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    这是一份河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题原卷版docx、河北省保定市部分高中2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is Lisa ding?
    A. Giving suggestins.B. Making a shpping list.C. Celebrating a birthday.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When did Mr. Mrgan have a check-up last time?
    A. Last year.B. Five years ag.C. Six years ag.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man ask Helen t d?
    A. Give a histry lecture.
    B. Take care f his brther.
    C. Lend him her ntes.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will Marina prbably drink?
    A. Cffee.B. Orange juice.C. Water.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A At hme.B. In a car.C. At a gas statin.
    6. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Discussing an accident.B. Reading sme news.C. Lking at sme pictures.
    7. Hw des the wman feel in the end?
    A. Helpless.B. Mved.C. Annyed.
    8. What is the relatinship between the man and wman?
    A. Husband and wife.B. Mther and sn.C. Neighbrs.
    9. Wh will lk after the dg?
    A. Tby.B. Alfred.C. Maggie.
    10. When will the man be back hme?
    A. Next Thursday mrning.
    B. Next Friday mrning.
    C. Next Wednesday mrning.
    11. Why des the wman mve here?
    A. She has gt a new jb.
    B. She hates her ld cmmunity.
    C. She wants t live in the city centre.
    12. What des the wman think f the restaurant?
    A. It is acceptable.B. It is terrible.C. It is excellent.
    13. What is the wman satisfied with in her new place?
    A. The cinema.B. The parking lt.C. The sprts centre.
    14. Wh is the man?
    A. A teacher.B. A writer.C. A student.
    15. What day is it tday?
    A. Tuesday.B. Friday.C. Sunday.
    16. What des the man want t knw frm the wman?
    A. Western table manners.B. Chinese table manners.C. Chinese daily life.
    17. What will the man and the wman d next?
    A. Have breakfast.B. Wash the dishes.C. Study chpsticks.
    18. Where is the speaker frm?
    A China.B. America.C. Britain.
    19. What did the speaker like t d n Thanksgiving Day night?
    A. Prepare the fd.
    B. Watch the ftball game.
    C. D sme shpping.
    20. What des the speaker mainly talk abut?
    A. His prfessr.B. A festival.C. American ftball.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Family Vacatins in Hawaii
    Whether yur interests are histry, native cultures, hiking, water sprts, r simply relaxing in the sun, Hawaii has abundant chices t keep yu and yur family entertained.
    Waikiki Beach
    This famus tw-mile stretch f sand is hme t scres f family-friendly beach htels and all kinds f actin-packed excitement. Waikiki Beach is the perfect place t g if yu’re lking fr warm cean water and glden beaches. Kids will enjy walking alng the beach, stpping fr shaved ice r an ice cream and taking a dip in a safe area f the cean.
    Oahu’s Nrth Shre
    Sme f the tallest cean waves in the wrld are fund at Oahu, Hawaii’s Nrth Shre castline during the winter mnths. These crashing walls f water are brn fr surfing and ffer ne f the best free shws n the islands. The Nrth Shre is hme t wrld-class surf cntests, attracting the wrld’s tp surfers.
    Plynesian Cultural Center
    Nthing appeals t the whle family like Hawaiian past cming alive. Besides, the clrful cstumes, lively sngs, and traditinal dances in the Pacific regin are presented here. Yu’ll see custms f Fiji, New Zealand, Marquesas, Sama, Tahiti, Tnga, and Hawaii all represented in Plynesian Cultural Center’s re-created island villages, which is decrated with palm trees and trpical gardens.
    Waimea Canyn (峡谷) State Park
    Mre than 3,500 feet deep, this landmark n Hawaii’s island f Kauai is the largest canyn in the Pacific. Unlike Grand Canyn, plentiful rain keeps Waimea Canyn and its surrunding area thick with vegetatin (植被), and visitrs are frequently treated t the sight f vivid rainbws. It ffers a great canyn view and a cvered picnic area.
