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    命题:海宁市教师进修学校 审题:长兴县教育研究中心 慈溪市教育局教研室
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Hw will the man g t the Hliday Inn?
    A. By taxi. B. On ft. C. By subway.
    2. What will the speakers d next?
    A. D sme exercise. B. Study physics. C. Enjy sme music
    3. What des the wman think the twn shuld d?
    A. Better the air quality. B. Imprve lcal businesses. C. Create mre jbs.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. An unpleasant drive. B. A brken air cnditiner. C. The terrible weather.
    5. Hw is Sphie feeling nw?
    A. Cnfused. B. Wrried. C. Disappinted.
    第二节 (共15小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    6. When will the speakers g t the theater?
    A. This afternn. B. Tmrrw mrning. C. Tmrrw afternn.
    7. Hw much des a bus tur cst per persn?
    A. $ 3.5. B. $ 5. C. $ 6.5.
    8. Where is the wman nw?
    A. In Singapre. B. In Sydney. C. In Switzerland.
    9. What is the man ding?
    A. Welcming the wman. B. Shwing the wman arund. C. Seeing the wman ff.
    10. What's the relatinship between Jake and Laura?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Bss and assistant. C. Custmer and manager.
    11. When was the meeting arranged at first?
    A. Next Friday. B. Next Thursday. C. Next Wednesday.
    12. What des the wman ask the man t d in the end?
    A. Offer his name. B. Send an e-mail. C. Check the infrmatin.
    听第9段材料, 回答第13 至 16题。
    13. What was the man interested in when he was a kid?
    A. Sftware. B. Engines. C. Chemistry.
    14. Where did the man start making pts?
    A. In India. B. In Sctland. C. In Austria.
    15. Wh made the man fall in lve with making pts?
    A. His father. B. His wife. C. His father-in-law.
    16. Where culd the man's wrks be fund befre 1981?
    A. In a huse. B. At a museum. C. Outdrs.
    听第10段材料, 回答第17 至 20题。
    17. Hw did the speaker knw abut the jb at the TV statin?
    A. Frm a pst. B. Frm a friend. C. Frm a shp.
    18. Which prgram is the speaker wrking n?
    A. Bargain Hunt. B. Hme Cking. C. Cuntry File.
    19. What des the speaker find mst difficult?
    A. Learning new tricks. B. Dealing with the music C. Wrking at night.
    20. What kind f persn is the speaker?
    A. Psitive. B. Humrus. C. Plite.
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题: 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Already a vlunteer? Lg in.
    The Huntingtn, a cllectins-based research and educatinal institutin, is cmmitted t creating and maintaining a diverse and inclusive envirnment fr vlunteers.
    Our prgram ffers a wide range f activities fr participants as yung as 14, frm gardening t assisting guests with wayfinding, t engaging with visitrs abut the cllectins in Huntingtn. We ffer training, enrichment, and cmmunity-building pprtunities t ur vlunteers thrughut the year, in additin t discunts, service awards, and an annual recgnitin event.
    *Jin a devted cmmunity—ages 14 t 80+
    *Discunts, early entrance, and invitatins t special events
    Yu dn't need an art degree, green thumb, r a backgrund in histry. Adult vlunteers are asked t cmmit t a minimum f 8 hurs f vlunteer service per mnth. Sme assignments allw fr flexible self-scheduling, while thers, like gardening, ask fr a weekly 3-hur shift.
    Teen vlunteers are asked t cmmit t a weekly 2-hur assignment fr a 4-mnth term with the ptential t participate in additinal terms.
    Applicatin pens fr tw mnths every August, December and April. Adults can apply after April 1,2024. Our teen prgram runs year-rund with terms beginning in February, June, and September.
    After submitting yur applicatin, yu will be cntacted by email within 4-6 weeks and directed t sign up t attend an infrmatin sessin r interview depending n yur areas f expressed interest.
    Vlunteers are accepted based n their ptential fr persnal grwth, psitive impact, and availability.
    If yu have questins abut yur applicatin, r available assignments, please cntact the vlunteer ffice, vlunteer@huntingtn.rgrcall 626-405-3429.
    21. What can a vlunteer in Huntingtn d?
    A. Build cmmunity spirit. B. Organize recgnitin events.
    C. Intrduce the cllectins. D. Design service awards.
    22. Hw lng des an adult vlunteer need t serve fr a fur-mnth term?
    A.8 hurs. B. 12 hurs.
