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    这是一份2024浙江省浙里特色联盟高二下学期4月期中考试英语含答案,共14页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后,只需上交答题纸,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本卷共9页满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
    2. 答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shin?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. Which part will the speakers finish tgether?
    A. Cllecting data.B. Writing the reprt.C. Analyzing data.
    2. What has the man been ding fr the exam?
    A. Ding practice questins.B. Ging ver his ntes.C. Asking fr help.
    3. When will the speakers g hiking?
    A. On Saturday mrning.B. On Saturday afternn.C. On Sunday mrning.
    4. Where are the speakers?
    A. At the bus statin.B. In a z.C. In a restaurant.
    5. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Dctr and patient.B. Mther and sn.C. Friends.
    6. Why des the wman cme t the man?
    A. T cmplain abut the nise.
    B. T maintain the apartment.
    C. T invite the man t a party.
    7. What des the man agree t d in the end?
    A. Make a public aplgy.B. Have n mre parties.C. Be mre thughtful.
    8. What is the wman’s cncern abut the pants?
    A. The style.B. The clr.C. The size.
    9. What will the wman d prbably?
    A. Return the pants.B. Try n the pants.C. G n a diet.
    10. What is the man ding?
    A. Having a meeting.B. Hsting a prgram.C. Sharing a bk.
    11. Why did Taylr chse t wrk fr a traditinal media cmpany?
    A. T help traditinal media.
    B. T achieve her riginal dreams.
    C. T earn mre mney.
    12. What is the meaning behind the title Extremely Online?
    A. The Internet is pwerful.
    B. Peple spend t much time nline.
    C. It is easier t start up businesses nwadays.
    13. What prblem d kids face accrding t the man?
    A. They just fcus n ne sprt.
    B. Many f them dn’t play sprts.
    C. They can’t stick with what they like.
    14. Hw many students play a schl sprt in Tuscarra High Schl?
    A. Abut 600.B. Abut 800.C. Abut 1,600.
    15. What d we knw abut Tuscarra High Schl?
    A. It prvides varius kinds f sprts.
    B. It aims t train prfessinal athletes.
    C. It encurages students t play basketball.
    16. Hw des Tuscarra encurage students wh dn’t want t play sprts?
    A. By develping team sprts.
    B. By turning t schl leaders.
    C. By prviding enugh teachers.
    17. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. The fantastic pwer f music.
    B. The develpment f music educatin.
    C. A singer teaching languages thrugh music.
    18. When did Jsé-Luis Orzc mve t San Francisc?
    A. At age 8.B. At age 19.C. At age 32.
    19. What des Orzc’s new album fcus n?
    A. Kids’ health.B. Kids’ reading habits.C. Kids’ hbbies.
    20. What des Natalie Crtez think f Orzc’s music?
    A. It is educatinal.B. It is annying.C. It is enjyable.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The Arab Republic f Egypt cvers a land area f apprximately 1 millin km2, with an estimated 106 millin peple, Egypt accunts fr ne-furth f the Arab wrld’s ppulatin. Egypt has lng been cnsidered the cradle f civilizatin and may be the ldest turist destinatin n earth.
    A typical visit t Egypt includes arrival in the capital city f Cair, ne f the largest cities in Africa and the Middle East, with a ppulatin f apprximately 22 millin. Cair tday is a mdern, internatinal mix f Arab, African, and Eurpean influences. Travelers generally spend at least a few days in Cair seeing the Egyptian Antiquities Museum, Natinal Museum f Egyptian Civilizatin and Pyramids at Giza.
    Upper Nile River
    Mst travelers include an Upper Nile River cruise as part f their schedule. Egypt is a beach destinatin, with thusands f miles f Mediterranean and Red Sea castlines. Alexandria, Egypt’s secnd largest city is lcated n the Mediterranean Sea and has a string f beaches and seafd restaurants. Fr a truly relaxing beach vacatin, travelers can visit ne f the many resrts alng the Nrth Cast referred t as “Sahel”.
