther bard games where the gal is t win. Rsenthal said she hped the games wuld give students a chance t talk abut climate change in a new way. During mst classes, students read material and then discuss their ideas. Students laughed, disagreed and had t call fr vtes as a way t decide hw t mve frward in the game. Maggie said it was a “way t have als learning abut such a serius subject.”
    11. What is the talk mainly abut?
    12. What did Rsenthal’s lessns feature?
    13. Hw did Maggie’s attitude tward Rsenthal’s lessns change?
    A. They are beneficial t his mind.
    B. They are helpful t his scial relatinship.
    C. They can bst the ty industry.
    D. They can attract attentin t lder peple.
    A. They nly reduce lneliness.
    B. They limit reasning r thinking abilities.
    C. They can’t imprve specific skills.
    D. They can’t help maintain independent living.
    A. The necessity f develping tys fr lder peple.
    B. The type f tys that lder peple are interested in.
    C Ty makers’ effrt t prduce games fr lder peple.
    D. Different views n the effects f tys n lder peple.
    【答案】14. A 15. D 16. D
    原文】Tymakers are develping new games and changing ld nes t target a different grup: peple ver 65 years ld. Ty prducers suggest the prducts culd help lder peple increase their brain skills as well as reduce lneliness. Hwever, sme experts have raised dubts abut their claims.
    Ben Swartz, 92, lives with his 85-year-ld wife in a retirement cmmunity. He ran 14 ty stres in the 1970s. He has nticed sme f the new fferings frm the ty industry, and he apprves f the mves. He plays games five days a week with his friends. He said the games help his mind, therwise, he wuld wrry that his “mind wuld start t g a little bit slw.”
    While sme scientists welcme tymakers paying attentin t lder buyers, they als warn f these prducts’ limitatins. Neil Charness and Walter Bt, bth f Flrida State University, wrked tgether t test the idea that brain games help preserve mental abilities such as reasning r thinking. They fund that peple get better in the specific skills f the game if they play ver and ver again. But the games d nt translate t mental abilities needed fr everyday living activities, like maintaining independent living. The researchers als said that there is limited evidence t date that playing games can greatly reduce lneliness.
    14. What des Ben Swartz think f the tys fr lder peple?
    15. What did sme scientists find abut the tys targeting ld peple?
    16. What is the talk mainly abut?
    听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。17. A. A ghst stry.B. The bears’ habits.C. A scary mvie.D. The camping atmsphere.
    A. They may get lst in the dark.
    B. Their fd may be stlen by bears.
    C. Bears may mistake her fr fd.
    D. There may appear ghsts in the wds.
    A. Teach her wilderness first aid skills.
    B. Share his rich camping experiences.
    C. Guide her t breathe fresh air deeply.
    D. Distract her attentin with ghst stries.
    A. He dislikes watching mvies.
    B. He’s fnd f being expsed t nature.
    C. He’s gt little experience in camping.
    D. He believes there are n bears in the wds.
    【答案】17. D 18. C 19. D 20. B
    【原文】W: Rger, dn’t yu think being ut in the wds at night is pretty scary?
    M: Nt at all. Isn’t it great being ut in nature? I lve breathing the fresh air and exercising.
    W: Sure ... I guess it’s nt s bad. Yu dn’t think there are bears in these wds, d yu?
    M: Of curse there are! But dn’t wrry, bears are pretty shy and wn’t hurt us. They nly want t eat ur fd.
    W: But what if the bears think that I am fd?
    M: Dn’t wrry, Daphne, I knw wilderness first aid. And I can tell ghst stries t take yur mind ff the bears.
    W: Ghst stries? It’s already pretty scary being ut here in the dark.
    M: Oh, there is nthing t be afraid f ut here! Yu’re nt scared f the dark, are yu?
    W: Of curse I’m nt afraid f the dark. What I’m afraid f are all the things that are hiding ut there in the dark! I keep hearing really strange nises ut in the dark! Can yu hear them?
    M: Calm dwn, Daphne! It’s just the wind! I dn’t think yu’re cut ut fr camping.
    W: I knw. Next time yu want t d smething fun, let’s d smething in the city. I’ll be happy t buy yu mvie tickets as lng as we dn’t have t g camping again.
    17. What are the tw speakers talking abut?
    18. What is the wman wrried abut?
    19. What des the man intend t d t help the wman frget her wrry?
    20 What can be learned abut the man frm the cnversatin?
    II. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    Life May Actually Flash Befre Yur Eyes n Death
    New data frm a scientific “accident” has suggested that life may actually flash befre ur eyes as we die.
    A team f scientists set ut t measure the brainwaves f an 87-year-ld patient wh ___21___ (develp) epilepsy (癫痫) fr many years. But during the neurlgical (神经学的) recrding, he suffered a fatal heart attack, ___22___ (ffer) an unexpected recrding f a dying brain.
    It revealed that in the 30 secnds befre and after, the man’s brainwaves fllwed the same patterns as dreaming r recalling memries. Brain activity f this srt culd suggest that a final “recall f life” may ccur in a persn’s last mments, the team wrte in their study, ___23___ (publish) in Frntiers in Aging Neurscience n Tuesday.
    Dr Ajmal Zemmar, a c-authr f the study, said that what the team, then based in Vancuver, Canada, accidentally gt, ___24___ (cnsider) the first-ever recrding f a dying brain. S will we get a glimpse back at thse mments ___25___ we stayed with lved nes and ther happy memries? Dr Zemmar said it was impssible ___26___ (tell). “If I were t jump t the philsphical area, I wuld guess that if the brain did a flashback, it wuld prbably like t remind yu f gd things, rather than the bad things,” he said. “But ___27___ is memrable wuld be different fr every persn.”
    Dr Zemmar, nw a neursurgen at the University f Luisville, said in the 30 secnds ___28___ the patient’s heart stpped supplying bld t the brain, his brainwaves fllwed the same patterns as when we carry ut high-cgnitive demanding (高认知要求的) tasks, like cncentrating, dreaming r recalling memries. It cntinued 30 secnds after the patient’s heart stpped beating. “I think there’s ___29___ mysterius and spiritual abut this whle near-death experience,” Dr Zemmar said. “And findings like this — it’s a mment ___30___ scientists live fr.”