    C. 24 hurs. D.32 hurs.
    23. Wh is mre likely t be accepted as a vlunteer in Huntingtn?
    A. A kid with wide interests. B. A teenager with beneficial influence.
    C. An adult with rich experience. D. An elder with early submissin.
    Frank Bwling, ne f Britain's mst celebrated abstract painters, is selling prints f his wrk t help fund art supplies fr 100 primary schls in the UK. It is part f a prject that he hpes will be a "game changer" in art educatin by making state schl students realize art is nt ff limits.
    Art educatin in state schls is under threat, with its cst n per pupil in England falling by nearly 10% in real terms since 2009 and many institutins having t cut back n art lessns including fine art. A study by the Fabian Sciety in 2019 fund that 68% f primary schl teachers in England felt there was less art educatin then than in 2010, with under half believing the quality had decreased.
    Bwling's sn, Ben Bwling, helped rganize the prject. Prceeds frm the sale f 100 signed prints will fund "art package", which include canvas(油画布), paint and six-lessn curriculum that culd give abut 30,000 primary schl children an "alternative" intrductin t art. He said, "Enabling children f all ages, irrespective f their family backgrund r their means, t have access t art educatin and material is the gal."
    The idea fr the prject came when Frank Bwling began t receive invitatins frm Lndn schls whse pupils were using his wrk as inspiratin. Tgether with his sn, he started visiting schls and ding presentatins t six- and seven-year-lds and realized there were things they needed. Ben nted, "Art schls in England have becme the preserve f the elite(精英)."
    Frank Bwling said, "Artists will always d what they have t d and find ways f ding. Art finds a way, but yung children need schls t be a place f artistic pssibilities. It's nt just abut making art; it's abut making sure they feel inspired t create, n matter what."
    24. What is threatening art educatin in state schls?
    A. The shrtage f art schlteachers.B. The increase in the cst f art lessns.
    C. The instability f art learning pprtunities. D. The reductin in investment in art educatin.
    25. What is the aim f Bwling's prject?
    A. T advcate abstract paintings. B. T raise fund fr state schls.
    C. T make art accessible t mre children. D. T change the way f art educatin.
    26. What can be inferred frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. Elites think highly f art educatin. B. Art is a stimulatin t children's creativity.
    C. Great changes will take place in art schls. D. Artists have fund a way fr artistic pssibilities.
    27. Which f the fllwing best describes Frank Bwling?
    A. Generus and caring. B. Devted and mdest.
    C. Sympathetic and patient. D. Outging and influential.
    Eclgist Carl Safina's latest bk fcuses n the chimpanzees, the sperm whale and the scarlet macaw. In Becming Wild: Hw Animal Cultures Raise Families, Create Beauty, and Achieve Peace, he writes abut culture, the structures f scieties, and what makes us wh and what we are.
    Safina's three animals are selected fr their variety. Safina warns against thinking abut chimpanzees in purely human terms. "We see in them partially frmed premiumans caught between being and becming, a frerunner f humankind," Safina writes, nting, "Chimpanzees are nt ur ancestrs. Chimps are ur cntempraries. They are cmplete chimpanzees, nt half-baked humans."
    The main reasn fr this warning is als ne f the central attempts f Becming Wild: criticize the idea f human exceptinalism. Fr centuries, scientists and philsphers have fixed that exceptinalism n ne thing after anther: Humans are the nly animals that have language, humans are the nly animals that make tls, etc. These have all biled dwn t the same idea that nly humans have culture.
    Safina's bk shws that nthing culd be further frm the truth. Human beings have nly recently begun t recgnize the animal cultures arund them. "Humans use language s much that it has swamped ur wn ability t recgnize nnverbal signals that we urselves cntinually display and respnd t," Safina writes. "The wrld is full f layers and waves f cmmunicatin."
    Becming Wild describes cmmunicatin f all kinds. Sperm whales include each ther in snic webs full f vcabulary and even reginal dialects. They find meaning in family and grup identity by living in stable grups where individuals stay tgether fr decades. Only in sperm whales and humans d grup identities extend s far beynd relatives. Like whales, yung scarlet macaws clsely fllw cultural practices. They spend years learning tl-fashining and develping unique calls learned frm their parents. They als learn dialects t enhance grup identity. Chimpanzees mirrr all the interpersnal cmplexity f humans. A huge part f chimpanzee life is learning hw t make peace thrugh frgiveness.