    Red Sea cast
    Egypt’s Red Sea cast has reefs ffshre, with diving and snrkeling traditinally centered in Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh. Visits t Munt Sinai and Saint Catherine’s Mnastery in the muntainus interir are ppular destinatins, especially with religius pilgrims. Adventure travelers favr desert jeep safaris and camel treks t remte ases and spectacular wadis.
    21. What d we knw abut Egypt?
    A. Egypt makes up 25% f the wrld’s ppulatin.
    B. Cair tday is a mix f mdern and traditinal elements.
    C. Visitrs can enjy their beach vacatins in Cair.
    D. Egypt has been cnsidered as the ldest turist destinatin.
    22. Which place is mst attractive t peple with religius faith?
    A. Mediterranean.B. Alexandria.
    C. Sharm El Sheikh.D. Saint Catherine’s Mnastery.
    23. This text is mst likely taken frm ______.
    A. A travel guide.B. A gegraphy bk.
    C. An Egyptian newspaper.D. A histrical magazine.
    Fr the first time in its 100-year histry, Walt Disney Animatin has cperated with an utside animatin studi n a prject. The result is lwájú, an interesting and riginal six-part series set in a futuristic versin f Lags, Africa. It was created with the Pan-African entertainment cmpany Kugali and premieres (首映) n Disney+ n February 28.
    lwájú is a stry abut Tla, a yung girl frm a wealthy family, and her best friend, Kle, a self-taught tech expert, and their discvery f the secrets and dangers hidden in their different wrlds. The shw explres inequality and the idea f challenging sciety’s standards. Like the Disney+ series Kizazi Mt: Generatin Fire, Marvel’s Black Panther films, and the Netflix animated series My Dad the Bunty Hunter, lwájú is part f a genre (体裁) called Afrfuturism. It cmbines elements f science fictin, the culture and histry f Africa and Africans, fantasy, and a visin f a better future.
    The series was directed by Adela, “lwájú was brn frm my persnal inspiratin t tell a stry abut Lags because ne f the unique things I nticed is hw the gegraphy actually supprts the scietal divide in a way that is very bvius,” Adela tld in the interview, “In Lags, the wealthy peple live n the island, and the wrking class and pr peple live n the mainland. S yu literally see a bdy f water separating rich and pr. And s I thught that was a really interesting fundatin upn which t build a science-fictin stry.”
    Adela called lwájú “a lve letter t Lags” and said every frame praises the city’s diversity and spirit. The characters, he explained, represent typical types f Nigerian peple and they wear clthing inspired by traditinal African textiles (纺织品).
    While the series f films questins the divisins in sciety, Adela said it als highlights the bravery required t disrupt them. He added that he hpes lwájú inspires audiences t find strength in unity and the curage t dream f change.
    24. What’s the similarity between lwájú and ther Disney+ series accrding t the text?
    A. They are adventurus stries.
    B. They explre inequality and challenge sciety’s standards.
    C. They cmbine African traditinal culture and futurism.
    D. They are prduced by Walt Disney Animatin independently.
    25. What can we infer frm paragraph 3?
    A. The sciety is rarely divided by gegraphy.
    B. Generally, upper class live n the mainland.
    C. Adela’s friend inspired him t film lwájú.
    D. The pr and rich are separated quite clearly.
    26. The underlined wrd “disrupt” can be replaced by ______.
    A. Break.B. Obtain.C. Estimate.D. Distinguish.
    27. Which f the fllwing can best describe the film lwájú?
    A. Imaginary and humrus.B. Innvative and realistic.
    C. Attractive and inspiring.D. Critical and multicultural.
    It is well established that eating vegetables is gd fr us. Why, then, d sme peple like them but thers dn’t? A new study has fund that ther peple’s likes and dislikes culd play a part. Accrding t the research, peple wh eat vegetables and shw an bvius distaste fr them can influence thers.
    A team f scientists in the UK set ut t investigate hw the facial expressins peple make as they eat affect a persn watching them. They asked mre than 200 yung wmen t watch vides f ther adults eating raw brccli. The peple in the vides had different expressins while eating. They wuld smile, seem neutral (neither happy nr sad), r lk disgusted by what they were tasting.
