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    这是一份山东省枣庄市峄城区2023-2024学年九年级下学期期中质量检测英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含山东省枣庄市峄城区2023-2024学年九年级下学期期中质量检测英语试题含听力原卷版docx、山东省枣庄市峄城区2023-2024学年九年级下学期期中质量检测英语试题含听力解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力测试(共4节,1~15题,每题1分,满分15分;41~45,每题2分,满分10分,共25分)
    A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.
    1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________
    2. Anna’s study is pretty gd.
    3 Anna is busy preparing fr the exam.
    4. Anna wants t be a teacher in a city.
    5 Anna wants t teach children math.
    6. Anna will leave the schl tmrrw.
    第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,第一节完形填空,16~25小题,每小题1分,满分10分;第二节语法填空,46~55小题,每小题1分,满分10分。共20分)
    第一节 完形填空
    I was walking my dg in the street ne mrning when I saw this heartwarming sight. A ____12____ was rushing twards her car and lading it with her children’s schlbags. Behind her were tw children crying at the tp f their ____13____.
    While the mther was running quickly the tw kids seldm mved their feet. They were t busy ____14____ and seeking (寻找) fr attentin. The mther ____15____ t run t her car, pened the dr and put the heavy bags.
    Then ____16____ her arms wide she ran twards her children, smiled as she came t ____17____, picked ne n her left arm, the ther n her right arm and carried them bth t the car. The children’s cries nw transfrmed (改变) t laughter ____18____ the mther cntinued t shwer them with her lve.
    As I std there watching the scene, my eyes were full f tears and my heart was filled with lve. Only a mther is able t carry tw 4-year-lds ____19____. She feels their pain f having t wake up s early and gives them the assurance (保证) that n matter what ____20____, she is there fr them.
    _____21_____, all mms are superwmen! Let’s shw ur respect and lve t ur mthers.
    12. A. mtherB. fatherC. snD. daughter
    13. A. striesB. vicesC. pricesD. ways
    14. A. eatingB. playingC. laughingD. crying
    15. A. stppedB. keptC. cntinuedD. waited
    16. A. clsingB. peningC. hangingD. putting
    17. A. yuB. usC. themD. her
    18. A. andB. butC. sD. if
    19. A. nce in a whileB. at the same timeC. frm time t timeD. in the end
    20. A. asksB. endsC. happensD. leads
    21. A. In the middleB. At lastC. By the endD. In a wrd
    第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    It is said that the literary (文学的) artists f ancient China were inspired either by tea r by wine.
    Accrding t Lu Yu’s Tea Classics, tea-drinking in China can be traces (追溯) back t the Zhu Dynasty: tea was discvered by Shennng and became ppular as a drink in the State f Lu because f Zhu Gng.
    Tea-drinking in China has a histry f fur thusand years. As the legend (传说) has it, Shennng tasted hundreds f wild plants t see which were pisnus, s as t prevent peple frm eating the pisnus plants. It is said that he was pisned seventy-tw times in ne day but was saved by eating sme leaves f an evergreen plant with white flwers. Later, peple called the leaves that saved his life “cha”.
    In mdern times, peple still keep tea-drinking as ne f their daily activities. Accrding t the study, tea can als have effects n sme mdern illnesses. T thse wh have t wrk with cmputers fr a lng time, drinking tea can help them t build up a wall against the cmputer radiatin (辐射). T thse wh may have t much fat, drinking tea can help them t recreate a new balance in their bdies. And t thse aged peple, drinking tea is als a gd way t keep a calm md fr a lnger life.
    22. What’s the Chinese meaning f the underlined wrd “pisnus”?
    A. 供饮用的B. 美味的
    C. 多姿多彩的D. 有毒的
    23. What des the third paragraph mainly tell us?
    A. Tea-drinking has a lng histry.
    B. Shennng was a her.
    C. The birth f tea.
    D. Tea became ppular.
    24. Which f the fllwing is NOT true?
    A. Tea was discvered by Zhu Gng.
    B. Tea-drinking began fur thusand years ag in China.
    C. Shennng was pisned seventy-tw times in ne day.
    D. Drinking tea is als a gd way t keep a calm md fr a lnger life.
    Scientists say that the Arctic (北极) is warming up tw and a half times as fast as any ther place n Earth.
