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    2024届浙江省Lambda联盟高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试题 (原卷版+解析版)
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      2024届浙江省Lambda联盟高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试题 (原卷版).docx
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      2024届浙江省Lambda联盟高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试题 (解析版).docx
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    2024届浙江省Lambda联盟高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试题 (原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份2024届浙江省Lambda联盟高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试题 (原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024届浙江省Lambda联盟高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试题原卷版docx、2024届浙江省Lambda联盟高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共46页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A.£ 19.15 B. £ 9.18 C. £ 9.15
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When will the man arrive at the party?
    A. At 7:30.B. At 8:00.C. At 8:30.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman want t drink?
    A. Orange juice.B. Cffee.C. Ht chclate.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What did the man plan t d n March 1st?
    A. Apply fr sme classes.B. Call the travel agent.C. G t the muntains.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers prbably ding?
    A. Unpacking a bx.B. Lading a car.C. Buying a suitcase.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What relatin is the man t the wman?
    A. Her custmer. ​​​​B. Her c-wrker.​​C. Her bss.
    6. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He is hard-wrking.
    B. He likes making things.
    C. He paid $50 fr the bkcase.
    7. What did the man d in the end?
    A. He tld a jke.
    B. He made a future plan.
    C. He asked the wman fr help.
    8. What culd the man be?
    A. A supermarket manager.B. A pliceman.C. A htel clerk.
    9. Where des the wman think she lst her cell phne?
    A. In a taxi.B. In a supermarket.C. In a park.
    10. What was Prf. Stne’s grandfather afraid f?
    A. Leaving his hme.
    B. Parting frm his sn.
    C. Taking early retirement.
    11. What des ld age mean t many elderly Americans?
    A. Lack f mral supprt.
    B. Lss f self-wrth.
    C. Change f living habits.
    12. What will Prf. Stne talk abut next cncerning elderly peple?
    A Public services they ask fr.
    B. Health care available t them.
    C. Cntributins they can make.
    13. What des the wman give the man first?
    A Her passprt.B. Her ticket.C. Her name.
    14. Where des the wman ask t sit?
    A. In first class.B. By the washrm.C. Near the walkway.
    15. What time is it nw?
    A. 9:20.B. 9:30.C. 9:40.
    16. Hw des the wman feel in the end?
    A. Rushed.B. Grateful.C. Cnfused.
    17. What psitive news d the scientists reprt regarding lw-carbn technlgies?
    A. The usage f lw-carbn technlgies has increased.
    B. The csts f many key lw-carbn technlgies have fallen dramatically.
    C. The efficiency f lw-carbn technlgies has imprved significantly.
    18. What is a majr cncern highlighted by bservers regarding the reprt?
    A. The reliance n existing technlgies.
    B. The lack f gvernment plicies.
    C. The dependency n new technlgies t remve carbn dixide frm the atmsphere.
    19. Hw d the suggested persnal actins fr reducing emissins als benefit individual health accrding t the reprt?
    A. They prmte healthier lifestyle chices.
    B. They reduce reliance n pharmaceuticals.
    C. They increase awareness f envirnmental issues.
    20. Why is the reliance n new carbn dixide remval technlgies cnsidered prblematic?
    A. They are nt widely accepted by the scientific cmmunity.
    B. They are still very expensive and at an early stage f develpment.
    C. They have a negative impact n the envirnment.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Facebk’s Big Outage—Understanding the Internet’s Cmplex Machinery
    At 15:51 UTC, we detected a significant issue: “Facebk DNS lkup returning SERVFAIL.” This errr suggested that ur DNS reslver, , might be malfunctining. Hwever, the situatin was mre serius than we initially thught. Scial media was abuzz with activity, and ur engineers cnfirmed that Facebk, WhatsApp, and Instagram were all experiencing an utage. It appeared as if these platfrms had been abruptly discnnected frm the Internet.
    This was nt a simple DNS prblem; it was a sign f a much larger issue. Facebk later revealed that a change in their internal cnfiguratin had caused a widespread disruptin, affecting nt just their services but als the ability f their staff t restre nrmal peratins.
