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    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1. A. At the travel agency.B. At the shpping mall.
    C At the museum.D. At the lecture hall.
    2. A. Its plug is missing.B. It has gt ut f paper.
    C. It isn’t cnnected t the pwer.D. It is nt put in the right psitin.
    3. A. Bss and emplyee.B. Clleagues.
    C. Pliceman and prisner.D. Classmates.
    4. A. She failed the driving test in the past.
    B. She can’t believe the man failed.
    C. The mtn shuld have practiced mre.
    D. The man shuld frget abut the test.
    5. A. He thinks highly f it.B. He desn’t like it.
    C. It last, t lng.D. Its cntent is nt gd.
    6. A. Eight weeks is nt a prblem fr him.
    B. All the specialists are fully bked.
    C. The gd specialist is wrth the wait.
    D. His back prblem is nt very serius.
    7. A. The library wn’t be pen as previusly scheduled.
    B. The library is believed t be beynd repair.
    C. The repair wrk didn’t start frm the 25th f May.
    D. The repair wrk shuld have been planned earlier.
    8. A. The wman shuld stick with her current jb.
    B. The wman shuld take the new jb ffer.
    C. The wman shuld be prepared t wrk extra hurs.
    D. The wman shuld stp cmplaining abut her jb.
    9. A. The man is determined t have a break this weekend.
    B The man is hesitant ver whether t have a break r nt.
    C. Bth f them are under pressure and deserve a break.
    D. Neither f them will enjy a stress-free weekend.
    10. A. He tends t understate the difficulty.
    B. He likes t make empty prmises.
    C. He is passinate abut extreme sprts.
    D. He hates t stretch the truth.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the passages and the cnversatin. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    A. Try nt t think f a plar bear.B. Try t pse as a plar bear.
    C. Stp thinking abut their feet.D. Observe themselves fr a few minutes.
    A. Thse wh were infrmed f the purpse f the experiment.
    B. Thse wh were tld t think f white bears n purpse.
    C. Thse wh were shwn pictures f white bears at intervals.
    D. Thse wh were asked nt t think f a white bear frm the beginning.
    A. There will be greater chance f us cntrlling the thughts.
    B. Old dubts will be mre likely t cme t the surface.
    C. we will be able t get rid f negative thughts.
    D. We will be bthered mre likely by the thughts.
    A. By using a special type f liquid.
    B. By absrbing the heat frm the ceiling.
    C. By fixing a device n the inside cating.
    D. By remving pressure frm the pipes.
    A. It has successfully achieved zer-carbn emissin.
    B. Renewable energy is used there t pwer lights and heating.
    C. It is able t supply all the heating in the area f Glasgw.
    D. It attracts prfessinal dancers t have a great time there.
    A. A new machine t transfrm heat energy.
    B. A revlutinary battery that stres heat.
    C. An innvative prject called Bdyheat.
    D. A glbal discussin n fighting climate change.
    A. A phne with an up-t-date perating system.
    B. A new mdel with a different size and clr.
    C. A mdel that has the lngest-lasting battery.
    D. A phne with an autmatic filming functin.
    A. It may nt be as efficient as the ld ne.
    B. It takes much time t get used t a new phne.
    C. She can’t affrd t buy a new phne.
    D. She desn’t like the new applicatins.
    A. Their phnes are regularly updated.
    B. They are bth interested in digital technlgy.
    C. They bth had data stlen frm the phnes.
    D. Their ld phnes were bught abut 2 years ag.
    A. Imprving prductivity at wrk.B. Enlarging the phne strage.
    C. Buying a new smartphne.D. Increasing phne security.
    II. Grammar and vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    It’s OK Nt t Be OK
    Every nw and then, yu are prbably tld nt t give up when things get difficult. But at what pint can we feel that it’s OK t give up? Smetimes, giving up can be a thughtful and brave decisin. If yu feel like yu have the weight f the wrld n yur shulders and it is hlding ___21___ dwn, find a way t take a break.___22___ (remember) that yu can always give up when yu hit yur limit and start ver when yu feel ready again.
    Simne Biles, with a ___23___ (cmbine) ttal f 32 Olympic and Wrld Champinship medals, gt a case f the “twisties” at the Olympics in Tky last year. This means that when ding flips (空翻) r twists, the wrld’s greatest gymnast had a hard time figuring ut ___24___ the grund was. S, she tld the wrld she wasn’t ging t cmpete ___25___ she knew her limits. If she had pushed herself at all csts, she might have ended up with a lifelng injury. Instead, she knew when ___26___ (tell) peple she wasn’t OK.
    As a fur-time Grand Slam winner at the age f 23, the Japanese tennis player Nami Osaka ___27___ (drp) ut f the 2021 French Open. She annunced that she needed a break ___28___ the sptlight t wrk n her mental health. In a TIME magazine interview befre the Olympics, she said, “I d hpe that peple ___29___ relate and understand it’s OK t nt be OK, and it’s OK t talk abut it. There are peple ____30____ experiences are inspiring, and there is usually light at the end f any tunnel.”
    Sectin B
    Directins: Fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    The Lipstick Effect
    In 2020, the wrld was plunged int an ecnmic dwnturn as the COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread clsures t businesses. Under these circumstances, millins f peple ___31___ fund themselves facing financial insecurity. During such times f ecnmic hardship, ne may naturally expect that cnsumer markets will see a decline in expenditure, as peple everywhere feel ___32___ t making nly “essential” purchases. Hwever, a curius phenmenn knwn as the “lipstick effect” can ften be bserved.
    The lipstick effect refers t the phenmenn f cnsumers spending n small luxury gds even when an ecnmic depressin ccurs. This phenmenn was ___33___ the “lipstick effect” in 2001 by Lenard Lauder, chairman f luxury csmetic cmpany Estée Lauder. He had nt nly witnessed the phenmenn at wrk but als realized that it was especially ___34___ in the case f lipstick and ther csmetic prducts.
    S, hw exactly d cnsumers wh are shrt f cash ___35___ making such purchases? First and perhaps mst ___36___, cnsumers may simply wish t give themselves treats nw and again t prvide distractins frm their financial insecurity. Anther ___37___ has t d with labur markets. Specifically, during the ecnmic depressin, jb seeking tends t becme mre cmpetitive. Thus, peple ___38___ emplyment may perceive a need t spend mney n certain prducts t imprve their physical appearance. By using prducts such as lipstick, they may feel mre cnfident during jb interviews.
    Whatever the causes f the lipstick effect, this phenmenn is n shrt-lived ___39___. During the glbal depressin f 2007-2009, sales f csmetic in the United States increased by arund 5%. Based n such data, it seems that even in the current insecure ecnmic ___40___, the luxury csmetics industry is ne that will be sticking arund.
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    The human memry is phenmenally strng. It als has a habit f getting things badly wrng. Accrding t Jnathan Hancck, ur memry expert, faulty memries can be ___41___ revealing.
    Just last week,___42___, my wife and I were discussing hw we’d chsen ur yungest sn’s name. I had a ___43___ memry f us writing ut a list f pssible names, but stpping after just a few because we’d sptted ne we bth lved.
    My wife ___44___. In her memry we’d had a much lnger list, and gne back and chsen ne frm the middle f the list.
    S we dug ut the piece f paper we’d used-and fund that we’d actually dne smething cmpletely ___45___ t chse Nate’s name.
    Memry mistakes happen n a larger scale, t. The “Mandela Effect” is when lts f peple have cnfident recllectins that turn ut t be ___46___. It was named by researchers wh were discussing their strng memries f Nelsn Mandela’s death in prisn-when he actually lived fr 23 years after his ___47___.
    There are plenty f ther examples f this phenmenn. If yu’re sure that yu remember seeing the Mnply Man wearing a spyglass, fr instance, r hearing a wicked queen say “Mirrr, mirrr n the wall,” yu’ve ___48___ it yurself (he desn’t, and she says, “Magic mirrr n the wall”___49___).
    S what’s ging n? Well, fr starters, memry ften wrks by ___50___, and similar bits f infrmatin can verlap in ur brains. We’re als gd at “filling in the blanks” with details that are lgical but untrue. What’s mre, whenever we run thrugh a memry, we make it strnger—___51___ any bits that were wrng.
    But there’s plenty f gd news here, t.
    Everyne misremembers. We shuldn’t be t hard n urselves when we make mistakes. The mental assciatins that smetimes lead t ___52___ can als help us t find infrmatin therwise difficult t lcate.
    If yu’re ___53___ with smene’s name, try thinking f things yu assciate with them, and see if yur brain gets the push it needs.
    Discussing yur memries is great mental exercise. It highlights strengths and weaknesses, and lets yu learn tips frm thers.
    ___54___ memries ften builds a much mre accurate picture. That was certainly true fr my wife and me.
    Make sure t remember that remembering is a creative ___55___: mind-blwingly pwerful, and als likely t make mistakes.
    41. A. subsequentlyB. extremelyC. rarelyD. instantly
    42. A. n the cntraryB. fr exampleC. in additinD. by the way
    43. A. faintB. smartC. painfulD. vivid
    44. A. inferredB. hesitatedC. cnfirmedD. disagreed
    45. A. differentB. subjectiveC. primitiveD. cntradictry
    46. A. wrngB. cnsistentC. substantialD. right
    47. A. rejectinB. releaseC. imprisnmentD. mvement
    48. A. experiencedB. witnessedC. anticipatedD. spread
    49. A. thughB. finallyC. insteadD. therwise
    50. A. cnservatinB. separatinC. facilitatinD. assciatin
    51. A. excludingB. regardingC. includingD. cnsidering
    52. A. errrsB. trialsC. factsD. data
    53. A. cmpetingB. strugglingC. crrespndingD. exchanging
    54. A. AttainingB. BstingC. PerceivingD. Cmparing
    55. A. cmpnentB. phaseC. utcmeD. prcess
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    A rare 765-year-ld gld cin fund n farm land in Devn in suth-west England is expected t sell fr up t half a millin punds at auctin. It is believed that the cin was made mre than 750 years ag, during the rule f the English King Henry III. It is ne f nly eight knwn t exist.
