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    Turkiye, an attractive cuntry bridging Eurpe and Asia, is a treasure trve(宝库) f cultural richness, amazing landscapes, and warm hspitality.
    Gumbet, near the energetic and nisy city f Bdrum, is a castal destinatin knwn fr its lively atmsphere. During the day, sak up the sun n Gumbet Beach, knwn fr its glden sands. As the sun sets, Gümbet cmes alive with its lts f bars, clubs, and beach parties. Dn't miss the chance t explre the ancient Mausleum at Hallanssus, ne f the Seven Wnders f the Ancient Wrld.
    Fr glf enthusiasts, Belek is a dream destinatin with its wrld-class glf curses and luxurius resrts. With a wnderful castline and abundant greenery, Belek ffers mre than just glf. The ancient city f Perge and the Aspends amphitheatre are must-visit histrical sites. Enjy a leisurely day at the beach r explre the unique Land f Legends Theme Park fr a fun-filled family experience.
    Marmaris is a picturesque resrt twn knwn fr its lively nightlife, crystal-clear waters, and histric charm. Begin yur jurney with a visit t Marmaris Castle, ffering full views f the city and the harbur. Adventure seekers can be absrbed in water sprts at Marmaris Bay r set ff fr a bat trip t explre nearby caves and cves.
    Fethiye is perfect fr nature lvers. Visit the stunning Olüdeniz Beach, knwn fr its blue-green salt lake and paragliding pprtunities. Explre the Lycian Rck Tmbs, carved int the cliffs verlking the twn. Take a bat trip t the Twelve Islands r hike the Lycian
    Way fr breathtaking views. Fethiye's lively marina(码头) and fair add a tuch f lcal flavur t yur experience.
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    1.What can visitrs d at Gumbet?
    A. Explre an ancient wnder. B. Take a bat trip t Bdrum.
    C. Enjy fun-filled family activities. D. Seek adventure n Gumbet Beach.
    2.Which destinatin will appeal t glf lvers mst?
    A. Gumbet. B. Belek. C. Marmaris. D. Fethiye.
    3.What d Marmaris and Fethiye have in cmmn?
    A. They bth ffer paragliding pprtunities.
    B. They bth have rich nightlife.
    C. They bth need t be bked in advance.
    D. They are bth near the sea.
    Rlland and Adeline are prud parents t nine beautiful children. Their yungest tw, daughter Lant, and sn, Rindra, were bth brn with cleft lip(唇裂) cnditins. In Madagascar, many families have never seen a cleft lip befre, s it's a cnditin ften greeted with fear and misfrtune in sme rural cmmunities.
    Hwever, the news f Lant and Rindra's cleft lip wasn't much f a shck fr Rlland and Adeline because Rlland's cusin—a man in his fifties—had lived his entire adult life with an untreated cleft lip. Althugh seeing a relative with a cleft lip meant the family weren't fearful f the cnditin, they knew the negative impact an untreated cleft lip can have n a persn's health and life. As any lving parents wuld, Rlland and Adeline wanted a better future fr their children.
    Rlland heard an advertisement n the radi abut an Operatin Smile surgical prgramme in Antsirabe, Madagascar. Finding ut that Rindra and Lant culd have the cleft lip surgery they needed, fr free, was a dream fr the family. Unlike here in the UK, health services aren't free in many parts f the wrld, and the csts f treatment—r even travelling t reach medical facilities—are ut f reach fr mst families.
    When Rlland and his children arrived at the patient village, they were surprised t see s many ther families in the same psitin. After a thrugh medical evaluatin by medical vlunteers, Lant was fund t be fit enugh fr surgery, and later gt the new smile her parents had dreamed f fr her. But, fr yunger brther Rindra, the jurney t a new smile wuld take a little lnger.
    Operatin Smile has prvided hundreds f thusands f safe surgeries fr children withc left lip cnditins wrldwide. Fr mre infrmatin abut ur wrk r t find ut hw yu can help, .