    【答案】21. had develped
    22. ffering
    23 published
    24. was cnsidered
    25. when 26. t tell
    27. what 28. befre
    29. smething
    30. that##which
    考查时态。句意:一组科学家开始测量一名患有癫痫多年的87岁患者的脑电波。根据句中set以及后句中suffered可知,本句使用一般过去时,分析句子结构可知,wh引导修饰先行词patient的定语从句,并在句中作主语,空处作谓语,且develp发生在set ut之前,为“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。故填had develped。
    考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:该研究的合著者Ajmal Zemmar博士说,当时驻扎在加拿大温哥华的研究小组意外得到的东西被认为是有史以来第一份关于垂死的大脑的记录。根据句中said 可知,空处应用一般过去时,分析句子结构可知,在that引导的宾语从句中,what the team, then based in Vancuver, Canada, accidentally gt作主语,空处应作谓语,且与句子主语构成被动关系,应用被动语态,从句在句中作主语,be动词应用was。故填was cnsidered。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:Zemmar博士说这是不可能辨别的。分析句子结构可知,it在宾语从句中作形式主语,后面应用动词不定式作真正的主语。故填t tell。
    考查连词。句意:Zemmar博士现在是路易斯维尔大学的神经外科医生,他说,在患者心脏停止向大脑供血的前30秒内,他的脑电波遵循与我们进行高认知要求任务时相同的模式,如集中注意力、做梦或回忆。空处引导时间状语从句,根据第一段“New data frm a scientific “accident” has suggested that life may actually flash befre ur eyes as we die.”可知,科学家们研究的是在人们快要死亡的时候的脑电波,也就是在心脏停止向大脑供血的前30秒,空处应用befre,表示“在……之前”。故填befre。
    Sectin B
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in each blank with a prper wrd given in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Hw Digital Mdeling Plays a Key Rle in Restring the Ntre Dame Cathedral (巴黎圣母院)
    It’s been mre than fur years since a fire damaged Ntre Dame, the Cathlic cathedral in Paris that’s histrically drawn millins f visitrs every year.
    Since then, peple frm arund the wrld have united t supprt an effrt, ___31___ by French President, that’s intended t have the building back pen t the public by the end f next year. Teams wrking t restre the Gthic cathedral have ___32___ t rebuild much f the damaged sectins using materials like ak wd (橡木) and stne that have std the test f centuries.
    But the builders, architects and engineers d have the ___33___ f sme 21st century technlgies, including mdern building infrmatin mdeling (BIM) sftware that enables them t wrk with a(n) ___34___ detailed 3D digital mdel f the cathedral and surrunding site, backed by pwerful clud cmputing technlgy.
    “It allws yu t really understand a lt f hw a building fits tgether, hw it’s cnstructed,” says Andrew Anagnst, CEO f design sftware ___35___ Autdesk. It has cntributed technical cnsulting, sftware and financial assistance t the prject since shrtly after the fire. A digital mdel, which tk mre than a year t create, includes mre than 12,000 bjects.
    It was a cmplex prcess. Onsite wrkers captured the pint-by-pint 3D ___36___ f the cathedral with laser (激光) and pht equipment. Then, thers turned the data pints frm that prcess int detailed shapes and bjects, dwn t individual building stnes. That let experts see hw the building shifted in the fire — imprtant fr ___37___ any stability issues — and plan ut the prcess f recnstructin.
    “It’s like Missin: Impssible when they plan,” says Niclas Mangn, VP f architecture, engineering and cnstructin industry strategy at Autdesk. “Every little piece is dne ___38___, and with the 3D mdel yu can simulate (模拟) everything.”
    Even when the cathedral is ___39___, the mdel may still serve imprtant rles. Mangn says the cmpany is currently in discussins abut using it t manage aspects f the cmplex ging frward, ___40___ using sensrs that culd shw the exact lcatin f any future fires.
    【答案】31. G 32. K
    33. A 34. H
    35. F 36. E
    37. B 38. C
    39. J 40. I
    考查动词。句意:从那以后,世界各地的人们联合起来支持一项由法国总统发起的努力,该努力的目的是在明年年底之前让这座建筑重新向公众开放。根据“by French President”以及句意“发起”可知应填过去分词initiated,作定语修饰effrt。故选G。
    考查动词。句意:修复这座哥特式大教堂的团队试图用橡木和石头等经受了几个世纪考验的材料重建大部分受损部分。根据“t rebuild much f the damaged sectins using materials like ak wd”以及句意“试图”可知应填动词的过去分词形式sught,与空前的have构成现在完成时。故选K。
    考查名词。句意:但建筑商、建筑师和工程师确实拥有一些21世纪技术的优势,包括现代建筑信息模型(BIM)软件,该软件使他们能够在强大的云计算技术的支持下,对大教堂及其周边地区进行精心制作的3D数字模型。根据“including mdern building infrmatin mdeling (BIM) sftware”以及句意“优势”可知应填名词advantage,作宾语。故选A。
    考查副词。句意:但建筑商、建筑师和工程师确实拥有一些21世纪技术的优势,包括现代建筑信息模型(BIM)软件,该软件使他们能够在强大的云计算技术的支持下,对大教堂及其周边地区进行精心制作的3D数字模型。根据“detailed 3D digital mdel f the cathedral”以及句意“精心制作的”可知应填副词painstakingly,修饰detailed。故选H。
    考查形容词。句意:设计软件巨头欧特克(Autdesk)的首席执行官Andrew Anagnst表示:“它让你真正了解一栋建筑是如何组合在一起的,以及它是如何建造的。”根据“CEO f design sftware”以及句意“巨头”可知应填形容词giant,故选F。
    考查名词。句意:现场工作人员用激光和摄影设备逐点拍摄了大教堂的3D几何形状。根据“f the cathedral with laser and pht equipment”以及句意“几何”可知应填名词gemetry,作宾语。故选E。
    考查动词。句意:这让专家们看到了这座建筑在火灾中是如何移动的——这对预测任何稳定性问题都很重要——并规划出重建过程。根据“any stability issues — and plan ut the prcess f recnstructin”以及句意“预测”可知应填anticipate,作介词的宾语,应用动名词形式。故选B。
    考查副词。句意:“每一个小部件都是数字化的,有了3D模型,你可以模拟一切。”根据“with the 3D mdel”以及句意“数字化”可知应填副词digitally,修饰动词dne。故选C。
    考查动词。句意:即使大教堂重新开放,该模型仍可能发挥重要作用。根据“Even when the cathedral is”以及句意“重新开放”可知应填动词的过去分词形式,与空前的is构成一般现在时的被动语态。故选J。
    考查副词。句意:曼贡说,该公司目前正在讨论用它来管理未来综合体的各个方面,可能会使用传感器来显示未来任何火灾的确切位置。根据“Mangn says the cmpany is currently in discussins abut using it t manage aspects f the cmplex ging frward”以及句意“可能”可知应填副词ptentially,修饰动词use。故选I。
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    Sea levels alng castlines in the United States will rise abut ne ft by 2050, with larger increases n the East and Gulf casts, accrding t a cmprehensive new reprt by climate scientists.
