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    过题型 题型专练写作特训题组1Writing 1话题:通过劳动获得的"报酬"  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★☆☆  故事性强[2023苏北四市一调]Sista raced ahead,the sea breeze streaming against her face. Rafi finally caught up and then they rested in the shade. "Nw I'm hungry. I knw where there's a great apple tree," Sista said."It belngs t an ld lady called Susan wh lives in the little huse by the hill. I heard she's stubbrn,but that smetimes she gives fruit in return fr an errand(差事).""Let's g," Rafi said. They crssed a stream by hpping frm rck t rck. Finally, upn a hilltp,they saw a splendid apple tree with bright red fruits.A small farmhuse std at the bttm f the hill. Rafi's heart punded as Sista kncked n the dr. An elderly wman answered."Yes?" the lady asked, staring at the girls."We heard..." said Sista, her vice shaky, "that we culd run an errand fr yu in exchange fr apples."Susan raised ne eyebrw. "Ah, yes," she clicked her tngue. "Nthing is free, eh?"She led the girls int the kitchen. When passing the living rm, Sista fund that the wall was decrated with clurful crayn drawings, which seemed t be children's. She wndered wh drew these since Susan was alne,with n grandchildren,even n families r relatives. The lady grabbed tw baskets, ne large and ne
    small, and pushed them int the girls' hands. "G fill these with apples. Cme right back."The girls raced up the hill t the tree, climbed the branches, and picked the ripest apples.After filling the baskets, they returned t the huse.Susan filled a bag with rice and dried beans, and then she handed it t Sista."Take this bag and the large basket f apples t the Gmez family. D yu knw them?"The girls ndded. Sista had heard that Mr. Gmez had been sick in bed fr a lng time and that Mrs.Gmez had t raise three little kids."Gd.And ask them fr the payment," Susan added with a tight smile.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  The girls hit the rad.   When Susan pened the envelpe, the girls saw the payment! 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 Sista在和Rafi一起爬山的过程中感到饥饿。她敲开了Susan这位老妇人的门。Susan让她们去采摘了两篮子苹果,之后让女孩们把大篮子里的苹果和装有大米和干豆的袋子送往Mr. Gmez家并向他们要报酬。Mr. Gmez长期卧病在床,Mrs. Gmez不得不养家里的三个孩子。  续写思路 由续写第一段首句可知,第一段可描写女孩们在路上的心情,到了Mr. Gmez家后看到的、交流的,最后拿到了什么。由续写第二段首句可知,续写第二段可描写孩子们拿回信封,看到了里面的东西,感悟到Susan这位老妇人对Mr. Gmez一家的帮助。最后还应呼应故事起因,讲述Susan给了女孩们苹果,还需描述女孩们心情怎么样。【范文赏读】  The girls hit the rad. All the way, the girls wrestled with the bag and the large basket f apples. "What a heavy basket!" they cmplained. Finally, they arrived at the Gmez's hme, sweating like a pig(现在分词短语作伴随状语). Mrs. Gmez answered the dr. The girls held up the fd and said, "This is frm Susan." Mrs. Gmez replied, "Thank yu." Rafi cntinued, "She said t ask yu fr the payment, t." Mrs. Gmez handed Sista a large sealed envelpe stuffed very full(过去分词短语作后置定语). Back at the farmhuse, the girls immediately handed Susan the envelpe. When Susan pened the envelpe, the girls saw the payment!"Beautiful!" She began taping the crayn drawings n the wall. Rafi and Sista brke ut in smiles, nw knwing that what Susan had dne was actually nt a deal but a favr fr the family (现在分词短语作状语,that引导宾语从句,what引导主语从句).After
    Susan finished, she jined the girls again. "And here's yur payment(完全倒装句)," she said, handing the small basket f apples t the girls(现在分词短语作状语). As they walked hme(as 引导时间状语从句), Rafi and Sista enjyed their treat. The juice was as sweet and warm as the feeling they had inside(省略关系词的定语从句). 
    Writing 2话题:自信源于正确认识自己  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★☆☆  充满正能量[2023湖北十一校联考]I first became cnscius f my bdy image last year in fifth grade. One day I was walking by my mirrr getting ready fr bed and I nticed that my stmach lked big. I started t really hate that and think I was fat even thugh my family always tld me hw skinny I was. It wasn't nly my stmach—I started t think my nse was ugly and that my laugh was disgusting. I was even afraid t laugh r smile in public.Then, in the sixth grade, a ppular guy in my class named Luke made it wrse. He tld his table grup that my bdy lked swllen in skinny jeans. I heard abut it frm smene else, but then Luke even tld me t my face! I culdn't stp thinking abut what Luke had said. Even wrse, I started t believe it was true, and I hid my skinny jeans all the way at the bttm f my drawer.I knw I cared t much abut what ther peple said and thught abut me. I guess I just wanted t be liked. In fact, I really wish I culd have just brushed ff cmments like that, but I culdn't change my persnality and what I cared abut that easily. Luke's mean cmment affected me in a big way. I lst cnfidence in mre than just my bdy—I started t think that I didn't matter and that I didn't have a place in the wrld. T make it wrse, sme peple als started telling me that I was nt meant t be an authr, which is what I really want t be. That especially hurt and I started t feel really sad all the time.
    I hadn't really tld anyne hw I'd been feeling until a cuple f mnths ag when I gt a call frm my cusin. I'm really clse t her, and hearing her vice and laugh made me feel s gd inside. I thught abut hw I used t be that way t, and hw I was s sick f feeling sad.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  Then I started telling her and it all came ut.   When I went back t my bedrm, I lked at myself in the mirrr fr a lng time. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 作者在五年级时意识到自己肥胖,于是害怕在公共场合笑;六年级时同学Luke嘲笑作者说紧身牛仔裤让作者显得更加肥胖,这让作者更加丧失信心,甚至不敢再追求自己的作家梦,直到有一天,作者接到表姐的来电……  续写思路 根据续写第一段的提示句" Then I started telling her and it all came ut"可知,在续写第一段,同学们可就表姐听了作者的倾诉后的反应进行描写。同学们可以着重描写表姐列举作者的诸多优点以鼓励作者、增强作者的自信心。再结合续写第二段提示句"When I went back t my bedrm, I lked at myself in the mirrr fr a lng time"可知,在表姐的帮助下,作者开始正确审视自己。根据续写第二段的提示句"When I went back t my bedrm, I lked at myself in the mirrr fr a lng time"可知,续写第二段应该描述作者发现自己的特长或者美丽的过程,最后注意适当升华主题:相信自己,正确对待别人的评价。  续写线索 倾诉→列举优点→警醒→返回卧室→注视镜中的自己→发现自己的美→决定→感受【范文赏读】  Then I started telling her and it all came ut. She seemed s surprised and said hw special I was(hw引导宾语从句). She started listing all my gd qualities, saying I shuldn't listen t peple wh said mean things because they were prbably just feeling bad abut themselves r trying t lk cl(现在分词短语作伴随状语,wh引导定语从句,because引导原因状语从句). Definitely, she added that I shuldn't let them tell me hw t feel abut myself r my bdy. It was like a sudden wake-up call:fcusing n what ther peple thught f
    me nly made things even wrse, and I must learn t lve and accept myself fr wh I am(动名词短语作主语;what引导宾语从句;wh引导宾语从句). When I went back t my bedrm, I lked at myself in the mirrr fr a lng time. I saw what I had never seen in myself befre(what引导宾语从句), like my nice grey eyes, my cute smile, and the fact that I am beautiful in my wn way(that引导同位语从句). I knw sme peple might still make hurtful cmments again, and smetimes I may feel like I am fat again, but next time I will be prepared. I will nly think well f myself even when I am feeling sad, and stand up fr myself when smene puts me dwn. In my eyes, I am perfect myself—n ne can change that. 
