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    A Persn Wh Has Influenced My Life
    There is always a time in ne’s life when a her cmes alng. Smene wh has inspired yu can really help yu learn what life is abut.
    I remember it as if it was yesterday. I was fifteen years ld that year. It was arund eight ’clck ne evening when my mther 1 a phne call frm her brther-in-law, wh tld us my aunt was in hspital and that the dctr 2 them she wuld need an peratin immediately. My family became very 3 abut my aunt’s situatin.
    While my aunt was in the hspital with special 4 , my cusin Mark, wh is mentally disabled, spent time with my family. Mark was seventeen at the time, and had been brn with 5 mental disrders, which created a wide range f scial and physical prblems fr him thrughut everyday life. He never had any true friend because n ne culd re late t him. I must 6 that at the beginning I was filled with uncertainty as t hw much f a burden my cusin wuld bring n my family. Nw lking back it saddens me t see the 7 I nce shwed.
    Over the tw weeks when Mark lived with my family, I prbably 8 mre abut life and its meanings. Thinking back, I tk 9 in daily life fr granted, believing it wuld always be there. I never even thught abut being able t d things like walking, brushing my teeth, r ging t the bathrm n my wn. Nw I see hw 10 I am t be able t d these things independently.
    Mark was seventeen, but learned n a nine-year-ld level. Althugh his learning ability was slwer than mst, he culd 11 learn. He explred 12 t d mst f the things everyne else did. 13 he did pretty well and succeeded in almst everything he tried t d. He 14 his illness and shwed an ambitin t lve life. T him, having a successful life means achieving gals n his wn terms and at his wn 15 .
    Mark is my her, fr his disability has frever frmed my viewpint n life.
    14.A.depended nB.fught againstC.suffered frmD.fcused n
    Immersive Van Ggh
    Frm the creatrs f the blckbuster shw in Paris seen by ver tw millin visitrs and still wwing crwds in Trnt, the west cast premiere (首场) f the Immersive Van Ggh Exhibit will bring the art f Vincent t life in Ls Angeles.
    Immersive art is nt just a technical way t represent vide and audi in huge spaces. The wrd immersive indicates a deep cmmitment f intentins which cnnect images and sunds in a way that the audience able t experience a different way f the art.
    True t its name, this exhibitin transfrms the icnic(标志性的) paintings f Vincent Van Ggh int mving, wall-filling prjectins. “Immersive Van Ggh” prmises half-a-millin cubic feet f prjectins that pull frm sme f the pst-impressinist’s mst recgnizable pieces, including The Bedrm, Sunflwers and, yes, The Starry Night.
    Yu will experience art like never befre — lse yurself in entrancing, mving images that highlight brushstrkes, detail, and clr— truly illuminating (照亮) the mind f the genius.
    The Immersive Van Ggh Exhibit is lcated at a secret place situated in the heart f Ls Angeles. T be annunced befre the exhibit pens, existing ticket hlders will receive an email with the place name and lcatin nce it is made public.
    Tickets are available nline at
    Stp by ur Exhibit Gift Shp t take the magic f Van Ggh hme with yu! Frm clthing and jewellery t hme decr, children’s bks, and s much mre, yu will find unique and thughtful suvenirs at the Immersive Van Ggh Exhibit. Als be sure t check ut at ur nline stre!
    Experience the rganic landscapes f Van Ggh’s imaginatin, and jurney thrugh his brilliance and madness in a cmpletely new and unfrgettable way.
    16.Accrding t the passage, the Immersive Van Ggh Exhibit ______.
    A.presents Van Ggh’s art in a mdern way
    B.begins a jurney t Van Ggh’s hmetwn
    C.displays Van Ggh’s paintings n mving walls
    D.designs prjects n Van Ggh’s learning experience
    17.Frm where can peple find infrmatin abut the exact lcatin f the exhibit?
    A.The gift shp.B.A website.C.The ticket ffice.D.An email.