    21. What makes Oahu’s Nrth Shre knwn t the wrld?
    A. Its best free cultural shws.B. Its family-friendly beach htels.
    C. Having the tallest castline.D. Being a perfect place fr surfing.
    22. Which place is mst likely t attract thse wh are interested in histry?
    A. Waikiki Beach.B. Oahu’s Nrth Shre.
    C. Plynesian Cultural Center.D. Waimea Canyn State Park.
    23. What is special abut Waimea Canyn cmpared t Grand Canyn?
    A. It has a cvered picnic area.B. It has a depth f ver 3,500 feet.
    C. It’s rich in plants and rainfall.D. It wns a unique kind f vegetatin.
    Being cut frm a schl team can be a difficult experience fr a kid. But when 13-year-ld Emmie Tallent wh has Dwn syndrme (唐氏综合征) didn’t make her schl’s cheer squad (啦啦队), she respnded in the mst impressive way — she cheered anyway. Emmie Tallent, agirl with firm determinatin, tk t the sidelines while her schl’s cheer squad perfrmed. She matched the entire rutine, mving fr mving, in a black dress and tie-dyed shes.
    Her sister, Sydnee, recrded this mment n vide, and it’s nw capturing hearts wrldwide. The vide, with ver 3 millin views and 87,000 likes, shws Emmie facing the fficial squad and perfrming the rutine alngside them. Her perfrmance is nthing shrt f inspiring. “Girl didn’t make the cheer team, but she didn’t care,” Sydnee wrte, admiring Emmie’s cnfidence.
    “Emmie may nt be n the cheer team this time, but I’m sure her talent and spirit will shine thrugh smewhere in the future,” Sydnee said with a smile. “Right nw, she’s satisfied and happy ding what she lves. Thank yu all fr supprting her. I want t shw the wrld Emmie’s jy frm pursuing what she likes and the beauty f diversity.”
    The team did nt have a lt f spts and even neurtypical (神经正常的) girls wh were much better than Emmie didn’t make it t jin it. Emmie’s schl was giving Emmie help and kept encuraging her, but there are hard decisins that have t be made smetimes. Thugh Emmie didn’t make the squad, she wasn’t feeling upset at hme, and cntinued t fllw cheer squad’s rutines and mves t please herself and spread jy t thers, even if frm the sidelines.
    In the face f rejectin, this tugh 13-year-ld chse t dance rather than sit by and let it define her, inspiring us all t embrace ur uniqueness and find jy in every mment.
    24. What d we knw abut Emmie frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. She refused t give up perfrming.B. She used t be lked dwn upn.
    C. She shwed a special talent fr cheerleading.D. She felt dwn fr nt jining the cheer squad.
    25. Why did Sydnee pst the vide nline?
    A. T shw Emmie’s dancing skills.B. T inspire thers with Emmie’s spirit.
    C. T help Emmie attract peple’s attentin.D. T express her gratitude t the cheer squad.
    26. Hw did the schl react t Emmie’s jining the cheer squad?
    A. They tld her t quit.B. They satisfied her need.
    C. They made an excuse.D. They ffered her supprt.
    27. What des the authr mainly intend t tell us?
    A. Believe in urselves.B. Keep ur dreams alive.
    C. Prepare fr the wrst.D. Yuth gives us light.
    Lucy was rescued frm a rural farm in New Suth Wales, Australia, tw years ag. She was suffering frm chlamydia (衣原体病), a disease widespread amng kalas. Tday, she is ne f “the lucky” living creatures in tree crridrs (走廊) that have been created by vlunteers t prtect kalas and ther animals by saving their quickly shrinking habitats, r natural envirnment.
    The crridrs, planted by the lcal cnservatin grup Bangalw Kalas, are made up f large systems f plants. They are intended fr kalas and ther animals like the glssy black cckats, pssums, and wallabies. All f them are endangered, r at risk f becming extinct. The crridrs prvide a safe path acrss the kala’s increasingly brken habitat. “Our crridrs are actually trying t get them away frm humans, frm cars and frm dgs,” said Linda Sparrw, president f Bangalw Kalas. “They can safely mve acrss the landscapes and dn’t have t put up with us humans.”