    Oceans have already risen abut ne ft in the last century, as climate change melts glaciers (冰川) and ice caps arund the wrld. But the pace is ___41___ scientists warn, and the next 30 years will see the same amunt f sea level rise as the previus 100.
    The reprt gives the mst cncrete and certain sea level ___42___ ever published fr the U.S. And advances in cmputer mdels and real-wrld infrmatin abut rising seas make it pssible t see the future mre ___43___ than ever.
    Sea level rise ___44___ dramatically fr different parts f the U.S. cast. The cean is nt like a bucket f water that rises at the same time as mre liquid is ___45___. Ocean ___46___ push mre water int sme areas than thers. Ice in different regins melts at different rates. In many parts f the wrld, sea level rise is ___47___ because castal land is sinking.
    The new reprt adds up all thse factrs t give ___48___ estimates fr different parts f the U.S. The authrs predict abut a ft and a half f sea level rise fr the Gulf Cast by 2050, with particular ht spts frm Texas t Mississippi, where explitatin f undergrund il, gas and drinking water is causing the land t rapidly ___49___ int the rising cean water. There are ___50___ ht spts in the Mid-Atlantic regin, including Annaplis, Md. and Nrflk, Va. Overall, the East Cast is ___51___ t experience a little mre than a ft f sea level rise in the next 30 years.
    Sea level rise is happening mre ___52___ n the West Cast, including much f suthern and western Alaska, the reprt finds. The authrs predict abut six inches f sea level rise by 2050.
    William Sweet, a sea level rise expert with the Natinal Oceanic and Atmspheric Administratin (NOAA) and ne f the authrs f the new reprt, says cities that are nt yet flded shuld ___53___ nw. Quickening sea level rise may require that humans ___54___ where and hw we build hmes, ffices, rads and anything else that is better dry than wet. Right nw, develpment in fld-prne (易发洪水的) areas is increasing, despite climate change.
    Beynd 2050, the reprt makes clear that humans have a ___55___: reduce greenhuse gas emissins and cntrl sea level rise, r keep burning fssil fuels and face ceans that are tw, three r even 10 feet higher than tday.
    41. A. dying dwnB. paying backC. hlding nD. speeding up
    42. A. recrdsB. extremesC. predictinsD. slutins
    43. A. flexiblyB. clearlyC. randmlyD. incredibly
    44. A. cntinuesB. impactsC. multipliesD. varies
    45. A. addedB. drainedC. spiltD. needed
    46. A. creaturesB. currentsC. ecsystemsD. vyages
    47. A. stableB. crucialC. unlikelyD. wrse
    48. A. natinalB. reginalC. apparentD. apprximate
    49. A. digB. turnC. cllapseD. dive
    50. A. similarB. sceneryC. distantD. diverse
    51. A. prjectedB. bligedC. permittedD. nticed
    52. A. sharplyB. mysteriuslyC. unexpectedlyD. slwly
    53. A. make senseB. take nticeC. keep paceD. stay prud
    54. A. schemeB. cancelC. changeD. delay
    55. A. prmiseB. quarrelC. chiceD. prtest
    【答案】41. D 42. C 43. B 44. D 45. A 46. B 47. D 48. B 49. C 50. A 51. A 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. C
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:但科学家警告称,海平面上升的速度正在加快,未来30年的海平面上升幅度将与前100年持平。A. dying dwn逐渐衰弱;B. paying back偿还;C. hlding n抓住;D. speeding up加速。根据下文“and the next 30 years will see the same amunt f sea level rise as the previus 100”可知,接下来30年的海平面上升速度和前100的速度持平,说明海平面的上升速度在加快。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:该报告给出了美国有史以来最具体、最确定的海平面预测。A. recrds记录;B. extremes极端;C. predictins预测;D. slutins解决方案。根据下文“And advances in cmputer mdels and real-wrld infrmatin abut rising seas”可知,这份报告是基于计算机模型和海平面上升的真实信息做出的预测,这次预测非常确定而且具体。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:计算机模型和有关海平面上升的真实世界信息的进步使我们有可能比以往任何时候都更清楚地看到未来。A. flexibly灵活地;B. clearly清楚地;C. randmly随机地;D. incredibly难以置信地。根据上文“The reprt gives the mst cncrete and certain sea level ___2___ ever published fr the U.S.”可知,这次的预测是最确定,并且最具体的,说明这次预测能够让人们更清楚的看到未来。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:美国海岸不同地区的海平面上升差异很大。A. cntinues继续;B. impacts影响;C. multiplies乘以;D. varies(大小、形状等)相异。根据下文“Ice in different regins melts at different rates.”可知,不同区域的冰融化的程度不同,所以美国海岸不同地区的海平面上升的差异是很大的。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:海洋不像一桶水在添加更多液体的同时上升。A. added加上;B. drained排干;C. spilt溢出;D. needed需要。根据句中“like a bucket f water that rises at the same time”可知,桶里的水上升是因为液体被加入到了桶里。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:洋流将比其他地区更多的水推入某些地区。A. creatures生物;B. currents水流;C. ecsystems生态系统;D. vyages航程。根据常识以及空后“push mre water int sme areas than thers”可知,洋流推动了海洋的水流动,将比其他地区更多的水推入某些地区。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在世界许多地方,海平面上升的情况更糟,因为沿海土地正在下沉。