    The study fund that participants wh watched smene else react with disgust while eating brccli began t like brccli less. The ppsite was nt true, hwever. When smene had a psitive facial expressin while eating brccli, peple watching them did nt end up liking brccli mre.
    Humans learn which behavirs, including eating, will benefit them by watching the reactins f thers. Knwn as scial mdeling, this tendency can have a strng influence n peple’s eating habits. Scientists believe that peple might avid fd that appears disgusting because it culd help prtect them frm eating smething that tastes bad r culd even be dangerus.
    Althugh the research fcused nly n adults, experts think the results culd als apply t children. This means that if children see their parents r siblings nt enjying certain fds, including vegetables, they might nt want t eat them either. A previus study fund that children between the ages f 4 and 6 were mre likely t eat brccli if they had seen vide clips f adults enjying it.
    The team said further research is needed t understand mre abut hw the behavir f adults influences children’s enjyment f fd. This culd help experts find ways t encurage yung peple t eat mre f the fds that are healthy fr them.
    28. What was the purpse f the UK scientists’ study?
    A. Assess yung wmen’s eating habits.
    B. Examine the effect f raw brccli n peple.
    C. Investigate facial expressins during eating.
    D. Study the impact f diners’ expressins n viewers.
    29. What des scial mdeling in paragraph 4 refer t in the text?
    A. Crrecting thers’ behavirs.
    B. Scializing ne’s behavirs by learning frm thers.
    C. Develping thers’ eating habits.
    D. Learning beneficial behavirs frm bserving thers.
    30. Accrding t the text, what is the likely reasn that children refuse t eat vegetables?
    A. Impact f friends.B. Influence f family members.
    C. Persnal taste preferences.D. Unpleasant taste f vegetables.
    31. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Develping Gd Habits: The Imprtance f Mdeling.
    B. Impacting Fd Preferences: The Pwer f Eating Habits.
    C. Influencing Fd Chices: The Pwer f Facial Reactins.
    D. Encuraging Vegetable Cnsumptin: The Imprtance f Healthy Eating.
    Eurpe’s series recrd-breaking ht and dry summers have brken an easy link t climate change. Climate mdels shw Eurpe warms faster than the rest f the planet and the Arctic melting eventually causes massive cean currents (洋流) and reginal ht air circulatin patterns.
    Arctic melting is adding rughly 6000 cubic kilmeters f water r mre t the cean per decade. As that fresh-water purs int the Nrth Atlantic Ocean, it sits n tp f heavier cean salt-water and stps mixing. With less heat being stirred in frm belw, the surface water gets clder than usual during the fall and winter mnths, says Marilena Oltmanns, a climate scientist at the U.K. Natinal Oceangraphy Centre. This phenmenn may explain the s-called “cld blb”, an area f sea in the Nrth Atlantic that NASA ndeling suggests is ne f the few spts n Earth getting clder.
    T explre hw the fresh water frm Arctic ice might be affecting weather, Oltmanns and her clleagues develped a way t cmbine data frm satellites, and weather statins. They fund when the freshwater-caused cld blbs were mre intense, the bundary was sharper, bringing mre pwerful westerly (向西的) winds. As a result, the strnger westerlies mve a warm cean flw frm rughly 45°N t 60°N. That shift can cntinue int the next summer. And like a barrier, this warm current, curls up and arund the British Isles, allwing a mass f ht, dry air t camp ut ver Eurpe.
    “The study cnvincingly puts meat n the bnes f an expectatin I and thers have had fr a while — that the cld blb suth f Greenland wuld influence Nrth Atlantic weather patterns, as well as thse dwnstream ver Eurpe,” says Jennifer Francis, a climate scientist at Wdwell Climate Research Center.
    32. What des the underlined wrd “cld blb” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Climate mdels.B. Ocean current.
