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    过题型 题型专练写作特训题组1Writing 1话题:几乎每个人都是音乐家  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★★☆  [2023上海静安区一模] The music in yu  Any partyger can tap their heel t an unfamiliar sng withut realizing it. Yet when asked n site, they might reply,"Music? I dn't knw anything abut that." Maybe yu've heard a variatin n this theme,"I dn't have a musical bne in my bdy." Mst f us make music publicly just a few times a year, fr example when it's smene's birthday and the cake cmes ut. Privately, it's a different stry. We belt ut tunes in the shwer and create rhythm tracks n ur steering wheel. But when we think abut musical expertise, we tend t imagine prfessinals wh specialize in perfrmances. As fr the rest f us, ur bumbling private effrts, rather than illustrating that we share an irresistible urge t make music,seem nly t demnstrate that we dn't enjy essential musical capacity.But the mre psychlgists investigate musicality,the mre it seems that nearly all f us are musical experts, in quite a surprising sense. A lt f the mst interesting and substantial elements f musicality are things that we all share. We aren't talking abut the instinctive, inbrn universality here. Our musical knwledge is the prduct f lng experience; maybe nt years spent n an instrument, but a lifetime spent absrbing music frm the pen windw f every passing car.
    In fact, fr all its remarkable pwer, music is gd cmpany. Many f ur feelings are gverned by a similar rule. We dn't knw hw we cme t like certain fd mre than thers. We dn't knw why we fall in lve. Yet in the very act f making these chices we reveal the effects f a hst f instinctive mental prcesses. The fact that we respnd t music s naturally and nrmally actually speaks t its strength and universality. 
    【段落概述】第一段——虽然不熟悉某首歌曲,但参加派对时仍可以伴着旋律轻轻跳动;第二段——日常生活中,我们常乐于欣赏音乐,而不认为自己有音乐能力;第三段——根据心理学家的研究,几乎我们每个人都是音乐专家;第四段——我们对音乐的反应如此自然和正常,实际上说明了它的力量和普遍性。【范文赏读】  Mst f us make music publicly several times a year, but we dn't think we have a talent fr music(省略了that的宾语从句). (要点1) Accrding t psychlgists' investigatin, nearly all f us are musical experts.(要点2) Our musical knwledge cmes frm lng experience. (要点3) In fact, we respnd t music s naturally and nrmally, which actually demnstrates its strength and universality(which引导非限制性定语从句). (要点4) 
    Writing 2话题:"数据囤积"现象  主题语境:人与社会  难度:★★★★☆  [2023上海金山区一模]"Digital Harding" Culd Be an Increasing Prblem  As data strage has becme mre accessible than ever, the amunt f digital "stuff" we all have put aside is n the rise, t.In a recent paper published in the jurnal Infrmatin & Management, we have investigated a rising phenmenn called "digital harding",which happens when an individual cnstantly acquires digital cntent, feels the difficulty in getting rid f it, and gradually gets mre and mre digital cntent withut an intended purpse.Digital harding can quickly increase ut f cntrl, t—perhaps even mre quickly than in the physical wrld due t several reasns. First, the digital harder is less likely t ntice the space limitatins in the digital wrld. While the bundaries f a physical space are clear, such bundaries are less nticeable in digital spaces. Secnd, harding f physical bjects happens in fixed bundaries, while digital spaces are "expandable"—yu can get additinal digital strage with minimum effrt at very little r zer cst. Third, t hard physical items, a persn needs t expend sme effrt, such as purchasing them. By cntrast, mst digital cntent is either self-created, free, r available n a subscriptin(订阅) basis. Furth, cmpared with physical stuff, digital cntent can be multiplied, fr example, by making cpies, with very minimal effrt.In the mdern wrld, it is unavidable that digital cntent plays an imprtant rle in ur lives. Therefre,
    the ptential fr serius mental health impacts frm digital harding is a real pssibility.If yu think yu're hlding nt t much digital cntent, yu can try cleaning yur digital ftprint, reducing unnecessary digital cntent, and cming up with simple methds t rganize yur files, pictures and vides. What's mre, reassess the imprtance f many scial netwrks, including grups in many cmmunicatin apps, and keep nly thse essential t yu. 