    28. What des Safina think abut chimpanzees?
    A. They are human beings' ancestrs.
    B. They are randmly chsen fr study.
    C. They are species independent f humans.
    D. They are the symbl f being and becming.
    29. What is an attempt f Becming Wild?
    A. T prve an assumptin. B. T challenge a belief.
    C. T present a fact. D. T evaluate a statement.
    30. What des the underlined wrd "swamped" in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Indicated. B. Measured. C. Tested. D. Weakened.
    31. What is mainly presented in Becming Wild?
    A. The existence f animal culture. B. The uniqueness f human beings.
    C. The cmplexity f human sciety. D. The imprtance f animal cmmunicatin.
    A small study published Wednesday dcument s significantly restred hearing in five f six kids treated in China. "Hearing lss is hard t recver. That's why we were always trying t develp a therapy(疗法)," said Zheng-Yi Chen, a senir authr f the study.
    Glbally, 34 millin children have deafness r hearing lss, and genes are respnsible fr up t 60% f cases.
    All the children in the experiments have a cnditin that accunts fr 2% t 8% f inherited(遗传的) deafness. It's caused by mutatins(变异) in a gene respnsible fr an inner ear prtein called tferlin, which helps hair cells transmit sund t the brain.
    The therapy f Chen's team delivers a functin al cpy f that gene t the inner ear during a surgery. It caused n majr side effects. They bserved the children fr abut six mnths and captured patients ' prgress in vides. One shws a little girl 13 weeks after treatment repeating father, mther, grandmther, sister and "I lve yu." They dn't knw why the treatment didn't wrk in ne f them. But the five thers, wh previusly had cmplete deafness, can nw hear a regular cnversatin and talk with thers.
    Prir results frm ther researches have been just as psitive. The Philadelphia hspital reprted that their patient, Aissam Dam, is nw able t hear his father's vice and cars n the rad. Dr. Jhn Germiller, wh led the research in Philadelphia said, "His hearing is imprved frm a state f cmplete deafness with n sund at all t the level f mild hearing lss."
    Clumbia University's Dr. Lawrence Lustig said, "Althugh the children in these studies dn't wind up with perfect hearing, even a mild hearing lss recvery in these kids is pretty astnishing." Still, he added, "Many questins remain, such as hw lng the therapies will last and whether hearing will cntinue t imprve in the kids."
    32. What is Paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. The result f Chen's therapy. B. The impact f gene mutatins.
    C. The truble f curing hearing lss. D. The analysis f children's deafness.
    33. What d mst participants in the tw researches have in cmmn?
    A. They shwed psitive respnse t the therapy. B. Their pwer f speech was partially regained.
    C. Their imprvements were recrded by vides. D. They had mild hearing lss after the treatment.
    34. What is Dr. Lawrence Lustig's attitude tward the therapy?
    A. Dismissive. B. Objective. C. Dubtful. D. Unclear.
    35. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Gene Therapy: A Hpe fr the Deaf
    B. Deaf Children: A Cncern f Sciety
    C. Chen's Research: A Breakthrugh in Surgery
    D. Inherited Deafness: A Challenge fr Treatment
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    The rund-up fundraising strategy was first intrduced abut 15 years ag. Why have rund up fr charity campaigns prven s successful? Katie Kelting, an assciate prfessr f marketing at Saint Luis University, suggests that there's sme pwerful psychlgy at wrk.
    In 2018, Kelting and her clleagues enlisted the St. Luis Z in a field study. Instead f asking peple fr the usual $1 dnatin fr a wild animal cnservatin effrt, the z temprarily tried the rund-up apprach. 36 As Kelting explains, a lt f it has t d with the "pain" f parting with ur hard-earned cash. The perceived pain is less in the cnsumer's mind when that rund-up request is presented.
    37 Humans, fr instance, appear t have a fairly strng preference fr rund numbers, r figures ending with a zer. A 2013 study nted that at restaurants, many peple prefer t leave tips that bring the final bill t a rund number. "_38_ Peple are better at and intuitively(直觉地) prefer t deal with rund numbers," Kelting says.
    Arguably mre imprtant is that at cashier register charitable requests can change an rdinary purchase int a mral dilemma. It becmes an pprtunity t signal t thers that we care. In the case f the rund-up request, it becmes smething f a mral test. 39
    Kelting says that custmers might als change their behavir and perceptins in public and private settings. 40 Hwever, the same decisin in frnt f a cashier—especially ne wh adds a verbal(口头的) request fr the dnatin—is smething different.
