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    这是一份126,江西省南昌市第十九中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷,文件包含126江西省南昌市第十九中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷2docx、126江西省南昌市第十九中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷1docx、126江西省南昌市第十九中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (120 分钟 150 分)
    第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Where is the wman prbably frm?
    A. Peru. B. Britain. C. Mexic.
    2. What will the man d tnight?
    A. Attend a party. B. Reply t an invitatin. C. Play ftball.
    3. What des the wman think f her ld rmmate?
    A. Selfish. B. Thughtful. C. Careful.
    4. What shuld the city d accrding t the wman?
    A. Create mre jbs. B. Imprve the air quality. C. Clse sme businesses.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Their daily rutine. B. Their drmitry. C. The weather.
    第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    6. Hw des the wman suggest the man get hme?
    A. By bus. B. By car. C. By taxi.
    7. Where are the speakers?
    A. At hme. B. At a bus statin. C. At a restaurant.
    听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
    8. Why is the man at the supermarket tday?
    A. T d sme shpping.B. T carry ut a survey.C. T meet the wner.
    9. What change did the wner make t the supermarket last year?
    A. The lcatin. B. The name. C. The manager.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
    10. What is the wman ding?
    A. Brrwing a tent. B. Returning a tent. C. Packing a tent.
    11. What is the wman’s mtivatin fr climbing?
    A. T get clse t nature. B. T have fun. C. T imprve her fitness.
    12. Where will the speakers climb tgether?
    A. In the wild. B. At a climbing center. C. At a gym.
    听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
    13. What is the wman’s pinin abut her idea f the nline business?
    A. It’s unique.B. It’s practical.C. It’s challenging.
    14. Why will the wman cntact artists?
    A. T see their wrks.B. T lk fr inspiratin.C. T d business with them.
    15. What will the wman d fr large rders?
    A. Offer free delivery. B. Charge a small fee. C. Give a discunt.
    16. What is special abut the packaging?
    A. It’s luxury.B. It’s f gd quality. C. It’s envirnmentally friendly.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
    17. Where are drinks served all day?
    A. In the cafe. B. In the dining rm. C. By the swimming pl.
    18. What will the listeners prbably d arund 1 p.m.?
    A. Have lunch. B. G swimming. C. Attend a cnference.
    19. What des the speaker aplgize fr?
    A. The updated prgram. B. The high temperature. C. The late lunch.
    20. Why des the cnference prgram have t be changed?
    A. Sme rms are being repaired.
    B. The General Manager can’t cme.
    C. A speaker isn’t able t give her talk.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Invasive(入侵的) Species Management
    Placencia, Belize
    Make a difference by remving lin-fish, an invasive species destrying reef ecsystems f the Caribbean. Learn t dive while remving lin-fish. Each week/day will differ but yu will be participating in the fllwing areas; Remving Invasive Lin-fish. Whale Shark Observatin (if sptted). Bidiversity Identificatin Dive. Beach Clean-ups.
    Marine Research Trip
    Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy
    Yu will jin an internatinal crew abard a sailbat t wrk fr the prtectin f ur seas. And yu will learn t cllect data, rganize and enjy the sea at its best! Of primary nte is that it is ne f the wrld’s best spts fr Water sprts. Gain experience in Marine Research in the field (Under water). Get clse up t dlphins and whales in the wild.
    Wildlife Supprter
    Prt Elizabeth, Suth Africa
    Vlunteer at a Game Reserve that hsts the Big 5 and supprt the lcal staff in mnitring the animals. Wrk up clse with the famus Big 5! Jin ur reserve fr rphaned and injured nn-dangerus animals. Make a difference in the rescue, recvery and release f wildlife giving them a secnd chance at being free and wild again.
    Climate and Envirnmentalist Supprter
    Hanga Ra, Chile
    Be a vlunteer n the amazing Easter Island in the middle f the Pacific Ocean and get invlved in climate and nature prtectin. Respnsibilities include: Teamwrk in the climate prtectin prgram, Cllectin f plant seeds, Cntrl f seed settlement n the plantatin, Cnservatin f native seeds and plants, Refrestatin wrk.
    21.What activity will vlunteers d depending n gd luck in Placencia?
    A.Clean up the beach.B.Dive under water t see lin-fish.
    C.Cllect data n a marine animal.D.Mnitr whale sharks carefully.
    22.What is Tyrrhenian Sea famus fr?
    A.Its marine life in deep water.B.Its perfect place fr sailing.
    C.Its wild dlphins and whales.D.Its best spt fr marine researches.
    23.Which activity is suitable fr vlunteers with medical experiences?
    A.Wildlife Supprter.B.Marine Research Expeditin.
    C.Invasive Species Management.D.Climate and Envirnmentalist Supprter.