    Featuring a picture f King Henry III n ne side and a crss and rses n the ther, the cin is arund 2.5 centimetres acrss. It was made with gld that came frm nrth Africa. It was fund in September last year by a detectrist (smene wh lks fr items buried undergrund using a metal detectr) in Hemyck village. The detectrist had n idea hw rare the cin was until he psted a pht f it n scial media, where it was sptted by a histry expert.
    The finder, wh desn’t want t be named, was tld t take the cin t the British Museum, where it was cnfirmed that the cin was very rare. Accrding t the law, the finder is allwed t keep it because it’s a single cin and nt part f a bigger haul but he has decided t sell it. He tld the BBC, “The cin was fund in an unappealing field and culd quite easily have never been recvered. Nw it is prtected fr future generatins t enjy.”
    The cin is especially valuable because it was ne f England’s first gld cins. The cuntry’s cins were made f silver until King Henry III, wh ruled frm 1216 until his death in 1272, intrduced gld nes with his picture n them.
    Prfessr David Carpenter at King’s Cllege Lndn, has traced the cin back t a man called Jhn de Hidn, wh was the lrd f Hemyck Manr. Carpenter thinks the cin may have fallen ut f smene’s pcket—either de Hidn himself r ne f his staff.
    56. The crrect rder f the events that happened is .
    ①The value f the cin was cnfirmed.
    ②A cin was unearthed in the field.
    ③The cin was n display at the British Museum.
    ④The cin was intended fr sale.
    ⑤The cin caught the attentin f a histry expert.
    A. ①③②④B. ②⑤①④
    C. ②①⑤④③D. ④②①③⑤
    57. Which f the fllwing aspects is mentined abut the cin?
    A. Its exhibitin.B. Its significance.
    C. Its preservatin.D. Its distributin.
    58. The underlined wrd “haul” in the third paragraph prbably means .
    A. stlen r illegal thingsB. imprted gds
    C. patented cultural itemsD. hidden mineral resurces
    59. Which f the fllwing may be the best title fr the news stry?
    A. Hw t Discver Hidden TreasureB. A Cin Sld fr Millins
    C. Histry Miraculusly Repeats ItselfD. Treasure Hunter Strikes Gld
    60. What can be learned abut the Medical Research Fundatin?
    A. It is a UK-based medical center fr rare diseases.
    B. It is breaking grund in tackling antimicrbial resistance.
    C. It is famus fr training next generatins f scientists.
    D. It is a sectin f the Medical Research Cuncil.
    61. If Jenny wuld like t be kept infrmed f the wrk f the Medical Research Fundatin via email, she shuld .
    A. fill in the frm at the bttmB. scan the QR cde n the right
    C. click the prvided website linkD. send an email t the fundatin
    62. The whle page is devted t .
    A. advcating ne charitable agencyB. intrducing sme brilliant scientists
    C. launching an appeal fr dnatinsD. raising awareness f glbal health challenges
    Children ften learn new languages mre easily than adults d, but it’s unclear why. Sme therize that grasping a language requires absrbing subtle patterns uncnsciusly and that adults’ superir cnscius reasning is t blame. New research suggests that, indeed, grwn-ups might just be t smart fr their wn gd.
    Fr a recent study in the Jurnal f Experimental Psychlgy: General, a grup f Belgian adults at the same time read and heard strings f fur made-up wrds (such as “kieng nief siet hiem”).
    Specific cnsnants (辅音) always appeared at the beginning r end f a wrd if the wrd cntained a certain vwel (元音). Participants next read the sequences alud quickly. Their ability t avid mistakes ding s indicated hw well they absrbed the cnsnant-vwel patterns.
    But befre expsure t the new wrds, the participants had carried ut a separate test: pressing keys t react t letters and numbers. Sme gt a much faster, mre mentally draining versin f this test.
    Thse wh did the difficult versin claimed greater mental exhaustin afterward-but perfrmed better n the fllwing language task. The researchers assume that tired learners used less cnscius analysis n the wrd rules: they were free t learn like a child.
    Fr a related paper in the Prceedings f the Natinal Academy f Sciences USA, the research team had English-speaking adults listen t streams f syllables (音节) secretly gruped int three-syllable “wrds.” Later, they played pairs f three-syllable units; ne wrd in the pair came frm the stream, and ne was a new cmbinatin. The participants guessed which wrd was familiar, then rated their cnfidence.
    In ne participant grup, sme had first dne the riginal mentally draining test. In anther, sme had received magnetic pulses t interrupt activity in a brain area that previus research has linked t executive cntrl. In bth grups, these measures imprved participants’ perfrmance n the syllable task when they were unsure abut their answers, indicating uncnscius analysis f speech. Neurscientist Michael Ullman, wh was nt invlved in either paper, likes that bth the studies added t mental burden differently and measured different skills. That’s really gd in science because yu’ve gt evidences pinting t the same directin,” he says, adding that he wuld like t see higher language skills such as grammar studied this way.
    63. The reasn why sme Belgians were given a mre difficult test befre the language task was that .
    A. they wuld have n time t prepare fr the upcming task
    B. they wuld be t tired mentally t cnsciusly analyze the rules
    C. they culd have smething t refer t in the fllwing task
    D. they might cmpare the difficulty level f the tw tasks
    64. Hw did the participants wh had received magnetic pulses d in the syllable task, cmpared with thse wh hadn’t?
    A. They relied mre upn cnscius analysis.
    B. They identified mre familiar cmbinatins.
    C. They perfrmed the task less cnfidently.
    D. They were less able t cntrl emtins.
    65. What can be inferred frm Michael Ullman’s remark?
    A. The research result is nt slid until grammar is included.
    B. Subcnscius mind remains t be explred in science.
    C. The utcmes f the tw researches back each ther up
    D. Mre evidence is needed t back the claim f the tw papers.
    66. Which f the fllwing cnclusins will the research team agree with?
    A. Human brain prcesses languages in multiple ways.
    B. Cnscius analysis is the key t mastering a language.
    C. Increasing mental health imprves ne’s language.
    D. Reducing reasning may help t learn a language.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Tuching Emji(表情符号)
    Distancing amid the COVID-19 pandemic has made bth physical and scial cnnectins a tuch mre difficult t maintain. Fr Stanfrd University graduate student Millie Salvat, being apart frm her mther n the ppsite cast has prved challenging.
    ____67____ In a new study, she and her clleagues demnstrated a wearable sleeve that can simulate (模拟) human tuch and cnvey abstract scial messages sent electrnically. Salvat and her team measured hw 37 participants expressed scial infrmatin in different situatins. In each test, ne persn wre a pressure-sensing device n an arm, and anther tuched it t respnd t situatins invlving six intended meanings: attentin seeking, gratitude, happiness, calming, lve and sadness
    After cllecting 661 tuch mvements-squeezes, strkes, shakes, pkes, and the like-Salvat and her clleagues mapped the lcatin and pressure f each. ____68____ Finally, they prgrammed a wearable sleeve t simulate these mvements using eight embedded disks that shake when electrnically signaled.
    “It desn’t feel like an actual human hand ... but it desn’t feel like these separate mtins either,” Salvat says, as ne might expect frm large mving disks. “It feels nice, hnestly.” ____69____ Fr cmparisn, a previus study frm Gerling’s labratry fund participants culd match situatins fr tuches frm real human hands 57 percent f the time.
    In the new study, “I think it’s interesting that participants can reliably understand what tuch has been delivered t them at a pretty high rate, given the scarce amunt f infrmatin that they have available t them,” Gerling says.
    Previus research has fund that scial tuch is imprtant fr physical and mental health. ____70____
    A. One can’t help but wnder when new tech will cnvey emtin thrugh a virtual tuch.
    B. Even with n training, 30 new study participants crrectly matched the simulated tuches t the six situatins 45 percent f the time.
    C. Smetimes a text r vide call is nt enugh and peple in Salvat’s situatin ften lng fr a way t send a lving tuch r cmfrting squeeze frm afar.
    D. In the future, instead f just sending a <3 t a lved ne by phne r cmputer, adding a “tuch emji” might help us feel just a little bit clser.
    E. Next, they used a machine-learning sftware t select the mvements that were mst reliably part f each respnse.
    F. “It’s a unique wrk that lks at hw ur scial tuch is delivered and then... hw t reprduce it,” says Gerling, a tuch researcher nt invlved in the study.
    IV. Summary Writing
    71. Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Shuld Hand Feeding Dlphins Be Encuraged?
    Sme turist centers train Ind-Pacific bttlense dlphins t apprach beachside public sighting areas r bats by hand-feeding them small amunts f fish every day. Because hand-fed males aggressively attack each ther ver the fd, putting themselves and nearby humans in danger, turist centers fcus their hand feeding nly n female dlphins, says Valerie Senigaglia at Murdch University in Perth, Australia
    But recent studies have shwn that nly 38% f the calves (崽) f hand-fed wild dlphins survive t three years f age, which is much lwer than the average 77% survival rate fr wild calves in general. T better understand why, Senigaglia and her clleagues evaluated the scial behavir f dlphins arund the Bunbury cast in Western Australia. In particular, they bserved the individual behavir and mvement f 35 dlphins, including 13 that had been hand-fed using a small bat. They regularly fllwed each dlphin fr perids lasting frm 20 minutes t 3 hurs fr tw years in a rw fr a ttal f 180 hurs.
    They fund that hand-fed dlphins swam in relatively large grups, but mre readily brke away frm them t jin different nes. In general, they created weak ties with ther grup members. “Yu can feel lnely in a rm full f peple and it’s the same thing fr dlphins,” says Senigaglia. Free-swimming dlphins that are fed by hand becme less scially invlved with their peers. As a result, their calves may grw up lacking vital scial skills-which culd explain, at least in part, why they are twice as likely t die befre reaching adulthd as wild calves generally.
    N wnder animal right activists are calling n the practice f hand-feeding dlphins t be stpped.