    Delving int BGP
    BGP, r Brder Gateway Prtcl, is a critical cmpnent f the Internet’s infrastructure. It’s the system that allws the Internet’s ruters t cmmunicate and determine the mst efficient rutes fr data t travel. Essentially, BGP is the Internet’s GPS, guiding data packets t their destinatins. If a netwrk like Facebk stps using BGP t annunce its presence, it be-cmes invisible and unreachable n the Internet.
    The Ripple Effect
    At 15:58 UTC, we bserved that Facebk had ceased annuncing its DNS rutes. This meant that DNS reslvers, which are the Internet’s directry assistance, culd n lnger find the IP addresses fr Facebk’s services. As a result, attempts t access Facebk. cm and similar dmains failed.
    This failure triggered a chain reactin. With n reslutin pssible, DNS reslvers wrld-wide began t experience an unprecedented surge in queries, as bth autmated systems and users repeatedly tried t access the nw-unavailable services. This surge nt nly strained the DNS infrastructure but als affected ther nline platfrms as users sught infrmatin and alternatives.
    The Intercnnected Web
    The day’s events underscred the Internet’s cmplexity and the delicate balance f systems and prtcls that keep it running. It’s a vast, intercnnected ecsystem that relies n mutual trust, standardizatin, and cllabratin amng its varius cmpnents t serve nearly five billin users glbally.
    The Reslutin and Beynd
    By 21:00 UTC, we began t see signs f recvery as BGP activity frm Facebk’s netwrk resumed. This activity peaked at 21:17 UTC, indicating that Facebk was actively wrk-ingtrestreitsservices.By21:20UTC, the DNS fr “face bk. Cm” was nce again avail-able n ur reslver, , and by 21:28 UTC, it appeared that Facebk was back nline, with DNS functining nrmally.
    While Facebk, WhatsApp, and Instagram may have taken sme time t return t full peratin, the incident served as a stark reminder f the Internet’s interdependence and the imprtance f rbust infrastructure.
    21. What was the initial indicatin f a prblem with Facebk’s services?
    A. A decrease in user activity n scial media platfrms
    B. The appearance f a errr in DNS lkups fr Facebk
    C. A sudden increase in traffic t cmpeting scial media sites
    D. Reprts f physical damage t Facebk’s data centers
    22. What rle des BGP play in the functining f the Internet?
    A. It manages the distributin f Internet cntent t users
    B. It prvides security fr nline transactins
    C. It helps ruters find the mst efficient path fr data t travel
    D. It regulates the speed f Internet cnnectins wrldwide
    23. Why did the utage at Facebk lead t a significant increase in DNS traffic?
    A. Because users were attempting t access Facebk’s cmpetitrs, which resulted in an elevated number f DNS queries fr thse platfrms.
    B. Because DNS reslvers culd nt reslve Facebk’s dmain names, leading t repeated queries
    C. Because a cyber attack specifically targeted the DNS infrastructure, which increased the vlume f requests t DNS reslvers fr reslutin.
    D. Because the Facebk utage indirectly caused physical damage t the glbal DNS net-wrk, necessitating a higher number f queries t DNS reslvers t find alternative rutes.
    Fifty years after Liliana Cavani’s film The Night Prter was released t widespread critical disgust, hw have views f it changed?
    “T write a pem after Auschwitz is barbaric,” wrte the German therist Thedr Adrn, suggesting in his 1949 essay Cultural Criticism and Sciety that artistic expressin had been rendered inadequate as a tl t understand reality after the Hlcaust. In her 1974 film The Night Prter, Italian directr Liliana Cavani challenged this thery, taking it t its lgical extreme. She used a cncentratin camp as the setting t explre a crazed sexual bnd between an adlescent prisner and an SS cmmandant, and hw, years later, this psychlgical pisn has pervaded their suls.