A. stable稳定的;B. crucial关键的;C. unlikely不太可能的;D. wrse更糟的。根据空后“because castal land is sinking”可知,海平面在上升,而有些沿海的土地正在下沉,所以让情况变得更糟糕。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:新报告将所有这些因素相加,得出了美国不同地区的区域估计。A. natinal国家的;B. reginal区域的;C. apparent显然的;D. apprximate大约的。根据下文“There are ___10___ ht spts in the Mid-Atlantic regin, including Annaplis, Md. and Nrflk, Va.”可知,这份报告把所有的因素相加,对美国不同的地区做出评估,得出了结论。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:作者预测,到2050年,墨西哥湾沿岸的海平面将上升约1.5英尺,特别是从得克萨斯州到密西西比州的热点地区,那里的地下石油、天然气和饮用水的开采正在导致土地迅速坍塌到不断上升的海水中。A. dig挖;B. turn转动;C. cllapse塌陷;D. dive潜水。根据空前的“explitatin f undergrund il, gas and drinking water ”可知,地下石油、天然气和饮用水的开采会导致该区域的土地坍塌。故选C。
    考查形容词或名词词义辨析。句意:大西洋中部地区也有类似的热点地区,包括马里兰州安纳波利斯和弗吉尼亚州诺福克。A. similar类似的;B. scenery风景;C. distant远处的;D. diverse多种多样的。根据上文“The authrs predict abut a ft and a half f sea level rise fr the Gulf Cast by 2050, with particular ht spts frm Texas t Mississippi, where explitatin f undergrund il, gas and drinking water is causing the land t rapidly ___9___ int the rising cean water.”可知,墨西哥湾沿岸的海平面将上升约1.5英尺,特别是从得克萨斯州到密西西比州的热点地区,那里的地下石油、天然气和饮用水的开采正在导致土地迅速坍塌到不断上升的海水中,而且在大西洋中部地区也有类似的热点地区,也就是说在这里也有海平面快速上升的情况。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:总体而言,预计未来30年东海岸的海平面将上升一英尺多一点。A. prjected计划;B. bliged义务;C. permitted允许;D. nticed注意到。根据句中“in the next 30 years”可知,在未来的30年,东海岸的海平面预计上升一英尺多一点。be prjected t d sth.“预计做某事”。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:报告发现,西海岸的海平面上升速度较慢,包括阿拉斯加南部和西部的大部分地区。A. sharply急剧地;B. mysteriusly神秘地;C. unexpectedly出乎意料的是;D. slwly慢速地。根据下文“The authrs predict abut six inches f sea level rise by 2050. ”可知,作者预测,到2050年,海平面将上升约6英寸,说明西海岸的海平面上升速度比东海岸慢。故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的海平面上升专家、新报告的作者之一William Sweet表示,尚未被洪水淹没的城市现在应该注意了。A. make sense有道理;B. take ntice注意;C. keep pace保持配速;D. stay prud保持自豪。根据下文“Quickening sea level rise may require that humans ___14___ where and hw we build hmes, ffices, rads and anything else that is better dry than wet.”可知,没有被洪水淹没的城市也应该注意,在建造房屋等建筑物时需要改变地点以及建筑的方式。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:加速上升的海平面可能需要人类改变我们在何处以及如何建造房屋、办公室、道路和其他任何干燥而不潮湿的地方。A. scheme认为;B. cancel取消;C. change改变;D. delay延迟。根据句中“Quickening sea level rise”可知,加速上升的海平面可能会改变人们建筑的方式和地点。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:该报告明确指出,在2050年之后,人类有一个选择:减少温室气体排放,控制海平面上升,或者继续燃烧化石燃料,面对比今天高出2、3甚至10英尺的海洋。A. prmise承诺;B. quarrel争吵;C. chice选择;D. prtest抗议。根据下文“reduce greenhuse gas emissins and cntrl sea level rise, r keep burning fssil fuels and face ceans that are tw, three r even 10 feet higher than tday”可知,减少温室气体排放,控制海平面上升,或者继续燃烧化石燃料,面对比今天高出2、3甚至10英尺的海洋,这是人类面临的一个选择。故选C。
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    Mst teachers assign nvels fr students t read nt write. But many teachers natinwide are nt nly asking students t read nvels but als giving them a mnth t write them. Yes, yu read that right: ne mnth.
    Hwever, students participating in Nvember’s Natinal Nvel Writing Mnth (NaNWriM) d nt cmplain abut being verwrked. Instead, they have been knwn t ask, “Can we wrk n ur nvels tday?” That’s because, abve all, NaNWriM is meant t be fun. An exercise in “seat-f-yur-pants” nvel writing, it has almst n rules.
    The Office f Letters and Light is the nnprfit behind the event. It believes this carefree apprach encurages writers t take imaginative risks and truly enjy their wrk. Funded in 1999, the adult versin f the event requires nly that yu cmmit yurself t making an attempt at nvel writing and submitting a nvel f 50,000 wrds, n matter hw gd r bad they are, by the end f Nvember.
    Since 2005, NaNWriM has entered many classrms, including thse f Natinal Writing Prject teachers, thrugh its Yung Writers Prgram. In additin, teachers receive a classrm kit featuring a prgress chart, stickers t mark wrd cunts, and buttns fr writers wh crss the finish line.
    Abut 1,800 classrms and 45,000 kids and teens participated last year. The rules fr under-18 writers are the same as thse fr adults. But there is ne imprtant exceptin: yung writers can pick their wn “reasnable yet challenging” wrd length. If a student elects t write, say, 18,000 wrds and achieves this gal in a mnth, he r she is a winner. Awards include a “handsme winner’s certificate” and a prmtinal cde t receive a free bund prf cpy f the finished nvel.
    The Yung Writers Prgram als facilitates Script Frenzy, a similar scriptwriting (剧本写作) event that happens each April and challenges participants t write a 100-page script in 30 days.
    While yung writers wrk primarily as individuals, teachers are als encuraged t write alng with them.