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    72. 项目化学习旨在培养学生解决实际问题的能力。(mean) (汉译英)
    73. 有被讨厌的勇气是活得淋漓尽致的第一步。(curage) (汉译英)
    74. 惊叹于中国工人把集装箱变成酒店房间的速度,锦标赛组织者称他们为魔术师。(s...) (汉译英)
    75. 在古代,二十四节气(the 24 slar terms)指导农民预测冷暖,春种秋收,如今其魅力依然如故。( ) (汉译英)
    VI. Guided Writing
    76. Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    假设你是明启中学学生李华,你校英语广播站计划在每周五中午开设名为“Talk and Talk”的栏目,目前正在招募主持人。请给广播站负责人 Mr. Li写一封信,应聘这一岗位。信中需包含以下内容:
    I. Listening Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    1. A. At the travel agency.B. At the shpping mall.
    C. At the museum.D. At the lecture hall.
    【原文】W: Oh, lk at this. It’s a brchure fr virtual turs f the museum.
    M: That’s s cl! We can take a virtual tur f the mdern artwrk exhibitin that we skipped this mrning.
    Q: Where were the tw speakers this mrning?
    2. A. Its plug is missing.B. It has gt ut f paper.
    C. It isn’t cnnected t the pwer.D. It is nt put in the right psitin.
    【原文】W: Can yu help me please? I can’t get this printer t wrk. I tried filling it with paper but still nthing.
    M: Well, I can see the prblem frm here. It’s nt plugged in.
    Q: Why desn’t the printer wrk prperly?
    3. A. Bss and emplyee.B. Clleagues.
    C. Pliceman and prisner.D. Classmates.
    【原文】W: Why isn’t Ben here in the ffice?
    M: Ben made a narrw escape and left wrk just befre the bss culd give him mre assignments t d.
    Q: What is the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    4. A. She failed the driving test in the past.
    B. She can’t believe the man failed.
    C. The mtn shuld have practiced mre.
    D. The man shuld frget abut the test.
    【原文】M: I still can’t believe that I failed my driving test after days f practice
    W: The past is in the past Just let it g
    Q: What des the wman mean?
    5. A. He thinks highly f it.B. He desn’t like it.
    C. It last, t lng.D. Its cntent is nt gd.
    【原文】W: S yu’ve seen the shw. Nw I’d like t hear yur pinins.
    M: Well, I am afraid the shw is nt gd enugh. The presenter cmes acrss as a bit srt f big-headed and full f himself.
    Q: What des the man think f the shw?
    6. A. Eight weeks is nt a prblem fr him.
    B. All the specialists are fully bked.
    C. The gd specialist is wrth the wait.
    D. His back prblem is nt very serius.
    【原文】W: Since this specialist desn’t have any penings fr eight weeks, why nt see anther specialist fr yur back prblem?
    M: But she is the best in the business.
    Q: What des the man mean?
    7. A. The library wn’t be pen as previusly scheduled.
    B. The library is believed t be beynd repair.
    C. The repair wrk didn’t start frm the 25th f May.
    D. The repair wrk shuld have been planned earlier.
    【原文】W: It’s 9 ’clck. Hw cme the library is nt pen?
    M: It’s clsed fr repairs frm the 25h f April until the I f July. But I heard the repair wrk wasn’t ging n very smthly
    Q: What can be inferred frm the cnversatin?
    8. A. The wman shuld stick with her current jb.
    B. The wman shuld take the new jb ffer.
    C. The wman shuld be prepared t wrk extra hurs.
    D. The wman shuld stp cmplaining abut her jb.
    【原文】W: S yu think I shuld take this new jb?
    M: I’ve been listening t yu cmplain fr ver a year nw. They pay yu late. They frce yu t wrk extra hurs. What d yu have t lse?
    Q: What des the man mean?
    9. A. The man is determined t have a break this weekend.
    B. The man is hesitant ver whether t have a break r nt.
    C. Bth f them are under pressure and deserve a break.
    D. Neither f them will enjy a stress-free weekend.
    【原文】W: It’s Sunday. Give yurself a break.
    M: I knw. I feel like I shuld enjy the weekend, but nt ding anything makes me even mre stressed ut.
    Q: What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    10. A. He tends t understate the difficulty.
    B. He likes t make empty prmises.
    C. He is passinate abut extreme sprts.
    D. He hates t stretch the truth.
    【原文】M: Hey, I just signed up fr an activity D yu wanna jin me? I prmise it’s nthing t difficult.
    W: I highly dubt it Last time yu said the same thing, and it turned ut t be a marathn.
    Q: What des the wman imply abut the man?
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the passages and the cnversatin. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    A. Try nt t think f a plar bear.B. Try t pse as a plar bear.
    C. Stp thinking abut their feet.D. Observe themselves fr a few minutes.
    A. Thse wh were infrmed f the purpse f the experiment.
    B. Thse wh were tld t think f white bears n purpse.
    C. Thse wh were shwn pictures f white bears at intervals.
    D. Thse wh were asked nt t think f a white bear frm the beginning.
    A. There will be greater chance f us cntrlling the thughts.
    B. Old dubts will be mre likely t cme t the surface.
    C. we will be able t get rid f negative thughts.
    D. We will be bthered mre likely by the thughts.
    【答案】11. A 12. D 13. D
    【原文】Try nt t think abut yur feet Nw bserve yurself ver the next few minutes as yu are unable t stp thinking abut them. This phenmenn, knwn as the “white bear prblem,” was first suggested back in 1863 by Russian nvelist, Fydr Dstevsky. In his essay, he challenged readers, “Try t pse yurself this task nt t think f a plar bear, and yu will see that the annying thing will cme t mind every minute.”
    Over a century and a half later, Harvard psychlgist Daniel Wegner came acrss Dstevsky’s passage, and was inspired t investigate the matter further. Wegner designed an experiment invlving different grups f subjects wh were asked t think f r nt t think f a white bear. When the first grup f peple were asked nt t think f a white bear, they ended up thinking f it mre than nce per minute n average. Next, the same grup was asked t d the same exercise, but this time t think f white bears frm the very beginning. It turned ut that the participants in the first grup thught f the bear far mre ften than the ther grups wh had been instructed t think f white bears n purpse. Wegner cined the term “irnic rebund” t describe the prcess whereby deliberate attempts t cntrl thughts make them mre likely t cme t the surface.
    1. What did the Russian nvelist ask the readers t d in his essay back in 1863?
    2. Wh thught f the white bear the mst amng different grups f subjects?
    3. Accrding t Wegner, what will happen if we attempt hard t cntrl certain thughts?
    A. By using a special type f liquid.
    B. By absrbing the heat frm the ceiling.
    C. By fixing a device n the inside cating.
    D. By remving pressure frm the pipes.
    A. It has successfully achieved zer-carbn emissin.
    B. Renewable energy is used there t pwer lights and heating.
    C. It is able t supply all the heating in the area f Glasgw.
    D. It attracts prfessinal dancers t have a great time there.
    A. A new machine t transfrm heat energy.
    B. A revlutinary battery that stres heat.
    C. An innvative prject called Bdyheat.
    D. A glbal discussin n fighting climate change.
    【答案】14. A 15. B 16. C
    【原文】An arts venue called SWG3 in Glasgw, Sctland has launched a system that uses the heat prduced by dancing as a surce f energy. The mre energetically peple dance, the mre heat they create. Devices n the ceiling absrb heat frm inside the club and transprt it thrugh pipes using a special type f liquid called a carrier fluid. The heat energy travels int 12 hles drilled int the grund t be stred 200 metres belw. The heat energy can be stred in the rcks like a thermal battery that stres energy as heat until it is needed. Anther system then mves the heat t areas that need warming.
    The prject, which is called Bdyheat, was fficially launched n 6 Octber, and it was tested during the climate cnference in Glasgw in Nvember 2021.At the event, wrld leaders discussed hw t tackle climate change. The system stred the heat frm visitrs and used it t pwer lights and heating. Nw, the wners f SWG3 say they’ll be able t switch ff their gas bilers and use Bdyheat t supply all their heating. This wuld add up t big savings in the amunt f carbn dixide they prduce. The hpe is that by 2025, SWG3 will nt be releasing any carbn dixide int the atmsphere.
    Dr Jn Gluyas, frm Durham University praised the Bdyheat prject as a “really gd mve” He said it culd help with the energy crisis in the UK by prducing mre energy here instead f having t rely n buying energy frm ther cuntries. Besides, peple are really making Glasgw greener-while having a great time.
    14. Hw is the heat transprted thrugh pipes t the rcks 200 meters belw?
    15. Which f the fllwing is TRUE abut SWG3 in Glasgw, Sctland?
    16. What des the speaker mainly talk abut?
    A. A phne with an up-t-date perating system.
    B. A new mdel with a different size and clr.
    C. A mdel that has the lngest-lasting battery.
    D. A phne with an autmatic filming functin.
    A. It may nt be as efficient as the ld ne.
    B. It takes much time t get used t a new phne.
    C. She can’t affrd t buy a new phne.
    D. She desn’t like the new applicatins.
    A. Their phnes are regularly updated.
    B. They are bth interested in digital technlgy.
    C. They bth had data stlen frm the phnes.
    D. Their ld phnes were bught abut 2 years ag.
    A. Imprving prductivity at wrk.B. Enlarging the phne strage.
    C. Buying a new smartphne.D. Increasing phne security.
    【答案】17. A 18. B 19. D 20. C
    【原文】M: This article says that the average time fr replacing a smartphne is abut tw years.
    W: And yu’re telling me this because…?
    M: Well, I’ve had mine abut that lng. S I’m thinking it is abut time t get a new phne.
    W: Why? Is smething wrng with it? We gt urs at the same time, remember? I dn’t feel the need t get a new ne yet.
    M: I think I’d be mre prductive fr wrk if I updated my phne.
    W: Really? Hw s?
    M: It wuld make cmmunicatin easier, and a new phne wuld be faster.
    W: I knw yu are using yur phne fr wrk mre. But are yu sure yu need a new ne? D the new nes really functin better? Often a new mdel just means a new size clr r sme ther small features.
    M: I need a phne with an up-t-date perating system s that my prductivity rate stays high. The new phne I’m lking at buying has very helpful new applicatins, t.
    W: Well, I guess ... if yu need it fr wrk.
    M: What abut yu? Yurs can’t be as efficient as it used t be.
    W: What are yu talking abut?
    M Well, isn’t yur battery dying faster than befre? Aren’t yu running ut f strage?
    W: Well, my phne des die faster than it used t. But there is s much t learn when yu get a new phne. It tk me a lng time t get used t the ne I have nw.
    M: Yu still shuld think abut it.