    4.What d mst peple think f cleft lip in Madagascar?
    A. It is incurable. B. It is nrmal.
    C. It is unlucky. D. It is unavidable.
    5.What kept the cuple frm being scared f their children's situatin?
    A. Their children's smile. B. Their relative's experience.
    C. Their lve fr their parents. D. The advertisement they saw.
    6.What shuld be dne befre deciding n a surgery?
    A. Paying fr surgery. B. Staying in hspital.
    C. Seeking fr a dctr. D. Having a health check.
    7.What is the purpse f the infrmatin in the last paragraph?
    A. Fr dnatins. B. Fr .
    C. Fr cmment. D. Fr clarificatin.
    With a brain the size f a pinhead, insects perfrm fantastic navigatinal (导航的)abilities. They avid bstacles and mve thrugh small penings. Hw d they d this, with their limited brain pwer? Understanding the inner wrkings f an insect's brain can help us in ur search twards energy-efficient cmputing, physicist Elisabetta Chicca f the University f Grningen demnstrates with her mst recent result: A rbt that acts like an insect.
    In search f the neural(神经的) mechanism that drives insect behaviur, PhD student Thrben Schepe develped a mdel f its neurnal activity and a small rbt that uses this mdel t navigate. Schepe's mdel is based n ne main principle: always steer twards the area with the least apparent mtin.
    He had his rbt drive thrugh a lng "crridr"—cnsisting f tw walls with a randm print n it—and the rbt centred in the middle f the crridr, as insects tend t d. In ther virtual envirnments, such as a space with bstacles r small penings, Schepe's mdel als shwed similar behaviur t insects.
    "The mdel is s gd," Chicca cncludes, "that nce yu set it up, it will perfrm in all kinds f envirnments. That's the beauty f this result."
    The fact that a rbt can navigate in a realistic envirnment is nt new. Rather, the mdel gives insight int hw insects d the jb, and hw they manage t d things s efficiently.
    Chicca explains, "Much f rbtics is nt cncerned with efficiency. We humans tend t learn new tasks as we grw up and within rbtics. This is reflected in the current trend f machine learning. But insects are able t fly immediately frm birth. An efficient way f ding that is hardwired in their brains. In a similar way, yu culd make cmputers mre efficient."
    8.Why des Chicca want t study hw the insect brain wrks?
    A. T make cmputers mre efficient.B. T make use f insects' brain pwer.
    C. T understand the habit f insects.D. T reveal the inner part f insects' brain.
    9.What des the underlined wrd "steer" in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Stretch. B. Stare. C. Drive. D. Wrk.
    10.Hw did Chicca feel at the perfrmance f her rbt?
    A. Regretful. B. Shcked. C. Cnfused. D. Satisfied.
    11.What are the last tw paragraphs mainly abut?
    A. Hw t make a rbt that acts like an insect.
    B. Why insects navigate mre efficiently than rbts.
    C. Why a rbt can navigate in a realistic envirnment.
    D. Hw humans tend t learn new tasks as they grw up.
    We cannt argue with reality. We cannt argue with science. Therefre, we simply cannt argue with the fact that there are n straight lines in the universe.
    Let's start with science. The science f a straight line falls under the subject f physics. It might seem like a cmplicated tpic, but the thery behind it is pretty simple. If yu start rwing in a bat frm ne place and keep sailing, the cncept f the curved(弯曲的) Earth will take yu in a circle and yu will end up where yu started. The brain frms the cncept f a straight line t simplify what yu see in nature. Cnsider it a tl fr the mind t recgnize reality.
    The cncept f straight lines was cntrversial and heavily influenced the plitics and sciety f Eurpe frm the 15th century t the 17th century. Greek thinkers and schlars like Aristtle in the 5th century already prved that the Earth was a glbe, but many Eurpeans at that time did nt believe in this idea! Hwever, sme Eurpeans during the Age f Explratin denied this belief. Just as the famus Italian scientist Galile Galilei was persecuted(迫害) fr advcating a helicentric (日心的) mdel f the slar system, many thinkers like Girdan Brun were shamed fr believing that the Earth was rund.