    A. It's like an effrt-reductin strategy.
    B. There are likely ther factrs in play.
    C. In a private setting, it is easier t decline.
    D. During the experiment fundraising jumped by 21%.
    E. The rund-up fundraising strategy has really taken ff recently.
    F. It's such a lw-cst ask that saying n starts t make us feel guilty.
    G. Custmers may becme verwhelmed with the rund-up fundraising.
    第三部分 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Frty-dd years ag, I sat in my first-grade classrm. The classrm's speaker suddenly rang ut, 41 me t the ffice f Ms. Susan, my art teacher. I was a 42 kid. I hated t be nticed r singled ut. Fr me, ging t a teacher's ffice was my wrst nightmare.
    I 43 pen the heavy dr. Seated in frnt f Ms. Susan's desk were my parents. My father held a pile f my 44 . "Why d yu nly use a black crayn when yu draw?" he asked. I culdn't 45 . All I culd d was stand still.
    "Shw me yur desk," said my father. We 46 t my classrm. I pinted t my desk 47 .My father pulled ut my crayn bx. He emptied the bx and a single piece f a crayn 48 in his hand—it was black. Puzzled, my father asked, "Where are the rest f yur crayns?"
    I quietly 49 that I'd given all the ther crayns t friends. My father let ut a deep breath in relief, "Yu were 50 ."
    I ndded my head. I lked at Ms. Susan—her face was 51 . I learned years later that Ms. Susan, wh was always a caring persn, 52 that I might have 53 issues. T her my crayn chice 54 my "depressed nature". She had called my parents in t discuss "my prblem".
    Because I didn't 55 myself, thers misunderstd me.
    41. A. calling B. taking C. guiding D. frcing
    42. A. selfish B. humble C. shy D. careless
    43. A. burst B. kncked C. threw D. pushed
    44. A. crayns B. bks C. bxes D. drawings
    45. A. understand B. speak C. decline D. cmplain
    46. A. marched B. headed C. raced D. escaped
    47. A. nervusly B. curiusly C. prudly D. angrily
    48. A. rse B. stuck C. rested D. survived
    49. A. repeated B. declared C. admitted D. explained
    50. A. lying B. sharing C. hiding D. jking
    51. A. pale B. serius C. red D. sad
    52. A. suppsed B. predicted C. claimed D. cncluded
    53. A. mral B. emtinal C. educatinal D. scial
    54. A. clarified B. cnfirmed C. reflected D. matched
    55. A. stand up fr B. keep pace with C. think highly f D. lk up t
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分 15分)
    The first pem that I ever fell in lve with was Edgar Allan Pe's "The Raven," 56 ften quted phrase "nevermre" seems t tell much abut Americans as they will "nevermre" willingly read petry. At the peak f petry's 57 (ppular) in 2017, nly abut 28 millin Americans reprted that they had read a pem within the last year.
    As humans, we are 58 (cnstant) trying t acknwledge the fact that sme feelings cannt 59 (cnvey) clearly, and yet we shy away frm an art frm that depends n cllecting emtin frm every day and 60 (translate) it nt paper s that it becmes cncrete.
    In between lines, pets can transfrm heavy tpics f lve and lss 61 easy wrds that are nt nly understd but als felt. We need petry 62 (remind) us f what we can be "if nly we're brave enugh," as Grman wuld say.
    Yes, pems are cnfusing at times, 63 it is yur understanding that lends itself t meaning. Everything, frm capitalizatin t punctuatin(标点) marks, can be picked apart and thrwn tgether; in the end, it is up t yu t find 64 yu need.
    Regardless f 65 (they) shapes, pems are all reflectins f the human desire t feel. Nathalie Handal in her piece "Lve Letter" put it best, "I'd like t be a pem, t reach yur heart and stay."
    S let it stay.
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    你校英语俱乐部将组织一次主题为“My Senir High Schl Life”的沙龙活动,请你写一篇发言稿,内容包括:
    第二节 (满分25分)
    Finally, the car pulled int my grandparents Gran and Mimi's driveway, which stretched in a thin line thrugh the maple(枫树) frest. Sky-blue tubes stretched frm the trunks f the maples, sending sap(树液) int a huge tank. I liked visiting the farm n spring breaks... befre I knew hw badly I culd mess things up.