    W: I dn’t use mine fr wrk. I use it mainly t text r call peple and take phts and play sme games.
    M: Yu als search nline fr things, dn’t yu?
    W: Well, yes. But new smartphnes are expensive.
    M: Let’s lk at it this way: a new smartphne ffers better prtectin.
    W: What are yu talking abut?
    M: There’s been a huge increase in peple stealing data frm phnes. A new phne can keep all f ur infrmatin safer because it has better security.
    W: Let me think abut it.
    17. What kind f new phnes des the man intend t buy?
    18. Why desn’t the wman want t get a new phne?
    19. What can be learned abut the tw speakers?
    20. What are the tw speakers talking abut?
    II. Grammar and vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    It’s OK Nt t Be OK
    Every nw and then, yu are prbably tld nt t give up when things get difficult. But at what pint can we feel that it’s OK t give up? Smetimes, giving up can be a thughtful and brave decisin. If yu feel like yu have the weight f the wrld n yur shulders and it is hlding ___21___ dwn, find a way t take a break.___22___ (remember) that yu can always give up when yu hit yur limit and start ver when yu feel ready again.
    Simne Biles, with a ___23___ (cmbine) ttal f 32 Olympic and Wrld Champinship medals, gt a case f the “twisties” at the Olympics in Tky last year. This means that when ding flips (空翻) r twists, the wrld’s greatest gymnast had a hard time figuring ut ___24___ the grund was. S, she tld the wrld she wasn’t ging t cmpete ___25___ she knew her limits. If she had pushed herself at all csts, she might have ended up with a lifelng injury. Instead, she knew when ___26___ (tell) peple she wasn’t OK.
    As a fur-time Grand Slam winner at the age f 23, the Japanese tennis player Nami Osaka ___27___ (drp) ut f the 2021 French Open. She annunced that she needed a break ___28___ the sptlight t wrk n her mental health. In a TIME magazine interview befre the Olympics, she said, “I d hpe that peple ___29___ relate and understand it’s OK t nt be OK, and it’s OK t talk abut it. There are peple ____30____ experiences are inspiring, and there is usually light at the end f any tunnel.”
    【答案】21. yu
    22. Remember
    23. cmbined
    24. where 25. because##as
    26. t tell
    27. drpped
    28. frm##ff
    29. can 30. whse
    考查形容词。句意:西蒙·拜尔斯(Simne Biles),总共获得了32枚奥运会和世锦赛奖牌,她在去年的东京奥运会上遭遇了“扭曲”。修饰名词ttal,用形容词cmbined,表示“总和的;总计的”,根据句意,故填cmbined。
    考查宾语从句。句意:这意味着,这位世界上最伟大的体操运动员在做空翻或扭转时,很难找到地面的位置。分析句子可知,空处引导宾语从句,作figure ut的宾语,根据句意,此处用连接词where“……的地方”符合语境,故填where。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:相反,她知道什么时候告诉别人她不可以。分析句子可知,此处用“疑问词+不定式”作动词knew的宾语,根据句意,故填t tell。
    考查动词时态。句意:日本网球选手大阪直美在23岁时四次获得大满贯,但她退出了2021年的法国网球公开赛。根据句意和下文的“the 2021 French Open”可知,表示过去发生的事情用一般过去时,drp是谓语动词,故填drpped。
    考查介词。句意:她宣布,她需要暂时离开聚光灯,专注于自己的心理健康。根据句意,break frm“突然离开”,break ff“中断;暂停”都符合语境,故填frm/ff。
    Sectin B
    Directins: Fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    The Lipstick Effect
    In 2020, the wrld was plunged int an ecnmic dwnturn as the COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread clsures t businesses. Under these circumstances, millins f peple ___31___ fund themselves facing financial insecurity. During such times f ecnmic hardship, ne may naturally expect that cnsumer markets will see a decline in expenditure, as peple everywhere feel ___32___ t making nly “essential” purchases. Hwever, a curius phenmenn knwn as the “lipstick effect” can ften be bserved.
    The lipstick effect refers t the phenmenn f cnsumers spending n small luxury gds even when an ecnmic depressin ccurs. This phenmenn was ___33___ the “lipstick effect” in 2001 by Lenard Lauder, chairman f luxury csmetic cmpany Estée Lauder. He had nt nly witnessed the phenmenn at wrk but als realized that it was especially ___34___ in the case f lipstick and ther csmetic prducts.
    S, hw exactly d cnsumers wh are shrt f cash ___35___ making such purchases? First and perhaps mst ___36___, cnsumers may simply wish t give themselves treats nw and again t prvide distractins frm their financial insecurity. Anther ___37___ has t d with labur markets. Specifically, during the ecnmic depressin, jb seeking tends t becme mre cmpetitive. Thus, peple ___38___ emplyment may perceive a need t spend mney n certain prducts t imprve their physical appearance. By using prducts such as lipstick, they may feel mre cnfident during jb interviews.
    Whatever the causes f the lipstick effect, this phenmenn is n shrt-lived ___39___. During the glbal depressin f 2007-2009, sales f csmetic in the United States increased by arund 5%. Based n such data, it seems that even in the current insecure ecnmic ___40___, the luxury csmetics industry is ne that will be sticking arund.
    【答案】31. I 32. D
    33. G 34. K
    35. A 36. F
    37. C 38. J
    39. B 40. H
    考查副词。句意:在这种情况下,数百万人突然发现自己面临经济不安全感。由上文“the COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread clsures t businesses”可知,此处表示“数百万人突然发现自己面临经济不安全感”,空格处意为“突然”,是suddenly。故选I。
    考查形容词。句意:在这样的经济困难时期,人们自然会认为消费市场的支出将会下降,因为各地的人们都感到受到限制,只能购买“必要的”物品。由下文“making nly “essential” purchases”可知,各地的人们都感到受到限制,只能购买“必要的”物品,空格处意为“受限制的”,用形容词作表语,是restricted,故选D。
    考查被动语态。句意:2001年,奢侈化妆品公司Estée Lauder董事长Lenard Lauder将这种现象称为“口红效应”。由下文“the “lipstick effect””可知,奢侈化妆品公司Estée Lauder董事长Lenard Lauder将这种现象称为“口红效应”,空格处意为“把……称为”,是term,这种现象是被称为“口红效应”,用被动语态,空格前有was,空格处用过去分词。故选G。
    考查形容词。句意:他不仅在工作中目睹了这种现象,而且还意识到这种现象在口红和其他化妆品中尤其明显。由上文“cnsumers spending n small luxury gds”可知,这种现象在口红和其他化妆品中尤其明显,空格处意为“明显的”,用形容词evident作表语。故选K。
    考查动词时态。句意:那么,缺乏现金的消费者究竟如何证明他们的购买行为是合理的呢?由下文“cnsumers may simply wish t give themselves treats nw and again t prvide distractins frm their financial insecurity”可知,句子表示“缺乏现金的消费者究竟如何证明他们的购买行为是合理的呢”,空格处意为“证明……合理”,是justify,句子是特殊疑问句,空前有hw exactly d,因此空格处用原形。故选A。
    考查副词。句意:首先,也许也是最明显的,消费者可能只是想时不时地犒劳一下自己,让自己从财务上的不安全感中转移注意力。由下文“cnsumers may simply wish t give themselves treats nw and again t prvide distractins frm their financial insecurity”可知,句子表示“也许也是最明显的,消费者可能只是想时不时地犒劳一下自己,让自己从财务上的不安全感中转移注意力”,空格处意为“明显地”,用副词作状语,修饰后面的句子,是bviusly。故选F。
    考查名词。句意:另一种理论与劳动力市场有关。由下文“Specifically, during the ecnmic depressin, jb seeking tends t becme mre cmpetitive. Thus, peple___8___ emplyment may perceive a need t spend mney n certain prducts t imprve their physical appearance. By using prducts such as lipstick, they may feel mre cnfident during jb interviews.”可知,此处指的是“另一种理论与劳动力市场有关”,空格处意为“理论”,是thery。故选C。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:因此,找工作的人可能会觉得有必要花钱购买某些产品来改善他们的外貌。由下文“they may feel mre cnfident during jb interviews”可知,找工作的人可能会觉得有必要花钱购买某些产品来改善他们的外貌,空格处意为“寻找”,是seek,句中谓语是may perceive,空格处用非谓语动词,peple和seek之间是主谓关系,因此空格处用现在分词表主动,作后置定语。故选J。
    考查名词。句意:无论口红效应的原因是什么,这种现象都不会昙花一现。由下文“the luxury csmetics industry is ne that will be sticking arund”可知,这种现象都不会昙花一现,这将成为一种趋势,空格处意为“趋势”,是trend。故选B。
    考查名词。句意:根据这些数据,即使在目前不稳定的经济气候下,奢侈品化妆品行业似乎也会继续存在。由第一段的“the COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread clsures t businesses”可知,句子表示“即使在目前不稳定的经济气候下,奢侈品化妆品行业似乎也会继续存在”,空格处意为“环境,气候”,是climate。故选H。
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    The human memry is phenmenally strng. It als has a habit f getting things badly wrng. Accrding t Jnathan Hancck, ur memry expert, faulty memries can be ___41___ revealing.
    Just last week,___42___, my wife and I were discussing hw we’d chsen ur yungest sn’s name. I had a ___43___ memry f us writing ut a list f pssible names, but stpping after just a few because we’d sptted ne we bth lved.
    My wife ___44___. In her memry, we’d had a much lnger list, and gne back and chsen ne frm the middle f the list.
    S we dug ut the piece f paper we’d used-and fund that we’d actually dne smething cmpletely ___45___ t chse Nate’s name.
    Memry mistakes happen n a larger scale, t. The “Mandela Effect” is when lts f peple have cnfident recllectins that turn ut t be ___46___. It was named by researchers wh were discussing their strng memries f Nelsn Mandela’s death in prisn-when he actually lived fr 23 years after his ___47___.
    There are plenty f ther examples f this phenmenn. If yu’re sure that yu remember seeing the Mnply Man wearing a spyglass, fr instance, r hearing a wicked queen say “Mirrr, mirrr n the wall,” yu’ve ___48___ it yurself (he desn’t, and she says, “Magic mirrr n the wall”___49___).
