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    Traveling n ft in Thailand is an amazing experience. While yu get ready fr a thrilling experience f a lifetime, take a lk at sme f the best places fr yur adventure.
    Chiang Mai
    The trails in Chiang Mai are perfect fr amateur hikers. Hiking here is a superb chice as there are beautiful frests, valleys and rivers as well as varius tribal (部落的) villages with ethnic minrities that yu can explre.
    Tips: Pick up a hiking ptin frm an experienced peratr that has in-depth knwledge f the area because it is a fairly large ne.
    Di Inthann
    Di Inthann is the highest muntain in Thailand. It is als ne f the mst beautiful places with three impressive waterfalls that flw dwn quickly. As yu travel alng the 47-kilmetre rad t the tp, yu will pass a few small villages f the Karen Hill Tribes and rice fields.
    Tips: Make sure t have an experienced guide.
    Hua Hin
    One f the mst incredible things t d is hiking in Hua Hin. The area features its elephant camps. Yu can care fr the elephants, like feeding and bathing them. It must be a special experience t ride n the back f a tall elephant while explring this beautiful regin.
    Tips: Make sure t pack extra clthes if yu plan t bathe the elephants.
    Kamphaeng Phet
    As a histrically significant part f Thailand, Kamphaeng Phet is a quiet and charming prvince with many cultural and natural attractins. Yu can explre the ancient ruins that are scattered thrughut the prvince.
    Tips: Be respectful f the statues and ther religius mnuments.
    1.What d Chiang Mai and Di Inthann have in cmmn?
    A. They are suitable fr prfessinal hikers.
    B. They have 3, 000-meter waterfalls.
    C. They are lcated in the urban areas.
    D. They have sme tribal villages.
    2.What can travelers d in Hua Hin?
    A. Lk after the elephants.B. Set up the animal camps.
    C. Design minrity clthing.D. Visit religius mnuments.
    3.Which place shuld yu g t if yu are interested in histric culture?
    A. Chiang Mai.B. Di Inthann.C. Hua Hin.D. Kamphaeng Phet.
    It’s January and time t g back t schl. Fr sme, that might be a glmy prspect after the jys f the pst Christmas festive perid. Fr me, thugh, it’s as exciting as a trip t Antarctica, als as scary as starting a jb fr which I’m nt sure whether I’m qualified.
    T be embarking n a master’s degree in Psychtherapy and Cunselling at Regent’s University at 71 is perhaps an unlikely rute fr smene wh drpped ut f schl at 17. But nw I’ve cme full circle t the cnclusin that nthing, fr me, feels mre stimulating at this pint in my life than learning new things. That studying, far frm being the bre and the chre it used t be, is a treat.
    Turning 70 came as smething f a shck. I started t feel I was drifting (飘) . Withut a big prject, and withut any majr family respnsibilities, I was starting t feel I was lying n a bed f thrns. Friends f similar age were lapping up their lives, scializing and travelling. Hwever, I lnged fr smething mre. Or perhaps nt mre, but different.
    As the glm grew, I thught perhaps I needed t see a therapist. A friend, a psychtherapist, suggested that while therapy might be useful, ding a curse n the basics f psychtherapy and cunselling might be mre up my street. Withut t much thinking, I decided t give it a sht.
    S that’s hw every weekday I beep (发出哔哔声) myself thrugh the gate with my student pass, which makes me smile every time. I felt privileged t be expsed t a grup f my fellw students wh were willing t be pen t me.
    While ageing is an inevitable prcess, we can get rid f a lt f the rules abut what’s age-apprpriate. Studying fr a master’s degree in ld age is a challenge, but it has prvided me with a new perspective n life. Hence, ageing shuld never limit yur ambitins.
    4.Hw did the authr feel when ging back t schl?
    A. Unrealistic. B. Resistant. C. Awkward. D. Expectant.
    5.Why did turning 70 cme as a shck t the authr?
    A. She achieved nthing befre. B. She lived withut a purpse.
    C. She had t supprt her family. D. She was separated by her fellws.
    6.What is the authr’s suggestin when facing ageing?