    56. It can be inferred that students usually ________ after participating in NaNWriM.
    A. enjy themselvesB. verlad themselvesC. lk curageusD. becme distracted
    57. By “seat-f-yur-pants” in paragraph 2, the authr means ________.
    A. the nvel writing activity gives its participants pants as awards
    B. the participants have t stick n their seats fr lng writing nvels
    C. the participants are free t write whatever nvels they can imagine
    D. the nvel writing activity needs new rules fr participants t fllw
    58. What can be learned abut the rules fr adlescent writers?
    A. They shuld crss the finish line befre participating.
    B. They can lengthen the duratin f their writing prcess.
    C. They can decide n their nvels’ wrd cunts themselves.
    D. They shuld submit nvels n their teachers’ recmmendatin.
    59. The passage is mainly aimed at ________.
    A. explaining the bjectives f an event
    B. giving a general intrductin t an event
    C. illustrating the benefits f nvel writing
    D. attracting teachers t jin a writing prgram
    【答案】56. A 57. C 58. C 59. B
    推理判断题。根据第二段的“That’s because, abve all, NaNWriM is meant t be fun. (首先,这是因为NaNWriM旨在为学生带来快乐。)”可知,学生在参加NaNWriM后通常会感到开心。故选A。
    词句猜测题。根据第二段的“it has almst n rules (几乎没有任何规则) ”可知,该小说写作练习没有规则限制学生,结合选项可知,则“参与者可以自由地写任何他们能想到的小说”能够解释seat-f-yur-pants。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第五段的“The rules fr under-18 writers are the same as thse fr adults. But there is ne imprtant exceptin: yung writers can pick their wn “reasnable yet challenging” wrd length. (年轻作者可以选择自己的合理但具有挑战性的单词数量。)”可知,青少年作者可以自己决定所写的小说的字数。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第一段的“Mst teachers assign nvels fr students t read nt write. But many teachers natinwide are nt nly asking students t read nvels but als giving them a mnth t write them. Yes, yu read that right: ne mnth. Hwever, students participating in Nvember’s Natinal Nvel Writing Mnth (NaNWriM) d nt cmplain abut being verwrked. Instead, they have been knwn t ask, “Can we wrk n ur nvels tday?” That’s because, abve all, NaNWriM is meant t be fun. An exercise in “seat-f-yur-pants” nvel writing, it has almst n rules. (大多数老师布置小说让学生读而不是写。但是全国也有许多老师不仅要求学生读小说,而且给他们一个月的时间来写小说。是的,你没看错:一个月。然而,参加11月全国小说写作月的学生们并没有抱怨过度劳累。相反,他们会问:“我们今天能写小说吗?” 首先,这是因为NaNWriM旨在为学生带来快乐。它是一种“凭感觉”进行的小说写作练习,几乎没有任何规则。)”可知,文章主要讲述了全国小说写作月活动的相关情况,该活动鼓励学生尽情发挥想象力,享受写作的乐趣,充分发挥学生的写作自由,即这篇文章主要是对一场活动做一般性的介绍。故选B。
    60. The abve webpage is aimed at ________.
    A. appealing t peple t preserve ancient heritage
    B. guiding peple t invest in a sustainable business
    C. attracting dnatins t Natinal Gegraphic Sciety
    D. publicizing the missin f Natinal Gegraphic Sciety
    61. T make yur cntributin twice as much, yu can ________.
    A. supprt the mst pressing emplyerB. reduce the tax attached t the dnatin
    C. make it a gift in the name f yur friendD. try yur cmpany’s matching gift prgrams
    62. What can be learned abut Natinal Gegraphic Sciety?
    A. It needs n perating csts.B. It is dedicated t prtecting nature.
    C. Its missin hasn’t been recgnized.D. Its emplyees needn’t pay incme tax.
    【答案】60. C 61. D 62. B
    推理判断题。根据文中“We’ve built a sustainable, innvative business mdel that allws us t invest every dllar yu dnate directly t ur Explrers and prgrams.(我们已经建立了一个可持续的、创新的商业模式,使我们能够将您捐赠的每一美元直接投资于我们的探索者和项目)”以及“Yur generus cntributin will immediately g t wrk supprting the things yu care passinately abut — nt perating csts.(您的慷慨捐助将立即用于支持您热衷的事情,而不是运营成本)”可推知,上述网页旨在为国家地理学会吸引捐款。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文中“Yu give an amunt and yur cmpany dnates the same. Duble yur impact by explring yur emplyer’s matching gift prgrams.(你捐出一笔钱,你的公司也会捐出同样的钱。通过探索雇主的配对礼物计划来扩大你的影响力)”可知,如果你的捐款是原来的两倍,你可以试试公司的配对礼物计划。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文中“When yu supprt the Natinal Gegraphic Sciety, nt nly are yu supprting yur passin fr the planet, but yu als help prtect its wnder. Yu ensure ur missin lives n s we can cntinue explring the planet, saving wildlife, prtecting ur cean, empwering the wrld’s mst innvative scientists t help slve the planet’s mysteries and challenges, and preserving ur ancient heritage (遗产) fr future generatins.(当你支持国家地理学会时,你不仅支持你对地球的热情,而且还帮助保护了它的奇迹。你们确保我们的使命得以延续,这样我们才能继续探索地球,拯救野生动物,保护海洋,让世界上最具创新精神的科学家帮助解决地球上的谜团和挑战,并为子孙后代保护我们的古老遗产)”可知,国家地理学会致力于保护自然。故选B。
    Mre than three billin peple rely n the cean t make a living, mst f whm are in develping cuntries. As the glbal ppulatin increases, the demand fr seafd is expected t rise, t.
    Althugh cean ecsystems are stretched t the limit by climate change, verfishing and mre, studies nevertheless suggest that seafd can be expanded sustainably t meet future fd demands. Success will depend n small-scale fisheries. These fisheries can be remarkably efficient. Almst everything that hand-t-muth fisheries catch is cnsumed. By cntrast, arund 20% f the fish caught by industrial ships is estimated t be wasted, mainly because f unwanted by-catch.
    Small fishers rarely have the right resurces t expand their peratins, r even t survive. If they d scale up, they might lse sme f their current advantages r engage in the same harmful practices as d large cmmercial fisheries. Managed with care, hwever, small fisheries culd prvide win-wins fr livelihds and the envirnment.
    Mst natins already have management plicies fr marine ecsystems that prvide fr small-scale fisheries. But small-scale fishers’ rights t access are ften prly defined, ineffectively enfrced r unfairly distributed (分配). Gvernment subsidies (补贴) als require refrm. One estimate fund that large-scale fishers receive abut 3.5 times mre subsidies than small-scale fishers d. Instead, subsidies and ther funds shuld be directed twards small-scale fishers t let them expand their access t markets, while keeping them frm adpting the negative practices f large-scale peratins.
    The ttal glbal lss and waste frm fisheries is estimated at between 30% and 35% annually primarily due t a lack f technlgy, gd manufacturing practices, and infrastructure such as decent rads and cld strage. Public and private investment in cld-strage facilities and prcessing equipment culd help. One prmising strategy is t pair internatinal r natinal funding with direct cntracts fr feeding prgrammes linked t schls, hspitals and similar facilities. Such arrangements wuld prvide small fisheries with large, cnsistent markets and strage infrastructure that bsts lcal cnsumptin and des nt incentivize (刺激) verfishing.
    Mrever, simple incentive prgrammes culd be cnducted by funders, managers and lcal gvernments trying t prmte sustainable fisheries. Fr example, lcal markets culd display a rating system fr individual fishers r small fisheries. This culd include varius elements f sustainability ther than envirnmental nes — such as prviding infrmatin n the type f fishing equipment, lcatin f the catch and freshness. Prmting the rating as a scial respnsibility cncept wuld infrm cnsumers f the need t supprt sustainable fisheries.
    Anyway, nly jint prblem-slving effrts can deliver seafd prtein, sustainably, t a wrld that increasingly needs it.