    S what’s ging n? Well, fr starters, memry ften wrks by ___50___, and similar bits f infrmatin can verlap in ur brains. We’re als gd at “filling in the blanks” with details that are lgical but untrue. What’s mre, whenever we run thrugh a memry, we make it strnger—___51___ any bits that were wrng.
    But there’s plenty f gd news here, t.
    Everyne misremembers. We shuldn’t be t hard n urselves when we make mistakes. The mental assciatins that smetimes lead t ___52___ can als help us t find infrmatin therwise difficult t lcate.
    If yu’re ___53___ with smene’s name, try thinking f things yu assciate with them, and see if yur brain gets the push it needs.
    Discussing yur memries is great mental exercise. It highlights strengths and weaknesses, and lets yu learn tips frm thers.
    ___54___ memries ften builds a much mre accurate picture. That was certainly true fr my wife and me.
    Make sure t remember that remembering is a creative ___55___: mind-blwingly pwerful, and als likely t make mistakes.
    41. A. subsequentlyB. extremelyC. rarelyD. instantly
    42. A. n the cntraryB. fr exampleC. in additinD. by the way
    43. A. faintB. smartC. painfulD. vivid
    44. A. inferredB. hesitatedC. cnfirmedD. disagreed
    45. A. differentB. subjectiveC. primitiveD. cntradictry
    46. A. wrngB. cnsistentC. substantialD. right
    47. A. rejectinB. releaseC. imprisnmentD. mvement
    48. A. experiencedB. witnessedC. anticipatedD. spread
    49. A. thughB. finallyC. insteadD. therwise
    50. A. cnservatinB. separatinC. facilitatinD. assciatin
    51. A. excludingB. regardingC. includingD. cnsidering
    52. A. errrsB. trialsC. factsD. data
    53. A. cmpetingB. strugglingC. crrespndingD. exchanging
    54. A. AttainingB. BstingC. PerceivingD. Cmparing
    55. A. cmpnentB. phaseC. utcmeD. prcess
    【答案】41. B 42. B 43. D 44. D 45. A 46. A 47. B 48. A 49. C 50. D 51. C 52. A 53. B 54. D 55. D
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:根据我们的记忆专家Jnathan Hancck的说法,错误的记忆是非常有启发性的。A. subsequently后来;B. extremely非常;C. rarely很少;D. instantly立刻。根据下文“The mental assciatins that smetimes lead t ___12___ can als help us t find infrmatin therwise difficult t lcate”可知,错误的记忆是非常有启发性的。故选B。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:例如,就在上周,我和妻子还在讨论如何给小儿子取名字。A. n the cntrary相反;B. fr example例如;C. in additin另外;D. by the way顺便说一下。根据下文“my wife and I were discussing hw we’d chsen ur yungest sn’s name”可知,此处是作者已自己经历为例,空格处意为“例如”。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我清楚地记得,我们列出了一个可能的名字的清单,但只写了几个就停了下来,因为我们发现了一个我们都喜欢的名字。A. faint模糊的;B. smart聪明的;C. painful痛苦的;D. vivid生动的,逼真的。根据下文“S we dug ut the piece f paper we’d used”可知,作者清楚地记得,曾经列出了一个可能的名字的清单,因此这段记忆是很生动逼真的。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我妻子不同意。A. inferred推断;B. hesitated犹豫;C. cnfirmed确认;D. disagreed不同意。根据下文“we’d had a much lnger list, and gne back and chsen ne frm the middle f the list”可知,作者的妻子觉得当时列的清单更长,因此此处表示“妻子不同意”。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:于是,我们拿出了之前用过的那张纸,发现我们为了给内特取名字所做的事情其实完全不同。A. different不同的;B. subjective主观的;C. primitive原始的;D. cntradictry相互矛盾的。根据上文“stpping after just a few”和“we’d had a much lnger list”可知,作者发现他们为了给内特取名字所做的事情其实完全不同,故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“曼德拉效应”指的是很多人自信满满的回忆最终被证明是错误的。A. wrng错误的;B. cnsistent一致的;C. substantial大量的;D. right正确的。根据上文“Memry mistakes happen n a larger scale”可知,句子表示“曼德拉效应指的是很多人自信满满的回忆最终被证明是错误的”。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个名字是由研究人员命名的,当时他们正在讨论对纳尔逊·曼德拉在狱中死亡的强烈记忆——实际上,曼德拉在获释后还活了23年。A. rejectin拒绝;B. release释放;C. imprisnment监禁;D. mvement活动。根据上文“he actually lived fr 23 years after”可知,曼德拉在获释后还活了23年。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:例如,如果你确信你记得看到大富翁男人戴着望远镜,或者听到邪恶的女王说“镜子,墙上的镜子”,那么你自己也经历过(他没有,她反而说的是“墙上的魔镜”)。A. experienced经历;B. witnessed目击;C. anticipated预期;D. spread传播。根据上文“yu’re sure that yu remember seeing the Mnply Man wearing a spyglass, fr instance, r hearing a wicked queen say “Mirrr, mirrr n the wall,””可知,此处表示“你自己也经历过这”。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:例如,如果你确信你记得看到大富翁男人戴着望远镜,或者听到邪恶的女王说“镜子,墙上的镜子”,那么你自己也经历过(他没有,她反而说的是“墙上的魔镜”)。A. thugh虽然;B. finally最后;C. instead反而;D. therwise否则。根据上文“Mirrr, mirrr n the wall”和“Magic mirrr n the wall”可知,此处表示她说的不是“Mirrr, mirrr n the wall”,而是“Magic mirrr n the wall”,空格处是“反而”。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:首先,记忆通常是通过联想起作用的,相似的信息可以在我们的大脑中重叠。A. cnservatin保存;B. separatin分离;C. facilitatin促进;D. assciatin联想。根据第12空前的“The mental assciatins”可知,此处表示“记忆通常是通过联想起作用的”。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:更重要的是,每当我们浏览一段记忆时,我们都会让它变得更强大——包括任何错误的部分。A. excluding把……排除在外;B. regarding认为;C. including包括;D. cnsidering考虑。根据上文“We’re als gd at “filling in the blanks” with details that are lgical but untrue”可知,我们会把任何错误的部分包括进记忆中。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:有时导致错误的心理联想也可以帮助我们找到难以定位的信息。A. errrs错误;B. trials试验;C. facts事实;D. data数据。根据上文“We’re als gd at “filling in the blanks” with details that are lgical but untrue”和“__11___ any bits that were wrng”可知,句子表示“有时导致错误的心理联想也可以帮助我们找到难以定位的信息”。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你努力地想记起某个人的名字,试着想想与他们有关的事物,看看你的大脑是否得到了所需的推动。A. cmpeting竞争;B. struggling努力;C. crrespnding通信;D. exchanging交换。根据下文“try thinking f things yu assciate with them, and see if yur brain gets the push it needs”可知,此处表示“如果你努力地想记起某个人的名字,试着想想与他们有关的事物,看看你的大脑是否得到了所需的推动”。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:比较记忆往往能构建出更准确的画面。A. Attaining获得;B. Bsting促进;C. Perceiving理解;D. Cmparing比较。根据上文“Discussing yur memries is great mental exercise. It highlights strengths and weaknesses, and lets yu learn tips frm thers”和下文“That was certainly true fr my wife and me”及前文描述的作者和妻子有不同的记忆可知,此处表示“比较记忆往往能构建出更准确的画面”。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:一定要记住,记忆是一个创造性的过程:惊人的强大,也可能犯错误。A. cmpnent成分;B. phase阶段;C. utcme结果;D. prcess过程。根据上文“remembering is a creative”和下文“mind-blwingly pwerful, and als likely t make mistakes”可知,此处表示“记忆是一个创造性的过程”。故选D。
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    A rare 765-year-ld gld cin fund n farm land in Devn in suth-west England is expected t sell fr up t half a millin punds at auctin. It is believed that the cin was made mre than 750 years ag, during the rule f the English King Henry III. It is ne f nly eight knwn t exist.
    Featuring a picture f King Henry III n ne side and a crss and rses n the ther, the cin is arund 2.5 centimetres acrss. It was made with gld that came frm nrth Africa. It was fund in September last year by a detectrist (smene wh lks fr items buried undergrund using a metal detectr) in Hemyck village. The detectrist had n idea hw rare the cin was until he psted a pht f it n scial media, where it was sptted by a histry expert.
    The finder, wh desn’t want t be named, was tld t take the cin t the British Museum, where it was cnfirmed that the cin was very rare. Accrding t the law, the finder is allwed t keep it because it’s a single cin and nt part f a bigger haul but he has decided t sell it. He tld the BBC, “The cin was fund in an unappealing field and culd quite easily have never been recvered. Nw it is prtected fr future generatins t enjy.”
    The cin is especially valuable because it was ne f England’s first gld cins. The cuntry’s cins were made f silver until King Henry III, wh ruled frm 1216 until his death in 1272, intrduced gld nes with his picture n them.
    Prfessr David Carpenter at King’s Cllege Lndn has traced the cin back t a man called Jhn de Hidn, wh was the lrd f Hemyck Manr. Carpenter thinks the cin may have fallen ut f smene’s pcket—either de Hidn himself r ne f his staff.
    56. The crrect rder f the events that happened is .
    ①The value f the cin was cnfirmed.
    ②A cin was unearthed in the field.
    ③The cin was n display at the British Museum.
    ④The cin was intended fr sale.
    ⑤The cin caught the attentin f a histry expert.