    A. Keeping yur passins alive. B. Seeking supprt if needed.
    C. Behaving age-apprpriately. D. Scializing with yung students.
    7.What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Returning T Schl—My Dream Since Childhd
    B. My Effrts T Learn At An unlikely Age Paying Off
    C. Learning—My Way T Overcme The Ageing Crisis
    D. My Tugh Jurney T Pursuing A Master’s Degree
    Is there any such thing as a salt tth? We are familiar with a sweet tth, alng with the negative effects f sugar. We are bradly aware f the disadvantages f t much salt, including high bld pressure, which puts pressure n the bld vessels (血管), the heart and the kidneys. It can als lead t water retentin (水肿). But we dn’t tend t plice hw much salt we eat — at least, nt as rigrusly as with sugar — r questin whether we are just paying attentin t ur bdies, which require sme salt fr muscles t wrk prperly, r we are being cntrlled by a strng urge.
    A salt tth is quite unlike a sweet tth. It desn’t create an appetite fr itself at the hrmne level. But salt des make ur taste buds (味蕾) get used t it, s that the mre yu eat, the mre yu need t get the same salty hit. This is why chefs can get heavy-handed with it.
    As Sam Blm, a nutritinal therapist, explains, “What is generally mre cncerning is the fat that is used tgether with salt, like salty crisps, fries and fast fd. Ready meals are ften the wrst fr hidden salts. Anything that adds flavr that isn’t a spice r herb will prbably have salt added t it and can make yu want t eat mre because it tastes gd. The salt and fat cmbinatin in these fds is what causes prblems with chlesterl (胆固醇). The salt that peple add t a meal is much less cncerning.”
    Nutritinists’ suggestin is cnvincing: When the desire fr salt hits, avid ging straight fr salty snack fds such as crisps and instead ensure yu are well hydrated. Seek ut whle fds, such as lives and leafy greens. These fds will help yu alleviate the desire fr salt, which may ften be due t a desire fr nutrient-rich fd.
    8.What des the underlined wrd “rigrusly” in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Generally.B. Strictly.C. Largely.D. Pleasantly.
    9.Why is salt different frm sugar accrding t paragraph 2?
    A. Salt attracts chefs.B. Salt gets peple adapted.
    C. Salt can change hrmne level.D. Salt generates a special appetite.
    10.What is Sam Blm’s attitude twards ready meals?
    A. Objective.B. Apprving.C. Negative.D. Ambiguus.
    11.What des the last paragraph mainly talk abut?
    A. Ways f seeking ut whle fd.
    B. Reasns fr getting the desire fr salt.
    C. Attitudes twards seeking fr nutrient fd.
    D. Appraches t relieving the eagerness fr salt.
    Italian diver and gardener Sergi Gamberini decided t see if he culd grw vegetables in a plastic balln underwater. The experiment was a success—s he decided t dive deeper int the wrld f underwater agriculture.
    Tday, Gamberini is the funder f a cmpany using "bispheres" ff the cast f Italy t grw a variety f plants, intrducing the wrld t a new type f agriculture. The cmpany's six "bispheres" are air-filled plastic ballns abut tw meters wide. Each is fixed t the seabed by chains s that it sits between 15 and 36 feet belw sea level. The bispheres are equipped with cameras and sensrs that allw researchers in the cmpany t mnitr CO2 levels, humidity, temperature, and mre frm a cntrl twer n the shreline. There's als a device t cmmunicate with divers in the bispheres.
    Slar panels(太阳能电池板)n the rf f the cntrl twer pwer the fans that create airflw inside the bispheres, and because the temperature inside and utside the bispheres is cnsistent, there's n need t expend energy n the heating r cling systems needed fr traditinal greenhuses.
    The underwater garden desn't require pesticides since bugs can't reach the plants, and thugh mre research is needed, the cmpany ntes n its website that the higher-pressure cnditins underwater appear t help plants grw mre quickly.
    The cmpany is nw ready t shift frm the research phase f develpment t ptimizing its bispheres fr industrializatin, with the gal f expanding them ff castlines arund the wrld. T achieve the aim, the startup is nw taking advantage f "digital twin" technlgy t precisely simulate(模仿)every aspect f its underwater garden.
    Even with all the ptimizatin ptential ffered by technlgy, Gamberini admits it's hard t imagine the prduce grwn in his startup's bispheres ever cmpeting financially with traditinally grwn crps. Still, he hpes the system's sustainability will be enugh t draw custmers.