    63. The passage mainly tells us that ________.
    A. small fisheries can help the wrld if managed with care
    B. the glbal demand fr seafd is increasing dramatically
    C. small-scale fisheries need t be cmmercialised urgently
    D. peple in develping cuntries are mre reliable n fishing
    64. Small-scale fisheries are mre efficient because ________.
    A. what they catch is hardly wastedB. their by-catch accunts fr a larger share
    C. they catch fish by industrial meansD. their peratin is limited within a small area
    65. What can be inferred abut small fisheries’ current situatin?
    A. They gain n supprt frm gvernments.B. They are expanding t meet lcal demands.
    C. They have little access t gd resurces.D. They impact marine ecsystems negatively.
    66. T prmte sustainable fisheries, which f the fllwing is ne f the authr’s suggestins?
    A. T initiate a rating system fr small fishers t evaluate the lcal markets.
    B. T prvide technlgy fr small fisheries t bst their fishing efficiency.
    C. T inspire a sense f scial respnsibility in large-scale fishers and cnsumers.
    D. T facilitate direct cperatin between small fisheries and feeding prgrammes.
    【答案】63. A 64. A 65. C 66. D
    主旨大意题。根据第二段“Althugh cean ecsystems are stretched t the limit by climate change, verfishing and mre, studies nevertheless suggest that seafd can be expanded sustainably t meet future fd demands. Success will depend n small-scale fisheries. These fisheries can be remarkably efficient. Almst everything that hand-t-muth fisheries catch is cnsumed. By cntrast, arund 20% f the fish caught by industrial ships is estimated t be wasted, mainly because f unwanted by-catch.(尽管由于气候变化、过度捕捞等原因,海洋生态系统已经达到极限,但研究表明,海产品可以可持续地扩大,以满足未来的粮食需求。成功与否将取决于小规模渔业。这些渔场非常有效率。几乎所有的人工捕捞的渔获物被消耗掉。相比之下,据估计,工业船只捕获的鱼中约有20%被浪费了,主要是由于不必要的副渔获物)”结合文章解释了小型渔业效率更高,因为他们捕获的东西几乎不会被浪费,但其生存也存在一些挑战,作者对此也给出了建议。可知,这篇文章主要告诉我们,如果管理得当,小型渔业可以帮助世界。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Success will depend n small-scale fisheries. These fisheries can be remarkably efficient. Almst everything that hand-t-muth fisheries catch is cnsumed. By cntrast, arund 20% f the fish caught by industrial ships is estimated t be wasted, mainly because f unwanted by-catch.(成功与否将取决于小规模渔业。这些渔场非常有效率。几乎所有的人工捕捞的渔获物被消耗掉。相比之下,据估计,工业船只捕获的鱼中约有20%被浪费了,主要是由于不必要的副渔获物)”可知,小规模渔业效率更高,因为他们捕获的东西几乎不会被浪费。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“Small fishers rarely have the right resurces t expand their peratins, r even t survive. If they d scale up, they might lse sme f their current advantages r engage in the same harmful practices as d large cmmercial fisheries.(小渔民很少有适当的资源来扩大他们的业务,甚至生存。如果它们确实扩大规模,它们可能会失去目前的一些优势,或者从事与大型商业渔业相同的有害做法)”和第四段“One estimate fund that large-scale fishers receive abut 3.5 times mre subsidies than small-scale fishers d.(一项估计发现,大型渔民获得的补贴大约是小型渔民的3.5倍)”可知,小型渔场的现状是很少有机会获得好的资源。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“One prmising strategy is t pair internatinal r natinal funding with direct cntracts fr feeding prgrammes linked t schls, hspitals and similar facilities.(一个有希望的策略是将国际或国家资助与与学校、医院和类似设施有关的供餐计划的直接合同结合起来)”可知,为了促进可持续渔业,作者建议促进小型渔业和供餐项目之间的直接合作。故选D。
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Nightly Sleep Is Key t Student Success
    Fr yung adults, cllege is a time f transitin. It may be the first time students have the freedm t determine hw t spend their time, but this freedm cmes with cmpeting interests frm academics, scial events and even sleep.
    A multi-institutinal team f researchers cnducted the first study t evaluate hw the duratin f nightly sleep early in the semester affects first year cllege students’ end-f-semester grade pint average (GPA). Using sleep trackers, they fund that students n average sleep 6.5 hurs a night, but negative utcmes built up when students received less than six hurs f sleep a night. ___67___
    David Creswell, the William S. Dietrich II Prfessr in Psychlgy and Neurscience at the Dietrich Cllege f Humanities and Scial Sciences, led a team f researchers t evaluate the relatinship between sleep and GPA.
    “Animal studies have shwn hw critical sleep is fr learning and memry,” said Creswell. “___68___ The less nightly sleep a first-year cllege student gets at the beginning f the schl term predicts lwer GPA at the end f the term. Lack f sleep may be hurting students’ ability t learn in their cllege classrms.”
    ___69___ The researchers fund that students wh receive less than six hurs f sleep experienced a prnunced decline in academic perfrmance. In additin, each hur f sleep lst crrespnded t (相对应) a 0.07 decrease in end-f-term GPA.
    “Once yu start drpping belw six hurs, yu are starting t add massive sleep debt that can harm a student’s health and study habits, damaging the whle system,” said Creswell. “___70___”
    “A ppular belief amng cllege students is valuing studying mre r partying mre ver nightly sleep,” said Creswell. “Our wrk here suggests that there are ptentially real csts t reducing yur nightly sleep n yur ability t learn and achieve in cllege. There’s real value in budgeting fr the imprtance f nightly sleep.”
