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    过创新 创新集训思维拓展Writing 1话题:机械手  主题语境:人与社会  难度:★★★★☆  创新精神[2023山东烟台诊断性测试]With the start f new schl, freshmen f Hendersnville High Schl in Nashville were excited t meet new classmates and teachers. Amng them, hwever,15-year-ld Sergi Peralta was feeling very nervus because his right hand had never fully frmed since he was brn. Ging t a new schl and being "different" were always scary. Sergi was particularly cncerned with what his classmates wuld think f him.Sergi's parents had trained him t use his left hand frm an early age. As he grew up, he was used t nt using his right hand. He culd write with his left ne and d sme things with special tricks r techniques. Despite this, n the first days f new schl, Sergi always felt like hiding his underdevelped right hand in his sleeve as if nbdy wuld ever find ut if he did s.It didn't take lng fr smene t learn Sergi's secret. Jeff Wilkins, the teacher f Sergi's engineering class, figured ut that Sergi was missing part f his hand and decided t d smething fr the new student. Jeff had been leading a rbtics prject in the schl and expert in 3D printing technlgy. Besides, he hped t take advantage f this hands-n chance t help his rbtics students learn mre abut engineering and hw a rbtic hand wrked.S in his class, Jeff annunced with great enthusiasm, "Yu're suppsed t cme up with new ideas and slve issues. Nw Sergi needs a new hand, s we'll wrk tgether t build Sergi a rbtic hand." His wrds
    fueled everyne's curisity and creativity.Fr the next fur weeks, Jeff and his class including Sergi wrked n the prject. After sme precise measurements and researches, the class put frward a design draft. Jeff made a few adjustments and gave them sme practical suggestins. With access t nline mdels and a 3D printer, they eventually created a rbtic hand, which was intended t lk gd and wrk well, like catching smething.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  Then came the final testing day.   The life-changing gift fr Sergi drew huge attentin. 
    【解析】 【写作指导】  故事梗概 15岁的Sergi Peralta因为右手残疾在新学校感到紧张,他特别关心同学们对他的看法。但是没过多久就有人知道了Sergi的秘密,工程课的老师Jeff Wilkins发现Sergi的手少了一部分,于是决定为这个新生做点什么。Jeff一直在学校领导一个机器人项目,是3D打印技术的专家。此外,他希望利用这次亲身实践的机会,帮助他的学机器人科学的学生更多地学习工程知识以及如何制造机械手。所以,在课堂上,Jeff热情地宣布一起为Sergi造一只机械手的想法,他的话激发了每个人的好奇心和创造力。在接下来的四个星期里,Jeff和他的学生们,包括Sergi,一起致力于这个项目。经过他们的努力,他们最终创造了一只机械手,这只机械手看起来很好,工作起来也很好。续写思路 由第一段首句内容"然后到了最后的测试日"可知,第一段可描写Sergi使用机械手的情况以及同学们的反应。由第二段首句内容"这份改变Sergi一生的礼物引起了广泛关注"可知,第二段可描写这份礼物对学生和学校带来的影响。续写线索 测试→成功→欢呼→引起关注→报道→捐款【范文赏读】  Then came the final testing day. The whle class gathered in the science classrm, watching breathlessly as Jeff carefully laded their self-made rbtic hand nt Sergi's right arm(现在分词短语作状语). It fitted quite well! S excited was Sergi that his arm trembled slightly(部分倒装). Having put a baseball n the desk, Jeff signed t Sergi t pick it up. Slwly, Sergi extended his right hand and reached fr the ball.
    Successfully he caught hld f it and everyne present brke int cheers! Hlding the ball, Sergi culdn't cntain his tears. Never in his life did he expect t catch anything with his right hand(部分倒装)! The life-changing gift fr Sergi drew huge attentin. Jeff and his students became an instant hit and varius media cmpeted t cver the news. When interviewed abut the intentin f the prject, Jeff said, "I intended Sergi's rbtic hand t shw ur supprt fr him. Meanwhile, I hpe t fster students' scientific spirit thrugh this hands-n peratin." His students stated that Jeff challenged them t transfrm abstract cncepts int reality, frm which they benefited greatly(非限制性定语从句). Sn vluntary dnatins pured in, which wuld g t the schl's scientific research and help students develp better(非限制性定语从句). 