    【段落概述】第一段——"数据囤积"的背景;第二段——"数据囤积"发生的条件:个人无目的地存储数据;第三段——"数据囤积"失控及其原因;第四段——"数据囤积"对心理健康可能产生影响;第五段——如何减少"数据囤积"。【范文赏读】  The amunt f digital "stuff" we have put aside is n the rise. (要点1) Digital harding becmes uncntrllable because harders seldm knw the space limitatins in the expandable digital space(原因状语从句).(要点2) Mrever, digital cntent is easy t get and shts up. (要点3) T keep mentally healthy,yu shuld reduce digital ftprints and avid s unimprtant scial netwrks. (要点4) 
    题组2Writing 1话题:学前教育是否有利于孩子的成长  主题语境:人与社会  难度:★★★★☆  [2023广东广州黄埔区一模]"Teaching yung children t learn t read is ne f the mst imprtant things primary educatin des. It's fundamental t children's making prgress in life," says Dminic Wyse, a prfessr f primary educatin at University Cllege Lndn in the UK. "While learning literacy is vital t children, the way we teach it really matters.In a 2022 reprt, he states that the English schl system's intense fcus n phnics—a methd that invlves matching the sund f a spken wrd r letter with individual written letters thrugh a prcess called "sunding ut"—culd be failing sme children. A reasn fr this is that the tests used t assess that early learning may have little t d with the skills actually needed t read and enjy bks r ther meaningful texts. Fr example, the tests may ask pupils t "sund ut" and spell nnsense wrds, t prevent them frm simply guessing, r recgnising familiar wrds. Since nnsense wrds are nt meaningful language, children may find the task difficult and puzzling. It desn't end up being meaningful. It ends up memrising rather than understanding cntext.Children wh attended intensive preschls d nt have higher academic abilities in later grades than thse wh did nt attend such preschls, several studies nw shw. Early educatin can, hwever, have a psitive impact n scial develpment, which in turn feeds int the likelihd f graduatin frm schl and
    university as well as being assciated with lwer crime rates. In shrt, attending preschls can have psitive effects n later achievements in life, but nt necessarily n academic skills.T much academic pressure may even cause prblems in the lng run. A study published in January 2022 suggested that thse wh attended a preschl with a strng academic emphasis shwed lwer academic achievements a few years later, cmpared t thse wh didn't gain a place. 
    【段落概述】第一段——虽然读写能力对孩子很重要,但教读写的方式也很重要;第二段——听写字母、单词的实质是记忆而不是理解,所以没有意义;第三段——学前教育可能对生活中后期的成就产生积极影响,但对学业技能不一定有作用;第四段——从长远来看,强调学业的学前教育可能会对孩子的学习产生负面影响。【范文赏读】  Learning literacy is imprtant t children, and hw they learn it als cunts. (要点1) A study shws t much phnics learning negatively affects children because passing the tests nly requires meaningless prnunciatin and spelling instead f understanding(省略了that的宾语从句,because引导原因状语从句). (要点2) Althugh early educatin des gd t scial develpment(让步状语从句), studies als shw t much f it has nthing t d with later academic skills and it may cause prblems.(要点3) 
    Writing 2话题:关于"自拍"的观点  主题语境:人与社会  难度:★★★★☆  [2023上海宝山区一模]When yu're having fun with yur friends, yu take selfies. When yu visit famus places, yu take selfies. When yu are in beautiful spts, yu take selfies. But smetimes yu dn't lk very attractive in the phts. And, f curse, if yu're ging t pst them, yu want t lk yur best. What can yu d?Instead f psting a pht yu dn't like, yu can turn t pht retuching. When yu retuch an image, yu imprve its appearance. Many apps ffer yu the ability t d that. Their easy-t-use tls help yu smth yur skin, make yur teeth straighter and whiter, and mre. Within the apps, yu can als change yur facial features. Yu can make yur eyes runder and brighter. Yu can change the shape f yur face r yur nse. Yu can als change the directin f the light surce r add highlights. All in all, yu can make yurself lk like what yu wish.Nw yu've upladed yur retuched phts t scial media. Peple leave psitive cmments, and yu get a lt f likes. That's great, right? Maybe nt. With s many peple sharing persnal images f their lives, it's almst like a cntest.Wh lks the best, takes perfect selfies and lives up t scial media's standard f beauty? Yu need t be part f that crwd s that yu dn't feel left ut. Wrse yet, yu feel if yu're nt part f that crwd, yu may be criticized fr yur lks. Maybe yu think that if yu dn't lk like the influencers yu fllw, yu're nt
    gd enugh. Peple generally retuch themselves t have larger eyes,thinner chins and brighter skin. Des everyne nw lk the same? It seems like a lt f peple are trying t match up t unrealistic beauty ideals. That isn't gd fr anyne's self-image. Perhaps it's time t pst the real yu and the nly lightly retuched phts, if at all. 