    12.What des Gamberini's cmpany use "bispheres" mainly fr?
    A.Ding scientific research n marine life.
    B.Creating a habitat fr underwater animals.
    C.Mnitring climate change effects n castal regins.
    D.Grwing different types f plants thrugh underwater agriculture.
    13.Hw is the temperature maintained inside the bispheres?
    A.By temperature regulatin by divers.
    B.By advanced heating and cling systems.
    C.By natural climate cnditins f the underwater envirnment.
    D.By slar panels n the rf f the cntrl twer n the shreline.
    14.What can we infer abut Gamberini's cmpany?
    A.It cntributes t climate change.
    B.It leads t excessive use f pesticides.
    C.It negatively affects cean bidiversity.
    D.It has little negative influence n the envirnment.
    15.What is the tpic f the text?
    A.Grwing plants under the sea.
    B.The creative wrld f keeping animals.
    C.Explring the depths f underwater farming.
    D.The challenge f grwing greens underwater.
    16.Lse Weight in a Healthy Way
    If yu’re nt fat, dn’t lse weight. If besity affects yur health, yu can lse weight in a healthy way. Hundreds f weight-lss prgrams prmise quick and easy weight lss. Hwever, the fundatin f successful weight lss remains a healthy, calrie-cntrlled diet cmbined with increased physical activity. ① _________ Cnsider the fllwing fr weight-lss success.
    ●Make sure yu’re ready. ② _________ S first yu shuld make sure yu’re ready t make permanent changes t eating and activity habits. Talk t yur dctr if yu need help address stressrs r emtins that seem like barriers t yur readiness. When yu’re ready, yu’ll find it easier t set gals, keep trying, stay cmmitted and change habits.
    ●③ _________ N ne else can make yu lse weight. Yu are respnsible fr yur wn behavir fr successful weight lss. What’s ging t give yu the burning drive t stick t yur weight-lss plan? Make a list f what’s imprtant t yu t help yu stay mtivated and fcused.
    ●Set realistic gals. It may seem bvius t set realistic weight-lss gals. But d yu really knw what’s realistic? Set a gal f lsing a little weight at a time. ④ _________ Generally, yu can achieve the gal thrugh a lwer calrie diet and regular physical activity.
    ●Enjy healthy fds. Adpting a new eating style that prmtes weight lss must include lwering yur ttal calrie intake. ⑤ _________ One way yu can lwer yur calrie intake is by eating mre plant-based fds—fruits, vegetables and whle grains. Strive fr variety t help yu achieve yur gals withut quitting flavur r nutritin.
    A. D it gradually.
    B. But hw can yu make it?
    C. Find yur inner mtivatin.
    D. Fcus n yur weight-lss gals.
    E. But it des nt mean giving up taste.
    F. Yu shuld always keep yur previus lifestyle.
    G. Lng-term weight lss takes time, effrt and cmmitment.
    This mrning, befre I left fr the airprt, I had hurt my back. And I culd 1 lift my bag ff the flr, let alne 2 it int the verhead lcker. Luckily, ne f the flight attendants put it alng with tw cases fr me.
    At that time, a man 3 in frnt f me must have nticed that I was asking fr 4 . When the plane 5 , he instantly std up and gt my bag dwn. He als 6 t carry ne f my cases dwn the 7 . And then he waited at the bttm f the stairs fr me t 8 t get my bag.
    A lady walking beside me carried my ther case full f things fr me. It was bviusly 9 fr her, but she managed it. She seemed nt t want her kindness t be 10 , s I silently accepted it. Then I saw her again at the carusel (行李传送带), and she tk my bag ff the 11 .
    I wuld have managed t d all f these things n my wn, but these well-meaning humans sensed that I needed help and just 12 in withut me needing t ask. It was ne f the mst 13 experience I had ever had. I culdn’t feel 14 enugh t thse persns wh had taken time ut f their lives fr a (n) 15 . I was s appreciative f their kindness that I wuld remember it frever.