    题组2Writing 1话题:拾金不昧  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★☆☆  "五育"并举[2023江苏南通市崇川区等5地适应性考试(一)]Steve grabbed his bat and glve. "See yu later, Mm. I'm ging t Paul's." He raced ut the dr and slammed it behind him. Summer vacatin just began. The bys planned t play baseball every day s they culd make the freshman team.Paul was waiting utside fr Steve. "What are yu ding? Where's yur stuff?" Steve lifted his bat nt his shulder when catching sight f Paul.Paul shk his head unhappily. "I have t clean Mr Thmpsn's garage befre I can g. With his brken arm, he can't d it himself. My mm always vlunteers me fr helping the Thmpsns. They're kind f ld.""OK," said Steve. "I'll help yu. We'll get dne quicker wrking tgether."The bys went dwn the blck t the Thmpsn's and gt started. They fund a cuple f brms and shvels(铲). Befre they swept, they put bxes that were strewn(遍布) arund the garage flr n shelves. As Paul put a big bx n a shelf, it fell ff and with it fell an envelpe. He picked it up. It wasn't sealed, s he pened it. There were lts f ne-hundred-dllar bills."Yu've gt t see this." He pulled ut a handful f bills and shwed Steve with his eyes lit up. "Where did yu get that?" said Steve. Paul pinted t the shelf. "It just fell dwn when the bx fell. There's gt t be a cuple f thusand bxes falling. There's gt t be a cuple f thusand dllars here. If we take sme, I bet n ne will ever knw."
    Steve furrwed his brw(皱眉) and shk his head. "Are yu crazy? That's stealing." "Well, I d a lt f chres fr them and dn't get paid. It's nt really stealing; it's a kind f payment fr my hard wrk," Paul insisted. At that time, Steve was abut t grab the mney frm Paul's hand when they heard a sund.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  "Bys, I baked a chclate cake," Mrs Thmpsn walked int the garage.   When they were abut t leave, Mrs Thmpsn handed Paul a brand-new bat and glve. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 Steve邀Paul外出打棒球,而Paul答应妈妈帮Thmpsn夫妇打扫车库卫生,之后Steve提议一同干活然后再去玩。在打扫卫生时有信封掉落,孩子们发现大量现金,在Paul想据为己有时,Steve极力打消Paul的想法。  续写思路 由第一段首句内容"‘孩子们,我烤了一个巧克力蛋糕,’汤普森太太走进车库"可知,第一段可描写Thmpsn太太和孩子们的对话以及两个孩子见到Thmpsn太太后的反应。由第二段首句内容"当他们准备离开时,汤普森太太递给Paul一只崭新的球棒和手套"可知,第二段可描写Paul看到崭新的球棒和手套时的反应、还钱后Thmpsn太太的反应和对孩子们的感谢,最后是Paul的思想认识。  续写线索 做蛋糕→送蛋糕→孩子的担心→Thmpsn太太的反应→Paul的愧疚→送手套和棒球→还钱→感谢→认识【范文赏读】  "Bys, I baked a chclate cake," Mrs Thmpsn walked int the garage. Catching sight f Mrs Thmpsn, the tw frze with fear and fllwed her step with racing hearts. A few minutes later, they were served with large slices f cake. Delicius as the cake was(as引导的让步状语从句), they didn't have any appetite. Mrs Thmpsn seemed t ntice smething was wrng, "Bys, d yu like the cake?" Paul ndded with his eyes drpping t avid any eye cntact and grwing guilt crept int his heart. When they were abut t leave, Mrs Thmpsn handed Paul a brand-new bat and glve. Paul lked at
    them, his face blushing with shame. "Th... thanks s much." Vice trembling(独立主格结构), Paul then bravely pured ut everything abut the envelpe and gave back the mney he had hidden befre, aplgizing fr his stealing. Hwever, Mrs Thmpsn, instead f biling with anger, came up t Paul, and said gently, "Oh, thank yu fr helping me find the envelpe. I ttally frgt where I had put it." In that split secnd, it dawned n him that what really matters is simple hnesty and simple kindness. 
    Writing 2话题:给妈妈的生日惊喜  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★☆☆  [2023山东潍坊统考]It was an early winter mrning. Jan was sleeping sundly when the phne rang in the living rm. She rlled ver and glanced at the clck n the wall—it was already nine 'clck.Every weekend mrning, her mther had t wrk part-time in the cafe. Althugh Jan was still sleepy, she knew she had t get up. After all, she didn't expect her brther Mike, wh was sleeping like a lg, t hear the phne. She quietly went ver t the living rm. When she picked up the receiver, n the ther end came the warmhearted greetings,"Gd mrning, my dear!"Recgnizing the vice frm her father, Jan was immediately surrunded by a sense f jy and the sleepiness swept away.Jan's father was a seaman, wh rarely came back. Wrking n the sea was really hard.Brn in a nt rich family, Jan and Mike felt the stress f life but they were happy t enjy the family atmsphere. At schl, they were straight-A students thrughut the academic career and actively invlved in schl activities. They became the pride f the schl and the envy f the students."Gd mrning, Dad. What's up?"Jan said in an easy tne."I have been very nice recently, my baby. Tday is yur mther's birthday, and I have rdered her a cake nline and it shuld cme t the huse in an hur and a half. D remember t take the cake."Hearing her father's wrds, Jan felt a little ashamed. Hw she culd frget Mum's birthday!She tk a glance at the dirty clthes piled n the sfa and the ily flr that hadn't been mpped(用拖把擦) fr a few days—There was tw hurs befre her mther came back. She calculated they had enugh time t prepare a
    surprise fr Mum.Thinking f this, she felt full f excitement."Well, Dad, nw I'm ging t wake Mike up.We will give Mum a surprise!"Jan hung up the phne with Dad, and hurriedly went t Mike's rm t share her Big Cleaning plan with him. After listening t Jan, Mike readily accepted her idea.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  The Big Cleaning plan began.   With the cake placed n the table, Mum came in. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 一个冬日周末的上午,Jan还在睡懒觉,一通电话吵醒了她。Jan的爸爸在电话里告诉Jan:今天是Jan的妈妈的生日,他在网上为她订了一个蛋糕,蛋糕一个半小时后送到,注意接收。Jan为忘记妈妈的生日而感到羞愧。她看着凌乱的房间,决定叫醒哥哥,在妈妈下班之前为妈妈准备一个惊喜。哥哥欣然答应了她……续写思路 续写第一段:根据续写第一段的提示句和第二段的提示句可知,同学们在本段应就大扫除进行描写,而且还可以描写蛋糕如期送到,打扫任务按时完成。另外,同学们在本段应着重对动作进行描写,也可适当加入Jan和Mike对做家务的感悟。续写第二段:根据上文内容可知,今天是妈妈的生日,Jan和哥哥Mike想通过整理房间给妈妈带来惊喜。结合本段提示句可知,本段可以写妈妈进家门后看到的景象,妈妈看到这些景象时的反应,孩子们对妈妈的祝福,体现其乐融融的氛围。另外,同学们在本段可利用对话推动故事的发展,并注意利用一些形容词、副词来表达感受。【范文赏读】  The Big Cleaning plan began. Jan cllected the clthes frm the sfa and then put them in the water f a basin. After puring in sme washing liquids, she began t wash them by hand. Realizing the clthes were clean enugh(现在分词短语作状语),Jan gently squeezed water ut and hung them up t dry. Meanwhile, Mike was busy mpping the flr back and frth with all his strength, really aware f what hard wrk his mum had at hme(形容词作状语,what引导宾语从句).They had just finished the cleaning when the express by
    came t the dr(固定句型sb. had just ). With the cake placed n the table, Mum came in. "Happy birthday, Mum!" they greeted in chrus. Cnfused and surprised(形容词作状语),Mum std frzen. When Mum realized what had happened(宾语从句),a warm current rse in her heart. Staring at the clean flr and the washed clthes(现在分词短语作状语),she culd hardly cntain her excitement and hugged them tightly. Mum said emtinally,"It is the best birthday gift I have ever had(省略了关系词的定语从句)!" Just then, Jan tk ut her smartphne and tk a happy vide named "Mum's Birthday"(过去分词短语作后置定语)and sent it t their dad. 