    The Arctic is usually s cld that when the needles (针叶) fall frm trees, they quickly freeze instead f breaking dwn. These needles and ther leaves create layers (层) f frzen dirt and ice called permafrst (永冻土层).
    As the name suggests, permafrst usually desn’t melt (融化). But that’s nt always true anymre. In recent years, the Arctic has been heating up s much that the permafrst has been melting. A heat wave in June f 2020 brke the Arctic temperature recrds that were set last year and the year befre.
    The Arctic heat wave is causing serius prblems. Carbn dixide is a dangerus gas that is ne f the biggest causes f glbal warming. The frzen permafrst kept much carbn dixide in the grund, where it was harmless. But as the permafrst melts, it’s releasing carbn dixide back int the air, heating the planet even mre.
    As the Arctic heats up and dries ut, it’s als experiencing bigger wildfires. Mary, a scientist wh studies the Arctic, suggests that the Arctic heat wave is a strng sign that ur planet is sick. “The Arctic is n fire,” she says. “It has a fever right nw, and s it’s a gd warning sign that we need t stp, take nte and figure ut what’s ging n.”
    25 Which f the fllwing is NOT true abut permafrst?
    A. It can keep much carbn dixide in the grund.
    B. It is gd fr the envirnment.
    C. It wn’t melt frever.
    D. It is made f layers f frze dirt and ice.
    26. What’s the Chinese meaning f the underlined wrd “releasing”?
    A. 保留B. 压制
    C. 收缩D. 释放
    27. Why des Mary say “The Arctic is n fire”?
    A. Because there are lts f wildfires in the Arctic.
    B. Because the Arctic is becming warmer and warmer.
    C. Because there is t much carbn dixide in the permafrst.
    D. Because it is warning peple that the Earth is becming warmer.
    Chinese scientists fund a whale fall (鲸落) fr the first time in the Suth China Sea during a deep-sea expeditin (考察) carried ut by ceanic research vessel (船) Tansu-1.
    It’s sad t learn that a whale has died in the cean. Hwever, that’s nt the end fr the whale. It has a lt t give t ther sea animals after death. When a whale dies, it quickly sinks t the bttm f the cean flr. There, the whale bdy prvides fd fr deep-sea animals, which are ften hungry fr fd. The remains can last fr lts f years and create an ecsystem (生态系统) called a whale fall-an “asis (绿洲)” f life in the deep sea.
    The whale fall ecsystem can exist in the deep cean because great pressure and cld temperatures there prevent the bdy frm decmpsing (腐烂) t quickly. But the depth als makes it hard fr scientists t discver them. There are less than 50 knwn whale falls in the wrld.
    The whale bdy in the Suth China Sea is abut three meters lng. Scientists have fund several species f shrimp (虾) and fish near the whale bdy. Sme fish have started t eat the whale’s tail. The whale fall might be quite recent and needs lng-term bservatin (观测), accrding t Xie Wei, a scientist wh tk part in the expeditin.
    By studying the whale fall, scientists can better understand hw marine (海洋的) ecsystems supprt life and hw t prtect bidiversity (生物多样性) resurces in the deep sea.
    28. A whale fall is called an “asis” because it prvides fd fr deep-sea animals.
    29. It’s hard t find whale falls because f lw temperature.
    30. The whale fall in the Suth China Sea may have frmed recently.
    31. The passage is mainly abut the death f whale.
    Hlding a pair f brushes—ne with pigment (颜料) and the ther with water—Tian Lili paints penies (牡丹) n a piece f paper n Mnday. ____32____ She is at a painting cperative (合作社) in Hngmia Village f Juye cunty, Shandng prvince.
    “My wrking time here is flexible (灵活的). Usually, I paint penies seven r eight hurs a day when there is n farming wrk t d,” said Tian. “I lve painting penies. ____33____”
    “Wrking here, I can take care f my parents and children, and I can make sme mney by painting penies,” she said.
