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      山西省运城市联合测评2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题(学生版) .docx
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    这是一份山西省运城市联合测评2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题(学生版+教师版),文件包含山西省运城市联合测评2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题教师版docx、山西省运城市联合测评2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    4.本卷命题范围:必修Bk 2 Unit 1~Bk 3 Unit 2。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. What will the wman have?
    A. Fried rice. B. Pizza. C. A sandwich.
    2. Hw much will the wman pay?
    A. $ 19. B. $ 36. C. $ 38.
    3. Why des the wman refuse the man's invitatin?
    A. She desn't like t g n a tur with him.
    B. She has t give a reprt n Friday evening.
    C. She has t prepare fr her Saturday's reprt.
    4. What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. Take sme medicine. B. Wrk ut. C. Eat less.
    5. Why was the girl late fr schl tday?
    A. She gt up late.
    B. She was stuck in traffic.
    C. She failed t get n the bus.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6 What's wrng with the wman?
    A. Her back hurts. B. Her arms hurt. C. Her neck hurts.
    7. What can we learn abut the wman?
    A. She is tired f ding cmputer wrk.
    B. She seldm takes breaks at wrk.
    C. She will take the man's advice.
    8. What fd des the man want first?
    A. Mexican fd. B. American fd. C. Italian fd.
    9. Where is the Cafe Rssi?
    A. Beside Pyramids.
    B. Acrss frm Mabel's cafe.
    C. Next t the River Huse Restaurant.
    10. What is the man?
    A. A bk seller. B. A writer. C. A student.
    11. Why is the man talking t the wman?
    A. T knw abut her jb.
    B. T get infrmatin abut a prject.
    C. T d research n greenhuse effect.
    12. What will the man d next?
    A. D sme reading.
    B. Arrange sme bks.
    C. Slve the wman's prblem.
    13. Which bike des the wman like?
    A. The black ne. B. The green ne. C. The brwn ne.
    14. What des the man think f the black bike?
    A. Expensive. B. Fashinable. C. Heavy.
    15. Where are the speakers?
    A. In Hlland. B. In America. C. In Australia.
    16. What will the speakers d next?
    A. Have smething t drink.
    B. Pay fr a bike in the shp.
    C. Ask the shp wner fr help.
    17. When will the listeners have their first classes?
    A. Tday. B. Next Wednesday. C. Next Friday.
    18. Hw much shuld ne pay t becme a member f the sprts center fr a year?
    A. $ 69. B. $ 72. C. $ 84.
    19. When can the listeners g t the cafe n weekdays?
    A. At 2:30 pm. B. At 3:30 pm. C. At 4:00 pm.
    20. What shuld the listeners d t knw mre abut the cllege?
    A. Ask the speaker.
    B. Speak t their teachers.
    C. Get help frm Mrs. Brwn.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Library Rules and Regulatins
    Opening hurs
    Mnday — Friday: 8:00 am — 10:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am — 4:00 pm
    Sunday: 2:00 pm — 5:00 pm Public hlidays: Clsed
    General rules
    * Silence shuld be strictly bserved in the library. Users are strictly prhibited frm making r receiving calls at any given time. Discussins are nt allwed either.
    * All readers must shw their identificatin cards (student IDs) at the entrance.
    * Marking, writing n r tearing pages is prhibited.
    * Smking, spitting, eating, sleeping, drinking r littering is banned.
    * T imprve the library service, users are free t reprt what they think the library shuld get better at t the librarian r by filling the pinin bk at the security desk.
    * Users are required t ensure that valuable items (like mney, phnes, laptps and
    calculatrs) are nt left in the luggage area.
    Brrwing rules
    * Undergraduate (大学本科生的) students — 2 bks fr ne week
    * Pstgraduate students — 2 bks fr tw weeks
    * Lst r damaged infrmatin materials n lan shuld be replaced r charged at the current market price f the infrmatin materials.
    * Fr a bk ut f print (绝版的), the librarian will guide the brrwer t the alternative bks available.
    The library subscribes t e-bks and e-jurnals which can be accessed frm the University library website and all cmputer labs via a laptp with wireless cnnectivity. We have ff-campus access that will allw users t access the e-resurces ff campus. Users are advised t cnsult the e-resurce librarian fr the purpse f accessing e-resurces.
    * Membership f the library is pen t all students and academic staff fr free.
    * External (外部的) members shall be cnsidered n prductin f recmmendatin letters frm schl emplyees (员工). In additin, they shall pay 1 dllar per day.