    题组3Writing 1话题:做回自己  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★☆☆  贴近生活[2023山西晋中模考]Bb was a shrt child wh preferred indr t utdr activities. He was mild-mannered and mstly kept t himself. Sitting in the crner f the class, he was very much a lner.At the beginning f the semester, Bb had a new classmate, Alex, wh had just returned t England. Alex was assigned a seat next t Bb. T his surprise, within weeks, he became gd friends with Alex even thugh they were ples apart in persnality. Alex was ppular, utspken and artistic. "Alex is all that I want t be," Bb thught t himself. He began listening t the music Alex listened t and having a similar haircut. He even quit his drama club and started playing the nline games that Alex played. He seemed t have been ut f his lneliness.It was nt lng befre Bb was intrduced t Alex's "cl" friends. He tld himself that he wuld try all means t be part f the grup. He wuld fllw them t the ftball games and jin the art club after schl s he culd spend mre time hanging ut with them. Bb fllwed them arund laughing when they tld jkes, agreeing when they had pinins—mst enthusiastically with the nes he disagreed with. He did nt dare t differ in pinins as he wuld nt want them t think badly f him. This cntinued fr several mnths. At last, Bb felt relieved that he had finally fitted in.One day, Bb verheard Alex and his cl friends talking. "Bb is such a lser," ne by cmmented in a
    playful tne. "He just fllws yu arund trying t be yu. He cpies yu; he des nt have a persnality f his wn!" anther by exclaimed. Alex laughed. T make matters wrse, he added, "That fellw wears me ut. I wish he wuld leave me alne. He thinks we are best friends. A thrugh fl!"注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  Bb std still n the grund and culd nt believe his ears.   Bb decided t change himself after hearing his mther's wrds. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 性格不合群的Bb和新来的同学Alex成了朋友,Bb努力模仿和迎合Alex,本以为用自己的主动赢得了Alex的友谊,结果有一天,Bb无意中听到Alex和他的朋友们在谈论"Bb真是个失败者""Bb是个十足的傻瓜"。  续写思路 由续写第一段首句内容"Bb一动不动地站在那里,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵"和第二段首句内容可知,第一段可描写Bb的反应并将此事告诉了妈妈,妈妈鼓励他做自己。由续写第二段首句内容"Bb听了妈妈的话后决定改变自己"可知,第二段可描写Bb的改变过程和感悟。  续写线索 哭泣→妈妈鼓励→恍然大悟→做出改变→感悟【范文赏读】  Bb std still n the grund and culd nt believe his ears. Trembling and sbbing, he cllapsed n the grund, feeling lnely and betrayed. He had n chice but t cry all the way back hme. Seeing his mther, he culdn't cnceal his srrw, puring the incident ut t her, wh wuld always be there fr him whenever he felt dwn(wh引导非限制性定语从句). Strking her trembling by, the mther said gently, "Just be yurself, Sn! Peple will like yu fr wh yu are." Bb had heard the remarks a millin times befre, yet he never truly gt the pint. Suddenly, it all clicked. Bb decided t change himself after hearing his mther's wrds. He bught a new schlbag and chse a haircut he fancied. He drpped his art class and jined the drama club. He made new friends wh liked him fr
    wh he was. He rediscvered himself. If he had nt been given the chance, he might have been t cncerned with "fitting in" desperately t experience sme f the "best" times f his life. It dawned n him that despite the pain he felt that day, it was a gift they had given him, which taught him t be himself(that引导主语从句;which引导非限制性定语从句). 
    Writing 2话题:"寻宝之旅"  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★☆☆  When I was little, I used t walk with my grandmther n a quiet and small rad that crssed the street n which she and my grandfather lived. My grandfather rarely jined us. He was a seemingly strict man, an ex-sldier wh usually guarded his emtins, especially his affectin. He wasn't a man wh hugged me ften when I was a child, but I had never dubted his lve fr me. Grandma and I wuld walk, hand in hand, mving at an equal pace. The sun wuld be shining; the birds wuld be singing. We wuld chat abut this and that, r just walk in silence, enjying the utdrs and each ther's cmpany. Yet, fr me, these times were nt just a chance t get sme exercise and be with my grandmther, thugh bth were imprtant. These walks were treasure hunts.Mre ften than nt, at the rad's edge, there wuld be mney. Nt lts f it—1 cent here, 5 cents there. Smetimes, n really lucky days, I'd find 10 cents r even 25. I'd pick up these circles, prudly shw Grandma and jyfully put them int my pckets. Sme days, I wuldn't find anything. "Maybe next time," my grandmther wuld say. Other days, I'd cme back frm ur walk with mre than twenty-five cents t put in my piggy bank, r t buy candies—a treat fr a six-year-ld child. Lking back nw, it wasn't even the mney that was such a big deal; it was the jy f discvery. It was the hpe f finding smething small left r frgtten alng the side f the rad. It made me feel s lucky, and s special. Yet, it wasn't until years later, when I was in my late twenties, that the simple memry meant much
    mre t me than simply the happiness f a child. It was my mther wh tld me the secret which brught a whle new meaning t my experience.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式作答。  "Remember yu used t walk with Grandma and find mney?" Mther asked.   Nw, I wuld d the same thing my grandfather did. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 作者小时候经常和奶奶在一条安静的小路上散步。对作者来说,散步不仅提供了锻炼身体和陪伴奶奶的机会,也是一次次寻宝之旅。往往,作者会在路边捡到一些零钱。这让作者觉得很幸运,很特别。寻找零钱给作者带来了快乐。当作者快30岁的时候,母亲告诉了作者她小时候在路上捡到钱的真相,给作者带来了全新的、更深刻的体验。续写思路 续写第一段的开头语是"‘还记得你以前常常和奶奶一起散步并捡到钱吗?’母亲问道",再结合短文最后一段中的"Yet, it wasn't until years later, when I was in my late twenties, that the simple memry meant much mre t me than simply the happiness f a child. It was my mther wh tld me the secret which brught a whle new meaning t my experience"可知,接下来作者的母亲会告诉作者她小时候在路上捡到钱的真相。续写第二段的开头语"现在,我会做我爷爷做过的事"暗示了这和作者的爷爷有关,如是爷爷故意扔下零钱让作者在路上寻找以带给她惊喜。因此,本段还应描述作者知道真相后的感受,可提到作者对爷爷的回忆,这样为后面"现在,我会做我爷爷做过的事"埋下伏笔,从而保证续写的两段是衔接的。  根据续写第二段的开头语可知,续写第二段可首先围绕作者做爷爷做过的事(即丢下一些零钱)展开,如他会在路边故意丢下一些钱让别人捡到以带给别人快乐,然后可写作者对这一事件的感悟。【范文赏读】  "Remember yu used t walk with Grandma and find mney?" Mther asked. "All thse years," she said, "yur grandfather drve up and dwn the walking rute, drpping change fr yu t find(现在分词短语作状语)." I was amazed. I remembered hw he'd smile when I dug my finds ut f my pcket t shw him(宾语从
    句,其中包含一个时间状语从句), but I'd always thught he was just happy abut my luck. I'd never imagined that he was the ne respnsible fr it. It turned ut that he had given me jy in the way I hadn't even cnnected t him. Nw, I wuld d the same thing my grandfather did. Every nce in a while, as I take a walk dwn the street(时间状语从句), I drp a cent r tw, r maybe even 25, and watch the mney rll n the street. I picture sme small children finding it, pleased with the discvery(形容词短语作状语). They'll never knw smene put it there n purpse fr them t find. But that's part f the jy and a precius memry. Thanks, Grandfather. 