    C. Cld water zne.D. Air circulatin patterns.
    33. What des paragraph 3 fcus n?
    A. Intrduce the frm f cld blb.
    B. Present a phenmenn f climate changes in Eurpe.
    C. Survey sme data fr the study.
    D. Analyze the reasn f ht and dry summer in Eurpe.
    34. What is Jennifer’s attitude tward the study?
    A. Apprving.B. Indifferent.C. Dubtful.D. Unclear.
    35. What can we infer frm the passage?
    A. Human activities change climate mdels.
    B. Arctic melting cntributes t Eurpean heat waves.
    C. Climate changes have little impact n cean currents.
    D. Glbal warming results in the rise f the temperature.
    Sme peple nly exercise self-discipline in the parts f their lives they think as necessities-such as turning up t wrk n time and getting the jb dne. But self-discipline is a skill that can be applied t every aspect f life. And the benefits can be great. 36 .
    It will help yu reach yur full ptential
    When yu have self-discipline, yu are able t push yurself t achieve things yu never thught pssible. Yu set high standards fr yurself and then wrk hard t meet them. 37 . It can als help yu feel prud f yurself and yur accmplishments. Ultimately, it can help yu be the best yu can be in all aspects f yur life.
    Self-discipline can help yu get mre dne in less time. When yu have self-discipline, yu are less likely t waste time n things that are nt imprtant. This means yu can use yur time mre effectively and get mre dne. This can lead t greater prductivity at wrk, at hme, and in yur persnal life.
    It will help yu be healthier
    Self-discipline can als help yu live a healthier life. When yu have self-discipline, yu are mre likely t make healthy chices and stick t them. This means yu will be less likely t vereat, smke, r engage in ther unhealthy behavirs. 39 . All f these things can lead t better physical and mental health.
    It will help yu be happier
    Last but nt least, self-discipline can help yu be happier. When yu have self- discipline, yu are less likely t engage in self-destructive behavirs. 40 . This can lead t a greater sense f happiness and wellbeing.
    S, as yu can see, self-discipline can imprve yur whle life. If yu want t be mre successful, prductive, and happier, then start wrking n yur self-discipline tday.
    A. It will help yu finish wrk n time.
    B. It will help yu be mre prductive.
    C. Here’s hw self-discipline can imprve all aspects f yur life.
    D. This can lead t persnal and prfessinal success.
    E. This is because yu are less likely t give up when things get tugh.
    F. This means yu will be mre likely t fcus n the psitive and enjy yur life.
    G. It can als mean yu are mre likely t exercise regularly.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Ralph Street lves maps. Apprpriately (相称) fr smene with his surname, he studied gegraphy and twn planning. And well befre that, his parents 41 tk him ut rienteering (定向运动).
    “I dn’t really remember a time befre rienteering,” Street 42 . “My parents tk me rienteering the first week I was brn.” He nw 43 internatinally as an rienteer. In 2023, he wn the first place in Orienteering Wrld Cup. Street remembers a childhd trip with friends wh trusted him as they realized his excellent 44 fr getting arund the new city.
    Street 45 the sprt f rienteering at the age f nine. As his experiences suggest, childhd expsure shapes peple’s cmfrt and 46 with navigatin (导航).
    Peple wh grew up utside cities, r in mre spatially (空间的) cmplex cities, als appear t be better able t navigate. “Even as adults, we have gd 47 that peple wh navigate mre widely arund their envirnment have better spatial skills,” says Nra Newcmbe, a psychlgy prfessr at Temple University in Philadelphia.
    Miscnceptins 48 abut human navigatin. “One f them is that yu think yu cannt imprve,” Newcmbe says. Navigatinal 49 like maps and cmpasses can lead t a dependence. Peple can train themselves t better ntice envirnmental 50 like the wind, the sun and slpes.
    Fr peple wh can’t imagine wayfinding withut a phne app, there are still ways t 51 spatial skills. The system n many apps is that “wherever yu’re ging is straight ahead, which is a terrible way t learn. I advcate keeping nrth n the tp all the time,” Newcmbe 52 . Getting a(an) 53 amunt f sleep may help t. One glbal study fund that fr participants 54 fifty and lder, sleeping seven hurs a night 55 the best perfrmance in a navigatin game.