    1. When can smebdy brrw a bk frm the library?
    A. 9:00 am n Thanksgiving Day.B. 10:30 pm n Tuesday.
    C. 5:00 pm n Saturday.D. 4:00 pm n Sunday.
    2. What d the brrwing rules tell us?
    A. Lst infrmatin materials must be charged at twice the current market price.
    B. The librarian tends t ffer a brrwer sme advice as fr a bk ut f print.
    C. Undergraduate students can keep tw bks fr tw weeks.
    D. Pstgraduate students can keep three bks fr ne week.
    3. What shuld external members d t make use f the resurces f the library?
    A. Pay seven dllars a week.
    B. Ask the e-resurce librarian fr suggestins.
    C. Offer advice n bettering the library service.
    D. Get a recmmendatin letter frm a student.
    Bright and early n the mrning f ur first full day in Antarctica, L’ Austral’s Captain Fabien’s vice wke us up as it came thrugh a ludspeaker. If we lked utside right nw, he said, we’d see a beautiful sea f icebergs in the glden sunlight. My sister and I jumped ut f bed, staring in amazement as we sailed past giant pieces f ice. In the distance, we sptted a grup f humpback whales feeding n smaller fishes. Next dr, my parents were als waking up t the sights f a new day in Antarctica. Over breakfast, my sister and I excitedly tld them abut the whales we saw frm ur rm that mrning.
    Yu might nt immediately think f “family vacatin” when talking abut a trip t Antarctica, but tur cmpanies like Adventures by Disney are changing that. The cmpany ffers guided grup trips t destinatins acrss all seven cntinents in the wrld.
    Our adventure started when we flew t Buens Aires and explred the beautiful Argentine capital fr a day. After leaving Buens Aires, we flew t Ushuaia n an Adventures by Disney plane. Then, it was the jurney tward the Drake Passage. After a speedy Drake Passage crssing, we reached Antarctica early, adding a half day t ur scheduled fur days n and arund the cntinent.
    T thse unfamiliar with Adventures by Disney, the fact that yu can experience Antarctica — the mst distant, extreme cntinent — with Disney might be surprising. During the trip, there were thughtful acts, frm stamped pstcards t send frm an Antarctica pst ffice t a champagne (香槟) party n ur final stp f the jurney; Adventures by Disney truly thught f everything fr us. Antarctica is a life-changing destinatin packed with experiences that can’t be cpied. We experienced seasickness when travelling acrss the Drake Passage, hiked up ice hills alngside lvely animals, and had a taste f champagne. And hnestly, it’s ging t be hard fr the next family trip we may take t cmpete.
    4. Hw did the authr and her sister feel when sailing past the icebergs?
    A. Frightened.B. Cnfused.C. Surprised.D. Embarrassed.
    5. What happened first n the authr's jurney?
    A. They flew t Ushuaia.
    B. They tured arund Buens Aires.
    C. They passed thrugh the Drake Passage.
    D. They hiked up ice hills alngside lvely animals.
    6. What can we infer abut their travel frm the last paragraph?
    A. The authr might feel bad when crssing the Drake Passage.
    B. The authr was the mst impressed by the champagne party.
    C. The authr believes that their next travel will be mre thrilling.
    D. The authr thught an Antarctica pst ffice shuld be established.
    7. Which can serve as the best title fr the text?
    A. Explring Antarctica — A Place with Varius Animals
    B. An Antarctic Adventure fr Scientific Research
    C. A Cmfrtable Travel Experience
    D. A Family’s Jurney t Antarctica
    If yu’ve seen the mvie Cast Away, yu prbably remember the scene in which Tm Hanks’ character, wh survived a plane crash and fund a refuge n a desert island, struggles t crack pen ccnuts befre finally figuring ut hw t make use f ne and drink frm it. Well, it turns ut that, in such a situatin, a ccnut palm tree actually culd be yur best hpe fr survival.
    The ccnut palm tree is native t trpical islands in the western Pacific Ocean. It is a tall tree, grwing as tall as 100 feet, and with a branchless, light gray trunk that’s swllen at the base and tpped by a crwn f arching green leaves that stretch as lng as 20 feet. It has fragrant (芳香的) yellw flwers, which appear in grups, and f curse ccnuts, which technically are a fruit rather than a nut, grw up t 14 inches lng.
    The fruit has a wden shell surrunded by a fibrus cver, but inside is the stuff that a persn wants — the ccnut meat, which can be eaten raw r cked, and the drinkable liquid. The nutritinal qualities f a ccnut — its meat and its juice — are nthing shrt f miracles. The meat is high in health fats, which are very imprtant fr survival, and the juice is filled with minerals like cpper, irn and zinc, and can keep yur electrlytes (电解质) balanced and bld levels healthy.