    A. ①③②④B. ②⑤①④
    C. ②①⑤④③D. ④②①③⑤
    57. Which f the fllwing aspects is mentined abut the cin?
    A. Its exhibitin.B. Its significance.
    C. Its preservatin.D. Its distributin.
    58. The underlined wrd “haul” in the third paragraph prbably means .
    A. stlen r illegal thingsB. imprted gds
    C. patented cultural itemsD. hidden mineral resurces
    59. Which f the fllwing may be the best title fr the news stry?
    A. Hw t Discver Hidden TreasureB. A Cin Sld fr Millins
    C. Histry Miraculusly Repeats ItselfD. Treasure Hunter Strikes Gld
    【答案】56. B 57. B 58. A 59. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“A rare 765-year-ld gld cin fund n farm land in Devn in suth-west England is expected t sell fr up t half a millin punds at auctin. (在英格兰西南部德文郡的农田里发现的一枚有765年历史的罕见金币,预计将在拍卖会上以50万英镑的价格售出。)”;第二段中“The detectrist had n idea hw rare the cin was until he psted a pht f it n scial media, where it was sptted by a histry expert.(这位侦探不知道这枚硬币有多罕见,直到他在社交媒体上发布了一张它的照片,被一位历史专家发现。)”以及倒数第二段中“The cin is especially valuable because it was ne f England’s first gld cins. (这枚硬币特别珍贵,因为它是英国最早的金币之一。)”可知,正确顺序为该金币被发现,侦探将该硬币的图片放到网上,受到历史学家的关注,历史学家确认了该枚硬币的价值,它是英国最早的金币之一,该没金币当前将在拍卖会上以50万英镑的价格售出。。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“The cin is especially valuable because it was ne f England’s first gld cins. The cuntry’s cins were made f silver until King Henry III, wh ruled frm 1216 until his death in 1272, intrduced gld nes with his picture n them.(这枚硬币特别珍贵,因为它是英国最早的金币之一。在亨利三世(1216年在位,1272年去世)推出印有自己头像的金制硬币之前,该国的硬币一直是银制的。)”可知,文章强调了该金币的重要性。故选B。
    词义猜测题。根据划线词前面的句子“ Accrding t the law, the finder is allwed t keep it(根据法律,发现者可以保留它。)”以及后文的because可知,此处解释了发现者可以个人保留该金币的原因,由此推断,因为这个金币不是偷来的或者违法的东西,由此才可以被发现者保留。故选A。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,文章主要讲述了在英格兰西南部德文郡的农田里发现的一枚有765年历史的罕见金币,预计将在拍卖会上以50万英镑的价格售出。该金币是英国最早的金币之一,极具价值。因为这个金币不是偷来的或者违法的东西,发现者可以拥有他。故D选项“Treasure Hunter Strikes Gld(寻宝猎人获得金币)”能概括文章主题。故选D。
    60. What can be learned abut the Medical Research Fundatin?
    A. It is a UK-based medical center fr rare diseases.
    B. It is breaking grund in tackling antimicrbial resistance.
    C. It is famus fr training next generatins f scientists.
    D. It is a sectin f the Medical Research Cuncil.
    61. If Jenny wuld like t be kept infrmed f the wrk f the Medical Research Fundatin via email, she shuld .
    A. fill in the frm at the bttmB. scan the QR cde n the right
    C. click the prvided website linkD. send an email t the fundatin
    62. The whle page is devted t .
    A. advcating ne charitable agencyB. intrducing sme brilliant scientists
    C. launching an appeal fr dnatinsD. raising awareness f glbal health challenges
    【答案】60. D 61. A 62. C
    细节理解题。根据“As Chair f the Medical Research Fundatin-the charitable arm f the Medical Research Cuncil-I have seen the incredible impact that individuals wh remember the Fundatin in their Wills can have n the future f ur health and wellbeing here in the UK.( 作为医学研究基金会(医学研究委员会的慈善分支)的主席,我看到了在他们的遗嘱中纪念基金会的个人对英国未来健康和幸福的不可思议的影响。)”可知,医学研究基金会是医学研究委员会的分支机构。,是它的一部分。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“The request yur free guide t gifts in Wills fill in this frm and return t Freepst, MEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION.(要求你的在遗嘱中免费赠礼指导,填写这个表格,并将其寄回医学研究基金会。)”以及下文的表格可知,如果珍妮想通过电子邮件被告知医学研究基金会的工作,她应该填写底部的表格。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据“Gifts in Wills culd be the key t prtecting the future f human health(遗嘱中的馈赠可能是保护人类健康未来的关键)”和“These gifts fund research and researchers which can have far-reaching implicatins fr human health.(这些捐赠资助的研究和研究人员可能对人类健康产生深远影响。)”以及全文内容可知,整个网页致力于呼吁为慈善机构捐赠。故选C。
    Children ften learn new languages mre easily than adults d, but it’s unclear why. Sme therize that grasping a language requires absrbing subtle patterns uncnsciusly and that adults’ superir cnscius reasning is t blame. New research suggests that, indeed, grwn-ups might just be t smart fr their wn gd.
    Fr a recent study in the Jurnal f Experimental Psychlgy: General, a grup f Belgian adults at the same time read and heard strings f fur made-up wrds (such as “kieng nief siet hiem”).
    Specific cnsnants (辅音) always appeared at the beginning r end f a wrd if the wrd cntained a certain vwel (元音). Participants next read the sequences alud quickly. Their ability t avid mistakes ding s indicated hw well they absrbed the cnsnant-vwel patterns.
    But befre expsure t the new wrds, the participants had carried ut a separate test: pressing keys t react t letters and numbers. Sme gt a much faster, mre mentally draining versin f this test.
    Thse wh did the difficult versin claimed greater mental exhaustin afterward-but perfrmed better n the fllwing language task. The researchers assume that tired learners used less cnscius analysis n the wrd rules: they were free t learn like a child.
    Fr a related paper in the Prceedings f the Natinal Academy f Sciences USA, the research team had English-speaking adults listen t streams f syllables (音节) secretly gruped int three-syllable “wrds.” Later, they played pairs f three-syllable units; ne wrd in the pair came frm the stream, and ne was a new cmbinatin. The participants guessed which wrd was familiar, then rated their cnfidence.
    In ne participant grup, sme had first dne the riginal mentally draining test. In anther, sme had received magnetic pulses t interrupt activity in a brain area that previus research has linked t executive cntrl. In bth grups, these measures imprved participants’ perfrmance n the syllable task when they were unsure abut their answers, indicating uncnscius analysis f speech. Neurscientist Michael Ullman, wh was nt invlved in either paper, likes that bth the studies added t mental burden differently and measured different skills. That’s really gd in science because yu’ve gt evidences pinting t the same directin,” he says, adding that he wuld like t see higher language skills such as grammar studied this way.
    63. The reasn why sme Belgians were given a mre difficult test befre the language task was that .
    A. they wuld have n time t prepare fr the upcming task
    B. they wuld be t tired mentally t cnsciusly analyze the rules
    C. they culd have smething t refer t in the fllwing task
    D. they might cmpare the difficulty level f the tw tasks
    64. Hw did the participants wh had received magnetic pulses d in the syllable task cmpared with thse wh hadn’t?
    A. They relied mre upn cnscius analysis.
    B. They identified mre familiar cmbinatins.
    C. They perfrmed the task less cnfidently.
    D. They were less able t cntrl emtins.
    65. What can be inferred frm Michael Ullman’s remark?
    A. The research result is nt slid until grammar is included.
    B. Subcnscius mind remains t be explred in science.
    C. The utcmes f the tw researches back each ther up
    D. Mre evidence is needed t back the claim f the tw papers.
    66. Which f the fllwing cnclusins will the research team agree with?
    A. Human brain prcesses languages in multiple ways.
    B. Cnscius analysis is the key t mastering a language.
    C. Increasing mental health imprves ne’s language.
    D. Reducing reasning may help t learn a language.
    【答案】63. B 64. B 65. C 66. D
    推理判断题。根据第五段的“Thse wh did the difficult versin claimed greater mental exhaustin afterward-but perfrmed better n the fllwing language task. The researchers assume that tired learners used less cnscius analysis n the wrd rules: they were free t learn like a child.(那些做了困难版本的人在之后表示更大的精神疲惫,但在接下来的语言任务中表现得更好。研究人员认为,疲惫的学习者对单词规则的有意识分析较少:他们像孩子一样自由地学习)”可知,一些比利时人在语言测试之前被安排了一个更难的测试,原因是他们会在精神上太累而无法有意识地分析规则。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“The participants guessed which wrd was familiar, then rated their cnfidence.(参与者猜测哪个词是他们熟悉的,然后评估他们的信心)”和最后一段的“In bth grups, these measures imprved participants’ perfrmance n the syllable task when they were unsure abut their answers, indicating uncnscius analysis f speech.(在两组中,当参与者对自己的答案不确定时,这些测试都提高了他们在音节测试中的表现,这表明他们对语音进行了无意识的分析)”可知,与没有接受磁脉冲的参与者相比,接受磁脉冲的参与者在音节任务中发现了更熟悉的组合。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段的“That’s really gd in science because yu’ve gt evidences pinting t the same directin(这在科学上真的很好,因为你有证据指向同一个方向)”可知,从Michael Ullman的话中可以推断出这两项研究的结果相互印证。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第一段的“Children ften learn new languages mre easily than adults d, but it’s unclear why. Sme therize that grasping a language requires absrbing subtle patterns uncnsciusly and that adults’ superir cnscius reasning is t blame. New research suggests that, indeed, grwn-ups might just be t smart fr their wn gd.(儿童学习新语言通常比成年人更容易,但原因尚不清楚。一些理论认为,掌握一门语言需要无意识地吸收微妙的模式,成年人学新语言不容易该怪成年人超强的有意识推理能力。一项新的研究表明,事实上,成年人可能太聪明了,这对他们自己没有好处)”可知,研究团队会同意的理论是减少推理可能有助于学习一门语言。故选D。
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Tuching Emji(表情符号)
    Distancing amid the COVID-19 pandemic has made bth physical and scial cnnectins a tuch mre difficult t maintain. Fr Stanfrd University graduate student Millie Salvat, being apart frm her mther n the ppsite cast has prved challenging.
    ____67____ In a new study, she and her clleagues demnstrated a wearable sleeve that can simulate (模拟) human tuch and cnvey abstract scial messages sent electrnically. Salvat and her team measured hw 37 participants expressed scial infrmatin in different situatins. In each test, ne persn wre a pressure-sensing device n an arm, and anther tuched it t respnd t situatins invlving six intended meanings: attentin seeking, gratitude, happiness, calming, lve and sadness
    After cllecting 661 tuch mvements-squeezes, strkes, shakes, pkes, and the like-Salvat and her clleagues mapped the lcatin and pressure f each. ____68____ Finally, they prgrammed a wearable sleeve t simulate these mvements using eight embedded disks that shake when electrnically signaled.