    41. A. hardlyB. recentlyC. regularlyD. typically
    42. A. recallsB. repeatsC. regretsD. respnds
    43. A. travelsB. cmpetesC. visitsD. runs
    44. A. ambitinB. purpseC. skillD. task
    45. A. tk verB. tk upC. tk nD. tk away
    46. A. cnfusinB. cnfidenceC. happinessD. srrw
    47. A. insightB. newsC. infrmatinD. evidence
    48. A. appearB. happenC. cnsistD. exist
    49. A. aidsB. aimsC. destinatinsD. means
    50. A. situatinsB. prtectinsC. measuresD. signs
    51. A. perfrmB. evaluateC. practiseD. mtivate
    52. A. cmmentsB. suggestsC. statesD. decides
    53. A. bviusB. sameC. differentD. abundant
    54. A. agedB. agingC. t ageD. ages
    55. A. was filled withB. was satisfied withC. was linked tD. was cmpared t
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Are insects drawn t light? New research shws it’s cnfusin, nt fatal attractin. Like a mth t flame, many scientists and pets have lng assumed that flying insects were 56 (simple) drawn t bright lights. But that’s nt exactly what’s ging n, a new study 57 (suggest). Rather than being attracted t light, researchers believe that artificial lights at night may actually disturb flying insects’ inbrn navigatinal systems, causing them 58 (fly) in cnfusin arund street lights and ther artificial beacns.
    “Insects d nt fly directly tward a light surce, but actually bend their backs tward the light,” said Sam Fabian, 59 Imperial Cllege Lndn scientist and c-authr f the study 60 (publish) in the jurnal Nature Cmmunicatins. That wuld make sense if the strngest light surce was in the sky. But in the presence f artificial lights, the result is cnfusin, nt attractin.
    Fr the study, researchers attached tiny sensrs t mths and dragnflies in a lab t film “mtin-capture” vide f flight — similar 61 hw filmmakers attach sensrs t actrs t track their mvements. They als used high-reslutin 62 (camera) t film insects circling arund lights at a field site in Csta Rica.
    This allwed 63 (they) t study hw dragnflies will circle endlessly arund light surces, psitining themselves with their backs 64 (face) the beams. They als dcumented that sme insects will flip upside dwn and ften crash land in the presence f lights that shine straight upward like search lights.
    “Fr millins f years, insects riented themselves by sensing that the sky is light, the grund is dark until peple invented artificial lights,” said Avaln Owens, a Harvard scientist 65 was nt invlved in the research.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 时间和地点;
    2. 目的和形式;
    3. 比赛奖项。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    参考词汇:Badmintn Singles羽毛球单打
    When I first mved t the new cmmunity, I fund it difficult t adapt. Everything was unfamiliar, and I felt like an utsider in a place where everyne seemed t knw each ther.
    One day, I returned frm a mrning walk with my dg. At the frnt dr, I dug arund in my pckets fr the keys, nly t realize that I had lst them. As all f them are tied tgether including my car key, I decided t return t the paths we’d taken. I spent an hur lking, brushing aside tall grasses, but the keys remained lst. I was beginning t get upset as I thught f the cnsequences f lsing them, s I cntinued t retrace ur steps, but in vain.
    Back hme again, I pulled the backup key frm its hiding place, let myself in the huse, and fell n the chair in exhaustin. The huse key wasn’t that imprtant as I had an extra. I had a spare car key, but there was ften smething wrng with it, and the key wuld be expensive t replace. The irn heart made by my grandsn was precius beynd measure. Thinking f it being gne frever made tears cme t my eyes.
    That night, it turned clder and we had a snw. Suddenly I heard the nise f my car alarm frm the garage. I rushed t the car, put the extra key int the dr and finally pened it, and then I hurriedly tried my best t stp the alarm. I felt red-faced as I imagined my next-dr neighbrs being disturbed and annyed.
    I went back in the huse but the alarm started again. I turned it ff, went back inside, and the alarm sunded again. I repeated the prcess. Back in the huse, I waited, but the next sund was the frnt drbell. Thinking it was a neighbr ready t cmplain at me, I pened the dr cautiusly.