    During lunch Mimi asked, "Why s depressed, Jude?" They were really acting as if nthing bad happened during my last visit. Fr a secnd, my eyes caught Mimi's. Culd I ask her hw much mney their neighbr lst? Was Mr. Jacksn still upset? "I'm fine," I answered. "Just missing cmputer camp this week. That's…smething I'm gd at." Mimi ndded. "Ahh, that sunds disappinting."
    After lunch, I was n my wn while Gran and Mimi wrked in the sugarhuse. N way was I ging there. The sugarhuse was next t Mr. Jacksn's rse beds, which was destryed by the gats I carelessly let lse last year. Suddenly Mimi pened the sugarhuse dr. "Jude! Cme quick, please. We need yu t drp defamer(消泡剂)int the sap, r it will bil ver."
    "They need me?" I guessed I wuld just g fr a minute. When I walked thrugh the drway, a burst f sweet maple hugged me. Mimi passed me a small plastic bttle. Quickly, I added drps t each pan befre any sap biled ver. The sap was cming in gd! I had t make sure the sap kept flwing in while I gt the fire burning.
    Then, ut f nwhere, there was Mr. Jacksn! Opening the sugarhuse dr. "I need help," he yelled. "Maise is birthing, and the lamb needs a strng pull." That was when he saw me. "He's prbably been waiting fr this mment since last summer." I gt frightened. But instead, Mr. Jacksn said, "Great! Jude is here. Bth f yu cme. Jude can stay here and watch the bil." Befre they left, Mimi reminded me, "Jude, yu culd make it. Just bil the sap t syrup(糖浆) fr us t draw it ff!"
    Culd I?
    1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
    一、听力 (每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    1-5 BCCAB 6-10 ACBCB 11-15 CABAC 16-20 AACBA
    二、阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    21-23 CDB 24-27 DCBA 28-31 CBDA 32-35 DABA
    第二节 (每小题2.5分, 满分 12.5分)
    36-40 DBAFC
    三、语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (每小题1分,满分15分)
    41-45ACDDB 46-50 BACDB 51-55 CABCA
    第二节 (每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    56. whse 57. ppularity 58. cnstantly 59. be cnveyed 60. translating
    61. int 62. t remind 63. but 64. what 65. their
    四、写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    My senir high schl life
    The past three years have prved t be an incredible episde in my life. Academically, I have delved int varius subjects, frm mathematics t literature, which has bradened my hrizn and sharpened my analytical skills. Besides, I've cultivated the spirit f team wrk and perseverance in tackling challenging tasks. Hwever, I was s fcused n academic perfrmance smetimes that I verlked the significance f maintaining a healthier lifestyle.
    Lking frward, I'm excited abut the pssibilities the future hlds and cnfident that my experiences in senir high schl will serve as a slid fundatin. I will carry the lessns frm my past and embrace the adventures that await me.
    第二节 (满分25分)
    (Text 1)
    M: Excuse me. I'd like t g t the Hliday Inn. D yu knw where I can take a taxi r subway?
    W: Well, nt necessary. It's very clse. Yu can just walk there.
    M: That's great. Thank yu.
    (Text 2)
    M: We've been studying fr next week's physics exam since early this mrning. Let's take a break. What d yu say we d sme exercise r listen t sme music?
    W: Nw that yu mentin it, I'm getting a little bred, t. The latter wuld suit me just fine.
    (Text 3)
    M: This twn is a healthy place t live in. There are many trees, and the air quality is gd. I guess that's because there isn't a lt f industry
    W: Yeah. But n industry means n jbs. It is difficult t find wrk arund here. The twn shuld bring mre businesses here.
    (Text 4)
    W: Hw was the drive? Yu lk wrn ut.
    M: Well, I guess we are exhausted. It was s ht ut, and the air cnditining brke dwn n the way. We stpped halfway t switch drivers and eat lunch. Then we had truble starting the car.
    (Text 5)
    M: All well, Sphie?
    W: Hmm... nt great. I'm just s dwn with writing this reprt.
    M: Are yu almst dne with it?
    W: Far frm it. And I'll get it presented in class tmrrw.
    第二节:听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    (Text 6)
    W: S, there's a great walking tur tmrrw mrning. What d yu think, Je?
    M: Well, we've gt theater tickets fr this afternn, s we'll be t tired fr the walking tur in the mrning.
    W: Why nt? It'll be fun! Lk, it's nly $5 each.