    Well, my friends, let's mve n t life. The cncept f nthing ging in a straight line can be assciated with life as much as it relates t science and architecture. Whenever yu d smething, it never turns ut t play ut exactly as planned. I especially knw that as a thirteen-year-ld! Life is a rugh rad—every time yu g frward, it is fllwed by tw steps back r t the side. Just like hw science explains it, life is a curvy path full f unexpected twists, turns, and adventures that nbdy can ever predict.
    12.What des paragraph 1 functin as?
    A. An intrductin t the tpic.B. A means t attract readers.
    C. An explanatin f a cmmn sense.D. A prf f the authr's pinin.
    13.What wuld happen withut the cncept f straight line?
    A. The mind culd nt recgnize realities.
    B. Things in nature might lk cmplicated.
    C. What yu see in nature culd seem simple.
    D. Peple in the 16th century might find the Earth flat.
    14.Which can best describe the rad f prving the Earth rund?
    A. Plain and smth. B. Easy but fruitless.
    C. Lng and tugh. D. Bthersme but safe.
    15.What's the best title fr the text?
    A. A Straight Line: Everything Simple B. A Straight Line: Peple's Gd Wish
    C. A Straight Line: Difficult T Prve D. A Straight Line: Simply Nnexistent
    16. Families differ frm each ther. Sme are traditinal and seem t be perfect; sme are dysfunctinal, but tend t still be strng; sme are s calm, but cntrlled and sme seem t be rich and have everything, but lack lve. ① ________ I've cme up with sme qualities that wuld make a great family.
    Give credit and appreciate. One f my best memries as a child is when my reprt card came ut with gd grades. I then shwed it t my parents and they wuld give me treats, new tys r even mney. ② ________ Appreciatin fr small and large things alike is imprtant t bst ne's self-esteem and express the lve yu have fr each ther.
    Talk t each ther. ③ ________ They tend t chse family members (and nt friends r neighbrs) as their first resrt t express their emtins, talk abut their fears r desires and help slve their prblems. Their meal times are always full f psitive cnversatin and exchange f ideas. And mre imprtantly, they lay ut specific grund rules, knw their limitatins and knw a lt abut the members f their family.
    ④ ________ N matter hw perfect yu think yur family is, there will cme a time that it will be tested, and prblems will hit yu right in yur face. Strng families shuld learn hw t cmbine all the abve qualities and use it t survive every difficulty.
    Spiritual wellness. Sme might disagree that spiritual wellness is imprtant t a family, but truly, a great family has strng faith and belief n matter what their religin is. When a family has a strng spiritual fundatin, they are just mre lving and understanding, thus making them strnger. ⑤ ________
    A. S d yu feel the same way?
    B. Never cnflict with family members.
    C. The ability t deal with stress, cnflict and crisis.
    D. S the ld questin is, what makes a great family?
    E. Strng families have an effective cmmunicatin envirnment.
    F. Simple shwing f appreciatin is ne f the qualities f a great family.
    G. S invest in yur family's spiritual wellness and learn t be ptimistic.
    Daniel Hve spent years serving his cmmunity in Wiscnsin as the Assistant Fire Chief fr the Burnsville Fire Department. In 2012, he 1 frm the jb he lved after dctrs diagnsed him with pancreatic(胰腺的) cancer.
    Daniel spent years fighting the 2 disease. And he had tns f 3 frm friends and family. But his belved 11-year-ld Labradr (拉布拉多猎犬), Gunner, 4 by his side every step f the way.
    As Daniel's 5 grew mre difficult, Gunner became ill, t. And he 6 the highs and lws right alng with his favrite human.
    "When my dad wuld get restless, the dg wuld be 7 ," Daniel's daughter Heather explained. "S nce we 8 hw the dg was ding—he wasn't mving much anymre and nt ding well—we knew, it was cming."