    Amid the furre after its release — which included intensely negative reviews and an at-tempted ban by the Italian ratings bard—with typical nnchalance, Cavani tld The New Yrk Times: “This is nthing cmpared t the numberless cuples wh tear each ther apart psychlgically.”
    Half a century n, hwever, des The Night Prter still seem like a prvcatin that plumbs the depths f bad taste? With the film’s recent restratin and re-releases, as well as renewed cnversatins arund cinematic depictins f the Hlcaust, many have revisited the film and remain unimpressed by its cntent. Others are perhaps seeing the film mre as Lili-an a Cavani riginally intended: as an artistic reflectin f hw sexual bsessin can be fascistic in its tunnel-visined fercity. Cavani herself put it mre simply: “lve cmes always with a price t pay.”
    The Night Prter is set in Vienna in 1957, where a frmer Nazi cmmandant, Max (Dirk Bgarde), wrks in an upmarket htel. There, he clashes with frmer SS clleagues wh are determined t purge themselves f any shame abut their rles in the Final Slutin and eliminate any surviving witnesses. Max, hwever, wuld rather frget his past and mve n, living his life quietly, he says, “as a church muse.” His careful wrld is upended when Lucia (Charltte Rampling), nw married t an American cmpser, walks int his htel lbby — the very wman he sexually abused while she was a prisner in his camp, and with whm he entered int a sadmaschistic relatinship. Reunited nce mre, their twisted flie a deux resumes and a fervent debasement begins — nw, n bth sides.
    24. Which f the fllwing statements best reflects the authr’s perspective n the film’s prtrayal f the Hlcaust?
    A. The film is a disrespectful and explitative representatin f the Hlcaust.
    B. The film is a cmplex and abstract explratin f Nazi idelgy and sexual tabs.
    C. The film is a straightfrward histrical accunt f the Hlcaust.
    D. The film is a rmanticized depictin f lve during the Hlcaust.
    25. In the cntext f the article, which f the fllwing best describes the term “sadmaschistic”?
    A. A frm f psychlgical therapy.
    B. A type f artistic expressin.
    C. A relatinship dynamic characterized by the exchange f pain and pleasure.
    D. A histrical accunt f events during Wrld War II.
    26. What is the main argument f thse wh defend the film’s artistic merit?
    A The film prvides a realistic prtrayal f the Hlcaust.
    B. The film’s cntrversial nature generates imprtant discussins.
    C. The film is a successful example f the “Nazisplitatin” genre.
    D. The film’s plt and character develpment are highly riginal.
    27. What is the mst apprpriate title fr the article?
    A. “The Night Prter: A Cinematic Cntrversy”
    B. “Liliana Cavani: The Directr Wh Challenged Art”
    C. “Lve and Evil: The Cmplex Themes f The Night Prter”
    D. “The Hlcaust n Film: A Histry f Cinematic Prtrayals”
    Hw can ne persn enjy gd health, while anther persn lks ld befre her time? Humans have been asking this questin fr thusands f years, and recently, it’s becming clearer and clearer t scientists that the differences between peple’s rates f aging lie in the cmplex interactins amng genes, scial relatinships, envirnments and lifestyles. Even thugh yu were brn with a particular set f genes, the way yu live can influence hw they express themselves. Sme lifestyle factrs may even turn genes n r shut them ff.
    Deep within the genetic heart f all ur cells are telmeres, r repeating segments f nn-cding DNA that live at the ends f the chrmsmes (染色体). They frm caps at the ends f the chrmsmes and keep the genetic material tgether. Shrtening with each cell divisin, they help determine hw fast a cell ages. When they becme t shrt, the cell stps dividing altgether. This isn’t the nly reasn a cell can age — there are ther stresses n cells we dn’t yet understand very well — but shrt telmeres are ne f the majr reasns human cells grw ld. We’ve devted mst f ur careers t studying telmeres, and ne extrardinary discver y frm ur labs is that telmeres can actually lengthen.