    In Hawaii, ccnut palm trees are knwn as “niu”, and are cnsidered as a very imprtant fd surce. While they are nt native t this place, they are ne f the famus “cane plants”. Sme f the ancestrs f the trees currently fund in Hawaii als mved slwly n water t r n the shre, alive fr up fur mnths at sea, still able t germinate (发芽). They are the symbl f vitality. They are admired here s much that traditinally, a ccnut palm tree is planted at the birth time f a child brn in Hawaii.
    8 Why des the authr speak f the mvie Cast Away in Para.1?
    A. T explain the way t prevent a terrible situatin.
    B. T intrduce the theme f the mvie.
    C. T lead in the tpic f the text.
    D. T shw Tm Hank’s success.
    9. What can we learn abut the ccnut palm tree frm the text?
    A. The trunk f the tree is swllen at the tp.
    B. The tree can grw tall and has n branches.
    C. Yellw flwers appear in grups withut any smell.
    D. Ccnuts are a kind f nut instead f a kind f fruit.
    10. What des the authr mainly tell us abut the juice f a ccnut in Paragraph 3?
    A. It has a unique taste.B. Its price is quite high.
    C. It can help peple remain healthy.D. Its prductin is increasing.
    11. Hw d Hawaiians celebrate the birth f a baby?
    A. They decrate their huses with green leaves f ccnut trees.
    B. They drink the liquid inside ccnuts.
    C. They have a taste f ccnut meat.
    D. They plant a ccnut plum tree.
    Back in 1807, Lndn became the first city n the planet t have a street lit up by gaslight lamps. Fr the city’s residents, it seemed like an extrardinary thing t have evening turned int a versin f daytime. But mre than tw centuries later, artificial light has spread acrss s much f the planet that it has becme a threat t us as well as the envirnment.
    The extent f light pllutin is evidenced by a study in the jurnal Science Advances, in which researchers used measurements taken by satellites t study the artificial brightness f Earth’s surface at nighttime. They fund the artificially lit utdr area grew at a rate f 2.2% per year. But thse increases are just part f the stry. Christpher Kyba, a scientist at German Research Center, says the increasing transitin t high-efficiency LED lamps fr utdr lighting, which were regarded by mst peple riginally as a way t reduce ur dependence upn fssil (化石的) fuels and slw climate change, may nt be saving as much electricity as expected.
    The American Medical Assciatin added that the wavelengths (波长) at which the lights perate cntrl the hrmne that helps us t sleep. “It is estimated that white LED lamps have a much greater impact n peple’s sleep than the frmer streetlights.” Research shws that such impact may be a significant aspect inducing fatness and ther physical disrders. Many species n Earth are active at night, and electric lighting, especially dusk t dawn lighting, represents damage t the envirnment f these species. A study in Prceedings f the Natinal Academy f Science, fr example, fund pwerful beams f light frm the Natinal September 11 Memrial and Museum changed the flight paths and speed f 1.1 millin migrating birds ver a seven-day perid alne. And in Flrida, light pllutin alng beaches is disturbing sea turtles having babies, resulting in thusands f yung animals’ dying each year.
    But perhaps the mst bvius thing abut light pllutin is that much f it results frm wasteful light that isn’t necessary, accrding t Kyba, wh estimates that it culd be reduced by five t ten times. “I think we shuld be asking as taxpayers (纳税人). Why are we paying fr lights that shine uselessly int peple’s windws and disturb their sleep?”
    12. What did mst peple use t think f LED light s accrding t Paragraph 2?
    A. They wuld be beneficial t peple's sleep.
    B. They culd be used t reduce light pllutin.
    C. They wuld cntribute t serius glbal warming.
    D. They culd make peple depend less n fssil fuels.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “inducing” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Causing.B. Marking.C. Preventing.D. Reducing.
    14. Why did the authr mentin migrating birds and sea turtles in Paragraph 3?
    A. T present the surces f light pllutin.
    B. T shw the influence f light pllutin n animals.
    C. T cmpare the sleeping habits f different animals.
    D. T highlight the strng adaptability f particular animals.
    15. Which f the fllwing can be Kyba’s suggestin?
    A. Aviding arranging unnecessary lights.
    B. Imprving the functin f streetlights.
    C. Calling n taxpayers t prtect animals.
    D. Decreasing the great pressure n taxpayers.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Tp tips t study in the US
    Studying abrad as an internatinal student is an exciting and life-changing experience, but it als cmes with sme challenges. Here is a list f practical tips that can give yu a hand.