    A. Here we shw hw this wrk translates t humans.
    B. Many cllege students experience irregular and insufficient sleep.
    C. The study evaluated mre than 600 first-year students acrss five studies at three universities.
    D. Mst surprising t me was that n matter what we did t make the effect g away, it persisted.
    E. The results are available in the Feb. 13 issue f the Prceedings f the Natinal Academy f Sciences.
    F. Ttal nightly sleep is a ptentially imprtant and underappreciated behavir supprting academic achievement.
    【答案】67. E 68. A 69. C 70. D
    上文“Using sleep trackers, they fund that students n average sleep 6.5 hurs a night, but negative utcmes built up when students received less than six hurs f sleep a night.(使用睡眠跟踪器,他们发现学生平均每晚睡眠6.5小时,但当学生每晚睡眠少于6小时时,负面结果就会积累起来。)”介绍了研究结果,空处也应是围绕研究结果来介绍,E项“研究结果发表在2月13日的《美国国家科学院院刊》上。”符合,故选E。
    上文““Animal studies have shwn hw critical sleep is fr learning and memry,” said Creswell.(“动物研究表明睡眠对学习和记忆是多么重要,”Creswell 说)”可知,对动物的研究表明睡眠对学习和记忆很重要,下文“The less nightly sleep a first-year cllege student gets at the beginning f the schl term predicts lwer GPA at the end f the term. Lack f sleep may be hurting students’ ability t learn in their cllege classrms.(大学一年级学生在学期开始时睡眠时间越少,学期结束时的平均绩点就越低。缺乏睡眠可能会损害学生在大学课堂上学习的能力。)”介绍了对于人而言,睡眠对学习和记忆也很重要,A项“这里我们展示这项工作如何影响人类。”符合,引起下文,故选A。
    下文“The researchers fund that students wh receive less than six hurs f sleep experienced a prnunced decline in academic perfrmance. (研究人员发现,睡眠时间少于6小时的学生,其学习成绩明显下降。)”介绍了研究发现,空处应该是介绍研究对象等,C项“这项研究对三所大学的五项研究中的600多名一年级学生进行了评估。”符合,故选C。
    上文““Once yu start drpping belw six hurs, yu are starting t add massive sleep debt that can harm a student’s health and study habits, damaging the whle system,” said Creswell. (克雷斯威尔说:“一旦你的睡眠时间降到6小时以下,你就开始增加大量的睡眠债务,这会损害学生的健康和学习习惯,破坏整个系统。”)”指出睡眠不足会损害学生的健康和学习习惯,破坏整个系统。空处也应是介绍睡眠不足的危害,D项“最令我惊讶的是,无论我们采取什么措施来消除这种影响,它仍然存在。”符合,承接上文,进一步描述睡眠不足的危害,故选D。
    IV. Summary Writing
    71. Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Call a Physical Therapist
    Yu get up frm the sfa and - w! Back pain takes yur breath away. D yu reach fr the pain pills? N! Call a physical therapist instead!
    Mre and mre, physical therapy, r PT, is a cmmn g-t fr treating aches and pains. A physical therapist can treat almst any injury t give a patient a better quality f life. When it cmes t treatment, ne size des nt fit all. A physical therapist persnalizes a treatment plan based n their bservatins and the patient’s cncerns. The gal is t help injured r ill peple imprve mvement and manage pain, s they can live life t the fullest. These therapists wrk with patients wh suffer frm back r neck injuries. They help peple recver frm brken bnes and surgeries as well as wrk- r sprts-related injuries. Physical therapists als teach peple hw t stay in shape and prevent further injuries. Their hands-n (动手) therapy includes strengthening r stretching exercises, ice r heat and mre.
    N ne can becme a physical therapist withut getting a dctr f physical therapy degree. After cmpleting it, a persn must pass a prfessinal license exam befre beginning t practice. Further, being a physical therapist can be mentally and physically draining because f the hands-n, persnalized patient care required. A successful physical therapist needs t have great cmmunicatin skills and an eye fr detail. They shuld als be creative prblem slvers as well as resurceful.
    Fr thse lking fr a satisfying career, PT is ne t cnsider. The demand fr the prfessin is grwing faster than that f many ther careers. Private clinics and hspitals hire physical therapists. Sprts facilities and prfessinal sprts teams als emply them. Therapists may wrk in skilled nursing facilities r visit patients in their wn hmes. If smene wants t see the wrld, they may want t becme a travel physical therapist.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Physical therapists ffer persnalized treatment t imprve injured peple’s quality f life. They als teach peple t keep fit and avid further injuries. T becme a physical therapist needs t meet many requirements like a dctr’s degree, a prfessinal license, gd cmmunicatin skills, sensitivity fr detail and creative prblem-slving skills. Currently, there’s a grwing demand fr physical therapists.
    ①Mre and mre, physical therapy, r PT, is a cmmn g-t fr treating aches and pains. A physical therapist can treat almst any injury t give a patient a better quality f life.
    ②Physical therapists als teach peple hw t stay in shape and prevent further injuries.
    ③N ne can becme a physical therapist withut getting a dctr f physical therapy degree. After cmpleting it, a persn must pass a prfessinal license exam befre beginning t practice. Further, being a physical therapist can be mentally and physically draining because f the hands-n, persnalized patient care required. A successful physical therapist needs t have great cmmunicatin skills and an eye fr detail. They shuld als be creative prblem slvers as well as resurceful.
    ④The demand fr the prfessin is grwing faster than that f many ther careers.
    2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3、4三个要点进行分说。
    Physical therapists ffer persnalized treatment t imprve injured peple’s quality f life.
    They als teach peple t keep fit and avid further injuries.
    T becme a physical therapist needs t meet many requirements like a dctr’s degree, a prfessinal license, gd cmmunicatin skills, sensitivity fr detail and creative prblem-slving skills.
    Currently, there’s a grwing demand fr physical therapists.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] T becme a physical therapist needs t meet many requirements like a dctr’s degree, a prfessinal license, gd cmmunicatin skills, sensitivity fr detail and creative prblem-slving skills.运用不定式作目的状语对原文第三段进行了概括。
    [高分句型2] Currently, there’s a grwing demand fr physical therapists.用there be句型对最后一段进行了概括。
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    72. 这个保安负责又睿智,让公司避免了损失。(save) (汉译英)
    【答案】The security guard is respnsible and wise, and saved the cmpany frm lss.
    【详解】考查固定短语。主语为the security guard;表示“负责又睿智”应用be respnsible and wise,句子陈述目前事实,应用一般现在时;and连接并列句,“让公司避免了损失”翻译为save the cmpany frm lss,陈述的动作已发生,应用一般过去时。故翻译为The security guard is respnsible and wise, and saved the cmpany frm lss.
    73. 他每月从生活费中留出一笔钱,以防患于未然。(case) (汉译英)
    【答案】He set aside a sum f mney frm his living expenses each mnth in case f emergency.
    【详解】考查时态。句子描述过去的一般情况,应用一般过去时,主语“他”he,“留出”set aside,谓语动词使用过去式形式,后接宾语“一笔钱”a sum f mney,“从生活费中”frm his living expenses,“每月”each mnth,“以防”使用介词短语in case f,f后接宾语emergency,表示“以防患于未然”。故翻译为He set aside a sum f mney frm his living expenses each mnth in case f emergency。
    74. 为了吸引听众的注意,这个心理专家在开始讲座前,分享了他自己悲伤却励志的成长故事。(draw) (汉译英)
    【答案】T draw the audience’s attentin, the psychlgist shared his sad but inspiring stry f grwing up befre starting the lecture.
    【详解】考查不定式短语、时态和动名词。分析句子可知,“为了吸引听众的注意”在句中作目的状语,译为不定式短语t draw the audience’s attentin,主语“这个心理专家”用the psychlgist,谓语“分享”用动词share,讲述过去的事情,用一般过去时态,动词用过去式shared,宾语“他自己悲伤却励志的成长故事”用his sad but inspiring stry f grwing up,其中形容词sad和inspiring作定语,时间状语“在开始讲座前”用介词短语befre starting the lecture,其中动名词作宾语。综上,全句译为:T draw the audience’s attentin, the psychlgist shared his sad but inspiring stry f grwing up befre starting the lecture.