    Scientists have learned that several thught patterns appear t be unhealthy fr telmeres, and ne f them is cynical hstility. Cynical hstility is defined by high anger and frequent thughts that ther peple cannt be trusted. Smene with hstility desn’t just think, “I hate t stand in lng lines”; they think, “Others deliberately sped up and beat me t my rightful psitin in the line!” — and then get vilently agitated. Peple wh scre high n measures f cynical hstility tend t get mre heart disease, metablic disease and ften die at yunger ages. They als have shrter telmeres. In a study f British civil servants, men wh scred high n measures f cynical hstility had shrter telmeres than men whse hstility scres were lw. The mst hstile men were 30% mre likely t have shrt telmeres.
    What this means: aging is a dynamic prcess that culd pssibly be accelerated r slwed — and, in sme aspects, even reversed. T an extent, it has surprised us and the rest f the scientific cmmunity that telmeres d nt simply carry ut the cmmands issued by yur genetic cde. Yur telmeres are listening t yu. The fds yu eat, yur respnse t challenges, the amunt f exercise yu get, and many ther factrs appear t influence yur telmeres and can prevent premature aging at the cellular level. One f the keys t enjying gd health is simply ding yur part t fster healthy cell renewal.
    28. Why are sme lifestyle factrs cnsidered extremely imprtant?
    A They may determine hw genes functin.
    B. They may shrten the prcess f cell divisin.
    C. They may affect the lifespan f telmeres.
    D. They may accunt fr the stresses n cells.
    29. What have the authr and his clleagues discvered abut telmeres?
    A. Their number affects the grwth f cells.
    B Their length determines the quality f life.
    C. Their shrtening prcess can be reversed.
    D. Their health impacts the divisin f cells.
    30. What have scientists learned abut cynical hstility?
    A. It may lead t cnfrntatinal thught patterns.
    B. It may cause peple t lse their temper frequently.
    C. It may prduce an adverse effect n telmeres.
    D. It may stir up agitatin amng thse in lng lines.
    31. What d we learn frm the last paragraph abut the prcess f aging?
    A. It may vary frm individual t individual.
    B. It challenges scientists t explre further.
    C. It depends n ne’s genetic cde.
    D. It may be cntrlled t a degree.
    In the late nineteenth century, art critics regarded seventeenth-century Dutch paintings as direct reflectins f reality. The paintings were discussed as an index f the demcracy f a sciety that chse t represent its class, actin, and ccupatins exactly as they were, wide-ranging realism was seen as the great accmplishment f Dutch art. Hwever, the achievement f mre recent study f Dutch art has been the recvery f the fact that such paintings are t be taken as symblizing mrtality, the renaissance f earthly life, and the pwer f Gd, and as message that range frm the mildly mralizing t the firmly didactic. Hw explicit and cnsistent the symblizing prcess was intended t be is a much thrnier matter, but anyne wh has mre familiarity than a passing acquaintance with Dutch literature r with the kinds f images used in illustrated bks (abve all emblem bks) will knw hw much less pervasive was the habit f investing rdinary bjects than f investing scenes with meaning that g be-y nd their surface and utward appearance. In the mid-1960s, Eddy de Jngh published an extrardinary array f material — especially frm the emblem bks and vernacular literature — that cnfirmed the unreliability f taking Dutch pictures at surface value alne.
    The majr difficulty, hwever, with the findings f critics such as de Jngh is that it is nt easy t assess the multiplicity f levels in which Dutch viewers interpreted these pictures. De Jngh’s fllwers typically regard the pictures as purely symblic. Nt every bject within Dutch paintings need be interpreted in terms f the glss given t its equivalent representatin in the emblem bks. Nt every ft warmer is t be interpreted in terms f the ft warmer in Rwmer Visscher’s Sinnepppen f 1614, nt every bridle is an emblem f restraint (thugh many were indeed just that).