    M: I hate the tiring feeling!
    W: Ah, what abut this? There's a bus tur tmrrw afternn. It's nly $1.50 mre than the walking tur and it ges all arund the main turist sites!
    M: Yeah, that sunds OK.
    (Text 7)
    W: Well, it has been a great pleasure t meet yu, Jack.
    M: Yes, I've enjyed meeting yu t. What a pity yu have t g!
    W: Well, all gd things must cme t an end. But I'm sure we'll meet again.
    M: Yes, I hpe s. Gd luck with yur business.
    W: Yur health, Jack.
    M: Cheers! We shuld keep in tuch.
    W: Sure. I'll send yu an email. And if yu're ever in Singapre, yu must lk me up(拜访).
    M: I certainly will. And yu have my number. When yu're in Sydney again, give me a call. We'll have a drink.
    W: Well, I'd better get ging r I'll miss my flight t Switzerland.
    M: Have ne fr the rad.
    W: Bttms up!
    (Text 8)
    M: Hell. Culd I speak t Jake, please?
    W: Srry, he's nt at his desk. This is Laura, his assistant. D yu want t leave a message?
    M: Yeah. Culd yu tell him the meeting has been put ff till next Thursday instead f next Wednesday?
    W: That's Thursday the eighth, right?
    M: N, eighth is next Friday. Thursday is the seventh, and there shuld be thirteen peple cming frm the New Yrk ffice.
    W: Is that ne three r three?
    M: One three, thirteen. And culd yu als tell him that we can't test ut the sftware befrehand.
    W: Can I just check I've gt everything?
    M: Sure, thanks.
    W: Meeting n Thursday the seventh, thirteen peple cming, nt test befrehand.
    M: That's it. Srry I wasted all yur time. I culd have just sent him an e-mail.
    W: N prblem. Oh, I've just remembered, yu haven't given me yur name!
    (Text 9)
    W: Nw, I'm with Frank Irvine. Frank, were yu brn in Sctland?
    M: Actually n. My father was frm Austria and I was brn there.
    W: When did yu start getting interested in making pts?
    M: Well, as a child I was int engines. When I was a teenager I was fnd f chemistry and writing sftware. But I think by the time I was abut twenty I was already aware that there might be smething else I wanted t d.
    W: S, what did yu d?
    M: Well, I started traveling. Er, at first, t find ut mre abut my father's backgrund, and then I went t the Middle East and n t India, where I met my wife.
    W: And her father?
    M: Yes. And I was visiting them quite a lt and seeing her father wrking. And eventually I asked him if I culd have a g. And then I started using very, very high temperatures t prduce sme pretty unique effects.
    W: And this was quite sme time ag?
    M: Oh, I've been playing abut with this since 1970. I started with quite small bwls, yu knw, small hme-used bjects, then I wanted t try t make larger designs in 1981, but still smething that might find its way int a hme, rather than a museum. Then in 1995, I gt nt the idea f them being used utdrs, s they gt bigger and bigger. And ther peple like them t.
    W: They certainly d. Well, thank yu very much fr yur cming here tday, Frank.
    M: Yu're welcme.
    (Text 10)
    W: As a little by, I dreamt f getting int filming. I wrked in a shp just after graduatin. Then a friend gt me a temprary jb fr a cmpany ding films. One day, I saw a pst fr a persn t be a runner wrking fr a TV prgram. I thught that was the perfect pprtunity. I was delighted when I gt it. Nw I've been a directr fr abut twelve years. I've dne a number f different prgrams, like Bargain Hunt and Hme Cking, but at the mment I'm wrking n a nature prgram called Cuntry File. The hardest part f the jb is getting the music tgether. When yu find a piece f music that ges with the film then yu create the right atmsphere and it ttally brings the film alive. There's s much variety in my jb and I'm always learning abut new things. Last year, I did a writing curse. It really made sense t me. Nt lng ag, I did a film abut sme rare birds and we had t use new technlgy t film at night. I prefer t learn frm experience by trying smething ut. I try new things t discver my ptential, and try t adjust myself t the scial envirnment and imprve myself step by step.My Senir High Schl Life
    The past three years have prved t be an incredible episde in my life.______________________________
    Paragraph 1: Suddenly, I was alne in the sugarhuse. ____________________________________________
    Paragraph 2: "Yu are capable!" She ndded cheerfully, "Want t g meet the new baby lamb?" ___________

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