    【段落概述】第一段——"自拍"现象无处不在;第二段——如果发现不喜欢的照片,人们会倾向于修图;第三段——在网上分享自拍照片,犹如一场比赛;第四段——这种比赛会带来负面影响;第五段——应该发布真实的自拍照,非必要减少修图。【范文赏读】  It's abut selfies. When yu pst them(时间状语从句), yu can use pht retuching t get better lks fr psitive cmments and likes. (要点1) If all always d such things t fllw the crwd r avid being despised(条件状语从句), each may lk identical. (要点2) Actually, many can nt achieve their gals. (要点3) It is better t pst the real yu with little retuching if necessary(It作形式主语,条件状语从句的省略). (要点4) 
    类型1 校园生活1.能够做某事 be able t d sth. 升级表达 be capable f ding sth., be cmpetent t d sth.2.努力做某事 try t d sth. 升级表达 spare n effrt t d sth., strive/endeavr t d3.某人必须要做的事情 smething sb. must d 升级表达 a must fr sb.4.试图做某事 try t d sth. 升级表达 attempt/seek t d sth., make an attempt t d sth.5.参加 jin in, take part in 升级表达 participate in, get invlved in, attend, engage in6.想做某事 want t d sth. 升级表达 can’t wait t d sth., desire/lng t d sth., be eager t d sth.7.专注于 fcus n 升级表达 cncentrate n, be absrbed in, be immersed in8.帮助某人 help sb. 升级表达 d sb. a favr, lend/give sb. a hand, cme t sb.’s assistance9.忙于 be busy with 升级表达 be ccupied with, be engaged in10.即将来临 be cming 升级表达 be arund the crner, be appraching11.利用,使用 use 升级表达 make (full)use f, take advantage f, make the best f, adpt
    类型2 动作行为1.记住 remember 升级表达 keep/bear in mind 面对,面临 face 升级表达 be faced with, meet with, encunter3.意识到 knw, realize 升级表达 be aware f/that, be cnscius f, cme t realize4.重视 value 升级表达 attach great imprtance t, take sth. seriusly5.参观 visit 升级表达 pay a visit t, g a visit6.某人想到某事 sb. think(s) f sth. 升级表达 sth. ccur(s) t/strike(s) sb., sb. cme(s) up with sth.7.建议 suggest/advise that... 升级表达 put frward the suggestin that..., recmmend 弥补,补偿 make up fr 升级表达 cmpensate fr9.吸引某人 attract sb. 升级表达 appeal t sb., have great appeal fr sb., draw sb.10.培养 train 升级表达 develp, fster, cultivate11.相信,认为 believe that..., be sure that... 升级表达 hld the firm belief/view that..., be cnvinced 影响 affect 升级表达 have an effect/influence/impact n13.造成,导致 cause 升级表达 cntribute t, lead t, result in, bring abut14.提高 imprve,raise,increase 升级表达 prmte, strengthen15.照顾 lk after,take care f 升级表达 tend t, attend t16.行走(一段路程) walk/travel... 升级表达 cver...