    T maintain as Brwn des, that the tw children in Netscher’s painting A Lady Teaching a Child t Read stand fr industry and idleness is t fail t understand that the painting has a variety f pssible meanings, even thugh the picture undubtedly carriers unmistakable symblic meanings, t. Mdern Art histrians may well find the discvery f parallels be-tween a painting and a specific emblem exciting, they may, like seventeenth-century viewers, search fr the duble that lie behind many paintings. But seventeenth-century respnse can hardly be reduced t the level f frmula. T suggest therwise is t imply a labriusness f mental prcess that may well characterize mdern interpretatins f seventeenth-century Dutch Art, but that was, fr the mst part, nt characteristic in the seventeenth century.
    32. The passage is primarily cncerned with which f the fllwing?
    A. Recnciling tw different pints f view abut hw art reflects.
    B. Criticizing a traditinal methd f interpretatin.
    C. Describing and evaluating a recent critical apprach.
    D. Describing a lng-standing cntrversy and hw it was reslved.
    33. The authr f the passage mentins bridles in the highlighted prtin f the passage mst likely in rder t ______.
    A. Suggest that restraint was nly ne f the many symblic meanings attached t bridles
    B. Prvide an example f an everyday, physical bject that was nt endwed with symblic meaning
    C. Prvide an example f an bject that mdern critics have endwed with symblic meaning different frm the meaning assigned it by seventeenth-century Dutch artists
    D. Prvide an example f an bject with symblic meaning that was nt always used as a symbl
    34. Which f the fllwing best describes the functin f the last paragraph f the passage?
    A. It prvides specific applicatins f the critical apprach intrduced in the preceding paragraph.
    B. It present a caveat abut the critical apprach discussed in the preceding paragraph.
    C. It presents the research n which a thery presented in the preceding paragraph is based.
    D. It refutes a thery presented in the preceding paragraph and advcates a return t a mre traditinal apprach.
    35. The passage suggests which f the fllwing abut emblem bks in seventeenth-century Hlland?
    A. They cnfirm that seventeenth century Dutch painting depict sme bjects and scenes rarely fund in daily life.
    B. They are mre useful than vernacular literature in prviding infrmatin abut the sym-blic cntent f seventeenth-century Dutch painting.
    C. They have been misinterpreted by art critics, such as de Jngh, wh claim seventeenth-century Dutch paintings cntain symblic meaning.
    D. They cntain material that challenges the assumptins f the nineteenth-century critics abut seventeenth-century Dutch painting.
    Can We Stp Fd Lnging Thrugh Imaginary Eating?
    Are yu fighting an urge t reach fr chclate? Then, let it melt in yur mind, nt in yur muth. Accrding t the recent research, imagining eating a specific fd reduces yur interest in that fd, s yu eat less f it.
    This reactin t repeated expsure t fd—being less interested in smething because yu’ve experienced it t much—is called habituatin. _____36_____
    The research is the first t shw that habituatin can ccur thrugh the pwer f the mind. “If yu just think abut the fd itself—hw it tastes and smells—that will increase yur appetite,” said Carey Mrewedge, a well-knwn psychlgist. “It might be better t frce yurself t repeatedly think abut chewing and swallwing the fd in rder t reduce yur lnging. _____37_____ Visualizing yurself eating chclate wuldn’t prevent yu frm eating lts f cheese,” he added.
    Mrewedge cnducted an interesting experiment. 51 subjects were divided int three grups. One grup was asked t imagine putting 30 cins int a laundry machine and then eating three chclates. _____38_____ Anther grup was asked t imagine putting three cins int a laundry machine and then eating 30 chclates. Lastly, a cntrl grup imagined just putting 33 cins int the machine—with n chclates. _____39_____ When they said they had finished, these were taken away and weighed. The results shwed the grup that had imagined eating 30 chclates each ate fewer f the chclates than the ther grups.
    _____40_____ Physical signals—that full stmach feeling—are nly part f what tells us we’ve finished a meal. The research suggests that psychlgical effects, such as habituatin, als influence hw much a persn eats. It may lead t new behaviral techniques fr peple lking t eat mre healthily, r have cntrl ver ther habits.