    ____34____ Mst f them are farmers. They wuld like t make sme mney n this side. They dn’t want t travel away frm their hmes t make mney.
    Using brushes, the painters have drawn a rad f rural vitalizatin (乡村振兴) in Juye. ____35____ Juye Cunty belngs t Heze City, knwn as the “peny Capital f China”.
    T date, Juye has mre than 160 painting training institutins (机构). There are mre than 20,000 peple painting r selling paintings. ____36____ The paintings are sld t 40 cuntries and regins, accrding t the cunty gvernment.
    A. She needs ne week t finish the painting.
    B. They have als helped Juye becme richer.
    C. Like Tian, in Juye, there are ver 11,000 painters.
    D. The painters draw ver 1.2 millin paintings in a year.
    E. Many years ag, Tian learned t draw frm her mther.
    F. I have been wrking n painting penies fr 12 years at the cperative.
    G. Her mther lves painting peples.
    第四部分 写作(共六节,满分65分)
    听力填空 听下面一段短文,请根据所听内容完成下面的填空。每个空不超过三个单词。把答案写在答题卡第一节1~5小题的横线上。录音读三遍。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Wu Ruixing is 21 years ld. He is a student frm Shanghai Jia Tng University (SJTU). He is als ____42____ head f a VEX rbtics wrld champin team (VEX 机器人世界冠军团队). As the summer vacatin cmes, he is thinking abut the team’s future.
    The SJTU VEX team was started in 2008. It des well ____43____ different VEX rbtics Cmpetitins. Students frm different ____44____ (cuntry) jined in the 2022-2023 cmpetitin in America. Wu’s team made a rbt t cmpete (竞争) against ther teams and gt the ____45____ (ne) place.
    Wu still feels excited when talking abut their trip t the tp. “Fr mst f ____46____ (we), it was ur first time jining in the cmpetitin. It was nt easy ____47____ exciting. We wrked day and night t prepare fr the cmpetitin,” he said.
    During the pening party, smething unexpected (出乎意料的) happened. “There ____48____ (be) smething wrng with ur natinal flag, s I asked the rganizers ____49____ (use) a right ne,” Wu said. With the effrts f Wu and the ther ____50____ (China) students, they brught a right natinal flag in the end.
    Wu wants mre students t jin the team. “Nw, we ____51____ (welcme) mre f ur schlmates t jin us. It is nt just abut the cmpetitin, but it is abut teamwrk, grwth and the shared pursuit (追求) knwledge,” Wu said.
    第三节 读下面的文章,在答题卡的56~60每个题目下回答问题(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)。
    China will send a prbe (探测器) t the mn next year. The prbe is called Chang’e 6, and its jb is t cllect samples (样本) frm the mn’s far side, which is a part we dn’t knw much abut.
    The Chang’e 6 prject is ging well, and scientists will use a special satellite (人造卫星) called Queqia 2 t help the prbe cmmunicate with the Earth.
    The Chang’e 6 prbe has fur parts: an rbiter (轨道飞行器), a lander, an ascender (上升器), and a re-entry mdule (返回舱). They will wrk tgether t d the missin (任务).
    If everything ges accrding t plan, it will tuch dwn in the Suth Ple-Aitken Basin (盆地) n the mn. There, it will cllect sil (土壤) and rcks. This is exciting because it will becme the first time fr man t get samples frm the mn’s far side.
    China started its mn prgram in 2004 and has already sent five prbes t the mn since 2007. The mst recent ne Chang’e 5, brught back mn rcks and sil in 2020. Nw, they want t see if vlcanes (火山) n the far side stpped abut 4 billin years ag.
    China’s rver, Yutu 2, has been wrking n the mn fr nearly five years, making it the wrld’s lngest-perating mn rver.
    52. What can the special satellite Queqia 2 d?
    53. What des the third paragraph mainly tell us?
    54. Where will Chang’e 6 land n the mn?
    55. Why is Chang’e 6’s wrk exciting?
    56. Hw lng has China’s rver, Yutu 2, been wrking n the mn?
    第四节 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。把答案写在答题卡1~5 小题的横线上。
    57. 早起是一个好习惯。
    It’s a gd habit t ________ ________ early.