    Writing 2话题:改善塑料污染  主题语境:人与自然  难度:★★★★☆  环境保护[2023山东青岛适应性检测(一)]Melati and Isabel deeply lve their hme n the island, surrunded by trpical rain frests, green fields, and a vast cean. Enjying a swim in the waters was nce a daily pleasure fr them. But when Melati was fifteen, and Isabel just ten, the sisters started t lse their enthusiasm fr swimming in the waters near their hme. Mre ften than nt, plastic bags wuld be arund them as they swam and sme were scattered n the beach. They gt really upset abut that.Melati didn't think much abut it until ne day her teacher gave a lessn n sme wrld heres. Each f thse peple had sparked mvements f psitive changes in the wrld. They believed in the impact they culd have and they did inspire mre peple t d smething meaningful. After schl, Melati walked hme slwly in silence, cncerned abut the vast amunt f plastic rubbish n the beach. The heres crssed her mind. "If they culd d it, we culd d it t," she thught. The idea lit her up. She culdn't wait t share what she thught with Isabel and quickened her pace."S many plastic bags arund! The beach is dirty and messy! It's s terrible! We have lst the clean and beautiful beach. Can't we d smething t get it back?" Melati said heartily. Isabel felt a bit puzzled at what t d, but she als had a strng desire t d smething. Picturing a beach as fascinating as befre in mind, the pair jumped with jy.They talked a lt, anxius t knw hw Dad and Mm wuld respnd t their ideas. That night when the
    family sat by the dinner table, the sisters eagerly gt their ideas acrss. When Mm and Dad listened t the girls carefully, their eyes shne. "Hw amazing that wuld be! We are s prud f yu!" Dad exclaimed. Mm came up, gave them the thumbs up and hugged the sisters.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  Melati and Isabel decided t make a psitive impact straight away.   One mnth later, Melati received a call frm the lcal newspaper. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 Melati和Isabel深爱着她们在岛上的家,这里被热带雨林、绿色的田野和广阔的海洋包围着。在当地的水域上游泳曾经是她们每天的乐趣。但当Melati 15岁,Isabel 10岁时,姐妹们开始对在她们家附近的水域游泳失去了热情。通常情况下,她们游泳时,塑料袋会围绕着她们,一些塑料袋散落在海滩上。她们对此很不高兴。 Melati并没有想太多,直到有一天她的老师给她上了一堂关于世界英雄的课。这堂课促使Melati担心海滩上大量的塑料垃圾。她想到了英雄们并想做出一些事情来改变海滩的污染状况。她迫不及待地把自己的想法告诉Isabel。Isabel也有强烈的想做点什么的愿望。她们把想法告诉了父母,得到了父母的支持。续写思路 由第一段首句内容"Melati和Isabel决定立即产生积极的影响"可知,第一段可描写两个女孩采取行动去改善海滩的状况,并发动身边的年轻人参与并创建组织及她们的成果。由第二段首句内容"一个月后,Melati接到了当地一家报社的电话"可知,第二段可描写她们的组织规模不断扩大,在当地造成影响,接受报社采访。续写线索 去行动改变海滩状况→创建组织→成果→接受采访→采访内容→谈感想【范文赏读】  Melati and Isabel decided t make a psitive impact straight away. They tk advantage f their spare time t pick up rubbish n the beach. Hwever, it was sn that they realized that they culdn't slve the prblem n their wn fr there was s much plastic. After discussins and preparatins, they started an
    rganizatin t spread their idea amng the yuth, invlving mre yuths in the mvement, which prved t be a hit(现在分词invlving作状语;which引导非限制性定语从句). Mre and mre teenagers tk part. In a mnth, they altgether cllected and recycled 2.5 tns f plastic, recvering the beautiful beach. One mnth later, Melati received a call frm the lcal newspaper. The tw girls were invited t an interview in which they were asked what inspired them t start the rganizatin, what the biggest challenges were and what advice they had fr yung peple wh wanted t make changes in this wrld(in which引导定语从句;what引导的三个并列的宾语从句;wh引导定语从句). They said the team is what keeps them ging n the challenging days and added, "Keeping ur team engaged and mtivated has been a challenge and we are happy t have a psitive influence." Melati and Isabel are heres wh make a big difference t ur wrld. 