    类型3 人际关系1.向某人道歉 say srry t sb. 升级表达 make an aplgy t sb., aplgize t sb.2.因某事感激某人 thank sb. fr sth., be thankful t sb. fr sth. 升级表达 be grateful t sb. fr sth.,express ne’s gratitude t sb. fr sth.3.遇见 meet 升级表达 cme acrss, encunter, run int4.鼓励某人 encurage sb. 升级表达 cheer sb. up5.支持 supprt 升级表达 be in favr f 6.向某人求助 ask sb. fr help 升级表达 turn t sb. fr help
    类型4 修饰形容1.不同种类的 different kinds f 升级表达 a wide range f, a variety f, varius, varieties f2大量的,很多的 a number f, a lt f 升级表达 a cnsiderable number f, an verwhelming majrity f, large quantities f, scres f, dzens f, cuntless, numerus3.对……有益 be useful t,be gd fr 升级表达 be f great benefit t, d gd t, be beneficial t4.由……组成 be made up f 升级表达 cnsist f, be cmpsed f5.疲惫不堪 be tired 升级表达 be wrn ut, feel exhausted6.立即 immediately 升级表达 withut hesitatin/delay7.擅长 be gd at 升级表达 be skilled at, have a gift fr, have a gd cmmand f, be expert at/in8.准时 n time 升级表达 n schedule, punctually
    类型5 陈述事实1.几天前 a few days ag 升级表达 the ther day2.大家公认 peple think that... 升级表达 it’s acknwledged/accepted/believed 实际上 actually 升级表达 as a matter f fact4.谈及 talk f/abut, mentin 升级表达 refer t, speak f, when it cmes t5.显然 clearly 升级表达 apparently, bviusly6.应该 shuld 升级表达 be suppsed t7.关于 abut 升级表达 with regard t, in terms f, as fr, regarding, cncerning8.通常 usually 升级表达 mre ften than nt9.有时 smetimes 升级表达 ccasinally, nce in a while10.不得不做 have t d 升级表达 have n chice but t d11.仅仅 nly 升级表达 n mre than, merely12.只要 as lng as 升级表达 n cnditin that13.在我看来 in my pinin 升级表达 as far as I’m cncerned, persnally speaking14.引起人们关注 attract peple’s attentin 升级表达 aruse/draw peple’s cncern15.越来越多的 mre and mre 升级表达 an increasing number f, a grwing number f 16.我担心…… I’m wrried that... 升级表达 what makes me wrried is that...
    类型5 陈述事实17.很重要 be very imprtant 升级表达 be f great/vital imprtance18.应采取有效措施解决这个问题 shuld take effective measures t slve the prblem 升级表达 effective measures ught t be taken t deal/cpe with the prblem19.受欢迎 be ppular with 升级表达 enjy wide ppularity amng/with20.忽视 ignre 升级表达 fail t accunt, turn a blind eye t21.因为 because(f) 升级表达 n accunt f, in that, since, seeing that, as, n the grunds 与……有关的 be related t  升级表达 be assciated/cnnected with
    类型6 助人为乐1.Rses given, fragrance in hand. 赠人玫瑰,手留余香。2.Helping thers t realize their dreams gave me mre pleasure. 帮助别人实现他们的梦想让我感觉更快乐。3.Smetimes, a small gesture f care will pssibly melt peple’s lneliness. 有时候一个小小的关爱举动可能融化人们内心的孤单。4.Smetimes, a small act f kindness may be pwerful enugh t make a huge difference. 有时候一个小小的善举可能足以产生巨大的影响。5.She felt warmth in the cld day, and believed there was kindness in every crner. 她在寒冷的日子里感受到了温暖,相信每个角落都有善意。6.This kind act has a lasting influence n me. I always give thers a helping hand if pssible, even s many years later. 这种善意的行为对我产生了持久的影响。即使多年以后,我也总是尽可能地帮助别人。
    类型7 人生哲理1.It is never t late t learn. 活到老,学到老。2.Cnstant drpping wears the stne. 滴水穿石。3.Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。4.The wrld makes way fr the dreamer. 世界总会给有梦想的人开路。5.Each man is the architect f his wn fate. 每个人都是自己命运的建筑师。6.Happiness depends n yur mindset and attitude. 幸福取决于你的思维模式和态度。7.We shuld enjy every mment and never escape challenges. 我们应该享受每一刻,永远不要逃避挑战。8.It’s nt what happens t yu, but hw yu react t it that matters. 在你身上发生了什么并不重要,重要的是你如何应对它。9.Keep yur face always tward the sunshine, and shadws will fall behind yu. 让你的脸永远向着阳光,阴影自然会落在你身后。10.The jurney t success is nt smth. It is full f challenges and difficulties. 通往成功的道路不会平坦,那里充满挑战和艰辛。
    类型7 人生哲理11.If yu get disheartened r discuraged by these hurdles, yu can nt attain success. 如果你因为这些困难而灰心丧气,你就不会获得成功。12.Determinatin and ptimism are what it takes t cnquer yur fear and accmplish yur gal. 战胜恐惧和实现目标需要决心和乐观。13.Seize the day, and chase yur dreams. As lng as yu grasp every pprtunity and take full advantage f it, yu will stand a chance t realize yur dreams. 珍惜每一天,追寻你的梦想。只要你抓住每一个机会,充分利用机会,你就有机会实现梦想。

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