    The kala is predicted t be extinct in the wild in New Suth Wales by 2050. Sme f the biggest dangers include wildfires and habitat lss thrugh land clearing fr develpment. Kalas have already been declared endangered in several Australian states. A recent reprt by the Australian Kala Fundatin said the animal was wrth an estimated $3.2 billin per year t the turism industry.
    Funded in 2016 Bangalw Kalas has planted ver 936,000 trees n 119 prperties, helping kala cnservatin and imprving the lcal ecsystem. The grup, which depends n cm munity vlunteers, aims t plant 500,000 trees by 2025. Vlunteer Lindy Stacker, wh has been planting trees fr ver five years, still remains devted t the cause. She said the activity is gd fr mental health and has brught the cmmunity tgether. “I can’t imagine a wrld where there’s n kalas in the wild. We’re ging t d everything we can pssibly t. make sure that wn’t happen,” Lindy said.
    28. Wh is Lucy?
    A. A farmer.B. A patient.C. A vlunteer.D. A kala.
    29. What are the tree crridrs intended t d?
    A. T shelter kalas frm human threat.B. T test the lcal natural envirnment.
    C. T save kalas suffering frm chlamydia.D. T stp kalas’ habitats frm being rebuilt.
    30. What des the authr want t shw in paragraph 3?
    A. The reasn fr kalas’ extinctin.B. Kalas’ value in turism industry.
    C. The necessity f saving kalas.D. Peple’s deep lve fr kalas.
    31. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Bangalw Kalas: A Grup Intended Fr Kalas
    B. Tree Crridrs: A Lifeline Fr Endangered Kalas
    C. Bangalw Kalas: Call On Vlunteers Fr Kalas’ Prtectin
    D. Tree Crridrs: Respnsible Fr The Lss Of Kalas’ Habitats
    Deep sleep desn’t just rest yur bdy. Scientists believe it’s als when the brain washes away txins (毒素), with a new prject lking at whether the brain’s self-clean can be bsted.
    Suth Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) neurscientist Dr Tim Sargeant has teamed with Dr Edward Rbins frm SAHMRI’s Mlecular Imaging and Therapy Research Unit t develp a brain scan that shws hw well a brain is cleaning itself. Studies have shwn that a clean brain wuld help with memry while fighting dementia (痴呆).
    Scientists believe ur brains clean themselves ut each night when we enter deep sleep. Cerebrspinal fluid (脑脊液) is thught t wash thrugh the brain, cleaning ut txins. Studies have shwn a clear link between pr memry and txins like the buildup f sticky plaques (粘性斑块) in the brains. Scientists believe brains that have a buildup f this plaque ver time may nt be cleaning themselves prperly, putting peple at risk f dementia.
    Frtunately, the hpe is that a clean brain wuld help with memry while fighting dementia. The brain scan will use special material t track hw well the brain can keep itself clean and healthy thrugh the prcess f remving and recycling its waste. “We’re aiming t catch the signs f the brain struggling t keep itself clean in individuals arund the age f 50 r 60, well befre the nset f Alzheimer’s disease (老年痴呆症) in mst peple,” Dr Sargeant said.
    This new scan, an exciting imaging technlgy, will allw scientists t frm a picture f a living brain and watch hw it’s recycling wasting material in real time. “The scan takes ut a lt f the guess wrk, by allwing scientists t see with their wn eyes if they’ve hit the target r nt,” Dr Rbins said. “Withut imaging, a researcher can get all the way up t the trial stage befre realising they’re at a dead end.”
    32. What is the aim f Dr Sargeant and Dr Rbins’ develping the brain scan?
    A. T help peple enter deep sleep.B. T reduce memry lss and dementia.
    C. T research hw t remve sticky plaques.D. T study what the brain uses t clean itself.
    33. What may cause dementia accrding t the text?
    A. Nt enugh bld in the brain.B. T frequent cleaning f the brain.
    C. The increase f cerebrspinal fluid.D. The gradual increase f sticky plaques.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “nset” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Beginning.B. Imprvement.C. Wrsening.D. Disappearance.