    题组4Writing 1话题:特别的工作  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★☆☆  [2023福建漳州质检(三)]The day when the jbs were handed ut was ne f the mst exciting fr all the children in the class. It tk place during the first week f the term. On that day, every by and girl was given a jb fr which they wuld be respnsible fr the rest f that schl year.As everything else, sme jbs were mre interesting, and the children were eager t be given ne f the interesting nes. When giving them ut, the teacher tk int accunt which children had been mst respnsible during the previus year, and thse children were usually the nes wh mst lked frward t this day. Amng them Rita std ut. She was a kind and quiet girl; and during the previus year she had carried ut the teacher's instructins perfectly. All the children knew Rita was the favurite t be given the best jb f all—t lk after the class dg.But this year there was a big surprise. Each child received ne f the nrmal jbs, like preparing the bks r the radi fr the lessns, telling the time, cleaning the blackbard, and lking after ne f the pets. But Rita's jb was very different. She was given a little bx cntaining sme sand and sme ants. And even thugh the teacher insisted that they were very special ants, Rita culdn't help feeling disappinted. Anyway, she accepted the task. Mst f her classmates felt srry fr her. They sympathised with her and remarked n hw unfair it was that she had been given that jb. Even Rita's father felt srry fr her, and as an act f prtest, he
    tld Rita t pay n attentin t this insignificant pet. Hwever, Rita, wh liked her teacher very much, preferred t shw the teacher her ability by ding smething special with such an insignificant task. "I will turn this little task int smething great," Rita said t herself.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  T learn mre abut her little ants, Rita turned t Dr. Martinez, a famus entmlgist(昆虫学家).   Several mnths later, ne day, Dr. Martinez came t Rita's class t chse a yung assistant. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 新学期的第一周分派任务,每个孩子都接受了一项正常的任务,而丽塔的任务却是观察蚂蚁。尽管丽塔感到失望,她还是接受了这项任务。她的大多数同学都同情她,说给她那项任务是多么不公平,甚至丽塔的父亲也同情她。然而,丽塔非常喜欢她的老师,她更喜欢在这样一个微不足道的任务上做一些特别的事情,向老师展示她的能力。续写思路 由第一段首句内容"为了更多地了解她的小蚂蚁,丽塔向著名昆虫学家马丁内斯博士求助"可知,第一段可描写丽塔如何学到关于蚂蚁的知识。由第二段首句内容"几个月后的一天,马丁内斯博士来到丽塔的课堂上挑选一位小助手"可知,第二段可描写马丁内斯博士选择丽塔当自己的助手的情况。续写线索 帮助→了解→感兴趣→寻找→选择→共同工作【范文赏读】  T learn mre abut her little ants, Rita turned t Dr. Martinez, a famus entmlgist(昆虫学家). With his help, she learned abut the incredible abilities f these tiny creatures, such as their strength and rganizatin. Rita became fascinated by the ants and started studying them with great interest. She bserved their behavir, their interactins, and their cnstructin f tunnels and munds. She even started a small ant farm at hme, carefully mnitring the grwth and develpment f the clny. Rita realized that her seemingly insignificant task was actually a great pprtunity t learn and explre the wnders f nature(that引导的宾语从句). Several mnths later, ne day, Dr. Martinez came t Rita's class t chse a yung assistant. He was
    lking fr a bright and curius student wh had shwn a genuine interest in the wrld f insects(wh引导的定语从句). T everyne's surprise, he chse Rita. She was verjyed and felt that her hard wrk and dedicatin had paid ff. As Dr. Martinez's assistant, Rita had the pprtunity t wrk alngside him, learning abut different types f insects, their habitats, and their rles in the ecsystem. She traveled with him t different places t cllect samples, and even gt t participate in a research prject n ant behavir. 
    Writing 2话题:艺术展  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★☆☆  [2023湖北武汉调研]Amanda lived in a big mdern city. Due t the high-speed develpment f ecnmy, families frm different backgrunds came here t find a better life. Amanda's classmate and friend, Rama, was frm ne f thse families.One day after schl, Amanda and Rama were chatting and Rama mentined hw much she missed her friends and hmetwn. "It is hard t leave," Rama sighed, "but my family needed t be smewhere that is easier t make a living. Hlding Rama's hands, Amanda encuraged her t share mre and she knew Rama lved t sing and dance with her friends in her hmetwn.After learning abut Rama's stry, Amanda started t ntice mre students like Rama in her schl. Fr the first time she realized that thse students lked sad in their eyes. Smetimes because f their different accents, they culdn't cmmunicate well with thers, which made them always sit r stand silently at the back f the classrm."They are having a hard time. We shuld shw them kindness and lve!" she tld her mther ne day. Amanda asked her mther what she culd d t help make them feel welcme. Amanda's mther suggested, "What abut using art? Maybe it will be easier t cmmunicate thrugh art." Amanda thught fr a while and ndded. Like her friend Rama, Amanda lved all frms f art, like painting, singing, dancing, and perfrming, thrugh which she culd tell different stries abut her family, and her life.
    The next day, Amanda went t the Activity Center in her schl and prpsed her plan f an art shw. The fficer thught it a great idea. Inspired and excited, Amanda set abut her plan with several friends. At the Activity Center they filled a rm with paper, paint and pencils. They even made a small stage! Everything ready, they invited all the new students in her schl and Amanda encuraged them t share smething special abut their hmetwn in any art frm. T Amanda's surprise, n ne respnded.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  Amazingly, Rama stepped frward t break the ice.   Everything seemed t change after that art shw. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 Amanda通过和朋友Rama聊天,了解到班上很多新同学都来自不同地方,他们无法很好地与同学沟通,只能孤独地坐在教室后面,Amanda想帮助他们,于是就向妈妈请教,妈妈建议她通过艺术来帮助他们融入班级。Amanda采纳了妈妈的建议,第二天她去了学校的活动中心,提出了她的艺术展览计划,得到认可后,Amanda和几个朋友开始了她的计划。一切准备就绪后,他们邀请了学校所有的新生,Amanda鼓励他们以任何形式分享家乡的特别之处。令Amanda惊讶的是,没有人回应。续写思路 由第一段首句内容"令人惊讶的是,Rama站出来打破了僵局"可知,第一段可描述Rama站出来如何打破僵局及之后发生的故事。由第二段首句内容"艺术展览之后一切都变了"可知,第二段可描述艺术展览之后同学们发生的具体变化。续写线索 打破僵局→分享故事→踊跃上台→发生变化→积极参与班级活动【范文赏读】  Amazingly, Rama stepped frward t break the ice. She intrduced herself t all the students frmally n the stage, including her name, her hmetwn, her interests and s n. The fllwing was her beautiful and amazing dance. As she was dancing(as引导的时间状语从句), anther student called Mike, began t play the vilin as her backgrund music. Such a shy and silent by was he that they never knew he was gd at playing the vilin(引导的结果状语从句;部分倒装). Students ff the stage clapped their hands ludly as the final nte ended. And then, they began t cme t the stage and share their stries ne by ne. The art shw lasted fr tw hurs that day and everyne enjyed it s much. 
    Everything seemed t change after that art shw. They began t cmmunicate with thers and make new friends. Besides, they tk part in the class and schl activities actively, which made them integrate int the new class and schl better(which引导的非限制性定语从句). 