    听力:1-5 BBACA6-10 ACCBB11-15 AABBA16-20 CCBAC
    阅读:21-23 BDA24-27 CDAC28-31 DDBC32-35 CDAB36-40 CDBGF
    完形:41-45 CABCB46-50 BDDAD51-55CBDAC
    56. simply57. suggests58. t fly59. an60. published
    61. t62. cameras63. them64. facing65. wh/that
    Dear Chris,
    I am excited t infrm yu abut a badmintn cmpetitin t be held in ur schl gym next Friday. I sincerely invite yu t participate.
    The primary bjective f this cmpetitin is t prmte the imprtance f maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle amng us students. The cmpetitin will be divided int tw categries: Badmintn Singles and Badmintn Dubles. The player r team with the highest scre will be awarded the first prize. Furthermre, there will be several ther prizes fr thse wh rank in tp six.
    This event prmises t be bth exciting and rewarding. I’d appreciate it if yu culd cnfirm yur participatin at yur earliest cnvenience.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    T my surprise, in the light snw std three neighbrs frm several streets away. The warmth and kindness radiating frm their smiles instantly melted away any frustratin I had felt earlier. With ne f their glved hand extended, I culd see my keys hanging frm a pinter finger like a small victry trphy. Overwhelmed with gratitude, I culdn’t help but embrace them tightly, cnveying my deepest appreciatin. Wrds failed me fr a mment as I repeated, “Oh, my gdness! Thank yu!” They explained that they had nticed my key’s alarm buttn and used it t lcate my hme. The jy f knwing that they had spared n effrt t track dwn my keys filled my heart with a cnnectin t my neighbrhd.
    Feeling grateful and relieved, I invited them inside fr a cup f ht tea. As we sat arund the fireplace, they shared stries f hw the cmmunity came tgether in times f need. I felt a renewed sense f security knwing that I had nt nly fund my keys but als discvered the true value f having caring neighbrs. Frm that day n, we started hsting mnthly gatherings where we talked abut nt nly safety but als ther matters f cmmn interest. We created a sense f belnging and supprt, knwing that we have reliable neighbrs wh are willing t actively cntribute t the well-being and security f ur cmmunity.
    Text 1
    M: I finished the part f cllecting data tw weeks ag. Nw the deadline is appraching. Hw’s yur prgress?
    W: I’m almst dne with data analysis. Then we’ll need t wrk tgether n writing the reprt. (1)
    Text 2
    W: The bilgy exam is just arund the crner. I’ve been ding practice questins, but I think it’s useless. Hw are yu preparing fr it? I think I need sme help.
    M: I’ve been reviewing my ntes and I believe it’s useful. (2)
    Text 3
    M: We’re thinking f ging hiking n Saturday mrning. Wuld yu like t cme with us? (3)
    W: Yes, I’d lve t. (3) I had planned t g swimming n Saturday mrning. But I can put it ff till Sunday mrning.
    Text 4
    W: Hw can we get t the z?
    M: By bus. Oh, the bus is cming! We’d better pack up the leftver fd. Then we can catch the bus. (4)
    W: OK. I’ll ask fr sme plastic bags. (4)
    Text 5
    M: Hw are yu feeling tday?
    W: I’ve been quite tired lately. Als, I have suffered frm back pain fr weeks. It has been cncerning my mther.
    M: I can’t figure ut what’s wrng with yu and give yu sme medicine based n yur descriptin. Yu need further examinatin. (5)
    Text 6
    W: Hi, we really need t talk.
    M: What d we need t talk abut?
    W: Was there a party ging n in yur apartment n Friday? (6)
    M: I did thrw a party n Friday.
    W: Yu were quite lud. (6)
    M: I really didn’t mean t be lud. I wanted everyne t have a gd time.
    W: I understand that, but the walls are quite thin, and the nise made it difficult fr me t sleep. (6)
    M: I see. I didn’t realize it was bthering yu that much. I’m srry.
    W: It’s all right. It’s kay t have fun, but it’s als imprtant t be cnsiderate twards yur neighbrs. S, culd yu try t keep it dwn next time? (7)
    M: OK. I aplgize again fr disturbing yu. (7)
    Text 7
    M: I bught yu a pair f pants. Lk, the style is perfect, right?