    Writing 3话题:母爱无价  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★☆☆  亲子关系[2023江苏涟水县第一中学阶段检测]Schl was ver, the day was fading and it started t rain. I std at the schl gate, with a laded backpack n my shulders. It was Friday again—a weekend f jy with unlimited sleeping hurs and dinner curses specially made t my taste. I waved gdbye t my friends as they jumped int their fathers' warm and cmfrtable cars. Curiusly, this gave rise t a disturbing feeling in me. It was nt exactly what they called jealusy(嫉妒), but smething like depressin. I knew all I culd expect was an ld bike Mm wuld ride alng n, with the badly-iled chain creaking against the wheel t annunce her arrival.Every Friday when Mm came t pick me up, it was a mment full f great exceptin and great unease. I always felt my face burning as we rde ur way in and ut f the cars and saw my friends' faces sticking ut f the car windws. It was like stepping int a ballrm with beautifully dressed ladies and finding myself in a smelly T-shirt.T tell yu the truth, Mm is quite a headache ccasinally. She lks like a hmely middle-aged husewife. She knits(编织) mst f my sweaters, chiefly in ld styles. Whenever caught by sme curius classmates asking what brand my sweaters are, I'd frce a smile and reply in a half-jking manner: hmemade. She simply desn't seem t understand what's in fashin.I culdn't remember when I started t find her such an embarrassment. As a little by, I relied n her s much. She had been wrking at hme,cking in the kitchen, knitting by the lamp, r riding acrss twn t buy
    me a bk I badly needed. It had always been fun riding with her. I had enjyed watching ur shadws grwing lnger and shrter by the light f the streetlamps alng the rad. Just nw there seemed t be smething standing between us, which made her s strange t me and me t her.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  Tday Mm shwed up in a raincat.   Mm tried t cver me with the raincat again as a strm set in. 
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 作者的家庭并不富裕,周五放学时,其他学生的家长开着汽车来接他们,而作者的妈妈却骑着一辆破旧的自行车来接他,这让作者感觉很沮丧。妈妈给作者穿的衣服也很朴素,她不懂时尚,这也让作者感觉很难堪。事实上,作者小时候很依赖妈妈,也很喜欢妈妈骑自行车载自己,不知道从什么时候开始,作者和妈妈之间的关系变得疏远了。续写思路 根据第一段的提示句"Tday Mm shwed up in a raincat"可知,妈妈穿着雨衣出现了,据此可知,该段重点描写作者见到妈妈后的尴尬场景。结合续写第二段提示句中的"Mm tried t cver me with the raincat again"可知,本段还应写出作者妈妈用雨衣盖住作者的情景。根据续写第二段的提示句"Mm tried t cver me with the raincat again as a strm set in"可知,妈妈再次用雨衣将作者盖住。据此可知,该段下文将描写作者对此的感受,还可以描写妈妈在暴风雨中蹬车的情景。最后,注意升华主题:母亲的爱让作者感动哭泣。续写线索 妈妈叫我→我感到尴尬→妈妈给我盖雨衣→我不愿意接受→暴风雨来袭→妈妈再次给我盖雨衣→我感受到母爱的温暖【范文赏读】  Tday Mm shwed up in a raincat. Once she saw me(时间状语从句), Mm called my name excitedly. Almst everybdy present lked in her directin. I swallwed hard and fixed my stare n the middle f the rad, sweat frming in tiny drplets n my frehead(独立主格结构). When she tried t cver me with the back f her raincat(时间状语从句), I simply threw it aside. In silence, I sht her a blaming glance and threw my
    backpack heavily int the frnt basket f the bike. Withut a single wrd, I jumped nt the back seat. Mm tried t cver me with the raincat again as a strm set in. Reluctantly, I pulled it ver. With the wind raring angrily and the raincat dancing(with复合结构), it felt warm and secure inside. Mm bent frward and pedaled with all her strength, her waist twitching with tensin(独立主格结构). I started t feel guilty abut my cldness, tears welling up in my eyes(独立主格结构). Quietly, I put my hands arund Mm's waist and gently pressed my face against her back. In the crying wind and puring rain, I fund myself hugging my mther(find+宾语+动词-ing形式作宾补), tighter than ever. 