    题组5Writing 1话题:不同寻常的滑雪比赛  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★★☆  情节曲折[2023福建福州四县(区)一中期中]On a winter Sunday gd fr skiing, Sue arrived at the hliday chalet(棚屋)with jy. Sue's skis were sticking ut behind her. Mark, anther skier, tripped ver Sue's skis. Befre Sue culd aplgize, Mark shuted, "Yur skis are in the way. Yu've gt big smelly feet!" In view f his attitude, Sue ignred him. Mark lst face and was angrier.The ski lift tk all the skiers t the tp f the muntain. The hard snw f the piste(滑雪道) was belw them. Then Sue skied dwn the muntain. As a gd skier, she didn't fall ver. Mark, alng with his gd friend David, was watching her with envy and anger. They were als gd skiers but they didn't knw Sue very well. "She's gd," David said."But we're better," Mark respnded with dissatisfactin.The yung peple skied all day. They enjyed themselves and frgt everything. On Wednesday mrning, the yung peple were waiting fr the ski lift when their teacher annunced a ski race. The race wuld be arranged n the last day f the hliday n a lng and difficult ten-kilmeter piste. Everybdy wanted t win! They went up the muntain, put n their skis and skied dwn the piste, practicing fr the race. Sue skied fast, and s did Mark and David. Obviusly, these three became pwerful ppnents.It was Saturday and the race was ging t be held in the afternn. Sue was hungry and left her skis at the side f a cafe. She sat dwn and rdered lunch. Later, David and Mark came in. They als headed t the side t put their skis there. Mark nticed Sue's skis and aimed a kick angrily at them.Then he fund a screw(螺丝) n
    Sue's ski was lse, unsure whether it was caused by the frce r it was like that riginally. "Sue's skis wn't wrk. We're sure t win," Mark said and pinted. They smiled knwingly at each ther.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  Finally came the time f the race and everyne was excited.    Maybe feeling guilty r nervus, Mark made a mistake and fell dwn when Sue apprached him. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 Sue滑雪技术很棒,在滑雪训练时与Mark之间发生了些不愉快,Mark非常生气。Mark与好友David都嫉妒Sue。在一次滑雪比赛中,三人成了竞争对手。比赛前Mark和David注意到Sue的滑雪板的一个螺丝松动了,他们认为他们一定会赢得比赛。续写思路 根据续写第一段的提示句"Finally came the time f the race and everyne was excited"可知,续写的第一段重点描述三人参加滑雪比赛的过程,根据所给材料尾段倒数第三句中"Then he fund a screw(螺丝) n Sue's ski was lse"可知,该段描述滑雪板螺丝松动给Sue带来的不利情况,结合续写第二段提示句中的"Sue apprached him"可知,Sue解决了滑雪板螺丝松动的问题,并即将超越Mark。根据续写第二段的提示句"Maybe feeling guilty r nervus,Mark made a mistake and fell dwn when Sue apprached him"可知,续写第二段应该重点描述Sue处理Mark摔倒的过程和他们是怎样成为好友并赢得人们掌声的。最后适当升华主题:学会原谅别人,友谊无价。续写线索 比赛开始→Sue停下修滑雪板→被超越,努力追赶→帮助Mark→赢得比赛→说出实情→原谅→成为朋友【范文赏读】  Finally came the time f the race and everyne was excited. With the referee saying "Get set, g"(with复合结构), all skiers raced dwn. Unsurprisingly, Sue fell ver secnds later. Nticing the lse screw(现在分词短语作伴随状语), she slid acrss the snw and ff the piste. During this perid, David and Mark skied past. Mark shuted t David, "We're ging t win." Luckily, it was nt a tugh prblem fr Sue. She quickly tightened the screw, made an examinatin f the rest and skied again. Minutes later, she was ahead f mst
    cmpetitrs. Nw, the nly ne befre her was Mark, whm she was determined t beat(非限制性定语从句). Maybe feeling guilty r nervus, Mark made a mistake and fell dwn when Sue apprached him. Seeing Mark struggled t stand up, Sue stpped and gave him a pull. Much astnished, Mark murmured, "Thank yu." Sue left with a wave f the hand. Tw players passed just at the mment. Sue sped up with all her strength. Sn she crssed the finish line first. "Cngratulatins!" Mark came t Sue. "I shuld aplgize fr my wrds and behavir." Knwing what had happened(现在分词短语作伴随状语,what引导宾语从句), Sue was a little angry, but anyway, it was in the past."Never mind. I've als learned the lessn that examining my skis is necessary(that引导同位语从句)," Sue jked. "And maybe we culd ski tgether later." "Ttally agree!" 
    Writing 2话题:适应新学校  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★★☆  My dad gt a new jb. We had t pack up and mve away frm everything we were familiar with. There were s many changes. We came frm the nrth, and nw we were almst as far suth as pssible. We landed in Suth Flrida, and we were ttal strangers. We mved ver the summer vacatin, s I didn't have t deal with schl right away. Summer passed by when we unpacked, arranged furniture, fund stres we liked, and adapted t the Sunshine State.Schl was cming, and I was afraid f it. I was nt an adventurus persn. Being shy and quiet, I read a lt and did nt make friends easily. My head was filled with fears and wrries. Wuld I make friends? Wuld I fit in? Wuld I survive in this strange new wrld? Anyway, there I was, attending a new schl full f peple I didn't knw. I had a difficult time adapting t the new schl. Hwever, I still lved learning and reading. I even lved hmewrk, and I was gd at ding my hmewrk. Lving bks and reading helped me t get gd grades. Teachers lved that abut me. Other kids, thugh, did nt. Althugh I always answered questins in class, I seldm talked with them. I was unppular. I felt like a ttal failure and nbdy wuld like me. Then ne day, a tall by walked ver t me after English class. He intrduced himself and tld me he was in the schl basketball team. I knew him—he was the star player! "Hey," he said. "Yu d really well in English class. And yu knw, my teammates and I spend much time cmpeting and practising. The subjects,
    especially English, really bther us. D yu think yu culd help us?" "Yes. Oh, definitely yes. I culd, and I wuld," I replied with surprise. We made the deal with an exchange f smiles. 注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  Smething gradually changed after that.   Meanwhile, the basketball players taught me hw t play basketball. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 因为作者的父亲找到了一份新工作, 作者一家从北方搬到了陌生的南佛罗里达, 作者也到了一所新学校上学。作者喜欢学习和读书, 在新学校成绩很好, 老师很喜欢他。但是作者性格比较内向, 几乎不和其他同学交流, 所以并不是很受其他学生欢迎, 这让作者有些失落。一天, 校篮球队的一名队员找到作者, 希望作者能帮助他和队员们学习英语。续写思路 根据短文最后一段中篮球队员的请求、续写第一段的开头语"Smething gradually changed after that"和续写第二段的开头语"Meanwhile, the basketball players taught me hw t play basketball"可知, 续写第一段可以重点描写作者帮助篮球队队员们提升英语成绩的过程和结果等。续写第二段的开头语是"同时, 篮球队队员们教我如何打篮球", 再结合短文中作者对自己在新学校的生活的描述和续写第一段的开头语可推知, 本段可以描写篮球队队员教作者打篮球的情景及其给作者带来的一些改变。【范文赏读】  Smething gradually changed after that. We gt alng quite well. We were ften seen t study in the library as a grup r walk t classes tgether. I tried t help whenever pssible(状语从句的省略)and shared my learning experience with them. I was really excited when I fund learning methds which were suitable fr them(包含定语从句的时间状语从句). With ur jint effrt, their English perfrmance was imprved significantly. The basketball players expressed their heartfelt gratitude t me after seeing their grades.  Meanwhile, the basketball players taught me hw t play basketball. I learned a lt f basketball skills
    frm them and became better and better at the sprt, which made me have the cnfidence t take part in basketball games with them smetimes(非限制性定语从句). Thrugh basketball, I made mre friends. Gradually, I became mre utging and had the curage t cmmunicate with thers n my wn initiative. Nt nly did I help the basketball players, but als they changed me(nt nly... but als…结构). 