    One f the first and mst crucial steps fr internatinal students is t create a budget. Understand yur surce f incme, including schlarships, part-time jbs, r financial supprt frm yur family. Then, make a cmplete list f expected expenses, including tuitin, accmmdatin, fd, transprtatin, and entertainment. This budget will be yur financial radmap and help yu avid verspending.
    Select a place t live
    Chsing the right place t live is very imprtant. University accmmdatins are ften cnvenient but can be expensive. ____17____. They can be mre cst-effective and ffer a richer cultural experience. Be sure t research lcal husing laws, and thrughly examine any rental prperty (房地产) befre signing a cntract.
    Understand yur insurance (保险)
    Healthcare systems are greatly varius frm ne cuntry t anther. Ensure yu have the necessary health insurance cverage (覆盖范围). Many universities ffer affrdable student health plans. ____18____.
    Manage yur time
    Balancing study, part-time wrk and persnal time can be challenging. ____19____. Time management apps and tls can help yu stay rganized.
    Be pen-minded and adaptable
    Living independently in a freign cuntry can be challenging, but it is als an pprtunity fr persnal grwth and self-discvery. Be pen t new experiences, embrace cultural differences, and try t be adaptable in the face f challenges. ____20____. But with time, yu’ll adapt yurself t yur new envirnment.
    A. It’s nrmal t feel hmesick at times
    B. Frget the difficulty f studying abrad
    C. Make a gd arrangement fr yur mney
    D. Cnsider sme chices like shared apartments r hmestays
    E. It can ensure that yur study abrad can be bth safe and rewarding
    F. Create a schedule that fcuses n yur schlwrk but als allws fr leisure and explratin
    G. Be familiar with lcal medical facilities and have sme emergency (紧急情况) cntact infrmatin
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    17-year-ld Addisn Bethea had her wrld turned upside dwn in late June when she was bitten by a shark while playing near Keatn Beach, Flrida.
    Addisn is a cheerleader and a tennis player. And she is als quite yung t experience such a serius ____21____ and crisis. Hwever, Addisn has a ____22____ attitude, and she will be just fine!
    As a native f Flrida, Addisn knew that if ____23____ by a shark, her best way was t hit the fish in the nse. But she did hit ____24____ in the face and tried t ____25____.
    Addisn’s elder brther, Rhett Willingham, was swimming nearby when he heard his sister ____26____ ludly. He quickly came t Addisn, struggling t get the shark ff frm her, putting her int a ____27____ n the water and wrapping her bleeding leg with a turniquet (止血带). Addisn was instantly rushed t a hspital. Luckily, the ____28____ she received frm Rhett, wh is a firefighter and EMT (内科急救专家), might very well have saved her life.
    Abut her brther, Addisn said, “He’s always been kind f ____29____ a her t me. I knew nce I was in _____30_____, he wuld help me ut. Furthermre, he made a prmise.” That is a wnderful brther-sister _____31_____!
    The injuries in Addisn’s right leg were extremely serius. _____32_____, the surgery(外科手术) was a success, and Addisn is ding well in her _____33_____. She has _____34_____ her sense f humr and her faith t get thrugh the hard times. Michelle Murphy, Addisn’s mther, said, “Gd blessed us by allwing Addisn t _____35_____ and we will never lse fcus n that gift.”
    21. A. cmpetitinB. accidentC. jurneyD. quarrel
    22. A. psitiveB. badC. pliteD. rude
    23. A. missedB. tuchedC. attackedD. seen
    24. A. antherB. herselfC. themD. it
    25. A. escapeB. sinkC. diveD. swim
    26. A. arguingB. jkingC. screamingD. singing
    27. A. taxiB. busC. trainD. bat
    28. A. invitatinB. aplgyC. careD. rule
    29. A. withB. likeC. frD. ver
    30. A. trubleB. debtC. wnderD. charge
    31. A. fightB. relatinshipC. systemD. traditin
    32. A. TypicallyB. ImmediatelyC. CautiuslyD. Frtunately
    33. A. studyB. taskC. recveryD. training
    34. A. relied nB. tk nC. put nD. turned n
    35. A. playB. jumpC. runD. survive
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    When Renee Butts was little, her dream was t becme a vlunteer firefighter because her father was ne. Thugh her father’s wrk was hard and full f danger, he never made a ____36____ (cmplain) abut it and fell in lve ____37____ the jb quickly. Sadly, at the age f 14, ne afternn Renee returned hme, nly ____38____ (tell) that her belved father had passed ____39____ and she was never able t d vlunteer wrk with him due t her dad’s death. Hwever, Renee’s stry didn’t end there. She was s determined and ____40____ (energy) a girl and never gave up, which made her dream a reality.