    18.Hw much shuld a cuple with a 5-year-ld child wh wuld like t wn a Van Ggh carpet at least pay fr the visit?
    19.What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A.T attract audiences t visit the Immersive Van Ggh Exhibit.
    B.T intrduce the histrical significance f Vincent Van Ggh’s art.
    C.T prmte the sale f unique and thughtful suvenirs t visit.
    D.T prvide a platfrm fr artists t experiment with new technlgies.
    Since 1963, many female space explrers have fllwed Russian astrnaut Valentina Tereshkva. Let’s lk at the missins(任务) f fur imprtant female astrnauts t find ut what astrnauts d in space.
    In 1983, Sally Ride became the first American wman in space. Her team carried ut scientific experiments in space and put tw cmmunicatins satellites in space. Satellites make it pssible fr us t cmmunicate instantly with each ther acrss the wrld thrugh TV, radi and telephnes.
    In 1984, Kathryn Sullivan became the first American wman t walk in space. During her missin, she discvered imprtant infrmatin abut the sun’s energy and hw it affects the climate in very ht and very cld places n Earth. She als tk phtgraphs f Earth and measured air pllutin.
    In 1992, Mae Jemisn became the first African-American wman in space. During her missin, she did scientific experiments using the weightless atmsphere. In space, there is n gravity, s everything flats! Dr. Jemisn’s experiments gave imprtant infrmatin abut the human bdy t prduce better medicines and healthcare.
    In 2012, Liu Yang became the first Chinese wman in space. She did experiments in space medicine, which lk at hw astrnauts can survive and stay healthy in space. The cnditins in space are very hard n the bdy and space medicine helps astrnauts wrk safely.
    20.Wh cllected imprtant infrmatin abut air pllutin?
    A.Valentina Tereshkva.B.Sally Ride.
    C.Kathryn Sullivan.D.Mae Jemisn.
    21.What did Dr. Jemisn’s experiments fcus n?
    A.Human bdy.B.Space satellites.
    C.Climate n Earth.D.Energy frm the sun.
    22.Liu Yang’s missin aimed at ______.
    A.prviding infrmatin abut envirnmentB.prtecting astrnauts’ health in space
    C.imprving cmmunicatin n EarthD.testing the weightless atmsphere
    23.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Great Walking in SpaceB.Cnditins in Space
    C.Healthcare in SpaceD.Wmen in Space
    Music is a pwerful thing. It awakens feelings and has the pwer t bring peple tgether. But tday, artists are nt knwn fr their music, but fr hw flashy their clthing is and hw many times their wealthy relatives can get them ut f jail(监狱). And thus, their music is lst.
    Pp and rap music has develped int a shallw, image-addicted industry that lines up with what the public wants t hear and see, remving the fcus n the actual music. Mainstream music is n lnger cmpsed f emtin, but instead, themes f mney and fame. Phts and rumrs fly while the music is ignred.
    Nt all musical grups r individual artists begin like this. Many f these artists are riginal and talented, but turn t the mney side. Often their sngs are written by experts wh knw what is appealing t a certain age grup, and the musicians’ faces can be seen n cuntless magazine cvers. Sn their suppsedly new and imprved sngs can be heard blasting ut f car windws. But these sngs are ttally empty, lacking creativity and the riginal thirst f the artist t make an impact r cnvey (传递) a message.
    MTV is nt helping. It plays nly what the public wants t hear. And unfrtunately, the majrity seems interested in either sickly sweet, generic pp r steretypical (刻板的), bleeped-ut rap. Kids and teens everywhere are swimming in these sngs, which are ften degrading t wmen and minrities, and inapprpriate.
    Almst all the girls in my drm are addicted t the same sngs. This was the case the previus year, and the year befre that. Whenever I try t play music I enjy, r intrduce them t sme decent sngs, they say that everyne except me likes their music.