    题组6Writing 1话题:理想改变了学习态度  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★★☆  [2023湖北武汉武昌区质检]Madisn stared thrugh the windw and watched a bird fly acrss the sky. She thught, "Hw I wish I were a bird, with ttal freedm and n math class t sit in." She sighed and wndered hw warm it was utside. She thught f her hrse, Star. She planned t brush him dwn befre riding him after schl. Smewhere, smene was saying her name, but it seemed s far away. The bird cntinued t flat thrugh the air. "Madisn, Madisn! Hand in the math hmewrk! "Madisn jumped. She turned back tward the class t find everyne laughing. It turned ut that she was daydreaming again. Madisn searched her schlbag, but fund n hmewrk. Mr. Smith was abut t criticize her when Dctr Landn came in. He was a veterinarian(兽医) and wuld deliver a speech as part f the Career Explratin Prgram. Madisn lked at the clck. One mre hur and it wuld be time t g hme. She tried t fcus as Dctr Landn talked abut hw imprtant math and science were and hw he struggled with them when he was a kid. She glanced ut f the windw and tried t remember where she left her riding bts. Dctr Landn was still talking but she lst track f what he was saying. Then a wrd caught her attentin. Hrse. Was he talking abut hrses? She paid attentin as he spke.
    "I lve being a veterinarian because I lve animals, especially hrses and I enjy freedm. Specializing in hrses gave me the chance t be utside all day, mving frm place t place in ur cmmunity. D any f yu have hrses?"Madisn raised her hand, "I d! I have a big Quarter Hrse.""Where d yu live?" the dctr asked. "On Andersn Rad.""Is yur hrse Star?"注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  "Yes," Madisn answered, surprised he knew that.    Having a dream planted in her heart, she changed her riginal plan after schl.  
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 Madisn不喜欢学习,她渴望自由,像小鸟一样自由地翱翔在天空中,上课时她想的是把她的马刷干净。当老师喊她交数学作业时,她才意识到刚刚是在做梦。她翻找了自己的书包却找不到作业。正当老师要批评她时,兽医Landn走进教室,他将要给孩子们做演讲。他讲了数学和科学的重要性,还说自己喜欢动物。当谈到马时,Madisn一下子来了兴趣。续写思路 根据续写第一段首句可确定续写第一段的写作思路,即Madisn回答了兽医Landn的问题,该段应重点介绍Landn对自己工作的喜爱以及对马的治疗;由续写第二段首句中的"she changed her riginal plan"可知,受Landn的影响,Madisn改变了自己最初的计划,据此可知,该段还应叙述兽医Landn对Madisn的影响。根据续写第二段首句可知,怀着心中的梦想,放学后Madisn改变了原来的计划。据此可知,该段应重点描写Madisn是如何改变自己的。由上文描述的兽医Landn在演讲中提到的数学和科学的重要性可以判断,Madisn改变了对数学和科学的学习态度,立志成为一个像Landn一样的兽医。最后应适当升华主题:理想改变了学习态度。【范文赏读】  "Yes," Madisn answered, surprised he knew that. Dctr Landn smiled, "I have been t yur huse t take care f Star. Actually I am familiar with all the hrses in ur cmmunity." Madisn's muth fell pen, being envius that he culd spend his days with hrses. "S, yu just travel arund and take care f hrses all day lng?" she asked t recnfirm what a veterinarian did(what引导宾语从句). Dctr Landn ndded. At that
    mment, sitting in math class(现在分词短语作状语), Madisn culd see her future. She was ging t be a veterinarian t, with ttal freedm and n ffice t sit in.  Having a dream planted in her heart, she changed her riginal plan after schl. She was still ging t ride Star, but first she was ging t spend an hur studying math. Then tmrrw she wuld spend an hur studying science, because Dctr Landn said thse were imprtant subjects t study if anyne wanted t be a veterinarian(条件状语从句). Madisn made great prgress in math and science gradually, which surprised bth Mr. Smith and her classmates(非限制性定语从句). It was the big dream that made all the difference(强调句型).  
    Writing 2话题:制作报纸  主题语境:人与社会  难度:★★★★☆  逻辑性强[2023广东六校第四次联考]An A fr Mrs.B  I was sitting next t Missy in my ninth-grade wrld histry class when Mrs.Bartlett annunced a new prject. In grups, we were t create a newspaper n the culture we were studying.On a piece f paper, we wrte the names f three friends we wanted in ur grups. After cllecting all the requests, Mrs.B infrmed us that she wuld take int cnsideratin the names we chse and wuld let us knw the results the next day. I had n dubt I wuld get the grup f my chice. Only a few peple behaved nrmally in the class, and Missy was ne f them. I knew we had chsen each ther.The next day, I anxiusly waited fr the class. After the bell rang, Missy and I stpped talking as Mrs.B called fr ur attentin. She started t call ut names. When she reached the third grup, Missy's name was called. S, I was in the third grup, I thught. The secnd, third and furth members f the grup were called. My name was nt included. There had t be sme mistake!Then I heard it. The last grup: "Maur, Juliette, Rachel, Karina." I culd feel the tears well in my eyes. Hw culd I face being in that grup—the by wh rarely spke English, ne girl wh was always cvered by the skirt that went dwn t her ankles, and the ther girl wh wre weird clthes? Oh, hw badly I wanted t be with my friends.I fught back tears as I walked up t Mrs.B. She lked at me and knew what I was there fr. I was determined t cnvince her I shuld be in the "gd" grup. "" I started.
    She gently placed a hand n my shulder. "I knw what yu want, Karina," she said. "But yur grup needs yu. I need yu t help them get a passing grade n this assignment. Only yu can help them."I was stunned(说不出话来). I was cnfused. I was amazed. She had seen smething in me I hadn't seen."Will yu help them?" she asked.I std straighter. "Yes," I replied. I culdn't believe it came ut f my muth, but it did. I had cmmitted.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  I bravely walked t where the thers in my grup sat.   In the end, Mrs.B gave us an A n that assignment. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 老师让学生组队制作报纸,并让每位学生写出三个自己愿意合作的朋友姓名交给她,由她统一组队。不料,作者并没有与好朋友分到一组,反而与她不喜欢的三个同学组队。作者含着眼泪找到老师,老师说只有作者能帮助那三个同学。于是,作者答应帮助他们。续写思路 由故事情节的发展脉络与续写第二段的首句提示可知,作者的团队在她的组织领导下获得了"A",圆满完成了任务。续写第一段:由续写第一段首句与续写第二段首句可知,作者理解了老师的用意,感受到老师的信任,最终接受了任务,勇敢地走向那三位同学。之后的情节应该是作者根据各自的兴趣及特长分配了任务,各尽其责。为了与原材料中作者的情感呼应,可以构思这样的情节:随着合作的进行,作者越来越喜欢与他们合作,也越来越了解他们。最终,通过他们的愉快合作,报纸任务顺利完成。续写线索为:首句→队员笑脸相迎→分配任务→开始工作→越来越喜欢与队员在一起→了解各自的情况→任务完成。续写第二段:由续写第二段首句可知,该段应该描写作者团队获得"A"后成员的心情及表现,同时也要阐释整个团队制作报纸的过程给作者带来的感悟。续写线索为:首句→老师对作者团队报纸的高度评价→作者团队成员的兴奋心情和反应→作者的感悟。【范文赏读】  I bravely walked t where the thers in my grup sat. Encuraged by their big smiles(过去分词短语作状语), I sat dwn and assigned each f us different tasks accrding t ur persnal interests and advantages. After that, we plunged right int wrk. Halfway thrugh it, I felt myself enjying their cmpany. I learned that
    Maur had few friends because he was struggling with the English language(that引导宾语从句,从句中有一个because引导的原因状语从句); Juliette wre a lng skirt every day because f the custm; Rachel had a burning desire t be a fashin designer. Finally, teaming up with ne anther, we cmpleted ur assignment successfully. In the end, Mrs.B gave us an A n that assignment. She explained t the whle class that ur newspaper was well-laid-ut with rich cultural knwledge. It was thrilling t see ur painstaking effrts finally paid ff. We hugged tightly, ur jy and happiness beynd descriptin. At the mment, I suddenly realized that it was Mrs.B's insight that brught ut the ptential in fur f her students(第一个that引导宾语从句,第二个that构成强调句), a deep sense f gratitude rising inside me. And thanks t her, I've learned t discver thers' strengths. She is the ne wh truly deserves the grade A. 