    I was 16 years ld the day I escaped schl fr the first time. It was easily dne: Bth my parents always left fr wrk befre my schl bus arrived, s when it shwed up at my huse n that cld winter mrning, I simply did nt get n. The perfect crime!
    And what did I d with myself n that glrius stlen day, with n adult in charge and n limits n my activities? Did I get high? Hit the mall fr shpping?
    N. I built a warm fire in the wd stve, prepared a bwl f ppcrn, grabbed a blanket, and read. I was thrilled and hked by a bk — it was Hemingway’s The Sun Als Rises —and I just needed t be alne with it fr a little while. I ached t knw what wuld happen t Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley and Rbert Chn. I culdn’t bear the thught f sitting in a classrm taking anther bilgy exam when I culd be traveling thrugh Spain in the 1920s with a bunch f expatriates (异乡客).
    I spent that day lst in wrds. Time fell away, as the rm arund me turned t mist, and my rle — as a daughter, sister, teenager, and student — in the wrld n lnger had any meaning. I had accidentally cme acrss the key t perfect happiness: I had becme cmpletely absrbed in smething I lved.
    Lking back n it nw, I can see that sme subtle things were happening t my mind and t my life while I was in that state f absrptin. Hemingway’s language was quietly fitting itself int my imaginatin. I was dwnlading infrmatin abut hw t create simple and elegant sentences, a gd and slid plt. In ther wrds, I was learning hw t write. Withut realizing it, I was n the trail f my wn fate. Writing nw absrbs me the way reading nce did and happiness is their generus side effect.
    24.Why did the authr skip schl n that day?
    A.Because her parents left hme earlier.B.Because she was attracted by a nvel.
    C.Because she planned t g shpping.D.Because she missed the schl bus.
    25.What did the authr think is the surce f true jy?
    A.Reading by the fire.B.Travelling in Spain.
    C.Freeing herself frm the rles.D.Being lst in ne’s passin.
    26.What des the underlined wrd “it” in the last paragraph refer t?
    A.Learning t write autmatically.B.The state f absrptin.
    C.Reading with happiness.D.My wn fate.
    27.What can we infer frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A.I dislike my real-life rles.B.The key t happiness is absrptin.
    C.Hemingway’s style influenced me a lt.D.Becming a writer was my childhd dream.
    Tariq Qaiser, an architect, is trying t prtect mangrves (红树林). The trees culd save Pakistan’s largest city Karachi, sitting n the Arabian Sea, frm natural disaster. He cmes t Bundal Island several times a week t dcument the illegal cutting f mangrve trees. Very ften, “yu can’t hear a single bird because the chain saws are s lud. The trees are cut dwn illegally fr firewd,” he says, shaking his head. Besides, develpers clear the mangrves t make rm fr cnstructin.
    Karachi has a ht climate, and its cncrete buildings and paved rads make it even htter. Offshre, there are islands where mangrves grw. They culd be the key t slwing climate change. Mangrve frests pull carbn dixide ut f the air, hlding fur times as much f the planet-warming gas as ther frests can. They supprt diverse ecsystems. As sea levels rise with glbal warming, the trees culd play a big rle in prtecting castal cities like Karachi frm flding. Karachi’s mangrves are disappearing. But its numbers are rising in ther parts f Pakistan. With replanting effrts, the cuntry has tripled (三倍于) its mangrve cverage ver the past 30 years.
    Qaiser’s wrk may have wrked. Recently, a curt in Karachi declared Bundal Island’s mangrves t be prtected frests. But unfrested parts f the island remain unprtected, and develpers want t build there. City fficials say this culd prvide much-needed husing and bring in billins f dllars. They claim that sme f that mney culd be used t plant mangrves in ther parts f Pakistan.
    Eclgist Rafiul Haq appreciates Qaiser’s “extrardinary wrk” educating the public abut mangrves. But he wishes Qaiser wuld lk at the bigger picture. Only 7% f Pakistan’s mangrves are in Karachi, Haq says. He thinks it’s wrng “t fcus n the lsses in 7% f the cuntry while ignring the success in 93%” f it. But Qaiser believes it’s imprtant t prtect every bit.
    28.What can we say abut Karachi’s mangrves?
    A.They’re eating int the building land.B.They’re attracting different kinds f birds.
    C.They’re primarily being used as firewd.D.They prtect the city frm climate catastrphe.
    29.What des paragraph 2 mainly talk abut cncerning mangrve trees?
    A.Their different birthplaces.B.Their huge diversity.
    C.Their bnds with nature.D.Their rapid grwth.
    30.What d the Karachi authrities want t d?
    A.Grw mangrves smewhere else.B.Ban building t prtect mangrves.