    17.A. exactlyB. eventuallyC. rarelyD. regularly
    18.A. dividedB. placedC. slippedD. turned
    19.A. sittingB. talkingC. walkingD. standing
    20.A. assistanceB. mneyC. reputatinD. fd
    21.A. startedB. flewC. delayedD. landed
    22.A. preferredB. fferedC. declinedD. failed
    23.A. curtsB. drsC. flrsD. stairs
    24.A. get ffB. watch utC. watch verD. get back
    25.A. luxuriusB. crucialC. weightyD. representative
    26.A. requestedB. remarkedC. deniedD. kept
    27.A. airprtB. planeC. pumpD. belt
    28.A. checkedB. steppedC. gaveD. cut
    29.A. cmmnB. splendidC. ambitiusD. difficult
    30.A. prudB. ashamedC. suspiciusD. grateful
    31.A. strangerB. partnerC. attendantD. applicant
    32.In 1999, Esteban Zttele, ①______ is a schlar frm Argentina in Suth America, first visited China and changed his life. Then Esteban came ②______ (study)at Renmin University f China and btained a dctral degree. In his spare time, he spent mst f his time traveling arund, ③______ (leave)his ftsteps in the cities f Bading, Chngqing and Shenzhen.
    "My study experience has made me mre ④______ (clse)cnnected with China, "Esteban says. He is ⑤______ (amaze)at the vast and rich culture, as well as the rapid develpment and ⑥______ (transfrm)f China ver the years. "Mst cities are nw cnnected by high-speed railway, unlike when I first visited here," he adds.
    Currently, Esteban teaches Spanish at a university in East China's Jiangsu Prvince. Since 2013, he ⑦______ (carry)ut research n the BRI—the Belt and Rad Initiative("一带一路"倡议). "In recent years, many Latin American cuntries, like Argentina, have jined China in cnstructing the BRI.As ⑧______ result, China can expand the internatinal market and imprve cmmercial relatins ⑨______ the tw natins," says Esteban. Esteban thinks that cultural differences shuld ⑩______ (recgnize), s as t prmte mutual understanding and trust amng peple f all cuntries.
    Gd luck t all participants!
    The Schl English Newspaper
    When I was a child, I was particular abut fd. It was Aunt Nelda that changed my habit f being a picky eater.
    As far as I culd remember, n a Friday night, when Dad and I arrived at Aunt Nelda's huse at dinner time, she prepared a big meal fr us. Thugh the dishes smelled delicius, I didn't feel like eating sme f them. I tk several bites f the sandwich and then laid it aside. Dad wanted t kick me under the table t remind me t finish all the fd, but drawers (抽屉) between us prtected me.
    Lking at thse drawers, I had a gd idea. When Dad gt up t refill his sup bwl, I pulled the bttm drawer pen. It was full f clth napkins (布餐巾). I put my sandwich under them and shut the drawer quickly. A plan fr my rest fd at Aunt Nelda's emerged.
    The next mrning, I did the same t the fd which I hated t eat. When Aunt Nelda saw my empty bwl, she gave me sme sweets and said, "Gd jb, Jdi. Yu like my cking just as much as yur father."
    On Sunday, the fd under the napkins cntinued grwing, but smehw mre slwly. Aunt Nelda was actually a pretty gd ck. At nn, her children were cming fr lunch. I ffered t help set the table.
    "Jdi, get the clth napkins ut f the bttm drawer," she said. My heart began t beat fast. It was nt because f the bttm drawer r the clth napkins, but because f the left fd.
    "N, let's use these!" I said, grabbing a handful f paper napkins. Aunt Nelda reached fr the drawer. "My children prefer clth napkins!" she said. I held my breath, waiting fr the hrrible scene. Hwever, I culdn't believe that she handed me sme neat napkins.
    "I've already cleaned them up," she said. "It was s strange that there was much fd under the napkins. I hadn't seen mice fr years! Guess what? They were back again. A lng time ag, they made a nest and carried the fd all ver the huse."
    Aunt Nelda's wrds made me feel relieved but ashamed.
    Hearing what I said, Aunt Nelda pened her muth wide.