    A. What’s mre, this nly wrks with the specific fd yu’ve imagined.
    B. Peple were advised t try different methds t perfrm the experiment.
    C. Fr example, a tenth bite is desired less than the first bite, accrding t the study.
    D. All f them then ate freely frm bwls cntaining the same amunt f chclate each.
    E. It meant thse wh repeatedly imagined eating wuld cncern abut sme specific fd.
    F. This requires the same mtr skills as eating small chclates frm a packet, the study says.
    G. This study is part f the research lking int what makes us eat mre than we actually need.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    He is better at wrds. She is better at sentences. Games they like t play invlve the frmer, and he wins the vast majrity f them the vast majrity f the time. Debates they find themselves in invlve the latter, and there hasn’t been an ccasin (n recrd) f him winning ne fr many, many years.
    Crsswrds, Scrabble, that new game with green and yellw squares, he excels at. Given six tries t guess a five-letter wrd, he is quicker t recall wrds withut real vwels (she desn’t supprt the idea that “Y” is a vwel), and he has the nerve t guess wrds with triple letters, like “fluff,” n the secnd try. Of curse, she knws what fluff is. It’s either ____41____ r the stuffing that cmes ut f cheap tys. But it’s nt a wrd she wuld have guessed.
    In defense f “Y” ‘s vwelness, he asks, What abut “lynx”?
    Lynx? she replies, incredulus. When have yu ever used that alud? Oh, lk, ver there, that lynx is abut t punce and ____42____ ut my heart! She is certain that any per-sn in such a scenari wuld use the wrd “bbcat.”
    What mst infuriates her is the presumptin that she must be a whiz at wrds given her ____43____ as a writer f bks. She is gifted calendar crsswrd puzzles (yes, three hundred and sixty-five tiny crsswrds, ne sheet fr each day) every December, and is ften dragged int lng buts f Wrds with Friends. In ne game, he scres mre than seventy pints with a well-placed “Q.” She lses that game sn enugh and texts him, Yu’re always ding stuff like that,____44____ the value f each wrd. But that’s hw yu play—thse are the rules, he replies. She calls int questin these rules: is the pint system fr letters really based n frequency, r is it sme larger institutinal ____45____ f mind cntrl? He repeats, but thse are the rules. On her darkest f writing days, she takes the last sentence she wrte and ____46____ it up fr pints. She is immensely disappinted. Then she stares at thse crss-wrd calendars, and they stare back. The five she was gifted this hliday seasn, plus several frm last year. They sit all ver her desk like blind cats. Hundreds if nt thusands f empty ____47____.
    She ften finds herself ____48____ whether her writing skills actually translate t success in games that demand lexical agility. Despite her ____49____ , she finds these games frustrating and ____50____. It’s nt just abut knwing wrds, she thinks, but abut using them ____51____. Her brther, n the ther hand, seems t ____52____ these nuances naturally, picking the perfect mments t drp his triple-letter bmbs.
    One evening, she decides t challenge him t a game f ____53____, determined t prve that her skills can extend beynd the page. The game starts ff well fr her, with each player trading clever, high-scring wrds. But sn, he begins t pull ahead,____54____ advantage f every duble wrd scre space, while she struggles t make the mst f her ____55____.
    A. nnsenseB. rubbishC. fluffD. trash
    A. pullB. ripC. tearD. drag
    A. hbbyB. prfessinC. ccupatinD. jb
    A. guessingB. calculatingC. estimatingD. evaluating
    A. measureB. metricC. methdD. calculatin
    A. cuntsB. scresC. sumsD. adds
    A. blcksB. gridsC. squaresD. letters
    A. wnderingB. dubtingC. guessingD. knwing
    A. expertiseB. cnfusinC. frustratinD. anger
    A. demralizingB. excitingC. bringD. enlightening
    A. strategicallyB. frcefullyC. literallyD. randmly
    A. ignreB. missC. graspD. avid
    A. BggleB. ScrabbleC. ChessD. Checkers
    A. takingB. findingC. lsingD. giving
    A. lettersB. skillsC. resurcesD. ptins
    “The dangerus thing abut lying is peple dn’t understand hw the act changes us,” says Dan Ariely, behaviural psychlgist at Duke University. Psychlgists have dcumented children lying as early as the age f tw. Lying is even cnsidered _____56_____ develpmental milestne, like crawling and walking, with sphisticated planning and attentin _____57_____ (require). But, fr mst peple, lying gets increasingly limited as we develp a sense f mrality and the ability t self-regulate.