    C.Circle mre mangrve reserves.D.Use mangrves t make mre mney.
    31.What des Haq think f Qaiser’s wrk n Karachi’s mangrves?
    Bees have evlved t be skillful flying builders. Wrker insects team up t finish a cmplex hive (蜂房) that ends up being many times their size. It is these insects’ wrk that inspired Mirk Kvac, a rbticist at Imperial Cllege Lndn, t develp a way t imprve the flexibility f 3D printing.
    A typical 3D printer is limited by the range f its nzzle (喷嘴), and can nly make bjects smaller than itself. Dr Kvac’s team has remved these limits by giving the printer nzzle wings. They designed a system f flying rbts that is cmpsed f tw types: builders and scanners. The builders carry the 3D-printing nzzle, while the scanners are equipped with cameras that mnitr the building prcess.
    The building prcess switches between builders and scanners, layer by layer, printing and adjusting until the structure is cmplete. T start, the builder hvers ver its area f peratin and begins t release a jet f building material as it mves skillfully alng its flight path. Once the builder rbt has sprayed(喷洒) a layer f material, the scanner rbt flies ver and inspects the prgress. The system then calculates the next layer that the builder shuld make, while als crrecting any errrs.
    The researchers tested the system by building bth a large cylinder (圆柱) made f fam and a small cylinder made f the cement(水泥) mixture. The tasks were nt simple due t the difficulty in ensuring maximum stability. Dr Kvac’s rbts made it with flying clurs — the cylinders were built t be within 5 mm f the width and height f the planned structures, meeting British building standard.
    While these rbts have been shwn t be capable f manufacturing, Dr Kvac believes their primary use will initially be in repair. The flying rbts can perate anywhere, making them ideal fr fixing things in dangerus r inaccessible places. These rbts culd be used mre quickly, cheaply, and envirnmental-friendly t humans. Thinking mre lng term, Dr Kvac even sees a ptential future fr his cnstructin rbts building n the surfaces f the Mn r Mars.
    32.What is the design f Dr Kvac’s team based n?
    A.Bees building hives while flying.B.Bees flying in a flexible way.
    C.Bees grwing bigger than the hive.D.Bees wrking tgether as a team.
    33.What is the functin f the builders in the building prcess?
    A.Crrecting any errrs.B.Spraying cnstructin material.
    C.Carrying the scanning camera.D.Mnitring the building prcess.
    34.What des “made it with flying clurs” underlined in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A.Lst balance in the sky.B.Passed the test excellently.
    C.Stpped the wrk halfway.D.Made the cylinders clurful.
    35.What might the flying rbts first be used t d accrding t Dr Kvac?
    A.Manufacture prducts.B.Cnstruct buildings.
    C.Restre damage in risky places.D.Reduce carbn ftprint.
    Yu’ve cmeback frm yur hliday and yu feel amazingly recharged. Then, yu pen yur inbx with hundreds f unanswered emails. Suddenly, yur calm starts t disappear and yur bld pressure starts t rise. 36 Yet, yu’ve nly been back at wrk fr an hur r tw. That’s n way t start yur first day at wrk after a hliday. S, here’s what yu d t keep yur stress t a minimum after a break.
    Give yurself half a day befre jumping back int wrk. Take this time t unpack, d sme laundry, and fill the fridge with fd. 37 Ding this, yu’re much mre likely t suffer frm less stress ging back int wrk because yur persnal parts are already srted. Yu will als feel mre prepared ging back int wrk.
    38 This enables yu t fcus n dealing with yur verflwing inbx and getting yur pririties straight. 39 Split them int srts like urgent, nn-urgent, quick respnses and n actin needed. Then, start by fcusing n the urgent nes (ne by ne!), befre diving int the quick respnses.
    Up yur fun the week yu’re back. G ut fr a meal with yur friends. Walk yur favrite rute in yur neighbrhd. Lk at the pictures frm yur hliday. Pst-hliday blues can be very cmmn if yu g straight int all wrk and n play. Hence, make a little time fr play yur first week back. 40
    A.Well, yu’ve gt ready fr everything.
    B.Yu may feel like yu’re decades behind.
    C.Yu’ll feel happy even if yur hliday is ver.
    D.It is advisable t categrize yur unread emails.
    E.Yu’re suppsed t deal with yur emails instantly.
    F.Limit yur scheduled cmmitments the first week back.
    G.D whatever yu need t d t wrap up the hliday stuff.
    第三部分 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共 15小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    “Oh, n! Yu’re mving?” Such was my neighbr’s cncern when she saw husehld items appearing n my lawn(草坪) and 41 my driveway.
    “Npe. Just cleaning huse!” I called back, smiling.