    解析:细节理解题。根据“Chiang Mai”部分的“Hiking here is a superb chice as there are beautiful frests, valleys and rivers as well as varius tribal(部落的) villages with ethnic minrities that yu can explre.(在这里徒步旅行是一个极好的选择,因为这里有美丽的森林,山谷和河流,以及各种少数民族的部落村庄,你可以探索。)”和“Di Inthann”部分的“As yu travel alng the 47-kilmetre rad t the tp, yu will pass a few small villages f the Karen Hill Tribes and rice fields.(当你沿着47公里的公路到达山顶时,你会经过凯伦山部落的几个小村庄和稻田。)”可知,清迈(Chiang Mai)和茵他侬(Di Inthann)这两个地方的共同之处是都有一些部落聚居的村庄。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“Hua Hin”部分的“The area features its elephant camps. Yu can care fr the elephants, like feeding and bathing them.(该地区以大象营地为特色。你可以照顾大象,比如给它们喂食和洗澡。)”可知,游客可以在此照顾大象。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据“Kamphaeng Phet”部分的“As a histrically significant part f Thailand, Kamphaeng Phet is a quiet and charming prvince with many cultural and natural attractins. Yu can explre the ancient ruins that are scattered thrughut the prvince.(作为泰国历史上重要的一部分,Kamphaeng Phet是一个安静而迷人的省份,拥有许多文化和自然景点。你可以探索散布在全省各地的古代遗迹。)”可推知,Kamphaeng Phet适合对历史文化感兴趣的人游玩。故选D。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据第一段第五句中的"we dn't tend t plice hw much salt we cat(我们不太在 意自己吃了多少盐)"和"at least(至少) "以及"as with sugar(就像对糖一样)"可知,此处是指不像严格限制 糖的摄入一样限制盐,所以rigrusly意为"严格地"。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句和第三句"It desn't create an appetite fr itself at the hrmne level. But salt dcs make ur taste buds(味蕾) get used t it, s that the mre yu eat, the mre yu need t get the same salty hit.(在激素水平上,盐本身不会产生食欲。但盐确实会让我们的味蕾适应它,所以你吃得越多,你就越需要得到同样的咸味)"可知,盐和糖不同是因为盐能让人适应。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的"Ready meals are ften the wrst fr hidden salts. Anything that adds flavr that isn't a spice r herb will prbably have salt added t it and can make yu want t eat mre because it tastes gd. The salt and fat cmbinatin in these fds is what causes prblems with chlesterl (胆固醇).(即食食品通常是含隐性盐最多的食物。任何不是香料或草药的调味料都可能会添加盐,这会让你想吃得更多,因为它尝起来很好吃。这些食物中的盐和脂肪组合是导致胆固醇问题的原因)"可知,山姆布鲁姆对即食食品的态度是消极的。故选 C。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据最后一段"Nutritinists' suggestin is cnvincing: When the desire fr salt hits, avid ging straight fr salty snack fds such as crisps and instead ensure yu are well hydrated. Seek ut whle fds, such as lives and leafy greens. These fds will help yu alleviate the desire fr salt, which may ften be due t a desire fr nutrient-rich fd.(营养学家的建议很有说服力:当你想吃盐的时候,不要 直接吃含盐的零食,比如薯片,而是要保证你的水 分充足。选择天然食物,比如橄榄和绿叶蔬菜。这些食物将帮助你减轻对盐的渴望,这可能通常是由于对营养丰富的食物的渴望)"可知,最后一段主要 是讲缓解对盐的渴望的方法。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段可知,控制塔屋顶上的太阳能电池板为生物圈内产生 气流的风扇提供动力。由于生物圈内外的温度是一致的,人们不用在加热或冷却系统上耗费能源。
    解析:①根据上文“Hwever, the fundatin f successful weight lss remains a healthy, calrie-cntrlled diet cmbined with increased physical activity.(然而,成功减肥的基础仍然是健康的、热量控制的饮食和增加的体育活动。)”和下文“Cnsider the fllwing fr weight-lss success.(要想减肥成功,请考虑以下几点。)”可知,上文提到了成功减肥的基础,下文提到要介绍几种成功减肥的方法,空处提出疑问,如何做到健康减肥。B项:But hw can yu make it?(但是你怎么能做到呢?)符合语境。故选B。
    ②根据下文“S first yu shuld make sure yu’re ready t make permanent changes t eating and activity habits.( 所以首先你应该确保你已经准备好永久性地改变饮食和活动习惯。)”和“When yu’re ready, yu’ll find it easier t set gals, keep trying, stay cmmitted and change habits.(当你准备好了,你会发现设定目标、不断尝试、坚持承诺和改变习惯更容易。)”可知,长期减肥需要时间、努力和坚持。G项中的“lng-term”和下文的“permanent”对应,“effrt and cmmitment”和下文中的“keep trying, stay cmmitted”对应。G项:Lng-term weight lss takes time, effrt and cmmitment.(长期减肥需要时间、努力和承诺。)符合语境。故选G。