    W: Yes. Thank yu. It’s really thughtful f yu. Yu remembered that I like black pants. They’ll g with my new sweater.
    M: I hpe s.
    W: Oh, d yu keep the receipt? Yu knw, my size can be a bit unpredictable lately. (8)
    M: Yu think they wn’t fit? (8)
    W: Yes. I’ve put n sme weight. (8)
    M: Really?
    W: Maybe fur r five punds. It’s been a busy mnth, yu knw. I culdn’t resist sme f thse delicius treats. Maybe we shuld return r exchange them this weekend.
    M: Dn’t wrry. The pants have a waistband that is adjustable, s yu wn’t feel t tight.
    W: Well, then everything will be great. I’ll try them n. (9)
    Text 8
    M: Welcme, Taylr Lrenz, authr f the bk Extremely Online! It’s great t have yu here tday. (10)
    W: Thank yu.
    M: Well, we knw yu were an independent blgger. Why did yu chse t wrk fr a tp traditinal media cmpany? (10)
    W: Yes, I began as an independent blgger and I didn’t like traditinal media. Hwever, I nw wrk fr it because I’m cncerned abut its decline, and I want t help it as much as pssible. I believe it’s imprtant fr these institutins t take the Internet seriusly, adapt, and avid becming discnnected frm the digital reality. (11)
    M: Yu’re right. Well, yur bk is titled Extremely Online. Can yu explain the meaning behind this title?
    W: The title reflects the rise f the Internet ecnmy, which has becme an essential part f ur lives. We can achieve varius gals, frm launching businesses t increasing influence, thrugh the Internet. (12) Traditinal media is n exceptin.
    Text 9
    M: Yu knw, less than half f the kids play sprts in ur cuntry, and thse wh d nly stick with it fr abut three years. (13)
    W: Indeed. That means many kids can’t get benefit frm sprts.
    M: Yu’re right. But sme schls are ding smething, like Tuscarra High Schl.
    W: Well, please tell me mre.
    M: Tuscarra is a fairly big schl with abut 1,600 students. Half f these students play a schl sprt, well abve the natinal average f 39% participatin. (14)
    W: That’s awesme!
    M: Variety is key because nt everyne lves playing ftball, basketball r baseball. This schl ffers 17 different sprts, including glf and swimming. (15)
    W: That sunds wnderful! But fr students wh aren’t cnfident f their sprts skills, they can be afraid t try t jin in, especially if there are a lt f students and nly ne teacher r cach.
    M: Dn’t wrry. The schl leadership can make sure there are enugh teachers fr the students. This can encurage thse students. (16)
    Text 10
    Gd evening, everyne. Have yu ever thught abut the pwer f music in helping us with learning languages? Well, tday, I want t intrduce smene wh has been ding that fr decades. That’s Jsé-Luis Orzc. He has been sharing his sngs in bth English and Spanish with kids. (17) He’s even written bks fr kids t further supprt the develpment f Spanish. Brn in Mexic City, Orzc began his musical jurney when he jined the Mexic City Bys’ Chir at the age f 8. He traveled the wrld visiting 32 cuntries and perfrmed in frnt f many presidents. It was frm his tur arund the wrld that he gained the cultural knwledge he nw shares with children thrugh his bks and recrdings.
    At age 19, he made his way t San Francisc and became a teacher in language educatin prgrams. (18) Orzc left his jb t earn his degree at the University f Califrnia, Berkeley, and t start a publishing cmpany fr his recrdings and bks. His latest album, Caramba Kids, prmtes fitness and gd eating habits. (19) “I wuld be annyed by the Spanish music my mm and dad wuld play every time there was a celebratin,” 9-year-ld Natalie Crtez says. “But Orzc’s music never annys me. S I lve it.” (20)
    Dear Chris,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Paragraph 1: T my surprise, in the light snw std three neighbrs frm several streets away.
    Paragraph 2: Feeling grateful and relieved, I invited them inside fr a cup f ht tea.

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