    As Gunner's suffering hit its peak, Heather 9 knew the dg's time n Earth was dne. Gunner was 10 an animal hspital where the veterinarian put him t 11 frever. And sn after Gunner passed away, Daniel fund his 12 was clse. Abut an hur and a half later, Daniel was gne t. 13 in life, the dg and his belved wner als remained that way in death.
    Special friends are placed in ur lives. And the stry f this dg and his wner is a beautiful 14 that smetimes thse furry friends ffer lifelng 15 withut wrds.
    17.A. came B. retired C. returned D. suffered
    18.A. cmmn B. impressive C. terrible D. addictive
    19.A. supprt B. praise C. criticism D. ppularity
    20.A. mved B. swung C. stpped D. remained
    21.A. devtin B. decisin C. battle D. wrk
    22.A. experienced B. enhanced C. cnveyed D. explred
    23.A. unsatisfied B. uneasy C. selfless D. careless
    24.A. prved B. inferred C. guessed D. saw
    25.A. exactly B. frequently C. instantly D. riginally
    26.A. rushed t B. sent fr C. thrwn int D. drpped by
    27.A. play B. sleep C. live D. wake
    28.A. place B. healing C. time D. liking
    29.A. Inseparable B. Suitable C. Cuntable D. Unbelievable
    30.A. fashin B. reminder C. frm D. encunter
    31.A. prcess B. educatin C. learning D. cmpany
    32. An internatinal team f astrnmers used a database cmbining bservatins frm the best telescpes in the wrld ① ________ (detect) the signal frm the active supermassive black hles f dying galaxies(星系) in the early universe. The ② ________ (appear) f these active supermassive black hles is related t changes in the hst galaxy. This means a black hle culd have far reaching effects ③ ________ the evlutin f its hst galaxy.
    The Milky Way Galaxy ④ ________ we live includes stars f varius ages, including stars still frming. But in sme ther galaxies, ⑤ ________ (knw) as elliptical(椭圆的) galaxies, all f the stars are ld and abut the same age. This indicates that early in ⑥ ________ (they) histries elliptical galaxies had a perid f rich star frmatin that suddenly ended. Why this star frmatin stpped in sme galaxies ⑦ ________ nt thers is nt well understd. One pssibility is that a supermassive black hle disrupts(瓦解) the gas in sme galaxies, ⑧ ________ (create) an envirnment unsuitable fr star frmatin.
    T test this thery, astrnmers lk at distant galaxies. Due t the limited speed f light, it takes time fr light t travel acrss the vid f space. The light we saw last night frm an bject 10 billin light years away ⑨ ________ (travel) fr 10 billin years t reach Earth. Thus the light we see tday shws us what the galaxy lked like when the light left that galaxy 10 billin years ag. S lking at distant galaxies is like lking back in time. But the lnger distance als means that distant galaxies lk ⑩ ________ (small), making study mre difficult.
    33. 假定你是李华,你班下周要进行英语口语测试,你想请你的交换生同学Jeffrey 和你进行一次口语模拟测试(a mck speaking test)。请你给他发一封电子邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Jeffrey,
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    34. As I was lking fr a new flat, I was temprarily staying at a lvely small htel. Unfrtunately, during that time, I was due t participate in an nline cnference fr an entire week. I was stuck inside frm 10:00 am until 5:00 pm, the entire duratin f the cleaning hurs. I figured that I culd g thse five days withut my rm being cleaned and it wuldn't be a prblem. I wuld just put a "D Nt Disturb" sign n my dr.
    On the secnd day as I was heading t get breakfast at the htel, I bumped(撞见) int the cleaning lady named Anna. I asked her if I culd give her my rubbish, and I mentined that I wuld be wrking the entire day s she needn't wrry abut cleaning my rm. She smiled and said it was kay.