    ③空处为段落小标题。根据下文“What’s ging t give yu the burning drive t stick t yur weight-lss plan? Make a list f what’s imprtant t yu t help yu stay mtivated and fcused.(是什么让你有强烈的动力坚持你的减肥计划?列出对你来说重要的事情,帮助你保持动力和专注。)”可知,本段提出要找到减肥的内在动力。C项:Find yur inner mtivatin.(找到你的内在动力。)符合语境。故选C。
    ④根据上文“Set a gal f lsing a little weight at a time.(设定一个目标,每次减掉一点体重。)”和下文“Generally, yu can achieve the gal thrugh a lwer calrie diet and regular physical activity.(一般来说,你可以通过低热量饮食和有规律的体育锻炼来实现这个目标。)”可知,减肥这件事需要循序渐进。A项中的“gradually”与上文的“lsing a little weight at a time”以及下文的“thrugh a lwer calrie diet and regular physical activity”对应。A项:D it gradually.(循序渐进地做这件事。)符合语境。故选A。
    ⑤根据下文“One way yu can lwer yur calrie intake is by eating mre plant-based fds—fruits, vegetables and whle grains. Strive fr variety t help yu achieve yur gals withut quitting flavur r nutritin.(降低卡路里摄入量的一种方法是多吃植物性食物——水果、蔬菜和全谷物。在不放弃口味和营养的情况下,争取多样化来帮助你实现目标。)”可知,享受健康食品并不意味着放弃品味。E项中的“giving up taste”和下文的“quitting flavur”对应。E项:But it des nt mean giving up taste.(但这并不意味着放弃品味。)符合语境。故选E。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:我几乎不能把我的包从地板上拿起来,更不用说把它放在头顶的储物柜里了。A. exactly确切地;B. eventually最终;C. rarely罕见地,几乎不;D. regularly有规律地。根据“befre I left fr the airprt, I had hurt my back.”可知,作者背部受伤,几乎不能把包从地板上提起来。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. divided划分,分开;B. placed放置;C. slipped滑落;D. turned转向,转身。包都提不起来,更别说把它放在头顶的储物柜里了。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:当时,坐在我前面的一个人一定注意到了我在寻求帮助。A. sitting坐;B. talking谈话;C. walking散步;D. standing站立。根据“in frnt f me must have nticed”和“he instantly std up”可知,坐在作者前面的人注意到了作者。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. assistance帮助;B. mney钱;C. reputatin名誉;D. fd食物。根据“he instantly std up and gt my bag dwn”可知,坐在作者前面的男人注意到了作者需要帮助。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:当飞机着陆时,他立刻站起来把我的包拿下来。A. started开始;B. flew飞;C. delayed推迟;D. landed降落,着陆。根据“gt my bag dwn”可知,飞机着陆了。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他还主动提出帮我把一个箱子搬下楼梯。A. preferred更喜欢;B. ffered提供,主动提出;C. declined下降;D. failed失败。这位男士是自愿帮忙的,此处表示主动提出帮忙搬箱子。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. curts庭院;B. drs门;C. flrs地板;D. stairs楼梯。根据“And then he waited at the bttm f the stairs”可知,此处是信息词stairs的词汇复现。故选D。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:然后他在楼梯底下等我回去拿包。A. get ff下来;B. watch ut当心;C. watch ver看守,照看;D. get back返回。此处表示在楼梯底下等着作者下来拿包。故选A。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这对她来说显然很沉重,但她还是挺过来了。A. luxurius奢侈的;B. crucial关键的;C. weighty重的,严重的;D. representative有代表性的。根据“A lady walking beside me carried my ther case full f things fr me.”可知,作者的行李很重。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:她似乎不希望她的好意被拒绝,所以我默默地接受了。A. requested要求;B. remarked评论;C. denied否认,拒绝;D. kept保持。根据“s I silently accepted it.”可知,作者感受到那位年轻女士似乎不希望自己的好意被拒绝。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后我又在行李传送带那里看到了她,她把我的包从行李传送带上拿下来。A. airprt飞机场;B. plane飞机;C. pump水泵;D. belt传送带,腰带。根据“Then I saw her again at the carusel (行李传送带)”可知,是在行李传送带上面把包拿下来。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我本可以自己完成所有这些事情,但这些好心的人感觉到我需要帮助,就直接介入了,而不需要我请求。A. checked检查;B. stepped迈步;C. gave给;D. cut切。根据“but these well-meaning humans sensed that I needed help”和“withut me needing t ask.”可知,这些好心人不需要作者请求就主动介入帮忙了。step in为固定搭配,意为“介入,干预”。