    This yard sale had been the result f six mnths f 42 . I had searched every 43 and verflwing clset and cupbard—crazy abut my seeking t find items t sell.
    I met lads f 44 and friendly peple. The Mirrr Lady was thrilled t buy the antique mirrr frm my first apartment fr her daughter’s first apartment; and the Futn Girl, a cllege sphmre, said my futn (沙发床) and frame were 45 fr her drm rm.
    And hw can I 46 the Camera Man? Bending absrbedly ver the “technlgy” table, he sptted my husband’s faded camera bag frm the early 80s. Zippered cmpartments (隔包) 47 a brken camera and a few ld lenses(镜头). “Ww!” he said, as he picked it up and made me a(n) 48 . I asked what he was ging t d with it. “It’s just cl—I have a shelf at hme fr cl fashinable technlgy.” S 49 he bught it s he culd lk at it. As he walked dwn the driveway with the dusty bag 50 ver his shulder, fr a secnd I 51 my jurnalist husband ding the same, heading ut t 52 a stry. That made me feel 53 .
    All yard sales lasted tw days. As hard as it can be t let things 54 , the true value f thse things is t 55 yu f a place yu lived in, a special time in yur life, r a lved ne in yur heart.
    41.A.picking upB.getting verC.putting upD.taking ver
    Recently, Eurpean and American health 56 (fficial) have identified several cases f mnkeypx (猴痘) mstly in yung men. The cases reprted in Eurpe and the United States are raising cncern because the disease has 57 (bare) appeared utside f Africa.
    Mnkeypx is a rare disease that is caused by infectin with mnkeypx, virus. Mnkeypx was first discvered in 1958 58 tw utbreaks f a px-like disease ccurred in grups f mnkeys 59 (keep) fr research, thus giving 60 (it) name. The first human case f mnkeypx was recrded in 1970 in the Demcratic Republic f the Cng (DRC) during a perid f effrt 61 (get) free f smallpx (天花). Since then, mnkeypx 62 (reprt) in peple in several ther central and western African cuntries: Camern, Central African Republic, DRC, Gabn, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Lene, Data shws the majrity f infectins 63 (be) in DRC nw.
    Mnkeypx cases in peple have ccurred utside f Africa linked 64 internatinal travel r imprted animals, including cases in the United States, as well as Israel, Singapre and the United Kingdm. The natural reservir f mnkeypx remains unknwn. Hwever, mnkeys may carry 65 virus and infect peple.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是某中学学生会主席李华,你校即将举行主题为“Let’s g green nw”的一项环保活动。请你代表学生会用英语写一封倡议书号召大家在校园做到绿色低碳生活。内容包括:
    1.活动目的; 2.你的建议; 3.发出倡议。
    Bys and girls,
    The Student Unin
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    Maria and Peter lived in a castal city. The greatest pleasure in summer fr them was t swim at their lcal beach after schl. But ne day they started t lse their enthusiasm fr swimming in the waters. Mre ften than nt, they wuld find plastic bags thrwn n the beach. Wrse still, as they swam in the water, sme plastic bags wuld flat arund them and even stick t their legs when they walked t the shre.
    They were upset and decided smething needed t be dne t stp the beautiful sea becming cnsumed by waste. One weekend, Maria and Peter brught a big bag t the beach and determined t clean it up. Sweat streamed dwn frm their frehead while they bent dwn and picked up the plastic bags. T their disappintment, after a day’s hard wrk, there were still many plastic bags lying n the beach r flating in the water. Ging hme with aching legs and arms, Maria and Peter were almst defeated by a strng sense f failure.
    That night ver dinner with their parents, the pair ale silently. Nticing their lw spirits, Mther asked gently, “Yu tw lked s dwn. What happened?” Exchanging glances with Peter, Maria replied in a lw vice, “It’s thse annying plastic bags. We tried t clean up but it was just impssible.” Understanding the pair’s disappintment, their father patted them n the back and cmfrted,” Well, it’s really hard fr just tw f yu t fix such a big prblem.” “Just tw f us.” cmplained Maria and Peter, lking at each ther. Suddenly, an idea lashed thrugh their minds, their eyes shining with excitement. “Yes, that’s the pint! We shuld make mre peple aware f the prblem and encurage them t take actin!” the pair said in chrus(齐声地).
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    Quickly finishing their dinner, the pair went upstairs and started planning.
    Paragraph 2:
    Excited and nervus, they psted the vide and article n Weib.

    江西省南昌市东湖区南昌市第十九中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月期中英语试题: 这是一份江西省南昌市东湖区南昌市第十九中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月期中英语试题,文件包含南昌十九中2023-2024学年下学期高一期中考试英语试卷pdf、南昌十九中2023-2024学年下学期高一期中考试英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共10页, 欢迎下载使用。

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