    题组7Writing 1话题:保护路上的啮龟  主题语境:人与自然  难度:★★★★☆  [2023江苏镇江期中]Alex pedaled his bike alng the cuntry lane that led t his huse. As he runded a bend, the tips f the cattails that grew arund Jhnsn's Pnd came int view. His dad tk him t g caneing there smetimes, and Alex lved it. The pnd was always s alive with activity. Frgs craked alng the shre, dragnflies hunted amng the cattails, and smetimes Alex discvered turtles basking in the sun(晒太阳) n the rcks.Alex was curius abut the turtles he saw. One week, when it was t rainy t g caneing, he and his dad went t the library t check ut bks n turtles. Alex learned that turtles dn't have warm bld like peple d. That's why they have t sit in the sun t warm themselves. Nw it lked like tmrrw might be anther sunny day. He decided he wuld ask Dad if they culd g caneing and lk fr turtles again.Just then Alex saw smething in the rad up ahead. It lked like a big gray rck. But it was a funny place fr a rck t be.And then, as Alex watched, the rck started t mve.When he rde his bike up t get a clser lk, he saw that it wasn't a rck at all. It was a large turtle that crawled acrss the rad. It had a bny, beak-shaped muth and a lng, jagged tail. Alex knew right away it was a snapping turtle.He als knew nt t get t clse. He had read that a snapping turtle has a pwerful bite even thugh it
    desn't have teeth. It culd even bite ff smene's finger. He std at a distance and watched the turtle mve slwly ver the rad.Out f the crner f his eye, he saw a car appraching. The turtle was still nly halfway acrss the rad. Alex knew he culdn't pick it up t mve it safely t the grass. What culd he d?注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  Thinking fast, he started jumping up and dwn and waving bth hands wildly.   T make the warning sign, Alex hurried back hme and started his wrk with sme leftver wd and paint. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 Alex沿着乡间小路骑自行车回家时,看到有一只啮龟在路上慢慢移动,他在书上读到过,虽然啮龟没有牙齿,却能咬掉人的手指,所以他不能把它捡起来安全地转移,这时一辆汽车驶来,啮龟还在半路上,他能做什么呢?续写思路 根据第一段的提示句可知,Alex开始快速思考,看到车辆后他上蹦下跳,疯狂挥舞双手,示意停车。据此可知,该段主要描写Alex与司机交流,让他停车保护啮龟的过程。由续写第二段首句中的"T make the warning sign"可知,该段还应描写Alex想到了为保护啮龟立牌子的方法。根据续写第二段的提示句可知,为了制作警告标识,Alex急忙回到家,找到了一些剩下的木头和油漆。据此可知,该段主要描写Alex为啮龟制作警告标识的过程。尾句应当描写Alex对保护啮龟的感受。续写线索 司机停车→解释原因→想出办法→回家制作警告标识→把警告标识钉在路边→Alex的感受【范文赏读】  Thinking fast, he started jumping up and dwn and waving bth hands wildly. "Stp! Stp!" he cried. The car slwed t a stp, and the driver stuck his head ut f the windw with a puzzled lk. Alex darted frward and pinted at the mving turtle."I'm just trying t save it," he explained. With an understanding smile, the driver applauded his effrts. Seeing the car pulling away(现在分词短语作伴随状语), Alex was lst in deep thught. "Maybe I culd put up a sign t warn peple there is a turtle crssing the rad," he said t himself. T make the warning sign, Alex hurried back hme and started his wrk with sme leftver wd and
    paint. He hammered nails int the wd t make a flat bard, after which he painted a vivid picture f a turtle in the middle and added "Slw! Turtles Crssing" at the bttm("介词after+which"引导定语从句). He had cmpleted all his wrk when Dad wh ffered t carry the sign t the spt arrived hme(时间状语从句;限制性定语从句). Tgether they fixed the sign int the grund by the side f the rad. With their wrk dne(with复合结构),they bth breathed a sigh f relief and headed hme with great satisfactin. 
    Writing 2话题:才艺展示  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★★☆  [2023辽宁教研联盟一调]A schl talent shw wuld be held three weeks later. I tld my best friend, Tina, the news. My elder brther had been teaching me t juggle(玩杂耍), and I knew he'd help me with my act fr the shw. Tina ran ver t the nticebard and read the pster. But when Tina asked me what ur act was ging t be, I didn't knw hw t speak up fr myself. I held n t my bks tightly. Tina laughed and pinted t the pster. It said acts can be individuals, partners, r small grups. My grip(紧握) n my bks nw became uncmfrtable. I asked Tina if she wanted t d an act with me. She ndded. I hesitated fr a secnd befre cntinuing, "I've gt an idea and..." Tina interrupted me immediately, "Yeah, me t; let's talk abut it ver lunch."During math, I tried t think f hw I wuld tell Tina that I wanted t d my wn act. After all, we were best friends; we shuld be able t see eye t eye abut this. The prblem was Tina always tk charge. I never spke up, and then I ended up feeling angry. I desperately wanted t win, but it was mre than that. I wanted t win n my wn—with an act that was all mine.At lunch, Tina started talking as sn as we sat dwn. She had it all planned ut. She said we culd sing alng t a sng and d a dance rutine, and her mther culd make us cstumes. Hwever, I gt up the curage and tld her abut my juggling act. Tina said she didn't think she culd learn t juggle in three weeks and that she wuld prbably drp the balls. She didn't want t be embarrassed. I didn't say anything, but after schl, I
    ran arund the track a cuple f times just t let ff steam.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  My grandmther drve ver t pick me up.   When we gt hme, I tk 12 deep breaths befre I called Tina. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 三周后将举行学校才艺表演,我把这个消息告诉了我最好的朋友蒂娜。蒂娜跑到布告栏前看了海报,但当她问我我们的表演是什么时,我不知道如何回答。我问蒂娜是否愿意和我一起表演,她同意了。但当我想说出我的主意时,蒂娜立刻打断了我。上数学课的时候,我努力思考如何告诉蒂娜我想自己表演。毕竟,我们是最好的朋友,在这个问题上我们应该能达成一致意见。问题是蒂娜总是负责,我从来不能表明态度,最后我感到很生气。我非常想赢,但不止于此。我想靠自己赢得胜利——用完全属于我的表演。吃午饭时,蒂娜开始说她的计划,然而我还是鼓起勇气告诉她我的杂耍表演。蒂娜说她不可能在三周内学会杂耍,她可能会失败,她不想感到尴尬。我什么也没说,但放学后,我绕着跑道跑了几圈,只是为了发泄一下。续写思路 由第一段首句内容"祖母开车来接我"和第二段的首句内容可知,第一段可描写作者在祖母的启发下决定和蒂娜澄清自己的想法。由第二段首句内容"当我们到家的时候,在给蒂娜打电话之前我做了十二次深呼吸"可知,第二段可描写作者和蒂娜提出独自表演并取得了成功的经过。续写线索 作者和祖母表明想法→祖母劝作者坚持自己的想法→鼓起勇气和蒂娜提出独自表演→蒂娜同意并祝福了作者→作者的表演取得了成功→感悟【范文赏读】  My grandmther drve ver t pick me up. Realizing I was unusually quiet, she asked me what had happened. I talked abut the talent shw. Lking at my face frm the mirrr in the frnt f the car, she said gently, "Hney, yur ideas deserve t be cnsidered carefully." She als suggested I tell the truth. Hearing
    what she said, I thught abut it ver and ver again. I began t realize that it wuldn't hurt t let Tina knw what I really wanted if she was a true friend f mine. Finally, I made up my mind t talk t Tina.When we gt hme, I tk 12 deep breaths befre I called Tina. With butterflies in my stmach, I waited fr her t pick up the receiver. After I gt thrugh, I tld her that I was ging t d my juggling act alne. Much t my relief, she said OK after a shrt silence. Befre hanging up, she als wished me success. The next day, she described her act and I talked abut my practice. We encuraged each ther and exchanged ideas. I fund it nt s hard t speak up fr myself. On the day f the talent shw, my wnderful perfrmance received thunderus applause frm the audience. It was the talent shw that bsted my cnfidence and made me int a better persn by speaking up bravely(It 强调句,强调主语the talent shw). 