    Why d mst teenagers nly listen t pp and rap music when s many ther types exist? Maybe it’s because everywhere we lk, we are bmbarded with(被……轰炸) the same music: n the radi, n TV, n the cmputer. At schl, pp and rap are discussed all the time. Perhaps they have never listened t anything else. Or maybe peer pressure is part f it.
    There is n slutin t the “pp prblem”. It’s called ppular fr a reasn—many peple enjy it. There’s n easy way t change their views. My suggestin is nt t buy music like this when yu can explre smething new. Expand yur hrizns. Dig up yur parents’ ld recrds and CDs. Yu never knw what yu might find.
    24.The authr prbably prefers ______.
    A.new pp sngs meant fr girls
    B.riginal sngs with deep meaning
    C.catchy sngs prduced by ppular singers
    D.never-heard-befre sngs just recently discvered
    25.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Many artists trade creativity fr wealth and fame.
    B.The public is respnsible fr the existence f music.
    C.MTV prmtes the sngs favred by wmen and minrities.
    D.Musicians singing abut mney is an ineffective way t attract fans.
    26.What is mst prbably the authr’s suggestin fr yung peple?
    A.Try t respect yur peers’ music tastes.B.Deal with the “pp prblem” patiently.
    C.Expse yurself t varius music styles.D.Treasure the music frm previus generatins.
    27.What wuld be the best title fr the article?
    A.The Influence f Pp and Rap Music n Teenagers
    B.The Decline f Musical Diversity in Yuth Culture
    C.The Impact f Mainstream Music Trends n Sciety
    D.The Imprtance f Explring Diverse Music Genres
    The bdy gives ff many gases. Althugh sme smells may signal a need t bathe r that yu ate a certain meal, ther gases might pint t serius disease. Nw, researchers have cme up with a system that uses earmuffs t catch the disease-signaling gases. Dctrs culd get the infrmatin as patients wear a set f earmuffs. Results culd be ready within minutes.
    “The ear is a gd place t mnitr,” explains Jhnsn, a bimedical engineer. The ear’s skin is fairly thin, he ntes. S gases dn’t have t travel far t get ut f the bld and escape thrugh skin pres (毛孔) .
    T cllect the gases, Jhnsn and his team selected earmuffs that make a tight seal (密封) with the head. These are the type peple ften wear t prtect the ears frm lud nise. His team made tw hles in the muff cvering ne ear. A tube slwly pumped air in ne hle. Anther tube pulled air ut f the secnd hle and sent it t a sensr.
    In their tests, the team fund that they culd measure changes in the amunt f alchl cming frm the skin f the ear. It culd wrk much like a Breathalyzer that plice use t test peple fr driving drunk. The team invited three men. Each had t avid drinking alchl fr at least three days befre taking part. Once in the lab, these men wre the earmuffs and sat fr 10 minutes as the system recrded nrmal gas levels leaving their ears. Afterward, the men drank a big amunt f alchl. Abut 7 minutes later, the earmuff system tested ut a rise in alchl leaving the skin. After 50 minutes, alchl levels reached the peak and cntinued falling until the test was ver.
    The team then measured ther gases by changing ut the sensr. With the right sensr, their earmuff system culd test ut disease. Later, they replaced the earmuffs with a ne-eared versin t make it a bit mre cmfrtable.
    Jhnsn imagines anther pssible benefit. The earmuff system culd help dctrs tell whether a child’s ear infectins (感染) have been caused by bacteria r a virus. Hw? Each type f infectin exudes different gases. That, in turn, culd guide hw dctrs cure the disease.
    28.What makes the ear a gd place t mnitr?
    A.Its small size.B.Its thin skin.C.Its clean surface.D.Its bld flw.
    29.What did Jhnsn and his team find in their tests?
    A.Sensrs shuld be examined in time.B.Drunk-driving tests were ineffective.
    C.Serius diseases were difficult t identify.D.Their system culd be used t tell diseases.
    30.What des the underlined wrd “exudes” in Paragraph 6 mst prbably mean?
    A.Cllects.B.Gives ff.C.Cuts ff.D.Uses.