    35. What des Dr Rbins think f the brain scan?
    A. It brings mre wrk.B. It is just imaginary.
    C. It is quite effective.D. It is far frm exact.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Tips fr Unplugging (拔掉……的电源插头) fr the Hlidays
    Unplugging fr the hlidays will give yur brain a break and allw yurself t enjy mre pleasures in yur life. ___36___ These tips will help yu have a tech-free hliday and enjy the benefits f unplugging fr the hlidays.
    ___37___ It’s a lt easier t stay away frm yur smartphne if everyne else yu’re with fllws suit. Let family and friends knw yu’d like t d a digital detx (脱瘾) during yur time. Have everyne turn their phnes ff, then cllect them and keep them in a separate rm.
    Plan r arrange activities in advance. The day might seem bring if everyne’s phne is taken and there’s n plan fr entertainment. ___38___ Frm making ppcrn and watching a mvie t ging n a hike, baking ckies r playing bard games, yu’ll be surprised by hw much fun yu can have tgether.
    Keep yur phne ut f the bedrm at night. Give yurself an alarm clck, and keep yur phne ut f the rm when yu’re getting ready t sleep. ___39___
    Take time t relax. Whether it’s reading a bk r taking a ht bath with essential ils, take time t enjy life’s little pleasures but n technlgy.
    Practice yga (瑜伽). ___40___ Yga changes yur brain in a variety f ways. With all the extra time yu’ll have frm yur digital detx, yu’ll have time t get started.
    A. Get everyne n bard.
    B. Ready t unplug but nt sure hw?
    C. Feel happier and healthier with lved nes.
    D. If pssible turn it ff at least an hur befrehand.
    E. It is a cmbinatin f physical and breathing exercises.
    F. Yur brain can fcus n the task and news at hand mre quickly.
    G. Expect this and design a list f activities everyne can take part in.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Dnna Urquhart is an experienced runner. She ran 1,402 kilmeters ver the curse f 28 days in Antarctica (南极洲), ___41___ the recrd fr the lngest-ever run in a plar regin.
    Urquhart spent 10 mnths training fr the ___42___, turning t sme unusual training methds. A cmpany allwed her t run in a ___43___ strage unit where she ran in temperatures belw zer. Besides, she ran alng the beaches with uneven (凹凸不平的) surfaces that are like the ___44___ grunds in Antarctica. All thse prved useful ___45___.
    The difficulties that Urquhart faced in Antarctica were ___46___: taking in abut 5,000 calries each day, ___47___ in a tent. Cmbined with the sund f ___48___ winds and the cntinent’s 24 hurs f sunlight in the summer mnths, these were ___49___ favrable t a gd night’s sleep. Urquhart wuld usually wear fur layers f cats and keep ____50____ her wn bdy temperature while running.
    Urquhart launched the Run Antarctica aiming t encurage mre wmen t ____51____ sprt. Thugh still unsure abut what her next running challenge will have, she has set a ____52____ f raising $1.5 millin fr charity.
    “Cnfidence is a real issue fr females,” says Urquhart. “And a sprting envirnment prvides them with a great pprtunity t ____53____ themselves.” This served as a huge ____54____ fr her t take n a challenge that n ther wman had attempted befre. “It was actually shwing that we can push ur ____55____, and explre what seems impssible,” says Urquhart.
    41. A. clsingB. keepingC. missingD. setting
    42. A. puzzleB. utcmeC. challengeD. examinatin
    43. A. paintedB. refrigeratedC. heatedD. crwded
    44. A. variedB. sftC. smthD. high
    45. A. purpsesB. messagesC. preparatinsD. suggestins
    46. A. newB. tughC. interestingD. exciting
    47. A. accmmdatingB. recveringC. harvestingD. cmplaining
    48. A. gentleB. slightC. warmD. wild
    49. A. likelyB. significantlyC. hardlyD. really
    50. A. nticingB. takingC. decreasingD. frgetting
    51. A. refer tB. apply frC. carry nD. take up
    52. A. priceB. recrdC. targetD. rule
    53. A. supprtB. trustC. preventD. wait
    54. A. inspiratinB. impressinC. symblD. adventure
    55. A. prcessesB. psitinsC. schedulesD. limits
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    A cncert ___56___(mark) the 50th anniversary (周年纪念日) f China-Brazil diplmatic relatins tk place at the Cpacabana Beach, Ri de Janeir, Brazil, n March 21.