    “It desn’t feel like an actual human hand ... but it desn’t feel like these separate mtins either,” Salvat says, as ne might expect frm large mving disks. “It feels nice, hnestly.” ____69____ Fr cmparisn, a previus study frm Gerling’s labratry fund participants culd match situatins fr tuches frm real human hands 57 percent f the time.
    In the new study, “I think it’s interesting that participants can reliably understand what tuch has been delivered t them at a pretty high rate, given the scarce amunt f infrmatin that they have available t them,” Gerling says.
    Previus research has fund that scial tuch is imprtant fr physical and mental health. ____70____
    A. One can’t help but wnder when new tech will cnvey emtin thrugh a virtual tuch.
    B. Even with n training, 30 new study participants crrectly matched the simulated tuches t the six situatins 45 percent f the time.
    C. Smetimes a text r vide call is nt enugh, and peple in Salvat’s situatin ften lng fr a way t send a lving tuch r cmfrting squeeze frm afar.
    D. In the future, instead f just sending a <3 t a lved ne by phne r cmputer, adding a “tuch emji” might help us feel just a little bit clser.
    E. Next, they used a machine-learning sftware t select the mvements that were mst reliably part f each respnse.
    F. “It’s a unique wrk that lks at hw ur scial tuch is delivered and then... hw t reprduce it,” says Gerling, a tuch researcher nt invlved in the study.
    【答案】67. C 68. E 69. B 70. D
    上文“Fr Stanfrd University graduate student Millie Salvat, being apart frm her mther n the ppsite cast has prved challenging.(对于斯坦福大学的研究生米莉·萨尔瓦托来说,与远在大洋彼岸的母亲分开对她来说是一种挑战。)”提到Millie Salvat与远在大洋彼岸的母亲分开让她感觉很不好,下文“In a new study, she and her clleagues demnstrated a wearable sleeve that can simulate (模拟) human tuch and cnvey abstract scial messages sent electrnically. Salvat and her team measured hw 37 participants expressed scial infrmatin in different situatins.(在一项新的研究中,她和她的同事们展示了一种可穿戴的袖子,它可以模拟人类的触觉,并通过电子方式传递抽象的社会信息。Salvat和她的团队测量了37名参与者在不同情况下表达社会信息的方式。)”提到了一种可以模拟人类触觉的可佩戴式袖子,因此推断C项“有时短信或视频电话是不够的,像塞尔瓦托这样的人常常渴望能从远处传递出爱的触摸或安慰的拥抱。”符合语境,承接上文说明塞尔瓦托想念母亲,渴望获得母亲的爱的触摸和安慰的拥抱,引出下文对模拟人类触觉的可佩戴式袖子的介绍。故选C。
    上文“After cllecting 661 tuch mvements-squeezes, strkes, shakes, pkes, and the like-Salvat and her clleagues mapped the lcatin and pressure f each.( 萨尔瓦托和她的同事们在收集了661种触摸动作——挤压、抚摸、摇晃、戳戳等等——之后,绘制了每种动作的位置和压力。)”讲述了研发过程,收集动作,绘制动作的位置和压力,下文“Finally, they prgrammed a wearable sleeve t simulate these mvements using eight embedded disks that shake when electrnically signaled.(最后,他们设计了一个可佩戴的袖子,用八个嵌入的磁盘模拟这些运动,当电子信号发出时,这些磁盘就会抖动。)”讲述研发最终的结果,因此推断空处也是讲述研发过程,因此推断E项“接下来,他们使用机器学习软件来选择每个反应中最可靠的动作。”next呼应下文的finally,故选E。
    下文“Fr cmparisn, a previus study frm Gerling’s labratry fund participants culd match situatins fr tuches frm real human hands 57 percent f the time.( 相比之下,格林实验室之前的一项研究发现,参与者在57%的情况下能够匹配真人手的触摸。)”中的“Fr cmparisn”说明空格处与下文进行对比,说明参与者的匹配情况,因此推断B项“即使没有经过训练,30名新研究参与者在45%的时间也会将模拟触摸与六种情况正确匹配。”符合语境。故选B。
    上文“Previus research has fund that scial tuch is imprtant fr physical and mental health.(之前的研究发现,社交接触对身心健康都很重要。)”说明接触对身心健康很重要,因此推断D项“在未来,与其通过手机或电脑向爱人发送<3,不如添加一个“触摸表情符号”可能会让我们感觉更近一点。”符合语境,说明既然社交触摸对身心健康有好处,那么添加触摸表情符号应该更好。故选D。
    IV. Summary Writing
    71. Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Shuld Hand Feeding Dlphins Be Encuraged?
    Sme turist centers train Ind-Pacific bttlense dlphins t apprach beachside public sighting areas r bats by hand-feeding them small amunts f fish every day. Because hand-fed males aggressively attack each ther ver the fd, putting themselves and nearby humans in danger, turist centers fcus their hand feeding nly n female dlphins, says Valerie Senigaglia at Murdch University in Perth, Australia
    But recent studies have shwn that nly 38% f the calves (崽) f hand-fed wild dlphins survive t three years f age, which is much lwer than the average 77% survival rate fr wild calves in general. T better understand why, Senigaglia and her clleagues evaluated the scial behavir f dlphins arund the Bunbury cast in Western Australia. In particular, they bserved the individual behavir and mvement f 35 dlphins, including 13 that had been hand-fed using a small bat. They regularly fllwed each dlphin fr perids lasting frm 20 minutes t 3 hurs fr tw years in a rw fr a ttal f 180 hurs.
    They fund that hand-fed dlphins swam in relatively large grups, but mre readily brke away frm them t jin different nes. In general, they created weak ties with ther grup members. “Yu can feel lnely in a rm full f peple and it’s the same thing fr dlphins,” says Senigaglia. Free-swimming dlphins that are fed by hand becme less scially invlved with their peers. As a result, their calves may grw up lacking vital scial skills-which culd explain, at least in part, why they are twice as likely t die befre reaching adulthd as wild calves generally.
    N wnder animal right activists are calling n the practice f hand-feeding dlphins t be stpped.
    Hand-feeding dlphins is practised at sme turist centers. Hwever, studies have fund it leads t greater risk f their calves’ premature death. By fllwing the dlphins’ behavir fr tw years, researchers cncluded it was because hand-feeding made dlphins have weaker scial ties, causing their calves t lack scial skills. Therefre, animal activists are appealing fr a ban n the practice. (60)
    Dlphins are hand-fed in sme turist centers, Hwever, studies shw the survival rate f hand-fed dlphins’ calves is half that f wild dlphins’ calves. By bserving their scial behavirs, researchers find hand-fed dlphins’ weak scial ties lead t their calves’ lack f scial skills, which partly explain their greater pssibility f death. Therefre, hand feeding dlphins shuld be discuraged. (60 wrds)
    【详解】1. 要点摘录
    ①Sme turist centers train Ind-Pacific bttlense dlphins t apprach beachside public sighting areas r bats by hand-feeding them small amunts f fish every day.
    ②But recent studies have shwn that nly 38% f the calves (崽) f hand-fed wild dlphins survive t three years f age, which is much lwer than the average 77% survival rate fr wild calves in general.
    ③In particular, they bserved the individual behavir and mvement f 35 dlphins, including 13 that had been hand-fed using a small bat. They regularly fllwed each dlphin fr perids lasting frm 20 minutes t 3 hurs fr tw years in a rw fr a ttal f 180 hurs.
    ④As a result, their calves may grw up lacking vital scial skills-which culd explain, at least in part, why they are twice as likely t die befre reaching adulthd as wild calves generally.
    ⑤N wnder animal right activists are calling n the practice f hand-feeding dlphins t be stpped.
    Hand-feeding dlphins is practised at sme turist centers. Hwever, studies have fund it leads t greater risk f their calves’ premature death. By fllwing the dlphins’ behavir fr tw years, researchers cncluded it was because hand-feeding made dlphins have weaker scial ties, causing their calves t lack scial skills. Animal activists are appealing fr a ban n the practice.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]Hwever, studies have fund it leads t greater risk f their calves’ premature death.(运用了省略了that的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]:By fllwing the dlphins’ behavir fr tw years, researchers cncluded it was because hand-feeding made dlphins have weaker scial ties, causing their calves t lack scial skills.(运用了动名词作宾语,省略了that的宾语从句,because引导的表语从句,现在分词作状语)
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    72. 项目化学习旨在培养学生解决实际问题的能力。(mean) (汉译英)
    【答案】The prject-based learning is meant t develp students’ ability t slve practical prblems.
    【详解】考查固定短语,时态和主谓一致。“项目化学习”是the prject-based learning,“旨在做某事”是be meant t d,“培养学生解决实际问题的能力”翻译为develp students’ ability t slve practical prblems,句子描述客观事实,时态用一般现在时,主语the prject-based learning是不可数名词,其后be动词用is,因此整句话翻译为“The prject-based learning is meant t develp students’ ability t slve practical prblems”。故答案为The prject-based learning is meant t develp students’ ability t slve practical prblems.
    73. 有被讨厌的勇气是活得淋漓尽致的第一步。(curage) (汉译英)
    【答案】Having the curage t be disliked is the first step tward living life t the fullest.
    【详解】考查非谓语动词和固定短语。分析句子,句子表述客观事实,故使用一般现在时。表示“有勇气去做某事”用have the curage t d sth,此处使用动名词作主语,表示“被讨厌”用不定式的被动结构,即t be disliked;表示“是第一步去做某事”用be the first step tward ding;表示“对于活得淋漓尽致”用is the first step tward living t the fullest。故翻译为:Having the curage t be disliked is the first step tward living life t the fullest。
    74. 惊叹于中国工人把集装箱变成酒店房间的速度,锦标赛组织者称他们为魔术师。(s...) (汉译英)
    【答案】The turnament rganizers were s amazed at the speed at which the Chinese wrkers turned the cntainers int htel rms that they described them as magicians.