    31.In which sectin f a magazine is this passage mst likely t appear?
    第二卷 (共53分)
    Mst peple assume that the human brain is set n “autmatic” —that means it learns all by itself. But this isn’t always true. We need t train urselves t be better learners—t actively take part in the learning prcess and t reflect n what we have learnt. These kinds f learning behaviurs are called “active learning”. I suggest ding five things t take an active rle in yur learning.
    1.Listen t the uter vice
    There are tw kinds f vices: the inner vice and the uter vice. Yur inner vice expresses yur persnal pinins, while the uter vice tells yu abut pinins frm what yu hear r read. Althugh yur inner vice can be useful, it can als get in the way f learning. If yu keep paying t much attentin t it, yu risk missing imprtant infrmatin. Instead, active learners are pen-minded and fcus n what the speaker/ writer is saying, nt n what their brain is saying in the backgrund. In this way, they are in a better psitin t make decisins.
    2.Argue with yur inner vice
    If yu find yur inner vice difficult t cntrl, yu can argue with it as mst active learners d. When yur inner vice tells yu a speaker / writer is wrng, think abut why the speaker / writer may be right. Be flexible in yur pinins and yu might end up agreeing with the speaker / writer after all. If nt, at least yu have “listened t” anther pint f view.
    3.Ask questins
    Asking questins is the easiest way t prmte active learning. When yu get infrmatin frm smene, frm bks r the Internet, ask tw, three, even five questins abut the tpic. The answers will lead yu t further learning, and the very act f wrking ut questins will help yu t achieve a higher level f understanding abut the tpic. In shrt: D nt stp being curius
    4.Get t the truth
    Active learners d nt accept everything they learn. They attempt t find the truth at the heart f each idea. Even when an idea sunds entirely unlikely, there may be an aspect f it that is based n truth. S if smene says that dinsaurs still exist tday, think abut why they believe this. Where des the idea cme frm? D they have enugh data t supprt their views? If yu try t find ut the surce f an idea, n matter hw crazy it seems, yu will increase yur chance f learning smething.
    5.Fcus n the message
    Many peple miss ut n learning pprtunities because they let their feelings get in the way. They refuse t learn r ignre what is said because f wh the speaker / writer is. It is true that we cannt help disliking sme peple—this is human nature, after all. But d nt frget yu can still learn frm them. Active learners d nt judge peple based n first impressins r persnal feeling. Instead, they separate the message frm the messenger. This ges the ther way as well—d nt just assume that sme peple are always right because f wh they are r just because they are yur friends.
    32.What is “active learning”?(不多于16个单词)
    33.What des “uter vice” d?(不多于13个单词)
    34.What is the easiest way t prmte active learning?(不多于3个单词)
    35.Why d many peple miss ut n learning pprtunities?(不多于9个单词)
    第二节:用方框中所给单词完成短文 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
    Tu Yuyu is the first Chinese female scientist wh was awarded a Nbel Prize. She studied medicine and 36 a deep knwledge abut traditinal practices, which enabled her t be 37 t establish a team t find a cure fr malaria in 1969. With the idea that Chinese herbs might hld the secret, Tu Yuyu and her team studied sme related literature and 38 a lt f researches with limited resurces. They 39 mdern research methds t study these Chinese herbs ne by ne. After hundreds f failed 40 , they eventually came acrss a 41 chemical. Tu Yuyu bravely vlunteered t be the first human subject in the 42 n humans. The chemical they 43 , artemisinin, has nw becme the wrld’s mst effective drug fr fighting malaria. As ne f the mst 44 figures f science in the 20th Century, she is nt interested in fame and she cntinues t d research tday 45 her age. What she did nt nly saved millins f lives, but als bridged the Eastern and Western wrlds.
    阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 一个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。请在答题卡指定区域作答。
    Wu Yuren is a retired physics 46 (teach) frm Tngji University in Shanghai. Since 2020, she has been creating shrt vides f physics experiments. With ver 4.5 millin fllwers n Duyin, she has earned the nickname(绰号) “Science Grandma”. 47 makes her s ppular is her simple and interesting way f teaching. Wu tld Peple’s Daily, “Many students regard physics 48 a highly difficult subject. By my experiments, I want t shw that physics knwledge can be fund everywhere in 49 (we) daily lives and that everybdy can understand it!”
    Jeremy Hampden prepared the speech carefully and went t the wedding with his daughter, Jenny. He had included a large number f funny stries in the speech and, f curse, it was a great success. As sn as he 50 (finish), Jenny tld him she wanted t g hme. On the way hme, he asked Jenny 51 she had enjyed the speech. T his surprise, she said she hadn’t because she did nt like t see s many peple 52 (laugh) at him!
    Mst gardeners will prbably say gardening is gd fr yu. Accrding t a study, peple wh garden have a 53 (healthy) diet, get mre exercise, and feel less stress. Researchers studied the benefits f gardening in shared cmmunity gardens 54 peple wrk tgether. They suggest gardening may reduce stress because it 55 (expse) peple t nature, while cmmunity gardens als prvide chances fr scial interactin. Therefre, they hpe the results will encurage dctrs and gvernment leaders t regard cmmunity gardens as a vital part f the public health system.
    ● invite Beijing Opera actrs t give live perfrmances
    ● give chances t have face-t-face talks with the actrs
    ● arrange fr lectures n the histry f Beijing Opera
    ● …
    Dear Jack,
    S glad t learn that yu are interested in Beijing Opera. And I’d like t intrduce ur schl’s Beijing Opera Club t yu.
    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Best regards,
    Li Hua
    1—5CBAAB6—10CBDDC11—15 BABBC
    阅读与表达 (每题2分)
    32.T actively take part in the learning prcess and t reflect n what we have learnt.
    (2分,答案要有关键短语actively take part in, reflect n,如果有1个可以给1分;如回答These kinds f learning behaviurs are called “active learning”不给分)
    33.The uter vice tells yu abut pinins frm what yu hear r read.
    It tells yu abut pinins frm what yu hear r read.(2分,两种主语表达均可)
    34.Asking questins/ T ask questins. (2分,两种表达均可)
    35.Because they let their feelings get in the way.(2分,有无Because均可)
    36.gained 37.chsen 38.cnducted 39.used 40.experiements
    41.prmising 42.test 43.discvered 44.influential 45.despite
    评分标准:所填内容使句子达意,且拼写正确计 1分;拼写不正确或形式错误不得分。
    阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 一个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。请在答题卡指定区域作答。
    46.teacher 47.What 48.as 49.ur 50.had finished 51.if/whether
    52.laughing 53.healthier 54.where 55.expses
    Dear Jack,
    S glad t learn that yu are interested in Beijing Opera. And I’d like t intrduce ur schl’s Beijing Opera Club t yu.
    This club ffers clurful activities, such as invite Beijing Opera actrs t give live perfrmances. Mre exactingly, it gives yu chances t have face-t-face talks with the actrs, helping yu t have clser lk at this treasure f Chinese arts. Besides, it arranges fr lectures n the histry f Beijing Opera, which is a gd way t understand Chinese culture.
    S why nt cme and enjy us here? I’m sure yu will have great pleasure here. If yu have any ther questins, please dn’t hesitate t ask me.
    Best regards.
    VIP TICKETS—$99.99
    ●Pririty access
    ●Van Ggh carpet (a gift fr yu)
    ●Limited editin pster
    ●Van Ggh carpet (rental)
    ●Limited editin pster
    BASIC TICKETS—$54.99
    ●Admissin nly
    CHILD TICKETS—$29.99
    ●Ages 6-16 (children 5 and under d nt require a ticket)
    ●Admissin nly
    ●Child tickets are nt subject t change f date fees
    cnducted, test, despite, chsen, discvered,
    gained, influential, prmising, used, experiments

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