    题组8Writing 1话题:Plant N.106  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★★☆  启发性强[2023重庆市高调研抽测(二)] Being Planted"106!"The cry f disappintment breaks the silence f the peaceful night.In darkness, he stands still there, with tears drpping cntinuusly frm his eyes.He is a 5th-year Ph.D. student majring in bilgy. This is his 106th attempt t cultivate strawberries which culd bear extreme climates. In his 105th experiment, he did all the precautins that he knew culd lead him clser t his gal. Every generatin f the strawberry seemed t bring him clser t success, but every time the result was alike—failure, failure, failure. He has literally gt used t it. But this time, he can hardly help feeling frustrated and angry."Wh stle my experimental strawberry!"Last night, when he gt t the field, he was thrilled. Althugh mst f the plants were bviusly dying, ne plant std vigrusly in the middle f the experimental field. The plant was labeled "Plant N. 106". What a cincidence! In his 106th attempt, the 106th plant was finally mutating(变异) in its ideal way—the spark f hpe, t him.Last night, Plant N.106's fruit started t turn red. He was never s clse t success. What he needed t d was wait fr several days t harvest that pink, shiny and attractive fruit. But this night, the fruit disappears. S des his hpe.
    "3 years' effrt! 1,096 days' struggling! 13,152 hurs' DNA editing and experiment. ALL GONE!"he murmurs t himself. He regrets that he didn't get a small sample f the stlen strawberry last night.Nw he is using his fingers t dig the grund. He desn't knw why he is ding s. He is well aware that the results f the past 106 attempts are all wasted because f the incident and his nt taking the sample in time. He has n seeds left. At the present, he seems t have nly 2 chices: t start frm the very beginning, r t give up.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  He uses his fingers t dig the sil f that inch f field which used t cntain his hpe.    He is s excited that he bursts int tears.  
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 一声失望的"106"打破了沉寂的夜空。这是五年级的生物学专业博士生发出的一声哀号。他一直在培育能适应极端气候的草莓。不幸的是,前105次实验都失败了。这一次也毫不例外。昨晚他来到试验田的时候,106号植株长势喜人,丰收在望。然而,一天时间,他的草莓却不见了。三年的努力带着自己的希望灰飞烟灭了。他用手指开始挖地,他也不知道自己为什么这样做。放弃,还是从头再来,这是个问题……续写思路 根据续写第一段的提示句"He uses his fingers t dig the sil f that inch f field which used t cntain his hpe"可知,续写第一段应该会讲到他挖地时的心理活动以及挖掘的结果等。根据续写第二段的提示句中的"He is s excited"可知,续写第一段应该要写到他挖出了自己想要的东西。结合原文中的"He has n seeds left"可知,他挖出的可能是种子。因此,同学们在本段也可以适当描述种子的情况。根据续写第二段的提示句"He is s excited that he bursts int tears"可知,同学们在续写第二段时可以继续描述他的激动之情,并讲述这次发现的重大意义。同学们在本段应升华主题:坚持不懈,好运也会与你相伴。【范文赏读】He uses his fingers t dig the sil f that inch f field which used t cntain his hpe. N matter what the result is(让步状语从句),he wants t bring sme sil back as a memry fr his 3-year effrt. Out f the blue, he tuches smething that feels different(定语从句).It is a spruting seed! It was accidentally planted t clse t the mutated plant. It lks even mre vigrus than Plant N.106 in this mre rigid envirnment. It is
    bvius that this slwly-grwing plant will bring ut an even better experimental result than Plant N.106(主语从句). He names it Plant N.106-1.  He is s excited that he bursts int tears. If smene hadn't stlen Plant N. 106, if he hadn't dug the sil after he thught he failed, he wuld miss this extrardinarily special seed(虚拟语气).Everything is nt nly hpeful again, but becming even better. Smetimes, we may find urselves in darkness, feeling helpless and desperate(现在分词短语作状语), just like Plant N.106-1, just like "HE". But never give in, fr darkness may be temprary. Please be patient and hld yur virtue f perseverance, fr maybe "we" are just being planted. 
    Writing 2话题:帮患病父亲办画展  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★★☆  [2023山东济南二模]My father, Michael, led me thrugh the little wden huse he'd filled with his paintings."When I have an exhibitin..."he began, pinting t the artwrks he'd created, befre stpping. "Pr Pa,"I thught. In 1994 he gt Parkinsn's disease(帕金森病),which had shcked the whle family as he was nly in his frties.A husband and father t three kids, Pa had had a successful career running an advertising agency and had always been extremely creative. Outside f wrk, he'd spent 15 years frnting the cver band, Musical Chairs,which perfrmed at the pub in Sydney's Duble Bay each week and, when I became a mther, he develped a very clse bnd with my daughter.Even when his Parkinsn's advanced, my father decided he wanted t paint. "Why dn't yu try classes?" my mum Luisa suggested. He agreed. In art lessns, the class practised painting still life bjects, like pears, but my father had ther ideas fr his inspiratin. He began prducing abstract pieces, inspired by his favurite artist, Jacksn Pllck, a leading abstract expressinist. "Why abstract?"I asked him. "Because,"he replied, "it helps us t see the wrld arund us in a different way. Yu can lk at these paintings and ask‘what if?’" Sn, I realized he was right. When I bserved my father's wrk, I culd interpret each f them in many ways. Once he gt started, he shwed n signs f slwing dwn. The little huse was quickly filled with mre and mre wrks.But in 2019, Pa develped cancer and was given just three mnths t live. The thught f lsing him was
    t much fr any f my family t accept, but we sn received great news that a new frm f treatment can help him greatly. Since he cntinued speaking abut wanting t share his paintings with the wrld, I knew what had t be dne. 注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  I tld him I wuld help rganize an exhibitin.   A mnth later, the big day finally came. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 过去父亲经营着一家广告公司,事业有成,而且一直非常有创造力,还是一个乐队的主唱。在年仅四十多岁时,他得了帕金森病。即使当他的帕金森病恶化时,他还是决定要画画。在母亲的建议下,他同意去上美术课。班里的学生练习画静物,但父亲开始创作抽象作品,其灵感来自他最喜欢的艺术家杰克逊·波洛克,一位一流的抽象表现主义者。后来父亲又患上了癌症,只剩下三个月的生命。失去他对"我"的家人来说是难以接受的,但我们很快就收到了一个好消息——一种新的治疗方法可以极大地帮助他。因为他一直说想要与世界分享他的画,"我"知道必须做些什么了。续写思路 根据续写第一段的首句"I tld him I wuld help rganize an exhibitin"和续写第二段的首句"A mnth later, the big day finally came"可知,"我"为父亲办了画展,故第一段可从"我怎样准备画展?""我能得到哪些人的帮助和支持?""画展在哪里举办?""布置画展需要做什么?"这几个方面去写,可以从找父亲之前所在的广告公司帮忙做宣传、联系父亲之前所在乐队的朋友、挑选画作、安排画作的位置等相关内容入手。第二段可从"the big day是哪一天?""我带父亲来到画展现场后父亲有什么反应?""有了前期的宣传造势,画展现场是怎样的?"以及"我有什么感受和感悟?"这几个方面去写,可以描述父亲激动或兴奋的心情及相应的动作,还可以写现场人头攒动、大家对父亲的画作赞不绝口等相关内容。续写线索 准备画展→得到帮助和支持→布置画展→举办画展→画展现场情况→父亲的反应→大家对父亲画作的评价→"我"的感受和感悟

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