    Nw Renee wh used t be an astrnmer, is a member f the Carme Fire Department nw, where she is required t be an Emergency Medical Technician. Once a reprter asked her, “I wnder if all the skills necessary t act as a firefighter have been mastered by yu s far.” She replied, “I seem t have. Nw a summary ____41____ (write) last week abut my training will be published tmrrw.” The reprter ____42____ (make) a respnse, “Yu must have trained hard and ____43____ (effective) in the past, haven’t yu?” Renee shuld als be ready t deal with any emergency, like fighting a fire, dealing with a car accident r helping smene wh is sick.
    Asked what the best part f her jb was, Renee replied, “Helping peple and saving lives.” I think that shws signs f being a true her. Renee says that t sme extent, her jb is frightening at times, but extremely exciting. “T tell yu ____44____ truth, the wrst part f my jb is that I see deaths and serius injuries. Actually, smetimes peple die in an accident and sme fires and large amunts f prperty (财产) are lst, fr _____45_____ I am very srry.”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你希望找一位在你校求学的外国学生本周末和你一起进行一次city walk。你打算通过学校网站发一个帖子,内容包括:
    2. City walk的时间和地点;
    Hey, I’m Li Hua.
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Kevin was a schlby wh was cnsidered t be thughtful. One day, Kevin returned hme and said, “Mm! I’m hme!” Kevin clsed the dr and drpped his bks n a chair. “Hi, Kevin, hme already?” his mm turned arund and said.
    “It’s spring. I was thinking mre f ur annual spring cleaning,” Kevin’s mm suggested. “Tmrrw is Saturday. Let’s d sme cleaning, shall we?” “Okay,” Kevin agreed.
    The next day, they cleaned upstairs, dwnstairs, inside, utside, until everything was sptless (一尘不染的). Tired, they sank int the cuch. Pinting t Grandpa’s chair, Kevin’s mm shuted, “Oh, my gsh! That ld chair has gt t g. We’ll buy Grandpa a new ne.” Kevin’s grandpa had lived with them since Grandma’s death. She went n t say, “Kevin, Let’s take the chair t the curb (马路边). Tmrrw the garbage truck is cming t ur blck.”
    As they attempted t mve the chair, Grandpa walked tward them by dragging his feet thrugh the dr and quickly blcked their way. “Oh, n!” he prtested (反对). “Yu can’t take my chair away.”
    “It’s ld and wrn. We’ll buy yu a new ne,” Kevin’s mm argued.
    “N,” Kevin’s grandpa replied, trying t push his chair back int place. “I dn’t want a new ne,” his vice trembled.
    Kevin’s mm thught fr a while and said she wuld discuss it with Kevin’s dad, wh was still at wrk. Kevin’s mm left the living rm t prepare the dinner. With a sigh f relief, the ld man sat dwn in his chair and clsed his eyes.
    “Grandpa, why wn’t yu let us get rid f the chair? It’s s ld,” Kevin asked his grandpa after his mm left the rm.
    “Yu dn’t understand, Kevin,” Grandpa shk his head frm side t side. After alng pause, he said, “I sat in this chair, with yur grandpa right here, when I asked her t marry me. When I sit in this chair and clse my eyes, I feel as if she were next t me.” Grandpa sftly strked (轻抚) the arms f the chair. “And during the night when yur father was brn, I sat in this chair. I was nervus and scared when they placed the tiny baby int my arms, yet I felt s happy.” A smile flashed acrss his ld face.
    “I think I’m beginning t understand,” Kevin said thughtfully. “The chair gives yu cmfrt and warmth. This is nt just a chair. It is mre like a friend.” Hwever, that night when Kevin and his grandpa were asleep, Kevin’s mm and dad carried the chair t the curb.
    “Where is my ld chair?” Kevin’s grandpa thught and searched fr it in the huse the next mrning.
    “Oh, it can be called a treasure f ur family,” Kevin’s mm said.
    听力答案:1~5 CBCBC 6~10 CCAAC 11~15 BABBA 16~20 ABAAC

    河南省豫北名校2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题(学生版+教师版): 这是一份河南省豫北名校2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题(学生版+教师版),文件包含河南省豫北名校2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题教师版docx、河南省豫北名校2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    上海市大同中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题(学生版+教师版 ): 这是一份上海市大同中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题(学生版+教师版 ),文件包含上海市大同中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题教师版docx、上海市大同中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共42页, 欢迎下载使用。

    131,山西省运城市盐湖区运城市康杰中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题(无答案): 这是一份131,山西省运城市盐湖区运城市康杰中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题(无答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了 04,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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