    ___57___ utdr event attracted ver 300 audience members and featured Chinese musicians, including the music band f traditinal Chinese music f the Central Cnservatry f Music, bringing Chinese music pieces that ___58___(particular) shwcase (展现) the variety f traditinal Chinese musical instruments.
    Ancient Chinese musical instruments ___59___ guzheng, xia and banhu were als played during the cncert. The Chinese musicians als used their instruments t play flk sngs f Brazil, ___60___ received warm feedback frm the lcal audience. The cncert als featured musicians frm Brazil playing Chinese sngs and Brazilian flk sngs.
    The cncert, c-initiated by China Federatin f Literary and Art Circles and c-rganized by Chinese Musicians’ Assciatin and Brazil China Friendship Assciatin, invited ___61___(experience) cnductrs as well as the winners and judges f the Chinese Glden Bell Award fr Music—a tp Chinese music award— ___62___ (jin) in the perfrmances.
    This event was part f 2024 “China Tday” Arts Week that was first launched in 2004 by China Federatin f Literary and Art Circles. During the past tw decades, the art festival ___63___(tur) arund the wrld by visiting 23 cuntries and regins. This has been the first time that it came t Brazil. This year, the 2024 “Tday China” Arts Week will als make ___64___(it) debut (首次亮相) in Clmbia. Cultural exchange ___65___(prgram) such as film festivals, cncerts and pht exhibitins will be held.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 假定你是李华,为加深对中国传统文化的了解,你的外国朋友Alex计划来中国沉浸式地体验一次中国的传统节日,但他不知道选择哪个节日。请你用英语给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 你推荐的中国传统节日;
    2. 你的理由。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。
    Dear Alex,
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    My family had nly recently mved int a new neighbrhd. All f my neighbrs have been very friendly and helpful since we mved in.
    Hwever, Mrs Davis, an elderly lady living in the last huse n the ther side f the rad, escaped assciating with us, r anyne else. When I asked arund the neighbrhd why, they warned me nt t g after her because they thught she was insane (精神失常的) and preferred staying alne after lsing her husband and nly daughter in an aircraft crash. After that, she stayed islated (孤立的) frm all the neighbrs, refusing all the care and help.
    I ften saw her n the streets during the evening, but she was always by herself. She appeared weak and I always wanted t help her, but after hearing what my neighbrs had said abut her, I wasn’t sure whether I shuld.
    One day, when I was n my way t the supermarket, ur paths crssed. I was walking past her and verheard her singing a tune. It immediately drew my attentin because my parents used t sing the same sng with me. I began t sing alng with her, and she smiled at me fr the first time. But when I smiled back, she quickly hurried her pace and went hme.
    She seemed very different t me that day. I refused t trust my neighbrs’ claims that she had cut herself ff frm the rest f sciety because she was insane, s the next day, I kncked n her dr. Mrs Davis was hme, and instead f letting me in, she just lked at me silently thrugh the windw. I nticed her staring at me and was abut t walk t the windw when she quickly clsed the curtains.
    The next day, I revisited her huse. “Hell, I brught yu smething,” I called ut t her. “It’s the recrd f the music yu were singing yesterday.”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The dr pened and Mrs Davis’ eyes widened in surprise at the sight f me standing there.
    Several days later in the mrning, the drbell rang at my huse.

    河北省保定市六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份河北省保定市六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含河北省保定市六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题原卷版docx、河北省保定市六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版): 这是一份江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。






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