    58. 十分钟不够我算出这道数学题。
    Ten minutes ________ ________ fr me t wrk ut the math prblem.
    59. 向他人学习并自我提升对我们极其重要。
    ________ ________ thers and imprving urselves is essential fr us.
    60. 有一天我会回去看望我的老师们。
    One day I will ________ ________ t visit my teachers.
    61. 很多人相信,一个人锻炼越多,就越健康。
    Many peple believe that the mre a persn exercises, ________ ________ he will be.
    第五节 大意总结(满分10分,书写占2分)
    62. 读下面文章,请根据问题提示,尽可能用自己的话写出大意总结。词数不少于60,不多于80词。注意 :在文章后标清你写的字数。
    Chinese calligraphy (书法) is an art frm that has a histry f mre than 3,000 years in China. It’s the art f writing Chinese characters with a brush. Chinese calligraphy is an imprtant part f Chinese culture and has a unique style that is appreciated all ver the wrld.
    The brush used in Chinese calligraphy is usually made f animal air, such as gat hair, rabbit hair r weasel (黄鼠狼) . The ink used is made frm st (烟灰) and water, and the paper used is usually rice paper r silk. Chinese calligraphy is ften seen as a meditative (沉思的) art frm because it requires great skills and cncentratin (专注) t create beautiful and meaningful characters.
    Chinese calligraphy is nt nly a frm f art but als a way f expressing ne’s persnality and thughts and feelings. Calligraphy is ften used in petry, painting, and ther frms f art. It is als used in everyday life, such as writing letters r creating wedding invitatins.
    In China, calligraphy is taught in schls and is seen as an imprtant part f educatin. Learning calligraphy requires patience, but it is a meaningful experience. It nt nly imprves ne’s handwriting skills but als helps t imprve creativity, cncentratin and discipline (自制力) .
    In a wrd, it is a great way t enjy Chinese culture and express neself freely.
    1. What’s the Chinese calligraphy?
    2. Why is Chinese calligraphy ften seen as a meditative art frm?
    3. What’s the Chinese calligraphy ften used?
    4. What’s the advantages f learning calligraphy?
    5. What d yu think f Chinese calligraphy?
    第六节 书面表达(满分15分,书写占2分。)
    63. 为了让同学们更好地感受英语学习的魅力,光明中学打算举办一场主题为“用英语讲好中国故事”的征文活动,请你以“Learning English, Tell China’s Stries”为题,写一篇短文投稿。
    Learning English, Tell China’s Stries
    ____7____ Speaker 1
    ____8____ Speaker 2
    ____9____ Speaker 3
    ____10____ Speaker 4
    ____11____ Speaker 5
    A. He lves animals better than any ther student.
    B. Her name is n the bk, t.
    C. M Yan is her favrite writer.
    D She nly lves vlleyball in ur class.
    E. He was the nly little kid at the picnic.
    Hw t Spend the Time in Senir High Schl
    Li Hua, a senir high schl student frm Grade ____37____.
    Fur pieces f advice
    Wrk hard
    Senir high schl als has teachers, ____38____, hmewrk and exams.
    Manage yur time wisely
    Try t finish yur hmewrk ____39____ and get enugh sleep.
    Dn’t cmpare yurself t thers
    Pay attentin t yur wn wrk and dn’t ____40____ yurself t much.
    Stay active
    Yu need t have yur wn plans. Dn’t be ____41____.

    山东省枣庄市市中区2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中教学质量检测英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份山东省枣庄市市中区2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中教学质量检测英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含山东省枣庄市市中区2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中教学质量检测英语试题含听力原卷版docx、山东省枣庄市市中区2023-2024学年八年级下学期期中教学质量检测英语试题含听力解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共25页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    山东省枣庄市峄城区2023—2024学年九年级下学期期中质量检测英语试题: 这是一份山东省枣庄市峄城区2023—2024学年九年级下学期期中质量检测英语试题,共6页。







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