    【详解】考查时态,从句和短语。根据句意可知,用一般过去时,主语“锦标赛组织者”译为the turnament rganizers,谓语“惊叹于”译为be amazed at,结合提示词用句型,宾语the speed“速度”,“中国工人把集装箱变成酒店房间的”译为定语从句,修饰the speed,at the speed“以……速度”是固定短语,故从句用at which引导,which指代先行词the speed,故从句为at which the Chinese wrkers turned the cntainers int htel rms ,“称他们为魔术师”译为they described them as magicians,是结果状语从句,结合主谓一致,故答案为The turnament rganizers were s amazed at the speed at which the Chinese wrkers turned the cntainers int htel rms that they described them as magicians.
    75. 在古代,二十四节气(the 24 slar terms)指导农民预测冷暖,春种秋收,如今其魅力依然如故。( ) (汉译英)
    【答案】The 24 slar terms in ancient times instructed farmers t expect changes in temperature, spring planting and autumn harvest and tday they are as charming as they were in the past.
    The 24 slar terms in ancient times instructed farmers t expect when the days were getting clder r warmer, guiding farmers t sw seeds in spring and harvest crps in autumn, and tday they are as charming as they were in the past.
    【详解】考查时态,宾语从句,状语从句和现在分词。“在古代”是in ancient times,“二十四节气”是the 24 slar terms,“指导农民预测冷暖,春种秋收”时态用一般过去时,“指导某人做某事”是instruct sb. t d sth., “农民”是farmers,“预测冷暖”是expect changes in temperature,“春种秋收”是spring planting and autumn harvest,“如今”是tday,“如今其魅力依然如故”句子时态用一般现在时,“其魅力依然如故”可理解为“和以前一样有魅力”,“有魅力的”是charming,“和以前一样有魅力”是as charming as they were in the past,是as引导比较状语从句。因此整句话翻译为“The 24 slar terms in ancient times instructed farmers t expect changes in temperature, spring planting and autumn harvest and tday they are as charming as they were in the past”。另外“指导农民预测冷暖,春种秋收”也可理解为“指导农民预测天气什么时候更冷,什么时候更热,指导农民在春天播种,秋天收获庄稼”,“指导农民预测”时态用一般过去时,是instructed farmers t expect,“天气什么时候更冷,什么时候更热”用when引导的宾语从句,作expect的宾语,“天气什么时候更冷,什么时候更热”用过去进行时表将来,是the days were getting clder r warmer;“指导农民在春天播种,秋天收获庄稼”中的“指导”可换用guide,其后跟sb. t d sth.,“在春天播种,秋天收获庄稼”是sw seeds in spring and harvest crps in autumn,instructed作谓语,guide要用非谓语动词,The 24 slar terms和guide之间是主谓关系,因此用现在分词guiding表主动作状语,因此这个句子的第二种翻译是“The 24 slar terms in ancient times instructed farmers t expect when the days were getting clder r warmer, guiding farmers t sw seeds in spring and harvest crps in autumn, and tday they are as charming as they were in the past.”。故答案为The 24 slar terms in ancient times instructed farmers t expect changes in temperature, spring planting and autumn harvest and tday they are as charming as they were in the past./The 24 slar terms in ancient times instructed farmers t expect when the days were getting clder r warmer, guiding farmers t sw seeds in spring and harvest crps in autumn, and tday they are as charming as they were in the past.
    VI. Guided Writing
    76. Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    假设你是明启中学学生李华,你校英语广播站计划在每周五中午开设名为“Talk and Talk”的栏目,目前正在招募主持人。请给广播站负责人 Mr. Li写一封信,应聘这一岗位。信中需包含以下内容:
    【答案】Dear Mr. Li,
    I nticed in tday’s schl newspaper that yu were lking fr peple t be a hst f the prgram named “Talk and Talk”. S I’m writing t say I’d like t apply the psitin. Here is a brief intrductin f myself.
    First f all, I am an utging persn with strng cperatin ability. Secndly, I am very gd at English. I can speak fluent spken English. Finally, and I think this is the mst imprtant pint, I have relevant experience as a presenter, which will greatly assist me in this psitin.
    Of curse, I have my wn ideas abut “Talk and Talk”. In my pinin, we can invite and interview sme excellent students t set a gd example fr students.
    Sincerely, if this psitin is ffered t me, I will devte all my wisdm and effrts t it. Lking frward t yur early reply.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生给校英语广播站写一封申请信,应聘“Talk and Talk”的栏目的主持人。信中包括以下内容:应聘的理由;专栏内容的策划。
    首先:first f all→first and fremst
    此外:secndly→ what’s mre
    我认为:I think→as far as I am cncerned
    喜欢:sincerely→ genuinely
    原句:Of curse, I have my wn ideas abut “Talk and Talk”. In my pinin, we can invite and interview sme excellent students t set a gd example fr students.
    拓展句:Of curse, I have my wn ideas abut “Talk and Talk” that we can invite and interview sme excellent students t set a gd example fr students.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I nticed in tday’s schl newspaper that yu were lking fr peple t be a hst f the prgram named “Talk and Talk”.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】 I have relevant experience as a presenter, which will greatly assist me in this psitin.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)A. justify B. trend C. thery D. restricted E. diversifying
    F. bviusly G. termed H. climate I. suddenly J. seeking K. evident
    Gifts in Wills culd be the key t prtecting the future f human health
    Our experience f COVID-19 shws hw suddenly a glbal health challenge can appear. As smene interested in science, yu will understand that while nbdy can predict what we will face next, we can be certain that the future will bring many mre threats t human health.
    As Chair f the Medical Research Fundatin-the charitable arm f the Medical Research Cuncil-I have seen the incredible impact that individuals wh remember the Fundatin in their Wills can have n the future f ur health and wellbeing here in the UK.
    These gifts fund research and researchers which can have far-reaching implicatins fr human health.
    With a gift in yur Will yu can play a key rle in prviding the science that will prtect the health f future generatins.
    Right nw, the Fundatin is funding research t tackle antimicrbial resistance, and investing in researchers like Dr Myrsini Kafru—wh will make the fight against antimicrbial resistance her life’s wrk.
    Withut supprt at the crucial early stages, researchers like Dr Kafru can be frced t abandn their passin and leave science altgether, with an immeasurable lss t future human health.
    Gifts in Wills prvide the lng term funding and security that allws the Fundatin t invest in prjects like Dr Kafru’s and lay the fundatins fr quality research in years t cme.
    Yur Will can fund the ratinal respnse t health challenges that medical science prvides.
    “As scientists, ur duty is t secure the future f research fr the generatins that fllw.”
    Prfessr Fina Watt, President f the Medical Research Fundatin and Executive Chair f the Medical Research Cuncil.
    While we dn’t knw what the future hlds fr human health in the UK, we d knw that research, and the brilliant scientists driving that research frward, are the key t meeting thse challenges fr years t cme. But many f these scientists rely n the genersity and fresight f fellw members f the public-peple like yu, wh understand the
    pwer f science and are willing t leave a gift t medical research in their Wills. At the Medical Research Fundatin, ver 90% f ur vluntary incme cmes frm individuals wh chse t include a gift in their Will-they are crucial in the Fundatin’s ability t fund research that will enable the next generatin f scientists t make real wrld discveries in the future. A gift in yur Will t the Medical Research Fundatin is an excellent investment and will have a lasting impact n science and n the future f human health in the UK.

    The request yur free guide t gifts in Wills fill in this frm and return t Freepst, MEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION. Yu dn’t need a stamp OR visit
    Email address
    We wuld like t cntact yu frm time t time with ur latest news. Please tick here if yu are happy fr us t cntact yu via email. The Medical Research Fundatin des nt share yur persnal infrmatin. Yu can unsubscribe at any time.
    Medical Research Fundatin is a charity registered in England and Wales (Reg. Charity N.1138223).
    A. justify B. trend C. thery D. restricted E. diversifying
    F. bviusly G. termed H. climate I. suddenly J. seeking K. evident
    Gifts in Wills culd be the key t prtecting the future f human health
    Our experience f COVID-19 shws hw suddenly a glbal health challenge can appear. As smene interested in science, yu will understand that while nbdy can predict what we will face next, we can be certain that the future will bring many mre threats t human health.
    As Chair f the Medical Research Fundatin-the charitable arm f the Medical Research Cuncil-I have seen the incredible impact that individuals wh remember the Fundatin in their Wills can have n the future f ur health and wellbeing here in the UK.
    These gifts fund research and researchers which can have far-reaching implicatins fr human health.
    With a gift in yur Will yu can play a key rle in prviding the science that will prtect the health f future generatins.
    Right nw, the Fundatin is funding research t tackle antimicrbial resistance, and investing in researchers like Dr Myrsini Kafru—wh will make the fight against antimicrbial resistance her life’s wrk.
    Withut supprt at the crucial early stages, researchers like Dr Kafru can be frced t abandn their passin and leave science altgether, with an immeasurable lss t future human health.
    Gifts in Wills prvide the lng term funding and security that allws the Fundatin t invest in prjects like Dr Kafru’s and lay the fundatins fr quality research in years t cme.
    Yur Will can fund the ratinal respnse t health challenges that medical science prvides.
    “As scientists, ur duty is t secure the future f research fr the generatins that fllw.”
    Prfessr Fina Watt, President f the Medical Research Fundatin and Executive Chair f the Medical Research Cuncil.
    While we dn’t knw what the future hlds fr human health in the UK, we d knw that research, and the brilliant scientists driving that research frward, are the key t meeting thse challenges fr years t cme. But many f these scientists rely n the genersity and fresight f fellw members f the public-peple like yu, wh understand the
    pwer f science and are willing t leave a gift t medical research in their Wills. At the Medical Research Fundatin, ver 90% f ur vluntary incme cmes frm individuals wh chse t include a gift in their Will-they are crucial in the Fundatin’s ability t fund research that will enable the next generatin f scientists t make real wrld discveries in the future. A gift in yur Will t the Medical Research Fundatin is an excellent investment and will have a lasting impact n science and n the future f human health in the UK.

    The request yur free guide t gifts in Wills fill in this frm and return t Freepst, MEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION. Yu dn’t need a stamp OR visit
    Email address
    We wuld like t cntact yu frm time t time with ur latest news. Please tick here if yu are happy fr us t cntact yu via email. The Medical Research Fundatin des nt share yur persnal infrmatin. Yu can unsubscribe at any time.
    Medical Research Fundatin is a charity registered in England and Wales (Reg. Charity N.1138223).

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