    The next day, when I returned frm my breakfast, my rm had already been cleaned. The same happened n the fllwing day. On Friday, I finished my breakfast quicker than usual and the cleaning lady was just heading ut. She smiled and said that she was happy that even thugh I ate quicker than usual, she was still able t finish in time.
    I finally realized that all this time, she had been keeping an eye n when I headed fr breakfast s she culd clean my rm. Given that lking fr a flat in a new city and wrking in ne f the smallest htel rms in Lndn were already very stressful, I was incredibly mved. I thanked Anna and tld her that, frtunately, it was the very last day f the cnference, but I was very thankful.
    The fllwing week, I finally gt the keys fr my new flat. Excited and grateful fr all the help I had received while mving in, I bught a bx f chclates and made my way t the receptinist.
    I said t the receptinist, "Culd yu please give thse t Anna?"
    After a while, Anna arrived, lking slightly puzzled.
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,Belek 最有可能吸引高尔夫运动爱好者。
    3.答案: D
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的 Harbur 和第五段中的 Beach可以推断,这两个地方都在海边。
    ③根据本段小标题Talk t each ther 可知,E 项“强大的家庭有效的沟通环境”符合语境。
    18.答案: C
    20.答案: D
    21.答案: C
    解析:考查名词。随着 Daniel(与癌症)的战斗变得越来越艰难, Gunner也病倒了。
    25.答案: C
    解析:考查副词。当Gunner的痛苦达到顶峰时, Heather 立刻意识到这只狗在地球上的时间结束了。
    26.答案: A
    28.答案: C
    解析:考查名词。在 Gunner死后不久, Daniel察觉到他的时日也不多了。
    32.答案:t detect; Appearance; n; where; knwn; their; but; creating; had travelled; smaller
    ③考查固定短语。have an effect n...意为“对······有影响”。
    ④考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,先行词是 The Milky Way Galaxy,表示地点,从句部分不缺成分,故用关系副词 where。
    ⑤考查非谓语动词。be knwn as是固定搭配,作定语用knwn。
    ⑦考查并列连词。根据句意可知,此处前后部分是转折关系,故用 but 连接上下文。
    ⑧考查非谓语动词。此处表示自然而然的结果,同时 creat 与句子的主语是主动关系,故用creating。
    ⑨考查动词时态。根据句意可知, travel 发生在 saw 之前,故用过去完成时。
    ⑩考查形容词比较级。根据前面的lnger 以及后面的 mre 可知,此处要用smaller。
    33.答案:Dear Jeffrey,
    Hw is it ging with yu? I am writing t infrm yu that we will have an English speaking test next week. This test is an imprtant part f ur language learning prcess and it assesses ur ability t cmmunicate effectively in English.
    I wuld like t ask if yu culd help me by participating in a mck speaking test with me. It wuld be a great pprtunity fr me t practice and imprve my speaking skills. We can chse a cnvenient time and find a quiet place t have the test.
    Please let me knw if yu are available and willing t help. Lking frward t yur respnse.
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    34.答案: I said t the receptinist, "Culd yu please give thse t Anna?" The receptinist, a warm and friendly man lked at me in cnfusin and I cntinued, "She's the cleaning lady wh has been taking care f my rm every day during my stay here. I really appreciate all the extra effrt she put in t make sure my rm was clean, even when I thught it didn't need t be. I want t shw her my gratitude." The man smiled and ndded in understanding. "Please wait a mment, Anna is in the building. I'll call her, and yu can thank her in persn."
    After a while, Anna arrived, lking slightly puzzled. When she saw the bx f chclates, her eyes lit up with surprise and jy. She thanked me earnestly, clearly tuched by the gesture. It was heartwarming t see her smile and knw that I had made her day just as she had made mine. This simple act f appreciatin made me realize the impact f shwing gratitude and kindness t thers, even in small ways. Frm that day n, I made it a pint t always express my appreciatin fr the hard wrk f thers, just like Anna had dne fr me.

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