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是我一生中最美妙的经历之一。A. cmmn普通的;B. splendid壮观的,极好的;C. ambitius有野心的;D. difficult困难的。根据“I was s appreciative f their kindness that I wuld remember it frever.”可知,因为这些善意,作者觉得这是人生中最美妙的经历之一。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对于那些从生活中抽出时间来帮助一个陌生人的人,我感激不尽。A. prud骄傲的;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. suspicius怀疑的;D. grateful感激的。根据“I was s appreciative f their kindness”可知,作者对这些人的善意表示感激。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. stranger陌生人;B. partner伙伴;C. attendant服务员,出席者;D. applicant申请人。作者对于提供帮助的这些人来说应该是一个陌生人。故选A。
    32.答案:wh;t study;leaving;clsely;amazed;transfrmatin;has carried/has been carrying;a;between;be recgnized
    解析:①考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知.此处应用关系代词wh引导非限制性定语从句,并且wh在从句中作主语,先行词是Esteban Zttele。
    ③考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,leave 与逻辑主语之间是主动关系, 故此处应用其现在分词形式作结果状语。
    ④考查副词。此处应用副词 clsely 修饰cnnected,意为“紧密地”。
    ⑤考查形容词。此处应用形容词 amazed 修饰主语 He,意为“感到惊讶的”。
    ⑥考查名词。根据 and前的名词develpment可知,此处也应用名词与之并列,故填 transfrmatin。
    ⑦考查时态。根据时间状语Since 2013可知,此处应用 现在完成时或现在完成进行时。
    ⑧考查冠词。as a result是固定词组,意为“结果;因此”。
    ⑨考查介词。根据句意和空后的the tw natins可知,此处应用介词 between 表示两者之间。
    ⑩考查语态。recgnize与cultural differences之间是被动关系。故 shuld 后面应用be recgnized。
    We're pleased t annunce that the schl English newspaper will hld an essay cmpetitin in the auditrium at the last class next Friday, whse theme is "Inheriting Traditinal Chinese Art". We hpe that thrugh the cmpetitin, students can knw the imprtance f inheriting traditinal Chinese art, deepen their appreciatin f it, and draw inspiratin t create mre wrks.
    The essay shuld be arund 120 wrds and submitted n time. Yur handwriting is imprtant, which is a plus. Participants will be evaluated based n the creativity f their ideas, their writing skills, and their interpretatin f traditinal Chinese art. The tp three winners will be awarded with certificates and prizes, and their essays will be published n ur newspaper.
    Gd luck t all participants!
    The Schl English Newspaper
    Aunt Nelda's wrds made me feel relieved but ashamed. If I kept silent abut the bad thing that I had dne, she wuld never knw. But watching her carefully setting the table reminded me f all her effrts behind the fd. Hw culd I lie t such a kind and caring wman? Finally, I gathered my curage and said, "Aunt Nelda, I'm srry that I made the mess! I'm a terrible eater and hid leftvers there, but yur fd is really gd. I'm learning t like it."
    Hearing what I said, Aunt Nelda pened her muth wide. She paused a mment, and then turned arund, saying, "I had planned t make smething else fr yu. Nw it seems unnecessary, but, Jdi, learn t eat every kind f nutritius fd." I tld her, "I seem t fall in lve with all yur fd!" She burst int laughter, and I hugged her tightly. At that time, I really realized that the delicius fd she made wuld nt nly last in my stmach, but als in my mind frever.

    浙江省宁波市名校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份浙江省宁波市名校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(含答案),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    浙江省宁波市名校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份浙江省宁波市名校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(含答案),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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