    Accrding t Ariely, lying takes wrk. In studies, he gave subjects a chance t deceive fr mnetary gains while examining their brains in a functinal MRI machine. Sme peple tld the truth instantly. But thers pted t lie, and they shwed increased activity in their frntal parietal (颅腔壁的) cntrl netwrk, which is invlved in cmplex thinking. It suggested that they were deciding between truth and dishnesty, and after thinking abut it, _____58_____ (chse) the latter. Fr a fllw-up analysis, he fund that peple whse neural (神经的) reward centers were _____59_____ (active) when they wn mney were less likely t be amng the grup f liars, and the ppsite was seen amng thse s-called habitual liars, suggesting that lying _____60_____ have t d with the inability t resist temptatin.
    External cnditins als matter in terms f when and hw ften we lie. We are mre likely t lie, research shws, when we see thers being dishnest. And we are less likely t lie when we think thers are watching. “We _____61_____ a sciety need t understand that, when we dn’t punish lying, we increase the prbability f _____62_____ happening again, influencing all f us,” Ariely said.
    In a 2016 study, Ariely and clleagues shwed hw dishnesty alters peple’s brains, making it easier t tell lies in the future. When peple tld a lie, the scientists nticed a burst f activity in their amygdala, a crucial part f the brain that prduces fear and guilt. But when scientists had their subjects _____63_____ (play) a game in which they wn mney by deceiving their partner, they nticed the negative signals frm the amygdala began t decrease. “Nt nly that,” said Ariely in an interview with Natinal Science Channel, “ _____64_____ peple tended t lie mre when they faced n cnsequences fr dishnesty. This means that if yu give peple multiple pprtunities t lie fr their wn benefit, they start with little lies, _____65_____ get bigger ver time.”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Alan在邮件中提到他近来对中国古诗很感兴趣,希望你介绍一位你喜欢的古代诗人。请给他回信,内容包括:
    Dear Alan,
    Li Hua
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Hiking trails (小径) can be fun and relaxing, but smetimes can als be challenging and dangerus.
    Rgers, 33, was in twn frm New Yrk fr adventures n Bstn trails. Even he had just taken a sharp turn n his muntain bike when he was stpped by the sight f a wman sitting n the side f the trail. She was cute with lng blnd hair and big expressive eyes. What he didn’t knw was that she was als in extreme pain.
    Sydney Linden, 28, had been jgging dwn Adbe Jack Trail fr a splendid sunset view f the Red Rcks when she hpped (单腿跳) ver a rck and her leg ver extended n the landing. The pain was instant. Her right leg cllapsed (倒塌) and she hit the dirt hard. Linden tried t stand but cllapsed. She wasn’t sure if she had brken her leg, r smething else. All she knew was that the pain was a 15 ut f 10.
    Linden dragged herself t the shade and called a friend, but after 30 minutes, her friend was lst. And the sun beat dwn cruelly. That’s when she saw the muntain biker.
    Rgers was trying t play it cl. He casually rde by at a slwer speed, stealing a glance at the wman. Sensing her suffering, Rgers stpped and asked if he culd help. Linden explained her situatin and that’s when he nticed the swelling (肿胀处) under her leggings. She needed a hspital nw.
    Rgers helped Linden t her feet and they began t crss the rcky regin and desert bushes. It was a lng way t g. Leaning n Rgers, Linden tried t hp alng, but the pain was severe. She wuld never make it t the ft f the hill this way.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Then Rgers had anther idea.
    It was after the peratin that Linden fund Rgers gne.

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