    Writing 4话题:全州性跑步比赛经历  主题语境:人与自我  难度:★★★★☆  凸显"体育"[2023河北石家庄质检]I yawned(打哈欠) as I gt ff the last step f the bus. I had wken early that mrning, and had nt been able t sleep n the lng ride, thinking abut that day's race. I had never raced in a statewide race befre. Over thirty high schl teams ran, alng with quite a few clleges. The rest f my team and I unladed the bus, and we relaxed and waited fr ur race patiently. "Start warming up, " ur cach tld us, rughly frty-five minutes after we arrived. After finishing ur stretches, we headed ver t the starting line, eager fr the race t begin.The starter walked t the middle f the field. There will be tw cmmands, he bmed, "Runners set, then the gun. If yu hear anther sht, return t the starting line t start again. " My heart raced as I gt my legs ready t race. "Runners set!" the starter shuted. Bam! The gun fired, and he rushed ut f ur way. Adrenaline (肾上腺素) rushed thrugh my bdy as I raced thrugh the mass f runners. As I runded the first turn, my schlmates greeted me with heartening shuts. Then, in what felt like nly ne minute, I arrived at the ne mile mark."6′10", " a man declared as I ran by. I tried t ignre him, but my legs began t burn as I realized I had run a mile and still had tw t g. I slwed dwn my pace, fr I knew the secnd mile was the wrst f all three. Minutes later, I felt hrrible. My legs ached, feeling like lead blcks. My visin was cluded as sweat drpped dwn int my eyes, and my arms felt as if they wuld fall ff if I swung them ne mre time. Just as I almst
    reached my limit, a by passed me. He als seemed t have lst strength but sn he was a little ahead f me. 注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。  I gathered up my strength t speed up but suddenly fell t the grund.    In the last mile, seeing the athletes passing us ne by ne, I asked the by t run withut me.  
    【写作指导】  故事梗概 作者一大早睡眼惺忪地坐大巴去参加全州性的比赛。发令枪响了,作者起跑很顺利,并以很快的速度跑完了第一英里。进入第二英里之后,作者感觉不太妙,几分钟之后,作者的体能似乎达到了极限。正在这时,一个男孩超过了作者……续写思路 续写第一段:两句提示定首段。根据续写第一段的提示句中的"suddenly fell t the grund"可知,作者摔倒了。再结合续写第二段的提示句"In the last mile, seeing the athletes passing us ne by ne, I asked the by t run withut me"可知,超过作者的男孩帮助作者跑完了第二英里。因此,同学们在本段应该着重描写作者摔倒之后的感受,超过他的男孩如何跑来帮助他,以及二人如何一起跑完了第二英里。同学们在续写的过程中应注意利用对话展示帮助的过程,再通过动作和心理活动来描写作者摔倒后的心情和接受帮助时的感受。续写第二段:尾段要有正能量。根据本段的提示句"In the last mile, seeing the athletes passing us ne by ne, I asked the by t run withut me"和常识可知,到了决定名次最关键的最后一英里,作者应该会让超过他的男孩丢下自己,努力去争取好名次。但男孩却拒绝了作者的好意,并认为名次并没那么重要。因此,同学们在本段可以描写二人之间的对话,并应写到二人携手完成比赛,最终获得了全场观众的欢呼。【范文赏读】  I gathered up my strength t speed up but suddenly fell t the grund. My wrld was cluded by ttal darkness. Hw I wish the grund t crack and swallw me(感叹句)! I culd feel everybdy staring at me, widening their muths and nt being able t utter a wrd(现在分词短语作状语).The sudden silence brught a

    2025版高考英语一轮复习新题精练专题五写作题型1应用文写作创新题专练课件: 这是一份2025版高考英语一轮复习新题精练专题五写作题型1应用文写作创新题专练课件,共11页。PPT课件主要包含了写作指导等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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