    75. 这个导览机器人在很多方面有了改进,不仅可以为参观者提供需要的信息,甚至还能带他们去目的地。(which) (汉译英)
    【答案】This guiding rbt, which has imprved in many aspects, can nt nly prvide visitrs with the infrmatin they need, but als even take them t their destinatin.
    【详解】考查连词、定语从句和时态。分析句子可知,“这个导览机器人不仅可以为参观者提供需要的信息,甚至还能带他们去目的地。”是主句,其中主语“这个导览机器人”用this guiding rbt,“为……提供……”和“带……去……”是并列谓语动词,放在情态动词“可以”即can后分别用动词短语和表示,两个谓语部分用复合连词nt als...连接,意为“不仅……还……”,宾语“参观者”用visitrs,“需要的信息”用the infrmatin they need,其中they need是定语从句,宾语“他们”用宾格代词them,“目的地”用their destinatin;“在很多方面有了改进”可处理为限制性定语从句,修饰主句主语this guiding rbt,指物,关系代词which将其代入从句作主语,谓语“改进”用动词imprve,陈述过去的事情对现在的影响用现在完成时态has imprved,状语“在很多方面”用介词短语in many aspects。综上,全句译为:This guiding rbt, which has imprved in many aspects, can nt nly prvide visitrs with the infrmatin they need, but als even take them t their destinatin.
    VI. Guided Writing
    76. Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120—150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    1. 有关组织大课间活动的建议;
    2. 你的理由。
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Dear Mr. Wang,
    I am Xu Jing, a senir student. I am writing t share sme suggestins regarding hw t rganize ur daily 30-minute mid-mrning break activities.
    I suggest incrprating a variety f activities during the break time. This culd include physical activities like sprts, dance r yga sessins, as well as creative activities such as art wrkshps r music clubs. Prviding diverse ptins wuld cater t different interests and allw students t chse activities that they enjy and find beneficial. In additin, it wuld be great t invlve student clubs and rganizatins in rganizing these activities. This nt nly ffers pprtunities fr student leadership and teamwrk, but it als ensures a wider range f ptins and prmtes a sense f belnging amng students.
    I believe implementing these suggestins wuld make ur mid-mrning break mre enjyable and prductive. Thank yu fr taking the time t cnsider my suggestins.
    Xu Jing
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    关于:regarding→cncerning/with regard t
    各种各样的:a variety f→varius/a wide range f
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:I suggest incrprating a variety f activities during the break time.
    拓展句:It is suggested that a variety f activities during the break time shuld be incrprated.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Prviding diverse ptins wuld cater t different interests and allw students t chse activities that they enjy and find beneficial. (运用了动名词短语作主语、that引导限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] I believe implementing these suggestins wuld make ur mid-mrning break mre enjyable and prductive. (运用了that引导宾语从句并被省略、动名词短语作从句的主语)A. advantage B. anticipating C. digitally D. facilitating E. gemetry F. giant
    G. initiated H. painstakingly I. ptentially J. repened K. sught
    Help us slve ur wrld’s mst pressing challenges
    With yur supprt, we’re driving new knwledge, wrking t reduce ur human ftprint n the planet, and inspiring a new generatin f changemakers t value the natural wrld and help create a brighter future.
    100% f all dnatins g directly t ur Explrers and prgrams.
    We’ve built a sustainable, innvative business mdel that allws us t invest every dllar yu dnate directly t ur Explrers and prgrams.
    When yu supprt the Natinal Gegraphic Sciety, nt nly are yu supprting yur passin fr the planet, but yu als help prtect its wnder. Yu ensure ur missin lives n s we can cntinue explring the planet, saving wildlife, prtecting ur cean, empwering the wrld’s mst innvative scientists t help slve the planet’s mysteries and challenges, and preserving ur ancient heritage (遗产) fr future generatins.
    Yur generus cntributin will immediately g t wrk supprting the things yu care passinately abut — nt perating csts.
    Tax-free gifts
    Natinal Gegraphic Sciety is a tax-free rganizatin, and we rely n the genersity f dnrs like yu t supprt ur Explrers’ wrk in science, explratin, educatin, and strytelling.
    Single and mnthly dnatins
    Make a gift tday t help explre and prtect ur planet. By giving mnthly, yur reliable supprt allws us t respnd t the mst pressing prgrammatic needs.
    Emplyer Matching Gifts
    Many cmpanies have a matching gift prgram fr emplyees. Yu give an amunt and yur cmpany dnates the same. Duble yur impact by explring yur emplyer’s matching gift prgrams.
    Hnr/Memrial Giving
    Hnr a friend r lved ne’s passin fr science, explratin, educatin, and strytelling by making an unusual gift in their name.
    A. advantage B. anticipating C. digitally D. facilitating E. gemetry F. giant
    G. initiated H. painstakingly I. ptentially J. repened K. sught
    Help us slve ur wrld’s mst pressing challenges
    With yur supprt, we’re driving new knwledge, wrking t reduce ur human ftprint n the planet, and inspiring a new generatin f changemakers t value the natural wrld and help create a brighter future.
    100% f all dnatins g directly t ur Explrers and prgrams.
    We’ve built a sustainable, innvative business mdel that allws us t invest every dllar yu dnate directly t ur Explrers and prgrams.
    When yu supprt the Natinal Gegraphic Sciety, nt nly are yu supprting yur passin fr the planet, but yu als help prtect its wnder. Yu ensure ur missin lives n s we can cntinue explring the planet, saving wildlife, prtecting ur cean, empwering the wrld’s mst innvative scientists t help slve the planet’s mysteries and challenges, and preserving ur ancient heritage (遗产) fr future generatins.
    Yur generus cntributin will immediately g t wrk supprting the things yu care passinately abut — nt perating csts.
    Tax-free gifts
    Natinal Gegraphic Sciety is a tax-free rganizatin, and we rely n the genersity f dnrs like yu t supprt ur Explrers’ wrk in science, explratin, educatin, and strytelling.
    Single and mnthly dnatins
    Make a gift tday t help explre and prtect ur planet. By giving mnthly, yur reliable supprt allws us t respnd t the mst pressing prgrammatic needs.
    Emplyer Matching Gifts
    Many cmpanies have a matching gift prgram fr emplyees. Yu give an amunt and yur cmpany dnates the same. Duble yur impact by explring yur emplyer’s matching gift prgrams.
    Hnr/Memrial Giving
    Hnr a friend r lved ne’s passin fr science, explratin, educatin, and strytelling by making an unusual gift in their name.

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